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>First time here or old installation?
Download the latest repack for the game you want and you're set to play (backup your UserData folder if you're transferring)

>Koikatsu Repack RX20
>Koikatsu Sunshine Repack R10
KKS is a new game with a resort island setting. Get KK for Studio and KKS for more in-game sex positions.
Place KK cards in "\UserData\Chara\female or \male" to convert to KKS

>KKS scene compatibility patch for KK
Get this: https://files.catbox.moe/uohdx3.zip and drop it in:

>HF Patch (Get this to update without waiting for the repack)
>KK: https://github.com/ManlyMarco/KK-HF_Patch/releases
>KKS: https://github.com/ManlyMarco/KKS-HF_Patch/releases

>Sideloader Mods Pack

Cards are put in "\UserData\Chara\female or \male"

>/kkg/ Card Creator Pastebin

>Where do I upload to share my cards?
(Litter links can be accessed through internet archive)

>KKScene Mega

>Theme Stuff

>Koikatsu Resources Pastebin

>Koikatsu Guides Collection

>Modding Guides

>Thread Archive

>Previous Thread
First for tiddies
Nice tiddies.
I'll free all your slaved girls if you give me lip again.
If you want the cards just ask and I'll post them. Was just making a mildly self-deprecating jibe there, sorry m8

Writing's only not autistic if you limit it to what's necessary to justify jacking it to the cartoon girls

>exposed nipples
We can't start the Superhero theme without anybody making a proper tier list for the fantasy...
she was hiding tits under her shirt this whole time...
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"Heroes and Villains" theme is here - superheroes, magical girls, toku heroes, super-spies and more have taken over Koi City!
REMEMBER to reply to this post to have your cards added to the theme spreadsheet!

>Character Sheet
>Sheet Font
>Theme Spreadsheet
>Theme Mega
To be added!
fuck yeah
I am going to fill out the character sheet for fun and then never post the submission
literally me
Crazy, right? Girls are magical that way.
Nice work, looking forward to seeing all the cute superheroes.
if there’s one thing I learned from Totally Spies its that you can make a a whole catalogue of fetishes from spy fiction alone…
Pucker Up Britbongs
First, for whoever is the guy that is in charge of the
>theme Stuff pastebin
it still lacks the newest run of fantasy
and second
there it is, I will try to log in once per day to grab what is shared.
also what else besides heroes, antiheroes, villains, magical girls, spies.... I guess persona/stand users, RWBY chars, Some time travelling people, some aliens, mutants, robots Am i missing some other archetype or kind of char? I know Stand/persona guys and rwby arent exactly a category but they still fall within urban fantasy
Believe me, there is a damn good reason I mentioned spies specifically. That show was FORMATIVE for slimy lil' tadpole Relvel.

I'm not British (thank god) but I'll take her up on that offer anyway!

Maaan, I didn't even bother listing all the categories lmao. I just divided the sheet into the generic good guys, bad guys, ambiguous guys, and mooks/monsters. Maybe I'll add more as we go along.
If I make a super hero version of my OC, how do I protect her from getting captured and blacked?
kek, I was wondering if Patty IRA jokes were on the table
There needs to be an IRA arc in the superhero theme to honor Garth Ennis and his seething hatred of the Fenians
by giving her to me to be captured and enslaved
soon™, getting ready for the theme, just gotta finish the civilian forms for four of them.
of course they would all be gijinkas of tv channels, what you can expect from me?

i need to steal that coat asap.
Why would anyone Black her when a mad scientist can strap her into the Orgasmaster 6000 and suck them titties with enough force to shame a Dirt Devil instead?
lol just before you said that
Anon you can't just post a girl being tied up and milked without giving me the scene
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Gentlemen... BEHOLD!
I am going to fill out the character sheet for fun and then never post the submission, but it's because the submission is any Anon card, so I don't have to provide one!
How many of your OCs have autism, /kkg/?
Rape isn't funny. Also the anon card should've been a gooner. You fucked up.
how does this milking rack look?
>Rape isn't funny
It kinda is
>Rape isn't funny.
>should've been a gooner
It literally says he's a masturbator, you retard. Also
holy shit kill yourself
Yep this theme is over.
Cool, glad I accidentally helped I was just looking for cool stuff to put in this fake shop.

How well can Tats handle her booze again?

>i don't think i can afford any of this stuff.
Get back to grinding then.
Where da white outlines at.
Very film noir.
I'm still figuring out which anons are still around since last time I was here, and I'm glad you're still here. I'm a big fan of the way you do colors and shading in your characters and scenes.

>I am surprised that someone managed to remember. You can have this as thanks.
Thank you Anna and I hope you had a great day.

I wonder what the great Barzam will bring to the city.

>Cute! Also find it kind of interesting that all of your guy's kids just have black on the ends of their hair.
Yes, a detail... but now a new world has emerged and I have seen...

I see good things... very cool.

>So, was that really you posting all of my old caps?
Yes, it was always me...

I haven't forgotten about her... she's going to run away... I ask myself...

Girls... in danger, I will show no mercy.

I see a cake...
Holy shit, excellent

All of them

Can't really see it because it's all behind the girl. Pretty neat idea having it suspended on chains. I'd try and use shackle or collar items instead of rings, it's a pet peeve of mine when I see something that's supposed to latch but it's just a torus
You might like this mod

Somewhere just after seven standard drinks a switch flips and she becomes incoherent. Also very cool scene, I like the way the bricks look under that pixel shader

Absolutely based third world dictator
I'm not any of the anons that were talking about it in the last thread, but thanks to those posting all the reshade links and tutorial stuff. I'd like to study it all when I have more time.

I dunno about the OCs, but I probably do since I keep writing lore about them.
>Pretty neat idea having it suspended on chains. I'd try and use shackle or collar items instead of rings, it's a pet peeve of mine when I see something that's supposed to latch but it's just a torus
Makes sense. This is a simple rework of some rig I found a while ago, and I tend to just place the girl in a way where you can't see the setup clearly enough to see that there's no way to get in/out

Pic related is a better look at the rig. Original base has the legs spread too.

>You might like this mod
Huh looks like I'm already followed on pixiv. Might as well figure out how to actually install and use these mods
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i like kit
womp womp
>Toshi was not the imposter
So that's Kiki's dad?
No, Kiki's dad is a woman.
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Girl of the week! i made my first eyelash overlay :o, i think it turned out pretty cute.
Yes, Kiki's dad is a cute boy.
I'm not ready...
picrel, Kiki's dad(and mom)
Have any you got any dainanaoji cards? All I could find so far were 4 Lloyd cards. I agree that's he's cute, but I don't wanna no shotas.
Dork spotted
You didn't ask BUT this is a SOVLESS remake of a scene I made last year. Same month as well funny enough. Guess I really am bound to a routine.
Nice work with the whole sheet and good luck with the theme! I'd like to join in but I'll be away from home soon for a few weeks and don't want to just drop a card and not do any scenes for the theme. Looking forward to seeing all the cool stuff that comes from this though!
Do a part 2 where one of your girls is making fun of him for trying to look dramatic.
Lamia racism is a problem even in our modern society.
Nice! They're all cool, the three on the left are my favorites. Also awesome to see what TV channels they're based on!
LEWD- I mean.. this is a machine for cows. You can't be here ma'am!
I have autism so all my OCs have to have it as well.
Sick scene dude. Also I didn't get a chance to say last thread but I loved the other stuff you did as well in that one, fucking bonkers what you've been doing lately! Glad we've been having fun with these GB shaders!
She spooped me!
Looks like you're putting an end to the IRA!
Cute pinkie. And nice work on the overlay!
How long have you been away? You're probably missing no one actually worthwhile.
that's right. Like me. cliqueless
dark in his dictator era, i see.
a sleep paralysis demon? also, thank you, freezy! i presume you're saying that cedric, daiya and chantilly are your favs? or it means that theodore, colin and yannick are those? the esl moment struck.
Asking again, is it possible to just import stuff from a clothing set without replacing everything? Like keeping all the original accessories while also adding the ones from the clothing set?
Are there mods that add other H animations besides the one you find in the repack?
when you load a coordinate, you have the option to ignore accessories in that small checkbox
>but i want the accessories
do it manually. load the coord in a separate outfit slot, and adjust the clothing set accessory slots that it doesn't overlap the target character slots. copy it back and save it for your character.
>but i want it done automatically
tough luck.

aside from the git IllusionMods/AnimationLoader or omega custom animations, nothing else.
aw come on it's way too early for this..
How do you even get bodies to look like this? Is there some new bodymod I don't know about?
It's sad we never got to see these two fuck.
Since sometime in December. I posted a bit last thread and did see that I missed a couple themes already, though I dunno that the new one will be something that inspires me to make things since I don't have any background in American-style superhero comics.
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Have a rehash of a sci-fi theme character
it's just the goku body mod. nothing special nor new
They do absolutely not have to be american-style.
Watch this be a thinly disguised Magical Girl Theme 2
There is a goku body mod??
I only knew of the studio model. Where can I get this?
That's not the goku body mod.
You can find it on Evaan's pixiv but that's not what he used.
I like the idea, but it's too early for another theme.
You say that every theme.
Burnout is a thing, anon.
this general is a burnout for at most 4 years already
I dont care about the general anymore. I just want to be happy.

Is that so much to ask for?
Why are you people making more themes when only three anons are doing any scene stuff?
fox milk...
Say would you be opposed to her getting some action from any one of these? Where the cards at
This is peak coomer brain. Get a break from porn.
Don't complain, he's having fun.
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unfortunately it isn't an actual clothing piece, just a recolored studio prop called 'mia's jacket'

the bunny girl is cute btw

what the fuck nubis

i dont think any of them really does, but Cheri has strong antisocial tendecies, not in a shy or awkward way, she just legitimately dislikes being around people

very moody

is something in the picture missing or am i already experiencing visual hallucinations

>Do a part 2 where one of your girls is making fun of him for trying to look dramatic.
you have no idea how in character that is

a combination of abmx, some detail mask fuckery, and a slight edit of the displacement one everyone uses

i wont lie, superheroes are probably my least liked genre, but it's a cool sheet regardless

i see he modernized his gear
I see that bugnug aka catanin aka coolv had entered his dumb mass replier phase. Probably in an attempt to cover up his racist past. You won't fool me!
It's all he has and his only hobby.
And were all better for him to continue providing the thread content.
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damn, you got me anon
you can stop he's not gonna fuck you bro
yes he will
W-will you?
can anons at least once stop shitposting and post actual kk content that is not reposted for the 100th time garbage?
Okay. Next post is mine.
Works like this have soul.
tell me about madevil plugins and why they break my koi
Soul=poorly made

He's french. That's all you need to know.
madevil's a fag that pulled a kplug-esque move by forking an ancient version of kkapi (his jetpack) and never moved to the newer moreaccessories.
there's a bunch of plugins that do work with the hf patch/current koi plugin setups, but outside of those, or you use his plugin pack, or they will complain when put with a normal koi installation.
(source: me, that i use aaapk a lot)
isn't he chinese?

still stealing the jacket. and chantilly sweep, i see.
Everything and everyone I don't like is french.
Glad you liked it anons.

