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I cannot stop thinking about this eternal pure princess. Constantly lingering in the back of my mind while I work on pharmaceutical things...
How I'd love to be one of the Inaba so that she could embrace me...
Every single goddamn day. I dreamed of her once, she stroked my long hair and told me to keep going. God, she's so perfect...
What does the princess like and dislike?
I really hope we get more content related to Kaguya, CDS was great but not enough.

I wish she would appear in a new game or better yet get her own Manga or be super relevant in one like Aya and Suika are in LE
Mokou's father...
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Perfect Princess Paizuri
something something
plap plap get pregnant get pregnant plap plap
she will sit on your face bro
don't fall for it
it's not worth it
and? what doesn't kill you makes you stronger
I'm not alone, I'm shagging your servant.
Which one?

Because if it's those Inaba...
Me too!!! I love her, she's so perfect and interesting as a character.

I would like to see more development for her and more about her life on earth, not all this shipping crap that's everywhere.
No, I'm not alone, I'm currently fucking with my thesis, please leave me for a while, princess
Is your thesis on rabbit-human hybrids by any chance?

lol relateable. medical thesis? because i know that fuckin pain.

a pain only Kaguya can alleviate.
Princess, I don't want to sound rude but you seem to have gained some weight...
Making more subjects for the Hime I see, how dutiful of you
im not a fat fetish faggot but goddamn she fine even as a landwhale
Not since IN she isn't
She didn't even know what pH-levels were
Of what? A mansion in the middle of nowhere?
Who do you propose is better than this princess?
Yuyuko is still pure as seen in SSiB and rules over the netherworld, being referred to as the princess of the land

Two of the three for Yuyuko, zero out of three for Kaguya
>Not since IN she isn't
Autism is a pandemic
>She didn't even know what pH-levels were
Do you know what R.O.M. means in the context of lifting? Without googling it. Or do you know the life span of a fly? Not knowing random factoids doesn't mean shit. And that's ignoring her tongue and cheek behavior in that story. I read it as just her messing with Eirin l.
>Of what? A mansion in the middle of nowhere?
The most technologically advanced civilization in the universe. They even want her back after forgiving her.
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She's messing with Eirin AND she doesn't know what pH is. You wouldn't argue with Kaguya's own thoughts, would you?
That said, you're absolutely correct, erudition does not equal intelligence. On the other hand, Kaguya is a bit of a gardener with her bonsai and things like soil acidity are desirable to know here, though on yet other limb, udonge tree - which doesn't have any leaves and probably isn't properly alive even - may be just alien enough for this to be irrelevant.
>They even want her back after forgiving her.
Well, of course you want back a criminal who slipped out of your control - and Eirin in her POV is rather clear - "Kaguya wouldn't have a normal life" (read - why she would be treated better than Chang'e?) and Eirin "rescued" her from going back.
>Autism is a pandemic
First, where is he wrong, but second, tell me one good thing about being pure.
Kaguya is better than pure now, hourai elixir is literally all of the benefits of purity without any drawbacks
>Of what? A mansion in the middle of nowhere?
One is a princess not of anything, but simply by virtue of your birth in a correct family (in English it's not the only meaning, but also a daily reminder that "hime" is not equivalent to "princess" and means a daughter of any sufficiently high noble)
ok can we just enjoy the hime in peace? the princess' smile unites!
No, no fun allowed here
Well, what do you think Kaguya would appreciate more - another crowd of fawning worshippers driven merely by her looks, or a vigorous discussion about lunarian society and nature of purity?
Honestly, probably the former.
What's the issue here?
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Big and rude Princess
post the tentacle AI one
So do her Impossible Request, the Items themselves, have any special ability to them like Tenshi's Sword or are they just rare pretty looking things?
This sounds like a curse.

You should ask one of the shrine maiden or Suwako to look at it
It is not a curse, rather, a blessing. I am not a lesbian I swear. I just love Kaguya. I don't even think Kaguya is into women...

Every time I see an anime girl with a hime cut I think of her.

Every time I seea pink and red color combo I think of her.

Maybe it is a curse... Reimu please exorcise me!
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Yeh, I love the 'Guya
I understand. I'm not gay, but I love staring at sweaty, half-naked bodybuilders (I'm admiring them platonically), you probably have something like this going on.

Normally I admire intelligent people.

No idea why Kaguya got me like this.
If you're the same person as the OP you don't sound gay. There's physical, emotional, and sexual intimacy. You sound like you want physical and emotional intimacy (a friend you can cuddle) without wanting the sexual side, but that does not make you gay.
How do you himefags deal with the fact that Kaguya barely has appeared in anything?

