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In this thread we share general experiences and tips on how to make your living situation more efficient, be it in terms of saving money, reducing time waste(less maintenance/upkeep), organization or anything else that may simplify and improve your life

>on saving money
it's not really about the little things like unplugging your phone charger, focus on the main energy drains and commit to more "drastic" changes:
- unless you do some hardcore meal prepping chances are that your fridge is way too big. downsize for a smaller more efficient unit and fill it to the brim if you have to, a full fridge wastes less energy and having a smaller space forces you to be more intentional when shopping so you have to think twice about buying extraneous crap you don't actually need
- wash your clothes in cold water, most of the energy in a washing machine goes toward heating. if you have the room and weather, line dry them outside. both these things also help clothes last much longer
- avoid the range oven, use an air fryer or small convection oven for faster results and a fraction of the energy
- most of the world does just fine without AC. use weather appropriate clothing + an electric blanket in the winter and a fan in the summer

>other stuff
- you would be surprised how much clutter affects your mood. most things don't need to be on display at all times so use closed storage solutions, if you have open shelves they should be filled with storage boxes to keep all the crap out of sight. will also keep your stuff clean and dustfree
- NOTHING improves the a room like a rug. throwing a rug in your living room / kitchen / dinning room / bedroom / bathroom / office will completely change how you perceive and experience the space. just be smart with choosing the right size and style to make the most of it

Just some things of the top of my head. Are there any practices you've implemented at home that made your life better?
Just invest in solar and you dont have to live like a retarded jewish penny pincher
>to save money
>buy a new fridge that's shittier than the one you already have
>buy an air fryer
>buy a toaster oven
>put those on your counter while decluttering
>buy a bunch of rugs
Good plan anon!
Call the trash company.

Order a dumpster

Put your house in it. You don't need any of this shit.

If you say otherwise you're a woman.
>Order second dumpster
>Flip it upside down
>This is your house now
>Throw your phone in the first dumpster
This board is full of complete morons. What assholes!
in the usa its very easy to figure out
what do you essentially need to waste money on
1 cost of living in building
if you can make this zero you are wealthy
that is you dont need to pay rent
2gas car,if you can avoid owning a car, or owning a honda civic modern one paid off, insurance and car are a big expense
unless paid off and economical

3 food, most people waste and go out
just cut it out

4, drugs and entertainment
just remember
there is a fine line between frugal
and being and asswhole hippy

you should not comprimise your health and sanitation as well as comfort

dont live like a fucking hippie

we have all the technology available to live frugally and comfy

solar power is not expensive and so is ac run on solar batteries

we have things that will heat water

we have low wattage fridges tvs

dont be a fucking hippie
a well built cuck shed can have insulation and modern wood flooring

dont be a fucking hippie

phones are not expensive and charging one and getting internet on one is not also
dont be a fucking hippie
Plants turns houses into homes
I view this kinda thing like tech upgrades from all those strategy games I played as a kid. A little money now for long term savings and efficiency.

Switched my heating from oil to a heat pump. Saves me about $500/yr. I also plan to supplement this with a wood burning stove to cut my electric bill in the winter, with the added bonus of being less dependent on others.

Proper insulation. Been renovating room by room, gutting down to studs insulating properly as I go, plus new windows. Once the last room is done, I'll double up the attic insulation to R60.

