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Old thread: >>7856969

Fap Hero is hentai and rhythm based masturbation game that can be played for fun and challenge.

[How to play]
1: Watch a fap hero video
2: Stroke your dick one time each time a beat passes by on the beat bar
3: Do no pause the video, look away from the screen, or skip any beats
4: If you cum before the video says you can, you lose

Fap Hero videos can be found on most big porn sites, or downloaded from online communities (like this thread)
Fap Hero Torrent Collection Torrent 1.7

2019 Archive:

2020 Archive:

2021 Archive:

2022 Archive

2023 Archive:
Funscripts collection torrent: https://sukebei.nyaa.net/view/2559438
Funscripts collection torrent update 1: https://sukebei.nyaa.net/view/2572014
Funscripts collection mega:
Funscripts collection mega (VR):
FredTungsten's funscripts: https://github.com/FredTungsten/Scripts
rawr32's funscripts: http://www.mediafire.com/?a4y3bg336v9wv http://www.mediafire.com/?h3ba117m51swj
kaka's HMV+funscripts: http://www.mediafire.com/folder/wcrjj9fmdyk8y/HMVs
Modded ScriptPlayer: https://mega.nz/#F!s18VWCBB!WqTtHfwrkxMR3ABubT_YPQ
Fap Land: A fap hero game within a game made up of rounds from all other FHs.

Main Game

Side Quests

Also available on google drive
Fap Land accessories and extensions

automation scripts

randomizer script

RPG Mode

Faplando: An updated version of the RPG mode

Fapland Remastered
Part 1: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ff7Qhi4UWLVla5XFiw-gTgjAyRrdc9IB/view
Part 2: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CECGmg8cVzXQeah5vAoiPzJY0-sveMhx/view?usp=sharing
Changelog and install instructions here: https://pastebin.com/Hk7J5Ptf

Alternate round packs:
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active link(s) for Sadies "Quality Time & Endurance" or Meliodas Paizuri Bliss 4?
what ever happedn to the maker of that maria hentai?
Hmm, aside from T-Rexxx Cumback, are there any planned FHs that are still in the works?
It was produced by Comic Toranoana, a doujin manga publisher, which is probably why its quality is a lot higher than the vast majority of low budget hentais out there.

I know of some, first there is Bastati making a new one. Then, King's Row is getting a sequel from FreddieDell but he seems to have struggles finishing it. Then, there is Ivory getting closer to the finish line. RonDouDou is apparently also working on a FH. Pixel is also working on rounds/FH, has finished 3 rounds afaik. Kingdom Cum is most likely also getting a sequel, the end hinted at it. So that makes 7 FHs in the work (incl. T-Rexx) that I know of.
Can somebody share again the Stash of Meliodas? im looking for all of his Bliss Series Videos in Particular. Thanks!
Check the hmv thread
Dont know wich one is the HMV tread xD
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It is a mystery.
>King's Row is getting a sequel from FreddieDell but he seems to have struggles finishing it

Maybe now he decided to make it the whole day long?
King's lineage.
Does anyone know what faphero this is from?
I've been tearing my dick off to beat banger for the past week so that's been a lot of fun.
I think it really helps that all the songs have to be fun to play which makes them more interesting to jack off to, although sometimes the patterns can be a bit repetative. Maybe that's just because I'm too shit to unlock "hands free" mode on some of the harder songs though
The uploads from the hmv thread have everything except for Paizuri Bliss 4. https://pixeldrain com/l/Bok9DgSV

Hopefully someone has it and posts it soon.
It's called Relentless Loops. It's in the 1.7 torrent at the top.

https://pixeldrain com/u/B3x7PYWu
Paizuri Bliss 4... Meh. There were some weird choices in my opinion. Foreshadowing the secretary being there as your finale only to be someone else, some really low quality loops (as in you could see the compression), Some fairly nice paizuri gifs being replaced by some less ideal ones (looking at the first two of the intense cabinet, has nothing to do with it suddenly being a furry, just the theme change) and finally the lack of dialogue. Out of ~30 minutes of the actual FH, subtracting the inter-cabinet exposition dump, there's like 4-6 minutes of dialogue, of which I think 2 are generic (Calli and that touhou character at the end), with the other two being tied to the 'lore' ("Your dick suddenly expanded, wowza" and "my tits grow to my aurousal, I'm drugged just like you"). Maybe I'm biased against this, since I am more of an ass person, since I found the literal end scene of you fucking the secretary hotter than the rest, but Paizuri Heaven was able to keep me hard enough to coom at the end. Here I just went all the way though never feeling close (albeit maybe it's because it's the middle of the day with me being sick in stuffy clothing.)
Maybe I didn't see it how others did... but this is a flop again. At least it reminded me to take in my vitamin supplements due to its theming. So thank you for that at the very least, Meliodas.
getting my first ona this week, any faphero recommendations?
Marcurial 2
Marcurial Reboot
Ainz Remake
Kingdom Come
Five or Henrietta
Yes i strongly suggest those those i have in some way a similay one like yours and was the only two FH's who made me cum. Sometimes its really hard to cum with some onas at least for me my dick is longer than the ona so when im doing something its like i will pierce the ona than enjoying playing with it Q_Q.
Paizuri Heaven 4 was better than Bliss 4. It's funny how Meliodas created the Bliss format and he's not even the person that has made the best videos using it.
...why are you even getting onas that are the wrong size, that's like Onahole 101
it's not a problem because I have a small penis
I had one of this once
it was just aright
I mean being tight doesn't necessary mean its good
personally I think one of the newer Tenga's vacuum cup is probably the best hole I used
specifically the soft gentle airflow or something, the white one
because with the silicon being soft and more flexible it will actually have some real sucking power compare to harder rigid one
it being cheaper is also nice
i remember there was a guy who wanted to create a DJ set for an fh. are you still here?
Update: I know I've slowed down a lot, but can't really help it. Story bit for round 8 is done. I also want to add BGM to these bits, but it shouldn't take a lot of time.
Well, we're nearing the climax. Finding fitting BGM, even if it slows down the progress is better than a rushed host. A tip I want to give, you could slow down a previous song to have a spooky lustful feeling, although I am unsure what kind of vibe you're going for with the later rounds. Good luck and godspeed to you, anon!

Heyo guys, i've some genuine curiosities that i'd like everyone's opinions on regarding FH content. Good bit of writing incoming.

I was intrigued by the concept of "improving" at FH videos so about 1.5 years ago I started going through the Fapland Videos on google drive, I made atleast 18 attempts to beat it. First few attempts, I lasted 6, then 10, then 11, then 14 rounds. Closest I got was Video 93, which took 28 rolls of a die. When I failed i'd wait either 24 or 48 hours before returning to try again.

This leads me to my main question, do you all feel like you've gotten "better" at surviving through FH videos to the end? If so tell me in what ways?

