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>Images and videos

>DOA XVV guide

>DOA XVV Mod Manager

>DOA5 LR + Beach Paradise guide

>Beach Paradise mod official links

>Anon's Beach Paradise 6.0+ general guide (now included in BP Repack)

>Previous thread: >>2850847
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Shimaidon desu
Doggy style with Nagisa
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u guys have the best community
i love fapping to doa so much
nice ass
i love that pose at the end so much
her ass looks so fucking delicious
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there's just something about radianteld's work
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It's nice to see some Christie
Lobelia always goes first
Is there a version of the pirate suit without the eyepatch yet?
Trying to rebuild my collection of personal shoots.

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Thanks, may your collection grow and MEGA hopefully won't nuke your link.
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Noice fluff peak
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Lunatic Dawns mod is very configurable
"You want to plunder my what?"

ʸᵉᵃʰ i ᵘˢᵉᵈ ᵗʰiˢ ˢᵃᵐᵉʲᵒᵏᵉ ˡᵃˢᵗ ʸᵉᵃʳ
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Is there a reshade shader that will give me deeper/sharper shadows like pic related? Or is this just MXAO + some other shaders? I can not seem to get it quite like that, always ends up looking really black or light black which is not the effect I am going for.
Forgive my degeneracy but I must ask; are there any blacked/qos mods for DOA5LR?
Fuck off.
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the last of today's pool series
Nut inside Leifang
I know nobody here gives a shit but
>APL Misty Lily for 4/5 of my favorites
>Right before half anni
I feel targeted.
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I know you guys don't like AI... but this image looks so beautiful
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>Knows we don't like AI
>Posts it anyways
Shizuku's birthday!

He gave a reason why tardbro.
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Touch fluffy tail
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I want Misty Lily Leifang and Momiji
can someone explain the rules of the clear coat?
Some of my girls can boost APL by 40 while others can only boost by 30. Is 80 the hard limit?
another fucking Shandy SSR.
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I cannot answer your question anon, but would you be so kind as to tell me where you got that Elise skin from?
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Some girls have more/less APL stat by default. The Top Coat limit is adjusted so in the end all girls will have the same max amount of APL stat.
lower half is a maroskin edit i made, upper half is BP boobs
heres the lower: https://files.catbox.moe/8vq5dc.7z
everything with this mod looks just so amazing
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Thank you friend
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6.5 anniversary livestream with the VAs of Marie Rose and Tsukushi later today.

Link [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e6FZDGgG_e0]

On a side note, did DMM restarted their IP ban for anyone not japanese? I had to use a VPN to connect now.
>did DMM restarted their IP ban for anyone not japanese
Apparently so.
Even the browser version of VV has an IP ban too. I don't remember it having one ever.
>did DMM restarted their IP ban
Ever since they started it (around 10 months ago?) I have never been able to login to DMM from the US without a VPN up first. The DMM website itself won't even let me view the games category.
I'm from SEA and didn't have those issues until now. Wonder why they're doing this shit again.
I'm just worried they'll actually start banning accounts if things get worse. I'd probably quit the EN Steam version as well if I lost my JP/DMM progress since that is my main account and EN is just a bonus for me.
>start banning accounts if things get worse
TN only bans accounts if people were botting IIRC. Anyways, the IP ban is implemented by DMM, not TN.
>quit the EN Steam version
Steam should be fine though. Its kept afloat by the sheer spending power of chinese whales who can only access Steam through a VPN anyways.
I mean DMM banning accounts since this is all their doing. If you lose your DMM account you lose all your associated games that you have to login through DMM to play(JPVV). I know Steam VV will still be fine, but I wouldn't want to play VV anymore if I had my JP data taken from me.
I'm looking through the DMM policy updates from October 2023 (on reddit) and don't see anything about banning accounts based on IP location (which can be bypassed by using a VPN anyways). Its mostly just standard stuff of deleting your account if its inactive for too long, hacking/botting and/or account trading.
They can update the terms at any time to allow them to ban accounts connecting through VPNs if they wanted to. There is also a bit about providing false information when registering an account, so people that made accounts with random JP addresses, names, etc., could also have their accounts banned if they decide to start being more aggressive. They wouldn't be region blocking in the first place if they wanted foreigners accessing the service.
>There is also a bit about providing false information when registering an account
I think you mean this
>(3) Acts of declaring false information when the Company requests registration or presentation of accurate information
I think you're overthinking it. This sounds (to me) that if someone contacts customer support and attempts to do account recovery, you should not fudge your claims to have more than what you actually had.
>They wouldn't be region blocking in the first place if they wanted foreigners accessing the service.
Two big(gest) reasons why DMM has an IP ban in the first place.
1) Broadcasting/Licensing rights. Most of the media stuff that they offer are bound to Japanese laws, from cable TV to DVD rentals, anime and manga. They can't offer these to foreigners.
2) NSFW/adult goods and services. Japan has weird laws about those. Even if you'd order it through DMM, you'd still need to go to a conbini to get ID'd to complete the transaction.
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Are they going to eat their grandmothers?
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New activity.
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They were doomed once they selected Tsukushi to run. NEETs don't do well in physical activities.
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Oh, its a paid set.
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Nekomimi maid outfits for 6.5 anniversary, in 2 different variations.
>Neko cafe

>Showing off poses holding a basket
Kinda want it now. But it's an order ticket thing so not likely to bother.
>1500 for first one
Kuroneko and Shironeko modes.
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Forgot pic.
>Neko cafe
I was wondering why today's setup is different than usual. They get their own little cafe tables.
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Similar to the Yom OL and Dolphin Wave sets, apparently you can toggle between Shironeko/Kuroneko modes.
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New maid cafe themed photo frames
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Free 7 10 roll tickets as daily login bonus.
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More previews for the new photo frames.
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Select tickets will be up for sale.
Post more naked Amy
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This time I was lucky and got Patty
Post more naked Nanami
I spent all my saved stones and the unexpected bonus stones (nearly 100k) and got 4x Tsukushi.
I just want the floofy fox ;_;
This happened to me last time, I must have spent more than 150k stones and I couldn't get Patty...
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Hitomi's birthday!