On the topic of money, building wealth doesn't come from religiously couponing and stealing batteries. It comes from not being a complete retard with the big ticket items. Despite what every other lemming is doing, student debt should be avoided at all costs, never buy new vehicles and don't buy more house than you need, especially at the wrong time. I have a 700sqft house, a paid off shitbox truck, and went to a cheap state school that I paid off like 12yrs ago. I spend more on food than my mortgage, and if it came down to it, I could get by on $1200-1500/month. I work with people that make around the same with mortgages north of $2k, with new cars and the latest iphones. These people will never make it, slaves to the system, forced to work until they die.
how hard is it to build and pour a 10yr septic system for two people?
bleach, ammonia, vinegar, baking soda and dawn soap will take care of 99% of your cleaning needs.
I know this is a small thing, but install a shower vent with a humidity sensor. It will turn on automatically when you shower. Just wanted to share that.
Plants have to be taken care of, raise humidity and attract bugs. I'm a fake plant chad
Plastic plants are for retarded faggots.
Learn to budget so these tips actually work. If your bigger fridge only costs $150 per year to run and you downsize to a much more inconvenient tiny fridge that costs $80 a year to run but costs you $400 it will take almost 6 years before you see a return on that investment. Meanwhile you’ll grumble every time you run out space in your now tiny fridge. Same deal for “upgrading” to more efficient appliances in general.
Unless they’re crazy old the efficiency will almost never be enough to justify the cost unless you measure the timeline in many years or decades. We recently replaced an oven from 1991 and the new oven is far more efficient but will still take about 5 years to justify its cost. though we got a modest model, a very cheap model would obviously be faster
Air fryers are terrible unless you only eat garbage like frozen tater tots and shitty excuses for roasted potatoes. Save money by not buying stupid pointless kitchen gadgets and cook your food the right way
Electric blankets are incredibly wasteful but comparatively cheap to running a whole house hvac. If your furnace dies consider replacing with mini splits in key areas. We did this when our furnace kicked the bucket and it’s saved us so much money by allowing us to only heat and cool rooms we are actually using rather than the entire house
Cleaning your house is generally a good idea, yes, but filling your open shelves with storage boxes is retarded. Empty space can be effective and having every square inch of shelf space occupied by storage is overwhelming. stop being a hoarder and get rid of your dumb shit you don’t need anymore
No one gives a shit about your rugs
>never buy new vehicles and don't buy more house than you need,

That's me, yet because I wrench I have more spare vehicles than I'll need for life and keep my trucks well over twenty years each.
Not very, needs depend on specific location. Plenty of info online.
Ugly dust magnets
>paying for a dumpster
use your truck and pay the dump fee like a man

t. my neighbor gets one of those giant ikea bag dumpsters every other month it's $159 for the bag, $200 to pick up taking the same load to the dump is $70 and that's assuming you can't get some craigslist junky to take it for scrap
Stuff I've done:

- Woodburning stove. Will take 10 years at current rates to hit ROI, but already saves me 1k per year cash flow and that number grows with inflation / energy costs. Plus it has other benefits like for power outages

- Buying a half cow yearly. I'm paying $4/lb for beef whether that's ground chuck or "prime" ribeye (this shit's not USDA inspected but it's fantastic grass-fed, grain finished)

- Keeping a deep pantry. I'm not a prepper, but a deep pantry has many benefits, one of which is the ability to buy things on sale or in bulk. I have a minimum of 1 year of every household product on hand at all times.

- Use a double-edged safety razor. My shaving costs are about $20 per year

- DIY haircuts. Far easier than you might think

- DIY car maintenance. #1 its cheaper than a mechanic, and #2 done right, your car stays in better condition which avoids catastrophic repair bills

- DIY home repairs. I can't get an electrician to my house for less than $300

- Cook for yourself

- Hydroponic gardening rig. Saves me money on tomatoes, herbs, lettuce, etc.

This stuff on aggregate saves me thousands of dollars a year. And saves time as well. I can change my car's oil with my oil vacuum faster than I can drive to the auto shop. Same for haircuts, etc.
Are you self taught or did you have someone you knew as a kid?
Im stingy as hell

I do all my own car work.
I change tires by myself with tire levers.
I don't borrow. If I cant pay for it today, maintaining it is dumb.
Small house. I have an ex who I used to own a normal house with, when she sued me i went off the deep end and built my 16x32 cuck shed outof reclaimed stuff i had. You really dont need a ton of space this is plenty. Bigger house just means bigger taxes.
Off-grid, completely. Used bits, new batteries. Last power bill I paid was in 2021. This adds up.
Dont pay others to do anything.
Just like, dont.

Except the alignment on your car. Unfortunately, all the diy ways to do this suck ass compared to shops.

I do building maintenance for a property management company. Finishing the inside of the house with fixtures removed from.evictions and rentals being renovated.

Hello fellow autists
If you're not a firefighter you shouldn't be spending more than $0 per year on shaving.
Huh. I literally do all of this Anon except my garden is outside and about 700 sq ft. We might be brothers from a different mother.

One thing that no one has mentioned yet is PAYING YOUR FUCKING MORTGAGE OFF EARLY. Start playing around with mortgage payoff calculators to see how much interest a mortgage actually charges. Right now with interest where it is a $200,000 loan will cost you $513,236 over 30 years. Fuck the banks, double your payment every month and the total loan will cost you $266,553 and it'll be paid off in 8 fucking years.

