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Belated Birthday Edition

>KimiNozo Kickstarter Server
https://twitter.com/age_soft/status/1640550456203300864 (embed)

>Magazines on Steam
>JP version gallery
>english (can whoever hosts the mega archive upload these?)

>The Imperial Capital Burns on Steam

>Archive backup

>Muv-Luv Alternative Manga
1-16: https://desuarchive.org/m/thread/20911206/#q20938263
17: https://desuarchive.org/m/thread/21869980/#q21894915

>Strike Frontiers assets

Last Thread:
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>hit anime
If only...
so much of a hit they aren't even going to finish the story with an ova. Truly an endless money printer.
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Yui is perfect.
maybe on planet retard
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Anywhere in the universe, Yui is perfect.
How much longer can this keep going? Last thread didn't even hit 404 before dying. Fewer people are bothering to show up, and there's nothing left to talk about. Is this just an extended wake for the franchise?
dimensions EoS within the next few months, that should result in like 3 active threads.
She isn't even the best girl in her own game, much less the best japanese girl in the franchise, AND she is dumb as a rock.
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Don't confuse Yui for Ilfriede.
First time? The strike frontier thread drought led to goons here raiding /a/ who had real threads.
/a/ doesn't have regular threads anymore because the anime broke their spirit
I have some fund muv live memories with /a/.
We watched Total eclipse Anne laughed at the QUALITY together.
People told me about the Schwarzesmarken stuff I'm supposed to know from the novel to make the anime make more sense. Then, funnily enough, I read the VN almost 10 years later and still relied on the info from /a/ threads for the backstory!
MLA anime is mostly memorable because of speedrunning jokes. I was kind of disappointed they didn't cram in the entire story into 24 episodes.
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I don't understand why they didn't just keep making Faraway Dawn games. I just beat 1 on normal and got the good muvluv game I always wanted, and I never would have known about it if anon didn't mention it. I can't find any interest about this online and it's really damn good. You guys if you haven't played should check it out -if you press F1 in-game it'll spit out an instruction manual in plain text that you can paste into google translate, then you're good to go. It's genius, they already had all the assets and nailed the mechanics, it must've been made by just a couple people for pocket change, so what happened?
Anyways, advice for new players: play on easy for a challenge, very easy for normal difficulty. A unit's health is also number of soldiers, so a unit at half health does half damage -that also goes for the BETA, and you can leave BETA barely alive to use as shields against Laser Class. Your TSFs have melee defense that varies by craft, terrain, rank, pilot, and facing direction. And make sure to turn on the laser map with ctrl+L
integrade will come soon trust the plan
it's literally not even in development anymore and they've open stated this
Those bastids created new cg's of my wife and cancelled development. Can't believe it!
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>stabbing the cake
Stop being such a tryhard edgelord Beatrix. That's the reason your bf didn't commit.
Hey, can you tell me where to get both faraway dawns?
the first is in altered fable, the second is in haruko maniax. Find a torrent for altered fable. I found the english partial patch for it here https://mega.nz/file/rswgnaQQ#s5vYpXI_wQslyJmM1syJI1hJbShEtJxTfVVM37ON5PA
Haruko Maniax might be harder to find but the second faraway dawn is even harder so the first should be plenty.
Are they still friends in the alternate continuity?
As in compared to the gacha or..?
age stream on now:

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The event was a little silly.
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She was right
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Tits too big
>may class rep and I always be horny together
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now i need that asset in high quality
looks like she pissed herself lol
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>See successful new game release
>Think "this could've been a great Muv-Luv game"

