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In the virtual land, a man run head first into new adventures. But is he ready to face new challenges?

Welcome to /m/SV Season 4!
/m/SV, alternatively /m/S Paint Variations, is a collaborate fanfic funposting thread originally popularized by OC shitposting November 2019. As such this thread is about FUN – draw your original Gundam characters or mecha, draw OTHER people's original creations, discuss or develop existing characters, and write or draw scenarios and stories of people's submissions interacting with each other. Or just sit back and have a grand old time watching autism at its finest.

Previous thread
>another gundumb thread
*the* gundumb thread
Oh wow, wasn't expecting High-Definition Jim to get the OP spot, nice.
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With the latest Gundam Breaker game coming out means a new resource for people to use in bringing the visuals of their design ideas into reality.
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Right, I said I was working on something in the last thread, and while it is far from done (I seriously don't know how long this will take) here's a little preview of what's in store.
I have no idea what this could be.
Interested in seeing its development.
So, what's your highlights from last thread?
For me, no doubt is Laura is first OC of the season.
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I'm excited that Leos will be playable in GB4

Post Leo /m/sv concepts.
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Interesting, take your time to perfect it.

Imperia, a hapa Titans officer who recently released by Alexandros Faction from her unjustly imprisonment assigned to aids in North America campaign with the aims of reclaiming Augusta Newtype Lab and Oakland Newtype Lab. She was selected as the second command of an army and a new MS from Pyongyang Newtype Research Institute for this task. Imperia quickly finds she in a bad position as her main opponents turn to be Gespenst Special Force, an elite EFF Black Ops unit and many within the army are inexperienced in warfare, one such example is Yuuki Hanamura, an inexperienced spoiled young CO of the reinforcement whom she has to babysits and protects. To make matters worse, many of the veterans are already dead or missing, she has make up lies to keeps the troops morale high. Alexandros leave Moscow to Africa to check the situation over there after overseeing the new MS in development. Commander Mazelock of the Gespenst Special Force finished his reports, decided to launch an assault Alexandros Army forward base in Canada before the arrival of their reinforcement, he sent one of his pilots to delays the enemy reinforcement.
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This Nemo type use the EFF is a common sight in the battlefield of North America as they prefer them for their mobility and ease of repair.
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The pilot.

Any OC which you want to include in this story, just post them.
It will make it easier for me to finish this story.
Cool idea!

Cute loli
>I'm excited that Leos will be playable in GB4
I'm praying we get a zaku 1 in for once, but I doubt it.
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Seeing smoke coming out from the forward base, Yuuki rushes out in her MS, only to be instantly shot down by a beam shot, Imperia with her tired expression let out a sigh, knowing her CO will be OK anyway, she command the main force to reach the forward base at full speed while two team go to recover their CO, at the same time, she go seek and destroy the enemy sniper with a small team. Meanwhile battle for forward base, the defender hold their line despite of the surprise attack, the Metal Geara Doga continues its shelling to deter them from moving, Mazelock ordered the Nemo squad to flank them and his Jegan team hit them from the sky with air support. Imperia remains calm in spite of all of her team got sniped, noticing the pattern, her MS lungs forward her target near the icy river, to her fear, the enemy is a gundam type, dropping smokescreen to avoid being chased by her. The pilot of Metal Geara Doga ran out of patience, choose to bomb the area with the most targets even with his commander within distance, Taking most of the defenders along a dozen of his allies. Mazelock narrowly avoided the blast and call in the Jesta team to join the assault. Metal Geara Doga caught in countershelling by the defender's reinforcement, seeing that the battle is still within his favor, Mazelock signaled his reserve to enter the battlefield. A massive beam erupted beneath the snow covered ground, wiping out the Jesta team, coming out of the smoke and flame, unveiling a new Gundam unleashing all its weapons. Mazelock impressed by the tenacity of the defenders and disappointed that he has to destroy them, prompting him to requests the nearby EFGF bases to assist them in defeating this Alexandros Army. A new Gundam from the nearly EFF base fly toward to the battle, the pilot smile as she is eager to shows its true potentials.
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The Jesta team.
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The Alexandros Faction Gundam.
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The pilot.
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The CO of Alexandros Army in North America.
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The approaching EFF Gundam.
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The pilot.
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Alexandros discovered the reason behind Elran and Czin recent successes in Africa is they had the helps of the Zeon Remnants on earth harassing the EFGF supply line through one anti spacenoid soldier, he meets the two with furiously look on his face, Elran asked for the reason of his anger, nearly got punch at the head, if not for Czin holding Alexandros back. Alexandros told them and Czin took full responsibility despite they know it was Elran plan. Alexandros ordered Czin to destroy those Zeon to prove his loyalty. In space, the Shin Zeon finally broke the encirclement carefully planned by Admiral Bee Ardo, causing the EFSF to order Aranos Team to assist them instead of returning to Earth. The Republic of Zeon succeed in coercing a Shin Zeon fleet into joining their rank.
I actually had an idea about a Leo custom for a GBN guild where the theme is that their suits would've been dug up in the Correct Century. In this case, this suit would be cobbled together from Leo and Tallgeese parts. It'd only have a right arm and left wing from the Flugel to use as a shield.
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Wanted to redraw the GM Nitro from the last thread changing the design a bit.
Made it look a bit more streamlined?
Preferred the dark green color scheme compared to the purple
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Nicely done.
Is a Bugs Bunny emblem?
What you do think of your OC in this side story?
Should I make him more active or keep the way as it is?
Prime Minister Darcia is pleased with the progresses his commanders made as his shuttle is on the way back to Side 3 after a diplomatic meeting with the Earth Federation. He look through the window, saw several incoming unidentified object flying towards them, it open fire upon the shuttle, white light flash over Darcia's face.
Yeah and slimmed it down to look more like it's a GM stripped to the bone with some pieces of other vehicles like the Saberfish attached to it. Also it's supposed to be white and black, the green/purple hue is just visual because it is supposed to see more action on space
Yeah, It's kind of a not-Bugs Bunny, it's supposed to be the symbol of his former unit.
The role is fine, I kind of invision him leaving the front line action later and turning more into a mentor figure for the younger pilots.
what the jesus jumpin christ...
what is that shoulder gun taken from, is specifically familier.
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I will be busy for the next 2~3 weeks, so I won't be able to post here frequently.
But I still want to contribute something, so I will leave this WIP.
Based on >>22481711
It's a chimera of the operation meteor suits, using the Leo as base.
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Was also working on the alternative form of the Titan-IA
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Looking good, take your time.
Jesta Cannon.
Think as it as a mean for ZPA to confuse their enemies.
Darcia opened his eyes again, saw a bright purple MS moving in a blinding speed taking out the assailants, one by one until it was engaged by a golden MS. Darcia and crew of the shuttle received a mysterious call from an unknown person.
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Is he some sort of costumed mascot
Saberfish are cool as-all-hell space fighters, its a shame they only exist to be immediatly obsolete.

