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21 year old college student. Upper middle class background, aspiring for that or higher. Tips and critiques please.
Looks like a beta faggot
terrible and unoriginal.
besides the sweater, pants, shoes, haircut, glasses, face, build, teeth, stance, expression, ears, chin, nose, aura, personality, and photography, it's pretty good!
skin, i forgot skin too sorry
Entirely forgettable, not a single interesting choice.
Safe dadcore. No complaints if that's how you want to come across. Mission accomplished if looking 30 is your goal.
get better quality shit If you want to look 30
>get lasik or prk
>embrace ocbds
receding hairline, incel glasses and shoes, terrible sweater
2/10, look like a zero-pussy-getting retard. Not a 0/10 cos you could still pull 2's with that boring ass fit. For upper middle class, you got some cheap looking shoes. Wear what cool people get it use your parents money to hire a stylist.
Youtuber face. You look 35 with two small kids.
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He's another look
You look way older than you are. Cool if that's what you're going for. Personally I find it a bit boring. I also dislike the sneakers with the slacks in the first image, formal shoes would be better.
You look so weak. Such an easy rape target
You just kinda look about 30. Or a Disney park employee, you’re handsome in the clean vanilla way they employ to play the princes.
>get eye surgery instead of cool glasses
how crippling is your insecurity?
glasses are not cool
You look and dress just like me. For the past five years I have constantly been churning and cheating on the niche of women that I do well with: Asian virgins that recently emigrated to America to pursue Master's degrees. I have taken six Chinese virginities this way. So, if you want to be like me, keep dressing as you do, with the same haircut. I average 7 dates before I get to the lay (typically at a five star hotel that I particularly like downtown).

I have zero luck with white women or latinas. Innocent black women and Christians adore me, but especially, especially Chinese recently emigrated. I have been in the middle of four "we can keep dating but I'm saving for marriage" situations that I had to disengage.
Skill issue. Find the right glasses for your face.
Is it me or this picture makes him look older than 21.
When do you think kids like this are gonna drop the act? We don't need to pretend that glasses are weird because someone is making fun of you in school for wearing them and your parents won't let you get eye surgery.
We're all going to be wearing VR glasses anyway. Don't risk eye surgery.
just because it's a non-juvenile hairline doesn't mean it's receding.
You look like a faggot lmao
would rape, post moar
I am almost 27 yo and look younger than you
>21 year old
nigga you look twice as old, 42
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alternate look
Arkansas - what a fag
What even is this fit? Visiting your grandma at the nursing home-core?
okay, four-eyed loser whose parents are too poor to afford lasik
Anon, calling me underage because I rightfully pointed out that you are likely underage yourself isn't the win you think it is. Also, feel free to post your net worth, if you'd like to compare.
I don't follow?
I wear contacts sometimes.
He says he graduated. I still have two years left.
I went to Arkansas years ago. Fayetteville is turning into Austin. Not in a good way.

Woo Pig.
What’s with all these SEC chuds here? Could you not get in to a Big Ten school?
What is with these people posting people from this specific university? is it another case of a poster getting bullied by these guys so he larps as them on here?
this board is full of schizos. posting yourself or posing as other people is equally deranged.
personally, its a little north of 400K. in biglaw, so it will go up. that number excludes what i stand to inherit.
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Nice, that's about as much as the condo I own. Hopefully the inheritance is significant. I'm also waiting for more to come in from my family. Cheers.
What's wrong the sweater?
A lot of us are in state sec students. No use paying expensive out of state tuition to a big ten school lol. I went to a sec school for undergrad because instate tuition and scholarship. now going to a t 10 school for my masters.
A lot of words to say you got 21 on the ACT
Big ten schools suck
>Rate my look.
4/10 aggressively mediocre. If we factor in bang for buck this goes down by 1 or 2 depending on how much you spent.
6/10 hate the bright soles on the boots, but the colors match. Good fit.

