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here's your sacred scripture bro
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all religions are retarded
calm down with that antisemitism of yours
Is there any reason why he desired for a particular verse to be revealed?
How did he even know that such a verse existed?
what was Umar doing in the ladies toilet?
To be fair, bitches shouldn't be shittin while u can see em. That's just common sense
shut up jew
>Zelensky when another 100 billion dollars, USD, aren’t given urgently when his enemy hasn’t moved much in stalemate in a year.
>sacred scripture
>Sahih al-Bukhari
That's a hadith, do you know what that is?
bad falseflag, I can tell you're a heeb
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christcuck board
I don't understand what I'm reading here. Mohammed's wife went to take a shit in a field, but some random dude recognized her because she was tall so big M ordered women to cover themselves after that because he was embarrassed somebody caught his wife taking a shit?
I too watched the Destiny vs Suleiman debate. Suleiman lost btw.
How can this stuff evolve into high classical culture taught at Zaytuna College is weird.
These are just sunni hadith, they are notorious for elevating Umar to the same level or above the Prophet, as you can see here. Shias don't believe this
You are asking the right questions. Note that this is a sunni hadith, and there was a political interest in exaggerating the holiness of Umar to the point that you see here, where he supposedly knows of the revelation before it happens, and he can spur God himself into revealing the verses
No one says this
Is there wacky stuff in Shia hadiths too that they equivocate on or reject or do they accept it all 100% literally as true?
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I met Umar at the Earl's Court boat show in 2009. The Prophet was also present with the lady Sauda, although he seemed to be more interested in rigid inflatable hulls than the modesty of his wife. Umar dutifully chaperoned Sauda after the Prophet was removed from the premises as a result of his propositions at the urinals. I have to say, the man was a perfect gentleman.
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They do reject certain things, but as a whole Shia hadiths make way, way more sense than Sunni hadiths. In sunni hadiths, you will have one shahih hadith (sahih meaning it's mandatory to believe in) where the Prophet says to take care of his family and love them, and another where people like Umar and Muawiya attacking and declaring war on them, and sunnis have to figure out how to conclude from these events that they were not only great people but the best of people, for political reasons as I said. Pic related is sunni literature about the Prophet predicting a rebellion started by Muawiya, note the harsh language. You might be surprised that the man who led the rebellion is one of the most beloved figures in Sunni Islam, despite how the Prophet described him here. In Shia Islam, he is one of the most hated.
>Shia hadiths make way, way more sense than Sunni hadiths
twelve wizards
>attacking the Prophet's family makes you one of the righteous salaf
twelve demigods
Is this a bad translation, or is it meant to be utter nonsense?
Wait, I thought only Muhammed had the power to communicate with Allah, who is this Umar guy who can not only defy Muhammed but also call Allah?
had a similar incident when I saw Metallica. St. Anger tour
If anyone wants a laugh, the official explanation of this hadith by Sunni scholars is that just because someone is calling you to hell doesn't mean that they're in hell themselves. In fact, Muawiya is actually in heaven, but calling people to hell. Muawiya was simply doing things that lead down the path of hell, but it's ok because it was an error in judgement, and he had the best of intentions when he killed 25,000 in his rebellion. This is their actual explanation.
they won
you lost
your religion is a cope
The Quran is utter nonsense and the hadiths, like the one you're reading here, are for making sense of the stream of gibberish that is the Quran.
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wtf is with non-whites and poo?
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That random guy became famous and powerful because he watched her poop. He retold the story every day and everyone loved it. And that's why the Carolingians became powerful enough to threaten the North which caused backlash like the Norman invasion which abolished slavery. Thanks random guy.
Man this is just so unbearable to read. Is it easier in spanish or whatever
>but as a whole Shia hadiths
repressed faggot recollections
The grammar of classical arabic just doesn't suit itself to english translations
The obfuscation makes it harder for infidels to refute without an imam navigating them in circles, so it serves its purpose
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Why not just translate the meaning then instead of trying to preserve the sentence structure?
They do in America but not directly. Try criticising any protected group and you ostracised and possibly be fired from your job.
Because more people being able to read the text results in more people being able to point out the inconsistencies and absurdities contained with in. That is why you'll always hear imam's claim it doesn't count, since it's not the original text, whenever they're losing an argument.