Looking forward to seeing your work.
I'm still in the middle of updating her so only the first 2 outfits and the last outfit are ready.
You will also need this mod:
Yes that's the thing I want to load but gives me tons of errors
What a waste
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>he's french
why all frenchies are like this?
I shall put Heroman and his B-Side counterpart JUDGE in the template when I get home.
Okay now tell me how to defeat him.
All my fellas!
I probably should have. I was surprised how many like kohei given how quickly i made her
In the AU Heroman is in, his Semblance is his undoing.
"Hero Accel" grants him more power and speed the more damage he takes in battle.
When Heroman is impaled through the chest on rebar, his heart quite literally explodes from the stress of his Semblance going into overdrive.
There is beauty in simplicity or just a design that works.
After finishing Celes I kind of want to go back and do a normal looking char for once or do some Casey jones for the theme... though part of me wants to make a P5 phantom thief looking char
it’s been 2 months or so
I wonder if I should just slightly adjust kohei and stuff her into the theme. She is the kind of autist who would fit
>New theme is already reuses.
Not as grim as your hairline.
Not as grim as the adventures of Billy and Mandy.
Not as grim as the X-Grimm "Wendigo".
Does it have a red rocket
More of a purple pounder.
Should use it on some girls in the theme
Bestiality is not my jam, I'm sorry to say.
I'd rather not draw ire here.
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I’ve never really considered werewolves to be bestiality. More like furry to be honest
>draw ire here
The only ire you'd draw is from mods, people fucking love besitality here.
Then share the wolf so we can do it ourselves?
I laughed
thank you
Got a true from me
I'm sure you can work with that.
>demonic quartz dick
This looks extremely painful...
Add a little bit of neck / head rotation to make it seem more natural. It's a little stiff.
>This looks extremely painful...
Cute streamer fox...
this is epic
This is awesomesauce.
What does she stream?
I wanna sub to her channel!
Ok, I need to know. Are those outlines done via PPE or something else?
Probably ps, though you can get the same effect via studio or maker if you can rub two brain cells together
I already know that
>if you can rub two brain cells together
I've tried the obvious methods. Why do you think I'm asking you stupid nigger?
Why did you even bother responding to my post with such a nothing comment? You fucking idiot.
Okay now I'm definitely not telling you. Sucks to suck ig
don’t fucking start
>not a usable scene
it's so over
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You weren't going to tell me anyways, faggot.
Everyone's so bitter nowadays
Can you not start bullshit this early in the thread? You people jump at any chance to be an asshole when he shows up.
Keep telling yourself that, you'll go places big boy
I can feel the little dick energy wafting through the screen. You're really pathetic you know that?
Gatekeeping your little gay lines won't save your absolutely garbage scene compositing or lack of care for animating (if you can even muster the courage to press CTRL+T to see the terrors of the Timeline interface).
shut up shut up shut up
you argue like fucking children in the youtube comments section
This is what happens when I ask a question and I get ridiculed instead
try to not be retarded for a change
I’d bet money that it’s one guy arguing with himself just to shit up the thread.
You'd be a rich anon
How did you even come to the conclusion that you were replying to the same guy that made the image? Even after all these years, the way some anons' brains works will forever remain a mystery to me.
It's especially retarded since the original post asking about how didn't even reply to his image.
This is a certified womp womp situation.
Read my posts again.
At what point did I jump to conclusions assuming the actual creators (who posted images alongside their post) were the anon who responded to me with negativity?
You're putting words in my mouth that I never said.
I just want to know how these outlines are made.

It's a small fucking thread in the middle of the work week. Anyone with eyes can see the post.
It's not 2021 anymore, less people care about Koikatsu than ever.
Nice. can you tell me a little more on her, her personality and backstory? Just a little bit so I know what I'm working with. Also is there anything you would like to see, or not like to see more importantly? I wouldn't want to make something you'd hate.

I have plenties of other hobbies: video games, music, weightlifting, shooting, other computer stuff...
Although some of these have taken a back seat with the maddening hours I've been working.
Just fuck off already if you can't be bothered to contribute to the community by just answering a simple question
Holy cringe.
Share your bunnysuits. I need them for the theme
Real talk? Because all the shitposting of late has actually started to get on my nerves. I like to think I’m a pretty patient dude, but I thought it was high time we had something to unite behind and/or focus on. Or at least just serve as a distraction. I’m optimistic that a new theme will breathe some life and creativity back into this place!

Sweet, thanks!

You would not believe how much I missed these lads. They’re a perfect fit!

I’m already excited to see it!
Either take a render of the girl with a transparent background and manually make a stroke outline or fill silhouette or set up an image plate combo behind the girl and then clone her to get it in studio.

Set a p-modmap next to her and make it really bright to get those extremely overdone highlights.

Optionally, set an image plate to gaussian blur, adjust pixel size to melt your GPU and then make sure you cant see fucking anything in the background. Otherwise just hit it with chromatic abberation in reshade or Photoshop.

None of this stuff is very difficult.
To put it simply, hypnosis bunny girl
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Anons he literally explained he did it on gimp in >>8008228, or do what>>8015762 says, seriously Ctrl+F is a thing people barely use here
Themes just make me sad if I'm honest
I always feel like I'm on the sidelines. I use a bunch of characters but make nothing that interests other people. I even see people complaining that their characters aren't being used even after I've used them a few times already. The person doing the anchor posts would rather repost a scene from two threads ago than use my work. The whole experience is miserable, and I can't even opt out because I get FOMO. I want off the ride
>Guys how do I do this basic thing a simple search could tell me how to do
>What the fuck why won't you spoonfeed me fuck the clique faggot faggot faggot faggot

Every time
For once, I shall textpost.
Kan is a foxfire youkai. She embodies taoist values and cultivation. Her job is to handle mortal souls so the other youkai don't get their hands dirty. She is a heromaker, someone in charge of raising and training young destiny-bound agents of change to keep the wheel of fate spinning. This is heavily reflected on her motherly appearance. Though youkai are emotionless creatures, over time, human traits have rubbed off on Kan and she has since manifested the ability to feel something similar to empathy. Her heroes are her flock, and she will nurture them, watch them grow, and see them pass, like a gardener of souls. A master of meditation and yin-yang sage, she can produce miracles such as levitation, mind reading, future sight and pacts with demons. As foxfire youkais deal with the affairs of life and death, Kan can perform Necromancy and summon spirits of dead heroes and demons to aid her.
Her name is a play on the japanese word for gateway/entryway/portal and on the chinese word for sight/knowledge.

She's a magic-wielding deviant with a leaky chest and I like pretty much everything so feel free to pair her with whoever you like, however you see fit.
I'd rather not see snuff, but beyond that the sky is the limit.
>I even see people complaining that their characters aren't being used even after I've used them a few times already.
They're complaining because their characters aren't being used by the "right" people. Modern /kkg/ is no different than using a dating app.
The days of fun are long gone.
Some anons just say "My char isnt used" just to annoy, because they haven't posted or shared a card and just want to derail the thread
I tended to do the anchor posts, I mostly wanted to grab stuff that wasn't done by me or use a cap from a different creator so everyone had a chance to be the anchor, if you arent lying, I apologize for never using one of your caps.
>The whole experience is miserable and I cant opt out because of FOMO, I want off the ride
Sorry for not making you feel included.
Thanks anon but I already have those packs. I like the game but was hoping there where more poses, they are all really same-y. I was hopig there where more like in COM3D2
I got a question for you kkg, and this is mostly for the regulars. Do you feel like you're improving?
I watch some of the people here and they basically haven't changed anything in forever. I'm honestly sort of mystified how this is possible.
For me, if I'm interested in something, I want to get better at it and learn more.
Kan walked into the McDonald’s. The cultivator taking her order gave a derisive snort, but Kan did not really care because she had repressed her aura down to the Single Patty Realm, and a fool would not be able to tell her true level of burger eating. “Give me… a Happy Meal!”
All that text just so someone can shitpost about foxanon again.
i suppose so, there's always some jank new tech to learn every once in a while. i still haven't really tried to give those new rikki projectors a 2nd shot
Alright thank you.
I was under the impression that there was a plugin which allowed additional outlines to be stacked over the default ones in studio.

I have experience in Photoshop, I just wanted to save some time for a few renders. This is all I wanted to know.

Thank you. Have a nice day.
>Hypnosis is mentioned

Anyways, theme has started. I'm behind on my other stuff I'm not sure I'll get something ready for it on time, but I'll try at least. I don't want to just shove Layla in there.

I already told you this, but having them side by side like this on a plain background, and with the labels like that helps a lot with displaying info and recognizability.
Pic is pretty much just missing names.

>>8014687 >>8015226
She looks positively soft.

>Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey.

>>8015254 >>8015478
These are pretty cool. Your pics of this kind are very good honestly.

Very cute. Gives off gacha character splash art vibes.

Mostly at scene making, yes.
I use the char maker too infrequently to notice any relevant improvements there. I'm still a noob at that anyways.

kek. I came across this for the first time fairly recently. Wild ride that was.
>Do you feel like you're improving?
As a person? Yes. Absolutely. I spend more of my time on productive activities than I used to.
>For me, if I'm interested in something, I want to get better at it and learn more.
I'm the same way but not for porn games.
You're putting a lot of time on this porn game though. And wouldn't it be nice if you could make prettier girls?
I fucking hope so since I've come a long way from lazyposting and hoping my stuff looked good to doing whatever I want and trying new things.
They're perfect just the way they are. I open the program once a day to masturbate. I spend the rest of my time working on other projects.
Over the past year I felt like I was in a serious rut, but my more recent work feels better to me.
I'm curious to see if you think I'm one of those people you mentioned
I had no idea they were still a thing until today. Kind of weird to suddenly be reminded of them through someone using the medium of a porn game to seethe.
Don't kid yourself, the outlines in his image are liturally being influenced by shadows, the fucker does it in studio somehow and isn't telling his trick. Pathetic.
It would be nice to improve, but my focus is not on improving. I just want coom. I'll improve along the way.

Those who don't improve are mostly those who don't want to, or don't care enough to do it. I doubt anyone who actually tries will fail to get better results over time.
Drop it already.
Unironically do everyone a favor and kill yourself.
You're not one of the people I had in mind, but since you asked, I went and compared some of your old stuff to the new stuff.
If you showed me something old I never saw back then and something new, I would probably have problems telling which was the old one.
You're not really the target of my question from the sound of it.
>You're not really the target of my question from the sound of it.
Then maybe you should be more direct.
It was direct. You just wanted to talk about yourself.
You're absolutely right.
I didn't notice that detail. Oh well. There's no point in fussing over it anymore anon.
>he's always being defended but shitposting others is fine
Every time
Improving? Extremely slowly, perhaps. To get much better I need the hardware that won't melt or produce tiny screenshots via Reshade, be able to make my own props and outfits and get better at making hairstyles. I revisited a character I gave up on today and ended up stealing most of an old Monster Girl Encyclopedia Cheshire Cat cards hair and changing it up a little. I normally try to do something on my own but it just wasn't working.
For the most part I feel I'm getting stagnant/as good as I can personally get for now which isn't really saying much.
You said the question was for the regulars. I've been coming to this thread for at least 5 years now.
I'm talking about the people that make stuff like slice of life, artistic renders, comics, artsy stuff. Basically anyone with even the slightest hint of artistic motivation behind using KK. If you're just making cards and masturbating to them, you're obviously not one of those people.
I love her.
>If you're just making cards and masturbating to them, you're obviously not one of those people.
You mean the people using Koikatsu how it was meant to be used? The Koikatsu game which has a general on /h/? The board dedicated to hentai? 2D pornographY/
>implying people don't leap to defend coolv
>implying people don't leap to defend kitfag like last thread
>implying people don't leap to defend anna
Actually the only one I can think of that was mever defended was witchanon.
A lot of the time I feel demotivated and as if I’ve plateaued. It doesn’t help that I’ve barely worked on koikatsu from being distracted by other projects
no one defended me, and look how great that turned out
When I used to post, no I didn't really improve much after a little over a year of koi-ing. The only thing to improve on was stuff outside of studio and maker, which I didn't feel the need to do for what was supposed to be a fun hobby that was already becoming unfun.
"Regular" doesn't imply any of this. You should have been more direct.
It includes that, but yeah, initial post was not clear if the question was about the more involved stuff.
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Help, I'm retarded. I can't figure out why the sliders from the character maker don't retain in studio.
The real question is why you think the people you're so "mystified" about are the same as you. For some, this is just a fun side hobby. They have other things they prefer to spend their time on more than a porn game.
It looks like the XYZ yellow sliders aren't porting over for some weird reason.
>These are pretty cool. Your pics of this kind are very good honestly.
Thank you very much.
i guess im improving a little bit but im totally honest that i use koi for mastubatory purposes and not being the next super amazing creator that everyone worships
secret IRC tech please understand
never stagnate. if you want improvement you must seek and grasp it with all your might
You guys really like to make a flesh pit out of a mole hole don't you jesus. It ain't that deep.You don't gotta start arguing and calling each other names over simple questions.
I am a pretty big fan of flesh pits… does anyone have that pic of Leona trapped in one?
Tell that to him, it's his fault for not answering. Instead he chooses to gatekeep fucking outlines.
People generally get enjoyment out of getting better at things. Probably even more so for hobbies.
ya'll startin' piss me off again
Personally, I focus on getting better at things that will result in me being able to pursue my dreams. My dream is not to be famous in an anonymous porn thread of a hundred or so people.
Can we please post actual content instead of derailing the thread over whatever petty shit happens in the threads?
I suppose I'll be the one to start posting, then.
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I don't feel like I have for the simple reason that my ability or willingness to put in effort has decreased drastically over time.
hmm, but what about dickgirls though?
Also I'm going to have to think of a way to make all of that fit. But she's cute so I'll see what I can do.
Jesus, 09/23 is PEAK. That room is beautiful.
You have made good progress. Very nice.
You tell me
Left is my first comic, right is the last one I did, dont know if I improved honestly, I want to make good stuff that looks good to me overall.
I like pretty much everything, including that.
Feel free to let your imagination run wild.
Scenario can be as wacky/grounded as you wish.
Alright, so open question. When it comes to porn, what kind of content do you dislike, or even hate?
Not just things that appear around here, I mean in general.
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I would generally say I have? I've been tweaking my old cards and I think they've been looking a lot better, I'm trying to work more consistently matcaps and alpha masking to make it blend nicer. I definitely want to get better at studio effects to make stuff pop. I've never used reshade before and I want to try and get my tech-illiterate ass to learn it.