My constructive criticism is that you need to figure out what you want. Time to get inspo.
you have potential, as it is you are around 6/10. get a better haircut because that one makes it look like you are balding and that you have a weird shaped head (try a middle part maybe because your balding spots are at the sides). You also dress like a closeted faggot and all your clothes look cheap and poorly made, idk what your style is or how much money you have but try thrifting as you can actually find some pretty good stuff if you look hard enough. Also obviously workout, even if you don't want to be muscular just burning off some fat will do you so good.
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You look like your mom bought your outfit at kohls
There is no such thing. Walking around showing of your low genetic quality is never going to look good. It's akin to being severely disfigured.
>Loses glasses
>Instantly goes from a 3 to an 8/10
good face and hair. pants are ok. switch to black leather shoes, and a nicer sweatshirt and a white button shirt. done
He’s not balding or fat. Wtf are you talking about?
You're way too basic. Try to be more original.
>Don't wear all white shoes
>Get rid of that sweater for something else
>Pants could maybe work but you'll want some jeans as your more casual pants.
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Just copy Sam Altman
how in hell are you 21?
i'm 29 and i could pass for your son lmao
hes not that bad on either of those things but hes asking for advice so im just saying how to make it better
all 10/10 becouse your are not tryharding
Genuinely you look like a guy I knew who was a complete alpha in uni and got tons of puss, but he was tall and had a big dick so it depends. I can't tell your height by this image, nor your dick size obviously.
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Say hello to your new overlord
He’s not remotely either of those things
He’s not into women, anon
very normal
21 my ass. I look younger than him.
Do zoomers wear Gap now?
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don't listen to these guys, you're actually kinda cute. you have a nice smile and your hair and glasses frame your face nicely
looking good anon. Try to wear a fragrance that women like to attract them. Someting like Azzaro Most Wanted is good. If you can't afford a bottle go to the frag store and get the samples. Try one at the time and stay away from drugs, ygmi!
have you seen his sister?
You're a little fat now and that will get worse unless you do something about it
You somehow look 35, not good.

get a smaller cut on the sides of your head.
>muh unique look

you have to be 18+ to post here.
Clothing actually conveying your personality is an element of fashion. If one dresses like a soulless corporate drone, it communicates that you have no creativity. Not good.
You look like the kind of guy who falls weird and dies from getting happy slapped by a teenager
lol, when did /fa/ get more body dysmorphic than /fit/? OP is thin
Are you neck frauding here?
You realize that these are not the actual people. These are the same pedophile posting pictures of young men on 4chan
Cool. I went to an Ivy undergrad and for masters. 6.5 inch cock btw
If you want to look like you just got dropped off from golfing with your grandpa this is peak
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> My constructive criticism is that you need to figure out what you want.
Is there something like Silicon Valley guy but with good style?
im gonna touch your soft whyteboi anus
Look at tech gays. Tim Cook is what you’re looking for
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>trolling for bussy

Do you meet them at uni or where?
>seven dates
>plus paying for a 5 star hotel
Paying for a prostitute would be more cost-efficient.

I assume the virginity part is important to him.
it's Yeezy Gap and the guy in the pic is like 40
How does he even know they were virgins? Because they told him so? Lol. I mean I guess if you are fixated on them being virgins, and have proof of their virginity before you do this, MAYBE it might be worth it.
Don’t squint so much when you smile
Male equivalent of basic white American suburban girl. There's nothing wrong with it if you like dressing like that.
You dress like how you described yourself, except that you look about 10 years older. I'm 27 and look younger than you. Don't feel the need to dress in a particular style or go overboard, but you dress pretty boring. Like I said, you look exactly how you described yourself. Try more colors in a darker palette or going dark monochrome. You can't fix looking older, but darker colors suit it more. Lighter colors make you look like a millenial clinging to youth. Younger looking people can pull off youthful looks, but you can embrace maturity.
You look older than your age. You dress pretty boring and lame as far as your age group is concerned. Try wearing more youthful clothes and look less formal. Style your hair, there's so many hairstyles that would look better on you
You actually look attractive here, genuinely dress younger / better and stop dressing like a boring office worker
I think he might be hapa
>Yeezy Gap
memory unlocked
>Is there something like Silicon Valley guy but with good style?
There probably is, but I don't know what you mean by this. What is good style?
More preppy? More edgy? More retro?
You need to larn to be specific.
I'm imagining the west coast version of NYC finance guys.
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Do you have the Musk build or is that just a bad suit?
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Op, you look great. Don't listen to the people in this thread, they are probably barely sane and have bad fashion taste themselves. From the pictures that you have posted I can see that you clearly have excellent taste in clothes compared to the average /fa/ fool.
>positivity on /fa/
rare sighting.
>Try wearing more youthful clothes and look less formal
what's youthful without being immature?
you're not fooling anyone
a looser fit, for starters
I know this is a shit thread but he looks a decade older lol
what's the id on this? k-swiss?
oxfords aren't going to make op look younger
you look ....... normal...
We come to /fa/ to transcend normal
>implying vanilla isn’t the supreme flavor
SEC school 100% Grand Ol Opry is shit nowadays.
what does this even mean?
no ivy grads post here.
>gold necklace
dork/10, get contacts, drop the goyslop cause it's fucking your skin a bit & work out to sharpen your facial features, hair is ok but could be better, take no chances and get on dutasteride in case it's not a mature hairline
also as for clothing idk, but definetely not that shit you're wearing
Give recommendations then
Kind of unfair to ask since we know nothing about how OP wants to look. Best estimate we got is that he wants to be rich one day, which really tells you nothing. Rock stars and businessmen are both rich yet dress totally different. We don't know if he wants his style but better, whatever that means, or if he wants a total change.
BRO DITCH THE DRY FIT SHORT SLEEVE ONG u got a good looking face but fuck that
sounds like he wants better style while still being conservative.
You look like an untrustworthy nerd
Tuck the shirt in and get some leather shoes
What’s wrong with drifits?
He’s blocking out the logo it looks like. I also go to an SEC school and everyone wears those, but maybe its less embarrassing here because the tide occasionally wins.
Why do you go hiking with those shoes?
Add: stubble/short beard.