Even when you have main characters able to fight in the harshest battle of MSG in core boosters. But even them having beam weapons wasn't enough to keep fighters around past the anime.
>its a shame they only exist to be immediatly obsolete.
I wish there were more normal vehicles in gundam post OYW. Mobile suits are great, but at least make other shit to support them beyond sub-flight systems.
May make something to try to remedy this now that you got me thinking of it.
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This is Lobbo
Say something nice about him
I bet he makes a mean taco
How does that head launcher work.

Does the Lobbo sort of lean/bend over and spray missiles out of the top of its torso-head at things?
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Any remnant worth their salt stuck in Mexico after the war sure would.

Yeah sort of like guncannon, it hunches over on its hands and sprays down the whole area with fire.
That's also why its eye looks a bit funky. Needs to be shaped a bit differently for sorting vertical range.
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300 *plus* dumbfire rockets, you say?
300 plus
All depends on how much that pilot trusts the armor to prevent the ammo from cooking off. Would be more or less depending how lucky the pilot felt.

Also seriously thank you for that drawing, anon. It's cool as fuck.
mi amigo!
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Just an unfinished sketch where I was testing out some shapes, wouldn't have posted it but it's not like there's a lot of posts in this thread yet
Is there something unusual going on with the chest section there?
I kinda just lost track of what I was doing lol, I didn't bother correcting it cause I didn't want to ruin the paper
Messing around with shapes is how a lot of the more out there mobilesuits were made. So feel free to post any other interesting examples you've made, anon.
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Sweet, what are you going to name it with?
I like his design, he reminds me of this guy from season 3.
Awesome art!
Looking fierce.
Probably not gonna name it at all, it wasn't really meant to be a proper submission. Was mainly just me sketching to see if it was worth it for me to do like another version of an entry I did from a previous season
Ah I see, if it stands still with its arms raised in the desert it will be mistaken for just a harmless cactus...
Leo is like if the Zaku II and the GM had a baby.
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Just as the creator intended.
Understood, eager to see your other works.
I should really finish this story.
As more ZPA raiders arrived, Darcia has no choice but to follow the escape route provided by their mysterious helper, just before they cruise in full speed, he saw the pirates are fighting each others. The golden MS attempts to give chase, but was cutoff suddenly by a Londo Bell squadron. The purple MS continues to stay close to Darcia's shuttle, preventing other pirate from coming close, however, itself stopped by the sight of another purple MS and a fearsome red MS in the far side of the battlefield, observing the battle. As the shuttle, accompanied with the surviving MSRZ-01 Zaku managed to slipped away from the battle, escaping with their life.
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Meanwhile, on Earth, Czin allowed the Zeon Remnants that helped Czin and Elran in obtaining victories in Africa to escape into space, much to Alexandros chagrin. The high ranking officers of Alexandros demanded Alexandros to executes Czin for his treason. Despite of Alexandros officers protest, he simply laugh it off and proceed to pardons Czin and his crew for his failures and set them free, claiming if not for Czin's support, they all won't be here fighting the corrupted elite within the Federation. Alexandros appointed Michael Morgenstern to replaces Czin as the co CO of the Africa campaign with Elran while himself will leads in Europe, believing the war go on for too long. Returning to his room, Alexandros take a look at himself, while his soldiers are loyal, he doesn't have a real ally in high places. After the night, Alexandros and much of his force in Africa gave one final salute as they bid farewell to Czin's ship as it go to space. Admiral Bee Ardo looking at map of Earthsphere, began to sweat as the situation is getting out of hand.
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Upon reaching the designated point, they were immediately approached by a Gwazine. Josef Zolottal questions is that one of theirs. The crew of Gwazine offer protection and supplies if they are willing to let themselves to be taken into their ship, Darcia and Josef agreed to their requests as they just got out of a fierce battle with their life and the men are tired. Within the ship after that, Darcia and his cabinet greeted by two high ranking officers in Zeon uniform which make they think they are from Shin Zeon but lack of the usual coldness that members of the Shin Zeon make they thought otherwise. On the contrary, the officers reveal they are from Mars Zeon and intended to help RoZ, instead of Shin Zeon as they see the Shin Zeon lack of the legitimacy of the Principality of Zeon. Darcia, Josef and the rest are surprised at the same time delighted by the prospect. General Reonault give them time to think about it and orders Marson to show them around. As Marson reveals this ship is a part of RF series, a Mars Zeon program to improve their MS and ship while maintaining their appearance which greatly resemble the force used by Principality of Zeon in One Year War era. Josef decided to personally inspects the MS of Mars Zeon as he could not contained his thrill anymore.
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Over the shattered Gates of Zedan, many warships gathered and even more MS continue to pour into the largest asteroid base. With Titans Commander finally agreed to joins the invasion of Side 3 with ZPA along Titans Remnants of his at the request of Roahl Meru. The moderate elements within ZPA dislike the idea of committing their entire force for a destructive act, Albert Phoenix and his Phoenix division are the most vocal about this, but fail to sway them to other way. Soon after, they begin reconstructing a asteroid into a mobile base.
haha, loser
Clearly he was getting pranked by his commanders for being a wet blanket when it came to recreational war crimes events
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Testing some different liveries before painting.
Fancy giant robot camo.
Is he UC or Build?
I was thinking UC, but Lobbo could easily fit into build with a bit of tweaking.
Lobbo seen as a gunpla used in tournaments by some prepubescent mexican kid, who has a thick full moustache.
Please tell me all the spikes are missiles
They're gun barrels
when does gb4 come out.
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Romy Alto (left) and Mina Amara (right), I will expound later but Mina should be a Zakrello pilot
>a Zakrello pilot
Why would you do that to someone?
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I'm not a good person
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Well, you are honest.
Excellent art.
We really need more MA in /m/SV.
All over the battlefield of Europe, the battle for Europe have reached its boiling point. With Alexandros personally leading the frontline , bringing his elite soldiers to the field, the EFF high command respond in kind, both deploy their version of Gustav Karl. Alexandros army now breaching Maginot Base in France, EFF final line of defense in Europe. The battle is fierce, even at night, the battlefields still glow so brightly in orange with the fire caused by the destruction. Despite Alexandros Gundam already wear and tear from the previous battles, he continues to be in front of the battlefield, commanding his army. Upon knowing this, The EFF in the Europe received an order to kill Alexandros, the leader of this uprising and end this costly civil war. Sending their elite strike force to the mission and bringing in reserve from the south to cover their gap, at the same time, Alexandros army airdropped a large MS to the rear of the army. As last of Alexandros squad fall to the enemies attack, defending him. Alexandros activated a gravity bomb, temporarily stunning everyone near to his location while he escape, calling upon his old comrade in arms from 9th Crusade to put an end of this long battle. The large MS is at the gate of the EFF stronghold, easily destroying the defenses and dispatching the defenders with ease, finally blowing the the HQ of the EFF in Europe. Concluding the battle for Europe in victory for Alexandros Army.
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The EFF surviving forces begin a mass retreat to Africa where they will reinforce Dakar and any efforts of reclaiming Europe are cancelled. With Alexandros Army gaining grounds, some with Earth Federation start to harbor a different thought.
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Some warmachines during this chapter.
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The pilot.
This is like a Devil Guncannon, but in UC.
Thit is metal AF.
Why give it beam sabers, it doesn't really seem capable of reaching them.
Also the shoulder cannons are crowded in by the launchers next to them, while the turret guns under the armpits can barely move or aim at all.