If it weren't for CDS, she'd be as irrelevant as Alice
Both Kaguya and Alice are rather reclusive. If she appeared more, maybe she would be more relevant, but it would ruin her character a little.
At least that's my opinion.
>How do you himefags deal with the fact that Kaguya barely has appeared in anything?
Replace her with any random character and you get the same result. zun is a drooling retard who refuses to get writers to make stories for his hundreds of characters and chooses to jerk off a handful. I rely on fanon, but even that isn't perfect. Ideally we'd all make our own stories about her.
Honestly, ZUN should just reuse old character more rather then make new ones.

I want to see more of Alice, Tenshi, Kaguya etc.both in games and print materials
Replace every non-Alice character with a clone of Alice. So the cast consists entirely of Alice and Alice variants.
Fan content. Plenty of mimafags when she's only really appeared once or twice!
Yeah, I'm OP. I'm in a loving straight relationship.

You are correct, my love for Kaguya is platonic! I cosplayed her a few times actually, so there's that. *guyafag noises*
I didn't like kaguya originally but I like her fangame. Lost Branch of Legend is very fun and there are some cute 'guyas in it.
mokou is my favourite though
She has a better theme and I actually got to play as her in the fighting games.
You just answered your own question, anon.
>I actually got to play as her in the fighting games
I hate how that she never became playable.
What is this?
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Unlike the original version, who seem mocking, I know exactly where this one is going...
Everyone does and those who don't are just being tsunderes
I disagree. The fact that every game brings a slew of new characters helps make Gensokyo feel like a large and lived in land. Besides, ZUN does reuse characters which make sense for them to be involved, most of the time...
While ever new character is a great addition to Gensokyou and as you said "feel like a large and lived in land", reusing more characters would do the same thing, since it makes them feel as not an one time thing.
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>Kaguya enters the living room hoping to talk to you when you make your bid for freedom.
>After 100 years of basket weaving you are skilled enough to quickly entrap her in a large woven basket while you escape.
>But with her 200 years of experience in tap dancing she is able to sense the reverberations throughout the basket and pinpoint the weak point in the fibers to strike and destroy the basket.
>It's too late, and with your 300 years of oil painting you used the few seconds she was trapped in the basket to paint every surface in the room to look like other surfaces, rooms, and hallways all with their own painted walls painted with similar paintings in different orders to confuse her sense of direction.
>Unfortunately with her 400 years of blindfolded mountain biking she is able to close her eyes and navigate the room with echolocation by screeching and chases after you.
>Luckily thanks to your 500 years of hedge trimming you are able to create an exact duplicate of yourself in the yard that draws her attention.
>Tragically, her 600 years of baking key lime pies made lime, egg yolks, and sweetened condensed milk, and topped with a meringue topping made from egg whites, or with whipped cream leaves her able to detect that the faint scents of the ingredients of the pie you ate that morning led elsewhere and she determines your correct location.
>Quickly, you use your 700 years of misdirection to trick her into using her 800 years of crime scene reconstruction to piece together a past scene you already played out earlier using your 900 years of improvised acting in anticipation of this very moment, tricking her into observing the past while you hide in the present.
>You have five minutes until she uses her 1000 years of kite flying to manipulate the local atmospheric pressure to create a wind formation that creates a small vacuum pocket in the sky that will collapse and suck you up into the air for easy discovery unless you prepare
This genuinely sound fun
Isn't Kaguya only well versed in the cultural stuff?
It's still rather impressive considering age...and thats assuming its only "cultural". Her own statements from the games and printworks show a solid understanding of magic and insights to things earthlings don't know about. There's also the weird abstract stuff about eterinity and the instantaneous (time). She'd also be well versed in politics and courtly intrigue. Oh and making men hard as diamonds in only the most innocent and respectful of ways...
Why did she want to become Immortal again?
This shouldn't be surprising honestly. While I do believe that her knowledge regarding the outside world and it's terminology would be outdated for obvious reasons, she probably had some of the best education the moon has to offer and thus far more knowledge then most in many areas.
>This shouldn't be surprising honestly.
It's surprising to people who either only know her through fanon or people who like to downplay her. And yes she would have the best education on the moon.
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Smart, rich, beautiful, powerful, eternal...