But I guess other people would know if I'm improving better than I would - I'm always eager for any feedback people have. Koi is a lot of fun to mess with and I'm glad it's become part of my life, as well as these threads and the people I've met through them, but irl my life has definitely taken a turn upwards, which is amazing but also gives me less free time to grow.
Snuff, scat, piss, and children. I also just hate children in general.
if you zoom in, there are the names! thery're pretty small, but they're here.
i just gotta figure who send first. daiya would make sense as they're the leader, but starting with cedric instead would still work, as long i follow the colour order. you're getting all seven, for sure.
Jesus, I need more of her.
Some things improved but on the other hand I also feel like some things got worse... I don't think I would have been able to tell which one was the new one if you didn't tell me.
I agree, actually.
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For scenes, I feel like I've slowly been improving since I started. Though I do plateau, I do still think I've been getting better still if not slowly.
For cards I think that I have improved a lot since I started but I'm still always finding things to tweak and fix. A lot of it comes down to what I think I like, then realising that I actually prefer it another way later down the line, looking back I often think to myself "what was I thinking doing that" and it's always been like that.
Anything in particular you'd like to see?
Specify then, because everytime I asked I just get a neblinous answer or just a broad "could be better", I posted a zip file a few months ago with my works but got no response from that.
I'm a fan of butts and anuses...
Trying to fix the hands on the Ilulu arms is a bloody pain in the ass.
I think I'm starting to get into stirrup stockings...

Anything with fluids that are not white/transparent (blood, piss, etc) is a complete turn off for me. Same for scat.
I can tolerate furry to a point, but NOT full-on bestiality (especially when insectoids are involved).
And I don't like anything with a penis getting fucked.

The layouts per panel are better, but the text still needs work. Not the dialogue, I mean the text itself (speech bubbles, floating text, etc)

I'm a dum dum, the names are right there. I glanced a the logos and thought the text was part of them.
Second reply was meant for
Since you asked: There's no shadows, the color combinations are bad, composition seems to have not been taken into account at all and there's a lot of empty useless space.
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So this character's armor doesn't show up the right color unless saturation filter is turned off, but then the whole model looks greyish, is there a way to have the filter on but not applied to the armor? Also the parts I removed with the alpha transparency just make holes in the character model instead of showing the bra layer underneath.
You mean the font? Honestly I should be getting more unique fonts to do my comics, I kind of don't have a style or never bothered to check for fonts.
Fair enough, I just toggle the shadows in the characters, and I dont add extra shadows, or use modded lights unless the scene has it when I load them in studio. I actually wanted to try to find a setting in between all the scenes I have to use for the rest of my stuff.
>Color composition is bad, composition seems to not have been taken into account and useless space
If you are referring to the Arena they fell into in the right comic, that is a reference to a boss in PSO 2, at around the 2 minute mark. https://youtu.be/Jq55E9xQNNQ
If it isn't that... I guess I just have to learn more about composition then.
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Hope you like it.
nta but thank you for this gift
It was really difficult for me to make a comic with her before but I enjoyed it
I feel like I'm improving, though it's not necessarily easily trackable in what I post, since most of the scenes I do start from someone else's scene I've grabbed and am reworking.

I've just recently started fucking around with the dick items and KKPE stuff for facial expressions, so a lot of my focus right now is blowjob scenes. Also helps that I love making these girls suck dicks

love these kinds of tops with inner sideboob. Character looks great - how did you do the hair?
I think it's been a while since I've made any substantial improvement. To be blunt, I've just not got as much time for KK as I'd like. A lot of my time is occupied trying to get my life in order and when I do have free time, I'm usually spending it doing something else.
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I've never felt that I wasn't improving. In retrospect, getting negative feedback helped a lot in my decision making. A lot of these don't show animation improvement and I sort of just clumped a lot of images towards the bottom because I made them too fast.
Your quality never ceases to amaze.
The scenes look very flat with no shadows.

It's not the arena. Generally what composition does is draw the eyes to the important parts of the scene and make the scene more interesting and dynamic. I suggest you read some guides on the subject if you want to improve.

Another thing that is sort of related to shadows is the lighting, you got midday light with no color to the lighting anywhere. Basically Midday lighting everywhere.

Another important part to making a scene look less flat is making sure there are no large areas of a single color. You can for example add a gradient (with colored shadows or projectors) and shadows to the floor.
Speaking of projectors, use them to add darkness to places where light has trouble reaching, like corners. Can also be done with normal shadow objects, but once you learn to use projectors it's easier to use those.
What you're trying to do is emulate ambient occlusion (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Fe1nYnvmiA).
If you got ReShade, it actually has several filters you can use that adds ambient occlusion.
The image I attached is and example of ambient occlusion and how it works. Like I said, try to put shadows in places where less light would bounce, like behind stuff, under stuff, corners and hard to reach places. You don't have to do it as detailed as in the picture, but try to do the large areas.
The way you churn out dozens of scenes a day tells me you put little to no effort into making scenes. Fine for your personal coomer content, but not exactly fine art.
Also agreed.
It is much more colorful than my other attempts for sure.
I feel like I've mostly plateaud or regressed since then, making me less motivated and thus preventing any forther progress. One could say you don't need to improve, but I feel like I do. That's where part of the fun comes from.
tldr I fell off, feeling washed up but haven't lost the stupid drive to compete.
>The way you churn out dozens of scenes a day tells me you put little to no effort into making scenes. Fine for your personal coomer content, but not exactly fine art.
Which is fine for my standards - I'm willing to improve, but at the end of the day this is for me to jack off to more than anything else. Now if there's any quick changes I can do to improve quality, by all means let me know.

Also I don't think I've ever done dozens a day.
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I don't know if I should reply, but... I think I have never been really confident in my stuff. I always think others do it better than me, but I appreciate when people say they like my images. So... I don't know if I improved really in terms of content. I do think it got easier for me to use studio over time, though...
Looks better than my stuff
I'd say your strength is in compositions, especially with a lower amount of subjects. You've had a good eye for that since the beginning, while slowly improving in other things.
Well I like your stuff!
I don't mess with textures at all, generally just exporting and importing through Material Editor, but I vaguely remember images being red-shifted if you try to import an image normally. Not sure if that helps, or if it's related to your problem at all.
As for the invisible thing, go to the Top clothing tab, and scroll down until you see body alpha mask, or whatever it was called. Import a fully yellow image. Just a regular 512x512 yellow square. You can make one in GIMP, Paint, whatever.
Terrible. You should just quit already.
What are you doing to my elf back there?!

Nope. Tried to before. Gave up.
A little bit at scene making, but I come and go every few months and don't treat KK as a "serious" hobby. I think any one of the regulars you wanna hear from would have improved over time just by having done it so much.
>getting negative feedback helped a lot
No need to thank me...
Though I refrained from saying anything critical about your most recent Fallout scene because what I had in mind was simply too rude and negative to express.
oh my god he’s hitting the griddy
I don't think you have any reason to not be confident. One thing I would note is that a lot of your stuff has VERY harsh lighting, almost blinding. Especially your newer stuff.
There's no quick changes, everything takes effort. A lot of the same advice I gave to the other guy also applies to you. I'd say the most important one for you is the one about ambient occlusion.
I honestly skip all your images because they feel so low-effort. Quantity over quality, as they say.
If you want other people to care about your stuff, you're gonna have to put some effort in.
from left to right
Best one
Step on a lego block
All excellent works.
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I don't feel like I've progressed much the past 2-3 years but I also have been at it for nearly 6 years now. But I'd like to think I've at least improved a little bit.
lazy post scene cause I wasted so much time trying to figure out some plug in bullshit that fucked with my displacements

sidenote get rid of shader swapper plugin its on by default and forces matedit changes you may not be aware of

cool might edit it the sheet a bit more with some more flair to it

thats actually pretty helpful and wish I knew that much earlier

I am very intrigued to know how you did this

idk i feel like I'm stagnating at times cause I lose my drive to make stuff a lot but I can't tell if its just irl stuff draining my life energy everyday or I've come to a point where I'm satisfied with where I'm at and like to stay there. On the other hand I really want to learn mod making and how it works but there's so very little material for me to study and learn from that I think I'm better off learning how unity and blender works to better learn how to make mods for koi
You have improved a lot over the past year or two if you ask me. Honestly you're quite underrated at this point.
I'm definitely enjoying this! I want to massage and kiss that big butt! Thank you anon.
You deserve a medal for consistently designing the ugliest characters in /kkg/, bravo.
I like girls with bold lips. She looks nice and can protect me.
Militant Irish Lasses

Well I hope I'd feel like I have improved seeing how I've gone from using just the studio's built in effects, to using the more advance stuff like Xukmi effects, modmap lights, using the colored shadow items, and even projectors and kkprim sometimes.
gyatt damn, all of them are so lovable
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Yeah, I'd say so.

I've gone from plopping my characters into premade scenes and tweaking a few things to composing ones from scratch, so that's a plus. Same goes for cards! And while a lot of the stuff I post is quick meme shit with not a lot of effort put into them, I still learn new tricks pretty much every time I open studio.

For example, finally figuring out how projectors actually worked while I was working on the character sheet! When I did this https://files.catbox.moe/2pwelm.png a while back, I somehow got it into my head that the image was being projected onto things touching the edges of the projector's invisible cube, and I was having so much trouble fiddling with the object's position and rotation - it was only a couple days ago while making the sheet for this theme that I finally realized that it was being projected onto objects INSIDE the cube. It's a constant process of learning, forming misconceptions, and correcting those misconceptions, but it's getting tangible results.

Ultimately, it's not really the technical aspects I'm too concerned with since I know I'll get better as I go along; my real struggle is my overall "artistic sense". I'm aware that my grasp of lighting, color, and composition in particular aren't exactly refined, so I've been reading a lot of books on photography and painting lately while at work. I'm looking forward to seeing myself improve further!
Turime is the superior headmod. It automatically makes cards better.
the plaprattats getting batplapped
You really deliver with your neat looking characters and scenes. You only need to improve your lighting a little, and it will be perfect.
God I really hate you and your constant crybaby attentionwhoreing. Quit the fucking ellipses start behaving like an adult.
You deserve a medal for being the biggest faggot in /kkg/, bravo.
Yea guys it's just one guy!
Makes sense. So it sounds like the issue is lighting, shadows, and basic composition, right?
What you meant to say is that you like western-style characters. Got it.
They look like the spawn of Tumblr, fucking disgusting every single one of them.
You didn't do anything...
You look like the spawn of Tumblr, fucking disgusting every single one of you.
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I like a variety of characters, and point out glaring flaws with character designs when I see them.
This is not the case, as the creator's intent was intentional and he has succeeded at making a distinct design for his army girl.

How about writing some real criticism instead of giving empty (you)s you spineless faggot?
God I really love you and your constant cute workposts. Use as many ellipses as you like, it really adds to the expression.
God forbidden someone doesn't like an anons work
Why do projectors have to be so confusing. Also I hate lighting
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I would say that I've improved quite a bit since I began in late 2021, but I am not quite yet comfortable with my level of knowledge and quality.
Literally all of his characters look the same, and all of them are ugly, hence why he deserves a medal for being so good at making them.
I strongly dislike when anons try to reproduce western-style characters in Koi because they look like shit every time.
Here's your real criticism, you retarded newfag.
I had meant to reply to this with my post >>8016228

Oh well.
Nah, projectors are actually easy as hell. I was just overthinking things as usual lmao.

>I don't like it
>It looks like shit
Very constructive, anon. Why not go share it with someone who willl actually care?
wonder what crawled up anons ass to be so uncivil about just not liking someones stuff
Not liking it is fine. Being an asshole shitflinger with nothing constructive to say is another.
They don't really look western though they just look like more stylized anime. And no going "they look like shit" is not more of a real criticism than "they look like shit", fuck off.
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>Here's your real criticism, you retarded newfag.