No doubt going from 6 rounds to 28 rounds survived is an improvement, but is that an improvement that I can actually take into the bedroom with a partner?

Personally I feel like there's a handful of factors that determine how long ill last through a FH video, some of them could be considered skill improvements, but some might not.

No doubt that controlling breath, heartrate, and maintaining a dropped pelvic floor position all play a factor in lasting longer.

Staying in sync with the rhythm, not over-stroking, or rushing complex rhythms. Also all play a factor.

However at the end of the day, I feel like i've maxed out these skills. Leaving just one determining factor on lasting longer.
Strength of Libido. If I went into a FH session with extreme porn burnout and zero libido, thats when i'd last the longest of course. Which got me thinking, am I actually getting better by lasting longer, or did I plateu a long time ago, and now i'm simply taking advantage of low libido.

I lost interest in porn a while back, and FH content is the only exception, as the gamification of sexual stamina intrigued me. But now I feel like im wasting my time. FH isn't something you keep leveling up and getting better at. You just eventually start slamming your libido into the ground to last longer.

But hey, if you have a different take i'd love to hear it.
yeah if i get sleep deprived i can enter a trance that makes the hero better to experience and almost impossible to cum. I've also desensitized myself to overt stimulus so it cant make me bust like years ago. for example jackhammer segments are supposed to be really intense but I've gotten used to them and they're so quick that there is no nuance so you can tune it out easier compared to like a really slow long deliberate edge. its actually pretty boring to just be able to beat them all because they don't use enough stimulus so I relent and edge instead for a lot. recently I've come to a realization that entering a trance with strobe like visuals and doing really rhymic motions tied to the action on screen is just the best way to go. if you go too hard on trying to edge 100% of a hero its easy to lose or get soft later but the trance stops your mind from wandering. i usually do it by staring dead center and think about how it feels to enter her or her lips etc. as far as making them harder stuff like imagining cumming in her, injecting your fetishes to the scene, tensing muscles, breathplay, stimulating different areas on the dick, nippleplay, headphones with maxed volume, other monitors up with peak gooning content etc, kegels, I use a fleshlight to play and slowing the pace down to go balls deep and close to popping out has a huge effect.
I tend to usually play through an FH, going from hard to half-hard, depending on the type of hentai used, occasionally having my attention grabbed by some good shot of an ass or some curvy woman or whatnot. I haven't played too many different FHs to say I've been getting better, I've just been replaying some that I personally like when I got the time, although currently haven't really gotten the time. So it's less general mastery, it's just playing along and actually focusing when something activates the neurons inside of my brain. I do also think my enjoyment of FHs depend on if the girls in there are curvaceous or not. Otherwise I find not as stimulating.
For this i can say yeah when i found the FH category i started to last longer when im with a real woman (most sluts) they always said its incredible how much time i last (in one ocassion i last 2 hours banging her and i still didn't cum) but sometimes with my real girlfriend i last like 10 minutes or 20 maybe because im much more arouse with her than a slut because the slut fake all the things and never her feel the same as you so yeah i think since i started playing FH's my cum stamina improve (not my real stamina because i dont work out and always got tired while i have sex and then i lost my erection).
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can i talk about sex toys here? i can find one that works. i bought an extra suction us size tenga. youre supposed to be able to put your finger on the hole at the top of it and it creates an airtight suction. well, when i did that, it popped and starting blowing air out of the side of it where im supposed to insert myself into it. no matter what, it wouldnt suck. i cant find a single sex toy that is right for my girth, everything either rips or is too tight. i even tried a regular fleshlight and couldnt get into it because it was too tight.

why are sex toys for men so bad? is no one trying to create good ones?
>can i talk about sex toys here?
there is an onahole general on /jp/ dedicated for this exact topic
>youre supposed to be able to put your finger on the hole at the top of it and it creates an airtight suction
fully insert, and then cover the hole while trying to pull out
>why are sex toys for men so bad? is no one trying to create good ones?
because you've only bought from the two brands who've spent the most on marketing to the west. There's an entire industry in Japan were they don't care about making things "discreet" or normie friendly and instead optimize for how good it feels on your dick
Why are there so little mmd fhs? In my unbiased opinion they are much better than the usual hentai slop. The video syncs well most of the time, due to it syncing with the dance, and the music isn't cancer-inducing either. Or am i mising something?
Older videos used 2D animations, which drew in people who prefer 2D animation who made more videos featuring 2D, and so on and so forth. There are some 3D releases but they seem less popular, or are at least followed by "Aw man, 3D?" comments. If you're so inclined, you could compile some quality MMDs and slap some beatbars onto them to make your own Fap Hero with a fairly low effort requirement since the video editing is done for you.
>If you're so inclined, you could compile some quality MMDs and slap some beatbars onto them to make your own Fap Hero with a fairly low effort requirement
Already tried that, and got myself a neat homecrafted collection. But the problem is, it requires way more effort than i'm willing to put up, for ex the beatbar needs to properly sync with the "current level of action". Plus i'm not a fan of overly repeated beat patterns (and the typical songs used in mmds make it even worse, due to their contant intensification and deintensification). Too bad the dreams of an ai doing all of the work are not yet real.
Yeah, all the video editor bullshit just to make a simple beatbar is annoying.

For personal stuff, I've been pretty satisfied with using the Beat Banger charter. Works pretty well if you're willing to cut videos into looped frames
Mind sharing your collection? I've been starving for MMD FHs too. Also there's FHID00's videos, which I haven't seen talked much around here even though they're quite old: https://www.iwara.tv/profile/fhid00/videos
I'm gonna make another sex with mares fap hero, fellow anons please recommend me some good beat music
Winter wrap up remix would be really good.
Where can i find your previous fap hero?
if you could share your collection or at least provide the names of the mmd creators you would use for an fh, someone here could help creating such an fh
if you're being "honest" with the games then the control you practice transfers over. over the years i've found it more important to be able to make myself cum than to hold off. i used to have women complain of being sore and wanting to stop because it took me so long and after two hours of fucking already id want to start jackhammering to finish. I was even faking orgasms and quickly pulling the condom off so she couldn't see it was empty, so she wouldn't feel bad. I've found that eventually there is sort of a "transcendant" state where once you hold off on the first urge to cum, then it's almost impossible to cum afterward unless you intend to, or it's just been a long time without ejaculating. Don't push it too far into the direction of NEEDING to edge for an hour long. Maintain control both ways
elp cant find it and i want to upscale it
>Or am i mising something?
Yeah, taste.
>Too bad the dreams of an ai doing all of the work are not yet real.
Oof. I'm afraid you aren't simply lacking taste, you're suffering from complete terminal taste deficiency syndrome.
Are we watching the same mmds? Have you seen how jank most mmd sex motions are?
there are enough good ones to make an fh out of
Damn, I didn't know the audition for most obnoxious faggot are happening already.
my dick isn't an animation major and doesn't care

