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/fa/ - Fashion

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last thread went stale
it means: what are you wearing today
don't be a retard, rate others
starting this thread off with another fully thrifted fit

got these sick military boots in an antique store for 30 eurobucks
im wearing a thong today (male)
really awful thread pic
>he doesnt know
Graphic design is my passion slop
I don't like that jacket with that fit dunno why
I dig the rest though
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reposting cuz nobody called me gay
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Double OD today.
>IH 14oz OD jacket and 21oz OD jeans
>Whitesville tee
>Sugar Cane belt
>Red Wing engies
I don't hate this, but I do think it'd work better with higher rise pants. Still, not bad at all for a thrifted fit
Gays unironically dress better than you
>last thread lasted 16 days
lmao. i haven't been on /fa/ for years.
what happened, why is it so dead now?
I assume people were deterred from posting in that thread because it was mostly one anon in there accusing everybody of being trans lol
>online fashion communities fractured across discord/tele/ig/etc
>oldfags on /fa/ aged out of avant bullshit
>zoomers are poor and too caught up in trend cycles to buy good shit or to develop personal style
>tranny detectives shitting up every discussion
It genuinely feels like this board had 5-10x more posts a decade ago.
It did. Every year I think it can't get worse and every year it sinks to a new low
hey buddy. nice outfit. ON OPPOSITE DAY!
stop posting this boring fit.
do you not own any other clothes?
>/fa/ is at an all time low of 1000 posts/day
>a year ago there was an average of around 2000 posts per day
>peaked early 2021 with 3100 posts per day

its not your imagination, /fa/ is slowly but surely drying up
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there's only data from mid 2017s though
i feel like it was even more popular in the data-gap too, but i might be wrong.
anyway, looks like 2017 to mid 2021 was very consistent but then last 3 years the board has been dying hard
Don't bother giving that sperg any attention, and no, he's impoverished
These + mods abandoned the smaller boards on 4chan. There's a thread up on /fa/ currently that's over 2 months old, and it's just some schizo posting IG pics and LARPing as some rando.
The individual IP count for threads was also removed recently, potentially to cover up for low poster count.
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Badass in the house
I had shoes in the colour of the pants 10 years ago
Johnny Cash
>>tranny detectives shitting up every discussion
Bro wtf does that even mean you can literally see when some dude is wearing womens clothes no detection necessary Sherlock
idk about those pants my man they look like institutional cook's pants everything else is cool except that you smoke and the guy you have your arm around is dressed like a homeless dude
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triggered lel
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You look dirty please clean the dirt off of your face
Huh. That’s interesting. I personally like slow blue boards as long as the community can handle things on their own. It’s fun but also kind of fucked knowing that you can make an thread and it will be on the board for months. I wanted to make a shit thread the other day but I was like “nah too much of a commitment…”
You and this faggot would make great pals.
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Yes we would
those are called "freckles"
hope this helps!
You’re balding, bro.
please dont
i like
dont fw with the all black personally but looks good
So are you gonna clean the dirt off your face or not?
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afternoon sirs
thriftchuds eternally on top. cool room/house too
fine? idk kinda lacks character, maybe try rooling up sleeves + white undershirt and leave the pink unbuttoned. whatd i'd do at least
sleek, how you like the redwings? been considering for a workboot
mac degrandpa. looks fine
no comment
splendid. shoes?
why post here instead of hedicord
still shit
Id on the polo shirt?
>splendid. shoes?
i only have a pair of black converse
>tucked in
Sincerely I thank you bro, you are a man of taste.
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Pls no bully :3
eat, for god
not sure how I feel about the shoes, they're not my vibe but they do work here - could maybe sub for platform derbies or creepers if you like/ if you wanted a bit more edge

the skirt looks like it might be a little below your natural waist, so pulling it up a little higher might be more flattering

the earth tones of the fit go well together + look neat with the place you chose to take the pic, also
>worst fucking fits in the thread dont rate

rate if you want to be rated dumb fucktards
my guy, you have TERRIBLE legs, dude. Do you actually think you look like a female?
>>>18112326 (You)
i rated retard, its the post right after
please proceed to suicide faggot
>retard doesn't understand what anonymous means
niggas like you make me glad my wife CCWs
peter do tank from a sample sale I found accidentally
>getting assmad while being wrong
boots ID?
corcoran tanker boots