Idk, I'm not the translator. That's always the translator's task, balancing between readability in the new language and maintaining fidelity to the original, both of which are important. Either way, it's not as if it's that hard to read for anyone who can keep their focus long enough to read a complex sentence, the meaning didn't magically disappear
>You're a Jew
>No, you're a Jew
Is this the fate of 4chan in 2024?
>Inb4 "Kike detected"
My fellow kike, there is no more place for good discussion without all of this kike-calling. Let's go for better places
I say this and also resemble this picture.
So the Hajib exists entirely because some guy saw a woman taking a shit, and got mad about it?
You should find a Palestinian forum, and take over.
i think he was spying on purpose, and then got mad when he saw what he was looking for
So a hijab is like a wearable portapotty? Do Muslim women call it liberating just to cope or out of retardation?
This dude is the second most loved figure behind muhammad for muslims
It just radiates holiness and symbolic meaning
Being able to poop wherever I wanted would be pretty liberating, to be honest

Yo sunni and shia anons, why did Allah fake the crucifixion? Its just a copied and pasted gnostic claim without the Greek philosophical presuppositions to motivate it
Based on this post I assumed this was the Robocop thread in my other tab.
>known for spying on your friend's wife while she takes a dump and then complaining when caught
>loved by muslims
sounds about right
Yeah he's the second and most famous caliph
Is it a book? Yes.
Is it literature? No, too poorly edited for that.
now, gtfo. :)
The Bible is insane at times but at least it doesn't delve in the pissing and shitting habits of the prophets. I'd expect that from Hinduism
Atheism is the most retarded one of them all
that's why I only read religious stories about girls getting their dad drunk and raping him
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Imagine worshipping some dumbass like this lmao

Athiesm is actually just strong contempt for Semetic based religions IE Western anti-Semitism. Why is that bad?
Ever spoken to an Atheist before?
on the contrary, the anal fixation is an exclusively White trait. non-whites can never truly understand the creative process in the same way that Whites do

Yeah. They all come from places where gross religions of Semetic orgins are all around Them influencing the culture and mores They exist with in a negative way.

Ever see an athiest have contempt for Asian religion or philosophy?
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>this is the quranon raging in every thread
Buddhism and Hinduism are pretty shit too. The former isn't too much of a problem, but is way too up its own ass sometimes. The latter is obnoxious, but I don't give a shit as long as they don't try to ban beef in my area.
Buddhism is quietly the most evil religion in the world
Pure demonic will towards annihilation that's disguised as a route to some kind of apophatic godhood for outsiders/commoners/newcomers. You'll never get a straight answer about how nihilistic Buddhism actually is; this lets you tell yourself that you're not snuffing yourself out completely right up until the point that you're willing to and desire it.

Look at that sand mandala stuff they do. A mandala is a symbol of the cosmos and the human soul/mind. What does wiping that away over and over symbolize?
Ok, this makes sense. Hard to say what Buddhists actually believe, it often seems that for any religion there are as many interpretations as there are practitioners of that religion but you might be right about the general trend.
>right up until the point that you're willing to and desire it.
Good point in general, I see that danger in many ideologies, they can change you in ways that you don't realize until it's too late.
I only found Buddhism interesting for a short while, mostly because I disagree with the metaphysical claims. If I believed that there is a infinite number of lives I might get weary at some point as well but since I believe there is only one I don't see a reason to annihilate myself.
Atheism, feminism, jannyism, buddhism and satanism are all basically the same anti-human hate club. Islam was just a way for arabs to avoid subjugation, completely reasonable compared to the atheist/buddhist cope worldview.
horrible post
Because it exposes you?
Islam is one of the most anti-human ideologies there is. It turns you into an NPC. There's rules on how to walk, to eat, to fart
Redpill me on Hinduism. I've read some of their mythology, but know almost nothing of their culture, customs and beliefs.
>Islam was just a way for arabs to avoid subjugation
Islam is all about submission, so that argument is 100% bullshit. Out of all the religions, Islam is one of the most retarded and is only followed by inbred subhumans.