honestly I find those works approaching technical perfection to be far less usable, sure it looks impressive at first glance but doesn't make it more fappable really
Update: story bit for round 9 is done. Also I've found some usable bgm. I see the light at the end of the tunnel!
Keep it up! Looking forward to your release.
Got that same ona. One of the better ones I've tried
After these final story bits, it would be just moans before it gets released, right? Can't wait anon!
Just make sure the final round really feels rewarding. There is something peculiar about cum rounds that wants me to go back for whole routine.
You do know he's just adding cutscenes in-between the rounds of an existing fap hero right?
Because it really seems like half the people ITT somehow don't know about the original t-rexxx, and think this guy is making a brand new FH from scratch.
Is there a Fantasy Play fun script? Or an I going about this wrong?
new to this
is this point to try to win or just have a fun fap
or both
Legend has it that one day the hardest FH known to man will be made by god and if you beat it your waifu becomes real.
more recent prophecies imply that this will only work if you beat it on first try
Trying to add some spice to Fap Land using the Python script to give it more features. Currently, I've taken the Invasion rounds from Fap Hero Beats 3 and made it so that they can interrupt you at any random point during a Fap Land round.

Any other suggestions?
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I was really sleeping on the mod tools for this. Starting out using the program is a chore because the animation loops have to be converted into sprite sheets, but after that it was so intuitive to chart the beats.

It's great because you can take your sprite sheets and use them with any already charted song.
Where can I find this one for download? Looking for Love Rivals Beatbar...
literally just click the links? wtf
It's not there retard.
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>It's great because you can take your sprite sheets and use them with any already charted song.
It also explains why recharts of certain sprite sheets are so popular
Quick question. I want to enjoy a "modern" FH (Opium, Kingdome Come, etc.) but I am a little uncertain which one to pick for the night. Any suggestions? In case you want to know my interest, the more curvaceous and meaty girls the better.
You can just go down the list and pick whatever. Can't really go wrong with Marcurial 2, Marcurial Reboot, Ainz, Pendulum, or Bastevil though.
Fair enough. I was just thinking about something from 2022-2024... which I can also just pick from. I am usually rather cautious of playing a FH, cause if it has a flop of an ending, then I think I would be wasting my time. Hence the question. Have played the Marcurial's and Pendulum. Haven't checked Ainz or Bastevil though, so maybe those are in my alley.
Kingdom Cum then if you want that kind of girl because the guy use all the works from the same brand (i dont remember wich one it is but im not so used to that one in particular...)
Any link for paizuri heaven 4?
This please. Missed the train when it got released. Sadie's stuff always seems quality.


Wich artist is the one of the pic? Do you have the link of his X(Twitter)?
it's derauea and it's actually a woman
can anyone give a link for the kingdom cum that's not a mediafire. can't open it
what are those breathing techniques everyone is mentioning?
just breathe manually, carefully and slowly, avoid holding your breath for challenging sections like the natural instinct might be, and instead relax as much as you can
Maintaining a calm, consistent breathing rhythm helps you suppress the urge to cum.
Update: story bits are done (except for the ending), including bgm. Now working on adding moans!
Godspeed anon! Can't wait for it to be done
Others already mentioned it, so my personal tip is to pinch the tip of your dick if you're feeling too far along. It should hurt a little, but you're not trying to cause damage.

It doesn't work at all for me if I'm in the act of stroking it, so you may have to save it for in-between rounds.
Why does it have to be so ridiculously complex and time consuming to make beat bars.
it kind of isn't when you understand how it all works
Can you give a rough release date? Or maybe how far along you are? Not trying to rush you obviously, I'm just really excited to play this and know if I should start saving up ;)
I've already estimated, and my estimates turned out to be not correct at all. But it'll probably be in the latter half of May
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Is it possible you could release a moans-less version early? I don't care about moans.
Just got a PC ready for making HMVs or Fap Hero vids, trying to think of any good songs to try
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Respectable. Still looking forward to it.
This is why the videos that make you hold your breath are so good.
here you go
Arigatou gozaimasu, anon-san. Couldn't open it in the browser, but a python script works. hmm, why.. doesn't seem that isp blocked this
Has anyone upscaled Marcurial 2?
I found upscaled Marcurial Reboot in a previous thread and it was nice.
Take all the time you need, my guy
hardest comeback of 2k24
Follow Bastati or pixelFH’s tutorials, bro
Anyone have a link to Paizuri Heaven 4? Or is it not out yet?
Am I not the only one who loses at the music and beat sequence that they really like? Is it not kinda amazing to get really hard JUST from listening to music? Never thought that I'd say something like this
+1 the no moans, i don't need it early but if you are not there yet its always a big delineation for me whether i can play this on speakers or not. moans being the decider. its also a big thing for whether i blast tmy own music or the heros
Are there more FH that uses plapping sound as beat indicator like Paizuri Bliss? Personally to me that makes it much easier to go along with the visual and music.
I know something like that but it's not a fap hero, it's a joi. just sfx, no music. but the plap sfx is sooo juicy that i'm not sure if music would complement it well, so to me it's perfect. here's the first one and the other two parts you'll see in recommendations, from here i'm sure there's more: aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cudGhlLWpvaS1kYXRhYmFzZS5jb20vd2F0Y2gvZTUzZjZhMzFkODcxZmVhYjg3MDI3NjYx
>powerpoint slides
wtf bro...
it's aight bro, not 10/10 of course
Sup Fuckers, i'll make a 2nd run of a new 1.8 archive which will be half the size and twice the resolution and quality, encoded in av1 and opus

Expect new releases in the next weeks, also, is there a site where i can upload like 100gb, so that i don't have to torrent this shit?

PD: i have archived until 2022, with some shit form 2023, i would appreciate a community effort too to just name the fap hero's creators, and else, like a wiki but in a google doc.
I believe a moan and moanless version will be released when it all is done. We are just not gonna get one version earlier than the other.
>a community effort too to just name the fap hero's creators, and else, like a wiki but in a google doc.
I understand. But I think, first you should post a list.
Columns could be following:
- author
- year of creation
- does it have original and (if exists) upscaled version
- current encoding on each one

I assume anons would ramp up (along with bitching and moaning) and start uploading to mega any missing one and its upscales. The latter were frequently in those threads that I did not kept track at all.
Is there any games that uses the concepts of the fap hero beatbar?

been craving a new fap hero like game for a while, I like fap land but it really needs a revamp
Only one I can think of is Beat Banger.
iirc, RJ01091749 has a beatbar mechanic, check the /hgg/ bin.
why do I feel like the only one who doesn't actually like paizuri stuff
Ignore the patreon shills.
for real
based audiophile, same for me.
Can a hero please upload the paizuri bliss 4 here???
Ignore it...
Yes. Music an important part with the visuals to the cooming in FH. Personally, Elf round 5 of T-rexxx, i could coom just to the beats and music. with the visuals combined, I wil EXPLODE fast. Into my face or my mouth.
Is there a new Fap Hero in the coming days? I'm starting to get bored of the old stuff..
I need a new challenge
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see >>7937505
Ivory is on the cusp of releasing a new FH, he's been posting previews on his twitter
Additionally, PixelFH is almost halfway done with a new FH, he's been uploading the full rounds to his patreon (but nobody here posted them yet). He just finished round 5.