How many times have you thought this?
Unfortunately, all modern VNs are either gachas or hybrid VNRPGs like Persona.
Not much, Muv Luvs was a product of the times, and those times ended 10 years ago
You know what's funny? GunParade March, which is basically an unrecognized twin of muvluv, is also a VNRPG a la Persona but focused on Unlimited-like military slice of life along some combat missions here and there. All ML had to do was "borrow" that template for future releases rather than stay as a pure VN, what with P3's success and the established popularity Alternative had back then. Could have gone that route for TDA with Faraway Dawn gameplay.
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Lise, you're literally 3 feet off the ground. Get down from there.
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It's her cat genes activating.
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>GunParade March
W-why do I have the urge to rape this bitch even before knowing anything about that VN?
It's Kasumi all over again.
muv luv actually shares so many elements with gunparade march that nips have been saying Kouki ripped it off for like literally 20 years, with him denying it every time.
I used to believe him, but after playing the game for myself and seeing muv luv shit itself after the main trilogy again and again, I'm pretty certain he did do it but won't admit it because of his pride. Not like it would be a big deal. It's so bad that he will respond and get into arguments with complete rando no-name twitter users that don't even give a shit about muvluv, because the idea that it's a ripoff is so widespread over there that random people will just say it because they heard it elsewhere.
Why do her nipples poke out so much
OG trilogy had suit nipples, they were removed later in the series and erased from the re-releases and HD remasters.
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Remember what they took from you.
Lay it on me. Is there any hope? Things aren't looking better than they did in 2022. Is the kiminozo Kickstart even still around? The link in the OP is a year old
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No. Muv Luv is slowly coasting into the grave. When the Gacha dies, the IP will be buried. This thread is part of the long mourning process.
the kiminozo all ages kickstarter got funded because they attached retarded shit like "eat dinner with kouki" and "we will put your name somewhere into the actual game? where? no idea" to it
Then Tororo said they can only develop one game at a time so for the next year+ they're just gonna develop a port of an over 20 year old game
>kiminozo all ages
For whomst?
Well, I do like KGNE quite a lot, more than muv luv in some ways. But it's such a horny story, you can't really separate sex scenes from it. So many iconic scenes are 18+. I was laughing for 1.5 minutes when Daikuuji accidentally snowballs you and then it busy cuts to the credits with the bad end theme playing.
realistically we can hope they translate the remaining material, though right after they could put the ip on ice for the foreseeable future.
ideally it just gets sold to someone competent at a nice discount.
Are there any illustrations of what the jet version of the takemysushi would look like?
when ML dies buy the entire IP for like a dollar problem solved
some companies like EA don't even like selling IPs, they just keep them forever and let them rot.
First time poster here because a friend lent me his anime-streaming account and suggested I watch Muv-luv alternative total eclipse and I liked it, not gonna lie, I was surprised by the nudity and fanservice even If even if it was a little, never cared about ecchi but the only mecha I watched was 3 Gundams (Wing, Zeta and Seed) and read Mazinger Z so I was caught off guard. The story interested me and It's a pity that there wasn't another season, the whole conspiracy of this called "God" and FLR conspiration caught my attention, making me quickly binge the last episodes quickly.
Also I know about the games, I plan to buy next sale, I like VN games
I'd tell you to read the VNs but the franchise has shit itself so much in the last 10 years that all the shit you found interesting remains unresolved to this day
I think what they did with the espers is kind of like a reimagining of Four from zeta or just newtypes in general. Maybe they even did it better in muv luv, because the way zeta retells Four's story three times (Four, Four after they made her retarded and then Rosamia) is kind of like shamelessly trying to get enough content for 50 episodes. There's no similarities with Wing that I could remember and in SEED Kira becomes this savior, much like the protagonist in the original visual novel is a savior that the world was longing for (they have the same voice actor, actually).
I do like Total Eclipse anime, it's pretty fun and it's like the swan song of the lewd because I think they retired ecchi after that. At least the visual novel of the same name, that continues the story, is more of a kiddy friendly flavor. It was my introduction to the franchise too, I watched it when it aired and it was full of QUALITY, but they fixed it on blue rays.
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I am just going to not create an account HAHAHAH
the total eclipse anime was the last new mub rub with nipples and was also the last mub rub that was successful. coincidence? I don't think so.

