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How fucked am I on a scale 1-10? And what can I do at this point ?
Yep you are definitely a mortal ageing human being, sorry bub you didn't manage to transcend entropy. Better luck next time.
that's a Norwood 3 which really isn't a bad hairline and won't necessarily continue to progress. don't worry about it.
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>micro needle
>pump test
>vegeta max
Your scalp looks irritated. Go to a dermatologist.
Fin should let you hit the pause button there and maybe even rewind a little. But you'd be taking a small gamble that your dick will stop working (perhaps irreversibly if you're very unlucky).
Many men get that hairline in their 30s and keep it for the rest of their lives, so it doesn't quite scream "haha, bald" just yet.
considering the length and shape of your hair, this hairline looks kinda cool on you
if you get on fin and min you could still pull this off, in the henry cavill sense, or you could get a hair transplant if you don’t like the 50s hollywood actor hairline
nw3 is well past the mature hairline meme. he's already balded through 2 norwoods there is no reason at all for it to stop
They’re just misinformed morons, i try to help people all the time on here and i just get told

>its just a mature hairline bro!!!

>my hairline was like this since i was 12!


Just let them go bald
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Thanks for the anons who told me it doesn’t look that bad, irl you can’t see it like in the first pic. But like the anon said, I don’t really like the 30s hollywood actor hairline kek. I also just turned 25, I’m not in my 30s yet. Generally speaking I’d rather get a hair transplantation than use fin if there’s a 1% chance that it could kill my dick haha. But I think it’s too early and that it will get worse so should I wait first or just do it as soon as I can?

I have Neurodermitis. You can see it in this picture too. But I put some creme on it last night and washed my hair this morning and it looks better now. But yeah it’s annoying
Depends on how old you are.
minoxidil 5%
$10,000 and you can have a NW1 again. What are you, poor?
If you get a hair transplant you need to take fin, most doctors wont do a transplant without you using fin because otherwise all the hair that isn't transplanted will keep falling out where you end up with some hair in the front but hair keeps thinning to the back. Sure, you might say, why not get a new transplant on those areas? Well the donor area where they take the plugs to insert in your head are limited. Eventually they run out without leaving big gaps on the back of your head. Personally i'm on fin for years, taking 0,5 mg daily and i haven't noticed anything about my sexual performance.
Never take fin, I quit 1 year ago and my dick still isn't back to normal
Have you talked to a doctor prior to taking fin?
here we go again….
here is your quarterly reminder that baldfags on 4chan dot org will consistently misinform you to make themselves feel better about their genetic predispositions

>you can't tell if someone is in the process of balding from a single picture. you need to see a dermatologist
>even if you have documented your hairline receding, there's no objective way to know that it is MPB without seeing a dermatologist
>even if you have documented your hairline receding, there's no objective way to know that it will continue ad infinitum
>you can't tell if someone is in the process of balding from a single picture. you need to see a dermatologist
>people, even women, are sometimes born with high hairlines and widow's peaks
>you can't tell if someone is in the process of balding from a single picture. you need to see a dermatologist
>you can't tell if someone is in the process of balding from a single picture. you need to see a dermatologist
>see a fucking dermatologist

i seriously wonder if people are shilling for rogaine or hims or keeps or hair transplant clinics or fucking whatever. do not begin taking female hormones because you were given a diagnosis on 4chan. what if you're malnourished? what if you're stressed? what if you have dermatitis and you can't stop scratching your greasy fucking scalp? what if you have ringworm? is it really worth it to give yourself ED without seeing a professional?
i don't understand your position.
why do you post in bald threads telling people they just have a "mature hairline" and don't have to worry about it?
you know i had a mature hairline once. i didn't think it would stop there because my dad is bald, his dad was bald, his dad's dad was bald.
and you know what? it didn't. i am mostly bald on top now.
these "mature hairline" guys with thick hair on top and only slight recession: they seem to me an even smaller minority than baldlets who are themselves a minority.
i'm not even shilling baldness retardants. i don't know if that shit does permanent damage or not. i tell people "do your own homework" because i don't want to recommend them nor discourage them.
but this mature hairline posting you guys do? i don't get it.
the only way it makes sense to me is you guys are crabs that want to trick other men into letting their baldness progress further than they needed to.
>why do you post in bald threads telling people they just have a "mature hairline" and don't have to worry about it?
i don't do that faggot
>you know i had a mature hairline once. i didn't think it would stop there because my dad is bald, his dad was bald, his dad's dad was bald.
and you know what? it didn't. i am mostly bald on top now.
no one asked faggot. baldfag cope
>but this mature hairline posting you guys do? i don't get it.
i don't do that faggot
>the only way it makes sense to me is you guys are crabs that want to trick other men into letting their baldness progress further than they needed to.
go to a fucking dermatologist