I guess other things coming are Meliodas is apparently releasing Oral Bliss 2 "soon". And then Sadie's next big project is going to be Paizuri Party, probably another form of their usual Paizuri Heaven videos. Also they have a Houshou Marine endurance video in the works.
Hope Sadie makes an Ass Bliss-like video. Need some ass to counteract the tits. Unless I forgot if Sadie made an Ass Bliss-like video.
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They made one, it was called Booty Bliss. It was really good actually.
Ah shit, right. Thanks for reminding me. Might still have it somewhere on my PC. Might play it when I feel like it.
Update: moans for the warmup + first round are done. While I couldn't work on the moans, I worked on the ending and added a countdown to the final round.
does anyone know who created "prototype" (in the mega link 2023 part 1)
Right on! Really looking forward to seeing the full release, sounds like it's shaping up nicely.
>I finished round 1!
>Nice, looking forward to it!
>I finished round 2!
>Nice, looking forward to it!
>I finished round 3!
>Nice, looking forward to it!

Is this really necessary for literally every step of the process?
We do usually complain about the lack of news for other FH creators, so I would say I'd rather hear more of it rather than less. Besides, we don't have a lot to discuss here anyways other than the new releases.
do NOT stop the process
Encourages semen retention
no. and?

Exactly, especially when it isn't even an original work lmao.
is there a download somewhere?
there's a 2hu one being made but nothing recent from it https://twitter.com/mk__bin/status/1773550861861421485
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Got around to adding some simple rng for the invasion rounds to randomly interrupt videos. The higher you get, the higher the chance that multiple invasions might occur per video.

Also added RNG for random modifiers to be placed randomly on videos based on a small chance. It plays a quick warning vid. Right now I've only made a speed-up modifier that speeds up the next video by 1.2 times, but I'm trying to think of two more.

Might use pygame to add some UI.
That actually sounds cool
While unexperienced with Fap land, wouldn't this run into the issue that Beats 3 ran into (if I got the correct FH)? With invasions all of a sudden ruining the momentum of a round?
Yeah, the invasion rounds are from Beats 3, but they can be replaced with anything. I never really found that to be a problem. That was sort of the appeal. At any moment you could be interrupted by a faster round and still have to finish the one you were doing.

In any case, I made a settings file, so you can choose if the interruption happens before/after videos, during videos, during your waiting period between videos, or all 3.
Ah, that is rather nice. Good thinking.
When we can experience during that? Can you do like a script to the guy goes like in a route pattern style and you like have some time between the rounds and you have like quests or something like that? Because one of the things i hate when i played Fap Land was to be like running from place to place (in doing that i constantly go limp) so i want to know if you can handle this issue because what you mentions about the playstyle of the invasions you could do something like that like Route play and Normal play
Most fun i had with fap hero was Saxtrad's stuff. Afterwards i fell off the fap hero bandwagon because it got boring and repetitive for me.

But having a host definitely i feel is crucial.
Yeah, that why I don't like RPG Mode that much, so I'm just adding those features to the python script. All it does is play the videos like spaces on a board game. I prefer that structure instead of a rpg game where you have to move around.

I suppose, that being said, I suppose I could add some things for you to do in between rounds. Like shop with items like different dice, video skips, etc.

By route play, do you mean a specific sequence of videos?
anyone know a fap hero with resort boin? I’m looking for a specific one I saw in the past but couldn’t remember which one it was.
Yes it is, Like have a "Normal route" with i dont know 20 videos, "Challenge route" with 50 but on a sucession, "Hard route" 30 videos but all are "reward / final" rounds or "Beat up route" with like custom rules like "Head play only" style of fap in the round or something like that..

I like the style of Fap Land like a "game" where you can interact and not only fixed videos without a GUI to play at but i dont want the "go to whatever place you like" because i end up don't know wich place its cool or not at least i like to build up the difficulty or my arousal whenever i play something like that...

P.D: Sorry for my english not native here.
This is great anon. Would you mind sharing it when you're done? Sounds like a nice way to spice things up.
is there a MU or something for Sadie's Booty Bliss?
Anyone got the download link for FH - Beats 3 50FPS Upscale?
The original.
I played SpunkStoxk Music Festival when it was free. Art is good and game is fun. Has power up modifiers that make the game very replayable. If I paid for porn games I would seriously think about dropping the $15 on it.
SpunkStock Music Festival*
Next time google it if you can downloaded for free so for the other ones interested in it here it is...

I really enjoyed DEFIANCE FH from NeoTheorism, and his other works, is there more stuff like this?

I particularly enjoyed more hardcore visuals and hight tempo music and bits.

Would really appreciate if some one can drop couple recommendations
Any recent paizuri FH?
I am pretty sure f95 has it, unless there is some stigma on that site.
Yes it has, i take the link from that site but i don't want to say it hahahaha
Does anyone have the gofile link for opium? The old one doesn't work anymore, and MEGA isn't an option due to the transfer limits.
You can still use mega to download stuff over 5 GB, you just have to leave the download running. Personally I just use the Mega app on my tablet to download things over 5 GB since it doesn’t get interrupted no matter what and you can easily transfer it to a computer afterwards. You could try the Mega app on PC too.
I've tried in the past, every time I waited for the transfer limit on the app the download got fucked up somehow.
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Okay, so I got a bit carried away, but I'm satisfied with the result.

Now, there are 12 invasions rounds (from Beats 3) that can show up when if you run out of time to roll during your break or during a normal round.

3 random modifiers: Speed Up, Squeeze Shaft and Hold Breath. I figured out how to give Paizuri Bliss style instructions through subtitle files. So some instructions can last the whole video or being given intermittently, like the Hold Breath instruction which will only make you hold your breath for a few second at a time.

There are options for all the new stuff in a settings file that gets generated when you run the game. I added an option that saves your progress if you hit a checkpoint, so you can come back and finish where it left off from if you want an easier experience.