You didn't say shit once again. God, I would beat your ass right now. I'm so fed up with this site right now.
An entire flock of cocks, most likely.
It is migration season, after all.
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I could ask these anons the same question >>8016233 >>8016236
Why defend the shittiest artist in /kkg/, but when someone like AnnaAnon or Cool_V is being shit on, they sit quietly and don't say a word.
retarded newfag
Funnily enough they are ranked from my least hated to my most hated of this little collection here.
I think they look neat. They got cute faces, bodies are well proportioned and they got a cool style to them.
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maybe if FMK and Chen provided us with more flats we'd be too distracted by the sheer flattening of cute girls and wouldn't try and kill each other over every little thing
I do not sit quietly when Anna or CoolV is being shit on. I call that retarded shit out too, every single time. So fuck off.
And nah Jet is easily among the top. You may not like his style but he executes it very well and his outfits are among the best imo.
Here's something I think you should try to do.
Try to think of what the lighting conditions are like in your scene:
What time of day is it? Midday the light is white, then it slowly gets more red until dusk. After that lights start to slowly get more blue. Once it gets lighter again lights once again turn more red.
Is it hot or cold?
Cold conditions the light turns more blue, hot conditions the lights turn more red.
Is it humid or dry?
humid conditions decrease contrasts, dry conditions increase contrasts.
It's water vapour diffusing lights.
Once we're past the dinosaur I don't notice much difference in technical skill.
Very good, you've identified your problems yourself.
Speaking purely about your scenes, yes.Your composition is probably your strongest suit.
Blender is what most people use to make their stuff for the mods, yeah. It's quite the undertaking to learn though.
There's guides on how to put those objects into mods on the KK discord.
Doing good. Careful with the contrast though.
Except I defend pretty much anyone who comes under fire here, especially Vibe, Anna, and Nana. But you don't actually care. You're only here to bait (You)s. So congrats, you won! Do you feel like your life has a little more meaning now?
>Doing good. Careful with the contrast though.
Thank you. I did mess up with the contrast in that particular render.
You sound like Relvel, cut that out.
>lighting stuff
Makes sense, it's also the thing I'm the worst at recognizing.

Good, because that's the one thing I can actually tell when looking at images

Here's an example I just threw together fucking around with ambient occlusion like that one anon suggested. I fucked with the slider until I found which option looked best, but I can't tell *why* I think it looks best
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>Is it humid or dry?
>humid conditions decrease contrasts, dry conditions increase contrasts.
>It's water vapour diffusing lights.
Yoooo I never realized this. That's actually helpful as shit, thanks dude!

>Very good, you've identified your problems yourself.
Gotta stay alert. Can't improve if you don't know what to improve on!
bootlickers like this is why some content creator never improve
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>Once we're past the dinosaur I don't notice much difference in technical skill.

Yeah... Pretty much.
Its a few people, the problem is that now anons are proceeding to jump to defend anons when that isn't really necessary, better to ignore them like the anon shitting on Jet and tries to make it look like its genuine instead of an ad hominem

Please lets just ignore the shitposters and let them sperg out alone
I thought this was FFXI for a second.
how new?
They have improved though, significantly.
And it's assholes like you driving everyone away from this place. Fuck off and make some actual content.
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It takes nothing to share kind word to one another.
Funnily enough, you were pretty close. I was the other reply.

You're right, I'm just giving them what they want. Sorry.
assholes who are not afraid to speak their mind are the reason why I still visit this place...
it's the fags like you who should go back.
Been here since 2020.
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So what you want is to sit here and textpost samefag by yourself?
While I personally don't like the kind of content you usually make, I think the quality of your works is pretty up there, and I can appreciate that.

Scenes are all over the place, so it's harder to judge progress. They're not bad at least, and shows you can handle variety.
Characters are also varied and overall have improved over time. I'd say you're doing good on that front.

I haven't paid much attention to your older characters honestly, but your recent ones are pretty good. Your scenes are indeed improving, so good job on that.

I've only really seen your recent stuff. Your scenes are cool and your character designs are pretty rad (pssst, when do we get to plap Gluttony).
Only real criticism I can give is from weeks ago, so you might have corrected it already. When you put your characters side by side, their proportions were pretty inconsistent, so it looked kinda weird.

>>8015741 >>8016251
I like your scenes a lot more than your girls. I think I just don't like the way you do faces. Left one is very cute though.

When in doubt, just turn the native ambient occlusion off.

Agreed. The are a scant few who haven't really shown relevant improvement, but most oldies have better results now.

They're not online all the time.

And you quit behaving like a pissy teen.

You can speak and still be wrong. Not that you'll ever admit to that.
To move the conversation in another direction, are any of you working in the superhero/magical girl/spy/urban fantasy theme? What concepts you all have? Is it a Villain? A hero? Antihero/villain? Some monster?
I kind of want to do a Phantom thief.
sometimes I feel like quitting. Mapmaking is a pain in the ass, and stops the majority of my work. Not to mention my dumb brain being unable to figure out decent lighting or supplemental effects, or even get into outside programs like blender or substance painter.
>(pssst, when do we get to plap Gluttony).
I will make a H-Scene of her soon.
>When you put your characters side by side, their proportions were pretty inconsistent, so it looked kinda weird
I'll be sure to look into fixing this soon.
>They have improved though, significantly.
Can I see an example of an CC improving and being shit on all the time?
>And it's assholes like you driving everyone away from this place.
I don't think that's the reason.
I have a concept for some heroes but I don't wanna spill it.

I have no ideas for a villain yet but I'd like to make one, would be a little outside my usual wheelhouse.
This leads to the very interesting conclusion that rude people are more important.
If you don't like making maps, don't.
If the lighting stuff makes it unfun for you, fuck it and do basic stuff.

Everyone gets so high on their horse on improvement and doing everything the "best" way but fuck it just take maker screencaps of your waifus in basic poses if that's what actually makes you happy.
You want people to be civil and leave likes under your posts? Go back to d*scord.
Look at this dog.
After I update Nicole/Perpetua and submit her, I've got an idea for a villainess/dark magical girl heavily inspired by Micha Jawkan from Symphogear.
I'm the biggest hater of kkg for sure.
Reminder there is the Scene Mega
If you want everything in the collection you have to get the torrent (I will actually put it back up today so you guys can download it), but if you want just maps or props? Those are easily available in the mega, no need to torrent.
We already had a theme for being nice (Farm Theme) and nobody liked that. There should be a theme for being mean.
BASED. all of the autoscorers need more love desu but especially Micha and Garie.
I wish I was here for that.. Took a break from KKG during that time.
Speaking of farm theme, ANNA when are you going to finish this? I was waiting for months now.

>Farm Theme
Farm, huh?
I tried to make stuff for it. But I guess that wasn’t good enough
>guy shits on Jet
this is bullshit
>proceeds to talk about how people here need to toughen up
okay that's legit

I like that dog. I like this one more, though.
How many of those prop maps are extremely old and basic?
>no leashes
excuse me sir, that's illegal

love these cards though. That creator for the first one's collection is what got me making my own cards
You didn't miss anything. Farm theme was shitposted into oblivion. Don't listen to retards pretending it was fun >>8016302
You can see in the archives that every thread was schizophrenic until anna just called it quits.
I'm gonna kick those dogs
It's easier to start being rude, but harder to stop.

I'd rather not have your type around. But it's 4chan, what can we do.
A pity Discord is literally the only decent open alternative to this place in english. Despite the shitters, I still like this place more.

>okay that's legit
While not untrue, there's no need to be mean for the sake of being mean.
That's a nice dog. She looks really familiar.

That's not even a dog, that's a human.
I already finished a second part for it, but all the animations broke with some wiggle update. I never continued because the theme was getting shitposted.
This turned out decently enough.
I'll experiment with this reshade more tomorrow.
>While not untrue, there's no need to be mean for the sake of being mean.
Saying that you dislike someone's work because you hate their style is not being "mean for the sake of being mean".
>That's not even a dog, that's a human.
listen man, I just like putting leashes on my girls
"That creator" (for both cards) is the late, great Anon11. May he rest in peace.

I'm gonna kick your dick.

>there's no need to be mean for the sake of being mean.
The thing is, you're not going to get a thread full of niceness out of an anonymous image board. It's literally impossible. People will always let out their grievances here. Randos will always come in and stir shit up. You either learn to deal with it or you suffer. There's nothing anyone can do to change it.

She's my bitch. :^)
More importantly, what happened to the BG3 animation?
No idea, you can check yourself tho, unless the scenes or modmaps are extremely old, or are loaded in KKS, there shouldn't be much issues.
"You should get a medal for being the worst" is though.
well, i showed my charas here! (>>8014685) they're magical vigilantes, aka they do work like magical girls (they get their own henshin + magic powers) but their goal is keep tellyem safe. well, as part of the another spin lore, as idk how the city in the theme is called. but yeah.
it was finished.
Would you rather have someone say, "you fucking suck anon, kys". It's a playful diss, most anons here will be happy to receive it.
Did I improve, kkg?
ReShade. I think the main filter you're looking for for those shadows was the "Comic" filter.
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>but all the animations broke with some wiggle update. I never continued because the theme was getting shitposted.
>a card for everyone is a card for no one
>May he rest in peace.
RIP. I still can't believe he's fucking dead. We should do a puzzle in his honor.
I'd rather your parents had treated you better as a child.
>Did I improve, kkg?
It's coming from me, so take it with a grain of salt, but I think the top stuff looks worse. At least the characters do.

>"That creator" (for both cards) is the late, great Anon11. May he rest in peace.
>RIP. I still can't believe he's fucking dead. We should do a puzzle in his honor.
fucking what, he actually died?
NOOOOOOOOO DELETE IT Anna what the fuck are you doing you're going to get banned again!
Funny enough the farm schizo crying for his girl not having clothes on in anna's scene is still crying for attention in this very thread. Sad.
You know what? He was right about this place needing to toughen up. Good diss btw.
He doesn't look as young as some of the characters in the other animations. I think the school ones just went too far.
>The thing is, you're not going to get a thread full of niceness out of an anonymous image board. It's literally impossible. People will always let out their grievances here. Randos will always come in and stir shit up. You either learn to deal with it or you suffer. There's nothing anyone can do to change it.
The sad truth. Still better than d*scord.

Yeah, but counting "negative" comments only, you get one comment like this for every 2-3 others that just say "this is shit" or "kill yourself" and nothing else.
Thank you very much.
ʕノ•ᴥ•ʔノ ︵ ━
>fucking what, he actually died?
I heard he died after a non-stop, 38-hour masturbation session. Very tragic.
Figuring out how to make robots that are actually giant is a pretty big improvement.
Sure. Someone make a scene of his grave and we can do a puzzle of that.

>he actually died?
The French Baby Irritants finally got him.

>Still better than d*scord.
That's a low bar.
Kek, the little one is so cute. Imagine a model kit about that size
>Still better than d*scord.
Always has been.
Stop posting your ugly card.
He still resembles a child. Xitter mods are very strict about this stuff. You really should crop your videos.
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I think I've improved dramatically at making cards over the past few months but my scenes are still pretty basic.
You're easily one of the best posters here, I wouldn't sweat it.
Holy shit that redhead witch is hot, never seen her before.
I'm gonna make some kind of ninja maid for it, assuming I don't get too attached and refuse to make her public.
Cool girl. I like the exposed tummy.
Flying sex is good, nice scene.
>A lot of it comes down to what I think I like, then realising that I actually prefer it another way later down the line, looking back I often think to myself "what was I thinking doing that" and it's always been like that.
I get that. I cringe just looking at the stick legs & shompoon overlays on my older cards.
Based Byarlant.
No one wants to see it you hypocrite.
is a mixed reality mod possible? id be willing to sell a kidney or two for a quest 3.
Did anyone sound happy to receive it?
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I hit the plateau long ago. There's quite literally no way to improve.

Mind you I mean the plateau not my plateau. I quite simply have achieved everything that can be done in Koi-Katsu. There's no upwards mobility from here unless I move to blender.
His bodyguards were upset, but the real Jet is usually very cool about criticism. That whole interaction surprised me.
Well it certainly worked in his favor.
she was hiding tits under there this whole time…
>There's no upwards mobility from here unless I move to blender.
This is actually true. The game is made in Unity, so it's only capable of what Unity can do, but it's not even capable of everything Unity can do unless someone goes into Unity to make a mod for it to grant it access to that one singular thing. Which is limited by the Unity version the game was made on.