This thing is a monstrosity, but in the sense of something designed by arrogant villains with no knowledge of practicality or actual combat experience whose amazing firepower completly flounders in the face of its poor design when brought to the real battlefield.
>This thing is a monstrosity, but in the sense of something designed by arrogant villains with no knowledge of practicality or actual combat experience whose amazing firepower completly flounders in the face of its poor design when brought to the real battlefield.
Yep, that is me, alright.
I shall elaborate,
It supposedly to be the Zeong for Alexandros Army but for oldtype use.
>Also the shoulder cannons are crowded in by the launchers next to them, while the turret guns under the armpits can barely move or aim at all.
That two turrets under the armpits can and it designed to move to front and to back to cover the rear or increase firepower at front when it needed to, it just look cooler when placing at the front.
>Why give it beam sabers, it doesn't really seem capable of reaching them.
So, It could give others after it no longer to requires to perform long range bombardments.
I hope the answers sate your questions.
>This is like a Devil Guncannon, but in UC.
Now that you mention it, it does look like it.
Mina? Sounds like a girls name...
Wing had amazing grunt designs.
The only problem with them is the utter lack of 'ace customs' to give them spotlight.
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Random challenge.

Take this image as a basis and through the power of art turn it into a mobile suit that actually looks cool.
I'm not much of an artist, but I took a crack at it anyways.
Looks pretty cool anon. Also pretty good backstory/gimmick you applied to it.

Remember playing Gihren's Greed back in the day and for some reason building multiple of the Prototype Gundam was one of your best options for dealing with Zeon amphibious units, which makes the description stick with me.
Playing the against the Feds, the most terrifying thing to see was an invasion of 1 in a province you weren't expecting and seeing a proto-gundam start swimming at you.
So then, whats their expounded story?
The character art itself is rather good
Where's the rest of its armor?
What are you talking about? Why would he need armour covering up GUNS like those?
Still planning on making something inspired by the Saberfish?
Honestly I'm really insterested in ever seeing more non-ms stuff in Gundam.
Its a shame combined arms are such a non-factor in the franchise.
I was at the time, but hit creative burnout pretty hard.
I do still want to make some more conventional vehicles, but the ideas haven't come to me yet.
Ah fair enough, we all have to deal with it comin a callin.
Good luck on getting the creative spark back.
If it helps at all. I'll at least say what I planned on doing, maybe I can give someone else that spark I lack.

I was going to make a Dopp II. More or less using the knowledge of the combat data of the original, the fuselage was streamlined, and made far more jet like to let it preform more like a super maneuverable multirole fighter instead of "this is what spacenoids actually believe planes are".
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Has /m/-tan themed content ever made an appearance in /m/SV threads? Seems like it would be pariticularly applicable when its doing Build/Gunpla stuff. (Always thought /m/ had one of the cooler board-tan designs)
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Going to need some advice with the coloring here.
Insofar, no.
If he does, what are the best ways to implement him?
Like the simplicity of your style.
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If its as a gunpla battler /m/sv setting then /m/-tan appearing as another competitor would be a fun cameo.
fighting with a gundpla customised to look like /m/-tan and use gimmicks of his for weapons like the toaster.

[Also the O-ptimal looks great with its mostly white colourscheme]
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Alright, I tried, does it look good?
Can /m/-tan brings his girlfriend too?
>Like the simplicity of your style.
Thanks, though as time has gone on I've thought using a mouse for everything was limiting. So I'm investing in a cheap drawing tablet and waiting on it to get here.
Lets hope this lets me shitpost better than ever before!
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>Can /m/-tan brings his girlfriend too?
Sure, why not?
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Nice, when that time come, I might request some art from you.
If any of these designs were actually built in canon seems like it would half-bankrupt a whole branch of the military.

This isn't meant as any harsh condemnation, this is just a thread to have fun and shitpost mostly so its all fitting to share with others.
Just it can be astounding to see units which put even the most bullshit of Zeon MotW suits to shame with the amount of giant beam cannons and such shoved into them. Or maybe like if every GM in the Federation was instead the ZZ...