And super simple UI that does its job. Just gonna iron out a few bugs, pack it up and upload it to GoFile. The file to run it is now an exe, so no need to download Python. Should work right out of the box.
mind sharing the code/repo as well? happy to contribute

have my own personal version that hooked into whirligig to do everything in VR -- could add this to yours
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We need a hero
Trust me, this guy's works aren't really that good. The one that got my attention was RJ425840 but it's really nothing special, it just played the same gif the entire time. I think the main appeal is the ASMR, but given that nobody here probably knows Japanese, there's no appeal for us.
It's pretty good with a Tenga or as a funscript. Other than that, they're boring.
Wait, oh shit, is this one actually a little bit of a game this time and not a glorified set of videos? The random element is appealing. Say less

Thank you hero.
But what about the phone version (.APK)? Is that version trial exclusive?
When will she be able to afford a better mic. You'd think after making a couple of these she could upgrade but no, the audio is soft and has background noise.
All the things that involves lolicon i pass i really hate all the videos of nanaya where are all little girls without chest really turns me down a lot... so ill pass even if there are a good interaction in the game...
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Amazingly good, I came buckets to it. It's not so much a Fap Hero as it is onasapo, so being able to understand Japanese is pretty much a prerequisite for enjoying it.

Basically you pick a mode (I played it on easy with an onahole), and the roulette determines how fast you fap while the reverse bunny mesugaki talks down to you. I enjoyed the lines, I feel like they fall squarely under "soft M" which is just right for me.

You are only allowed to cum when you roll "cum chance" followed by "cum permission granted", and I found myself constantly riding the edge as the roulette teased me by giving me the former but not the latter. Once you are granted permission, you get to cum to a countdown, and everyone loves countdowns.

tl;dr would buy. thank you for sharing, hero
why this

> chinese characters

they outright told you to begin with what it would be.
link already dead and I was at 99% too
sorry here
It was also modded to work with funscripts on eroscript forum, so theres that too.
is there an alive archive of all of martoise' work in highest quality? the best i get is a dead pixeldrain link
Thanks anon, appreciate it!
holy shit dude this is a banger
thanks anon
What are the first two choice options before difficulty select?
Left is tutorial, right is no tutorial
what do you think are the chances of RJ374870 faphero ever getting translated?
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>play normal mode
>endless amounts of teasing, literally 7+ cumshot round fails and 5+ escape fails
>somehow made it to the end
That was very good. But I'm tired now.
In the future I'll probably put this on in the background while reading some doujins or something, it'll be nice to use as a fap metronome.
daily begpost for the full version of Booty Bliss
>have my own personal version that hooked into whirligig to do everything in VR -- could add this to yours
i would love to try this out
a quick google search showed a "game mod" for RJ01113293 on Pixeldrain


does anyone know what this is?
>It was also modded to work with funscripts on eroscript forum, so theres that too.
That's the Eroscript mod for the game. It's for the Handy
Here's everything I have from Sadie, Booty Bliss and Paizuri Bliss 1-4 with dialogue only.
holy shit, anon, I kneel.
thank you
yo mama
is there video version of it?
shits too long for something I cant undertand
Any great Fap hero vids that heavily feature the saimin seishidou series? I saw that simple beat training #1 had some but not a lot
I found this artist in PH the other day... and i found he uploaded 2 videos containing the "Episode 1" label i don't know if he has other Episodes or it is an scam... I tried to find his Patreon and i think he has only an X account... Someone know about him or something???


Aside of that... Bastasti is doing another FH but i dont really like his previous works i mean he's doing all 3D CGI works and always patronizing some artits in those... i really miss him when he do with HVideos but well i will play it when it will be available...
a lot
there is that one by DJ on iwara where its just that one girl
This guy is dead bro. His last tweet was in January 2023. He even still has a koji page linked in his bio, but koji has been dead for a while now.
I doubt he even uploaded anything other than that one video. His spankbang is also listed in one of his tweets, and it only has that one video uploaded twice too.
Do you mean vanillaDJ? or a different one?
Any update of finishing this or posting this?
Yeah, it's done. Rewrote it properly and had to change a few things. Just making instructions. Would hate to put it out with any glaring issues, despite how simple it is.

Added support for GIFs, so if you put a 1 or fewer seconds GIF in the intervals' folder for the breaks between rounds, you can. You also can add your own invasion videos to the invasions folder now, and they can be named whatever you want.

I had to get rid of the countdown consequence for now. It doesn't play nice when you go into the video player. This just means after your break ends, you have to press the roll button and there is no consequence for not pressing the button immediately.

Other than that, I tested it and thought it was fun. The constant threat of bad rolls and invasions keeps it interesting.

I have some other ideas, like boss rounds at the checkpoints, a completely random mode, a point system and shop with items, but I'll put those in later with an update on GitHub or something.
I think I cleaned it up well enough to not set off every antivirus on your computer. I packed it with the modifier stuff and the invasion videos, but you need to get the 100 original Fapland videos yourself to put in the "Fapland Videos" folder from the two mega links. Most people here should already have it.

And put your own images in the intervals' folder. The app needs to be launched once to make a game_setting .txt file. I put all the instructions in the Read Me.

I know there's probably at least one thing I forgot to do, but fuck it, I'll fix it later:

Found it. Fap Hero Mix by Anon 1, around the hour. Only problem is that is just the video without the beat map.
Gofile was offline for like 20 minutes, so I uploaded to mega too.

Thank you for your hardwork sir.
Anyone know of any FH videos with multiple mandatory cum points/post orgasm torture?
I guessing you mean like this game, right? >>7994523

Moko has a few more videos like that. I have a bunch if you want them.

You are truly a god among fap heroes. Thank you anon.
Is there anything the same quality as Martoises's SBT6? Reward round, music and moans, a little plot and a beat bar thats color coded
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>complaining about loli on h
Beats 3
Reposting Neotheorism's most recent Dark Machine aHR0cHM6Ly9kcml2ZS5nb29nbGUuY29tL2ZpbGUvZC8xZWpmM0hwY0ROazR3V3dxWGsyVXJtSVZxbkxyd3NCVkEvdmlldw==
loli is explicitly banned on anything that's not /b/, we're lucky that jannies don't see what's inside this thread
Uncomfortable truths this general doesn't want to accept.
99% of the new HMVs are the SFM/blender slop
Honestly the problem I have with a lot of Fap Hero vids is the resolution of the vids, I get that the file sizes can't be toooooo big, but I don't wanna watch hentai in 360p at a silky smooth 5 frames per second, but also yeah a looooot of hentai vids are super samey and boring, also I like the western OW and DOA animations, as long as they are high quality and not that shit that looks like garbage raw animation with no render effects
Does this work on linux?
The biggest problem is there's not many new OVA releases let alone good ones. As a consequence, so many HMVs/FHs end up using the same few OVAs, which gets really boring after a while.
Installer has this weird quirk where you need to compile it on the operating system you're exporting for. So I'd have to bust out my steam deck for native Linux support. Not sure if it'll work with wine or proton easily.
Thanks for the quick reply.
Could you just share the original python script for now? Linux users have python and can install the dependencies anyways.

I uploaded it to GitHub. The 4 py scripts are needed. They should be put in same place the executable was
bless you
I second with that for the poor Hentai Videos i really don't know why the Japanese culture it gots really awfull in the present like i usually like watching doujinshis and the quality are really awfull (even some of you when posts the images in the reply are awfull i don't know how you get turned on with those kind of awfull drawing but meh)...