unfortunately they only make em in desert tan roughout now
oh look it's the Dude with the cringe hair wearing boring-as-crap black again
i mean one piece of mil surp is fine but not an entire larpy outfit it's tryhard and cringe
i implore you Bro cut your hair it won't be worth it to try and grow it out, it looks terrible even at that medium long length get rid of it you'll fell freer
also what's your lifting regime because it's finally working Bro you're looking pretty wiry keep going getting shredded is /fa/ af
nice jaw tranny
Dude, I like your viking hair but those corduroy shorts are a weird fit actually they don't fit you and that car coat is way too big as well
the crocs you got on are pretty awesome as an "Ironic Redneck Meathead" sort of thing
Good Job Dude!
Thanks for letting me know
And I understand it's not your fault that they only produce them in tan now, but I'm still going to snap your neck open
entirely reasonable

black ones do pop up for sale on ebay sometimes, and if you have infinite money, guidi and a few other artisanal-y places make versions
You can literally buy military surplus ones for like $30 in most places
They look bad on you btw
then you're lucky; I've never seen a single surplus pair

also, any particular reason? they're not favorite pair of combat boots, but it seemed like they worked with this fit
Dude, it's too much military shit all at once, put on some light wash faded thrift jeans
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imo the fact that it's been dyed (and in the case of the bag, modified as well) means it's tamer than even a fairly standard techwear fit

here's the same bag w/ light wash jeans and GATs though
"Samefag" here. I'd say Male.Forever, but this time you finally look normal. This is good to see from you.

My man i just can't ignore your atrocious hair
it's literally seriously unironically and catastrophically holding your fit back bro
for the love of all that is fashionable just go to a barber
I don't comment on outfits that I don't have any strong opinions about or generally don't care about. even when I do think an outfit really sucks I typically keep it to myself cuz there's no getting through to them and I disagree with the practice of telling other people to dress a certain way.
>fine? idk kinda lacks character, maybe try rooling up sleeves + white undershirt and leave the pink unbuttoned. whatd i'd do at least
I wear the shirt unbuttoned with no undershirt in the heat, but wearing button ups like a jacket just isn't me. It's also better suited to looser fitting shirts. I don't like rolled up sleeves either. I'm curious about how you figure my outfit lacks character. I don't see people dressing like me and this is coming from a poster who prefers a more tiktoky, viral look. Whatever the case is, I would wear a bunch of jewelry before I would wear an undershirt or mess with my sleeves.
I don't care that your wife has a .22, I could still probably rape her
everyone who says this is required to buy me hair growth supplements. all of you.

fr though I think it looks worse bc I tuck it behind my ear for the pics, otherwise it casts a shadow on the side of my face in a way that resembles an unflattering reverse contour
I see that grey hair
Trannies invaded and collapsed the board
death comes for us all eventually
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tag says natural issue. thrifted so dunno anything else
p cool, very matrix
i mean its unique but i wouldn't say being unique necessarily means having character. i guess the fit moreso lacks depth imo. also iron yo shid
margiela / acne studios / moonstar / autism stance
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My vans are so dirty lol but they're orange (?)

Lov that shirtt :00
I think u look cool :b wish i had a watch like that
Cute and simple:3 lov it
I reaaally like your body figure (?) also lov the all the fit
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what does this fit need?
15 pounds less and a shave
I'm working on the weight loss, I'm 10lb down already.
.fa. truly is finished. Can't wait for the pendulum to swing and these revolting things leave.
be nice to the twinks :( I like them, they're cute
Enablement is a destructive thing. And you can go with them.
Congrats, keep it up anon!
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been moving to a new condo and this is my 'at home' fit
I like these
thanks now I'll stare at this photo and pretend you're giving me a hug
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of course!
Good job, keep up the good work
>deranged, pedophilic men in drag

You're a fucking liar. One day your need to be a people pleaser and show how "philanthropic" you are will come home to roost and it won't be good.
Bro that sweatshirt is too short for you and you're literally just wearing sweatpants
Zero effort = zero fashion
My dude try harder next time some of us take fashion seriously
those aren't sweatpants lmfao
there's a handful of guys who are either intentionally getting stuff wrong or just care-home levels of retarded who post like that at anyone they think is transgender

better just to ignore them, the jannies are lazy but these posts do usually get cleansed periodically
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thirty nine to beam up
thank you o/
Try one
There's only a handful of posters on all of /FA/
god that is funny af to buy designer to look like a high schooler from 2005
good choice of sneakers tho
he would look less masculine and even more flabby without facial hair, should trim sides of stache though
what even is your stance? those arent even all trannies. youre just against anyone young that doesnt shop exclusively at walmart?
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low effort pic for today and hiding the massive rip in the crotch of these jeans. love this shirt

nice, the shirt collar style is great

beautiful cross. your fits are improving.
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also wore it with this the other day, I think i need to grease my hair back to better pull off the yakuza look i'm going for. took off the snake belt because it felt like too much
what an insufferable, smug cocksucker you are.
snake belt very cool
get bent, no fut shitter
You absolutely RADIATE autism

