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Baby Ape Edition


In /rcg/ we discuss anything & everything remote controlled - multirotors, fixed wing, cars, rovers, helis, boats, submarines, battlebots, lawnmowers, etc.

>How do I get started with racing drones?



> How to build a racing drone (16 part video series from Joshua Bardwell)


>What about planes?


>What about aerial photography, is DIY viable?

Buy a DJI if what you actually want is to take good photos/videos, go DIY if what you actually want is a fun project.

>I want a cheap RC training plane that is turnkey.

XK Beaver
Eachine Wing Dragon
OMPHobby T720
Hobbyzone Champ (used only)

>I want a good FPV fixed wing platform.

ZOHD Drift
Sonicmodell AR Wing
Finwing Albabird

>I want a basher fixed wing model for doing crazy shit that is easily repairable.

RCFactory, Hacker and other similar profile models

>I want a dirt cheap drone to fly around my yard/garden

Syma X5C

>I want a dirt cheap drone to fly inside my house

Eachine E010/Hubsan X4

>What are some good YouTube channels for learning or fun?

Joshua Bardwell - https://www.youtube.com/@JoshuaBardwell
Painless360 - https://www.youtube.com/@Painless360
Flite Test - https://www.youtube.com/@FliteTest
Peter Sripol - https://www.youtube.com/@PeterSripol
RCModelReviews - https://www.youtube.com/@RCModelReviews
Andrew Newton - https://www.youtube.com/@AndrewNewton
RCGutt - https://www.youtube.com/@rcgutt
RC Test Flight - https://www.youtube.com/@rctestflight
Think Flight - https://www.youtube.com/@thinkflight
Tail Heavy Productions - https://www.youtube.com/@TailHeavyProductions

>Mobula6 is sold out on most US sites
Do you know anywhere that has stock now? Its been a few weeks of no inventory.
idk but i got my mobeetle from aliexpress, im seeing a mob6 2024 there for 130$

i think they have warehouses in the US for most popular stuff
When i was a child, my dad bought a foam plane for me once (the kind with a single motor propeller in the nose) and it was very fun to fly it. The only bad thing about it was that there was no remote control or anything so it would continue to fly straight endlessly.
Did you guys play with that kind of planes? My family was poor so i was only able to play with it once
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So I have a picrel chinese POS drone called a JJRC x17 laying around.

One day, upon plugging the battery in to charge, the BMS gave up it's magic smoke and thus it became a paperweight.

I'm wondering, if I could somehow re-use some parts and build a FPV drone out of it. I'm an absolute novice with drone-building, but I'm quite handy with fixing electronics overall(except the damn BMS that's all SMD components and appears pristine apart from it not working). Some tips/guidance would be really appreciated.
I had one of those, but mostly when I was a kid it was those balsa stick and tissue paper rubber band powered ones. Of give the rudder a little bend so it would fly in circles.
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it doesnt charge?

your best bet is to buy a new battery for it or open it up and solder a 3s USB BMS to the battery cells (you can buy em cheap on aliexpress)

i dont recommend reusing parts of it for an FPV quad unless you have experience building a quad from parts you ordered. in which case you could probably reuse the engines/props in some ultralight/long range FPV quad. or you could gut it and replace the internal electronics with an FPV AIO board + FPV camera and only keep the original engines
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Oh yeah, it doesn't charge or power up the drone at all. If power is supplied, it blinks it's State-of-charge lights, but nothing really happens. When it died, there was actual smoke and it sent me scrambling for a baking tray in case it would go all up in flames.

I also had the idea to put a generic BMS in there, but I do not know the pinout for the connector and since the BMS board also has the power button, and some unmarked active components, I think it's a bit too involved. Also had no luck finding the BMS board alone on Aliexpress.

I really do not want to invest in a new battery, because it's about 1/3 of the total price and the stock electronics are crap, it's the GPS/compass on it that is really bad, it will wander and start toilet-bowling out of the blue quite often.