also reminder that build fighters is the one gundam where the newtype girlfriend gets a good ending.
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Wait Schwarzesmarken didn't have any lewd? I thought there was something but maybe I'm just wrong
fade to black sex scene just like TE
there was implied rape and I think the original illustrations by carnelian had nipple bumps in the suits, but it didn't have any actual nudity. I think technically the last thing with titties was strike frontier which didn't shut down until 2018. the alternative mango also ran until 2017 apparently and had nudity, but I don't know when the last chapter to show it was.
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i love chizuru so much i could die
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I don't know why but something about women wearing glasses in anime pisses me off, is kinda like PTSD
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Chizuru pays her respects to this dead franchise. F
Completely natural reaction, glasses girls are shit.
Shitzuru a shit.
Perrine a shit.
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Chizuru a cute! CUTE!
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shut up class prez shill
She's cute, but she's such a narc.
Is this real? I stopped coming to these threads months ago and stopped by to check in.
Jealous that her tits are bigger?
Just pirate the latest lore magazines and check the afterword pages to see literally Kouki write about "If these books sell well enough it will be the first step to getting things moving again"
They stopped working on the VNs at some point and never started back up. More specfically, Kouki and his co-writers are still writing scripts and getting them approved by Avex, but absolutely nobody is doing any fucking development work to turn them into visual novels. His co-writer started working on the Eurofront script like 2-3 years ago at this point because they were already fully finished with Resonative.
Kouki supposedly ripped off Gunparade march? Do tell, I’m getting very curious now.
I dated a woman like her for some time.. absolutely never again.
Cuteness alone just ain't worth.
>WW2 going on
>Suddenly, a black moon appears and earth is swarmed by silent alien monsters who's sole purpose is to slaughter humans
>Humanity starts fighting them
>50 years later, Eurasia has fallen and the only countries still around are parts of America, Africa and Japan
>At last, the monsters begin their assault on Japan in Kyuushuu
>Japan fucks up the defense and most of the military dies
>Japan decides to turn Kumamoto into a giant military base and line of defense
>Japan decides to start drafting 14-17 year olds into the military even though survival rates are terrible
>Game takes place in military school where you hang out with your classmates, Japan has turned into a rightwing society where they jerk off the idea of modern day "Samurai"
>Humanity has developed mechas as a means of fighting the monsters
>Your main teacher is a crazy bitch with purple hair who constantly has her cleavage out
>Both games bring up the idea of "there are corpses buried under the cherry blossom trees" from that one poem, since depending on your choices all of your classmates will fucking die
>GPM released in 2000, Extra released in 2003
Just go on youtube and click through random scenes of the 2003 anime and you'll quickly see why nips can't shut the fuck up about the similarities
Ok, i gotta see this for myself, any way i can play gunparade translated?
no, it has never been translated. the Anime has though
Why was ML translated instead of this?
It's a buggy ps1 game that sony thought was so shit they literally gave it 0 PR budget only for it to go viral and sell 200k units
the PS2 was already out when it was released so an overseas release was never going to happen
My experiences with adaptations, this series being an example make me extremely suspicious of the anime, shame it was never translated.
There are other obscure PS1 rpgs that got translated.
He did a gunparade march doujin
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Hi. How's your Easter going, /m/uvluv?

I made a post on GameFAQs where I asked people if they want to see videos where I add random music to anime scenes, and I used my new video where I play the ending music from Point Break over the final scene from Perfect Blue as an example. I only got two replies, and they were both varying degrees of "No." So I guess I'm not going to do that any more.

I always thought it was more likely he ripped off All You Need is Kill during the 2004-2006 gap when he was trying to figure out how to explain all the timeline-hopping mechanics and continue Muv-Luv Unlimited (He even mentioned All You Need is Kill on his stream once)

Maybe he ripped off both.

