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Welcome to the gangbang thread! Enjoy and share any and all women who believe the more cocks the better! Or women taken by force by a group, whichever you prefer.
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my bad, accidentally fucked this one up but here it is.
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Sorry been getting lazy, just updated pastebin. Love this thread, but wish we had more regulars to keep things busy. Flooding the thread with Consome animations to make up for it
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Pretty Pridot for Bingo Tarte. This is like a three part animation iirc. Starts of vanilla and solo before the gangbang
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This is easily my most favorite spitroast animation ever. Too bad Consome is too busy doing Nikke girls now
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Meant to post more loops, but file sizes too large lol. Will go back to these later
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yes it's too bad, it's my favorite thread as well. i'll try to make a habit of posting more
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Love this one
And this, brat gets what she deserves
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Back with the rest. Best if viewed from the very beginning. I just wish the clothed version remained fully clothed throughout the whole animation. The sweater + exposed back is such a sexy look
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Such amazing art, it brings me great sadness to find out that these artists have all deleted all their works and their entire pixiv pages altogether, what a shame.
i'm sure they moved on to non-porn careers.
But for the rest of us it's a damn shame
Are there any good recent or upcoming gangbang anime? Feels like I've been out of the loop for a while
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You'd have to go back to at least almost half a year for just Nightmare x Deathscythe. Tsuma Netori had a third episode, but the gangbang scenes barely lasted a few minutes and were poorly animated too
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Bit earlier last year but Tsundero's second was pretty good. I've personally have just been looking for artists on Pixiv that do short animations instead of getting my hopes up from bigger studios
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Studio34 has been around for a bit, and they have some animations for quite a few different series/games. Their earlier work can look a little rough, but it still has its charm
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It always makes me happy when the girls want to be there.
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Newest book by Shittori Bouzu is so fucking good man. The first half of it is just these three girls getting gangbanged for what I'm assuming is their workplace and possibly getting rented outside of it
The glasses OL is easily my favorite of the three and I think is probably their senior
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fuck! now that's a body that just to be gangbanged
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*begs to be gangbanged
sorry too horny
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Wow, I like how that’s really different than most x-ray dp shots I see. Most just show the thin layer of flesh that divides the dicks, and not really one dick pressing against the other at an angle
Are there any good ones where it’s more guys running a train, one at a time?
what's the name of the manga?
Slut girl
any manga/dojin where the guys in the gangbang are all friends with the girl, instead of faceless strangers?
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Sex Best Friend, from Itou Eight
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Welcome to Youko's Manor from the same artist.
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Missed the order, but whatever.
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great. thx.

I'm trying to find a doujin I read long ago. It was several chapters long. The plot as I recall: A guy is friends with two sisters at his school. Everybody likes each other. The girls have to go home to their village, and their parents turn them over to be raped by the villagers as part of some weird tradition. MC finds out and eventually sends out the cops or something. House burns down and the parents die. MC lives happily ever after with two girlfriends.

I've been searching for a while and the fact I don't remember it is killing me. Was probably more relevant to this thread than the others where I asked.
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If marry this girl
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I'd *
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Sounds like Midara na Karada ni Sareta Kara by Ootori Mahiro.
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You probably couldn't find it because most of Ootori's works have been purged from most sites.
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This was so fucking good. Love the way the artist draws girls sucking dick or getting ready to take loads in their mouths. Nutted to their other doujins the other day
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My only complaint is that they hardly draw anal or dp. Other than that, Try is a god tier artist
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It always gets me going when the woman is still clothed and surrounded by naked men tempting her.
Especially milfs
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Or the opposite, young horny girls tempting boys and inviting them to fuck her
Dunno which I like more
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Is it from some VN?
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Yeah it's from the Motion version of the Nightmare project band games - where three of them got an official English 'uncensored' release.

vndb link to the first game in the series. https://vndb.org/v27385
This might be too specific but does anyone have a good recommendation for a doujin series that features a girl basically slowly building a harem of guys that all fuck her together? Preferably building a relationship with each one prior to bringing them into the group
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That sounds hot, but definitely too specific. I’m struggling to come up anything that has a girl developing a harem with developed male characters. Maybe try Energy Kyouka? It actually has an animation, but doesn’t adapt all its parts
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Momofuki Rio has a good but short one were the girl already has a harem before a new guy gets invited. Most of the gangbang stuff I’ve read that I recall has the girls getting fucked all at once right away or is already a established slut so there’s no build up
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Lynus actually with dialogue from the girl in his art, pretty rare
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Whoever commissioned this piece, god bless.
The bodies present a severe logistical issue when trying to do quadruple penetration, assuming the mouth does not count. It can be done, but it requires very long dicks and is more of an acrobatic feat than a valid sex position. It's different if you have tentacles or sex toys.
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Source ?
Pretty sure its Inazuma though not sure of the exact doujin. Been going through a dry spell of gangbang hentai lately, not too much new stuff so I’ve just been rereading old favorites
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A girl spreading and preparing another girl to get her holes stuffed is so fucking hot
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This old ReZero doujin from Take has my favorite examples of this. The cultist girl sucks off her mooks, and spreads open Rem while using a mix of drool and cum to lube her up. Sadly this never got translated but the non gangbang sequel did
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What is the appeal of treating women like a ooga booga's tribe would do, when you don't have the genetics of a subhuman?
It's the most based way to treat women
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This will take a while
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Closeted homosexuality: the thread.

You are self inserting as the girl, you faggots
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Not my favorite ryza girl but she is always welcome
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This is the newest gangbang art he’s drawn and posted in Twitter. Looks like he’s deleted some others that are probably just on the boorus now
I actually tend to self-insert as whatever guy has his cock in her mouth. The feeling of a girl's moans vibrating into your dick while she's being fucked hard is so cash -- it's half the reason I'm into this shit.
Tend not to pay the other dudes too much mind desu. When I'm fucking a girl, I get way too locked in to even notice when other guys are present, unless we're actively trying to coordinate. Don't see how it's any more gay than watching porn with another dude fucking a girl.

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