I really like the idea about gutting it and just keeping the frame/engines. I'm sure there will be some growing pains, but it doesn't sound too insurmountable overall.

Either-way, thanks a lot! Now I know my options better and have a better idea on what to research further.
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pic is the problem maybe?

its probably a power distribution board that gives 3.3v 5v and 11v to the different components on those pins. at the top of the battery.

im seeing this drone for 160 on aliexpress and the batteries go for 30 im still thinking thats the best value youll get out of it is if you get a new battery.

you can take the old one and solder an XT30 connector + 4 pin balance connector on it and use it for some fpv quad or to power a radio/goggles of an fpv quad if it's weak.
Realistically there’s nothing to salvage. You could maybe reuse the motors, but you’d be stuck with those shitty friction-fit (?) folding props.
imo you're better off selling it and putting that towards a tinywhoop.
if you're feeling ballsy you could re purpose the 3s lipo into a flashlight or something.
Is this the right place to ask but I'm trying to get into helicopters but seems like a steep learning curve, how hard is it to control line of sight with it or do any tricks for that matter?
It's a bit tricky to tell from the picture, but the white thing is a glue-ish substance they used all over to secure stuff in-place.

You are absolutely right about the battery price though, I was using outdated figures or maybe my memory failed me.


Thanks, everyone, I guess I'll just replace the battery and gift the whole thing away, toss the BMS board and hold on to the cells for some DIY project down the road and get something like a Mobula6 for some indoor fun instead.
Is there something like the avata 2 ?
Long range and A good headset (goggles)?
Why are you looking for all in one kits? This is /diy/, not Linus Dick Tips.
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most companies that make fpv quads make long range versions. just put a fat battery on one and you can do flights like this with a gopro (random vid from youtube i didnt watch all of it)

if you just want to buy one thing and fly it without messing around radios,cameras,engines.... and you can afford an avata get it.

if you want something cheaper get a kit like
That kind of advice is a quick way for him to lose a quad. He obviously doesn't know anything about flying, let alone long range. Gotta learn throttle management, proper antenna configuration, battery types, the amount of effect weight has on a quad, how altitude changes signal propagation, return to home settings, and how to even actually fly close. I almost lost my first one because I didn't understand half of that stuff. It was luck that I got it back.
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the engines for the tinywhoop im building arrived in the mail. did 1 test spin of all the engines in the configurator and the fucking capacitors (im assuming these are capacitors) fell off. i soldered 2 back but i lost one of em.

what the fuck? am i just super unlucky or what? maybe these cheap AT435 NEUTRONRC flight controllers are just trash. the funny thing is this exact same thing happened to me with a caddax ant but there the capacitor fell during a crash and i couldnt solder it back because everything there is so tightly packed
didnt mean to reply
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openIPC are adding customizable OSD
i just got my AIO, im gonna test it with the radxa zero 3w
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its ~14 gr without the cooler block, 19gr with it
on stock settings camera+stock settings VRX im getting ~65 ms latency at 1080p 60fps. fairly smooth and flyable

ill mess with it more then i get it on my drone
I just thought this was cool: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l21Ev1SPKzE
>I just thought this was cool
because it is.
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you could probably do this on a small drone with a microstepper spinning the screw. the problem would be needing to write custom firmware to stabilize the thing mid-transition.

or you could just have it run at a fixed throttle on all engines while transitioning while already having some forward speed from before. i think you could do with with inav vtol functionality,switch from the quadcopter profile to the plane profile and then engage the stepper to rotate the wing

i still think a tailsitter VTOL or tilt engine vtol is a better idea
AND its fucking dead
guess this is what i get for buying the first batch of experimental hardware. i thought it was less fragile since i saw people flying with them.
i think the thing is extremely sensitive to the input power and my shitty chinese bench psu fucked it up . in the github they recommend soldering an extra capacitor and a zener diode between the 5v inputs

i hope for the next gen they'll integrate such a diode into the PCB so the thing doesnt explode if i put 5.5v on it by mistake
that's disappointing, I was hoping to hear an anon's honest thoughts on the project so far.
Looking for a video of this little kid's drone workshop his big sister was looking at and being given a tour of to show her tiktok followers or some shit

