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Why do you guys get massive rage boners when you see or when Clownpiece gets mentioned?
She's annoying but also extremely sexy
>Why do you guys get massive rage boners when you see or when Clownpiece gets mentioned
I have never seen anyone hate on Clownpiece, never.
Quasi-retarded cunny with an outfit that accentuates her hips and butt
Do stupid girls with fat hips and butt drive you nuts?
A girl being dumb is enjoyable for some reason. And not fat hips or butt, rather tasteful ones, if her hips were wider it would take away from that erotic aura she has, they are just the right size, and her outfit accentuates them just enough to be charming without turning to vulgarity
Because her feet and ass+thighs
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Erotic brat.
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I get a massive boner when I see her butt
Every time I see her I hear her theme and get pissed because she kicked my ass a lot
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clownpiece board
clownpiece world
Anon, at least you've won against her, right? I'm still at the grand total of 0/99+ spell capture with her in normal, and that's using Sanae. Also 0 bombs, despite using the pointdevice mode.
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More like Clownpissinmymouthplease!
It's what she does. She drives men mad with rage(lust)
This brat pisses me off. I want to chokerape her.
rape isn't a strong enough word
Made for violent, full nelson correction. I shall teach her manners.
Cute onahole, my dick inside her.

Touhou 15 Normal Mode Legacy 1CC Stage 5. I eventually fought her so much that she's easy to me now and Junko made me want to kill myself but I got my 1CC eventually.
She represents everything I hate in this world
She is a fairy, that is, eternally a child, she is a clown, and, worst of all, she is american
Even knowing all of the latter are aesthetics and she's really Hecatia's Lampad that would wear whatever to annoy lunarians can't defeat the association with the archenemy at this point
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God I wish I was Hecc
Yeah, it is like that
I won in the end
Good heavens Anon this is a worksafe board
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I don't see any no-no parts visible
Why is she kissing that onahole?
Kissing freshly used onaholes is her fetish.
nah she likes to pre-molest clownpiece before the fat hairy ojisans get hold of her
Clownpiece is the most overrated character in the whole series. Yes, even worse than Cirno. Fight me, cunnyfags.
You don't do that to yours?
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patriotic anons stand at attention for the presentation of the flag
Getting real inactive here so
"Holy balls deep animalistic rape creampie!!!!!!!111111"-poster, it was an honor shitposting alongside with you these many years. May you keep the spirit of Clussy alive for all the green horns and FNGs of the Jay.
Under Hecc, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Amen.
If you huff clownpi's feet enough would you get high?
No matter how bad /jp/ gets, I know this guys always lurking to post something wonderful. He's like batman for clowngirls.

I shall call him PLAPMAN
Clownpiece attracts most fetish enjoyers but i never seen pitfags. We all seen feet, piss,haterape,etc
I pray for this little Clown's safety every day.
What does daily life look like for a fairy living in hell?
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Because we America
we love* America
It was supposed to be a heart emoji but I forgot that emoji are (fortunately) filtered here.
That's because she wears a shirt.
pitfags flock to 2hus with exposed armpits, like Reimu.
Clownpiece a cute
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I love Kuraunpisu!
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please tell me there's a full picture
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Not that I know, you'll have to check the game files maybe.
It's a game? Is it on DLSite?
I think its a genso wanderer game, they're on steam too.
It's not an H-game? Phooey.
Please don't hurt my beloved fairy daughter
It's fine, the noises she makes aren't of distress.
Tell her to stop waving that goddamn torch on my face and I promise to be gentle.

No hole is visible thus it is Safe for Work don't worry
Why is ZUNart so erotic
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Good facial structure and malleable postures allow for some genuinely lewd possibilities when an artist takes a crack at emulating his style.
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Yassy is a little weird
It's so cute that it's extra hot when artists draw lewd stuff in ZUNart style

Sadly most 2hu artists don't try to emulate his art style.......
Someone post the canon panel/artwork of her with massive honkers. I hear about it all the time, but I've never seen it.
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yassy is fucking based
>Canon honkers
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She just stuffed Hecatia's panties in her shirt.
I want to stuff her cheeks too
Looks old enough to breed, and that's a GOOD thing
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brb need to take care of my massive rage boner
you want to stuff Cheekclappys cheeks?
all the artists working in canon works draw 2hus however they want bro.
Marisa wears a swimsuit with a spermatozoon on it! What a slut!
Yup. ZUN doesn't really care all that much as long as the sexualization isn't ultra-blatant, so the only true gospel for canon bods should be his own art.
it should be standard
>sexualization isn't ultra-blatant
But how is this possible when the work involves fairies, especially Luna-chan? (my cute and perfect daughterwife)
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She's annoying but also extremely sexy
中東Project always gets me
A shame that CP doesn't really have any other doujins this good.
Clowngirl barely has anything it's practically a crime
The Satetsu one is my favorite. I like vanilla and it's sweet and grounded, instead of being some insane pedo fantasy lile y*ssy
I like this one https://exhentai.org/g/1068310/f95d827582/
It's very short, but it has rape and asphyxiation.
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most of her good stuff are from 2016-2018
We could have had a CP renaissance had ZUN brought her in for UDoALG instead of yet another fucking animal-hu.
Fairy sex.
Clown clapping.
Cream piece.