Not teaching children how devilish compound interest is should be a fucking crime.

Meaning what exactly? Hair is useless and a hassle to clean when one works on (everything) as I do. Keeping clippers (I use Andis ceramic blade pet clippers, the same one since the late 1990s but third blade set) and electric razors for convenience is trivial. Know what is trivial and concentrate on what pays the most for effort invested, like repair and maintaining nearly everything you own which capability grows every year.

One does not starve to prosperity. You will be able to make money easily unless you're stupid. You will be able to greatly multiply its effectiveness and eventually retire if you're smart so choose wisely and copy success. Whatever it is, many humans of billions have solved the problem before you. Wise men learn how.

You have noting wiser or more fun to do with leisure than learn. Ordinary men and women do all the needful so decide to do it to. The more you learn be greater the synergy until you learn that everything from jet fighters to a grub hoe is of a technological piece.

Retirement is everything. Careers like life are fleeting so seek the most secure job your country offers with ZERO concern for trifles like emotions (which are impediments if unmastered) and total concern for methodically planning your life to be robust (including minimizing risk and mitigating your own inevitable mistakes).
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Aussie homeowner here, I took the solar+battery pill a few years ago and so far have been 100% self-sufficient for electricity, with the exception being a couple of months in winter. I'd highly recommend it, but the caveat is that my stovetop, heating, and hot water are gas powered.

For heating I was thinking of installing a wood fireplace, but I don't know what's involved. I've built stuff before like an outdoor patio and my dad is pretty handy, I guess the trick would be figuring out how to get the chimney through my tiled roof and the ceiling without a fire risk.

The other major projects I'd like to do are rainwater collection and make a cool-room pantry. No idea if it's possible to DIY my own rainwater tanks cost-effectively, and for the pantry I'd love to figure out a way to keep it cooler in summer without running the house A/C.

I'm a mechanic by trade, having a simple old car that has lots of parts available is definitely a money saver, but riding a 250cc motorcycle is even cheaper - rego costs a lot less and it uses a third of the fuel compared to my wagon, plus you can park for free practically anywhere and the maintenance costs fuck all.
Avoid pets at all costs. Yes I like animals too but it's not worth it
This. Get a plant if you want to nurture something. Dogs are great animals but they're much more work than most would expect. Most dog owners suck at taking care of their dogs.
Poor people buying cars saying “how much will my monthly payment be” is now an attitude applied to mortgages. What’s extra sad is a lot of the people in this trap understand the issue, they’re just caught up in consumerism. They’re way more concerned with having a big nice house than having a mortgage paid off in a reasonable timeframe. And it’s extra sad because so many houses are built like shit, especially ones coveted by superficial dipshits that eat up flip jobs. That’s probably the biggest advice for this thread; worry less about saving $4 a month on your heating bill and re-evaluate your relationship with whatever consumerist vice you have. Maybe you buy tools all the time even when you have absolutely no need for them, maybe you buy fancy car shit, maybe you buy stupid pointless bullshit like funko pops, but something probably eats up your money under the guise of an “interest” or “hobby” that’s really just an excuse for impulse purchases and to go shopping for no real reason when you’re bored like a woman
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i am going to be in a situation soon where i will be living alone without having to work, however my budget will be incredibly tight. i want to get in to something DIY that won't break the bank when i feel burnt out of my creative outlets. bonus points if my monthly bills are cut down.
You might be able to DIY for other people to help bring your monthly bills down. Something like moving gravel around or gardening if you're good with a hedge trimmer. I think there's groups of people who do this sort of thing and then after they're done DIYing someone's lawn they get a bit of cash for their good work.
I hate this hydro meme. Hydroponics is a solution looking for a problem just put the plants in dirt.
i wish i could make more money but i unfortunately have to report everything i make to the government otherwise i will pay fines and have to move back in with my mom because i will have no money. i could probably build a good reputation in the apartment complex if i did that anyway without accepting payment, cause most of the other tenants are gonna be 55 and up
So let me get this straight, you fucked something up and now owe the government a lot of money, so you're moving into (what I assume) is section 8 housing and want to DIY as a way to make side cash to supplement the handouts you are getting? Your DIY hobby should be finding some latina and pumping exactly 3 kids into her. I cannot stress enough that you have exactly 3, as any more does not give any more money from the government. Also, no one is going to give a shit about your "Reputation" in the apartment because all section 8 people rotate through endlessly and don't give a shit, don't try to "DIY" fix shit either or the city maintenance department will evict you.

