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Touhous that would cheat on their current partners, for one reason or another
Post them
Is it cheating when Miko actually likes to sit in the corner and watch?
yes, but it comes under cuckoldry if the partner knows about it
I'm gonna start with some controversy: I think Yuugi would. I don't think it would be for malicious reasons and I think she would love you, but I just don't see her as really 'understanding' a monogamous relationship.
I think you should go away for ruining my fantasies.
So obvious.
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Yamamefags like to watch.
No we don't
She's also thousands of years old. To her, a lowly mortal lover is just a pet.
does it really count when it's web fluid from female spiders?
youmu is such a retard that I could definitely see her as the type to get swept up by someone else
Hot sweaty sexy Kappa.
I wish I was the green boy here
Toyohime regularly fucks the male rabbits. I've got evidence.
I think it'd depend on what "type" of Youkai they are. More bestial, monster-like Youkai would probably care little about monogamy or love, whilst more mystical beings are known to get human lovers.
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Getting cucked by a man
Kill yourself out of /jp/.
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Ew, you guys get off on being cucked? Don't you think that's kind of pathetic? Please seek out psychiatric help.
Someone uploaded a doujin of Yukari cheating on Ran (with a man) not long ago.

I get off on the idea of fucking another anon's 2hu wife, or fucking dykes who are in a relationship (preferably 2hus).
So you get off on cuckoldry? Yeah, that's really pathetic, sorry Anon.
If there's no cock involved it's really just assisted masturbation, not cheating.
Your wife told you that anon?
I don't even like this stuff but I do like the mental exercise of thinking about who might do it
Would Hisami riding the cock of the guy who knocked up Zanmu be considered cheating?
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Here's a better question. Which 2hus would make you cheat on your 2wife with them? Either willingly, coerced with blackmail, or just plain magic.