No wonder she rejected all those Nobles, her league is (literally) out of this world.
Just because she didn't study the sciences doesn't mean she's not intelligent, anon.
She's clearly quite observant and in possession of a sharp mind.
Now, you should really sit down already. The princess and the eldest daughter have generously set apart four hours of their time to give you an introduction to the Confucian classics and you should really try to pay attention.
>introduction to the Confucian classics
Why would they even teach me specifically such thing? Are they that bored?

Also I didn't know Tenshi and Kaguya would get along enough to teach classes to random people

I'd consider her league almost out of this observable universe
But I prefer western philosophy...
They're your friends, anon. And it's important to study the wisdom of your predecessors.
Besides, you should know by now that the two of them have a lot in common.
Tough shit, anon. You're going to learn superior, eastern philosophy today.
>Besides, you should know by now that the two of them have a lot in common
They're both nobility, both used to live in a pure land, they're both part of a long-lived species that look down on earthlings/surface dwellers but got exiled because they consumed something they shouldn't have, they're both (kinda) chinese and are pretty arrogant...

Huh you're right.
Will Toyohime join as well?
Very interesting discussions! Next time we'll be commenting on Shijing, it seems... I wonder why princess told me to pay special attention to The Moon Comes Out poem when I'll be studying tonight...
>Tough shit, anon. You're going to learn superior, eastern philosophy today
I'll just start skipping class and then cram everything the night before the exam like I did in the philosophy class in school and then forgot everything the next day
>They're your friends, anon
It would seem I have made quite a few friends in high places :P
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I would love to hear Kaguya's laughter
>pay special attention to The Moon Comes Out poem
I have no Idea what this is about
Remainder that, according to Bohemian Archives, Kaguya and Eirin LARP as immortal humans from earth rather then lunarians.

So if you get to meet her she would no refer to herself as a lunarian or moon princess but just the the princess of Eientei
Tenshi > NEETguya
Way prettier and doesn't smell like a hikkiNEET.
Tenshi is a homeless hobo now that hangs around Inchlings and poverty goddesses while Kaguya is the boss of Eientei.
Hobo this, hobo that. A riveting retort just like the boring NEET princess. No wonder she's not utilized and almost forgotten.
Kaguya recently got a Manga apperance, that completely destroyed all those NEET slander while Tenshi hasn't been seen in a long time.
>Tenshi hasn't been seen in a long time
Didn't she appear in one of the last WaHH chapte--
... Oh.
Six years ago...

Still I really liked Tenshi in WaHH. She even fought alongside Reimu in the final battle against Kasen.
I wonder what sort of Alignment Kaguya would be categorised in? True Neutral?
It's amazing how much WaHH salvaged Tenshi's character.
As a person with d20s on the brain eternally, Kaguya would be chaotic neutral. Self-interested and without a sense of morality.
Now the real question is, would Kaguya play TTRPGs with (you)?
>Kaguya would be chaotic neutral
Hey look something else Kaguya has in common with Tenshi
>Now the real question is, would Kaguya play TTRPGs with (you)?
Going by how she's been portrait in BAiJR, CiLR and CDS, she would at least give it a try
Wouldn't true neutral fit her better?
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Someone should tell Kaguya that she forgot to properly put her clothes on
Get ready for off topic alignment talk.
True neutral and chaotic neutral often get mixed up with each other which is not that surprising. Both alignments involve the rejection of lawful authority. Where the differences lie are their motivations and actions.

A neutral person or diety, like Nethys or Gozreh in Pathfinder are not predisposed to order or chaos. They are a force of nature, either literally in Gozreh's case or figuratively in the God of Magic's case. A person with a neutral alignment pursues a higher power or cause, such as the pursuit of knowledge or protection of nature over all else. Such a cause is not necessarily self-centred in nature, but is one that is beyond just self-serving. For example, a witch like patchouli could be neutral because she values the pursuit of magical knowledge over all else.

The chaotic neutral person or dirty is self-serving and explicitly rejects a lawful authority. Calistra from Pathfinder is the god of revenge and teaches her followers to stop at nothing to avenge themselves against slights, even going as far as to murder, which is an unlawful act. Gorum, the former god of war, encourages the inherently chaotic act of war and violence. A touhou character which is chaotic neutral would be Marisa, who indulges in her own desires by rejecting the lawful authority of her father and the human village. She also steals which is unlawful.