You're a slave.
i didnt fuck anything up (yet) but alright. i'm no praying man but i'll pray for you. happy trails.
Self taught.
You can eat pets to save money. Pigs eat everything so you get a garbage disposal in your kitchen, some kinds can even forage a little without tearing up the yard like a kune kune. Might have to feed through winter but you can slaughter at 18 months.
Just reading manuals and experimenting or did you get a book or something?

Yes, but more than anything it is about mindset. Decide to learn something and then go learn it, and as time goes on you start to see your skillsets overlap and build on each other. Not rocket science. The Internet is a fantastic resource for learning (for now at least).
>Buying a half cow yearly.
But I don't like a texture of frozen meats.
Most beef in stores has been frozen, often for more than a year, before it hits market. You're just an idiot.
I used to think this until I realized there is essentially no real difference AS LONG AS the meat was properly vacuum sealed, frozen and is held below 0 in a real deep freeze. Your fridge freezer's defrost cycle is different.
I really miss my dog but there's no denying my life got much easier after he died
Mind telling me how you learned?
I wish there was like a 1 drop hand soap dispenser. One drop of dish soap seems to work well.
just use actual soap not the liquid shit
Thanks, I didn't know about humidity sensors
Your a fucking retard. Move back in with your mom and save even more money.
This. Plus live on a lot with free gas. Pick yourself up a property tax unpaid piece of land on wv with gas well access in the deed. I have room for about 3 cabins.
I do my own alignments. There is a tool out of the UK that's $100 or so precovid, for alignments, if you want to get more precise, and you have a shop floor.
Dogs have a purpose of protecting the flock / animals. Geese supplement that. Don't get these fucking weird dogs that have no purpose other than to have breathing problems or a fat restricted diet. We had two local dogs, bred them and the pups came out great. First heat, first litter.

Only fucked up thing is I feed them really well. And got a weird cutback in income, so was stressed trying to provide the food. Still, they came out well. No PUFAs, no grains, and supplemented with dumor calf milk ultra replacement (tsc).
backyard farming isn't worth it unless you do it in large scale but that's at least a part time job worth of work
generally not worth it, no, but a small garden with foodstuffs is the right kind of labor to add to your life. i try to spend zero dollars on gardening by composting and amending the soil with ash and lime.

nut and fruit trees are the best, though. i spend maybe 4 hours a year on them. if you're young and own property, plant now. if you intend to inherit your parents property, plant now. tell them they're gifts.
Maybe where you shop

not surprised everyone here is tying to save money living solo but its like pissing in the wind. you need to split the costs to get anywhere fast. that and its another set of hands if they put in any work
ultimate frugality strat: live with your parents
Backyard chickens are easy and they make egg prices trivial. I consider it too much work to bother with meat birds and mine are mostly free range so they can stay after they stop laying. (I hate ticks and everything else they eat, they go full T-Rex on mice and baby rats.)

I've kept chickens for about a decade. Being lazy I buy chicks but I've also ordered eggs (Cackle Hatchery are long established) and looked after hatchlings.
Unless you plan on raising a large family, the smaller a house is the better

less heating costs
less shit too clean
have to think twice before buying extraneous shit that would take valuable space
lower property tax
less need for filler decor

Once I moved to my 50 square meter house I realized just how superior small spaces are. There's never been a time where I'm like "man, I wish I had more room". Even if I became rich I don't think I would want to go larger, this is plenty.
>"man, I wish I had more room"

I kinda envy you, but as a major /diy/ slut, I could use a huge shop to store all the tools I'd buy if I had room, not to mention a project car or 3. Wood working, machining, welding, painting, the list is long.
I'm more of an artfag so just having an arts and crafts table on my small office is enough