I think this little shit is homewrecker #1.
It's obvious
Imagine that creature using her shapeshifting to trick you into thinking you're inseminating your 2wife and then she goes and blackmails you so you keep cumming inside her regularly and she gets pregnant...
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would your 2wife be more angry at the toob fox or you for not realizing she wasn't her by feel alone?
Not that anon, but i think my wife would be more upset at me not noticing the oddities in her behaivro. But i also wonder how she'd feel about htis thing as a whole, she isn't explicitly sexual so it could be either way with her enjoying the sight, or disliking it, besides the emotional aspect that she knows she is still indeed my wife and that wouldn't change
Flatties are evil. They enjoy destroying other people's happy marriages.
daikon-san is so shy and reserved, she would only do it if the crown prince specifically asked her to. she would feel dejected by this strange request, yet not objecting at all. useless pervert hubby...
Imagine all the times Reisen has cried herself to sleep listening to her hubby nail Tewi.
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You all need to kill yourselves. NTRfags getting nuclear obilerated from /jp/ would only improve board quality.
and not even crying to sleep in the marital bed as that's where Tewi will be sleeping next to Reisen's hubby
Whenever Suwako wants to "borrow" Sanae's boyfriend, all she has to do is give the green nerd some gundam DVDs. Sanny doesn't notice the two fucking like rabbits in the room next to hers.
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My Hatate gf looking for a new bull to have unprotected breeding sex with her in our bed while I have to watch quietly from the cuck chair.
Miko's cock don't work no more, so the Prince has to recruit ugly bastards and bulls from the oni village to satisfy her wife.
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Youmu is made for handsome charismatic ikemen NTR. She can't resist cheating on her boyfriend with a superior model before leaving him.
So this thread is allowed but preghu threads get deleted... Cool. Big thumbs up to the jannies.
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Wow, this thread is so fucking bad.
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he's for building a slow and genuine romance with Reimu though.
What did you expect from such mentally ill genetic waste?
crazy how ~14 years ago mentioning NTR would get you laughed off basically any board but now it's become a commonplace topic.
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Mr. husband and the bunny!
*a needy moon bunny
I do not care for NTR. It insists upon itself.
Because it has a valid point to make, it's insisted!
What did you expect? You know what fetishes the team is into.
A bot that says "Just made tea and crumpets" Every day?
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That's just rape. Although that's way hotter than NTR.
This thread should be about raping 2hus instead of NTR.
Kuso thread, crossies need to get hanged
What about the others?
What about preghus impregnated by men besides their partners?
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Fox pussy doesn't satisfy Yukari now that she has tasted human cock.
Which do you guys prefer more
>Netorare or Netorase?
Almost sure that the majority prefers netorase because it's similar to an "happy ending where everyone is happy".
- Netorare is more: betrayal and harsh type, where you can add kinky stuff like humiliation and others. The girl will leave the original cuck at the end.
- Netorarse is: all the parties are involved and aware of such fetish. It's just like the cuck hires the bull for her while the girl does everything he wants just to make the cuck happy and pleased. In the end the bull is like a friend or gigolo. The original pair stays together in the end.
There is also something like: the girl is stuck with a shitty relationship, terrible husband and she gets "saved" by a third party that convince her to be free with her life and somehow falls in love with the bull in the end. Not really ntr but it still counts as cheating.
Absolutely horrid thread
a mix of both, though i'm personally fine with either
Raiko seems like the type to cut loose after a performance and figure there's no harm done, so why does anon have to know? Of course, it's not like she'll bother keeping it a secret after the first few times. Maybe anon wants to come along and join in... or not.
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Hatate always starts with non-consensual netorare, but works hard to ensure the cuck still loves her, realises he can never do better, and that he has a duty to provide for her and enable her happiness with superior men. She obviously treats the cuck with complete contempt as he disgusts her, but Hatate's happiness must always come first for him.
I prefer you to kill yourself with the rest of this thread's garbage.
You're right about this one, can't have a normal discussion like the other fetish threads without the usual complainers throwing a fit.
Time to hide a few posts and ignore the usuals.
Has /jp/ ever written any NTR stories?
I think she'd be the polyamorous type. When she's with you, she's 100% yours, but you probably wouldn't be her only lover.
I would write a cuckqueaning story (hard ntr) if I didn't want to hear all the complaining.
>like the other fetish threads
Yeah, because yours is among the disgusting, repulsive ones.
Nah, I hate all fetish threads equally, dont worry you little precious head about it.
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No question.
Would read.
She would do full NTR too, not just cheating. I can see her opening a hole and force you to see everything.
She'd come home later that night, silently slipping into bed behind you, and sweetly whisper a full report on everything that happened to her while she was gone before bringing your hand down between her legs so you could feel the results of her wicked little adventure.
every Alice thread, where Life steals Happiness from Alice
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No one will believe me on this but I believe if you were dating joon she'd never cheat on you even though she'd do some findom shenanigans but shion would cheat on you in a heartbeat if someone else offered her anything
Are NTRfags genuine subhumans?
What am I if I self-insert as the girl in NTR
How would you cuck an anon?
Then you are based, it's more fun teasing around
I've been fancying writing a short based on this illustration of Toyohime I made, but I seriously don't care about the Moonies or the Lunar Capital remotely enough to make it an interesting story in the same stroke.
I'd rather he enjoy it than it be behind his back.
Post the illustration?
You wouldn't NTR an Anon.
This kinda implies I am the girl.. which 2hu should I be?
I'll be Tojiko and you be Futo so we can NTR a Miko Anon together.
Even if I asked nicely?
Why do you want me to NTR you
no, you boy molesting fruit. it means you "steal" a girl from anonymous.
I've got a very specific way that i enjoy NTR. That's due to the fact that what i like the most is the emotional and general struggle from the perspective of the man, the desire to protect his loved ones, doing everything in his hands to shield them from danger, but having every small mistake he made, perhaps due to the same paranoia of not knowing just what might be after them, eventually coming to bite him back, having to see as thsoe he cherished being tainted and taken away from him, and more so knowing that what is happening, is entirely his fault, not the fault of some overly charming man, not the overpowering might of some warband, nor any other paranormal circumstance that would have forced this into him, but just his actions and mistakes leading to the crushing of his life.
As such i really don't have any appeal for NTR, to hunt a prey that is willingly wanting to be devoured is not fun, there is no struggle, so there is no pay out for the emotional climax that being NTR'd should involve.
I meant NTS in the end
/jp/ anons want to be the girl. You cannon change their mind.
Since you like NTS, can I cuck you or not?
Add me if so.
I'm fairly certain that you read my post wrong, as i specifically don't like NTS, but we can talk about it if you want, just drop your tag
Wait, I do like NTS. Cucking me from the perspective of the 2hu, or the perspective of the dude?
I also have a very specific way I like NTR. It's gotta be a girl or a futa stealing my girl away from me. That makes my dick diamonds and I love netorare of that sort. If it's a dude, just eh, not interested. NTS is okay if it's a chick but not really my favourite.
What's the appeal of futa ntr? isn't more yuri stuff?
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Can you be pic related?
I prefer yuri but there's almost no yuri NTR where the girl cheats on her boy for a woma. Maybe three artists total. Nearly all "yuri ntr" is hetero shit where a lesbian couple gets broken up.
Would you Nitorianon cuck you?
I am a daikon now.
Do you prefer a bratty mesugaki Cirno or more like an innocent one?
No, I am daikon now.
NTA, but mesugaki sounds way hotter for this sort of thing.
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I hate NTR, but I like the concept of homewreckers.
Through any means necessary she wants you for herself, the wife you already have doesn't even register for her. This scenario can lead to a decent tragedy or crisis where the tug of war can go either way and presents an opportunity for character change/growth. What kind of change will your lover undergo to keep you? What are the challenges she must overcome? Will she fight for you with tooth and nail? Does she change for better or worse after it's all over? Does the homewrecker actually want you or is she trying to get to your wife through you? Are the motives malicious or is she a meddler using this roundabout way of getting your wife to improve?