Adjust: shoes aren't bad but I'd go with reebok classics for white sneakers.
You're posture is slightly off. Could be just your posture in the pic. Stand up straight; you're kinda hunched over
Related. You're in decent shape but can't tell for sure. A couple months in the gym would sure up your physique. But really you look good already

If you would just do ths stubble, tan, and shoes, you'd go up a couple points, easy.
that's a casual walk
Scott the woz maxxing
Then it's OK.
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fit from an event this week. thoughts?
side profile and front profile look like two different people
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Why does he wear the glasses?
You look like shit

very gay
Bill Gates, is that you?
>early 20's
>wearing biz casual attire as regular clothing
Never fails to make me lmao. Life outside of college is going to be such a culture shock for OP.
You’re cute, dress a little boring but I would have a crush on you. 22 F
Why? How would dressing older leave you unprepared for the future?
You know the rules.
Darker belt
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good or bad?
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Absolutely insane thread
wearing glasses is literally the biggest failo there is. You can be perfect in every other way but as long as you have a metal frame announcing your genetic inferiority to the world you are basically a 0/10. If you're about to post some photoshopped male models then kindly fuck off.
what a fucking dork lmao, ovER for glasscels.
Why did he need to concede to glasses-wearers so hard?
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contacts are for self conscious dorks
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nothing wrong with that
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Shitty pic from mirror. I'll make a better one later, but I have to post this somewhere. I don't really know where else to post this. I'm trying to put a casual kilt outfit together. It's missing some shit. I need a proper wide belt. My /k/ore (gun) belt isn't wide enough.
Sorry for the shitty resolution. I'll be back later when I got out put together properly.
go to /int/
you look like a reddit dork that likes anime and asian girls, possibly STEM major. a tale old as time.
photo looks squished. how tall are you irl?
how the fuck is this thread still up
what is wrong with you people
>looks 40
Take better care of your skin and hair. You need a closer, cleaner cut. If you have money there's no excise. Also why do zoomers all look so fucking old lmao
>why do zoomers all look so fucking old
Depression and social isolation does numbers on your skin
Glasses are for oblivious dorks
have fun poking yourself in the eye
Have fun never feeling the touch of a woman in your life, dork
I thought you were scott the woz by the thumbnail.
Wait, this kid doesn't seriously think that no one who has worn glasses has ever had sex, right? What kind of mental illness do you think he has? Maybe his school guidance counselor could help him? This is insane.
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From this week.
op looks different every picture
it's definitely not op, op is a seething gay guy who goes to this guy's school 100%
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Glasses free look
How is this thread still active for 2 months?
Shows you how dead this board is.
make your smile wider
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OP is Scottie Scheffler pilled
i notice a lack of darker aggresive colors
kek how do these people brag about getting pussy after spending for seven dates and a 5star hotel.most asians put out after 2 dates if they are serious
Scottie would be an incel if he wasn't rich
Ditch the glasses full time and dress younger
>dress younger
terrible advice. the sooner you can master the mature look the better.
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My father sells glasses.
Are you the school shooter guy that would post on /b/ or is that some other anon??