To be fair the things you mention seem like the kind you would have in a separate shed/garage/workshop not within your proper living quarters
My dream house would be a huge shop with finished rooms in the back for living in. That's not a common house though because it's impractical for anyone other than a single man.
>Unless you plan on raising a large family, the smaller a house is the better
How many sq ft/person is optimal in your opinion?
My current 50 Sq M setup is about 22 for a living/dining/kitchen open space, 6 for a bathroom, 11 for a bedroom and 11 for the other bedroom(my office). I can host small gatherings just fine but for multiple people at all times could feel a bit cramped so I would add around an extra 10 for the common living space, wouldn't give up the office(though it can easily be shared with a partner) and each child would need an extra 10 for a bedroom. Then it comes down to whether you feel like you would need a second bathroom(one works fine for a couple + 1 child but with multiple children it probably calls for another one). Regardless I would still try to separate the toilet and shower areas to facilitate bathroom use by multiple people. Multiple kitchens/living rooms are really really dumb.

And since with family life shit piles up easier a shed or garage would also be important.
anyone has any experience with robot vacuums? do they do a good enough job so you don't have to clean often?
Not worth it. Had one for the “convenience” of not having to vacuum. I was living in an apartment that would get very dusty and neededto be vacuumed once a week at least. The slot for dust was so small I had to clean it, and all the adjoining pieces, like the wheels constantly. Get a Dyson vacuum. It does the job, you toss dust in the trash, no constant cleaning bs
I agree. If your just a dude. A 300 sqft room with a bathroom is sufficent. Even for a couple.

Even for a family. The thing is having things to do outside

Most gen xers had tiny closet rooms. Thats all u need. A room for a matress tv
As much as I agree, there are no small homes/apartments left that they want to sell. Everything is a mcmansion or jumbo family sized.
build one
Anyone know where I can get cheap fences in Florida? Need for aprox 450 ft. and two gates.
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I hate the everything room concept. Sure it's enough to live in. But I really hated for example having to undo my bed into a couch every time I had frens over.
I hated that if in left the oven on for too long and shit got too crispy, the smell was lingering in the night because the kitchen is my bedroom.
I hated that my study desk was also my workbench and if I want to clean out the fans on the computer I have to remove all my school work of it first and then do it all again when I'm done.
>I think you need at a minimum a separate bedroom.
Also I grew up in a 1 bedroom where my parents ended up sleeping in the bedroom and I got the extra room.
I'm pretty sure they kept sending me out for trips and grandparents visits just so they can fuck once in a while. Since the rooms were right next to each other.
tiny spaces need a lot of good space planning

If you're planning to eat it I don't think you can consider it a pet
Choose your lightbulbs wisely
Ten year ROI on a wood stove? Mine was closer to two years... but then again I have an all electric house.
I carry drink bottles in public bathrooms and fill them up with handsoap to use as bodywash. I also steal lightbulbs out of bathrooms since they can't record in there
If you live in a standard American home chances are you have a regular electric water heater which costs 500+ a year in electricity costs alone. If you have gas then disregard this advice but I'd highly recommend any anons to get a heat pump water heater if you live in climate zone 5 or below.

I paid 1350 for a 40 gallon unit when I needed to replace mine and it uses about 100 a year in electricity. Sure it was 850 more than a standard water heater but it will pay for itself in a little over 2 years. Plus free AC in the garage is a huge plus since I'm in the South. (Not to mention the 30% tax credit on that 1350)
you can get free soap from public bathrooms
I don't want free soap, I just want to use literally as little as possible since it's be quicker to wash my hands.
Grow your hair in dreadlocks to save money on hair cuts and shampoo

Tip 0% when going out to restaurants

Use cocoa butter to prevent ashy skin and to not have to buy cologne

When you’re at a store or restaurant, if anybody slights you in a minor way scream and shout so that you can get a service or good comp’d or free added value

Teach your underaged children how to shop lift at Walmart so that when they caught they’re under age and released into your own custody
Once you save enough money;

Buy gold and hoard it

When selling goods or services haggle aggressively and when people are owed change, don’t give them the full amount.
In the rare chance they notice, claim it was an honest merchant mistake

Once you have shortchanged enough people, purchase property and rent it out to people where you aggressively raise the rent every year and refuse to do repairs/have tenants do the repairs through honest merchantry

Come up with some bullshit religious rule about no cheese on meat to avoid paying the up charge on every hamburger so your children eat cheap