Illiterate retard as well.
thanks, I try
get a load of this tryhard faggot and his r/RoastMe tier “zingers”
yeah it'd look better with just a t-shirt instead of the button down. not bad tho
>what does this fit need?
A belt maybe?
Also try cuffing the jeans. They're not quite baggy enough to wear like that imo. The fit is kind of an awkward in-between of baggy and tight.
Maybe even try cuffing the sleeves on the overshirt too.
And a tip for your goatee: use an electric razor with a clip to gradually fade out the edges.
taken shortly after getting rained on and changing clothes, and shortly before immediately getting rained on again
I just wish you'd stop trying to grow those teets. Yes, teets. Not tits. Those aren't tits, but teets. :(
I wish she was my wife but here we go

>didn't correct "wife"
thanks for your support
Imagine acknowledging such a mockery of marriage
oh yes I'm imagining it right now
w2c romeo's shirt?
>Uh oh, wait a sec, I just noticed his hair.
>Pack it up guys, this dude knows literally zero about fashion.
>Yeah, I thought it was a cool ironic helmet or something I didn't realize it's hair, wtf.
1 less chromosome
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bro you might be the best groomed man I've ever seen on this site.

how the fuck do you get your hair so flowing and mane like

you can literally wear anything with hair like that and you will slay my dude
second this, your hair and beard look amazing

a slightly higher rise on the pants might look a little better though
I just have naturally pretty good hair. After letting it dry i usually put some molding cream in and crunch it up a bit to help get it to hold the wave better (but it's already naturally wavy a bit). My beard is a little more patchy than i would like but glad i've grown it out, think it helped the look.
man you're a fag
avanti hawaii, theres also some jap brand that makes one but theirs is rayon while avanti uses silk
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I concur they have some pretty dope stuff, I prefer the darker color palette though.
kik? discord? where can i see more of you?
>sold out in non fat sizes
Not nice.

Care to share the jap brand?
hands off I was here first
Andy milonakis?
should I get a gucci belt?
gucci has made a lot of belts, but idk

I tend to find their stuff a bit gaudy
I got the last large they had of this run and the company said they wouldn't be making any more for a while lol. the jap brand is called senshi, no idea if you can buy from them directly but there's people selling them on etsy and ebay
Samefag or literal fag
there are women on the internet, y'know
too bad the anon in question is the tranny detective troll
Not sure about the gingham plaid, a solid base my be bettering. Kudos for rocking it tho.
Hey Bro, wassup. So I have literally never seen a kilt that wasn't plaid and I have to say it looks a little weird. I think you should rock a CRAZY plaid kilt (like orange or something) and still go with that super sweet frat guy prep checked shirt. A word on military boots: nah. It's overdone and makes you look like a tryhard wizard.
Why do you guys even bother to post here anymore? This board sucks, and all the other regulars have left.
is it your mission to wreck every WAYWT thread or what
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supreme sharpie hat
bass pro shops parka
crown&ivy tie dye

>what does this fit need?
you could try replacing the black plastic watch with a metal one
What is there to even 'wreck' at this point?
Old fag who pops in twice a year: the age range has shifted. Millennials genx are mostly gone, the ones that are here are either trolls or old fags. They don't post fits because they don't trust the feedback from 18 year olds ( be real you can tell a lot of the posters in these threads are under 18.) no one who has been styling themselves for 10+ years wants to take ""advice"" from someone who had their mum dressing them 2 years earlier and don't even know how to layer or play with patterns and colours. The second issue is if you become a regular poster people will 100% target you. Theres been so many oldfags doxxed in these threads and thats a legitimate threat to some peoples way of life
>second issue is if you become a regular poster people will 100% target you.
Very true. I lurk these threads for enjoyment but I’d never post a picture of myself. some anons in here are posting so often that they are becoming recognizable characters. Which is an insane thing to do in a thread you know is being cased by at least one persistent troll.
Yep the hate boners are crazy here.
>Theres been so many oldfags doxxed in these threads
they probably uploaded pics straight from their spyware phone with the EXIF location data intact. as long as you don't do that you're in the clear
You can post yourself on 4chan, if you follow safety protocols, like you do for being online in general. The one that got a few posters out is the would post their fits here and then post those exact pictures to other social media, like men's fashion forums or reddit. Reddit Is what gets most people doxxed because they'll be apart of local subreddits or simply share more identifying information like their job.

This goes to generally everyone in the thread but, never show your face, identifiable tattoo's, around identifiable local landmarks and certainly do not post more than once per thread, you shouldn't even be posting in every waywt. Pick a blank space in your house and that's the one background people get. No info to be gleaned. I would purposely tell leading lies and post at different times of the day but I'm schizo about my internet safely
Most get doxxed from cross posting on social media, it's not hard to reverse image search. drag and drop
But why go through all the effort anymore?
Only responses nowadays are from newfags and trolls.
I don't, i think it's been over a year since i posted in waywt. I never got much feedback because there weren't a lot of people into a similar style as me. It's not much effort for me anyway, it's what I've always done.