Marisa is not a slut, you're anon!!!
Anon do you need medical attention? You might be having a stroke.
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I can't believe I'm actually going to miss this, but I mean it. It's true.
Why would it stop?
I want a piece of this clown
I want to chokerape Cunnypiece until she respawns!
Squeezing Cunnypiece's fragile neck until she stops moving!
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aerd pls
Imagine being a fairy and accidentally teleporting onto earth inside a Japanese train and then seeing nothing but a bunch of fat ugly bastards with huge raging erected cocks also they all have been filtered by your level.
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This poor clown...
how do you like your clownpiece /jp/?
whimpering and vulnerable or crazy and assertive?
Crazy and assertive at first, then whimpering and vulnerable after she's been roughed up.
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hey anons what's going on in this thr-
I wish he would draw some Clownpi rape.

I'd rather be one of the fat ugly bastards. Preferably one close to her so I can use the little brat before she passes out.
Sorry Clownpi. It had to be done. (by me)
all i see is statue of liberty,
ZUN had to have known what he was doing when creating Clownpiece.
Skin tight clothes wearing loli whose name can be shortened to CP, with the ability to drive people insane, which can be seen as a parallel to the frustration she causes in people who can't beat her in the games, causing them to feel a need for violent rape correction towards her. And her being a fairy only aggravates this further seeing as many have fantasies about raping her to death, something that would not cause permanent damage as she respawns.
It all makes too much sense
Happy and smiling and hugging me
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This brat stuffing oranges down her shirt again...
nice guy energy
but actually being nice
And a hell fairy, too. She's a demonic entity created to entice men into terrible sins. Stay strong anons.
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Joyful and optimistic to the point of naivety
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Clownpi if she had feline ancestry
Did Cheekclappy get her cheeks clapped?
Maybe her butt hurts
from what?
large ugly men
So.. me?
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That is one sexy child dudes....
Dude what the fuck? It's a christan website you have to marry her first
You can't marry a child, you filthy pedo. At least wait until she reaches the age of consent.
Go away, jealous hag, I'm going to marry and impregnate Clownpi-chan. She's already old enough to consent, regardless of what filthy hags like you say.
>You can't marry a child
You can in Saudi Arabia
Light of my life
Fire of my loins
My sin
My soul
this man is too precious
The clown canonically has big honkers
The clown is canonically my paizuri slave dude
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hot and canon
Clownpiece getting her butt ready for the ugly bastards.
Those cheeks are so...round...
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Who knows if even Plapman will find da Jay stomachable in the near future. I myself am not too far from ojisan-hood and now find myself spending a fraction of the time I used to spent here. I had more fun than I'd like to admit making me own versions of the [HOLY...] phrase these...5 years or so???
It's really been half a decade, my god...
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I need to ejaculate inside Clownpi so bad, so fucking bad
Do not blight the world with half-fairies
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But fairy genes are so strong that even if Anon is a morbidly obese NEET with a deformed face, the children will always be cute and perfect fairies!
Why is she getting undressed?
There are fat ojisans nearby.
Cute clown cheeks
Autosage pls
ok pedo
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I love pedosaka
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You need to get a hold of your self man
Draw clown more bigger
I spilled my seed to Clownpi again...
You say like accident?
I was recommended a clownpiece doujin once and blew the fattest load of my life. That's how I learned about her
no way a fairy can take all that
Yassy will do that to you, yeah...
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which one was it?
I want to hug and spoil Clownpiece!
I used to want to hatefuck this brat for costing me so many lives and bombs.
Now I just simply want to empregnate her. I NEED this Hell Fairy's pussy clamped on my pp.
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How is she so erotic
Left pre-correction, right corrected
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God I hate that stupid fucking hat.
Be glad she isn't wearing one of those clown neck frills.
Uh, not one of those stupidly oversized ones, I mean.
I think he fought Clownpiece a little too hard and destroyed his keyboard
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Why do fairies have such wide hips?
Fairies are manifestations of life.
Its an evolutionary trait.
The fairies with the wide hips get caught easier by large fat balding ugly bastards and the hips become handle bars for them to use the portal magical onahole.
The fairies born have larger hips.

