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The wild and horny hermit
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what if i did it first
You're already too late anon...
you can't do one without the other. If you want The Kasen Experience™, you have to strongly court the hermit and gently court the arm.
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Boogie Woogie

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>”Humans are so rude to my youkai, their hearts have hardened and they won’t give them a chance for peace and coexistence boo hoo”
>”BTW if any human approaches my temple they will be attacked on sight and if you dare piss my off I’ll send assassins to kill and devour your entire bloodline”
What was this bitches problem?
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False, 80% of Touhou porn I've seen is grimshit.
I think it was clear from the start that we all thought with our dicks. Grimsokyofags just...like it a little rougher.
I think to talk deeply about the subject, in a manner that isn't obscene, inevitably touches on subjects like why people suffer or do bad things. The existence of Youkai, Deities, and other supernatural beings and phenomena can be thought of as either embodiments of forces or human abstractions. In either case it's easier to think about an abstraction and relate it to our own experience or positions we've found ourselves in.
Ultimately, we've all sinned at some point in our lives and caused suffering as well as received it so considering these extremes in fiction can bring us closer to the truth.

On an unrelated note, I absolutely want to help Hijiri come to peace with the fact that everyone dies and also bury my face in her fluffy grandma hair.
Okay yeah kappa in mythology kill and possibly same applies to normal touhou but what about the yamawaro in touhou from what’s shown they’re at worst just rude, they like money, partake in some gambling, do laborious work, and essentially LARP (war games). And In mythology from what I could find at least they’re never stated to just straight up kill people like kappa at most they just get pissy if you don’t give them the promised stuff you offered them for work nothing more. So with this info could you reasonably be on good terms and perhaps now this is going to sound crazy since it’s a thread like this befriend one if you can manage to get past their rudeness and other quirks since it seems like they won’t kill you
Pretty sure most people around the world don't live in what constitutes a work camp that allows them to be executed for any act of rebellion. Americans can storm the capitol on Jan 6 and threaten to kill the vice president and most of them either get away with it scott free or get relatively light sentences... also you admitting that humans "have it as good as it gets" Is literally proving my point that it sucks ass.

>village is protected from natural disasters
Only because their extinction would be bad for the youkai, they don't do it out of the kindness of their hearts

>Killing humans is forbidden
Unless said human tries to escape/warn other people about the conditions of the human village or have any idea of rebellion... even then, youkai can still kill people outside of the village, and even if you are from the village they can beat the ever loving fuck out of you or torture and kidnap you like the Tengu have been shown to do or like what happened to Marisa.

>You can freely learn magic
I mean in Touhou you could do that in the outside world as well, that's what Sumireko does anyway.

>They would end up in a huge world they don't understand without any identification, without any money and speaking old Japanese.
I guarantee most of them would rather being forced to adapt to the wonders of the modern world in a place like japan with little to no crime and wonderful modern conveniences than ever live in a shithole like the Human Village again. And the language barrier is a non-issue since every other modern day japanese person that ends up in Gensokyo is able to talk to the villagers just fine without there being an impossible language barrier.

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I admit, out of all the SDM members, I want to fuck Sakuya the most.
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god i wish she served me some juice along with cookies, of course lavish meal is a bonus
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This thread is for the discussion of Nogizaka46, Hinatazaka46, BokuAo (Nogizaka46's official rivals) and Yoshimotozaka46 (on hiatus) and topics relating to them and their members.

(4/11-5/31, Nov. dates TBA) Nakamura Reno stars in the musical "Endless SHOCK/ Eternal"
(05/16-07/15) Okuda Iroha stars in the musical "Romeo & Juliet"
(05/28) Matsuda Konoka 1st Photobook
(06/15,16) Additional Show in TOKYO DOME (Sakurazaka46 3ki)
(06/25) Sakaguchi Tamami 1st Photobook
(06/26) Sakurazaka46 3ki 9th single "Jigoujitoku" (3ki Yamashita Shizuki center)
(07/03.04) Hiragana Hinatazaka46 live at Pacifico Yokohama
(07/03) BokuAo 3rd single (title TBA, Yagi Toa center)
(07/04) Takamoto Ayaka's graduation ceremony
(7/20) Osaka Gigantic Music Festival 2024 (Hinatazaka46)
(07/20) Buzz Rhythm LIVE -10th Anniversary- (Sakurazaka46 3ki)

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a thread for the Suzu on her day!
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Kosuzu in 1978.
My dad would date her.
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hi son, get out of the Mongolian spyware machine and go help your mother with the GODDAMN books
I love excitedsuzu better

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Has Touhou really seen a surge of younger fans? I've heard this on and off for years, but surely it's a nipland only phenomenon if true? I can't see many western kids getting into decades worth of source/fan material for some niche STG series.
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found another chart on the same poll from a gacha reddit. more info but a lot messier. interesting to see the only thing with younger fan base is vocaloid and whatever comdot is
I remember lurking on Twitter and there was this one thread about a female english teacher getting called out by japanese elementary schoolers because she has Mokou keychain on her backpack. Apparently touhou is really popular with little girls around that age because pretty cute girls.
Im sure of it, I only got into TH about 3 years ago, I just stayed out of the loop with the rest of the fags, Im sure there are a lot more like me.
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Apparently even ZUN was surprised by how well known it was within his kids' school.
Weren't there not one, but several Touhou fanart contests for kids? As in, 6-10 year olds? And if you take part in that sort of activities as a child, there are chances you'll keep enjoying it as a teen and adult.
Also, I scored a Touhou themed book at a con, and it looks like a drawing/coloring book for kids. I mean, the kanji are even "subtitled" in hiragana.