Have the Roman’s kill the “false prophet“

Spread a lie about 6 gorillan of your people being killed during a war for sympathy, and refer to this lie whenever people call you out for your manipulation or honest merchant tactics

Have other countries fight your wars through manipulation of above lie

Control the world discourse and economy eventually
What about staring in adult films and using counterfeit bills to buy cigarettes for side money?
>but I don't know what's involved
it needs to be central, there needs to be forced air to carry the heat through the house you need fresh air and a chimney. that said what it really takes is getting up at 3am and adding a hardwood log that will burn for 3 hours, obtaining and storing said wood, possibly splitting, moving it indoors and cleaning and disposing of the ash. it's the kind of thing best suited having children who need chores.
salvage solar panels and car batteries. get a charger/controller from an old RV.
>every time I had frens over.
frens are a bigger money sink than pets. cat > people
I put $40k into a geothermal and it was fucking based because it superheated the water heater and you could crank the heat or AC without fretting about cost. Never would have recouped the money save for it being a big selling point in doubling the property investment. I wouldn't do it again, the capital is better place elsewhere while you eat the hot water bill to be quite honest.
This is indeed a good idea. I've been changing my old bulbs for leds, the lowest the wattage the better and the bill just keeps going down but, i still keep some old incandescent and fluorescent bulbs in places where i need them. For example, in my kitchen the stove has two small 15w light bulbs that i don't know if there are good leds that can replicate the same "light" the bulb emits and with lower energy or with the same heat tolerance. I also have a 40w warm frosted light-bulb that shines in the ceiling of the kitchen where there is also an led white light that uses only like 10w but that shitty white light makes food look really ugly.
what does ROI means? i'am no burguer
how can I live in an industrial space?
I can't afford a house and a space for my business
Eat your own cum to not lose protein.
I don’t know why I laughed so hard at this, I didn’t see where it was going until the false prophet thing.
Most of my LEDs last less than a year now. I’ve put back a lot the old fluorescents I took out when I “upgraded” to LEDs. Turns out LED is a downgrade.
They are all overly sensitive to arcing, like on a typical switch so you have to replace all your switches with solid-state, slow start relays to get the advertised lifespan.
I blew a LED just screwing it in… it arced a bit in the socket and it was gone.
Also, they’re over-driven, and they over heat, many of them can’t be used in bathrooms… it’s ridiculous. In the end, it’s eco-negative.
Your body actually re-absorbs it automatically without having to resort to that.
Think of two hours you’ve wasted every day of your life since you were 12 years old. You could have amounted to something.
Eat your own cum to not lose... Oh, some wonderful bastard has already recommended it! What a nice guy! I respect and value him!
don't most industrial spaces have bathrooms/kitchens? isn't that all humans really need anyway?
Well you are right, at least for me I have only lost like 4 of them. The oldest one I have working is like 8 years old. I’m not really sure if the cost is worth it but comparing a 400 lumens led bulb that consumes 5 watts against an equivalent incandescent that consumes 40 - 60 watts is a lot of difference.
> Most of my LEDs last less than a year now.
I’m afraid you’re onto something. My first gen LEDs (cheapo IKEA ones) are still going strong, but I’ve so far killed 3 new ones after oldschool lightbulb running times.
Guess we’re back to square one, just as with lightbulbs, when the OG manufactures realized that a product that dies quickly is better than a long life product. But hey, at least LEDs are much more expensive and much harder to dispose of than lightbulbs! (They do need less energy, though, but I’d like to see the numbers how long they need to run to offset the more energy intensive production and discarding).
>jus lower your quality of life, goy!
Retard. The greatest advantage of off-grid living is SPACE, you have the room for a fuck huge freezer and the the area for fuck tons of solar
>has no hobbies
A 6ft long box, 6 ft under, is smaller still.

Meanwhile, the rest of us who want room to work in a shop, and exercise indoors during bad weather, and simply relax, will use the room that you won't, in your crazy zero-sum game mindset.
LEDs actually use slightly more energy, it’s just that incandescents emit a lot more of it in the infra-red spectrum and we can’t see it. Lots of incandescents served as heaters, too.
Another phenomena of LEDs is that people know they only use 5 or 10 watts and, around here, they leave their lights on 24/7. Everyone on my street installed these outdoor dual lights, so they have about 20 or 30 of them under their soffits.
Picrel is the singles. They leave them on all night and all day sometimes.