Atman (soul) is an aspect of the Brahman (universal soul). You reunite with the universal soul via good Karma over numerous lifetimes, devotion to a personal God, or by gaining Enlightenment. There are cultural Hindus that are atheist but still identify with Hindu culture apparently
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Eating cows is forbidden, but consuming their piss and shit is A-OK. They even believe it doubles as medicine when you rub the shit all over you
Islam literally means submission. It's been a disaster for the middle east. A culture that is simultaneously aggressive and effete
>Eating cows is forbidden, but consuming their piss and shit is A-OK.

Based. Fuck social conventions
>It turns you into an NPC.
Still worked. Its simplicity is its power. It accomplished its main goal with many horrible side effects but at least it did something. It's an exertion of human will over the world despite all its flaws. It's very human and very flawed like humans. In both the uneducated tribal traditions and the educated ones like the Sufis there's also a consciousness about demons, the everyday adversaries of humans.
This *is* a social convention...
What are the Ibadi Hadiths like?
Probably even more incoherent. Sunnis already have two dissonant concepts: loving the Prophet's family and loving Sunni holy figures who disliked the Prophet's family and were hated by them. This is the source of many inconsitencies. But Sunnis still outwardly like the Prophet's family, I have no idea how Ibadis reconcile hating the Prophet's family and considering themselves muslims
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>single handily destroys the unity of the new religion
Based. Nigga had insane rizz
It wasn't Ali's doing, the quick witted Sunnis seized power while Ali was still grieving the Prophet's death and handling funeral arrangements
>It wasn't Ali's doing
It was. He had people hate them with every fiber of their being and also had people who straight up worshipped him and everything in between. Every Islamic Schism goes back to him
>That's a hadith, do you know what that is?
95% of islam. Quranism only is somehow even more retarded than protestantism and is only mentioned in the context of the bloody infidels laughing at how goofy it is.
Yeah but it's not his fault people hated him for being so badass
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Yeah man everything retarded about Islam is a hadith so it doesn't count except every Hadith is spoken by or approved by Muhammad so you still have to worship a pedophile camel piss drinker.
The the first volume of Will Durant's The Story of Civilization Durant describes an old Indian man following a cow around with a cup waiting for it to piss so he could drink it.
So Allah revealed his scriptures with a LITERAL shit test?
How is this supposed to make sense? Even if she's wearing her clothes she still needs to bunch up her clothing she doesn't literally shit in it right? Was this Umar dude fine with watching women poop as long as he couldn't tell who he was looking?? Do muslim women shit on themselves?? WTF
>It was narrated from 'Aishah that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said:
>"When any one of you goes to the Gha'it (toilet to defecate), let him take with him three stones and clean himself with them, for that will suffice him."
>no water
>no soap
>just three peebles lol
That's not very hygienic Aisha.
I don't think he meant for them to shit on the burqa. Rather, seeing women shit is undignified and makes any sane man cringe (and lose libido for a while). Even worse if you can identify them. Imagine having to make polite salutations to the wife of the chief just after seeing her take a fat ogre shit with identifiable sound and smell even in the open air.
>women go to remote place away from people to poop
>I must follow the women to watch them poop
>oh no I saw a woman poop HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN TO ME
What about leaving people to their privacy, is that too much of an advanced thought for Allah
They were semi nomadic barbarians living in land with lots of sand and less cover from view. They couldn't just to the woods. I can see the above situation happening without being a weirdo.
That still doesn't make sense because either they moved away and you couldn't see without following them so YOU'RE A CREEP or if they stayed close by they still had to bunch up their skirts and squat to poop so you could still see their bum
Unless you're saying they literally let their skirts hang down and they let their poop spray on their skirts
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>"When any one of you goes to the Gha'it (toilet to defecate), let him take with him three stones and clean himself with them, for that will suffice him."
Deepest lore.
>dystopian film takes inspiration from hadith pooping habits
lmao, imagine not knowing how to use the 3 stones
Even the Romans used water and sponges
they still didnt have privacy though
Public restrooms were divided by gender though that's why we don't have Romans seething about women poop
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The lore goes deeper
>Every other ideology than my chosen cult is an anti-human hate club
Double digit IQ post. It's always amusing to see someone so forcefully convinced they are wise when really they are overwhelmingly foolish.