Based on the analysis above, Kaguya is chaotic neutral. Her descent to Earth was due to her self-serving desire to consume the Hourai elixir. By consuming the elixir, she also rejected the lawful authority of the lunarians by committing an unlawful act of consuming the Hourai Elixir. Evading and escaping prison is also inherently chaotic as you are escaping a lawful (if not necessarily good intentioned) punishment.
Anyways, I too wish to be embraced by Kaguya. Being an Inaba is optional, but I do remember a story where Akyuu had that happen to her...
>a story where Akyuu had that happen to her...
Lucky bitch...
I'd rather not tell her, it's better this way
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'Guyabros... why is our princess hatless...
Why is the Princess being so nice to me? Doesn't she know that I might get the wrong idea and embarrass myself in the future?
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I see the Princess has anew hobby

Good for her
Can someone explain to me how her ability works? I thought she just had time manipulate but with a fancy name
Nobody can because nobody knows, it's one of more obscure ones. At best we can say that the eternity part likely stops entropy increase (like how it was described that in Eientei under Kaguya's spell nothing could rot or break), but we know nothing on "instantaneous" part - sure we have PMiSS article, but given how Kaguya actually never uses this half of her ability on screen, including for danmaku (the only spellcard relying on her ability at all is actually breaking Eirin's spell, she shoots bullets with her treasures) and in general seems to be disinclined to give out information on it, I somehow doubt Akyuu has any firsthand facts on it and not just speculating out of thin air like we know she's prone to (Sakuya, Mokou). However, what we also can say is that her ability is not time manipulation - Kaguya is never shown actually doing it and would probably use it in battle if she could.
i like this guya
You left out the part where she stopped things from aging/degrading in Eientei on a whim and made the hallways in Eientei infinite. And iirc the hourai elixir is based on her power. That and a big part of her character has to do with time. Immortality, entropy, past memories, eternity etc. I'm not saying her powers aren't vague but we have an idea of what she can do.
Oh you did mention the stuff about stopping degradation and keeping things constant but what you missed is that this is, at least in part, an expression of control over time.
My point is exactly that no, we cannot extrapolate Kaguya's ability to some general "control over time" because expressions of her ability indicate that it's both more limited and simply different. She keeps things constant, but can't accelerate or decelerate any processes arbitrarily, time or entropy; she makes hallways in Eientei infinite - not simply larger, like Sakuya with SDM's interior. Kaguya works with infinities, not any finite quantities, to sum it up.
One would naturally think that "instantaneous" part is about similarly working with infinitesimal quantities - but since we don't know of any examples of what specifically this may entail, we still can't say anything - whether Akyuu is right with her ideas or not, it's unknown.
>Kaguya works with infinities
Kaguya is Satoru Gojo?!
Considering how her ability works, she could probably could do the infinity shield Gojo has
Well she is immortal so she doesn't really need it
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Kaguya dressed in Reimu's clothes when?
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Here you go
This truly captures the princess' beauty and character in a way nothing else has ever managed before.
She looks better without any hair accessories.
Because she doesn't need one to look good, she wants you to stare at her directly
I thought Kaguya didn't like the attention of others, wasn't that the whole point of her impossible requests?
Not a 2hu confirmed!
But Kaguya, you suck at fishing
small, medium, large
Kaguya sure is tall...
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fuck this shit ass captcha took my attachment to the shadow realm
When will we get an Extra Large or an Extra Small option?
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Kaguya sure is short...
CDS was a godsend for Kaguyafags
Since Mokou mellowed out, Kaguya has been looking for a new enemy to fight for all eternity, are you willing to take the position?

The perks of being the Princess Royal Enemy are:
-Hanging out with Kaguya
-Being able to touch Kaguya (in battle)
-Possible romantic relationship with the Kaguya
Kaguya is also very big
Hime-sama's life is rather dull...
The princess was never the violent one.
She only played Blood Murder Death-o-rama because that's the only game Mokou ever wanted to play.
She *is* looking for a new playmate, though. Frankly, the Fujiwara girl is just plain *awful* at shogi.
I dont know how to play shogi but we can play chess if the hime wants
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With my hours in Kaguya's game I have amassed rare 'guyas I have not seen out of the game. In celebration of 'guya's game getting an update, I'll post my favourite 'guya cards.

This one's pretty good. Spend 4 mana to potentially generate a game winning 5 mana card? Excellent trade. The Kaguya on the card is not only very cute, it also indicates which card you should hope for. (hint: It's the green Kaguya card that gives you infinite mana).
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WaHH did wonder for Tenshi's image however it also smeared Shion on her so... you win some you lose some.