Even that there are some good new Hentai Videos wich could use as Fap Hero materials (The short hentais one of the Detective, the one of the dude with a lot of girls in a tent, some hentai ova's of a couple where the girl start to turns out like a huge lasive slut (no ntr) etc.)

And im not against blender animations even im not against OW or DOA but if you look at Bastasti last proyect or even Q's Final Faptasy some animations (the ones of Resident Evil or Tomb Rider) are really awfull and for me those cant turn me on because the style of the girls or the scene for me its not so hot...

But meh i dont want to critize all of the authors because they really do a good job keeping up the scene in the present so for me each new Fap Hero who comes out im really glad that they still are people who enjoys doing this!
This is amazing. I've seen Python used as a randomizer before but I didn't see the need for it as I can very easily just roll a random round. However, this... THIS makes sense. Future updates could add the invasion rounds from Beats 2 and also any round could be an invasion round if the invasion border is spliced as an intro.

I've been 50/50 on the invasion round idea because on one hand if it interupts a round I'm enjoying especially if it is at a good part I'll get annoyed. However the sudden change is unexpected and so you may find yourself unprepared. Also if there is a low chance to have an invasion round inside of an invasion round, that would be insanely cool as you would normally condition yourself to expect what is going on in the invasion round you are in.to not be interrupted by yet another invasion round.
I got the REAL sauce for you so you can recreate it.
>HMV: Double Saimin (original not v2) by AnonymooseGuy located in the OP of the HMV thread.
>Beatbar: Martoise - Simple Beat Training #01
>Song: Melleefresh and Deadmau5 - Hey Baby (Original Mix)

I did a very similar edit myself in August of 2021 except I used Double Saimin v2, spliced the same beatbar over the HMV and I made the beatbar transparent so that you could see more of the original HMV on the bottom. The main reason I can tell the webm is not my edit is because the beatbar is not transparent and my edit came out with a red tint to it and I want to redo it because of that.
Got a title for this project. Not very original but I think it sounds cool anyway...
>Fap Land Python Invasion
In theory you can change any round out if you rename the title of the .mp4 The game should be easily highly customizable.
If I add videos in sequence to the Invasion folder such as 13.mp4 etc. will the game pick that up or are there only 12 Invasion slots? I have no idea about the coding here.
I coded it so that you can just put any new videos in the invasion folder and it should work. No need to rename anything. You can also delete any of the default invasion videos. Later, I'm going to add a feature that splices that invasion warning at the start before any videos you place in it.
A quick question... Can you add a feature where all the funscripts could be recognize it when you are playing? (its not needed to have it in the invasion rounds because that its like really impossible to code i think...) Because i want to add new videos from the ones the game has and because the next month i will get the handy i want to play it with the handy on!
>>8008122 #
Do you plan to plan to make game more customize? Like increase or decrease the total round, change dice size, add a equipment so it can change the dice? Lastly do you plan to make this project open source?
>do you plan to make this project open source?
Already done
Technically it's source available and not open source proper, it doesn't have a license attached. Maybe you should do so codebro
Been wondering if I could use shortcuts to the vid instead of the files themselves.
I want to have more than one playlist without moving files around or having multiple copies.
If youre on linux you can use symlinks. Dunno if windows shortcuts would work, probably.
shortcuts are above the filesystem, so the python script would have to handle them manually, I guess that would be a useful feature on windows though, where the filesystem is still stuck in 70's technology with some "go-faster" stripes poorly glued on
In the settings file you can change the path of your folders. Is that not enough? Only draw back is that if the exe finds the folders in the default location next to the exe, it's not going to check the custom locations. So I'd you're using custom locations you should delete the respective default folders that are in the original download.
Yeah, right now I'm working on more settings and the item system. Trying to make it a bit like a roguelike where you get a choice between 2 random items at each checkpoint.
I was making handy funscripts before I even had a handy, so I could make some for the invasion rounds. I think ideally I would want to launch them through a funscript video player instead of mpv to ensure it's synced. But if I used Edi I would have more control over stopping and starting the script.
Thank you, waw kingdom cum was nice, dropped 2 month ago and never hear of it
Made this for (You)!
Forgot link
I make my own fap hero called Meme Hero music is mostly from Siivagunner https://www.youtube.com/@SiIvaGunner
I swear I'm gonna lose my boner if I gotta listen to any remix of Witch Doctor.
This might shape up to be the hardest challenge yet.
I am the one who ask about the funscripts... I don't think you need to create new scripts (if the invasion rounds doesn't have it could be a great asset if you take the time but its not necessary!) i was asking about if you could add like a setting or folder or i don't where if there are funscripts for those rounds then when you start the game all the rounds are synced with the handy so its much more inmersive the experience (because if we want to change the rounds in the game we only need like to replace the funscript and video so the program could read it without a problem!)
Sorry Annon but where i can get those videos if you say about you create a new proyect please share the location where you have it because i want it to play!!!
samples https://youtu.be/QFYpN5mE2DU?list=PLn8P5M1uNQk6hLplFZ3-JjmzvO70_D9nt
Good luck anon. That sounds pretty funny. You can post a preview here or on twitter for feedback if you want.
https://youtu.be/C_KvSfl_jqo?list=PLoiVQSDpaOMyFhDnqVYzzB2hTn8K5zOgv might be round 4 music for meme hero
so expect a 1hr plus Round cuz this is the final round i guess https://youtu.be/V9unZ6Jd318
Sneak peak for round 3
nah ya'll listen to this https://youtu.be/K9uJaiibWxc?list=PLL0CQjrcN8D238faxmq7jGPsWWvuyBjT_ when watching a meme fap hero
>I told the witch doctor I was in love with you!
>I told the witch doctor I was in love with you!
>and then the witch doctor he told me what to do!
Save that for the end of a cum countdown
No, I meant a full preview. Ideally for just the warmup round+round 1 and/or round 2.
Anyone have Fap Hero Beats 3 Round 3? I was able to download all the other rounds from mmdfans but round 3 is not there and I cannot get the iwara download link to work. Would also appreciate the individual rounds for Beats 2. I was able to get them from hmvmania, but we all know those are lower quality.
is defiance in any higher quality than this?
i had a hard time finding this one if so.

I also cant find hentype princess lover
Can you share the link of those who got? because i too need to search for those and all the rounds of Bastastasti Pendulum and Ainz
I know some Anons complained about the frequency of updates, but I for one am curious as to how this project is carrying on. Any news/release projections?
But i think he post some updates of his project constantly in the tread o.o...