Nowadays i just dump images or make thread's the rare times i feel like coming back.
4chan has been stripping exif for like 10 years dude
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Gotta love the tee
oh im working on new shoes to replace docs!
can i cum in your sweaty socks please? i want to worship you.
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Hey my man, I dig your Japanese Hanten coat but I really dislike the weird zip up "Dad" vest especially without a t-shirt on under it. If you are going to rock a good wool vest like picrel you really have to wear at least a t-shirt under it. Also those ironic 90s rave pants look a little bit too big and baggy. We already discussed the boots and why I'm a "nah" on them.
I seriously got rained on AGAIN, did one of you curse me or smth

unsure about the top desu, I don't love that vest-like detail
goes hard
cute, though I feel like showing that little midriff w/ the corset is perhaps not the best choice; if it were me, I'd either tuck the skirt into the bottom of the corset or pull it down all the way to show off my hipbones
why did you ignore me :(

I'm getting these replies, the samefag as always, and apparently also marriage proposals

just once, a "hey nice fit" would be appreciated
Hey, nice fit. Just kidding you lanky fuck ugly transvestite faggot. Fuck out of here.
talk shit, post fit, you retarded samefagging fuckup
Everything you said about their outfit is dead wrong, this is why faggots don't post here anymore. It's a wool cardigan and a $5 tiered maxi skirt
And by wool i mean plastic
Just post your face you fuck ugly man and I'm sure that'll change
post fit, dipshit, I bet you dress like someone's short-bus-graduate uncle

I'm not posting my face to a mongolian basketweaving forum when people literally earlier in this same thread mentioned getting doxxed
So I only replied to that one dude. Maybe it's the low quality of his picture because that wool sweater looks like a Japanese winter coat (Hanten). And I'm pretty sure that isn't a skirt, it's just super baggy trousers. Just because that dude has some heavy metal long viking hair it doesn't mean he's gay btw, calm down.
I'm not judging your fit so i don't have to put up shit you autistic man who thinks all their problems stem from having a cock. Can't wait till you do get doxxed and someone beats the ever loving shit out of you. It's only a matter of time even if you don't get doxxed with how clockable you are. God i love hate crimes against trannies
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Bro get a barber to fix your hair helmet it looks ridiculous.
I mean I typed "bad haircut" into duck duck go and voila, lo and behold there is a picture of your terrible haircut style.
Seriously dude it looks seriously awful. It's why no one will even bother rating your safe and boring fits.
the funny thing about you stupid fuckers is that you can't even do this bit anymore bc I posted a pic of what my hair actually looks like

if you think those two pictures are remotely similar, you shouldn't be on this board at all
>wants a "nice fit"
>its literally just black boots, black pants, black belt, black shirt, and open black button up

I see people wearing this outfit 3 times a day every day why the fuck would any one on a fashion board even care to open your shit up. Same goes for subfaggot higher up in the thread
Without the jacket looks goofy but it's probably the best fit in this thread.
I came here looking for decent outfits and MY GOD are you all just terrible, this is massive for my confidence lmfao
>>18116114 Ok this guy is marvelous nvm pop off king
...I was poking fun at the whiplash-inducing combo of the 2-3 Tranny Detective Guys and the new group of people hornyposting at me; it's not that deep? If you don't like my fits that's fine

if I cared anymore I'd post smth about how rick and yohji and loads of other people have done cool things w/ all black fits and it's far from an inherent negative, but you're all philistines and I'm starting to realize why everyone cool left this board
yeah, it's a issue with lack of moderation, and low poster count
get a link to the hedi discord and go from there
oh no! not marriage proposals! your life seems very difficult. im sorry you have to go through this
You are by far the worst dressed tranny in the internet fashion netiverse and it’s crazy how much money you spend to look like an absolute retard

This brands look good on underweight twinks not chubby autists
you don't have to be a cunt about it
>Tranny Detective Guys
Dude what does that even mean, can you clarify?
>it's a issue with lack of moderation, and low poster count
I couldn't agree more brother. The crossdressing idiots need to be shunted towards the appropriate board and the attention whores who post the same fits over and over need a good kick in the nuts.
I bought a dope Urban Renewal ringer tee the other day and I can't be fucked to even post a fit
Hey anon I like your style, and I think you're cure, and I'd like to bring you flowers and hold your hand :)
it is, I truly struggle every day

alright, okay, my hair was ACTUALLY bad in this one, I'm somewhere around a 2a-2b and this humidity is fucking me up
Bro I would ease off the pectoral workouts and concentrate more on your biceps. I like the Futuristic Bad Ass Bounty Hunter Dude vibe you got going on. Did you make that tie dye yourself my dude?
yeah, the goal here was to be as cyberpunk as I could possibly be while it's too warm for a Cool Jacket