Speaking of Ozwalt, going by that biography does he browse UC-/fit/? Is he secretly a manlet? Are manlets the Oldtypes of the lifting world?
Pure white paintjobs are the GOAT. This has been long proven by the likes of the Tallgeese.
I remember when Igloo or something made a tacticool 'realistic' modern tank for Zeon (instead of for the federation) compared to their behemoth anti-MS Magella Attack and it felt kind of stupid. It didn't fit their design style at all and just came off as the designer wanting to make something for Zeon when it would have made much more sense as a Federation light tank.
Though in this case I'm not sure how one would make a Practical Dopp succesor without it losing its inherent goofy UFO style.
Does Zeon have a bomber aircraft smaller than a GAW? That might be something they could do with in their airforce. Its weird they seem to jump between tiny little fighter and GIANT FLYING AIRCRAFT CARRIER TRANSPORT PLANE.
Looking it up there was the Luggin. Which despite it supposed to be a reconnissance plane was loaded with machineguns, missiles and bombs for no reason.
>Amphibious performance on par with ground performance
Give it a beam machete, have its pilot be a dude named Jason.
>I remember when Igloo or something made a tacticool 'realistic' modern tank for Zeon (instead of for the federation) compared to their behemoth anti-MS Magella Attack and it felt kind of stupid. It didn't fit their design style at all and just came off as the designer wanting to make something for Zeon when it would have made much more sense as a Federation light tank.
Is this the one?
>Pure white paintjobs are the GOAT.
Even Tomino wanted the Gundam to be painted in white only too.
Haha, don't sweat it.
now that I look back, I did make a lot of MS with cannons.
I imagined him to be an unlikable big loudmouthed arrogant yet dedicated competent officer of EFF who piss off other EF pilots with his dislike of weakness, an useful idiot for the EF elite and finally his last moment will be killed by a cool Zeon OC.
Well, you can interpret most of my OC in any way you prefer in your story.
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Again, I need some idea with color for this pirate MA, preferably with other color than white.
A pleasure to help.
No, all mobile suits must be painted white! Infact entire series must be drawn and animated in only Black & White!
Its evil looking so make it purple

And with those wings it makes think of a butterfly
You are going to make this into a real white devil if you keep giving me these ideas.
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Will be more variants?
With the power of MSPaint anything is possible
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I know right, she look good.
Are you the white devil?!
How it look?
All it need now is a name and maybe an OC.

This is honestly my favorite design this season lmfao, I got an idea for a Z'g Sombrero Type using the head
I was talking about the mobile suit
Horsefly, but if you want a pilot for it you'll probably need to do it yourslef.
That's what I was told when I put a design out for people to use, even though someone in turn gave me shit for scrabbling one together.
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So was I....
In space, the reconstructed asteroid base now house the ZPA invasion force en route to Side 3 at cruising speed, followed by a fleet of mixtures of Titans and Zeon warships. Within the asteroid base, Albert of the Phoenix Division try dissuade Roahl once again, on his way the captain quarters, only to sees a young girl sitting there reading a book about Asshimar. The two shared a pleasant conversation of MS developments(mainly ZPA) until Roahl and Titans Commander walk in before them. Roahl and Albert stare at each others, turning the atmosphere frightful, leaving Titans Commander motions the young girl to follows him as he leads her out of the room. After only the door is shuts, the two finally speak. Meanwhile in hangar, the pirate are having a MS brawl, they watch as Coward Trout Galbaldy β delivers the final blow to Morgan Rote Hizack, winning the match. Ayana deemed the act as barbaric while Sex Marquis glorified it. It become clear to Albert, there is something up in the air.
>Horsefly, but if you want a pilot for it you'll probably need to do it yourslef.
Hmm, alright, but I am not using that name while I at it.
>That's what I was told when I put a design out for people to use, even though someone in turn gave me shit for scrabbling one together.
You know what, how about this?
You make a design, I try to come out with OC or something, it will be interesting.
Not got any inspiration coming to me, been a long time since made something for /m/sv.
No worry, take your time.
Is there anything fun that could be done with the concept of Junior Mobile suits for /m/sv? They even got pressganged into combat in the shows themselves.

Speaking of sub-MS mechs there was also those odd colony defence machines that showed up during War in the Pocket only to be immediatly destroyed by the Kampfer.
Do things like them appear anywhere else? Seemed like a pretty random inclusion.
What about a transport MA that drop combat junior MS in a urban envirorment, like the ECOAS operation in Gundam Unicorn, but with heavier equipment.
They could use parachutes to enter the combat zone, and exit using helicopter equipment on the backpack.
They are deployed when tanks and heavy weapons are expected, but not MSs.
That's a really cool idea, like Hueys in Vietnam dropping GIs
The series proper phases out other war machines that aren't MS way too hard. Be nice to bring a little of it back and show fights between 'heavy infantry' and tanks etc.
Having them as a cheap "better than nothing" mobilesuit could be an interesting concept. Maybe go even further with the idea of making them smaller than f91 did. While maybe not as great, having something that had, say, the combat ability of a zaku in a package under 10 meters tall could be amazing in environments where MS to MS combat isn't the goal.
Or at the very least, you could chuck some big one shot weapon on it, blast an MS that is 30 times it's price, and either take it down, or run away.
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You could make an entire army of these things, or at least an extended sentai team
Anyone have that image that compares the GMs to samurai with a top knot and a Zaku as like a mountain bandit?
I've never even seen it, can't imagine what its like from your description
Sketch I'm working on
It kinda reminds me of those Leo NPDs from Build Divers, or the grunts from IBO.
I was trying for somewhat of a combination of the Leo and the Daughtress's head shapes, but I didn't really have a plan for the rest so I just did whatever. I definitely must have taken at least some pointers from the Leo NPDs now that I think of it, cause I really enjoyed building the HG and I was aiming for a similar vibe
What kind of long rifle is it packing there, beam or physical?
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The thread would be better if it wasn't shackled to /m/. This place is a bog nowadays with only endless spam & bait threads clogging it up and jannies who outright don't give a fuck about clearing it up.
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>"To be saying Hello Gentlemen! Is your friendly neighbour Jim of Federation back again. Have forgotten where secret headquarters of ours exists, would you be remindings me of location?"
>Gundam Unicorn
There was a version of the Jr MS that showed up in the background of Unicorn alongside a tank that was painted white, Think it was at Torrington.
Don't remember if it actually did anything except appear though.
>Unique Leo with the qualities of the 5 gundams
>Fighting a mass-produced model of the Gundam that looks like a Leo
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There is this one from Season 3, not sure it count?
With the news of Alexandros victory over Europe spread throughout the earthsphere , the EFF double down in Africa and even going as far to order EFSF to abandon the encirclement of Shin Zeon, a command which Admiral Bee Ardo refused. In the North America, the EFGF under Mazelock, now reinforced by Lieutenant Gem >>22539934 battalion marching to attack Alaska base, the last stronghold of Alexandros Army in North America, in spite of their supply line being harassed by a single blue MS didn't hinder their advance. Upon nearing the base, Gem grinned and say 'The heaven smile upon us' before bombarding the target. After finishing his lunch in Dakar, Ender received a letter from General Rule, informing him under no circumstances, he should not return to Jaburo and if Dakar fall, he should transfer to Bee Ardo command. Ender found it worrisome and before he could think, he was interrupted by Ableham, an old acquaintance during the OYW. In space, Darcia and his martian allies returned to Side 3, with the newfound resources provided by Mars Zeon, Josef team waste no time in developing a new MS to combat the pirates.
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The blue MS.
while it counts, it's also a sin against god.
It looks like those mooing mini-Metal Gear drones from MGS4, but if they could transform into a flying drone as well.