I think you'd look great in dramatic looks and quirky hippie stylingd. Also, your colour pallete is "Cool Summer" so in the future buy items that would fit those colours to avoid looking washed out.
What wieght are you here cus your face looks super sexy and handsome.
In the other photos your face looks a little pudgy. So decrease your body fat to get to a more lean look if you haven't already.
I think if you lean into a classic 1940s, 1950s gentleman husband look it would suit you so well.
>>18090760 >>18025120

To add, can you show better pictures of your body? How tall are you? Your hiding away, and I don't think you need to.
Ignore the glasses haters. You look nice. Yea, maybe a little older than your age but you'll grow into it.
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As you get further in to the thread it becomes clear that someone has taken this poor chap's photos and is larping as him on 4chan. Why drives a person to do this?
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why the hell is this thread STILL on the catalog
70% of /fa/ is LARPing (80% of /fit/ is)
put the glasses back on. You have small eyes.
A lot of loyalty for a hired gun
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Trying to polish the LinkedIn
Your skin doesn't look great in this pic (it looks like mine). How to improve?
Holy shit zoomers really ARE aging like shit. Nigga you look 35
Have you seen one of those viral high school in the 80's clips? Everyone looks like a 40 year old.
Chad or nerd? I can't tell.
>Holy shit zoomers really ARE aging like shit.
No- not at all. OP is a prime example of proper developement, good genes and masculine features. Many zoomers look like babies in the face; this anon got lucky and looks very mature for his age.
this desu
/fa/ has grown up on netflix twinks
Do I need to draw the green lines?
Those don't apply to bros taking pics
You look great here. You should switch to contacts
Your woman will be taken by 20/20 chads. You cannot compete with visibly inferior genetics.
>don't feed the birds
if the goal was to just look like nothing there'd be nothing to discuss, no need for a board
Women love guys who wear glasses at the end of the day
A lot of chads fall off in their early 20s and become nerds.
What were you going for with this hair style?
you're two slices of buttered toast away from having man-boobs.
and there is pornography addiction all over your face.
I like this one much better than picrel. Ur handsome, maybe try jeans that aren’t so light with this outfit for some contrast?
Wow this one’s the best so far
/fa/ needs more positivity like this
the power of veganism
this post been up for almost two months lmao this board sucks ass
>there is pornography addiction all over your face.
Absolutely delusional
"at the end of the day" meaning literally at the end of the day. When you are at home unwinding, glasses look nice.
You look old
Yeah they like your glasses when they don't have to look at you. Genetic inferiority is an ick.
I can't believe this thread is still going on since February. OP needs to get a life and stop bumping it constantly.
Looks too much like a selfie for linkedin. Have someone else take it. And you have a weird halo around you.
Why post this? You are wearing perhaps THE most normal thing possible. You put on a sweater and some pants with generic sneakers? Surely this has to be bait.
You look fine. You look a little autistic and the lighting is bad, you are a bit greasy looking. You can fix most of this in photoshop.

Why post these incredibly generic pics here lol you're a perfectly good looking guy with very normal clothes. Just be confident.
most people here aspire to be normie+. Just a little modification
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Recent dinner fit
Stop bumping this shit thread you freak. Do you really need a 4chan thread dedicated to you for three months?
Basic boring white guy look. You look like you sell insurance and kneel for blacks
Bad angle, but candids are a true test. Slim down some.
just say fat
Look like a Republican party intern lol
What's that supposed to mean?
it means a fray boy is fucking his crush and he's seething
Are you part Asian?
This is a riff off of a tiktok trend from China where a slob loser did everything the people on social media told him to do in order to improve his life.
It turns out that people enjoy this kinda thing which is why this thread has stayed up for 3 months dumbass.
Yea, but this guy's trying to go from a 7 to a 7.5. Not enchanting.
better than being a dem intern
What model of Wranglers are these?
you're a stupid fucking retard
glasses are hot on both men and women
hnggggh nerds with glasses
Some fine ass pussy in that picture.

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