my "position" is that the only way to know whether or not you're genuinely balding due to MPB is by going to a dermatologist. it can be MPB, it can be a something else too. someone on 4chan will not be able to tell you. a dermatologist will.

kill yourself
yeah, you don’t know shit. it’s very easy to tell actually, simply from a picture you can tell
Holy shit you're retarded
Because male pattern baldness is super easy to recognize, I mean it even has pattern in its name, can you not notice patterns? The only ailment to cause hairloss at the temples or crown specifically is MPB, nothing else. You would be losing hair without following the specific pattern if it was something else, truly its not rocket science.
>he says ad infinitum instead of indefinitely
why are you such a gay retarded nerd faggot? is it because you're a gay retarded nerd faggot? don't tell me, let me guess.. you have NO social skills
cope, fags prefer to take HRT before going to a dermatologist
>Because male pattern baldness is super easy to recognize
over a period of time with differential diagnoses taken into account. no one ever posts the former and the latter is practically impossible to get
>the only ailment to cause hairloss at the temples or crown specifically is MPB, nothing else
then why is biopsy is needed to completely rule out differential diagnosis? see Mounsey AL, Reed SW (August 2009). "Diagnosing and treating hair loss", in American Family Physician. 80 (4): 356–362

even if that wasn't true, OP didn't even specifically state he observed hair loss. plus, he explicitly mentioned he has a medical condition that can very well cause hair loss on the temples. there's no way to know if he truly has MPB without going to a dermatologist. that should be his first step, not getting female hormones pumped into him
>gay retarded nerd faggot
this is /fa/, gay retarded nerd faggot with no social skills is a given.
Just get a decent haircut. The worst thing you can do if you have a high/receding hairline is let it grow naturally. Keep that shit trim.
Nice try Dermochud but I will NOT go to your clinic.
mature hairline. don't stress about it
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dont bother with any pills. the solution is a 250$ hair system

looks at this perfect fit. the guy looks 10 years younger > https://www.reddit.com/r/HairSystem/comments/1c4c0e7/first_system/
Doesn't look bad but you really should preserve what you have.

yeah, minoxidil is just like a growing hormone for hair folicules (one of my doctor's explanation on this). It became pretty popular for growing beards. I had some patches on mine and bought the first one years ago to fix them. I also used it on my eyebrows and it worked wonders (they are now full size, thick and long, have way better looks just because of that). Last year I was hospitallized and the medicine took the first milimeters of hairline along with some overall hair but I used it and it got regenerated in about 2 months of nightly appliance.
It is just like any other scriptionless product, if you have a regular skin just try it and will later get the results. Don't do it if you know you have baby skin. Don't overapply. If you get a rash or something then stop using for some days or go to your doctor. And please READ THE INSTRUCTIONS.

You wont die so chill tfo. You really need to have very delicate skin for it to be harmfull and this applies to any skin product. The best thing is to look for a youtube tutorial and try it for 3 months. You'll see a difference and if you don't then you might need to go to a doctor for a more suited product.

I agree every anon should see a dermatologist, not only for the baldness but it's pretty important to have good skincare. But if you are short on money/time or some other excuse just buy the minoxidil online and you might get you har back sooner than you thought.

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