DMM [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yj2jmUej59Y]
Or white?
This is hot, will nut.
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Happy birthday to Tomi'
Happy Birthday to my favorite girl! Thanks for posting these beautiful shots!
Post more naked Leifang
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what happened to her voice?
does anyone have a guide on how to move the games install location (DMM)?
I have this issue where DMM player deletes the folder every time it updates, my current method is to cut/paste the entire game folder to another location, update DMM, then cut/paste back which is a pain in the ass.
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She was experiencing the pleasure of being cummed inside.
I actually got an SSR from the Hitomi birthday gacha. Stellar Gemini and not whatever the newest one is, but finally something good from paid gems.
I want to drink this German's milk.
Is this current red sweater outfit's failstate worth grinding for? I can never tell if they're gonna be hot, or just a loose ribbon somewhere.
Find whatever suit you're looking for and click the dress icon to see the malfunction pic.
Hot dang, thank you. This'll save me a lot of mistaken grinding.
It won't help me roll the Nanami suit though...
don't worry I rolled her for you
I can see her nipple.
What a fucking slut.
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>Cutoff already at 20mil.+ points
No wonder JP decided not to have these ranked events after adding the load cache feature.
>What a fucking slut.
She's a JK
These events should give more FP bottles.
Nanami is better naked
I got Shizuku today. That makes 4/5 flats, but I doubt I'll be rolling the third banner to get Nagisa. Also on my third Kanna.

Move the game contents somewhere again.
Uninstall the game from dmm player
Reinstall the game on dmm player and make sure you set the install path correctly, preferably somewhere Windows has not shat up with dumb permissions. I have all of my dmm games in its folder on my nvme for games. Though I think an update moved where dmm itself automagically installs.
Move data back to the new place.

Cover Girl ranking is a bit different.
But honestly it was because one time they had ranking go on for nearly 10+ days instead of just 5 or 7 and everyone was tired of trying to maintain their spot.
>Loading is too fast!
It never should've taken as long as it did in the first place with the grind. Still get awful popin on pose cards too. Plus global has never been as cutthroat as JP was.

What other games have done for ranking stuff is limit how many times you can run per day, so you can't just spam nonstop during all waking hours. Which I suppose is what global does for their daily ranking nonsense?
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>global has never been as cutthroat as JP was.
When they introduced Vol.3 Tickets the JP cutoff was 71mil., and EN was 97mil. The paid JP auto-play pass is limited daily, but unlimited on EN.
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amazing tits
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The cutoff ended up being 38mil. points. The higher ranks were insane.
Nanami and Amy will ensure that people will roll for the banner.

If this were one of the newer 3-day events the score will be much higher. If you paypig for the pass and max out two SSRs you are guaranteed to be in top 300-400 territory as long as you burn your FP bottles daily.

Anything above the top 200 threshold are botting, Penis Vacation deliberately crashes the game every few 999 stamina cycles.
is there another way to get accessory 3 tickets other than from the anniversary in jp?
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The producer said since the load cache ruined the old way of ranking they're thinking of using a modified version of Arena mode from ENVV for those events. So them figuring something out is probably why it's taking so long.
I've got a load cached for monica, if you know what I mean
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Why does wetness effect mod not work on some costume mod?
Is there a fix/What should I do to fix it?
Enjoy some Fiona love
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Very cute princess shot
DOA girls = Fighting Game girls?
anyone make a DOA boob chart?
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So now that the maid anniversary are on their way out, is everyone happy with your pulls?
>Yukino, Amy, Nanami, Lobelia, Patty, Sayuri, Nagisa, Helena, Hitomi, Kokoro.
I got most of who i wanted
Yes but not really
>Sniped exactly who I wanted out of first set except one
>Kept getting dupes instead of all the girls I wanted from second set
I ended up breaking a few swimsuits before selling most to get the last waifu out of the first set. I could theoretically continue rolling on set two and outside of dupes, would only get good results. But rngesus already denied me so I will have to hope for a rerun with tickets.

In the middle of that I lucked out on race queen Yukino. Between that swimsuit and the black cat variant, I don't know how side boob looks so good in this game. And it's not like the white cat isn't lewd as hell either. The black cat style but with a white middle that gets translucent when wet would be peak.

Anyway end result was
>Lobelia, Kanna, Shizuku, Marie, Helena, Misaki, Patty, Fiona
I'm dreading some sort of zero-mercy copy-pasta swimsuit next. Like Pinchos for some of the new girls.
>lucked out on race queen Yukino
Nice. My rolls have been fruitless, really wanted it for Yukino too.
>I don't know how side boob looks so good in this game
Honestly, same here. This game has been awakening fetishes I didn't know I have.
>I'm dreading some sort of zero-mercy copy-pasta swimsuit next.
Well its June and I'm half expecting a Jewel fest since the nips have a fascination with June brides. Almost every other gacha has wedding themed outfits.
Picked up Hitomi, Ayane, and Momiji with enough extra suits to sell for Helena too, which is pretty close to ideal to me.
>4x Tsukushi
>1 Patty
>1x Amy
>1x Luna
X1x Koharu
No Shizuku for me. It took me over a year to get Lobelia, hopefullly I don't get a repeat of that debacle.

On the plus side, I got the Helena suit with Platinum receiver from the raid rewards SSR ticket.

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