Its like a tiktokky sort of video, maybe a couple minutes long, and this kid probably like 10-14 years old had this workshop he used for building drones in his bedroom or some shit, while showing the tools and stuff to his big sister who was behind the camera gobsmacked at how complex his set up was. I only remember like one of the stations which seemed to be some kind of truing stand type of thing i remember it had like a spinny plate and i think the workshop itself had like wood panelling round the walls but idgaf about that shit i just want to find out what the more specialized tools or jigs or shit were about
>2. You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.
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i sill have the 'regular' version on my big quad (was planning to replace it with the AIO).
it's pic related connected to a wifi chip and to the flight controller.

previously it was really a mess to try to configure it because there was no real documentation so i'd just mess around with random config files and most of the time nothing worked. now theres a configurator program which can also update the firmware which makes things way easier.

my current cope is that the regular security camera board version is better for big quads because i can put a high power wifi card i have on it and the AIO is just if you wanna fly it on a tinywhoop or 3 inch quad

I have a tiny little FPV drone, and I wish it had a longer transmission range and didn't get blown around in the wind. Is there a decent pre-built FPV drone or noob-friendly parts kit I can get for under $200, or is a DJI Mini the best value I'm going to get in an RTF?
what drone/goggles/controller do you have? you could just put a stronger video VTX on it.
there's many quads under 200$.

look into darwinfpv they make cheap stuff that's still (in my personal experience) working well
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I don't think I can do much upgrading to this, besides a bigger battery.
Is there a certain size or style you recommend for outdoor flying/not getting knocked around in the wind? Darwin has both a 3 inch and a 9 inch drone listed under "long range"
the babyape is very good i fly it outdoors all the time, the OP picture is my babyape (upgraded)

get the one with the caddax ant camera (babyape pro i think) because the cheapest camera it has is dogshit but everything else it has is serviceable.
Hmm. The cineape 35 looks pretty solid, but reviews say it has a 12 min flight time, while the foldape has 20 (and ofc a dji has 30 min flight time)

Can I tune these drones to get longer flight times?
A friend is offering to offload his DJI fpv goggles and camera for a decent price, but he mentioned his is an older version than the current one and may have spotty compatibility.
On the DJI site I can't understand what works with what, can you guys help a brother out?
The oldest DJI Goggles v1 are not compatible with the latest DJI O3 Air Unit.

Personally I wouldn't buy a pair of Goggles v1 today, because then you're stuck buying nothing but previous generation air units. Makes more sense to spend a bit more money on the Integra goggles, which are a 'budget' version of the latest generation.
> flight time is a combination of battery capacity/weight, propellers and motors

Hmm. Maybe I'm better off buying a quad already configured for long range...
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It looks like I can re-use the goggles, which appear to be an Eachine VR009 variant.

The choice is between a

BabyApe Pro (~$150 w/ batteries + $80 for the controller = $210 total)

FoldApe ($200 with batteries + $80 controller = $280 total)

or a Flywoo Explorer
($260 + batteries and controller, est $370 total)