The shirt's from The Viridi-Anne; idk what season
I love the fit even though the boots may be a little hot for nearly summer desu unless youre going out in the evening? Also off topic but I wish I were as skinny as you desu. I'm losing weight atm but Im also kinda nervous about whats going to happen with my boobs in the process.
Anyway, would love to go on a walk with you around the town, maybe have a drink and something to eat, and (with your permission) hold hands ^^. Sorry for simping like this lmao I just think its cool how you still post your fits here in spite of the samefag and other coping and seething moids. Please don't stop!
I really did get desu'd twice, huh. Might be over ...
so, this is lightly off-topic and goes against my usual dislike for discussing gender stuff on /fa/, but I'll engage bc I do genuinely want to be helpful: I'm 5'11" 135lb, down from ~155lb a year or so ago

and yeah uhh, losing weight will absolutely do that, but switching to injections more or less negated the effect
simp cuck, “she” doesn’t care
I dont care anon, praising people just feels nice sometimes :)
Nice fits, thanks for contributing despite the infestation of preteens
don't you have anything better to do?
very nice belt, w2c?
Bag and shirt is really cool but the pants/boots contrast a little too much desu. Nice fit
belt is Johnny Farah, bought @ IF in soho

hm, interesting - I was trying to keep the theme of lots of dangly straps (bag, pants, boots) consistent from top to bottom but I think you're right, a techier top would've carried it better
The bag and shirt work really well together I think if you went less techy on the bottom with more matte pants without shiny zips it’d work out better
I have those black-dyed marpat cargos, or even the uniqlo u pants from the fit I posted yesterday, so I might try that
Henlo waywt long time no see, i was reminded of you because people keep recognizing me on socials lmao.
Here’s a pic from smth I did for a friend, I made the purse myself :3
this feels larpy but it’s a cool larp so I like !
Watch is sick, I like this
Is this a skirt? Cute
I like this & ur cute I think
Very cute
Best fit you’ve posted itt
Cute I think? Materials look iffy tho
Henlo waywt long time no see, i was reminded of you because people keep recognizing me on socials lmao.
Here’s a pic from smth I did for a friend, I made the purse myself :3
>>18110785 #
this feels larpy but it’s a cool larp so I like !
>>18111107 #
>>18112507 #
Watch is sick, I like this
>>18113039 #
Is this a skirt? Cute
>>18113469 #
I like this & ur cute I think
>>18113576 #
Very cute
>>18118834 #
Best fit you’ve posted itt
>>18118714 #
Cute I think? Materials look iffy tho
(this is me)

the things I would do for either that dress OR that coat

bag's really cool too
Not gay, lame
Very nice
Very nice
Nice, lacks assessors

Shirt is vintage Italian silk pants are Zara linen shoes and belt are prada
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Lol ugly tranny's mad
hey ballbag wtf is wrong with your chest it looks like you have a tumor or something i mean it looks really really really fucked up
also that shirt is the most ratchet piece of shit i have ever seen
it's cringe AF to try and flex with some $100 piece of shit microbrand when you still look like a Walmart guy
Least fav fit of yours to be honest. The gradient shirt is bold but a big too wild in cut and style for my taste. I think you usually look cool rocking more down to earth sleazy jean w/ shirt/blouse type fits.
>literally can't tell if male or female
sorry bro that's a fail
>jeans and t-shirt
thought this was /fa/ not /retard/
throwing into a bonfire
are you kidding it's just a skinny dude with an atrocious haircut
he literally looks like the boomer film wayne's world and that film has not aged well believe me
Wayne didn't have semi-tits and a weird tranny body shape or painted nails
I think you mean shirt bro, he literally just wears shirts. Women wear blouses not dudes. Stop casting aspersions on that poor little old dude, I mean he's legit trying to up his fashion game and stuff.
After the feedback I've gotten, I think I've decided that anything w/ that top needs to go more avant-garde and julius-y to work well - hell, even my exploder jacket over the top would help. As is, it's bold in a different way than the techy bottom half is, and that creates a lot of tension in a bad way

this is the goal, to which all else is in service

someone get this man some conditioner holy shit

his loss

My wardrobe is a pretty even mix of men's and women's clothes, and a lot of the places I buy from don't really separate stuff by gender anyway. Plus like, any taboo on women wearing men's clothes was broken decades ago, and the reverse is currently in the process of happening, so I'm not sure it's a super valuable distinction. Wear what you like and what suits you, etc etc - I've got an androgynous body so I split the difference

