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What does /fa/ think of this? Seems like the sort of androgyny akin to the 80s with guys like Prince and David Bowie is making a comeback (not accounting for all the trans/genderqueer/whatever nonsense)
idk how this dude reminds you of prince or bowie apart from the fact that he's feminine. the dude just sells makeup and talks shit on the internet
also, a comeback? i don't think androgyny was ever popular outside of artists and musicians. the "trans genderqueer whatever nonsense" is just mostly mentally ill fags with way to much time on their hands, residing mostly in north america. it doesn't seem to have much to do with androgyny and carrying both male and female physical qualities and more about gender identity and wtf people call you.
so that dude in OP's pic doesn't look feminine at all he's got a huge brick chin and great big flapping man hands, makeup alone cannot make you look feminine
it's a clownish look and the "fashion" equivalent would be pic rel
>making a comeback
jeffree star was internet famous before you were even born zoomie
If you want to be like David Bowie you better start by being a lot less gay.
How do you guys find makeup inspo. Not makeup like op but more sublte less trans.
male eyeliner is 100% making a comeback. zoomies call it "guyliner"
>male eyeliner is 100% making a comeback. zoomies call it "guyliner"
2020 called
why do zoomies have no culture of their own?
and a lot more bisexual
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>/fa/ggots miss the entire point of the thread yet again
Many such cases.

Anyway OP, yeah it seems like it's coming back to an extent, but you hardly see men in makeup outside fashion contexts. I think the LGBT crowd has definitely had a strong influence on it, and Jeffree Star is one of them.
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Jeffree Star was cooler when he was goth
I'm sorry but if you wear makeup as a man you are gay, or hanging around fags who normalise it too you. I don't mean this as an insult but more of a wake up call for you.
What about the medieval kings and noblemen who wore it and went on to have multiple wives?
they’re gay
why do you even think that’s an argument lol
>have sex with women
Typical /fa/ggot
it'll never be popular as it never was except with your usual rockstars. there will be dudes wearing coverup and maybe even foundation but male makeup is usually just to hide blemishes
Little China girls are built like boys I guess
But you do see a lot of it on runways lately
>defends degenerate historical makeup-wearing fags
>calls other anons gay
"Regular" makeup looks like shit on both women and men.
Makeup as in eyeliner or something looks hot as fuck on boys.
It’s gay. Unless you are (we’re at this point) rockstar, it’s just something you see on the internet. You don’t even see this in public unless the person is a faggot letting the world know he’s a faggot, or it’s Halloween. It wasn’t even normal during the MySpace days and was just for the internet. The only places in public that normalize it are Korea and Japan, and that’s limited to BB cream.
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What about this guy?

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