The FoldApe has a GPS, but I hear it has interference issues with the FPV signal. Does anyone have experience with the FoldApe4?
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a friend at work got me back into drone stuff, i dug out my old gear, got a new 1s micro and a few mew antennas and everything still works, even the 14yr old 2200 3s in the transmitter, but what should i upgrade next
>video VTX
>video video transmitter
RIP in peace.
Everything feels the wind. If you're going to do long range, a mere 15 MPH wind will annihilate the range of even a 7 inch quad. I should know. I've been there and done that. If you don't want to care as much about the wind, get a plane.
I had a shitty full-sized brushed quad that did pretty well in "the wind" until it broke. My little micro drone can barely handle a stiff breeze by comparison. I guess it's all relative.
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Would it be a dumb idea to bolt an FPV camera/transmitter combo and lipo to a normal camera drone like a Potensic Atom?
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is it cheaper to make your own drone or buy an already made one?
If all you want is a shitty $30 wifi camera drone it's cheaper to buy. If you want a DJI-type drone with the fancy camera gimbal and everything nicely set up, it's cheaper and easier to buy.
that's a long way to say "it's cheaper to buy".
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looking for something small, that can carry a 200g load 100m in the air with an autonomy of 5min
don't care about camera quality as long as i can see where im going
range around 200m
I mean, I'll do 30 MPH wind in close proximity on 3in, but the efficiency loss is just too much if you want miles of range. You'll spend the whole time tilted 60 degrees at 70% throttle to barely move.
if you want an FPV drone to fly around then it's cheaper to build your own, but not a ton cheaper, you have to want to build it. If you just want a flying camera then buy one.
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>balance lead isn't reading one cell
I hope gensace's warranty is good.
Unless it’s DOA you don’t generally get a warranty on batteries.
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man, micros really are the most fun things out there
i'm trying to find some code to use an arduine and a gps module as an autopilot for a fixed wing aircraft but can't find any help on google

the idea is semple, set target gps coordinate in the arduino before flight, and the arduino should be able to get to those exact coordinate, preferably in curved trajectory

>inb4 just use an ardupilot
the cheapest one cost $70 while an arduino mini + gps module will cost less than $10
You can buy an Ardupilot compatible F405 flight controller for <$20 on AliExpress.

If you really want to make your life hard for no good reason, your best bet is probably something like dRehmFlight. Bear in mind this isn’t something you can do with a basic sketch, we’re talking about tens of thousands of lines of code here.
>The strong held belief in our products allows us to extend a 1-Year Limited Warranty to the customer.
we'll see
>GND next to 5V
>put it on the opposite end of the board
Your brand of autism is fine, and matches mine. Their brand didn't want the pretty colored wires crossing over. Electrically I don't think it matters here.
>crossing wires
Wrapping ground around your other wires helps mitigate interference. Why the heck would a person place wires as far apart as possible?
It’s a logical wiring diagram ffs, it’s designed to be easy to read like a circuit diagram, not to tell you exactly how to physically arrange the wires.
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whats the cheapest drone that can carry 200g of load with a 200m range or more?
preferably a fast, don't care about camera quality and other gizmo
Is FPV Simulator on PS4 a good way to learn and practice before I get enought money to buy a real setup?
Fucking glowing
holly shit remote controllers for drone are obnoxiously expensive !
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only if you can connect a real transmitter or something like this to it.

be less poor

if you give one billionth of a fuck about the price of a particular piece of equipment you can go ahead and find a different hobby, because whatever you buy will be obsolete six months from now and damaged/destroyed/lost equipment is a a routine occurrence.


sims are a great way to learn and practice, yes. it's not perfect but it's very good experience.
thoughts, anything I should change up or add?
>box goggles

wasted money, don't bother.


I don't like the whoop frame. I don't like how they fly, I don't like prop guards, I don't like anything about them. Right now is an especially bad time to buy a whoop because the AIO boards haven't entirely caught up with the ELRS standard - some people really suffer over the UART vs SPI receiver thing.

bin the whole cart imo.
Seems fine to get started although I've only ever flown happymodel whoops. Whoops are for indoor flying, or flying outdoors in close proximity to people and in cramped / small areas.
Sure other goggles are probably nicer but depends on your budget.
If you are flying analog/whoops you have to be content with shitty video anyway.
Can I get around DJI geofencing by blocking the GPS somehow or will it not take off at all then?
I just wanna fly in an area that requires an internet connection but last time I was there there was no signal so I couldn't do the permission request thing. There is an airport nearby (not close) but I'm literally going to keep under 10m to photograph a building site.
Last time I used my FPV quad but that is not ideal.
More importantly, what's the cheapest thing that can carry deez nutz?
probably your momma
The hell are you doing to your equipment? I still have everything minus one tinywhoop and a couple of batteries. Have gone through thousands of flights. Only broke one camera and three arms. If you think stuff is obsolete that fast, reduce your urge to consoom.
Boxer is $175 & is all that 95% of people in this hobby will ever need.