Using actual Unity, you have access to all the tools it has at it's disposal, including accurate liquid physics simulation and so much more. It's basically a real tool. Meanwhile, Blender is even more powerful, but requires even more skill to use. This is why I laughed when someone used the term "fine art" earlier. You're playing with toys. You can make pretty things with toys if you have enough autism, but you're not going to get fine art.
You've been going on about him for hours dude fuck off or go to a therapist, seriously. I'm talking about random anons shitposting and having a meltdown over a theme because anna made it, stuff that was going on before any of that.
pcloud offered me a discount for a lifetime plan because I'm based, 140€ for 500GB and 280€ for 2TB, what's GANG SHARE's opinion on peecloud?
Also a 10TB plan but I do NOT need that amount
>he pays taxes
very funny, doubt this will do anything though
something about maid outfits with tits pulled out really gets me going. I try to make sure all the maid outfits on my girls have it easy to plop the boobs out
What a fucking rip off, just host your own server
Hello friends
Have we managed to have a good day so far?
We have not. Cute girl though.
I had Jury Duty. Why does James have tits? Who paid for the surgery?
Port forwarding issue, so unless I find a solution to pipe the file list and share via a VPS tunnel, I can't
(As in I literally can't port forward to my knowledge, I've tried)
It has been a very good day so far
very nice work
Really makes you wonder what else she's hiding.
Hope it gets better.
Cinderella moment with her boy toy.
Glad to hear it!
hey this is great, plapbat take her to the batcave
At first I was mad that you turned the cute tomboy/reverse trap into a bimbo. Then I saw the second picture and holy hell James is a beautiful woman.
the weak should fear the strong
Don't worry, it's like her She-Ra transformation.
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I've gotten better in the girl making department for sure, my girls used to look like shit and i jacked off to them somehow lol. as for scenes i think i have improved from when i first started, but not so much lately.
>best of both worlds
Now we're talkin'...!
any good reshade presets around?
Even if Its not my best I still like that set
i forgot to add that i dont plan to do koikatsu for long, i'll move on to drawing sooner or later.
That's what we all like to tell ourselves
NTA but I'm literally working on my own 3D modeling skills on the side.
besides drag and drop into the chara maker, is there a faster way to convert sunshine cards to regular koikatsu? I got a bunch of them and it's taking forever to convert them all.
I have not used this but I was told by a midget-loving fatass in this very thread that it works https://github.com/FlYiNGPoTAToChiP/KK_SunshineCardFilter
it was good and made me happy, I couldn't ask for more
I probably should have done more during that second school theme
I'm not coping though. I take art classes and got a drawing tablet 2 weeks ago (i wanted to get it 2 months ago but shit is pricey here in Argentina and food comes first). I'm still far from where i want to be though, :P.
Themes are always open, but some are more open than others. Especially School.
New Gluttony renders tomorrow hopefully.
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the peaks were so very high that it didn't matter to me
I thought this one came out really good at the time
ty, it worked just fine.
Is it any wonder that we want to plap rats and rabbits when they are our closest non-primate relatives? Deep down, we are all just plaprats recalling our genetic memory of plapping other rats.
I think we do have some vestigal instinct to find big ears and tails attractive.
For me, it's man's best friend.
You might be right, I certainly find them cute.
Cute, I originally thought we were more closely related to them because the teeth were more similar, but we are just tree rats.
sora kh ass hair
I love shiny spats like you wouldn't believe, very nice.
>I originally thought we were more closely related to them
We're very closely related! Dogs have been our companion for over 15,000 years.
my 15,000 year old dogwife…
>bookcase right next to fireplace
Anon your Sims will perish.
Granny Panty Mommy Patty
Grug love dogwife
Phew, good thing her loincloth was blurred out and censored.

The first 3 cards all loaded without hair, and I thought that would be a trend, but they had some missing mods and were from the same dude, so I kept testing and the the others all loaded just fine. Did 28 by hand, drag and drop, and still had about the same amount if not a bit more to go. I'm very pleased with that converter. It worked one by one and in batches.
didn't check all the clothing pieces or in game yet, but it looks fine. I liked that it keeps the old sunshine cards intact, if there's a mishap or to reuse them I suppose, and all the converted cards neatly organized on their own folder. Quite decent, I thank you again anon-kun, it helped a bunch.
>I get that. I cringe just looking at the stick legs & shompoon overlays on my older cards.
oof, tell me about it, I also went through a phase of super thin waists and big hands.

>Did I improve, kkg?
I'd say so yeah, you're pretty good with using all those different effects and make some pretty unique looking cards and scenes.

It's been pretty good, been too busy playing Stellar Blade to do much koi.
Also She looks great with this figure, I'd even say I prefer it.
I think that the main difference between your top and bottom cards is that they've become more exaggerated over time as either your art style changes or your ability to express what was always your art style has changed. For your scenes, I feel like they're all good but your newer scenes on top have more complex compositions.
When qre you sharing the tropicali scenes?
The physicality doesn't matter as much, canine and human social structures are extremely compatible. It's actually an unsung miracle that dogs and human exist on this planet at the same time, no two species on earth is as different as we are and work together as well, and no other domesticated animal can understand a human as much as a dog, which is why we're able to get them to do so many things from jumping hoops to detecting live bombs.

Aside from all that though. Even if our DNA is closer to a rat and rabbit's. Our evolutionary design is much more in line with a canine. Our eyes are in the front like a dog's because it was more useful for navigating arboreal environments which leads to eye movement as a method of communication which canines also utilize heavily, we both eat meat, both vocalize to communicate (granted wolves do this far less than dogs, dogs primarily do it to communicate with humans).

I can not stress enough how insane it is that we have this relationship with dogs. It's an anomaly and we have both impacted each other's evolution (dogs are the most obvious but it's entirely possible if we never encountered dogs we would have never bothered with domestication, or at the very least it would have taken far longer to develop). It's amazing a purely predatory animal was the first animal humans domesticated. Not a cow, not a horse, or any other docile herbivore. A ferocious hunting animal. This alone really speaks to how compatible our social structures are.

Sorry for the sperging on a hentai forum. It's just my line of work and fascinates me to no end.

t. white woman biologist
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Thank you! It's her glow-up/super mode moment, so I'm glad her design for that is landing well.

It's kind of a logistical problem.
>His bodyguards were upset
This happens too often
Since Laggen is gone, can I have his cards?
Why would you want that ugly shit?
Trust me, we could tell you were a white woman lmao.

Jokes aside, it really is so cool how close they are to us socially. Even the hunting tactics of wolves - running down their prey over long distances while harrying the weak and infirm - was close enough to our own endurance hunting that the earliest domesticated wolves were able to adapt relatively quickly to our methods, which is probably just one of many more reasons we bonded with them so readily. Even before we started coevolving and adapting to each other's behavior and lifestyles, it's almost like we were made for each other from the start.
That being said, I don't think it's particularly miraculous - life expands to fill any available niche it can, so it was probably inevitable that there'd be such a socially cohesive species of predatory pack hunters somewhere on Earth that'd find their way to us.
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I know the feeling, I've only been here a couple years but it already feels like a giant chunk of my life.

That's a drastic improvement, you should be proud of it. Half-sorry to hear you won't be doing this long, but still glad to hear you're pursuing your passion. Keep at it!

I rolled a dupe of the new Gohan in Dokkan Battle, so I'm happy

Awesome scene on the bottom there, did some of my favorite shots in that rooftop map.

Personally, I'm excited to see your take on the Heavygun. That is not a request, it is a demand.

Your scene composition has gotten WAY more in-depth, I'm jealous! Great moody lighting as well.
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Which one is the best body type /kkg/?
It depends on the character, the body should suit the personality
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This exercise is like actual torture
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All of them.
unironically the soul level in your works keeps increasing, they're so comfy and fun and the colors in the last year or so have been really nice
The first three on the top and the first four on the bottom. Once your waistline is the same distance apart as your armpits, you're no longer a woman.
Time keeps going by
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Tatscore is the definition of SOVL, I love how creative your scenarios get, and even the set dressing like in portrait scenes like bottom there.
Absolutely. The shortstack robot in particular has me going fucking FERAL.
By the way, could you share the Conquestus Dungeon Set 4 that was used in your iron maiden animation? I can't seem to find it.
I've definitely improved a lot since starting, but I never feel fully satisfied with my work. There's always so many nitpicks I have that I'm never sure what to write off as a skill issue to improve upon or a limitation of the tools available.

Wanted to avoid posting until I had a nice scene in studio to show off Sully's mouse girl suit, but progress has been an autistic rut of restarting the same scene or swapping outfit colors for a few days now. The plan is to make a few new scene's with her to go along with a post containing the actual card.

That double outline trick is cute and fits really well this style. I actually considered something similar with Sully initially, but it didn't pan out.

Cool to see more people trying this stuff out.
I recommend using Pixelate over GB for the resolution. GB has this weird horizontal stretching effect. The scaling on Pixelate is cleaner and the PixelSize setting is much friendlier to work with.

You can even calculate Pixelate's resolution scaling by dividing the Y axis of the Studio window by the Y axis of the resolution you want to mimic.

Also its super important to note that PixelSize's scaling won't appear as it does in Studio if you're exporting at a different resolution from the Studio window. All you need to do to account for this is to divide the export Y value by the resolution you want instead.
you can have the girls (male)
>no SS or SSS

I need me some ribcage.
Maybe a plant girl hero or some other type of villain... I'm trying to think of abilities that actually make for fun scenes.

Tentacles are cool and all but there isn't a good way to do tentacle hair...
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Sincerest apologies. I was gaming again.
Unfortunately SMTVV and Dawntrail are quickly approaching on the horizon...
Yeah I feel that - I’ve secretly been wondering if I might’ve dropped the theme sheet too early after all, solely because Dawntrail is going to devour my Koi time entirely lmao. I also just got gifted Like A Dragon: Ishin! and I’m itching to crack it open already so bad >_<. There’s just not enough time in the day to do all the fun shit anymore…
Either way, it’s nice to see you’re doing well!
I could never get used to the way you do faces. A pity for me, because I like how you do pretty much everything else.
But to answer the question, yes, you improved.

Clear improvement in scenes. I like the way you do scenes actually.
As for your cards, I don't think I like all of them from a design standpoint, but the quality at least is going up consistently.

I haven't seen much of your old content, but the recent-ish scenes at least are cool and very creative. I'm not so much into the monster girl content, but pretty much everything else you do is very good to me.
Most of your non-monster characters are pretty simple, yet effective. It's just hard to gauge the improvement over time with them.

That card was so damn creative, but until today I didn't actually know who made it. Good job on that one.

Over time I've settled on M, but S or L are fine too. From the bottom row I'll take them up to 40%.
Can't really say. Your stuff can look absolutely horrid or somewhat okay. The shading comes off as schizophrenic, and I'm being 100% honest.
you didn't even do anything for the last theme
Damned gaming! It takes away everything good in this world! Glad to see you're still around though, the stuff you do is freakishly creative in Koi and I always look forward to seeing more.
‘scuz irl got in the way - I got a new job and was still settling in. But now I live near my workplace with an apartment of my own, so I’ve actually got more than half an hour of free time per day. I do eventually still want to go back and do some of the fantasy stuff I had planned however. Haven’t forgotten Kamilah’s mother, or the Mavis’ castle bad ends.
I spent way too much time making a mavis bad end
Don't feel too bad about it. There's still a Mavis comic from the LAST Fantasy theme I haven't finished!
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You talking about the Shika set? Because that shit was GUCCI.

Shit, I’m in the same boat there too! Poor Lorahn has been trapped in a blank void staring at an embarrassed-yet-aroused Mavis’ glorious blue titties for an entire year now…
I really do like corruption too much.
cant make a big mega for them?
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>too much
No such thing, my good bitch. No such thing.
I don't want those :(
primo despaircore
need despair to balance out the whimsy
holy shit your alive, geez I assume the worse whenever I don't hear from anyone for months and been the same since HD2 came out its been occupying my free time a lot

and I miss you too anon11

I'd say 40% only cause I don't really like it when the body does not reflect the head like going from S to 3L theres changes to cheek fat as well

awesome I'll check it out later. I'd say you've improved rather quickly but its a tad hard to say when you have such a distinct style

its nice to see my old scenes come back around

I have some stupid ideas that I want to do but bare with me as I try and finish what I got on my plate before starting on new stuff

thank you for the civility of your criticism I know its not for everyone and I generally do take to heart genuine critiques

>There's guides on how to put those objects into mods on the KK discord.
I've got a grasp on porting basic stuff but the examples given for stuff like hair or anything with dynamic bones I get lost on how to get to that point in the first place eventually I want to learn making accessory clothes and stuff

>coolV praise
I feel humbled, I don't say it as much but I like your stuff too futa is not my biggest thing but nevertheless I always love your animations they have so much character to them

I would say your improving bit by bit your getting pretty close to the persona style of shading

I appreciate it I try to think on the areas that I can improve upon but as thy say you're your own worst critic
I'm starting to realize some anons give compliments they don't even mean.
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You're telling me, there's at least 6 anons I desperately need to make things for as thanks and and the kart theme to finish. It feels like pure shit that I haven't been able to reciprocate, hopefully they don't feel like I've forgotten about them.
You're pretty smart, anon!
It's "Bee nice" not "Be nice"
and you must be the greatest judge of sincerity here I presume
>give actual criticism while using your identity
>anons get pissy and hold a grudge forever
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this is still a nice app, ain't it
"I like how symmetrical your cards are" was one of the funniest and confusing things I have read here.
we all still look forward to what your planning to do but don't force yourself for our sake I eagerly await the return of kart theme
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its all fun and games until you put your model side by side with mine
and this is an almost 3 year old model
Wow she is very cute
its not even about digital art at this rate, its about pleasing the members that don't matter

heck, even hobbyistS are much more approachable value than egos of no substance
i get artstyles or graphic preference but in terms of geometry and aesthetic, those graphical changes don't make you better

i said this although im not perfect myself, im bad at architecture and technicals though I could speak out the fields ive been in