fuck its clearly too late for this
Is that a beam saber bayonet on the rifle?
Because if so that's pretty awesome.
Yes it is, Golden Kamuy made me fall in love with cool bayonet action. Rifle needs a lot of work though, I don't really know how to design guns so that's just a very simple placeholder until I render
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>I don't really know how to design guns so that's just a very simple placeholder until I render
There is Fedayeen Rifle and Rezel Mega Beam Launcher you can take a look at.
Following its creator idea; It's a small infantry MS, that can transform between a walker mode, and a flying mode. The pilot lays on his stomach in the cockpit. In walker mode, it can run as fast as a car, thus covering great distances, in difficult to move in terrain. It also has two small arms in front of it, that it uses to do different tasks. It can be armed with a lot of different weapons, from 50. cals, to rpgs, rockets, sniper rifles and etc. It can also transform into it's flying mode, by packing up it's legs, and extending it's wings. It has three thrusters, that can lift it off the ground, thus it isn't really suited for long flying. In it's semi transformed mode, it can use it's thrusters to give it a boost, and thus it can jump very long distances.
I suppose it is use for hit and run and sabotage operation.
Ugly as sin?
Unable to counterattack against the ZPA invader all because of a deadly MA, Captain Jim has no choice to concentrate most of ROZ armed force at the defense of Side 3. Avevice become overly stressed from barely surviving her encounters with the aces of ZPA and her superior had to send her back to Side 3. Justin overwhelmed in his hospital ship, trying to help as many as he can. With the sudden appearance of an asteroid base heading for the Side 3, the heart of the Republic of Zeon. Prime Minister Darcia use what left of the gold reserve get more mercenaries to aid them but only a few accepted. More desperate than before, he ordered Josef team to start mass production of their latest MS immediately, despite Josef's protest. The ROZ begin draft anyone they could find. Darcia also noticed his martian friends have not tell him everything.
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Which one better as a mass production MS and protagonist MS for ROZ.
I can't decide his personality should be hotblooded but depressed or cool-headed but secretly adventurous?
Meanwhile at the ZPA asteroid base, Albert and his Phoenix Division decided to assist the invasion but they will only support and protect the rear. Roahl is pleased with their choice as he could not ask for more. The old man hope everything go according to plan, turn to a list of names, wondering who should he pick to succeed him as the overall leader of this pirate alliance before getting drunk again. Despite of the invasion going well for pirate, the pirates covet each other spoils in secret.
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Hey guys look, It's Jim III! With his wacky optional loadout and wild disregard for the standard template appearance of his peers.

What an asshole!
Don't be mean, it looks neat, even if it's the jobbiest of the jobbers out there.
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To round out the numbered GM line here is the entirely forgettable Jim II
I had to delete it for editing because I forgot to add the beam saber to its shoulder, that's how unmemorable it is in the series.
Yeah having a beam saber on your rifle is cool and useful, should show up more in Gundam.
Similarily I like multi-purpose arm beam-gun/saber weapons, taking advantage of the fact an MS is a giant ROBOT not a human being.
Would be much faster to counter someone rushing you with a melee weapon if you could just active the one on your arm instead of reaching up, back and pulling out your own from the backpack being totally exposed in the process.
I'd like to say the galbaldy alpha, but I'm a massive fan of that suit. So it is a bit biased.
Still, an up specced goog would work well.
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Master Command.
Known for possessing strong angular features which causes him to stand out amongst his peers.
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Captain Cold
Older relative of Master Command, his least favourite season is Summer.
How can you view the previous thread now the link is dead?
Its weird that the Leo NPD is so cool when its quite literally a videogame npc, for the purpose of having groups of generic AI enemies.

Compared that to when Leo parts were used in Wings setting to make disposable autonomous units.
/m/ has fallen.
Error: Nemos dont have shoulder beam sabers.
He's got some pepper to him
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drew Peace Loveman
from the hit mecha series /m/S Paint Variations exclusive for the 4chan imageboard
You can use desuarchive and put in that post number for the /m/ board
Oh we back? It's been a while. I need to get drawing again. I remember we had some fun times here.
Would be interesting if there was a gundam faction that completly abandoned the humanoid form in their mobile weapons, without even going all-out in making nothing but giant Mobile Armors.

So meaning bodies with multiple limbs with multiple weapons to make maximum use of the AMBAC capability.
Bodies that are a mass of limbs and tails that are extremely manouverable in space.
Maybe snake-like MS for use on the ground in gravity combat, much lower profile could prove an advantage. Possibly be helpful when designing amphibious MS.
I feel like the Big Rang and its Oggo swarm may be one of the few suits close to what you mean, however it's completely built for space combat.
Still, having suits that are completely detached from the human form for the sake of pure efficiency and practicality would be a fun theme for a faction to have.

Also aquatic MA in the shape of sea creatures sounds cool as fuck.
>A splinter faction from Jupiter infiltate the Earth Sphere many power positions, and manipulate conflicts between then. While they have a common goal, their methods and personal objetive are different from one another, be economic, cultural, political or millitary.
>The leader of each cell use a custom unit, with the only common aspect between then are the lack of registry code, being not directly linked to a unique MS/MA lineage and being named after a Lovecraftian Entidy, with the intent to hide it's origin.
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I got a bit inspired

The JPX-04 Thrall is one of many semi-autonomous mobile armors utilized by a Jovian cell.
Primarily used to patrol and protect hidden Jovian blacksites, the Thrall is more than capable of taking on any fleet at sea, as well as capture targets of interest. Coming in at over 90 meters long even dedicated aquatic mobile suits will struggle to face it.
Boarding Tendrils?
Yes, boarding tendrils.
They're made to break into holes made by the giant iron nails or make their own entry through weaker spots and either destroy the ship's internals, grab targets of interest, or act as a camera for remote operators.
Cool unit!
Which Lovecraft entidy it's leader pilot?
Or it's like a common unit between groups?
I was thinking more the second bit. That, or having it be used in swarms by one of the more ocean focused Jovians.