Learn the signs of projection. Notice how triggered you get by the simple observation that even arab slavers are more reasonable than illiterate death cultists like you.
>my chosen cult
You read that and assumed it must be written by a muslim? Absolute braindeath.
You conveniently omitted a literal death cult which worships human sacrifice and has a wide spread tradition of converting bread and wine into literal human flesh and blood for a cannibalism ritual. Much of Buddhism is about living a tranquil and stoic life in harmony with nature and the universe, yet you castigate it with impunity while ignoring a religion which extols earthly self denial and self flagellation in deference to "treasure in heaven" (after death). The only thing that can be called life affirming (in opposition to death worship) would be those ideologies which emphasize the flourishing and prosperity of human kind on earth in the one life we know we can live. The set of ideas which best fit this bill is secular humanism.
To be fair, I need to see more bitches shitting.
>Every other ideology than my chosen cult is an anti-human hate club
Fuck off retard.
kek, you once again show the depth of your insight, you grace us with such a skillful formulation of your opinions. Shall we hear how you can reconcile your views on "anti-human hate clubs" and how Christianity factors into that? No? Typical.
Do you seriously believe you're capable of thinking or communicating? Why do you think your fantasies are relevant to any discussion?
>The set of ideas which best fit this bill is secular humanism.
>I know my ideas are the best because I know my ideas are the best.
Thanks retard.
>urine bad but petrochemicals good
I literally set out the criteria, which your posts tacitly endorse, of which any religion which places more emphasis on rewards after death than in life violates. I guess it was too much to ask for you to comprehend this.
if you guys were deep enough in the /fit/ (health) iceberg you would realise that piss therapy (your own, not sure about camels) actually works insanely well
All your premises are braindead. Nobody is obligated to accept your fantasies as reality and if you're unable to engage without enforcing deranged dogma you made up all anyone can tell you is to fuck off retard.
The oldest story in the Bible presents three characters with this point of view just so God can tell them they're wrong.
The noble savages you jerk off about had the most ossified but still somehow bellicose society on the planet and still practice slavery. Strange how they didn't develop the final solution of secular humanism but the cannibal Christians did.
>but that's judging the worst groups instead of reading the texts sincerely or commentary about the real scholarly traditions
Like you do with Christianity and Islam.
You're a retarded culturally Christian faggot / woman projecting ideals you don't understand the origins of on to modern translations and interpretations of ancient texts you don't understand. Beyond charitable to some foreign gook shit while you absolutely refuse to show even basic civility towards the traditions that actually shaped you.
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You are genuinely deranged. You have no clue what you are talking about, and you get instantly defensive over your chosen superstition and claim all others are "anti-human hate clubs", all the while literally spewing hatred without the slightest shred of self awareness. It's actually hilarious anon, good show.
>all others
Only the ones you like. The fact that Christianity contributed to forming you is the biggest stain on that whole enterprise.
You replied to a post where I was defending a religion I don't adhere to against the most mindless group of retards that have ever lived in a thread "spewing hatred" about that religion.
In your diseased mind even suggesting being slightly reasonable about targets of your media induced derangements is "getting defensive over my superstition".
>The only thing that can be called life affirming (in opposition to death worship) would be those ideologies which emphasize the flourishing and prosperity of human kind on earth in the one life we know we can live. The set of ideas which best fit this bill is secular humanism.
Secular humanism can't reproduce itself and relies on cannibalizing the third world to keep itself going. This is an actual legitimate death cult.
>tomorrow: shitting on the street is the right thing
>day after tomorrow: eating shit is where it's at
Nuke /fit/ or India I dont care just do it
I'm the guy doctors hate because of this one weird trick.
It's successfully reproduced itself since 1700 until 1960 without third world immigration.
Did they not have seashells?
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it's handy for other things too
Do you think Muhammad and his inner circle all burst out laughing after the cuck left?
>hey historian, make sure to record this in the scriptures.
You make way too many assumptions and try desperately to cover up your gross insecurity. Cope and seethe. Also, your insults are horrendously poor, I'm going to go ahead and suggest there are some vastly larger stains on Christianity than my mere existence which itself has a very tenuous connection with Christianity at all. Step up your game, anon, that is weak stuff.