>for regulars
Are there still some left here? I don't count few.
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Reposting a based Tatsanon work.
Thanks anon I appreciate it. It'll probably be a christmas karts race given how my time has been in the last few months. It'll also give me some time to do some things for other sweet anons.
kek that is hilarious. Honestly there's some things that I love about some anons cards that I love but are so specific that I'd feel weird saying them unprompted. As an example, I really love the way Skullanon does wrists/hands/forearms, they look so smooth and soft.
>that I love about some anons cards that I love
God fucking damn it, the mental fatigue is too strong for me to be up this late.
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they be postin my works and normal people get to see how adorable they are
let's just be friends at this rate
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so you really thought you could get away with this? YOU THINK I FORGOT YOU PIECES OF SHIT PUT ME IN F TIER!?
ME!? and now you brought it up again you little shit. LOOK AT THAT PICREL! i blocked out everyone else to avoid more drama, but also because fuck everyone else. it's not about them. it's ABOUT ME RIGHT NOW! MEEE!
i bet you think i'm still low tier don't you anon? well, i can tell you one area i've definitely improved in is my fists. and i'm about to let loose with these powerful fists on your dumb ass! and everyone else too! instead of arguing about koikatsu like a bunch of losers, you should all try acting like MEN FOR A CHANGE AND GET ON YOUR KNEES AND FUCKING SUCK MY DICK AS AN APOLOGY! I WANT AN APOLOGY FROM EVERY ONE (YOU) FUCKERS FOR PUTTING ME IN F TIER! EVEN IF YOU DIDN'T MAKE A TIER LIST YOU'RE STILL RESPONSIBLE FOR LETTING IT HAPPEN!
you should have all reported that bullshit placements but you didn't. I TRY AND BRING JOY TO ALL OF YOUR MISERABLE LIVES AND THIS IS WHAT I GET!? why don't YOU improve at getting a JOB anon!? have you ever thought about that!?
what the fuck who puts my guy on F TIER, thats unfair
Based Becky, you tell em
honestly how are you supposed to respond to this without sounding mad
Is it possible to do per outfit eyebrows?
Scenes a little yeah but to be honest I don't like doing them so much. Cards? Always. Since I began I wanted to make them better and better. I'm happy with how they are now.
I put you in F tier on my tier list of all Beckys but the F stands for Fuck also it's the only tier and Becky's the only one on it.

All this to say: I fuck Becky. Right in her Christian Ass.

Per coordinate eyebrow overlays are a thing thanks to our dead lord and savior Anon11
I will say you are one of the funniest regulars around here you never fail to make me laugh
>Per coordinate eyebrow overlays are a thing thanks to our dead lord and savior Anon11
Neat, how do I do it?
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wait... i got this by common sense
so does that mean like, you change eyebrow mat edit for every state?

haven't thought of that holy shit that's clever
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Like this. Make sure to enable checkbox at the top that says per outfit.

>mat edit for every state
That's the one thing our dead lord and savior could not do. Pic related is how.
awesome, feel great i learned that
surely great when you're making some sort of superhero or magial girl which does transformations
Ok now give us the uncensored version because I don't remember where I was in the tier list.
I don't like their faces either but I don't know what I'm doing.
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>Holy shit that redhead witch is hot, never seen her before.
That's kind of surprising, glad you like her though!
If Anna can still be improving so you can you.
You will always be S tier to me Becky.
When was this even?
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imagine losing inside your own studio setting, can't be me
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so yeah, those cuts are hand crafted customizations but there surely are better
I totally said on every commission that i can make any card even graphical suggestions but there's none so far

purely a scheme and btw you're broke, $200 didn't happen

also made this muscle girl
do you think you will do a cute superhero for the theme?
wow adorable, i also like how the dress went
god she is so hot
Are you seriously telling me people buy this junk?
Making money from desperate coomers must be really easy.
>Making money from desperate coomers must be really easy.
Women have been doing this for ages now
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yeah its junk as porn, but there's so much done in there and I made as presentable as possible because its under expectation that it will be used on free-h

>making money from...
yeah its porn


though the real lore here is dude wants to get a universal base face and body but i don't sell it cheap
he tried but i didn't use any of my OGs, i see them valuable

this tale might sound funny coz most of you guys are good in sliders but yeah... it happens
I wouldn't buy it even if I didn't know anything about koikatsu. But to each his own I assume, some people just have bad taste.
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it literally looks like the art you saw on internet
but i understand you won't buy one
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i've been making cards like that since i came, yes pun intended
i just learned extras like less noise for animations and more slider tactics

also got used with the shader but I never get to use them
for instance, i just learned kkrim recently and eyebrows for today
As I've learnt more and more new techniques, I've gotten more and more into taking those to the extremes, so you're right. I try to do something new with every card.
I feel like you hit a plateau a while back for a while, but I think just recently you've gotten better.
I can get into most girls except morbidly obese ones...
Here you go, quite a big mod so I had to Mega it: https://mega.nz/file/FagWDJqJ#O3TqPPMC_o5G2Cwq7kuxqW3uVMDPblZZm8RHWFjLFXc
I really like your stuff. Shame you never seem to share any of it anymore, at least not in a place I can see them.
>I could never get used to the way you do faces.
It's my preference, not much I can do about that.
Do tell, what's schizophrenic shading?
>I'd say you've improved rather quickly but its a tad hard to say when you have such a distinct style
Right back at ya.

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it's a slow crawling reality
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still im your local smol creator, i hope for the best
>Do tell, what's schizophrenic shading?
nta but I read it as unusual lighting which includes a lot of clashing colors, unrealistic or fantastical light sources and weird details.
If that's what they mean then I agree and I have a similar assessment. I think it's fine however, as it's at least interesting and varied.
by chance could you tell me where to find the reshader plugin you mentioned it doesn't seem to be in the discord mod sharing and google doesn't come up with anything relevant
It was in the shader pack anon shared recently, it was in the last thread.
You schizos always have the weirdest insults.
it's true tho
shut up you nonmasturbator
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gotta catch them all
sex with vhix
Please stop posting your abominations. I beg.
Good thing I have stopped posting here. My life is at least better now.
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lets do scene wars
This but unironically, except the part where my life is better now. At best I can say it feels better to stay completely detached from what happens in this thread.
Just post whatever you made, interact with the anons you like and ignore the obvious bait posts. It's really that simple, I swear.
He's a workposter and having fun. Maybe you should stop posting.
>Just post whatever you made
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i do like sunny bex
heres hoping DTs postpatch content is better
there could be worse fates than staring at bloobies
i dont even have those excuses, im just incredibly lazy
i still havent finished this pic despite being like, over half way done
Q: What if anon post something I don't like at all what should I do?
Ignore it and move on. In general this is a good rule of thumb for when anyone does something you don't like that has no actual tangible effect on you.
You're not the center of the world. Nobody cares about your opinion. Keep it to yourself and move on.
tell it like it is
It's 4chan, you can express yourself.
are you really saying I can roll up to his house in my lowrider with the chrome rims and neon underlighting, pump the hydraulics until we almost flip over and call his ass a chikahead?
When I like anon's post, say so, and if not, ignore it. Understood thank you.
>just post whatever you made
Why for?
>interact with anons you like
Why for?
>ignore bait
Been doing that.
Do even like being here?
Follow the reply chain
holy shit, since when there are so many newfags in /kkg/?
gatekeep harder and stop inviting d*scord fags here
if you don't like what you see feel free to leave
Used to, until people stopped caring.
This place used to be better when work posters were not afraid to talk shit to one another instead of hiding their identities
Point out to when that was ever a thing.
you coming back just to say that outs you as the biggest faggot ever. fuck you and i hope your life fails
I was there then and none of that happened.
Kind of funny remembering how "regulars" would argue with anons, and later on they were all "i ruv u my fav kreator" on discord. Hypocrisy to the fullest.
You are the one who needs to realize you can't just label everyone as a shitposter the moment they say something bad about somebody else or the thread as a whole.
That is why I say "Analyze what they say", just like how real critics have been happening in this thread yesterday with that anon that was talking about the other anons improving, most were receptive or recognized what the other anons pointed out. There is a difference between a real reply and someone attacking the person directly, and in some cases people here need to get thick skin if they want to be in 4chan.
Friendly reminder: Don't stick your dick in evil.
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I do wonder about the thought process of some anons who are clearly unwell and can't handle anything short of unequivocal praise yet choose an anonymous image board as their medium of choice. It's damn near masochistic.
Instructions unclear, fucked the evil fox girl.
I have a plan for it but don't get your hopes up.
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Last time I complained about Aikas unreadable comics I was appointed the bully of KKG for like a week. Most people are smart enough to not do that. You can bait all you want but anyone with half a brain knows that making yourself a target for all the insane schizos on here is not a good idea.

Sadly however, I am stupid.
I'm leaking already
Those schizo ramblings weren't worth reading anyway. Truly deranged stuff.
that's some nice underboob
Dying for salvation with dedication!
No capitulation, annihilation,
Papal commendation, reincarnation,
Heaven is your destination!
Your own fault for trying to make sense of aika fag. Anyone who hasn't improved in years of making shit isn't suddenly going to see the light of day when you point out the obvious flaws in their work. They either don't care to get better or are too mentally ill to act rationally when presented with criticism.
Actually its kind of wild that I havent done a fox girl by now when that is one of the chars I'm most horny for besides dragon girls...
Actually should I make a fox themed phantom thief? That or make a foxgirl the stand of the phantom thief or the transformation for a magical girl.
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i go make a scene hang on
take your time broski
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the table has arrived
You have a history of shitposting against certain other creators. It was only a matter of time until somebody noticed and called you out for it.
You got receipts for that big guy? Tinala ain't nothing but a sweetheart.
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I do? I complained about Aika once and then about a year or two prior I complained about Kit once. The former I still feel the same about now and the latter I've come around on and they know that.

I'd love to know who I have been shitposting though as it is news to me.
damn she's cute
Doubt. Have seen it multiple times with suspiciously similar style, timing et all.
oh non non non
>You definitely did it because I imagined that you did.
You're still here though kek. Me? I stopped posting but cards only. I asked my OCs what they thought of the whole thing and the majority of them were not happy that anonymous people get to lewd or do blacked, NTR and other stuff without their consent and so because the most important thing is them and not anon I stopped (only I am allowed to lewd them)
>You're still here though kek.
nta but I thought he meant it as in not posting work here any longer. Also doing that myself.
>I asked my OCs what they thought of the whole thing and the majority of them were not happy that anonymous people get to lewd or do blacked, NTR and other stuff without their consent and so because the most important thing is them and not anon I stopped (only I am allowed to lewd them)
Based beyond belief.
>Also doing that myself.
You too? How many of you anons are doing this?
How would I know?
Judging from the replies it could be anything starting from at least 3.
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Reminder this happened.
>Its tinala making a scapegoat by saying someone is impersonating other anons so Tinala can put the blame on the strawman
That is a lot of mental gymnastics to a simple
>Someone is being a dick and people in the thread are too gullible.
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I remember that, but I'm more willing to believe
>>Its tinala making a scapegoat by saying someone is impersonating other anons so Tinala can put the blame on the strawman
Is the actual truth of the matter.
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based if true
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Why make a bunch of mental gymnastics to pretend to be someone else impersonating me when it would be more practical to impersonate someone else or just don't post an image at all.

I am pretty stupid but even I am not stupid enough to think the best course of action to falseflag is to pretend to be someone else pretending to be me. Like that would still obviously be harmful to me for the people who believe it.
Because you were no longer above suspicion and it's a convenient way to retroactively justify any post called in question by saying it could have been the impersonator.
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Except I obviously was. And then it got really weird when I said something and everyone assumed it was the false flagger instead because apparently no one could believe I would ever call out Aika's unreadable comics for nobody. Like none of this has benefitted me in any way.
>Like none of this has benefitted me in any way.
It didn't work as expected, but that doesn't mean it wasn't tried. In fact it's easier to figure somebody out when he fucks up, not when it's successful.
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Fuck it, chancla time.
you're arguing like calling out aika on his shitty, barely legible comics is a bad thing
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So basically. It could have been therefore it must have? I feel like this is more a matter of you wanting me to be a shitty person to reinforce the image you already have of me.

You don't really have to do any of that though I am plenty shitty enough without retarded falseflagging or whacky shitpost conspiracy shenanigans. If you wanna point me out as having shitposted someone just point to something real (There's a really obvious way to tell which aren't posted by me by the way.)

Or if you wanna shit on me just call out something real like that I am like mid at best and my shit looks the same as it did 3 years ago. You don't have to like make stuff up.