I'm leaving it open so others may toss their ideas into the fold since that is where these threads shine.
Got anything in mind for their space-use units?
Honestly you could probably stick to a sea creature theme and make their space-MS look like Squids going by >>22561951
I feel like it would depend on the cell's goals, and how stealthy they'd want to go about things.
But, when it isn't 1 am, I'll try to toss out a few specific ideas. For now feel free to come up with stuff on your own too. This entire thing is about collaboration after all!
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Sweet art!
>This entire thing is about collaboration after all!
What is she thinking about?
>I'd like to say the galbaldy alpha, but I'm a massive fan of that suit. So it is a bit biased.
Galbaldys need all the love they can get.
Plus, Gelgoog already have alot of named ace pilots.
The final battle for Dakar begins with creeping barrage all over the EFGF defense line, the Alexandros Army now linked with their force from Europe launch an all out offensive to claim the capital of Earth Federation, spearheaded by Alexandros landship. Riley sent >>22542641 reinforce the frontline while ordering Mask battalion to provide fire support to any defender that request it.
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Meanwhile, battle for Side 3 already started with the ZPA invaders unleashing all their force upon the space colonies, meet with the Republic of Zeon already rigged those forward colonies with booby traps and some going as far as to set it to self destruct, taking the invaders by surprise and causing heavy losses. Even so, the ZPA still outnumbered the Republic force. Within the ZPA asteroid base, Roahl look at his time watch and then look at the battle where his allies are fighting.
Honestly it doesn't seem like there's enough demand to keep the thread going, once this drops off there won't be much reason for a new one.
Though /m/ has gotten even less populated than it used to be, which is why it becomes more notable in being overrun by the wrong sort.
Yeah it's quite sad since I'm super pumped to make stuff such as the prior stuff I made like these
But I guess I'm one of the few. Hope this maybe turns around at some point, but it's sad to see.
As promised in the other thread, I have compiled all of the Unit and Character assets from Gihrens Greed: Menace of Axis V.

Characters: https://mega.nz/folder/YSVzWbRB#iLhOMXSbzS_jBq3WGP6NxQ


Currently doing a game in the /m/sv setting and am open to implementing new designs based on modified versions of the units provided in the MEGA upload.
Anything you're looking for specifically?
Also, I see the MS for the info panel and flight, but I don't see the "in a battle" versions of them.
Will you be doing that or is that in these images too and I need to dig for it?

Experiments have been run with trying to implement conversions for the "in-battle" animations, however I have not had much luck with getting them to work, along with having some issues even collecting them. Currently these all just pertain to the info panel images.
Alright, this is more of a test, but here you go.

The Juaggu Heavyarms is a post OYW modification of the Juaggu to give it more firepower, as the limited capacity of its launchers lead much to be desired. Used as a medium ranged support mobile suit, it's beginning to show its age, but as long as a pilot keeps their distance, it is still a menace on the battlefield.

I guess my only other questions are is there a color limit for this (since I know this is for a PSP), and should I keep all the junk in the background?
Also should I keep the file name of what it was somewhere? (like I did here)
and I forgot to add the image, god damnit.
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Honestly the sky is the limit with what you can add to the design. The filename is very useful since it is used to actually import the unit into the game.

Here is an example of a heavy retrofit to the Dijeh using assets from the game.
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Alright, I think I'll try to toss together my idea from the last thread of a Zaku for the Republic of Zeon, though it may end up with whatever Side 3 becomes regardless if it's really going to be a republic.
But do what you want with it (if you even use it) when it's done.
>pic related
That took way longer than I thought, but here it is.

If you want the lore, the archive of the last thread should have all of it.
In summary tho, it's a fragile, but cheap and highly maneuverable suit that could be built quickly.
Basically an ace suit built on the cheap.
I now realize I completely fucked the arm colors up which is why it looked off to me.

Good news is that wasn't hard to fix
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Since I can't use GIMP, I have no choice but to request anons to help with these.

Neat. If I knew the first thing about editing I would make Geara Doga ace colors for OYW aces. Also the Doga Full Frontal used.
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I was surpised at glancing through Greed threads awhile back and seeing you used this guy.
Was happy with how his design came out even if nothing much came about after posting him in /m/sv.
>Since I can't use GIMP, I have no choice but to request anons to help with these.

Since you asked, I'll assist, and even give a brief tutorial to explain how I did it so the rest of these can go smoothly for you.

I don't use Gimp since I find the user interface to be shit, instead I use Paint.net which is pretty damn straight forwards when it comes to image editors.

First, I opened up your image in one tab, then I opened up the GM III template in another. Next I copied it into a new layer above of the GM III template and placed it over top the GM III.
After getting rid of all the white in the background (magic wand is your friend for that) I slotted it in as best I could into the space. (Note it got a smidge cut off at the top, but that'll just happen since the space is limited and taller suits can be a bitch.)
After I deleted the GM on the first layer and made sure I didn't delete any of the background stuff since I assume it might be important and exported as a PNG. You can also save it as it's own file type which keeps the layers, but we'll want it as a PNG for this.

And there you go! Hope this helps.

Hope this can help you as well!
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With Copy X doing an intermission and this thread feeling a little aimless without much of a theme, would anyone be up if I made a competition of sorts?

It would be styled off of a Zeon mobile suit contract that people would design their submission around. I'd pick out the specifications, but the actual winner would just come down to a strawpoll vote of every submission (and what you think is coolest of course)

But yeah, any interest in that? If so I can get the ball rolling on that tonight or tomorrow. I'd probably give a time-limit of around a week after I post the specs, but I'm up for doing two if the thread stays slow and if people want it.
Sure, why not.
Could you do one for each faction?
If the thread survives, or if a new one is made after, I'll do a Fed one.
Would that be alright?

I went a little autistic on some of the setup, so that may slow a second one down is all.
Not an issue, just I need to learn to use GIMP.
Unless, you only want the picture of MS/MA, instead of the whole things?
Then, the process will be whole lot faster.
Oh not even, you don't need to do it like the pics above here.
Just open good ol' ms paint, or what have you and draw what you think would fit the design.
This is meant more for fun than being tossed into a game. Go as hard as you want on it, or draw a circle with a mono-eye.

Either one works. (if you really want to make it compatible with the game, just make it fit into a 148x128 box)
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Right on. I'll drop off a design I was going to use for Angelo in the campaign as an example.
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Inside an innocuous office building within Side 3, tension was building. Very rarely was this space used, and when it was it meant only one thing, a contract. Whether or not it was for a mass produced mobile suit, a ship, or some one-off specialist development, no one knew, which made the proposition all the more enticing. Though, this time there were far fewer faces, as much of the once plentiful industrial capacity of Zeon now went to necessities like food and ammunition.