Still I believe CDA also did wonder for Kaguya. Pic related alone shits all over that shitty fanon she has
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Cowguya Cowraisan. Princess of Eternal Milk.
Not canon~~
It is.
Go back to the Moon!!!

And while you're at it take that unlicensed doctor and those three rabbits with you!
Go away big pharma shill! I'd rather get effective, cheap high grace drugs from that hot gilf than whatever shit you guys are peddling! Your "licenced" doctors can choke on a fat piece of bamboo!
They took our jobs!
in your dreams, faggot.
Plot twist: OP is Eirin
chessfag here, id learn to play shogi and get good just so kaguya would play with me.
These lunarians come here with their rabbits acting all high and mighty, looking down on us earthlings and thinking themselves superior! If their smug attitude wasn't bad enough, the moonies that come here aren't even decent people. Those that have fleed to earth so far have been a criminal, a traitor, a murder and two spies. The luna captial is sending us their worst and we're taking them with open arms like morons. Some might argue that they are fleeing a tyrannical government, prosecution or that they were falsely accused. However these arguments get imidiatly disprove by the way the arc, what sort of person constantly praise they very nations and the people that oppressed, falsely accused or attempted to kill them?
To quote the "princess" of Eientei herself:
> Of course you would. That's why you Earthlings will remain forever inferior.

Does this sound like the world of an oppressed, falsely accused refugee fleeing for her life?
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They came to Gensokyou illegally, hiding in the forest for who knows how many years and we only became aware of them when they sealed the whole planet, only to be stopped by the efforts of our brave heroes. How many more crimes have they committed that we are not aware? After all the first time we saw them they were committing a planetary crime, attempting to imprison all of earth, and immediately went on the attack when they were discovered. After being defeated the first thing their "princess" did is trick people into attack a poor homeless woman. How despicable.

Now they pretend to be health experts, opening a hospital and selling medicine to the people as if nothing happened... a "hospital" that is located in the middle of a dangerous forest where people regularly get lost? Yeah right, we all know a money laundering operation when we see one. Plus that medicine they sell are hard-core drugs that get you extremely addicted to the point where you'll die if you stop taking them.

I say we send them back to the moon they love so much. After all if earthlings are not allowed to go to the moon then why should lunarians be tolerate on earth? Especially when said lunarians are a bunch of drugs dealers, frauds and murders.
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And that's a good thing!
Aya? is that you?
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Money from the good supporters of the free word has to be worked out, you know
Healthy fertile Kaguya is appealing
Aya runs a dinky operation with more employees than subscribers. She couldn't shit out this libel for money even if she wanted.
But Aya is the only employee at the Bumbumaru Newspaper
The truth always hurts huh mooniefags...
I want to play monopoly with her. Video games too. The moon is advanced and ancient, I'm sure she has moon video games.
Ohh I never saw that art of her before
OG pic.
>video games.
Going by how conservative the moonies seem to be, I doubt it. They definitely have the technology for that but I doubt they bother to make any. They do play shogi though according to Kaguya
I know what I said.
Great article Aya, I'm sure it will sell well
I say we build a barrier and make the Lunar capital pay for it.
Isn't that exactly Eirin tried to do in Imperishable Night?
Kill all lunarians
They're not sending their best folks.
These people- These people we're letting in, they are not the kind of people we should be letting into Gensokyo.
Well I tell you what, here's what I say, I say we build a wall-
*interrupted by cheering*
I say we build a wall and let the moon rabbits pay for it!
How could a wall work on the moon, not like people can just walk over there.
It sounds like we need a goddamn wall!
Of course they don't just walk on over, you need a vehicle to get anyplace.
Really the wall's just a metaphor for, for increased border security so we can put a stop to these, illegal aliens is what you're supposed to call 'em.
Now I'm not saying we can build a phyical wall all along the border, but surely the message of tightened border control, that's what I'm really getting at here.
"They’re bringing drugs(Reisen). They’re bringing crime(Reisen). They’re rapists(Reisen). And some, I assume, are good people"
Who are these good people?
I wonder how the folks at Eientei would react if a Tengu actually wrote an Article like this
Reisen(the fake one)
Tewi of course. She's a mother after all.
Tewi is not a lunarian though
I wouldnt say they're THAT anal retention considering how playful and relaxed the WaTITsuki sisters were when we saw them. Besides that I can't see why there wouldn't be some lunarian mavericks would make fun games for their own sake, I mean the capital is basically sci-fi.
Really funny how this is literally Miko. Just replace moon rabbits with yokai and Gensokyo with the human village. Let's hope Sleepy Yukari doesn't rig the elections again...
Still an illegal alien, and, to Eirin's credit, she did send her back
Thank you for defending democracy, Lady Hecatia
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I just want to hang out with Kaguya. She's a friend with benefits.
Hecatia doesn't even mind the people of Eientei. She even wanted to meet with them at the end of the Extra Stage.
Like, they're basically rebels who betrayed the moon, y'know? Hecatia totally digs that kinda stuff.
Then who paid Aya to write those posts?
Wrong, Kaguya has fallen to the Tohno Gland
The point where this thread turned to shit
I'm not surprised she started sneaking out to the Human Village if this was her everyday life for a millennium
We need to keep Wakasagihime away from Kaguya
No waggy! Swim away, don't trust the fisherhime!
It seems there will be Fish served for dinner at Eientei today
I would immediately rip her liver out and eat it raw if i saw her
What if that doesn't make you immortal and you just randomly attacked the princess of eientei, the sole place in all of Gensokyou where you can get medical treatment, and eat one of her organs? In front of (probably) a bunch of other people no less.
Kaguya is very playful
Poor Reisen is not only naked but can't hear....