This will continue for all time
Holy... hips 2x wider than torso
literally built for breeding with human males
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So the smarter, no-hip fairies were unintentionally driving themselves to extinction by successfully escaping the dangerous-looking ojisans?
Funny the way evolutionary lines go.
But fairies are immortal and they just die and get reborn every year. This means that the hips were there from the start...
At some point, a fairy with big hips got caught. it's the only genetic way to explain it you can even ask TouGPT
They still evolve each cycle.
Yeah but they are spirits, I doubt laws of biology apply to them...
Which makes you wonder even more why they are evolving to be built for human cock if there is no biological cause for it???
It's simple evolution as explained above. Ojisans capture and breed the slowest and sexiest fairies. The next cycle are more scrumptious and fuckable.
They are nature spirits, they are biology.
stop giving your mana to fairies
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I get my mana from fairies.
marriage isn't an option
what the HELL
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I want to hack one of her thighs off and make prosciutto out of it
Imagine the flavor ^o^
The color of the Blue in her outfit is different on her Shirt and Pants I can't take this...
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It's not
Are you a fairy?
I ask because you seem as smart as one.
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Keep your clownpiece hate raping sessions going with the Fucked Up pre-workout drink mix!
Her constant leakage of milk stained her shirt darker...
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I love Kuranpisu!
very cute
based drug fueled methadone addict using his addiction to perfect his artform
cute cheeks
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I want to lovingly rape her
I wish that one reimu/clownpiece sleep rape doujin got translated
Clown is for sexual violence, dude.
Not psychopathic borderline cannibalism...
I recognize that art.
they will come out extra retarded too!
feisty cunt
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Enough about Clownpiece. Post the Clownwhole.
crying please
Imagine the foot jobs
she would probably kick your face or something
Have you even seen Clownpiece in the bikini?
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Tempting, but cumming outside of her goes against my moral code
only faggots pull out
Fellas, is it gay to ejaculate while having vaginal sex with a woman?
Imagine clapping and squeezing Cheekclappys firm cheeks but it would only be nice if she hated every second of it
imagine plapping crownpiss while she calls you an obsessed shitalian coalposter from jartycord
Imagine Clownpiece.
>extra retarded
For a fairy, that just means extra cute.
I want to rape Clownpiece
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Ladies and gentlemen , the Star MVP has arrived to the thread.
Does this count?
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Clownpiss looking kinda odd...
If this was the clown I would make sure a measurable percentage of Gensokyo's population had fairy blood
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Of course not.
Thoughever, the moment you pull out, you are no longer having vaginal sex with a woman, therefore it is indeed gay to ejaculate at that time
Don't argue against this logic, it's sealed tighter than Clownpiece
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>sealed tighter than Clownpiece
hnnnggg imagine the kupaa
I'd rather rail and impregnate Sunny desu
advocating creampies for clownpiece is like saying chickens for KFC
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stop staring at feet
Proneboning the Cunnypiece!
Putting her in a headlock until she passes out!
Pounding her at full force even when she's unconscious!
wth sir, you cannot see her squirm or struggle if she is unconscious.
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huh, so even unicode symbols are filtered/can't display
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Did you know there's a game where you can sexually train Clownpiece by making her wear different socks/tights and molesting/dicking her?

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nvm I found this https://mega.nz/file/nM8XHJoQ#S4G0s_2f9aZcJpO2X6ix2xXZ37-9z4tHQX5oCdSMm_0
pass kimochi.info
>he doesn't have the april fools' emote userscript
God bless the japanese
Aren't fairy tears supposed to be valuable?
I want to consensually molest Clownpiece
>Aren't fairy tears supposed to be valuable?
Hey! That's an insult to fairies
Clownpiece armpits