>wasted money, don't bother.

I literally moved from FatSharks *to* box goggles. They’re bulkier & more dorky looking, but the visual experience is better & they’re a fraction of the price.

I don’t know how it works now with the modern stuff, but back when I worked with the OG Inspire inside a MATZ I had to apply for the unlock in advance, then when it was granted I could ‘apply’ it to the drone/controller while in the office & it would then be active for a fixed duration that covered when I drove to the job site - I didn’t need a live Internet connection on site.
>I literally moved from FatSharks *to* box goggles.
which ones? desu i only listed those because everything else, in stock, on getfpv was at least double the price.

> or flying outdoors in close proximity to people and in cramped / small areas.
that was my plan, backyard, small park type areas just to get irl stick experience. I'm open to anything right now, all I have that would apply to quads is my radiomaster boxer and a good lipo charger for my surface rc stuff.
EV800DM, but this was years ago so there may well be something better now.

Just remember that the weak point with pretty much all cheap goggles is the antennas - throw them away & get something decent (TrueRC, etc.)
>I literally moved from FatSharks *to* box goggles. They’re bulkier & more dorky looking, but the visual experience is better & they’re a fraction of the price.

lmao no
get out
You get a much bigger view from box goggles, that’s just a fact. Some models even have too much FoV.
there are some shitty fatsharks tho

you can't use a real module so they're shit, end of discussion.
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I've never seen a set that don't have a video input socket. There's also nothing wrong with the internal modules, especially with decent antennas.

The EV800DM also has the cleanest DVR I've ever used (& I've used about a dozen).
Goggle dvr quality is not a reasonable selection parameter and you know it.
Running a separate DVR is a hassle. If a perfectly good set of goggles also has a great DVR, that’s an added bonus.
DVR quality is certainly something I take into account. Analog looks grainy enough without the goggles using a shit encoder. I like the ones Skyzone puts into their units.
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I honestly don't know how Hawkeye finds such bad DVRs to put in their LCDs.
>flying at 15w
is it some 1.6 inch toothpick?
and yea im having the most fun with tinywhoops because theyre so small and quiet im more confident flying them in places i wouldnt fly the big drones
no get an fpv sim on a pc so you can connect your radio to it when it arrives and train witht he same gimbals you're gonna fly with
not really you can get decent ones for 60$
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radiomaster boxer/pocket. $140/$55 + battery
disregard the elitists. This is a great start. If you end up dropping the hobby youre only out a little bit of money. Be advised, If you get more into fpv you will spend significantly more money. but now you have a base to upgrade slowly over time
Any autogyro enthusiasts in here? I was thinking of getting into model aircraft with an autogyro, but it seems that they are very unpopular.
i wonder if you can crank out 1w ELRS from the pocket since it has a 2s battery
thats allot, what justifies such high price?
Exactly how much do you think stuff like this should cost?