Apparently I was the devil for doing so.
please stop replying to this fag so I can say nice things about your girls
You better drop it, that other anon will keep saying its you, wheter it has tangible evidence or not just to shit on you, its better to just no longer engage and let him stay in his delusions.
What really set me off about the claim of an alleged impersonator in >>8017443 is
>I can, and have, ruined reputations just by dragging and dropping a card into studio
Yet I can't recall a single instance of this particular fact ever happening in the history of kkg. It's much more likely you are little lying faggot.
Woman moment
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You guys are right.
Sorry for stirring the shit.
see now we're cookin
your characters have such nice eyes and clothes
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the dance of our blades will generate followers
sounds like gay porn
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i mean that's true
rimv + blue shadows
This exchange right here is how I know tinapa is a woman. No man would go on an hour long debate like this. A real dude would've called the other one a faggot and move on.
Now post these cute feet
>minor spelling mistake
Why does anyone care?
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ok bros it starts with a fire and a scene

but it looks great though
>minor spelling mistake
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It was all worth it!
>A real dude would've called the other one a faggot and move on.
It's easy to do if you are genuinely innocent and feel no need to disprove any absurd claim made by a random anon. Unless...
Gotta admit the impersonator thing came at random in an unrelated pokemon subtheme thread and he wasn't defending himself at the time, but what the post said simply never happened.
Any progress on your superhero/Urban fantasy theme?
almost here. just gotta cook three civilian forms, four done. then, time to drop the peeps.
There is a theme anchor already >>8014649
>>8017595 (me)
Submission, me and not rechecking before posting stuff.
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Y'all need to get laid holy hell
Fuck this dog
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Arisu is mostly done, she just needs a bit of scaling done to fit her in with my other cards.
she is so cute
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ice gaming
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I haven’t played Persona 5 desu, what exactly is a phantom thief again? I know it has something to do with hearts.
Combine the elements and commence water gaming.
You know the phantom thief isnt something that originated with Persona 5. Basically gentleman thieves thieves with a code and flashy Search 'Arsene Lupin'
Oh, I know about Arsene Lupin. He’s the gentleman thief guy from those old French books. Though I really know him better as the namesake for Lupin III. Wasn’t aware the term phantom thief came from that.
Your reverse psychology worked.
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Is there a mod to bypass the boring ass chat sim and start fucking the girls in free play? Talking about sunshine
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this looks more dramatic
Like >>8017660 said, Arsene Lupin, Carmen San diego, you could argue robin hood or "El Zorro" fits that kind of character too. Persona 5 are just the more public or known just because that is what they are called themselves
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here's a gif
tinala is 3 squirrels in a trench coat
source: it came to me in a dream
need to just actually edit my catboy but the bnuuy girl syndrome means i'm making Fluffler first
magical girl (male) fluffer when?
There are several creators I miss who I will not name.

Please just learn Studio.
if you name them, they might just come back
I only miss myself. I'm not coming back.
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i thought im about to make an anime with the bro, what wasted day
Melancholic dark sci-fi space theme, fucking when?
Ayo, hold the fuck up, this looks good actually
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my man's bouta pull a rtx on style
Brotherman I am about to cum, what the hell is this, this looks good why the fuck are you abandoning it
maybe ill reuse the outfit for the other boys
cummus maximus
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what the fuck he bouta use the rtx on style, noo wayyy

koi needs more negative IQ meme content
I’ll have you know my girl will stuff your boy into a bunnysuit
I hate fate so much it’s unreal
I want Wu Zetian's butt on my face so much it's unreal
you say that like i probably havent already got him in one
Perfect, he’ll fit right in as a waiter
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[YouTube] WAITWAITWAIT WHAT DA HELLLLL WAAZZZAAAA (quest ah dog sound effect) (embed)
I am so neutral about this image it's unreal
Im calling you seafoam background nigga, because that's your favorite color
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shut up
btw nice trips
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Thank you.
Unrelated Villain redesign from another project.
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His original (and frankly terrible) design I had done.
i don't see the words "i'm sorry" in any of these replies and i don't hear the sounds of sucken! AAARRRGGGHHHHEEVNPOIEUH!!!!!!!!
and you were right goddamnit! i keep telling you guys to just use word bubbles but no one listens to me!
i'm putting becky in it fuck you guys for not using word bubbles
share reshade presets plis. gonna ask every bred until someone feels pity or contempt. I don't mind hate sharing just to shut me up.
I miss these so much
just enable dither effect, instant A E S T H E T I C
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I reset everything to default each scene, never saved any presets.

Also tranny janny is throwing a tantrum over rule conform SFW images again, hilarious.
May aswell ban everybody who posts Chikarin as she's canonically not "of age".
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Peel them shits off and watch it go off like St. Helens.
And I don't see an answer to my question. We're even now.
I'm not sure if this is still the case. I used to play koikatsu a lot, unistalled but got back on it recently. We couldn't share cards directly here on the chans, could we? Don't know if I'm misremembering but I think we did it through catbox or whatever because 4chan didn't allow metadata in the cards or something. Is this still the case?
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oh, it werks now
(default card, the just the first one in the folder for testing purposes)
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>Theme arrives
>Creators are coming back
It's as simple as that.
I think I got a couple cards from this thread, then I recalled this issue and got a bit uncertain.
4chan strips the metadata - if you want to share cards, do it via catbox.
But no one's making anything for the theme.
I used to bake many of these threads. And there was a motherfucker who competed with me and simply refused to not greentext the forwarding useful links. I'm glad that bitch is gone now and that new baker is reasonable.
Yet. It just started. Wait until you see what Freezy and Relvel have stored up.
oh, before we couldn't even post the cards, I think. Glad you informed me.
It was dropped in the middle of the work week without any warning
Plant person? Elastic guy? Villainous aliens? Cyborg? Shark lady?
Im making a rabbit girl and fox boy antagonists
Unf, nice

Plant is good, classic archetype, much potential for mischief
No I'm not making anything for that.
the brain worms are back, and as such, i have lost all motivation
Perhaps this weekend.
I need to improve Axel's CERULEAN FLAMES form if he's to stand a chance against Envy in the first part of Coloris.
Despereaux ahh adventures

Looking forwards to them

Definitely. I like monstergirls so a full on plant person would be cool... I'll think on it
anyone else getting a lot of 502 errors on the illusion booru? I need to reload every other card and the search simply isn't working, I need to search that booru trough google or else it won't work. Asking because it might be something on my end or maybe they downgraded that server which was perfectly fine before. Kenzato though, used to be slow as fuck but is working fine now.
Welp fuck the idea of a Phantom thief. I saw the dead by daylight X castlevania announcement and now my brain can't get Soma Cruz out of his head. copycat hero go!
Silly Janitor.
I don't like tattoos.
You're not leaving the table until you eat all your tattoos.
love me some butts

is she hypnotized?
Nah, just incredibly turned on and enthusiastic.
any clue why my ricky balboa projectors have blank ME?
nvm found the fix:
holy fuck, the update ruined everything
I prefer the xukmi projectors, but the rikki ones might be better to add shading to a map since you can disable them for showing up on characters. I only messed with them for about an hour though
I guess, in little ways. There's definitely more I want to do, but I lack the drive to do them with what time I do have for koi.

I'm torn between submitting one of the many girls I've made that could apply to this theme or making a whole new character. A sexy spy girl sounds kinda fun.

What's her lore anon
Isn't relvel just submitting a 2021 card? We've already seen her.
Caught red handed.
That's every theme ever.
Exactly the point.
I’m submitting Nicole/Perpetua, yeah, but I’ve got a new villainess character I wanna make as well.
farm theme was better
hello party people? let's get this started, i guess.
entry 1 of 7, a character for day, since i got all of them done in koi. just gotta slap 'em in the sheets + pack the mods.

cards + plugins (read aaapk + accstatesync) here > https://e.pcloud.link/publink/show?code=XZYMlMZWRtEirWf9lyJ4Bx6p5IqkBnHTDfV
mods here > https://e.pcloud.link/publink/show?code=XZPMlMZuDsqbte85Jbw9csdUGVD8j12WzOV
It's a cool vibe I've found myself suddenly doing things for. Also nice spook, wouldn't want to get caught alone with that.

Had to tweak some settings but I'm glad it worked out in the end.
Kek, should've known.

Can't believe I've been sleeping on GBshader this whole time. The limited palette leads to some pretty neat stuff.

She wants to smash.

One day I'll make another flying fuck/youkai themed sex scene.

Will she have generic mooks?
It was made by Anna so it was bad and forced.
VERY cute mice desu
Nice, Bet's smile there is properly devious
my b, i forgot anna never does anything for fun cause his stuff looks good
I thought it was going to be (cute) punching time.
Is there something wrong with the webm or is it actually flickering rapidly back and forth between the two? It’s going so fast I can’t read em individually.

>Will she have generic mooks?
She’ll actually be more of a “head mook” to the big bad that created her. They’re both old Mutants & Mastermind villains of mine. An old dollmaker-mad-scientist-sorceror that makes giant toy monsters and kidnaps people and turns them into obedient puppets named Chainstitch, and his “daughter” Daisychains - an actual human-sized doll that he transplanted an artificial soul into. I’m debating whether I should even attempt to recreate Chainstitch in Koi, but Daisy and some of her dolls are definitely doable!
she's supposed to be a fairy but it gotten 2020
reincarnation of a fairy on my book, faye

this girl's tundra
What are her motivations? What does she fight for?
That's a really good Mela card. Gib?

>muh bubbles
skill issue
I don't like pixel man's style.
At all.
Oh, it's punching time. I just wasn't sure if I wanted to submit any others.
I'm excited for punching time like you wouldn't believe, she cute.
who the hell you talking too? i know you ain't talking to me
I don't talk to whores, I fuck 'em.
sex fuck with becky
don't be mad at me because your fucken words suck! YOU have the skill issue! not me!
More of this general needs to be using women for their intended purpose.

get glasses nerd
post one of bullshit ass non readable comics right now anon! so i can laught at you
>skill issue
some here certainly lack the skill to fit their text in them
Gonna cry?
no i point and laugh at Kitanon's sad attenpts
I point and laugh at you and your seething obsession.
Man, I could have sworn there were egg vibe/rotor remotes somewhere, but I guess I was mistaken.
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this one did make me laught the first time i saw it, but look at this! WHICH ONE IS BETTER KKG!?
he's not going to fuck you for defending him online
>worse font
>no color
no soul havin ass
>More of this general needs to be using women for their intended purpose.
if you insist
fuck you! nothing's better than georgia!
I don't give a fuck about him. Your hateboner is hilariously pathetic. You can both die and I'd laugh even harder.
I made a really basic one from shapes
sure, you really sound like you don't care right now
the sexglock...
I had the same problem for >>8014839 no egg vibes for an Easter joke nearly killed me so I improvised.
You take my interest in mocking you as giving a shit about another equally dumbass retard. I'll happily mock his autistic CWC looking gacha addict loser ass as well.
Why does she feel more dangerous than the fox she's fucking
Nuru getting dunked on is part of the charm.
She’s daddy’s favorite little princess, and loooves to take home playmates for him to… doll up. He likes it when she brings him magical girls in particular for his research or some other boring stuff she doesn’t care about. All she knows is that they make the bestest friends since they last the longest! Thing is, she’s also started to go a bit boy-crazy as of late. And the darnedest thing - she doesn’t even want daddy dearest to improve them! She just wants to keep them all to herself. It’s enough to break the poor old man’s heart, especially since she seems to tire of her boytoys so quickly.

…In case it wasn’t clear, she’s a ditsy, gleefully sadistic (wo)manchild who kidnaps magical girls for Chainstitch to experiment on and then turn into “playmates” for her, and also stalks and kidnaps any boys she takes a liking to for her own personal use.
if you say so ;)
I hope you both die painfully. :^)
Must take a lot of self confidence to wear white as a vampire.
Well this is more fucked up and therefore way more exciting than I was expecting, this is some good shit to work with.
I was feeling kind of meh with the hair for a bit, but you managed to make it look really good.
How kinky is the vampire?
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This looks kinda shit though.