>At some point, a fairy with big hips got caught. it's the only genetic way to explain it
>you can even ask TouGPT
I'd rather ask Zun himself but the evolution makes sense.
^This >>46877869
Clownpiece is bilingual and speaks Nipponese, Greek, and English. She's quite sophisticated and cultured when not engaging in silly antics.
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Thank you, god bless ya.
>asking for consent
This anon knows what he's talking about. Every fairy deserves rape.
Except for Lily and Luna. They are good girls.
I just don't get it. How can this be so insanely hot without even trying to be NSFW? Like, Clownpiece is just standing there and my dick goes wild. Her long, flowing blonde hair, those wide hips, that incredibly thin waist, and her glorious legs that go on for days. It's like she was sculpted by Hecatia herself. She doesn’t even have to do anything; just standing there, she’s the epitome of perfection. Her curves are so mesmerizing that it’s impossible to look away. Seriously, it’s almost too much to handle. I’m losing my mind over here. Somebody explain this sorcery to me. How can she be so hot without even trying?
That's just how fairies are, man. Built for human cock, nature's perfect sex idols.
You would rape Dai-chan while giving the allergy fairy the preferential treatment?
wheres the fun in that
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post the gallery
Stop lewding Reimu's adopted daughter.
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Beloved daughterwife.
Now that I think about it, there was that time that Yukari called Luna the closest to being a youkai, what did that even mean?
why shimmy speaks in english when it's clappy the one dressed like a burger clown?
whoa there guy, a snug snug is very close to a fugg fugg. haha keep it christan I'm at church right now
She thought that begging for mercy in English would have a higher chance to convince the evil fairy to stop.
It didn't.
>haha keep it christan I'm at church right now
this post is more believable than you might think
Why doesn't she just calm down and let the water rise, then slowly float your way up to the top and then climb out? It's not like that pitcher has a lid, heck she could probably reach the ledge just by jumping even.
A little water never killed no one. Does Shimmy not know how to swim?
This level of komfiness shouldn't be possible and yet....
Clown toesies
Cheeky brat on the surface, good girl underneath.
That was because of her connection to moonlight, wasn't it?
Is she really like that?
I thought clowns had bigger feet than that...
Well she did disobey Hectata and took a beating from Okina to save her fairy friends fairy and frienemies from being used as batteries or going to hell...
So I'd chock that up to Clownpiece being prankster with a big heart when it matters.

Big shoes, they don't actually have bright red round noses either anon.
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They don't...?
The real clowns were the friends we made along the way anon.
Perhaps we ragehorny posted on Cheekclappy too hard
>Perhaps we ragehorny posted on Cheekclappy too hard
Well now you know and knowing is half the battle or something.
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What's that weird thing on the AR?
>green tea
uh so close
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It's a clown world here
It doesn't feel as if any friends were made along this way....
imagine the flavor
mlem mlem
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Other way around, bozo
n-nooo (I will enjoy it)
gross model, gross animation
Stupid sexy K
To understand that you must first understand who Mark LaRue the owner of LaRue Tactical® is.
To try an sum it up he's your typical Zuckbook/Twatter boomer who WILL argue with you online over anything, even the most benign of things. He's also autisticly obsessed with machining some of the most high end premium AR's on par or even surpassing companies like Noveske and Daniel's Defense and then building little suit cases to carry his dissembled rifles in. He also used to ship packets of jerky spice and salsa with his parts kits and barrels (He's Texan). The rest of what he sells such as the AccARizer and C-Note are basically high effort but functional shitposts.
It's also rumored he has a bitter rivalry with Bill Geissele for some reason but that's just speculation and drama until proven otherwise.

He also refuses to sell AR's and AR parts to police departments in states were civilians can't own those types of firearms even though it would be profitable so that's quite respectable that he stands by his principles and practices what he preaches.

In short Mark LaRue is a spastic boomer, the kind you'd catch unironically sporting a Punisher skull shirt BUT one of the good/alright ones all things considered.

While a good chunk of that post was a shitpost I genuinely like green tea and matcha though. Stop letting Eurofags and Mormon gaslight you into thinking you need to fit the stereotype of being a Coke/Pepsi consumer just because your American (assuming your nationality is American/USA anyway).

Maybe one day we'll meet in Gensokyo and become the best of friends anon, hopefully by then I'm in good enough shape so I don't get eaten by Yokai. Been going to the gym for the past couple of months and slowly ceasing to be the dreaded skinnyfat.
Never give up
Whoops, copied the invidious link rather than the official YouTube link... You can use either doesn't matter though.

I want to gently rape Clownpiece.
any more images like this?
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tender loving gentle rape until she orgasms (so it stops being rape!)
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Check any of Hirasaka's sketches.
I wonder if hirasaka will one day decide that he's probably not getting contacted for another fairy manga and finally bite the bullet and draw clownpiece doujins like that fgo doujin he did
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One can only hope. I'd settle for lovey dovey cuddling even.
i choose to believe he has a cabinet in his house full of his fairy erotica
Maybe he doesn't want to have clapptain america getting her holes resized on his conscience though?
I thought mormons hated coke
Thank goodness the cute little clown's suffering will end soon D:
Why are you about to make her really happy?
Isn't he a she?
i have thing for clowns and america

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