It's a shit fetish, but it has merit for high stakes stories. And messing with a romance is one really good way of stirring up strong emotions in the reader. Using suspense is very strong. By instilling a sense of hate and dread that this relationship is going to be devastated and lines may be crossed then makes the relief that things are fine in the end all the more cathartic. It's cheap emotional manipulation, but it works.
Innocent Chugga
Me on your ass (getting NTR'd is very tiring)
Why do you like being a giant daikon?
File deleted.
I like showing off my ass as a giant daikon, okay?
But the question is if you want it to be NTR or not?
The Arm asked Kasen's husband to lovingly rape her in front of Kasen. Kasen ended up fingering herself in the corner.
I think it would be great for Tojiko and her giant ass to go and get fucked before coming home to me to report on how it went, okay?
I suppose I'd prefer NTS to NTR, to be fair
Best NTR Douj is crowded train. Where the virgin futa gets abused by the busty blond.
Of course. I mean, we're both getting what we want, right? Good job.
Sounds like a plan, drop a tag or throwaway email
Uh oh there are homosexuals in this thread
Are you a true cuck?
I just think this whole daikon scenario sounds hot, man
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Yuugi's not cheating. She has a harem, you're part of it, you know it and you've been okay with it since day one.
200% cheater. She's not a wicked hermit for nothing. At least, it's better than her fucking dead meat...

Also, pic related wouldn't cheat, but definitely has a cuckold fetish. Even if it's latent, even if it hasn't been revealed yet, I'm absolutely positive Parsee enjoys being cucked.
Another cuckquean extraordinaire.
If Gensokyo has this many cuckqueans then it must be hard to date when you have such a high chance of meeting a girl who wants you to fuck other girls but the bullette you find also wants you to fuck other girls...
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... but enough with the ones being NTR'd, here's the one doing the NTR-ing.
Where'd you walk in from, 2007? Marisa hasn't been the woman fucker supreme for nearly 20 years, she's a nerd who gets zero bitches in the current era and gets cucked by reimu
Dating Alice and getting NTR'd by futa Marisa!
It seems to be the blondes who are in the NTR business, find yourself a nice and good girl like Momiji or Kogasa and you'll be okay.

She just learnt to hide her game. The open couple thing with Reimu is something they're both okay with.
Dating Alice and Alice getting NTR'd by Marisa forcing her gigantic futa cock into my ass!
Miyoi has major 'cucked by everyone else in the bar' energy
Miyoi has major "cucked every regular's wives" energy desu. You know those guys are mostly married and they go to the pub with the cute serving girl to blow their loads.
Delete this thread.
>More bestial, monster-like Youkai would probably care little about monogamy or love, whilst more mystical beings are known to get human lovers.
Depends on the beast, many are seasonal or life long maters, many bird species are monogamous, for example.
Wolfhus, for example, would 100% be monogamous for life
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Other than Toyo/Yocchi, which 2hus would lend themselves to the scenario of a married woman seducing an oblivious young man in order to get back at her neglectful husband?

... Asking for a fiend.
Tojiko and Urumi are the obvious answer, but also only one that i can think of, maybe Kanako too i guess
she is an angel
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Aya GF flying across gensokyo in record time!
Aya GF getting railed by big, burly men from all kinds of places!
Aya GF taking pictures of the act, before, during, and after!
Aya GF showing them to you one by one, all while giving your pathetic penis a nursing handjob!
Aya GF giving you a kiss as a reminder that she still loves you!
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What is it with tengu and NTR? Why must they torture their lovers so? (Not that their lovers don't enjoy it.)
it's only aya and hatate (and tsukasa but she's not really a tengu) because crow tengu have overinflated egos
megumu is a perma virgin and wouldn't even dream of cucking anyone and momiji is a wolf and mates for life
takeminakata-sama did nothing wrong!
and if he did, it was suwako's fault!
>megumu is a perma virgin and wouldn't even dream of cucking anyone
megumu trying her hardest to cheat on her boyfriend only to fail every single time due to her complete lack of experience dealing with the opposite sex
Megumu is a giga-stacey who steals the boyfriends of her social inferiors!
yeah! I am the ex-boyfriend in question!
Megumu-sama is the Tengu of the tengu!
I can't live without her tropical jungle anymore!
no red tokin hat could ever hope to compete!
If she actually did manage to find a boyfriend, I'd give her a day before one of her "social inferiors" stole him away and left a pile of "anonymous" photos at her doorstep as evidence.
Hm, neither of those really resonates. I think I'll just write some Reimu cheating.
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this seems appropriate in this thread
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fair enough
looking forward to reading it
poor marisa
at least he's only cheating on her with reimu...right?
see >>46882125
wich 2hoo wud u like to cheet on u
I wouldn't enter a relationship with any of those sluts in the first place!
Only if it stars an Anon stealing a 'hu from another 'hu.
nothing wrong with wanting to watch it girl have pleasurable sex
all of them
>and momiji is a wolf and mates for life
i don't know about that, she's still a tengu at the end of the day
i'm confident that this stupid dog would throw everything out the window if she ever were to run into someone more attractive and/or with a larger penis than her hubby while in heat
More like a hu raping anon in front of his 2wife.
*squeezes out a fat log of chunky shite on the floor*
ayo jan, better clean that up
Iku finally getting a boyfriend after several years of trying only for Tenshi to steal him right in front of her
Best part is that it can work the other way around (Iku stealing Tenko's boyfriend) just as well, a truly versatile duo

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