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At the current rate, Christianity won't reproduce itself since there is a huge deconversation trend, but I understand that reality is probably scary for you so better just to deny it, right?
at the rate priests molest children, and the church lets them get away with it, Christianity won't survive. they obviously don't believe there's a Hell
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In that sense it's a lot like the talmud where yes, there are absolutely vile things said about europeans, but the vast majority is just schizo debated about walking behind an ox while carrying a string on the sabbath or whatever
On an unrelated note, there was a Muslim at my former job, was having a beer with him at a company party, I asked him if he's not observant or something and he told me it's ok to drink at night because "Allah is sleeping"
I'm not sure how that makes sense or if he was just pulling my leg
Top kek imagine thinking 6 inches is so large you have to hide women from it.
The caste system is pretty shit. You are born into the lowest caste and have an awful life of poverty and hardship? You deserve it because of your previous life's bad karma, fuck you. No way to escape, even if you somehow get rich you'll be the scum of the earth. And of course traditional Hinduism (as well as Buddhism) has the same "you may reincarnate in a heavenly realm if you are super obedient and a hellish realm if you are really disobedient" carrot and stick aspect that should be familiar to Westerners. Brahmins were also greedy bastards who charged loads of money to perform rituals which would supposedly benefit you.
The Bible actually once says that pissing against a wall is a male trait.
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what's up with whites & trooning themselves & eating poo?
>6 inches
>mentions they aren't growers
>they also have erectile dysfunction
How small were these poor lads to be astounded by such a comparison?
6 inches flaccid, you tards. of course /lit/ is too illiterate to figure out what "quiescent" might mean when referring to a penis
>Moreover, these imposing parts do not increase proportionally during erection
Blacks tend to be showers, rather than growers. Inexperienced ladies might be impressed at first, but the lack of growth and consequential erectile dysfunction leave much to be desired.
"do not increase proportionally" does not mean they don't increase. also the excerpt talks specifically about their erections lasting longer, so i don't see where you're getting "erectile dysfunction" from. sounds like copium
/// The soldiers were ready at a moment's notice /// Additionally, about 96 percent of the land is under conservation easement, meaning it can’t be developed /// He's a mouthpiece for the pharmaceutical industry /// The army has been whipsawed by a shrinking budget and a growing pool of recruits /// It’s been really hectic here. When things settle down, I’ll give you a call /// He had developed a reputation as an automotive savant and tinkered on cars in his spare time /// Although exports are in this sense an epiphenomenon, they are the most measurable of the two /// She strapped the children in and drove away /// The lotion alleviated the itching /// I'm sure they will charge up the wazoo for tickets /// Farming may seem bucolic, but it is an inherently volatile industry, subject to the vicissitudes of weather, disease, and disaster /// Kept the truth from their unwitting friends /// The wily City veteran is rarely caught on the wrong side of a trade /// He saw no fulsome eulogies carved upon the headstones, often nothing but a name and the two dates of birth and death /// And our blithe drift towards becoming a cashless society is coming at a cost /// The movement promotes female supremacy and misandry /// I've got some bits and bobs to get done before lunch /// Noticing my slightly glazed eyes, he quickly summarized his points /// I initially dismissed the idea out of hand /// I wouldn't set foot in that haunted house if you paid me /// Taking a sheet of hotel stationery from the drawer of one of the desks I wrote: Any chance of seeing you for a moment? /// The show is well-acted, and the dialogue is snappy /// The plan vests workers with pension benefits after 10 years of service /// I sometimes wonder if people like Klein are just hustling the rubes, as they say /// History is littered with the astounding scientific and artistic achievements of some pretty glum, dissatisfied people - who let their minds wander /// Happily, inlaid game tables sell well, especially florid examples /// For an hour I was walking around in a daze /// The chairman caucused the water pollution committee before making recommendations /// They pursue other birds, forcing them to disgorge the fish they have caught /// Many men's briefs are called "Speedos" even if they aren't made by the company /// Bran and straw are placed between layers of discharged sludge until the pit is full /// It is neither here nor there why the individual has reached such a decision /// Don't shuffle your feet like that! Walk normally /// That comment may have been a political gaffe and a blunder, but we are not making much of that because such things occasionally happen /// In the 1950s, this animal was thought to have been extirpated due to habitat loss /// Clip the microphone to the collar of your jacket /// He went out of his way to make us feel welcome /// He believes that a certain portion of life must remain inscrutable ///
funny thing I was out to walk to my nearest store (20 minutes walk) to buy a bottle of vodka and coming back it struck me
>hey I read about some religious figure who squatted while pissing, like one of those fake freemasons without a penis
I could not remember I read it on /lit/ and it was Mohammed... instead after pondering for a few minutes I settled on "it must have been Moses, in some Islamic interpretation"
looks like I wasn't far from the truth lol
Yknoe the whole point is that nobody agrees on what hadiths
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How? Honestly if I ever reconvert I'm not fucking looking a citation of every fucking thing the prophet said to then do mental gymnastics to determine if it's bullshit or not. He would have fucking written this or that down if it really fucking mattered, it's all probably just the way *he* liked to live but it doesn't matter to all muslims
yall ever think its wild how people used to just not have toilets?
