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/h/ - Hentai

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Has anyone thought about using AI voice acting to make English dubs if hentai. I know that a lot of people clown on English dubs, but I think it could be a fun novelty. I also like the idea of hearing some of my favorite voice actors say some hentai style lines. Gif is the first hentai I’d dub if possible.
On a mostly related topic, I'm rather shocked that Hentai Fandubs aren't a thing, especially with the rather low frequency of new dubs.
Given what goes on in this site you'll find Hentai dubbed by AI Ben Shapiro & AI Joe Rogan sooner than by AI women.
Which is a shame honestly. Imagine hearing Haley Atwell say something like “fuck me stupid, break my mind!”
Where can I find dubbed hentai, or even fan dubbed hentai projects?
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What actresses would you fellas like to be used?

I want Angela Costain, she voiced the original Nabiki voice in English. She and a lot others from the 90's don't do voice acting anymore. AI would be a cool way to bring them out of retirement.
I already said that I don't think Fandubs exist, but for official dubs you can simply try searching for 'Dubbed' hentai on the appropriate sites, or in the case of torrents 'Dual Audio'.
Not a serious fandub, but here's Overflow Abridged
On this topic, what's the most popular hentais that have yet to have dubs?
Why would any woman spend her time dubbing hentai for free
Is there even any good AI voice software you can run locally?
Most of fandubs (hentai, anime, cartoons, 3d people, etc..) are done by russians.
I wont ever forhet Megumin dub sounding like a drunk ussr soldier
Hino do Vasco is interesting voice AI
Kitty Media just released a couple new ones. I can't find them anywhere yet though.

We really could use a FOSS one.
As far as I can tell though, speech-to-speech will always be easier to implement and use than text-to-speech, but that would mean the anons wanting to shitpost with it would need to break out a mic and impersonate female delivery for line reading.
FOSS is progressing really really really fucking slowly compared to image and text generation because there's been ZERO fucking leaks. The best right now is maybe VALLE-X or StyleTTS2+RVC and even then it's mediocre at best.
AI can't scream yet
Would be entertaining to see.
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What OVAs would you dub?
Not OP, but it's about time...
Heltter Skelter
Kuroinu, especially the scenes with Celestine. I tried dubbing her declaration of surrender with a few AI voices, but it doesn't come out perfectly yet:




Yeah... none of them really have the same pitch and tone as she does in Japanese. But the attempt is still a step forward.
The first one is actually the original Japanese dialogue translated by AI into English, but it's still not near as good as her original voice yeah
I don't even have sound on for the hentai I watch. The Japanese moaning is too squeaky and hearing the dialogue in English just sounds silly, so I just leave all the voice stuff to my imagination.
This one is somewhat decent, but it still needs to be worked on.
I can only hope one day this will happen. As good as the original dubs are, it would definitely have a different feelings hearing the character speak the things they say in a language I understand.
Linking another thread that has hilarious accent

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