Men and women chatted amongst themselves, striking up potential deals within the tobacco scented boardroom. All thinking in the back of their mind that this could be the contract that would make or break their company. However, the chatter came to an abrupt end as a locked door was opened, a Zeonic officer stepping inside. Colonel Helshin had been no stranger to working with the companies of the Principality, as he was the usual mediator between them and the Special Procurement Branch he’d been assigned. Originally it was done as a punishment, but to him, he was just happy to be spared the worst of the war.

The door slammed shut, being locked once again by a guard just outside. No sound was made from the audience as Helshin made his way to the unadorned podium, the steady march of his boots being the only thing to break the silence that filled the room. Clearing his throat, a projector screen came to life behind him.
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>Colonel Helshin: Gentlemen, it is 0079, November 11th, and we have a problem. The Federation has been a thorn in our side since our initial invasion of Earth, and with the recent fall of Odessa, it’s clear we will be pushed off the surface.

What started as a murmur arose into a full blown argument.

>Zeonic Rep: Pushed off? Impossible!
>Zimmad Rep: We just gave you bastards the Dom, how could you fail to use it?
>MIP Rep: What about our Z’gok contract?!

Raising a hand, Helshin silenced the room.

>Colonel Helshin: However, all is not lost. What matters now is maintaining what remains of our forces on earth and inflicting as much damage as possible to make the Federation’s inevitable attack on our space colonies as weakened as possible. This will allow for a counterattack and the potential to retake much of the planet.

The Reps whispered around the table. Initial fear turning to interest.

>Colonel Helshin: This is what I’ve brought all of you here for, members of Zeonic, Zimmad, MIP, and the few independent firms who had some production capacity remaining. You have a daunting, but extremely necessary task. You must make a mobile suit able to disrupt supply lines, obliterate logistics centers and be repaired by the most rudimentary of tools while it remains on Earth. The specifics of this suit are as follows; next slide, please.
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- Ground or Aquatic design
- Suit has capacity to run 80 KPH minimum and swim 60 KPH minimum
- Super Hard Steel Alloy armor and steel frame construction
- At least one integrated beam weapon
- A minimum of one manipulator able to use standard Zeonic mobile suit weapons (Zaku machine gun, Bazooka, etc)
- All minor systems able to be repairable with manual or powered hand tools
- All major and structural systems are able to be repaired with manual labor or small machines such as forklifts.
- Bipedal design preferred but not required

Once all submissions are produced there will be a vote as to what suit will go into production. A full contract will be awarded to the winner, with those in second and third place being given the full right to produce the suit under license and make a limited number of changes or additions to the design. There’s no limit to the submissions, but a singular company cannot get multiple places for the contract, only the top and best suit submitted by them will be considered.

I will take any questions you have via the usual closed circuit communications with the ZSP headquarters line. You have one week to get a design in. I wish you all the best of luck.

[Submit your suit with a pic, specs and what company it’s a part of. Feel free to make up a new company.]
[You’re also free to detail more things like lore, but these are the only requirements]
[One week from this post a strawpoll of all the suits will be made and anyone in the thread will be allowed to vote.]
[Just please don’t try to rig it, this is for fun after all.]
[Ask any questions you need to and I’ll try to answer when I can]
I forgot to greentext the last post, but there we go, that is a weight off my chest for having that ready to go for a day or two.
That zeon officer looks like he might hail from the colony of South Park
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Presenting the project all from Odilia, a member from Zimmad, a plan to further the United Maintenance Plan by using Dom as a base to incorporate all their amphibious tech to create a flexible hit and run MS that can be use for land and underwater terrain. Since Dom is already an impressive MS in both Earth and Space, she is sure it will perform well in underwater too. Odilia called it Dom Aquatic. The young secretly hopes her project get approved, so the majority of the budgets go to Zimmad.
Nice and thank you for the assets.
Thank you for helping.
I just wanna say these designs would work perfectly in Copy X's game. At the current moment with the world splintering apart and the Federation completely losing it's grip on the earth sphere the newtype labs at Gryps would be forced to give their technologies like psycommus to Manhunters and the regular rank and file soldiers.
And these incom equipped mobile suits would be perfect representations of that. Also they'd be perfect mid-game bosses before the cyber newtypes and their monstrous machines from Gryps directly are met.
Can't do a OC right now, but maybe later this week.
Don't force yourself, take your time.
One more to fit in.
Hopefully, the Ashes will gain some Titans OC after Glemy speech.
All in all, I am just happy that two(Tordan and Odilia) of my OC appear in Copy X campaign.
One of the reps from MIP, a man who looked as round as the Z’gok he was whining about just a few days prior, hand delivered a folder labeled “Project Tiktaalik”. He couldn’t help but smugly smile as he walked off, thinking that this was finally MIP’s time in the sun, and that Zeonic and Zimmad would soon become the third wheel of Zeon’s production efforts instead…

In a surprise showing for MIP, their new suit, the Go’gok, is a ground focused MS. While still retaining solid aquatic capabilities, and a reaction speed even better than the Z’gok, its on land speed just barely made it over the minimum while in a sprint on flat ground.

Touting itself as a premiere design in guerilla warfare and in low supply environments, the Go’gok shows that MIP is taking this contract quite seriously, even if their usual flaws showed through.
Been busy with GIMP.
So, what are your thought of recent Glemy events in Copy X campaign?
Do any of you hope to see OC appearing?
I'm a bit nervous that Glemy may have had a slight lobotomy, but regardless of that, the speech definitely saved Ashes.