I want to add for the creator of that proyect if could be possible that the "cum reward" last a lot and not ends when the time is 0 please i really hate when that happen Q_Q
if i had any i would share
New FH from a new creator. Fap Hero Velocity.
Just copy-pasting from the tweet:
>33 Minutes
>1440p - 60fps
>11 Rounds (duo/solo) ... 2 ~ 3 minutes per round

xeo.lol/fh_vel_o - optimized ver (1.2 GB)
xeo.lol/fh_vel_r - raw ver (9.4 GB
someone mirror that onto mega, pixeldrain or gofile? That xeo filehost is trash.
Yeah. I didn’t watch it myself yet either but a mirror would be greatly appreciated. Someone could ask the guy on twitter for one too.
Tried downloading it, but both that xeo filehost and my downloaded copy adruptly stop at 3:33. Don't know about you all.
yeah it constantly fails for me
thanks bro
based fiber enjoyer
okay so if you don't mind, ive got some feedback, overall this is great, i just have a few suggestions for things that would be really cool to see get tweaked a bit. i seem to recall reading somewhere about the idea of adding boss rounds to the checkpoints, i can't seem to find that comment now, but I will say i really like the idea and its something i would love to see. also from what ive played so far, something that kinda irks me is just how common the invasion rounds are, sure that can be customized in the settings, but having it set to 30percent by default, from my experience is way too high(I thought the idea was that invasion rounds would become more common in later rounds but start off kinda rare?), another thing is that i really like the addition of the modifiers(I only ran into the breath one once during the first match though, and that was it at round 68)so im not sure if modifiers are bugged and only work once in a game, or if the rate of triggering one is just way too low, meanwhile what bothers me about invasion rounds the most is that sometimes 2 will play in the same video! back to back! and that happened to me by round 18 twice, and then again a few rounds later, several times. i think maybe there should be a rule that you only get 1 invasion round per video. also since there is only like 12 or 13 of them(I know more can be added of course) you are bound to run into repeats. the way it should work though is that it should have to play one that hasn't been played yet before randomly choosing one that maybe you already saw minutes ago, or maybe if it plays the same one again, a modifier gets added to it the second time around. maybe in really early rounds there could be an option where the invasions are not there initially, and then they start to have a chance of appearing after like round 20 or something, with the percent chance slowly going up to like maybe 40-45ish by the end.
>>8002633 okay cool, looking forward to the update then! especially if the boss rounds at checkpoints can be implemented. so i realised i can change the frequency of modifiers, so maybe 10% is just way too low, but its just weird i was running into invasions at an annoying rate sometimes twice in one round, but only got 1 modifier the whole time when i tried this, so i'll see if they appear more then once when i change the percentage i guess. I only tried the breath modifier, but if one just speeds up the video, well that might not actually make things harder just more annoying since already i find sometimes the beats per minute is too high on a lot of videos with not enough variation on speed and the pattern, so simply making the video go even faster doesn't sound fun to me, maybe for the speed modifier, it could speed up the video for part, and then slow it down suddenly in other parts? then again i doubt its possible to do that? since it would have to somehow change the video speed again while its already running. anyway the hold breath one is fine at least. what was the third one again? maybe having a few extra modifiers that can be toggled on/off in the settings would be cool.
Yeah, I actually already changed the default of both modifiers and invasions to about 20%. It was at 30% because I was having terrible luck and wasn't even sure they were working. For me, 25% is the sweet spot for me because it's similar to the original beats 3 video in prevalence of invasions.

I'll add options to set what round invasions start and if multiple invasions can happen per round. Some people like that and some people don't. Essentially, right now, the chance of invasions is the same for the whole game. It's the chance for multiple invasions per round that increases as you go up. Once an invasion gets triggered, the game generates a random number from 1 to 9. Then once you watch an invasion. Once you watch an invasion, it will add 6 to that random number. If the sum is over 10 then it will not show any more invasions for that round. If the sum is under 10 then it will keep showing invasions and adding 6 until the number is over 10. That 6 number being added decreases every time you hit a checkpoint. Increasing the chances of seeing 2 or 3 invasions rounds. I'll revamp this code to make most of it customizable.

Modifiers can only trigger at the start of rounds or after invasion rounds. I also set their default chance at half of the invasion chance, since I wanted them to be more rare. They seem to be popping up fine, so I'll just raise the default chance.

So yeah, I can't change video properties while a video was running, but I can tell a video what to do before it runs. So I could tell it to play the start of the video slow. Then play the middle fast and then finish the video slow. I'll take a look at it.
newfag here
how do i get the link?
base 64 decoder. Just copy paste decode
/h/omie, I literally shared the sources in the post you replied to. Just Google hmvmania Beats 2 and go to mmdfans and search Beats 3 or PixelFH (by author). I'm not sure Pendulum and Ainz were divided into rounds by the Bastati, so source quality could be difficult but you can chop them up easily enough if you learn how to trim in any video editing program and make sure that you match the bitrate and resolution when rerendering. The main reason I wanted Beats 2 and 3 individual rounds is because PixelFH uploaded them without the invasion rounds in the middle, where the full Fap Hero uses the invasion rounds. hmvmania has a download link When on mmdfans, right click and Save Video.I found FireFox saves them as .mp4 and Chrome was saving as .m4a. If it tries to save as .jpg just close the Save As box, wait a few seconds and try again. The video will not save properly if it buffers, so you may have to close your browser, and try again later.

I was also able to get Beats 3 Round 3 from mmdfans. It was earlier and labeled preview, which I did not think would be the full round, but I finally got a chance to checked and it was.
It’s an alright FH. I wish there was more sync between the music and video. It’s super jarring to have it switch to a different animation mid-beat, for example. I did appreciate the challenge rounds to make it stand out though. Hope the guy makes more.
https://youtu.be/y0t697DiOvk good for end of meme here
https://youtu.be/Wisg0VQgemk?list=PLL0CQjrcN8D238faxmq7jGPsWWvuyBjT_ Harlem shake fap meme hero Reward maybe
meme hero round 5 haha ain't nothing like a fap hero https://youtu.be/1xo-bNtNnAI
gonna edge on stadium rave
GENSHIN IMPACTED ON MEME HERO ROUND 6 MUSIC https://youtu.be/bD5S20WoOBs?list=PLL0CQjrcN8D1crx79JTnsd2Z16b5PqkTv
Calm your tits, at least a little bit dude.
ye Ig you get the idea a fap meme hero project it contains memes and mashup so you're parents won't know you're watching porn
https://youtu.be/rJ6jSFwm2VU youtube sfw version nsfw soon
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The future is now.
How much
Anon delivers.

>Neotheorism - Defiance 720p 1904kbps 30FPS

>Fryz3 - Henthype 1080p 3576kbps 30FPS

>StringsNice - Henthype Hard Mode Beatbar Edit 720p 4094kbps 29.97FPS

>PixelFH - Beats 2 All Founds No Challenges source hmvmania 1080p 3000kbps 24FPS
>Beats 2 Challenge Round 1, Rounds 2, 3, 7 Source mmdfans 1080p 10000kbps 60 FPS
>Beats 2 Round 5 Source mmdfans 7496kbps 29,97FPS
>Beats 3 All Rounds No Invasions Source mmdfans 1080p 7000kbps 23.98FPS

>Ainz Ramake 720p 2000kbps 29.97FPS

If anyone else has higher quality of Defiance please post.

