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US/UK accounts will no longer be able to see hentai on Pixiv as of April 25th. Go to your settings and change your country of residence if you're one of them.

Aaaaa fuck da joooz...
That's kinda the most useless block assuming you can literally just reselect your region in just a couple of clicks.
I bet that won't last for long since everyone keeps mentioning this workaround on twitter. The dlsite tag changes didn't last a week before they lost all credit card support, whoever is giving pixiv hell is gonna know this.
First pixeldrain and now this. What's going on??
VISA/Mastercard wanting to spread the word of Jesus by force.
American Express too, if DLsite is anything to go by.
Neo-prudes are bullying japan
>US/UK can't see NSFW works
>Italy can't see loli
any other pixiv blocks I'm missing?
what happened to pixeldrain
https://pixeldrain com/abuse
>Porn: Pornographic material is not strictly banned on pixeldrain. But in order to comply with international regulations I have to prevent it from spreading too far. For this reason pornographic videos and images can be reported through the file reporting form. Once reported the file will be removed from public viewing. The IP address of the uploader will not be banned, and if the file was uploaded with an account, the owner of the file will still be able to download their files.
So anybody know a scraper for pixiv? I can't get hitomi to launch and grabber doesn't load pixiv.
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Well, that just means more LGBTQ+ jewish content for US/UK. It's a win win solution. Leftysisters, we won
You know what's going on...
Pixiv already has millions of gay/tranny shit in it already doe, from japs themselves too.
Probably because they're not doing it because they want to, they're just complying, deliberately leaving any loopholes possible.
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it's kinda like how gelbooru makes you go into the settings to turn on loli, it's enough to make the faggots in charge complaining think everything is gone when in reality it's like two clicks to bring it back
Why are cards companies doing this?
Porn/adult entertainment generates A TON of chargebacks and hassle for the payment processors. Combine legal liabilities (copyright, illegal content, etc), moral panic from stockholders/customers, and the amount of excessive work porn generates, and it just isn't a very attractive market for most payment processors. Attacking art sites like Pixiv, Gumroad, Patreon, DLsite etc. is just them going the extra mile to cut off any potential losses, especially in the age of AI letting people create illegal content, which some folks have already gone to jail over.
>US/UK accounts will no longer be able to see hentai on Pixiv as of April 25th
Palutena is Vasco pure.
Yeah. It is fine as long as the file is not reported. I downloaded a NSFW game recently that already had over 3K downloads. I wonder when other payment processors who are not puritans will be created. It will sadly probably be crypto.
so... people just going to btc?
You're wrong and don't even know it cause you live in a bubble, they are being cooerced by christian religious fundamentalist organizations with a lot of wealthy republican backing, its not like they all of a sudden at once decided the chargebacks are too much, they are on the warpath and identified payment processors as the key to control, if Trump gets elected prepare for it to get 100x worse cause they will feel emboldened even more.
uhuh, why would these christian-aligned payment processors make deals with porn sites in the first place then? they're in the top 20 richest companies on the planet, everything they do is based on financial analysis. what's more believable, that they suddenly became born-again christians years and years after making deals with porn sites or that their analysts told them that dealing with said sites could lead to problems in the future?
also now that I think about it, I don't think you're being honest at all. you waited until the thread was about to die for some reason and you posted something that's almost verbatim copied from twitter. wouldn't surprise me if you're that guy from the other thread who in reality blames all of this on the jewish hivemind who want to eradicate porn because world domination or something.
No you stupid idiot it comes from reading articles on the issue that show the big picture


>Mastercard's decision was lobbied for by Conservative groups such as National Center on Sexual Exploitation (NCOSE), formerly known as Morality in Media, and Exodus Cry.

Chriatian fundamentalists are on the warpath like I said


Visa/other payment processors are no longer on this list because last year they complied to their puritanical demands, look what is though- Section 230, these fundie christians will not stop until they ban everything that goes against their moral/religious worldview, DLsite/getchu/Pixiv are caught in the crossfire of their lobbying/pressure campaigns against payment processors.
Daily reminder that this and all the other platforms effected by these changes over the last 2 years are solely the result of ever-increasing amounts of photoreal AI generated CP. Remember to thank your local AI bro for your steadily worsening quality of life.
that's bullshit and you know it, faggot

mainstream payment processors have always hated dealing with porn of all kinds, most likely due to higher than average(?) chargebacks/stolen payment info
kill yourself
This is just dumb, I don't really get why they keep doing this
It's more so the fact they have something to argue and to woo at courts, bankers, and to congressmen.
careful, you'll attract the spammer retard deflecting to gay parades claiming conservatives have no bargaining power!

It's like an NCOSE shill ximself.
the problem is people buying porn and then whining it wasn't them or it was a mistake when their spouse, family members, coworkers find out.

i can't even charge back shit with visa. the laws in my country are shit.

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