"Blouse" is a super vague and kinda archaic category anyway; it really just means "women's shirt" and dates from a time when people were a lot more insistent on women not wearing men's clothes.
why are you still responding to trolls
>I've got an androgynous body
No you don't dude.
>a lot of the places I buy from don't really separate stuff by gender anyway
This explains why most of your clothes don't fit you properly and look bad.
>Plus like, any taboo on MEN wearing WOMEN'S clothes was broken decades ago.
No it wasn't dude and anyhow it isn't the taboo that is the problem it's the fit. Women's clothes are engineered for average female metrics and don't fit men and vice versa. Again that's why they look bad on you.
>"Blouse" is a super vague and kinda archaic category
No it isn't dude. Blouse literally means a women's shirt. Seriously go interact with some women IRL bro.
I stopped for a while, but there's been a LOT this thread, and I think it's a bit euphemistic to refer to this kind of focused and persistent attack as "trolling"

36/27/36 btw
just move on a find somewhere else to discuss fashion.
2024 /fa/ isnt it. you can check out the 2013 waywt in the archives to see what you missed out on.
>36/27/36 btw
Yeah, that's the measurements of a skinnyfat dude, what's your point bro? There is literally NOTHING androgynous about you. It's just bad fashion at the end of the day.
Sorry I forgot to post my fit of the day, I'd be a real asshole if I just bitched nonstop and didn't post fits of my own.
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Absolute lies to claim you have an hourglass body with your cardboard box torso
Look I'm not the insane Transvestigator, but you're absolutely angle frauding there trying to push your hips out and tilting the camera to give the illusion of a more pronounced waist.

I don't give a shit about who you are or what you wear, just be realistic about what you look like.

If I'm wrong, please feel free to correct me. Take a pic straight on, camera upright, feet shoulders width apart and standing straight on, then look at your waist.
You're exaggerating your mid section with your pose to lift your right hip and create and inwards tilt. I know the tricks. nice crack whore home, how long have you been using.
Seek help.

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i look like this

>>18116728 globves
>>18119483 so cool
Material's iffy uh
Cutting off my stiffy uh
Naaaah that pic really got you insecure LMAOOOOO
NTA btw
imagine even attempting to speak any sort of truth to a man trying to grow tits.
>Points out your fraud pose
>"No! Y.....you're insecure!"

And you people wonder why everyone gets tired of your bullshit.
again NTA, keep coping
There's no fucking way you aren't a tranny yourself. Just because you won't ACKnowledge reality doesn't mean the rest of us can't see it. When I go home I'm going to measure the width of shoulders versus hips in that photo just to prove a point.
>There's no fucking way you aren't a tranny yourself.
damn you're coping really hard, I'm not
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i sincerely wish you two thread derailing autistic fucking faggots would kill yourselves in a forest and have any trace of your ugly corpses mauled within a week

if you two homo's want to suck each others dicks so badly get each others trannycord and stop spazzing the fuck out in waywt threads, you dumb lowlife loser neet scum
you're right, have you posted your fit ITT? I will comment on it
What is this a Mia Wallace cosplay
yes, i have posted my fit itt

protip: its among the first 5
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Lmao bro. All this pic proves is that you had to literally cut the sleeves out of a tshirt to accomodate your 4 foot wide shoulders.
Also why would you cut off the hem of jeans when they are already too short for you? It looks really weird bro.
Lastly on a more postitive note your Cool Hair Helmet with Chinstrap could actually be quite fashion forward. I mean imagine pic rel with Ralph Polo or Forever 21 branding! Maybe you could get sponsored dude! Finally fulfill your dream of working in the fashion industry as The Guy with the Cool Hair Helmet with Chinstrap.
Trying way too hard you basically come off seething every time with zero useful advice
You have a very distinct (obnoxious) posting style. You’re easily identifiable itt and it comes across as obsessive that you’re replying to the same person repeatedly. I would prefer you fuck off because you ruin every waywt thread, but if you’re committed to chatting up trannies you should at least disguise your posts better. The way you’re currently operating is functionally a self own.
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So uhhh muhfuggin uhhh where would I buy decent sunglasses for up to 100 bucks let's say? I don't see a reason to spend more, but I also don't want some pieces of shit. You guys got any favorites you've been wearing you can shill? I just went outside and the sun destroyed my eyes. I almost walked into a pole because I had to squint.

