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WTF is going on in Iran?
When the religion becomes the state then anything the state does wrong erodes the religion.

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Is Mexican cuisine goated?

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russia is honestly kind of comfy
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>pictured: May weather in rushitia
nah, i'll pass
also nice cherrypicked pic
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snow is nice
only if you can be at home 24/7
Snow looks cute.
As a desert dweller I've never experienced it and have an idealised idea of it and would like to keep it that way.
Give me a Russian bf and I'm happy

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Zum Fenster (zum Fenster), zur Wand, (zur Wand)
Bis mir der Schweiß über die Eier rinnt (meine Eier)
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aufgestanden und soeben abjesplasched, danke der nachfrage
zu was denn so?
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s-so agp zeuch. wirste nix abgewinnen können.
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Bin heim g kehred

Dafür wohl keine Anerkennung der Arbeitsleistung hilfsbereiter Brudis oder ihrer Ratschläge

Es ist eine Dreckichkeit

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tomá la ringpill
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Barra con agarre cerrado >>> el restó.
Lo obliquos desarrollados te hacen ver como un toro semental
La tomare, y flotare

Mis discos....
hola me pasan ese soyjack rosa por favor?
>página 9

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We Flips should have listen to the japanese
>listen to america
>listen to Japan

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It’s over ummah bros. Saudis are doing the unthinkable in the holy land. Gulf Arabs are becoming secularized too quickly. How the fuck do we stop this?
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Most normies obviously arent quranists but they dont see the hadiths as an equal to the quran like they most normied think pork and alcohol are haram (these are mentioned in the quran ) but not the other stuff if you go by hadiths even music,any drawings..etc are haram most muslims dont think like that,so yeah the moment they see hadiths as equal to the quran is the moment they go down the isis pipeline
thats why the isis-tier ones are a minority and salafism a religious ideology whose main focus is the hadiths being on the same level as the quran is seen as fringe and radical
i'm not muslim but this is how things work in most countries in the muslim majority parts of the world
I see.
Thanks for clarifying my questions
what will happen once islamcels secularize? they are mono-cultural unlike say, protestants, the only reason they endure is ignorance and poverty. protestants have backup groups saved in the cloud like amish and mennonites, meanwhile muslims are all the same and follow the larger mass, will they go extinct eventually?
say 500 years from now on. all secular western goyslop is being tailored to be islam friendly, its basically a troy horse
why are visajeets like this?
i know a guy from my town who went there to get s cleaning job. he hasn't contacted his family for about 2 years now

You know just by interacting with Israelis here on 4chan I feel sad because they aren't really bad people they try hard to be friendly and nice to us Arabs despite everything, we could've been best friends had they decided to colonize somewhere else, like Madagascar for example, or maybe even Alaska or Wyoming. So I'll give you this offer, pack up your shit and Leave our fucking land immediately and we'll be your best friends.
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your right but i have no inspiration to do anything i think i will go hang out on the beach in eliat for a while, i hopeing i cam go bacl to the army i got a lawyer
will do
Sorry, I don't know any heretics by the name of yoshke
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Let's ask this Arab expert
>Leave our fucking land
Its even more french than its yours lmao

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Please ignore my flag I promise I am a good person
How many german tourists did you beat up today?
But you don't pay your taxes
can I come to Greece?
i believe you anon
i want to think everyone is a good person
Wtf I love Greeks now

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Kino radio broadcasting cool classical music, opera, rock classics, 80s 90s hits, and pro Ukraine turd

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British English is so cute and comfy, I go to YT just to watch brits
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so many people turning gay and bi lately, I blame women, porn, and industrial society though, people used to marry at 18
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Literally what the fuck is the appeal of him, he's just male Belle Delphine and his cock is small
Imagine you're Chinese learning about the century of humiliation, and on the opium war section you see it was Angloids that started the unequal treaties.
Imagine you're a pajeet learning about the East Indian Company & the British Raj's colonization of your sub continent by the Angloids
Imagine you're French Canadien learning about the Acadian deportations and British conquest of British North America by the Angloids
Imagine you're the 30% of Africa (Egypt, Sudan, South Africa, Botswana, Kenya, Uganda, Nigeria, Zimbabwe, Tanzania, etc etc) learning about your former colonial overlord, the Angloids
Imagine you're Irish learning about the Irish famine by the Angloids
Imagine you're Icelandic learning about your country's forced occupation during ww2 by the Angloids.
and this >>197462270 is the race of men that did this to you…

You can earn money by that so it's already superior to average women
Still can't believe this average looking guy made millions with his face.

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What is your favorite Battleship in your cunt?
I Just Want To Fuck, Man... 8===D
Hood was shit
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Borodino class
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I have a 1/200 Mikasa kit but I do not have the space to do it justice
Feels bad man
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Battleships were cringe

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does Paris sill have brothels?
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idk i want something classical, shit sucks
Europe VTM is called Redemption
kinda based. for the pimp as well I guess, it's human trafficking, here we call it proxenetism or being a "fish"
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techno music, underground raves
second most insanely cucked law of all time, just behind paternity tests being banned

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I know 4 languages menwhile children of yakub say shit like "I could care less"
English, Brazilian dialect 1, Brazilian dialect 2(same as 1), Brazilian dialect 3(same as 1)?
Children of Yakub where learning trickology to start the Trans Atlantic Slave trade whilst Brazilanon was becoming cultured

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How tf did the English fumble this?
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>france vs france
>france won
>the English
It was just the king's domain. It would have been dominated by the french half if it survived.
How to translate this into American...

Imagine if the Burger King launched a war against Ronald McDonald and things went amazingly well. The filet-o-fish® fleet was sunk in a stunning victory and then scores of victories followed that culminated in destroying or capturing all the McDonald Corporation's senior management and humiliating the Ronald himself. Plus Wendy got involved along the way because she believed that Ronald had killed her father.

But the King's boys while competent on the battlefield were people like the Hamburglar and that purple retard so whenever he captured a restaurant they would just loot all the product. The Burger King was like 'oh well, patties ain't free' so raids and pillaging became a core strategy that Ronald got punked on because he was compelled to go out and protect his restaurants - until one day he realised the game. It also became a serious problem that the McDonald's empire was huge and simply fielding a big enough army to take on the franchise was ruinously expensive - so much so that Burger King would continually find himself running low on patties whenever someone got the urge®.
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