But Kaguya W
Why wouldn't she be able to hear, anon?
Yes.... :(
ill drink all of her fluids then
Bullying the rabbit suffering from chronic bullying? What a terrible "person".
We might never know since ZUN actively chooses to neglect her.
>chronic bullying
Kags stole her ears and had them surgically grafted to her head...
I think Kaggers may have forgotten that most people aren't immortal like her, Eirin and Mokou
My wives are so cute and knowledgeable
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Kaguya meets another Lunar Princess
Anon, those ears aren't real. They're clearly buttoned on.
You're not dumb enough to think that Reisen is a real moon rabbit, right?
The Princess cut her hair...?

What did she get rejected by her love interest or something?
They had to be buttoned on after Kaguya tore them off of her head ;__;
Look, you presented proof that Reisen did it to herself!!!

Kaguya is innocence
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>To quote the "princess" of Eientei herself:
> Of course you would. That's why you Earthlings will remain forever inferior.
Reimu started it!!!
They were buttoned on to begin with, anon.
You do realize that Reisen is actually a low-caste Lunarian that the higher ranked ones slapped a pair of antenna on in order to gaslight her and put her under their control through the Chang'e Mainframe, right?
Moon rabbits are total shitters, dude. None of them would ever have a powerful ability like Reisen's.
Makes too much sense, but is Rei'sen a rabbit?
The moonies force poor people to be furries and use them as pets? That's messed up.
There's no buttons on her ears, so probably.
She's a pretty useless shitter barely above a fairy, so there's no reason to assume she's anything more than a typical rabbit who glitched out momentarily.
It's par for the course for them. Just the tip of the iceberg, really.
Kaguya is truly lucky that Eirin betrayed the Lunarians and allowed her to escape the fate they had set in store for them.
But why does Reisen still wear the ears? Is it just stockholm effect or do they have any benefits?
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Reisen just doesn't know any better; she's completely convinced that she's an actual moon rabbit.
And Eirin didn't see any reason to convince her otherwise, since she actively wanted to use her antennae to keep tabs on the Lunar Capital, and they make it much easier to control her by setting up Kaguya as the new mainframe.
Reisen is a schizo that's why
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Big Princess
>Kaguya is truly lucky that Eirin betrayed the Lunarians and allowed her to escape the fate they had set in store for them.
Isn't the fate they had set for her to sit an a room and do nothing all day? How is that diffident from what she's doing now?
There's no freedom in there, anon.
No playing with Mokou, no sneaking out of Eientei, no cuddling with the rabbits...
All she would be is serve as a pawn to the Lunarians in their desperation to stave off the inevitable encroachment of kegare as the second Chang'e.
It would be hell, and the princess doesn't deserve such a fate.
>the princess doesn't deserve such a fate.
And who decided that?
>It would be hell, and the princess doesn't deserve such a fate.
That might be true but does she HAVE to seek refuge on Earth? Can't she just go to Mars or something?