I suspect the Henthype link is not source quality. It released in 2015 and was likely originally rendered in 720p. If someone has it from the now deleted Mega archive that was hosted here pre-2019 before we started doing it by the year please post.

I am not sure why the mmdfans rip of Beats 2 Round 5 is a lower bitrate and framerate than the others. Sadly hmvmania is the only complete collection of rounds from Beats 2 that I can find. Maybe someone else has them directly from PixelFH.

I don't have individual rounds for original Ainz or Pendulum. Anyone can make them by throwing the source video into an editor, trimming, and matching the resolution, bitrate and framerate. Many people new to editing don't pay attention to those settings.. All these stats are viewable in the video's Properties. The main differences between Ainz Remake and the original is the remake adds moans from the hentai and does not have the beatbar displayed after the cum point.
This looks like an actual arcade rhythm game, not something designed for what it is being used for. However the beatmap clearly is supposed to be played that way. But this gives me the idea that you could chart for something like osu!taiko, have it in VR (or not depending on what the video is) and then have the beatmap syched to the video with a soft button inside of an onahole that would allow you to actually play the game as it registers button presses as your dickhead makes contact. Basically, Beat Banger but instead of playing with your keyboard and fingers, you play with an onahole with a button inside it and your dick. Similar to funscripts except instead of it playing for you and nothing sending input (as funscripts are for videos, not games) you have to move or break combo.
What is the difference between raw and optimized? Does raw just have no beatbar?
Raw is the uncompressed footage. Marginally better video quality in exchange for 10 times the filesize.
does anyone know if there are any fapheroes that use scenes from alignment you you? or Honoo no Haramase Tenkousei/doukyuusei? i imagine theres at least a few that use scenes from the later honoo no haramase series so suggestions for that too would be nice. and on that note, any recommendations for ones that use either stuff from older hentai or less commonly used stuff thats good? also, it would be cool to see an FH round using animated scenes from some of the May-Be soft games someday
>any recommendations for ones that use either stuff from older hentai or less commonly used stuff thats good?
Startrak Remaster, Seductive Grimoire, and Marcurial Reboot
REALLY cool (and feasible) idea except for this
>with a soft button inside of an onahole that would allow you to actually play the game as it registers button presses as your dickhead makes contact
There's a DIY actual depth sensing transparent sleeve holder you can make
Its nice but has a lot of delay between imputs or the guy has a television with 500ms of delay in imputs xDDD but could it be great!
Can someone post the game in here and not a link for a twitter account please? Q_Q or at least say the name of the game or something so i can look up for it please!
hey, just wondering, are checkpoints working at all? I have them enabled but they don't seem to be working for me, i can just close out of the game after getting to one right? like if i get to the first checkpoint, i should just be able to close the game and then load it up like normal and start from whatever checkpoint i got to? and also i really like the idea of boss rounds at checkpoints, since otherwise the checkpoints are sorta just there and not really that interesting in themselves.
Yeah, they work for me. It creates a save file with the number of the checkpoint once it hits it. You should be able to close the game after getting one.
Who knows why it's lagging.
Another thought, funscripts could be used for this essentially in reverse. Just make a taiko-like program that is able to parse em, the Beat Banger of funscripted videos.
alright, well i went into the save file and just changed the number manually and saved it, seems that works for now at least. but for some reason, it was set to 1 even though i had previously made it to 25 and then closed out of the game, not sure why it doesn't seem to work normally for me. I did change out a few of the videos, and add an extra invasion round or 2 so far, asides from that i have noticed sometimes when invasion rounds load the game screen window will say something about not responding which made me think its about to crash, but as soon as the invasion round ends the gamescreen goes back to normal and i can roll again just fine. not sure why the save data thing doesn't seem to work for me, maybe ill test it once again, I have the files for the game just saved on a hard drive instead of my C drive, and i haven't messed with the custom file locations thing in the game settings but i would think that wouldn't have anything to do with it either.
does anyone know when Phonky and Opium are gonna be added to the torrent list?
About this FH i really enjoy that the creator at least used recent Hentai Videos to the project and really good ones he used this is really an awsome point in favor for him...

What i dont find it really wholesome was some transitions of pace in the game and all of those rapid beats really screw the gameplay of the video for me...

When the video ends my dick goes limp (even at round 10 was really limp) so for me if i need to give an overall score i can say 7/10. He need to improve but he has a lot of potential ahead!
File: SadieHMV.png (1.51 MB, 1280x720)
1.51 MB
1.51 MB PNG
I have the just released SadieHMV Endurance (Houshou Marine - 1440p) if anyone wants ir
Sure, post it
File: houshou_marine_thumb.png (41 KB, 340x340)
41 KB
Could you upload it to https://litterbox.catbox.moe/ as a video too? Or is it too big?
Are you unable to use torrents?
Yep. It's a long story.
thanks anon
Oh sigh.. I guess I can, here you go
Thank you very much, anon
Seed please
new bread?
meme hero round 7 music is getting hardcore https://youtu.be/XPWg19ARqKo
Guess it only creates one, not modifies one.
The checkpoint stays the same after creation.
I looked up all the fap hero creation tutorials on hmvmania but all of them use adobe after effects cos of its convenience in creating beatbars. I was wondering if there were any other animation software to create beatbars for fap heroes or is the only other option really just hand animating every beat?
>SadieHMV Endurance
please seed x2
damn it at least make it so it expires in three days wtf
Can someone recommend me an actually difficult FH? And I mean on a moment to moment basis, not just somehing 3 hours long. I've probably tried around 50 or so in my lifetime, never really come close to losing. The issue is always that the beats are too slow and/or it's too focused on buildup.
I think the most difficult I've come across are
>Ainz (and its remake)
>Pendulum hard mode
>FH Vivid
Thanks, I'll give these a try.
Oh and also I think your mega link in that spreadsheet is dead, and the pixeldrain is out of date
Would it kill this dude to add a beatbar when the beats are so unpredictable and random?
I'm with you on that one. It's good quality stuff and I liked the earlier releases a lot but the first song alone just made me switch it off and watch a different one.
My apologies, I turned off my computer cause the fans were keeping me up, but I forgot I had seeds going
please seed x3
or if you don't mind could you upload to litter again?
It's available on the Joi Database at 1080p though. So unless you really want flawless quality, I suggest checking it there.
So, I went and nabbed the invasion rounds from Beats 2 and Secret Island (plus Marcurial 2 Nightmare and Pendulum Round 12), if any one wants em here's the link


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