As for OCs, I'm quite interested in seeing who fills in for Zeon's new colony.
It's kind of rare to see what I'm thinking could become a republics of Zeon, or at least something better than Shin Zeon.
I should be specific with its weapon, it has ten beam guns in the fingers and beam guns on the fingers can generate and combine into a beam saber, a pair of missile pods and each of the large back binders house a mega particle cannon.
>the speech definitely saved Ashes.
I read Ashes as 'ass'.
>As for OCs, I'm quite interested in seeing who fills in for Zeon's new colony.
I hope Odilia(and Zimmad OC) joins Zeon group and builds a lot of Zimmad MS.
Barcannon. Nuff said.
apparently not since I forgot to add the image again.
I am not good at this.
Nice! a fellow Barzam connoisseur.
Don't worry about it, you will get the hang of it.
Anyone want to kitbash something, I could help when I have time.
Well, I'm inspired.
A Barzam equipped with two sub-arms and a shield cannon which can be charged to fire a stronger beam blast.
I too forgot to add the image.
for me, it was always solid fuel
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I believe Solid and his crew will play a big part in the upcoming campaign involving psychoframe crystal or whatever called now.
They're certainly going to be heavily affected by Glemy's world changing speech as well. Especially because Garma Zabi, who's literally lost everything and is trying to move on even changing his name, is part of the Sandy Dan's crew. At the moment he's locked in the brig because some believe he has a role in the Alliance Reborn and their takeover, but Solid knows better. Though with the news of Glemy Toto being the son of Gihren Zabi things will certainly get tense in the group.
Since the thread is running slower than I expected, I'm giving an extra week on the Zeon procurement contract.
Again, no pressure on putting in super serious designs, just make something you feel fits the general requirement of a guerilla warfare Zeon MS.

In the meantime, if you saw this and didn't want to jump in it, why? Not a fan of Zeon, lore too autistic? I want to know!
Mainly so a potential Federation/Titans contact goes a bit smoother.
Depending the effect of Glemy speech, things may work out differently.
I am a fan of OYW era stuffs, both feddie and zeon but it already overdone while first neo zeon war and just about anything related to titans didn't get enough spotlights.
OYW Zeon had too much infighting for me and if I have to choose a side, I pick Gihren.
Kinda wishes Scamco stop messing with the technologies in UC, it making all the late UC MS look pale in comparison.
I hope my answers satisfy your questions.
Do you guys think that people are intimidated to draw/post something in this thread?
I feel there's less shitposts in these threads and that was part of the fun.
Less people post on /m/ than before, even when it used to be 'slow'.
Now we've got less people and more low-quality spammers on the board, not people that like to be creative and fun.
Part or why I feel like I fucked up with the Zeon contact.
I feel like I made it too serious and specific for people to hop on it.
>Do you guys think that people are intimidated to draw/post something in this thread?
I think people are very busy irl, even Copy X mentioned he has two jobs now.
>I feel like I made it too serious and specific for people to hop on it.
It is hard to go all out with those requirements.

All that aside, now imagine this MS connect its Mega Launcher to its Mega Particle Cannon.
Last one.
Speaking of power armors, does /m/SV ever make one?
tablet broke :^(
can't draw until I can buy another
Just take your time, please don't get sick or too tired again.
Tried making this, had to use this gun or it won't look as good.
With the deadline having passed, a group of the top members within the SPB office came together to settle what suit should win the contract.


[Sorry about this being a day late, there was a death in the family so I didn't have the chance to write up as much as I wanted.]
[The poll will be open until Friday]
My condolences to you and your family.
You can write when things are better.
Congrats to Zimmad and their Dom Aquatic for beating out the competition!

[I'll do a bit of a write up soon-ish. Life is still a bit hectic, but I want to do more than just say "you won!"]
Should I continue to gouf around?
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Updated her profile.
So, what you guys think of recent the Copy X handling of /m/SV OC?
IMO, while slow, I like that he expanded on the origin of the OC and interactions between OC.
Can't wait for my OC to be cannon fodders.

My main problem with this interlude is CXs characteristically dry dialogue being the bulk of it and it breaking pace with the main game. Aranos went by much faster and covered a lot more ground than what we are getting now. Blexars benefits a lot more from just being a Titans stereotype with GFs constantly dying rather than trying to expand upon that. Now this could also be a way to introduce more OC like Bruce Menul and Torrian but we have not heard a peep about any of them in the main game up until this point. There may be a higher purpose to this but it comes across as grueling slow filler.
Points taken.
I bet that Glemy might have to choose a group of OC, of course with both good and bad over the other group to work with at the start of the next chapter.
I just hope Copy X don't get burn out.
You fags dug your own grave when you tried to turn /m/ into a super serious place.
Well said.
So, what you intend to do for /m/SV?
I could help if I can.

Indulge my curiosity. What exactly are you referring to?
UC, build and Turn A universe.
Whichever we can expand on for /m/SV.
Although that means I have to delay Alexandros Advance story.
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F*ck it, Feddie idol!
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Idea for the submission that wasn't ready by the deadline so I played a bit more with it
>MS Karkos
Designed for ambush purposes, this MS uses electromagnets to collect metallic materials and employ them as disguises. The enlarged backpack provides long term life support for pilots during the missions and can be detached for additional speed to pursue enemies.
tl:dr hermit crab ms
Sweet, can it launches its claw like a harpoon too?
The only bump I'll make on this thread.
Just got out of Gundam SEED Freedom. Any ideas on how to adjust his profile and/or the Dual Destiny to better fit what was established in this movie?

Original bio can be found here:
Bio for the Dual Destiny can be found here:

And if you're there, thanks again to Armain for drawing pic related!
>Welcome to /m/SV Season 4!
>Did you know that number 4 in japanese is death?
It seem like a lot of us are going through some hardships at the moment.
I hope we all can recover.
How about making him a member of Compass, the current peacekeeping force in Seed.
A closer look at it again, it reminds me of Bolinoak Sammahn.
I could, but honestly I can't think of a convincing reason for a 14 year old delinquent to join a peacekeeping force of his own free will other than "they offered him money." Remember, the whole bit is that he's Judau, but CE.

That being said I can see the Dual Destiny being a testbed of sorts for some weapons on their other Mobile Suits, such as the Mighty Strike Freedom's Disruptor. At the very least he'll probably get along with the gang better than Agnes does.
I see, he could always go Mars.
>Judau, but CE
What about Jupiter? The UC Judau goes to Jupiter and become a cool old guy.
That's actually a good point. Jupiter hasn't been colonized yet in the CE IIRC but it is significant since that's where Evidence 01 is from. A lot of the ideas I have for Takeshi involve tying in elements from Astray since that's got a lot of ZZ elements so bringing up George Glenn's expedition would be another neat way to do that. It'd also explain why he wasn't around for the Foundation conflict, assuming he worked with Kira and co in the year between Destiny and Freedom.
Any idea who or what will Takeshi faces?
the CE Jupiter Empire, the Zeus Dynasty.
Jupiter is the top god of Romans and Zeus is the king of gods for Greeks.
I guessing they will use Greco-Roman style MS and uniform
So, Gundam Wing MS but CE?
4 really was death
Of course, she is killed by Jerid of all people, no less and her boyfriend cried like a bitch.

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