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What type of engine does this thing use?
i know its rocket engine but what type of engine can be turned on and off like this?

my car sounded like that when the timing was off
or any hypergolic fuel
>turned on and off like this?
yeah pretty stupid wy not just moderate it properly
oh really captain jerk. describe how to moderate it "properly".
never heard of proportional control lol noob
gooogle pid before you embarass yourself any further
you have no fucking clue what you are talking about or why they did it that way. the point of that test was to prove that they could track an infrared target not have proportional control thrusters which also aren't needed in space.

the only reason they are firing so often is because it's under the influence of gravity.

they are using peroxide engines and a platinum catalyst. basically steam thrusters. just like the early rocket packs for people.

so shut your little whore mouth.
>proportional control thrusters which also aren't needed in space.
stupidest thing ive read in a long time not by a tripposter
In space it's more important to have simplicity and efficiency. The reaction happens at a set rate, less than that means no thrust, and trying to make some retarded vectoring system to control thrust just adds more things to break and kill you.
You thrust proportioning is using short bursts.
And if I remember, it`s running continuously with rotating vanes directing the jets.
read a bit into rocket engines, ISP and exhaust velocity. then laugh at your proportional control proposal.
Hyperbolic propellants, it's just a valve, if it opens they go boom.
Usually peroxide based, caustic as fuck, but reliable.
isn't this extremely toxic?
It's a solid rocket engine and it isn't being turned on an off. Thrust is being redirected through different outlets
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the only byproduct of a peroxide jet is steam

pic related
Mentos and cola.
lol no, peroxide's a shit propellant. Here it's probably hydrazine-nitrogen tetroxide:
And yes, solid rocket boosters are legitimately used for ballistic missile divert and attitude control thrusters.
H2O2 engines.
>it's under the influence of gravity
it's clearly not tho. basic physics, you don't get that consistent of a hover without a consistent force, in this case being supplied by a string.
>in this case being supplied by a string.

I bet you don't believe man walked on the moon either.
it is though.
is it though?
I'm not watching that. It's not using hydrogen peroxide, because hydrogen peroxide exhaust wouldn't be yellow.
Seems to be working pretty well with two states of on or off. Maybe the compact design of '08 didn't allow room valving beyond an on and off. They would also require a very quick reaction time, at the time they might not have been able to get a regulated valve to react quick enough.
Some missiles use multiple small solid rockets but it is not what is shown in OP's. They are coming out of the exact same hole.
It's using hydrazine and NTO. Proportional valves tend to be bigger and heavier than a valve that just opens and closes. Response time is also better with an on/off valve and that helps with control loop stability. While engines can be throttled you'll get much higher performance running an engine at the limits of its capabilities. Everyone in this thread is terminally retarded.
>Hyperbolic propellants

Peroxides are unhealthy but not extremely so. Hydrazine, on the other hand, is a major hazard.

Had it been hydrazine powered, people would have to wear hazmat suits. In some videos, people were sown in normal clothing next to these.
The best thing about hyperbolic propellants is that their capabilities are limitless.
It's an hypergolic pair linked to a PWM-controlled ON/OFF valve.
Hypergolic propellants ignite when contacting themselves.
You control the ON/OFF output of the valves, you control the near-constant thrust of the engine.
You just use PWM to control for how long you have to open the valve to counteract gravity.
I think BPS.space made a video about it, but I'm not sure, maybe it was another DIY rocket science youtuber. It was a nice proof of concept.
Proportional motors for maneuvering thrusters aren't generally a thing. You're making tiny adjustments, and the extra weight and complexity just doesn't make sense. I'd also note that the prolonged burn sequence seen in those videos will never happen in actual use. It most likely consumed its entire propellant load in that video.
it's hyperGolic

You should have told Alex you wanted "bad math jokes for 400"
Its hydrochloric acid. This isn't 19th century Britain anymore, boomer. Get with the times and use IUPAC names for chemicals
why would you talk so confidently and then say something so stupid it betrays that you haven't even seen the video in question. In the vid it has an initial liftoff from the ground. There is no string...
unreacted propellant would be, everything else turns into water(steam). A cleaner burning engine would lessen unburnt byproducts but at the same time is extremely difficult concerning build constraints(caustic propellant quickly wearing down critical parts). I doubt they were concerned with totality of burn for this proof of concept but if its ever used around people that would change.
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>initial liftoff
can't imagine how THAT could be accomplished
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>The best thing about hyperbolic propellants is that their capabilities are limitless.
I know
can you imagine being retarded? oh? you don't have to?

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