Pic related. A drawing of a cool pair of shades for a cool dude such as myself.
god you’re perfect. i want to worship
your bussy with my face.
Only two of those replies are mine, there so many tranny haters in here, I'm not alone. It Fucking amuses me that accusing trannies is derailing but no one calls out the chasers wanting to suck their dick which is also off topic. You're also being off topic. Id rather get waywt banned then let trannies continually mock women and make a caricature of our fashion. Every groomer pedo tranny should be in psyche hold or shot outright
the chasers are you samefagging because you're a miserable fuck with nothing better to do
no ones believing this
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>what are you wearing today thread
>people posting outfits every day
>accessories like sunglasses are part of outfits
>which can be unique every day
>unique to different posters
>that also could have multiple pairs

Can we get a you to stop crying? Literally the best place to ask. I'm not gonna make a new thread just for sunglasses.
make a QTDDTOT faggot
I refuse.
>the chasers are you samefagging
the marriage proposal was not
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I've never had a question answered in those threads and I almost always get a question answered if I post it on this thread.
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Get yourself some radical vintage 80s sunglasses
So the guy on the left wearing the cut-off weird yellow boiler suit looks really bad. Is he your step brother or something? If I were you I would tell him to just wear some shorts and a t-shirt like you, sir.
>sees photo with woman in it
>implies woman is actually a man to indulge in sick tranny fetish

Seriously man, get offline. Lurking on here all day and projecting your dark desires is not healthy.
came here to post a few fits but decided not to. there's a few solid fits itt but waywt ain't what it used to be. at least it contains most of the trannies to a single thread.
Post your fit bro! We just wanna see it so we can talk about fashion. I bet you have a sweet mullet huh my dude?
>came here to post a few fits
no you didnt fag. no one believes you
are you that one rick owens slp anon that posts on here? you look different in HD
you fuckers doxed a good poster even after exif data stoped showing .
good erd on him. a lot of their shit is far too edgelord for me though.
curious who
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Hello I am very normal
>Clip on suspenders

Impressive. Very nice.
>spending the day on /fa/ zooming in on people’s cocks
Why not get into baseball or something
not bad. buy a bathrobe and stop eating food as well and you'll have aging bitches and swingers down at your local EDM club thinking you sell E in no time
or take in a performance of Cats
last temptation of christ ass hair
>t. seething dicklet

To be honest, I wasn't looking at your dick initially. I zoomed in to see what type of suspenders those were, had a laugh that they were clip on, looked down and saw the "bulge", then had another laugh.

I know the white stain by the fly is really just dirt on your filthy mirror but that just adds to it for me.
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Nice suit, is that a 4x2? I can't make out how many buttons it is.

Good points, I'll add another one: Once you develop a consistent personal style, there are other threads like generals and other forums entirely that are better to post to and receive feedback on said style than here. I dress pretty conservatively, the things I wear are different than what the average poster here wears. It doesn't make one style better or worse than the other, it just means that getting good feedback is more rare due to differences in taste.
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I'm a manlet but I try to hide it
Usually I hate Western style plaid shirts but that works bro. Everything is as you say normal but it fits well and the colors are harmonious. Top five in thread I would say and thank you for your contribution.
>only two of those are mine
no, they're all mine
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Is this working for me? Idk
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2/2 sry for the shit quality lol
another faggot fell for the dark academia meme
I'm a lawyer dawg it's context appopriate for my office
better than pretending you're a woman.
going full johnny rotten for a costume party
the theme was your costume had to start with the letter "P", so i went for "punk rocker" since it was the best i could throw together on the short notice i got
i think i pulled it off pretty well
no, tucking a sweater and folding your shirt cuffs over your sleeves is not 'context appropiate'.
burn those bonobos-tier low rise chinos
Johnny Rotten would be turning in his bed, I was gonna say grave but the fucker ain't dead
Johnny Rotten is a fat fuck
and who is doing that here
>the man who capitalized off his "punk image" for a butter commercial would be salty about some zoomer doing a low effort costume
nah johnny doesnt really give two shits these days and i dont blame him
That's Johnny Rotten circa PIL era. Unironically one of your best fits so far. Perhaps you should lean into it more.
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Bringing back rice hats whos with me

>what does this fit need
A pack of cigarettes
I fw it
picnic fit
pls be in london
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thats a dumb silly idea
what do you call those style of pants
"balloon shorts" is what I usually hear, though that can include a lot of fairly different styles
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Uhm based???
pretty good but I would like it much more if you replaced the black with something lighter, you could try a green or blue sweater for a tame color combo that still looks good.
>tumblr babble with no substance
lookin sharp big D
ID on the poncho?
nope I'm thinking milsurp chud should keep raidenmaxxing
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This nigga wearing Victorian laddy breeches
I like your color palette, you look like the average dudebro that has a good time on pool parties. 8/10 would change the jeans for a regular/slim fit
Kino shirt/10
Nice hair
hey dude i also have wicked broad shoulders and it makes finding shirts that actually fit well a literal bitch
but if you shop in the big & tall section you can find stuff that will fit you
seriously bro wearing wife beaters without a flannel over them isn't fashionable at all just take some time and go to kohls they have a great selection of big and tall clothes there
get some new material fag
>dark academia meme
I looked this up and it's just people dressing in nice clothes with dark colours?
What is the meme?
>Johnny Farah
just checked and damn if i'm too stingy for this life
thank you anyway
what's up with the belt?
Dilate. Oh wait..you can't afford the surgery.
this guy fucks pt. 2000505030405
second, but bc I want one