Unfortunately we can't all be like Anna.
Lady in red is dancing with me...
which one is better though
I'm surprised you can even see it

Because of mutually assured butthole destruction, the last word in sex conflict

Oh god oh fuck she's hotter than celica, how
This general is very good at producing redheads that are sexual demons.
The colored text looks better.
Buttplug tails are kino.
do you play gacha games?
>I'm surprised you can even see it
at all times you must be assessing your environment for potential weapons. that bulge in his pants? glock. those high heels she’s wearing? two glocks
What kind of setup is this?
that's all i needed to know anon
I think my favorite scene was when she was saved from being oppressed for her artistic endeavors
gacha games killed Deskanon
Good. Let's hope it kills the other mid creators as well.
I don't recognize this evolution stage of my Raccoon Wife. I only remember the small, molestable one and the taller, still molestable one. This looks like some kind of mid-stage evolution.
uhh, rude?

great value nara
the missing middle evo
Kohei is just the best, so many of my favorite things have been done to her.
Hey she's cute.
thx she is cute

I also made a second
who are the mids?
Are you breeding Raccoon Slaves? If so, based.
Mori is based.
how dare you
If Mori and Chen are considered mid creators then this place really is fucking doomed.
This place is doomed specifically because people like the poster you're responding to exist.
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These themes are going too fast. I still haven't finished my character from the first fantasy theme from ~2020
Waiting for Anna's Fallout theme
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I'm waiting for the Dark Souls theme.
Someone Koikatsu-pill me on school uniforms. Button-up/cardigan style to Sailor style? Blue color scheme? Brown color scheme? Mainly light colored with dark accents or dark colored overall? Ties or ribbons?
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it's morning and still no response
i should just direct message him since publicity which he likes so much doesn't work
fuck you give me the mela card you ass having faggot
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sorry for being a faggot
You should be more sorry for posting d*scord screenshots. That's maximum cringe.
fuck me
Give me the card and I'll fuck you.
anyone have a card of Kokuriko from blue archive? only one I see is a paywalled pixiv one.
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ok bros, today we gonna tweak my blonde girl
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just loaded and first thing i ticked was the tops, god i love boobies
it gives me energy
Don't feel as strongly, but I like that such a style's even feasible.
Same but with wonda sameface cards and weird fetishes.
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ok here's the progress
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closer look
This is what you guys wanted, remember that.
I wanted the fags to go away. I haven't gotten that yet.
It's koi related. Seethe more.
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scene look
Just noticed the cursed thread is finally gone for good.
would you scenes from oot by any chance?
Very cute.
Weirdly so. The whole thing looks mid, yet I still find it kinda cute.
It's honest. It's straight to the point.
No bullshit fluff. No Pixar smile.
Just a girl welcoming you to a relaxing spa. I like it.
You need to reevaluate your life if you're getting upset over someone else posting on an imageboard.

You too, you're obsessed.

It looks fine to me, not every scene needs to be filled with shadows and projectors.
>you're obsessed
With killing fags? I know, I'm pretty based. Thanks for noticing.
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this is like the "Squidward nose" of koi scene
needs more hair
wtf you got hair loiscence for that
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now thats peak
Almost done.
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File deleted.
nvm. i think i got what's the issue.
>>8018436 (You)
(use this for the sheet! >>8014649)
fixed version, for reals.
are you sure this is the fixed version though?
brb, dying. this was a real boomer moment.
fixed version #3, the fixening.
(use this for the sheet, for reals >>8014649)
lol nice! i think you got it!
nice! now that i know the trick, the other webm sheets for the rest of the gang should come okay at the first try.
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When schizo blogposts pass as acceptable koi content you know this general has gone to complete shit
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another progress
Just wait until you see my 2020 resubmission.
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if somehow i got some people mad, just buy it so you can do your ntr revenge
Fuck off already vhix
ok so today bros we making another scene, this one is tea party
HEY what's up youtube it's ya boi goonpatrol and today we're making another double penetration scene starring Chikarin.
>double penetration scene starring Chikarin
i don't have to deal with the furry lmao, i use type 1 to make furries
God I wish that were me.
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It's koi content leave him alone.
Actually unbelievable.
Vhix, how do you think you compare to the other creators here? are you just on a different level, or do you think they're still able to catch up with your level of skill?
He's having fun and providing more content than your whiney ass.
Uh, what?
He posted 42 low quality pictures in the last two days alone. How that isn't obnoxious spam to you is honestly ridiculous.
But hey he's having fun so I guess it's fine.

It's clearly off hours right now, it basically impacts nothing.
>low quality
Not an argument.
plant girl?
She's gonna kill someone with that thing.
What part of "the last two days" did you not understand? How come you can't comprehend how 1/5th of the images being hogged by a single schizoposting mouthbreather that doesn't interact with anyone is detrimental? How can you see the same two ugly ass characters reposted without the slightest hint of effort and be like "oh yeah, now that's CONTENT right there! That's what I come here to see!"?
Some of you guys have become so deathly afraid of saying anything negative in fear of being mean to some thin skinned posters that you've become willing to roll over and let a guy that doesn't care about anything, is only here because he got banned off discord for being an insufferable autistic faggot walk all over you and treat the thread that is being used by dozens of other people like a public toilet, smearing his shit all over without a care in the world.
I've been here for years and every time I am more and more baffled at the lengths you'll go to defend the very things that make this place shit and then act surprised when you're left with the worst of the worst and a complete lack of interaction. It's truly maddening to see.
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Nah. Just bunny water/slime girl.
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>gets what he paid for
what the fuck, why can't get vhixen level models for $30 REEEEEE
i made it presentable and you still got a face preset for $30 and your other account got my other card including shaders for free

why are you playing victim
>b-bro im just tryina get cheap base bodies
then be honest, also there's people here who are good at body sliders

there's no shame telling you need it specifically and somewhere like... probably for vtubing or your secret 3d hentai account

calling it something else just made things much more complicated
Enjoyed that 50 dollar card?
bunny suits are good civ.
hi noob here, I have problem loading many scenes. Will all these problems be solved after I install this HF patch?
Group bonding through group breeding. Love their expressions.
My brother in Christ you are getting upset over koikatsu content in the koikatsu general. Maybe try posting your stuff instead if you are worried about image slots.

They really are.
install it and find out genius
I am upset, I am mad and I am tired. I am upset this thread has turned to complete shit. I am mad most the anons that made this place worth visiting have become ghosts. But I'm mostly just tired of seeing everyone get along with it as if there's nothing wrong.
I've been here for four years. I can't post more than I already do. It shouldn't have to be a race to see who can spam the fastest. I'm tired.
I was crazy once…
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gotta wait that a day passes for my next theme entry, so, nimue repost, ig?
rubber room.
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Gawd as my witness she is broken in hayuff!

Understood, I’ll make sure to remember to grab this one instead at thread end.

Oh boy! Can we also braid each other’s hair and have pillow fights and talk about BOYS?!

cute slem

Damn straight!

God those titties be FAT
titties big like her heart (so, a lot)
and alright! sorry for posting a bad webm sheet like three times.
lmao, what a fucking loser
Less maker screencaps with context-free rambling and more studio scenes please.
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Studio is old hat. Maker shots are the new hotness.
Do people only play Free H or Charastudio? I feel like I'm the only one playing the main game.
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love herrr
When do characters become okay with not using condoms and cumming inside on risky days? It gets a bit stupid when I do that one day, apologize the next so we can have sex, then do it again.
You probably are. We only do studio here.
I've begun just shoving it in their assholes without consent when they refuse me not using a condom. They are already mad at me anyways, so why not?
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hilda from pokemon
big girl

big girl

she's ascending



fox erotic

the temptation

why is she fuzzy

it's over him, he wished it was towards the cock
whats inside of the red fox's mind

don't use me those toy's ma'am


this one has more comedic effect


please no traps...
There's not really any good back hairs that correspond with the ones that make up the front of her hair. I tried to make back hair out of the same pieces as the front, but it didn't look good so I just went with the wavy long back hairs.
>How kinky is the vampire?
Fairly kinky. She's a little over 100 years old, which is still pretty young for their kind. So she's only just now coming down from the "I'm gonna be sexy and young forever" party animal mindset.

>Oh god oh fuck she's hotter than celica, how
Is this possible? Blue and orange are complimentary colors after all, maybe they'd look good in a scene together...

I pity the fool with color blindness that will never be able to enjoy the color red in it's full glory. It's such a sadness.
New Zircon design.
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This was her originally.
She's really come out beautiful Barzam, I've seen how hellish making good wavy hair can be in this game, I'm impressed how well you've put it together.
I've seen an increase in people asking about main game stuff in recent months. However, pretty much all regulars here only use the studio.
Neat, I like the new jacket.
Attempting to learn ReShade stuff more.

What >>8019518 said.
It is comedically big, which makes it difficult to implement in scenes and especially animations. But there is something primal that compells me. The big weiners shall prevail
Having a bit of a kinky sleepover
Allah willing, she shall be bred
You're right, I could do that, or I could ask and find out first before I waste my time, since that patch is quite big.
>the "I'm gonna be sexy and young forever" party animal mindset
I was having trouble expressing what I liked about her, this is it. That and the outrageous sex hair
Also another great scene, I love the grungy vibe you've been doing
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wow nice tool
Thank you very much.
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is this down?
Most of them probably, but specific scenes may use mods from elsewhere. You'll have to try for yourself and see, because it depends on the scenes.
Saves me the trouble, I suppose. Thanks.

The Egg vibe exists, it's just called "Rotor". There's just no remote control for them.
thank you as well for telling this exist
wow its gorgeous
Haven't been able to connect to the site for the past few days now.
Same here.
Quite the inconvenience.
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the blue shadows and lack of outlines on the hair looks bad but she cute
that's weird. that's the one i've been using (not bookmarked, but I go there from some helpful notes .txt, but with google search results points to the broken one. Only noticed the different addresses now, and I was really wondering why I was connecting normally and then not and then again.
Time to get back to redesigning one of my Dragon lasses.
that's a big mecha arm (for you?)
Breed with extreme prejudice.
How am I supposed to develop "nipple teasing" if I can't even interact with them? Is there some sort of special vibe toy I need to do something about it?
Certified boy-sniffing goodness

boy crazed cutie
forgot pic
newfag here, where I'm I supposed to get timeline/animated scenes? The links on the Pastebin are dead...
Bepis, Pixiv, and you can try getting payfags' leaks at F95zone.

Direct scene links in the OP may be dead, but many individual makers in the "cards" section also have scenes.
She’s so goddamn cute and that scene is great.
I'm fine with futa but don't like hyperdongs, but my friends who do all enjoy your stuff on Pixiv. I hope you won't be too hard on yourself!
It's not her fault that she goes into heat from the smell of a boy
Kohei rubbing herself on you to claim your boysmell…
ASCII Dragon Breasts.
I am currently struggling with the hair on the Dragon Girl redesign, so it will have to wait until tomorrow.
The problem, if you wanna consider it one, is that there isn't really much replayability in the main game. And free-h isn't really where you wanna be taking fun pictures to share with the thread when studio has so many more tools, even if you just care about posting sex pics.
God I wish that was me.
That's what I wanted to hear, thanks anons.
Which one
My attempts arent sad.
was hoping to get this first batch done by the time the theme started but should be soon got a somewhat even amount of accessories but mostly wings and shoulder guards
oh cool, wasn't expecting more ports
Nta, Wish I could actually help him porting stuff to Koikatsu, for now the only thing I do is rip the models of PSO2 and send them to him, I have issues understanding Unity and i didnt had the time to tinker with it and help him.
Understandable. Also sorry for not posting on pixiv much, this website is one of the worst out there.
SMTV: Vengeance next month.
>Parent one item to another
>The child item decides to warp into a different shape for no reason
tell me about the pussy seal, what does it do?
The pussy is something indecent to show off, so she keeps it covered
oh okay, I thought she may have nopen lore or a seal of eternal arousal
She doesn't like the restrictive feeling of panties. Good thing she doesn't have to cover her butthole, it's not a sexual orifice!
Sorry for not announcing it Sooner, I was collecting the sheets and what was shared in the thread, even if it was little I still need to add it to the Mega.
finish the thread if you want, I will prepare the pic.
Thank you for your hard work once again.
Could you share the scenes from your hilda post by any chance?
that's very hot
I am seeing this cat and it's good.
Suffocating pillow cloud
>missing since 2021
It's time you looked for a new pet anon. I heard Kit-anon has some high quality ones you can adopt.
Finally some good brap content. I was worried about posting but it's good to see others doing it.
This is the guy who made the shit slimes after all.
I leave food out for her every night. She'll be back eventually, I'm sure of it.
The fucking what
Any teasers or hints for Chapter 20?
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I hear a new theme is soon.
Anyone willing to share MrDelegado : BonChuArchetypeHeadmod?
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thinkjin bout her…
That's another man's cum....
She collects samples.
thats honestly very gross, ew...
>finish the thread if you want
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Im so lucky all these girls wanna sleep with me.
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Yeesh, taking our damn time aren't we?
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wait anon has a fat cock?
...I think you're a little bit late.
I hit the letter "a" in the explorer and enter, and that's what we got. It's Maynal Maypril now motherfucker
Of course shiz uses mayo as lube.
well where's the new thread damnit!? this is relvel's fault, I'm gonna slather him in cool hwip for this!
Aight, spreadsheet's updated. If someone else could make the theme post as well, I'd appreciate it - I've gotta get up early tomorrow.

Oi, blame it on Pedro not me!
...I'll still take the Cool HWIP tho.
Did you check SideLoader?
Unfortunately BonChuArchetypeHeadmod is not an option

squirt is just piss and I'm tired of pretending it not. You like piss.
im awake
I shouldnt have said "finish the thread if you want", it always ends up with me going to sleep and the thread dying naturally when Im asleep. get in

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