I remember in the 80s when everyone was getting computers and we were gonna be a “paperless office” except we printed all kinds of shit out on the company’s laser printers and ended up using more paper than before. Waaay more, like 10x.
Same thing here.
this kind of defensiveness comes from people who o̶w̶n̶ (owe the bank) houses much bigger than they need to be coping by convincing themselves it was the right decision. also there's a 95% chance they are ameriburgers
>you don't NEED a comfortable house with separate rooms
>live in a pod
its false dichotomy fatty logic
I have a nice little 700sqft house with a full unfinished basement and I got a decent setup for my main hobbies. Would like a detached garage tho, mainly for dust mitigation for stuff like wood working.
Exactly anon, that's the importance of choosing the bulbs wisely and position them well. People is really stupid and care nothing about light pollution. Indeed I've been replacing some "smart" led bulbs labeled to use 10W with cheaper and simpler ones that only consume 4W.
return on investment, made your money back in savings
> Ahem... as Professor so and so I am announcing that these people, over here, are

Did you say something? I'm over here living life and owing the bank zero. Project all you want. Popcorn time.
You live in a 1400 sqft house and by your own admission want more space. Faggot.
Only one being defensive is you, faggot. I reiterate: The greatest advantage of off-grid living is SPACE.
Outdoor space maybe. Most offgriders spend most of their time in the garden and don't need much room for triple monitor gaming computers and shelves for anime figurines.

Not that anon btw, generally speaking I think bigger spaces are better, though they are not without disadvantages
no its a 700sqft house. A basement that does not have heating is not counted towards to the living space of a home. To the original point, I only furnish that 700sqft, I only heat and cool that 700sqft. My property taxes are less because its only 700sqft. Are you seeing a pattern you disingenuous faggot? If you want to pad my stats to make your point, do the same to every 2500sqft mcmansion, so add another 1k for the basement and 400 for the garage. Oh look at that, my 'entire house', fits in their useless crap storage space.
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Hold your horses mates. Why argue about house sizes on a laotian nail polishing forum?

OT: I bought a way to big house. 3200sqft/ 300m2 on a third of an acre. Divided the house into two halves. So I have my parents as my next door neighbors at 90m2/ 970sqft.
Another 65m2/700 sqft will become a rental flat with a separate entry coming from another street. I can't use this much space now, the kids won't need their own room for the next 7 years or so. So this will bring maybe 500 bucks a month for renting it out 6 days/month. Buuuuut I can claiim so many tax deductions through it.

Other points:
Check tax rates. The house on the other side of the road is 300 bucks more expensive simply because its in another zoning plan lol
Live close to work, bike there. Cook your own meals (Instantpot), Leds, Heat pump, Insulate wisely ( check out Gary at builtitsolar.com)
Garden, Chickens, Dumpster dive, Clothing rack, Solar.
I'm a total nobody when it comes to houses but I think the whole paradigm is just wrong.
>thin concrete base that WILL crack
>WOODEN frame that will be susceptible to moisture, mold, and insects. Also not good for soundproofing and will bend
>shitty ass "roof" made of wood and then you have some shingles that are NOT waterproof and need to be replaced every 20 years
If I was building a house from scratch I would concrete pour the walls and roof with reinforcement inside. Have a void space in between where you can put insulating material.
All utilities would be exposed so that they can be accessed easily for maintenance. Running electric and plumbing through the walls is so stupid. You have to destroy your house to do anything.
>I'm poor.
Not an advantage, generic trash
lol, nah, just smart and responsible. Certainly not rich, but by myself I make more than the average household income, and sock away ~30% a year into my 401k, brokerage accounts, and now just for fun some precious metals and crypto. Completely blow the average american out of the water when it comes to how little I have in debt and how much I have saved for retirement. My only major expenses are getting my house renovated, insulating properly, more efficient heating and cooling and other measures to reduce my dependence on the outside world.

I'll keep building my little fortress to weather the future storms. A quiet and comfy life where I'll likely be free from full time work in my early 40's. It's freeing, you should try it.
I've got plenty of mass around my fireplace, I heat it once or twice a day for sufficient radiant heat for entire day. With two loads of firewood, it stays above 40C for more than a day. I highly recommend having a modern high efficiency fireplace with high mass 1-5 tons depending on your your requirement

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