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Moai drawing: Continuation thread
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We congregate once more my brothers to honor the shoulders of giants. I hope this offering finds you well.
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Real nigga hour
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Bye bye
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>6 replies, 5 drawings
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woah i love this one. can't tell is it's frozen in ice or in choppy waters. either way the effect is cool
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Immaculate dusk lighting, bravo
loving this, excellent
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Moar moais
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Here's my super quick, free-form doodle that eventually turned into a Gradius poster for one of the better threads on this board
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nice figure

very soulful

Here's a moai dice I made for this thread: >>7105972
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Good to be back here
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Good to have you here
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Rate my Moai
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7/10, rad moai bro
i already told you, i want to marry you
why do you bless this board with your awesome drawings, bae?
i love your works
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this thread rocks
>Tell /ic/ to practice drawing primitives, Asaro heads, and hard value shapes
>"No, I don't wanna. PYW, you crab."
>Meme Moai heads
>"This looks fun, everyone's doing it, I better hop on this train."
I'm not even annoyed. This is neat trick. Good job, anon.
Unironically the best thread on catalog right now, the rest are just bait/doomposting/schizo crap
Keep it up, anons
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They fear the pencil, the ultimate filter
Let's push it even further
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This thread simply embodies "Think less, draw more" Not to say we shouldn't have intent or try to improve as we draw but to leave out distractions, forget about ai arguments or what the right/best way of doing things is, if you simply draw and try new things you can find a way forward yourself, remain stoic, rock like and appreciate the stone giants who's shoulders we stand on, great works of the past are something we can all learn from and appreciate.

Now for you that might be the 9 old men or the great renaissance masters, people who work with textiles, statues, painters or perhaps some Legendary sakuga animation directors from Japan. Maybe you just enjoy nature itself

The moai thread is an appreciate of efforts that stand the test of time and the tenacity to keep trying. To see you anon's contribute more drawings than replies truly inspires. It's an honor to have you join us

ormaybe it's just funny stoneheadface "haha moai go brr"

Great use of two toned shapes, minimal but gets the job done efficiently and elegantly

kek Night at the museum great reference and nice texture
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sweet! maybe make him dunk a round blook head
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good idea
Based and checked.
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kino and checked
Kinda want to make a where's waldo like image with a few Moai scattered in there. Not sure what else to put to obscure it though.

A few ideas come to mind like "Beg/Int" general with some crabs and people arguing a few anime characters and stick figures etc but I feel like there wouldn't be enough density/references

Feel free to shoot me some ideas moaibros
When Moai general?
Too powerful for this puny board
True xd
Crabs and schizos fear the moai
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You're looking at it
>/moai/ general
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Good Morning, /moai/.
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Great work and good morning to you brother

B.U.M.P(Brotherhood of United Moai Preservation )
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kino neonai
/Moai/ is my favourite, this is an old Moai pic, but it’s all I have on me
Based trad
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looks about 100bpm, what's he bopping to?
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wtf is it with the captcha
Neat sketches
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Great job anon, you definitely are feeling the form
drawing moai unironically made me better at drawing heads.
That's the power of moai, keep it up bro
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cool sketch
all moai are welcome

Great head turn


nice use of hatching
Mewing paid off bros
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goood moaining
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forgot to crop lol

Good moai ing to you too brother

No matter what hardships you may face, another bright one will await you all the same
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Nice pixels
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My first try at Moai, this rocks.
I love this one, but I don't know why...
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ty fren
This thread dying? Not on Moai watch.
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moai never dies, it only lays dormant for travelers to find them
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Going in my garden to use as a ref
buy it now
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thanks for the ref
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Legendary, I kneel out of respect
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This was fun, I'm gonna keep at it
Moai brotherwood will never die
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Keep it up!
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Nice Homoai
I kneel
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Vic Viper will take care of the moais
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These two remind me of a certain meme.
My sides
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ok you got me, guilty. but in my defense the first purple one was a redraw of someone's character in another thread
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Beautiful, lovely colors
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Nice Jaw shape
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behold the gold
and the GOLDEN MOAI award goes to! . . .
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Waaait a minute, I recognize that thing.
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I wish I had something more clever to say, but I love it.
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tried to sketch with an eraser
Anyone remember the name of this thread? I think this anon drew every rock in that exercise but with a moai face lol
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Based thread made me draw for once.
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I might try and do a better pic of the basketball moai later.
fascinating effect while only needing little detail. I'm still wondering how or if you constructed it and if it could work monochrome
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Could work in monochrome but I feel like it doesn't look quite as nice without the hue shift

When you say how I constructed it? Basically I drew a moai shape over a blue Background and added wave ripples


LOL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gvogPJv1wOU
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i've never drawn a moai before, how did i do?
Now draw him bigger.
Silly Anon, skeletons aren't real. But it's a nice drawing of that definitely not real thing.
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i can't believe this thread literally said
Buncha Chads in this thread

Sigma grindstone
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i'm doing my part
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how did you do this?
I sketched it with an eraser.
Ah, I get it now. Looks good, my hairs would stand like antennas if I saw a moai like this.
This looks amazing, how exactly did you sketch it with an eraser?
>Looks good, my hairs would stand like antennas if I saw a moai like this.
Me too, it's so good!
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Now this! is a monument!

I salute you fren


You have done well, nice use of hatches. keep it up
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Unfinished but U+1F5FF
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did i dood it
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Not sure if I should make the crab on the right less humanoid.
It's interesting that an artist (perhaps op) makes more Moai art in other threads, but doesn't them back into this thread. >>7168895

Not that I really care, it's just my way of bumping this thread.
Some Moais remain guarding this thread, while others are out to explore and colonize foreign threads
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I thought people wouldn't wanna see reposts cause it might oversaturate since the board is already slow, I'm not OP but I am kinda proud that a new Moai thread was created and people still contribute new ones.

enjoy this random moai sketch

Really like these pixel okakie moai, the second one seems to be going through a rough patch

LOL also the body language could look more slumped over looking up defeated knowing the dunk is inevitable.
>Meme Moai heads
It's not a meme. Moai resonate deep within the soul
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Play Gradius
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Great M(oa)inds think alike, I was thinking of doing a animated Moai turn-around as well. Might still do it at some point.
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Keep it up anons, stay strong like rock
what program and brush is this?
Aseprite, the square one
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these are fun

i'm having...fun?
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yeah, i'm having fun
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Nearly perfect. His kneadable eraser should be sculpted into a moai head too.
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This brings me peace and happiness.
Been actually looking for pictures with a sunset colour palette for reference so thanks Anon. It looks really nice.
Also checked.
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Good Morning, /moai/.
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To Believe in Moai is to Believe in Oneself
I believe in the Moai who believes in me.
so based
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Drew your character in the other thread anon, not sure if you saw her
i like ur art moai nona and look forward to whenever u post
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Believe in the you that believes in yourself.
Replace hannya with moai
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