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Since the late 90s this red headed MILF with a passion for younger guys and BBC is the definition of cougar.

Let's celebrate her greatness.
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Love your job and you wont work a day in your life.
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I love Janet Mason <3 She's a superMILF, very boner-inspiring.
Christy Canyon and Ginger Lynn have also aged nicely. I very much prefer these women over the horde of "amateur" bulbous-assed obese/tattoo-covered disasters that are bonerkilling the porn sites, OnlyFans, etc.
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And Julia Ann, Tara Holliday, most of my porn favorites are those still-hot over-50 ladies. <3

Especially Janet Mason, in pic related she's got minimal body fat and has obviously been working out (that's my fetish, feminine-but-muscular older ladies)
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She looks nice even without heavy makeup. This set starts with her as an average pretty lady, then they do the makeover and she's gorgeous:

I did not realize she had worked for so long. Her videos and photosets show quite a variety of looks over the years. It's interesting to go back and see her at different weights and state of fitness. She always looks great but sometimes she was softer & curvier vs her more-recent muscular look.
Pic related, hnnng

has she fucked any of her son's friends yet?
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Through the ages
Very nice <3 Her boobs are comically big in the last pic, LOL It works though, she's a size queen fit for a size king.
First and third pic! Rest are weird looking :(
1 through 4 are my fetish, 5 is still OK with me because it's real-life anime boobs (and I am not going to be the guy who says no to a girl because her boobs are too big.)
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Yeah, I remember discovering her first site, she was pretty, then. Really doesn't look human anymore since being mutilated by plastic surgeons.
Also, with all the cosmetic surgery she's evolved into a Robocop version of herself where everything is very exaggerated. This wasn't necessarily up to her, I saw a documentary with Maya Devine where her employers were pushing her to get larger and larger breast implants. It's possible that Janet Mason was also pressured into getting the oversized implants, although she may have chosen that herself in order to be competitive.
I know a stripper who looks much like the 4th picture here >>2449340 and her implants already look unnatural at that size since she is so thin otherwise. Bigger than that on a girl that thin is LOL
Janet Mason was such a fox. The perfect milf that loved young guys and getting creampied by them. Such a shame she bogged herself
Yea - her earlier versions were pretty smoking, but perhaps when her boobs sagged she did implants and went bigger.

she still doing young guys? I hope she's fucking dudes younger than her son
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Janet Mason with Jodi West. 2 of my favorite milfs
Jodi West has an awesome mature figure and a great attitude but if you've seen only one of her scenes you have seen every.fucking.one.
Ugly weird and too old for porn in the 90s when she started. Always doing that creepy cackle laugh constantly.
I fuckin love Janet Mason, she's definitely on my Mt. Rushmore of BBC whores!
It goes like:
>Janet Mason
>Gianna Michaels
>Spring Thomas
>Harmoni Kalifornia

These four Whores of the BBC Apocalypse made me into the pathetic beta cuck I am today. Now I'm publicly owned by a Queen of Spades Goddess.
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^ Czech 'em
Jodi West too, hnnng <3
I hope Vicky Vette hangs in there as long as these ladies have. She is aging nicely thus far and will probably still look great in her 60s. (She's 58 now.)
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Vicky Vette was one of the first milfs I ever jerked off to. Its a shame she doesn't escort

I know Janet does however I'm not really feeling her massive fake tits. Jodi West just started escorting too but she's based out of Arizona
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you're missing an era between the last 2

she definitely peaked in her late 40s-early 50s but I'll still watch her newer videos every once in a while just for the hell of it.

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