not cheap yeah, but imo it was well worth it - really nice leather and my favorite belt by far
yeah your belt is the worst thing about your stupid fashion choices bro it screams rodeo clown
also protip: a $60 belt isn't a fashion flex you idiot
seriously stop posting we've all seen what you have to offer and it stinks dude
it's either some lame joke with wacky shorts or a repeated ad nauseam all black npc thing
>It's another waywt personality disorder honeypot episode

Let's see if they have the the self control to not seethe at this post (they don't)
I'm cis, just not a low iq bigot like yourself
if you get pants that are actually meant for suspenders and non clip on suspenders this fit physique combo would go hard.
is this color/pattern for women?

would you wear?
post vocaroo
my nigga doug
drawstring with heat-shrink material, is that a thing?
sorry I'm ESL so I'm not sure how you would translate it
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Is this good for a date?
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oh that's neat, I legitimately might go to the hardware store later and give that a go

lmao you don't look that much like rick, it's a pretty basic normie fit but you look fine

if anything, change the shirt out for smth a little more distinct from the grey pants, but if a guy showed up to a date w/ me dressed like that, I wouldn't be critical

>that vocaroo
Please go out with me
Also which fragrances do you use? I think Ghost in the Shell by Eldo would fit your aesthetic
Alkemia Industrial Sabotage and Imaginary Authors A City On Fire

kinda want to get Etat Libre d'Orange Secretions Magnifiques too though
just realized, I actually have tried ghost in the shell, I liked it, but I tried A City On Fire the same day and liked it more + didn't want to spend like 300 bucks on perfume impulsively
>didn't want to spend like 300 bucks on perfume impulsively
yeah it gets expensive really fast, that's almost as much as a fragrance from Xerjoff!
Why does every single fucking tranny sounds exactly the fucking same, like a faggot
hey hermano you sound like that dylan mulvaney character my wife freaking loves his antics what a comedian
>Alkemia Industrial Sabotage
as for that so called "fragrance" i have two things to offer: one it just smells like a charcoal briquet and two: you need to pony up a minimum of $200 to smell fashionably acceptable
at your price point of $20 you may as well go grab a can of Axe Copper Santal lmao
Honestly I WISH it smelled more like charcoal; I really love a good smoky fragrance and so few of them that claim to have those notes actually do - it's all "tobacco" or w/e

Industrial Sabotage does a pretty good job of getting some oily/petroleum-adjacent notes in there, but the "burnt gunpowder" runs a little close to a regular powder type of scent. Of all the ones I've tried, only A City On Fire actually smells like smoke in at all the same way that being near a fire or riding a dirty old motorcycle would. I think my ideal scent would just be mixing the two, but my bottle of Industrial Sabotage has been lost to the clutches of a public transit system somewhere :(
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vibe check
come at me for real
You look like you listen to ska and have had intense arguments regarding the merit of putting chili on hotdogs.
Absolutely contrarian try hard shit. Why the fuck do you want to smell like burnt matches,BBQ, or cum?
Fucking hell why not at least try and smell pleasant?
You're whole aesthetic is "please give me the attention I was denied as a child"
>ID on the poncho
USGI Vietnam era poncho, from my vet uncle

I also use his old ALICE belt as a regular belt
Lmao the noselet got filtered
super simple today because it's too humid for nice clothes
I hate the fact you don't wear boots with this one
oh believe me I do too, but the only true hot weather boots I've got are desert tan and I always feel like they kinda look too present-day military

I'm probably gonna wear these pants with boots 90% of the time, but I just got em today, and it's the precise temperature and moisture level of satan's taint outside right now
>and it's the precise temperature and moisture level of satan's taint outside right now
I'm fearing for my life just by thinking about how hot July and August will be this year. TFD (total fashion death)
Serious question: why as a man are you wearing a padded bra? Seems like a joke or best case scenario a very misguided fashion attempt.
Should I get a suede trench coat? I like it but not sure the purpose, can you wear them in weather?
suede isn't great for water resistance; I guess it could be treated or smth but like, why? the twill of a traditional trench coat or the wool of a long overcoat would both be easier to live with, I think

that said, is there a specific piece you have in mind? not everything has to be practical, and if it's a cool garment that can be enough in its own right

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