I have nothing against her personally but this is a very exclusive planet we got here and it might send a bad massage to others. If we let one lunarian in then (Kaguya) then we might have to let the next on in (Eirin) and the next one in (Reisen) and there goes the neighborhood (Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom)
Eirin did, of course. It's the only moral decision she ever made, as she realized that using such a wonderful girl as a tool is a truly heinous act, and she could no longer go along with it.
As a bonus, with Eirin now lost to them, the Lunarians have no hopes towards the production of a third Chang'e, forcing them to make do with the older model.
You can't compare hardworking pillars of the community like Eirin with freeloaders who exist to lower property value like Seiran and Ringo.
>hardworking pillars of the community
She's a drug dealer. Just ask Alice
Alice needs those. Eirin also sells medicine in the Human Village and is responsible for Gensokyo's border security.
I know but just because Eirin is one of the good one doesn't mean they're invited.

She should just launch the Bamboo Forest into space along side herself and Eientei. She's a smart girl, I'm sure she can do that
Just out of curiosity, what's the crime rate in the bamboo forest of the lost?
>freeloaders who exist to lower property value like Seiran and Ringo
But they do have stable jobs. Hell, they even participate in and encourage local competition.

Compare that to Kaguya, whose entire career entails looking good and hosting that one tech expo 15+ years ago and nothing else.
Yeah I guess Eirin is a productive member of society so she can somewhat be tolerated but what exactly does Kaguya offer other then sending lovestruck morons to their death, getting into fights with stinky hobos and setting on her ass all day looking after a plant>>46890335?

That's very rude and ungrateful behaviour for a guest "worker"
Kaguya inspires everyone to keep going, she's a shining ray of hope in a dreadful and cold universe.
Despite making up 0.1% of the population, white-haired hobos commit 95% of violent crime in the area.
Kaguya manages the whole of Eientei, not everyone has to be a manual labourer.
Without her, Gensokyo would be filled with rabbits, roaming around, causing mischief.
>responsible for Gensokyo's border security.
She deported Rei'sen in ssib.
She's gonna build a wall
Ssib only happened because of Eirin's dual loyalty
Despite making 0.4% of the population, the residents of Eientei make up 95% of the illegal drug trade in all of Gensokyou as well as neighboring realms such as old Hell and the Neatherworld
No that's Tewi's/Reisen's job. Kaguya is unironically responsible for Eientei's defenses >>46893740
>She's gonna seal (imprison) all of earth
False. Messing with Yukari is in Gensokyo's interests, all she does is sleep, get her ass kicked and import weird teenagers to annoy the populace.
And make the (other) moonies pay for it, yes!
They're not sending their best, folks. Tocchan and Yocchan are nice people, but the rabbits, the emissaries, they're just not the kind of people Eirin wants in Gensokyo.
Better then Eirin. All she does is leak information to the Luna Capital, create addictive drugs to sell to the population and turn homicidal the moment some looks at Kaguya the wrong way.

>import weird teenagers to annoy the populace
I'd prefer weird teenagers (who are still earthlings) then criminal lunarians
I love these "Lunarians = illegal Immigrants" jokes
They are not all illegal, Eirin and Kaguya came before there was any established governing body.
They came without Invitation or approval from the natives to Earth thus making them illegal
They're approved by the owner of the Bamboo Forest, whose jurisdiction far preceeds that of the so-called "Sages".
This but unironically.
You only say this because you've never met Sumireko.
The Bamboo Forest is int Gensokou thus it fall under the jurisdiction the Sages and the Hakurei Miko. If they dont like it the can always leave and go to the outside world...

Oh wait then they'll have to deal with Humanity and we all know who the relationship between humans and lunarians are...
Yukari, quit the larping, Tewi was pumping out kids by the gross a thousand years before you were born
The forest was not originally a part of Gensokyo, but was washed over to Gensokyo by a big tsunami.

So that little rabbit can go suck the cock of that fat ugly god she loves so much
Don't be too hard on her. She's just having a hard time accepting her infertility, so seeing Tewi with her happy family is really painful for her.
She's probably jealous. The closest thing Yukari has to a child is Reimu and her only friends are two pets and a corpse
Wait, so Tewi lied to me? She told me she had her first litter with me!
She wasn't lying, it was the first one she had with you.
This is why I hate Lunarians.

I don't like them putting chemicals in the mochi that turn the friggin' rabbits incestuous!!!!
This is why you shouldn't mate with none humans.

