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Anyone build anything with concrete bags?
I really want a castle
Trying to find the cheapest method possible
I think I would rather build forms and pour the concrete vs use the bags. I mean the bags would be fast but its just kindof a half assed method no rebar with the bags either. If you want to go cheap maybe find recycled brick or cobblestone
Recycled cinderblocks work?
/diy/ fantasy-posting by retards
Castles are real dumbass
yours isn't though, and it never will be, kek
buy land with lots of stone already on it and use that, larper
it doesn't matter, you won't do it.
You're underestimating the amount of concrete needed for this type of project and you're probably not a skilled mason. Take on some projects in the field before attempting a giant mistake.
Concrete is expensive. Forage for some cobblestones, or look into rammed earth walls.
Yes it will be
I would need like 500 bags or more for a small one
I was told you can get bags for a dollar if damaged
Oh boy a midget castle in the land of douchery
How many damaged one dollar bags do you think they have lying around? Think they have 500 for your gay little project. DIY weekend warrior threads are so bad. You should feel ashamed.
If I go to several stores and build it slowly then ya crybaby
pumping it up high sounds expensive
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He could send forth a legion of his finest knights to lay seige to a Home Depot while swarms of his mounted archers performed raids to pierce palletfuls of bagged ready mix so they qualify for the discount.

Or he could just have his court magician cast a spell to render it all unreliable at full retail.
this is your best bet op
look into garden follies, these are pretty much what you want
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Thin shell reinforced concrete like ferrocement. Won't hold up to a catapult, but it'll look really cool at least.
Oblivious that open bags are highly hydroscopic
Resulting in a chunk of shit…youd know this if you had ever actually worked
being stupid and trolling is not fun.
I suppose i could slowly reinforce it too hmmm thanks
>500 bags
>for a castle
if you want a castle that will fit in your living room, sure. you're probably more in the ballpark of thousands. even for a "small" castle.
For those who want to know, this is Appley Tower on Ryde Beach, Isle of Wight.
lol never thought I would see my hometown here. Ryde is a shithole and appley tower hasn't been open in years. Used to be a crystal/hippy shop
I mean ik it would be around 500 cinder blocks but okay
a castle made from cinder blocks is no castle at all
it will look like some jank ass nigger rigged shit
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Looks okay
looks terrible and fake lmao

500 standard cinder blocks will make a 10' (outside) diameter cylinder roughly ten feet tall.
Thats not to far from where i live, stumbled on it metal detecting a few years ago.... whipple ohio, right?
It's the budget version of the Kentucky Castle
it takes about 400 cinder blocks just too make a small 10'x12' shed, not counting the footings/foundation.If you want a comfortably sized room, you would need about 1000 blocks at least
If that's some sort of kiddie attraction it's almost ok, but I pity the rich fuck who thought that was a good way to impress losers.
It's in a Kentucky city named Versailles, which is even sadder. And I bet you a dime to a dollar the local fucks pronounce it the way it's spelled. I live near Durham NC, and there's a little place called Bahama, which everyone pronounces bah-hay-ma, and another neighborhood named Hayti, which was their attempt at spelling Haiti, and you guessed it: hay-tie.

Which reminds me. That hilarious line in Clueless where she does a report on the hay-tians wasn't written like that, but Alicia Silverstone was retarded and it was so funny they left it in.
Wait until you find out how New Yorkers pronounce Houston street
what is it with burger and building atrocities like these >>2800906
>>2800640 (and OP)?
Is it because theres no real castles around?
I've got a hard time not pronouncing it french. Fer-say-lees?
IMO it would be way more fucked if Kentuckians said it the French way. They're down to earth red blooded, welcoming but unpretentious Americans out here. With a smoking problem.
Theses are the worst looking castles I've ever seen
how would one go about building a small castle in their backyard ravine
There’s a good flat square space for it between 4 trees. There are a bunch of rocks down there too
itt: americans larping as europeans
In the south, had go pick someone up at a business on a road named Vimy Ridge. Sounded like Vine Knee over the phone. Didn't sound too out of place here, but when I saw the sign, and being someone interested in WW1, I was like come on.
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Kentuckian here. It’s pronounced vurr-sells. I’ve driven past that castle many times, it’s right outside of Lexington.
Use shipping containers. Worked for Andrew Camaratta.
>Shadiverse man
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dont be jealous they'll have a quikcrete dry stack castle and i'll have a sick ass clock tower
You don't have to do it monolithic. You don't even have to cast in place. Make some molds/forms for blocks and you can cast, lay, and mortar your way up. Alternatively you can pour in multiple lifts as long as your rebar or mesh extends between lifts.
clap if you love
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Probably the only one who can anser your question. I build this wall underwater made of concrete bags to hold a bed of gravel so we could have a leveled surface to install a pipeline.
It was a training excersise, not a real pipeline
Get back in the trailer, Jersh.
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should have used larger precast agricultural/retaining wall blocks
maybe OP could use a small auto mixer to pour enough bags for one block every few hours
but most concrete plants pour their own and deliver - though you'll need a backhoe/telehandler to stack more than a few rows up
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also can be cast in various textures

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