If you think this is too much, I’m afraid this simply isn’t the hobby for you.
I guess I would buy this: https://icare-icarus.3dcartstores.com/Rotorshape-Autogyro_p_433.html
Plus the stuff that's listed in the manual as "required".
its nothing particularly, high tech, you can get a smartphone for that price
it's not a lot and it controls your model so it's important. One of the models other anon gave you was less than half the price of the other and there are much more expensive transmitters out there.

this is a slow board and there aren't many autogyros. I know HobbyKing makes one, but that's not saying much.
>I know HobbyKing makes one
Thanks, it didn't show up in my searches (because it's labeled "gyrocopter" rather than "autogyro").
it's not a lot when you consider some anon's in here fly shit that's way above $1k USD. having good TX can be the difference between a nice flight day or, relying on fail safes, or even crashes.
>If you get more into fpv you will spend significantly more money.
yeah I'm expecting that. I should choose a better set of analog goggles, buy once cry once etc. I'll have to do more research on that.
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update, they approved the replacement and it arrived today.
people say goggles are buy once cry once but I disagree. I started with cheap box analogs, ended up getting walksnail later after doing research. no regrets, analog will be useful for the foreseeable future.
Your radio on the other hand should be good from the start. Dont get some cheap shit or get too locked into any one protocol. I started on a free spectrum radio and im surprised people even thought it was acceptable when it was new
I get that, I don't want something crappy is all. I want the most bang for the buck I can. I've heard/read a bit about some antenna/RX stuff and that alone made me hold off till I understand it a bit more.
>Your radio on the other hand should be good from the start.
I have a radiomaster boxer ELRS, so I should be good for awhile. the total chaos of RTR surface RC shit made me deep dive into that.
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I joined the baby ape meme, this thing is actually pretty good. Micros have come a long way since my last one (UR65).

Swapped the vtx out for one I had spare. With the stock one you can’t tilt the camera back properly because it fouls on the vtx connector.
yea its a good one, i got mine on a discount just because the price was so laughably low i thought id just get a spare drone if my main one ever breaks and i ended up flying it a lot more than i thought i would because i was less scared to break things and things are just easier with a 3 incher compared to 5/7.
really been wanting one too. are the reasonably durable?
i just broke the arm on mine from a ~30m drop
its not a very tough frame but it's like 20grams and cheap you can cruise for a long time on a 1000mah 3s
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convince me not to get it
Aside from novelty, what benefit do you think this provides?
looks cool
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If you don't mind waiting on shipping Eachine EV100's aren't much more expensive and aren't huge like those kitchen appliance sized box goggles

You can get a charger that does all the battery sizes 1s-6s for about the same money
>Eachine EV100'
28º FOV, lol

box googles have a sucky foam factor but at least the image is ok
The FOV isn't great but not 28°.

Fuck the 100s, the high grade models are worthwhile but the 100s specifically are just ewaste and much worse than box goggles
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What did I do wrong?
Do you honestly expect us to be able to discern anything whatsoever from that video?
You crashed into the ground.
At Boeing we would call that a firm landing.
At least the extra diversity kept the plane from breaking apart.
Analog mob6 '24 is up on Tinywhoop
That fc look like some steamed shit, man. You should get a betafpv f4 1s 5a.
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no shit the capacitors fell off
im getting the one on the right in pic from happymodel.

mostly got it because of the UFL connector (i hate soldered on wire antennas and had a board break because of one before).

ill use it for a 75mm 2s walksnail whoop
It will serve you well
Has anyone had project(s) that just don't fucking end?

Homemade underwater drone. Forgot to connect one of the motors to the ESC when the battery was connected, they somehow shorted and caused a fire in the airtight compartment. Luckily I got everything disconnected quickly enough so it didn't spread. This is the wire that connects through to the non-airtight compartment meaning all the sealing for this section now needs to be replaced too fml.
watertightness probably makes everything 4 times more tedious
you fucked up. twice
fist by crashing, then by not being able to post a meaningful video instead of a 5 frame .gif that starts way to late

got it from Oscars comparison page
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gonna give you a hint. DIY is almost never a cost effective solution, especially if you factor the value of your time. it can be fun to learn and say you did something, but ultimately it's best left to masochists,autists and poorfags that dont know any better.

can anyone suggest whats a good RX/TX pair for my homemade dirigible? would a rudder be sufficient to steer with one prop, or more props with different vectors of thrust. whats the best was to store/collect and store hydrogen from electrolysis?

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