All of them are most definitely used goods that have been run through for thousands of years straight
Oh, shall we talk about your parentage instead, Lady Hecatia?
Slandering others won't get you a husband, Reimu.
>Lady Hecatia
Projecting much? I'm a pure blooded human who doesn't want my kind to be around these kinds of degenerates
>other then sending lovestruck morons to their death, getting into fights with stinky hobos
Kaguya is an active threat to human lives and the environment of earth. Plus the only thing she contributes >>46938999 is the defense of Einytei thus she fails at giving anything to the society she claims she part of (and the one she actively looks down on)

I'd say we deport her alongside her minions
>sending lovestruck morons to their death
Fuhito, it's been over a thousand years and you still can't get over how a pretty peasant girl politely refused to be yet another your concubine?
That heartless wench Kaguya cruelly humiliated him when she revealed that the Jeweled Branch he gave her was naught but a forgery he created, and he never recovered from the shame.
Why would you defend such a vile, selfish woman, anon?

Poor Kaguya, having to deal with her threads constantly being attack by Anti-Lunarians Extremists.
I would love to see any of them call themself earthlings/humans after all the shit they keep talking like the smug cunts they are.

Send them back, they aren't earths problems but the moons. Who cares If the get punished or imprisoned forever? Their fate and well being shouldn't be our concern
How many times are secondaries gonna keep saying this shit? Also see >>46893740 you really need to stop skimming through threads...
My god she looks perfect. Not the usual malnourished midget and her smug means Doremy probably taught it to her.
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>I would love to see any of them call themself earthlings/humans after all the shit they keep talking like the smug cunts they are.
Good news, anon!
Ironically, Kaguya doing nothing for the community shows how well she has integrated. The only ones who do anything for Gensokyo are Akyuu, Kosuzu, Kogasa, Keine, Eirin and the sages, if you can even call what they do "work".
Tell me you want your balls to be crushed without telling me you want your balls to be crushed
Also they were referred to as humans in both BAiJR by Aya and CiLR by Yukari
Yeah I'm pretty sure it's canon that most people don't knowthey are Lunarian
Deflecting much Miss Kaguya?
>Constantly lingering in the back of my mind while I work on pharmaceutical things...
Oh you found a job at Eientei? How do they pay? What are the working hours?
I'd marry Kaguya but I'm most after her money. Kaguya herself is just a bonus

OP is dead, they got tested on and died
Kaguya is a cuck
Dead thread
The hime's thread is almost at the limit and its not full with pictures bumps without any text to them.

This is far better then what most other 2hus get. Just look at Sakuya's thread if you want to see something dead
Anyone want to erp?
Enterprise resource planning? I don't see how that has anything to do with the 'Guya
I'd like to electrocute, ravage and pulverize you. And not in a way that you'd like.
*rearranges your organs and debones your body like a chicken wing*
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She seems pretty happy, though.
I will inverse your ribs and boil your eyeballs gently
Still a cuckqueen. Or would cuckprincess be more fitting? Cuckhime?
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Is it just me or have her threads been reach the limited more often then they used to? Did Kaguya get more popular?
This is a Guya board
Sure, but what's the safe word?
No safe words needed when im through with you
Kaguya is going to touch you in place you never thought were possible
Guya Supremacy!!!
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>the moment someone looks at kaguya the wrong way
she turns homicidal the moment anyone knows something that she thinks they shouldn't
she was seconds away from killing Patchouli when she found out that Patchouli knew how to get to the moon in SSiB
See? She's still loyal to the moon

She should just go back and never return
She just wanted to protect Gensokyo, which is why she didn't go through with it after realizing Remilia was just playing around.
She ensured that the two invasion parties would be captured by the two most notoriously bleeding-heart Lunarians, who wouldn't bring actual harm to the people and youkai involved, while also preventing the main Lunarian leadership from finding out, whose involvement could've sparked a full invasion of Gensokyo.
She's such a strong woman, being willing to condemn her soul to darkness and do whatever is necessary, preventing others from having to sully their hands with blood.
Why do you guys even like Faguya?j
She's quite lewd that Princess
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crush my balls princess
Finally, Impossible Request 「Physics Thesis - We Do Not Understand What The Fuck Happens On Those Plots」captured
Maybe I am worth a slightest bit as a person after all

yeah med is kicking my ass, maybe i should do phys instead so i can understand the physics of kaguya flying better
You completed an Impossible Request?

Pretty cool, so when is the wedding between you and the Guya?
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I hope you get sent the the moon and raped by Yorihime mistaking you for her nephew
>mistaking you for her nephew
Speaking of which, is the Guya also into incest or is that a "Yorihime thing"?
it's a yorihime thing, sorry
So much for Luna superiority. I guess we now know who is purer
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Because no one in the Netherworld has T50s, right?
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Well anon? Are you interested?
The hime might be eternal but her thread is not
But does she have baby birthing hips?

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