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Hear me out. I understand this is a bit of a self-defeating premise because of how ZUN treats his own series. Subjectivity is so celebrated within canon that even official works will adopt vastly different ideas to help reinforce it. But there are aspects to Touhou that, even if they may change on the outside, don't change at heart.

The series is so multi-faceted that I don't think it's possible to answer completely what makes a work feel Touhou. And I don't think any two people would feel 100% the same about even the things they do agree on (aside from easy givens like the use of East Asian mythology). For example, if I had to answer, the feel of an official Touhou work has to have either one of two things. One, an escalation from playful tension to vibrant chaos, since this is how the games tend to go. Or two, the mysterious nature that hangs around Gensokyo, since this is often what doujin works (official or not) like to explore, even if episodically. My question to you /jp/ is what do YOU think when having to answer this?
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It isn't
So you're saying there's an objectively correct interpretation of touhou?
No, I'm saying your interpretation isn't more valid.
Yeah, whatever lore filled notebooks ZUN has had hidden away since the days of Eosd and even before.
Im saying you are a faggot

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Why are people so afraid to give rabbit girls more rabbit features? Like come on, give them an overbite, and don't skimp on things like binkies and zoomies, and especially don't forget the flop. It's just basic rabbit stuff, like destroying everything you hold dear, jumping on top of things, and freaking out so hard you break several bones trying to escape.
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it's on purpose, nobody wants to be reminded of their agonizing death's at the hands of hungry rabbits
>binkies and zoomies
Could I have that in English?
A comprehensive set of examples with an english definition for both 'Binkies' and 'Zoomies'.
This the right way to do it, OP's Tewi looks more like a rat girl.
This, teeth should not show when the mouth is closed unless it's a very cartoony artstyle.
If you look at bunnies or rats irl you can't see their teeth when their mouth is closed.

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Can we have an honest to god discussion about Koishifags and their inability to reconcile that Koishi is a true sociopath that can’t form any sort of relationships whatsoever? She can’t sympathize nor empathize with anyone, and she can’t even deal with normal emotions properly due to her not being able to feel them like other people can. Why do Koishifags always deny this part of her characteristics? It’s plain to see she’s not “normal”.
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Koishi means sex so yes
But you will have mentally challenge kids.
I see no problem here. I will populate Gensokyou with my offspring as much as I can, to the point where Satori will be the most common youkai race there.
It won’t be a satori, it would be a human. The satori species will be extinct since there’s no male satori to keep the species pure and untainted
>It won’t be a satori, it would be a human.
Not if I give up my humanity and become a youkai (or at least half youkai) before i breed her.
> keep the species pure and untainted
Again, I see nothing wrong here. I mean, Sanae exists and was born as a living god. She could be a real god whenever she wants. Even if my descendants become half-satori, I am quite certain that they will inherit all the abilities of the Satori species. In the end, they'll be pure enough to be classified as satori.

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Kanako is one of the few truely good inhabitants of Gensokyo. While her plans don't always pan out, she doesn't mean anyone harm. I will always believe and love my beloved Kanako.
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Giantess kanako crushing entire cities under her bare feet
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Better to keep her happy so that won't happen!!
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this is the future kanako wants
Or you're just short.
I'd rather her be a bit smaller so I could rub her feet with my entire body

Akyuu love
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I made some nasty AIkyuuslop too.

I appreciate the usage of the word nasty, thanks to it i was wary of the link, even if i still have to ask for you to not lewd my wife
When it's convenient for the plot
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The Alice engages in her mating display in order to win the affection of the Marisa. Unfortunately, it seems to have failed. This Alice will not be able to produce offspring this mating season.
I turned myself into a mushroom, Marisa!

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Why didn’t Satori sealed away her third eye to be with Koishi if she loves her so much? Kind of a dick move to let her little sister be all alone without her.
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How is giving herself brain damage cute?
A girl with brain damage looks sexier than a normal one.
And where do you based this from?
Based on Koishi herself.

The last thread hit the bump limit. It is too late to escape. To check the room you heard a crash in, visit https://randomtouhougen.neocities.org/
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You attend to do a little of trolling, aren't you?
Hard to deal with, aren't she?
Renko is very stubborn, but she just wants what's best for both of us.
At some point there would just be an entire population of immortal 2hus with their immortal husbands all waiting for the end of the universe. I'm sure the ayys would only be a bit confused.
Ah, I forgot, a another side effect is sterility.
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she's very tired, Anon! She had to act like a badass the entire day, so let Mokou rest

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