its crazy imo. i love the modern world and i love america because of toilets and freedom.
is it wrong?
>In that sense it's a lot like the talmud where yes, there are absolutely vile things said about europeans, but the vast majority is just schizo debated about walking behind an ox while carrying a string on the sabbath or whatever
That screencap of that guy explaining Jewish legalism by using the eruv as an example is one of my all-time favorites.

Not sure about that case in particular, but Islam does absolutely have hijinks like that. That other anon's comparison to the Talmud was a good one because Islamic legalism and Judaic legalism are very similar - "because the prophet(s) were divinely inspired, everything they said is completely correct and must not be altered so therefore this loophole exists for a reason" and "[insert respected scholar] commented that the meaning of [verse] is [clarification]" with the implication that the buck stops there are very common in both Judaic and Islamic legalism as opposed to the "Jesus said X, but what did he mean by that, exactly?" approach that Christianity leans towards.

Regarding alcohol specifically, that's an ancient issue. The two main points of contention historically boiled down to "is only grape-based alcohol prohibited?" and "how drunk are you allowed to be before you're considered legally drunk?". Spoiler alert, the agreed-upon answers have been "yes" and "as soon as you take a sip" for a very long time. Technically speaking according to most schools of jurisprudence alcohol is only forbidden if taken as an intoxicant in an amount that intoxicates but the bar for this is so low that it's effectively a total prohibition and as such abstention is effectively mandatory. Historically, however, this wasn't very strictly obeyed. The Mughals, Ottomans, Andalusians, Persians, etc. all were fond of wine (and often other intoxicants, like opium, especially among the lower classes) and it was viewed more as a personal vice than as a major sin.

You can see a shadow of this in tobacco usage in the Islamic world today; in Egypt smoking has been technically haram (ie. a big-boy sin) for almost 25 years but 40-50% of Egyptian men smoke regularly.
Sorry, that should be "the answers are 'no'", not "the answers are 'yes'". All alcohol is haram, no matter if it comes from grapes or cereals or honey or what have you.
That's exactly what islam is. It is a religion of law. Yet the law is almost all in the hadith. You would have more than a hard time desperately trying to cobble it from the Quran and indeed just about no muslim in history has ever claimed so (and at a very late date). At most the Quran is there to give a basis of style and to show that Muhammad was prophet. Besides islam is set on the impeccability of the prophets and Muhammad in particular. He is supposed to have life a perfect life and to be the set the example thereafter in all aspects of life.
Besides, contrary to what you say the Quran was not written by him, it is also made of a oral sayings circulating around that were compiled 40 years (official muslim story, perhaps a bit later) after his death without even really trying to patch it together which is why it is such a mess.
are you referring to flush toilets? outhouses and latrines are not as bad as you imagine and Romans already had them
I also love the image in my head I have of 1920-1960 America
I just remembered that the rest of the world doesn’t have honey dill sauce. That’s really sad.
Do Arabs really like seeing women poo?
according to Instagram whores in Dubai, yes
They literally pay OF models thousands of dollars to take dumps on their chests

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