>>At last, the monsters begin their assault on Japan in Kyuushuu

Oh no. :(
kill yourself
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Not bad.
1/144 scale Raptor fucking where Kotobukiya
*Infinites Raptor
I raped her ass in Muv Luv Duelist.
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Both. Both is good
Thought u were talkin to me for the second.
Integrate is out!
It's funny because I haven't listened to Kouki's podcast in 2 years and I've seemingly missed nothing of worth.
Just like Muvluv
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Need to bully Irisdina
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I want to bully her in the bedroom with Beatrix.
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Another update on my reread with my blind friends. Sorry for not posting in a while. By some miracle we've actually been pretty consistent in our get-togethers, so we've actually gotten pretty far into Alternative now.
I was actually really nervous about the coup arc, despite it having some of the most sound writing in the entire series. The most boisterous friend of the group has a famously short attention span, and I was sure he'd bring the mood down if the complicated political intrigue bored him. Surprisingly he ended up being pretty silent during the entire ordeal, except for when he expressed his hate for classrep whenever she'd push Takeru away. I do think he overall kind of didn't care much about the finer details though, so it seemed to me like he didn't enjoy the arc as much as I'd hoped. The others seemed pretty invested though. When Yuuhi was doing her whole self sacrifice speech, one of them even commented on the fact that her demeanor and voice actress made her seem like "a god, or deity" more than a human. This lead to them discussing the portrayal of nobility in fiction, which eventually concluded with them recognizing Yuuhi as one of the best portrayals of an emperor figure ever. Needless to say I was extatic that they were finally getting how great these characters can be.
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At this point in the series my friends were raring to see some actual combat. And I was really nervous about the fact that the coup arc kinda blue balls you at that point. My boisterous friend hates the chimera ant arc in HXH for having "no real fights", so I was once again nervous he'd not enjoy himself. Once again it went well, but I don't think they liked it quite as much as I did on my first read. I was fanboying tsukuyomi a lot during the arc, and they weren't really feeling her a lot for example. Neither did they really bite into the whole alternate pre-ww2 japan mentality(yet, we do end up having some intense discourse about it later down the line).
The Kasumi reveal made the boys realize they REALLY like Kasumi as a character. "If she dies, I will literally ragequit" was said just after her waking Takeru up one morning.
The returning to the extraverse twist came completely out of left field for them. Every single one of them was really surprised when the layerhopping machine was introduced. Sadly I think the early parts of this arc was one of the worst recieved parts of the whole bunch. There is a shitload of voiced Takeru flashbacks that really fuck with the pacing. On my first 2 readthroughs this didnt bother me at all, as i basically just skimmed through them without listening to the VA on my own. On auto this felt like a pretty big issue, though. A sentiment that was echoed by my friends. It seemed like my friends were getting really impatient with the story here. They just wanted to get "on to the epic part". Thank god that this part is really heavy on the Yuuko exposition scenes. Excluding Meiya and Sumika she is easily their favorite character.
The XM3 mock battle arc had my friends raring to go again. They really wanted to finally see Takeru tearing it up in his TSF.
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That's why they were laughing out loud when Takeru completely loses it as the Beta appear. They were fully expecting him to have become this crazy badass in battle at this point. The fact that we were stifling our laughter may be one of the downsides to groupreading like this, as I felt like it undermined the situation a little, but the gravitas came through all the while.
The chomp is by far my highlight of this little experiment. The discord channel was completely silent for the longest time since it's inception. We normally shoot in comments here and there, little "oohs" and "aahs" when something exciting happens, but in this scene it was as if the world had stopped. When the boys finally came to their senses they praised the shit out of the scene, and even managed to draw paralells to AOT. Our first point of major discourse comes when Takeru is getting "consoled" by Meiya after Marimo's death. Our boisterous friend threw a fit at Meiya for completely botchering the situation(which funnily completely mirrored Takeru's comments to her). And his comments were completely justified, as telling someone in a situation like that to just "suppress, and move past it" is a pretty dangerous thing. The discourse came of us telling him it was perfectly in character for pretty much anyone who'd grown up in the BETA-verse. And especially Meiya, who is pretty much the embodiment of the traditional Japanese(pre ww2) wartime mindset. He disagreed pretty heavily, and cited military history as being pretty "open emotionally" when it came to soldiers being affected by deaths. We ended up discussing this for about an hour, not really coming to a conclusion.
Cont some time later
Meiya being who she is is not necessarily historical in nature and is owed more to her background and "love nucleus" stuff.
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>My boisterous friend hates the chimera ant arc in HXH for having "no real fights"
Do you think the vaginas on the Soldier class are for canning people? Or is it some function of the reactor?
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>I was actually really nervous about the coup arc
If you're not a US citizen, the anti-Americanism of this arc won't bother you. ...Seriously, as far as I can tell, the Sagiri mutiny only infuriates the Yankees, because Washington is presented in a bad way there.

>Yuuhi as one of the best portrayals of an emperor figure ever.
Yeah, it’s no wonder that “For the Crown and the Kingdom!” sounds more inspiring than “For democracy!” After all, the idea of “Noblesse Obliges” is backed by thousands of years of human history, and republicanism is just an anomaly in the development of civilization.

>The Kasumi reveal made the boys realize they REALLY like Kasumi as a character.
Kasumi, by the way, is Russian - are they not going to “cancel” her because of Ukraine?

>who is pretty much the embodiment of the traditional Japanese(pre ww2) wartime mindset
It’s more likely just a rejection of any other point of view, with the exception of your own. It is also aggravated by a disdainful attitude towards foreign culture as “barbaric”...
>be author
>post brutal chapter with good lewds and decent action
>me the reader hopes the story FINALLY gets going with more like this
>next chapter, no lewds and Takeru gets taken down like a faggot
>except sike, he can brainwash people now for some reason
>rather than turn the enemy into allies he convinces them to remain as enemies
>Takeru faints from bloodloss, didn't accomplish shit
>author apologizes for the prior chapter and won't post lewds or good action anymore
>also the author "no good vibes here either lol"

BRUH WTF Who is this story even for?! For a second I thought there was a sick twist coming, I was so expecting Takeru to bust in and save the day or to get something going with the Tsukuyomi in the last part but then the brainwashing came from nowhere and all to make them get against him? And then the apologies. jfc man just write what you want worst thing is the lewds went sooo hard too.
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The writer has a vision in their head only they can see, and they'll keep banging their head against a brick wall to realize it until they give up and try yet again. At this point all you can do is let their autism drive then to write another million words that goes nowhere and then stops before anything good happens. The English Muv Luv fanfic sphere is a barren wasteland with no great standout works that I know of, not that unlike the English Muv Luv fandom as a whole. Japan gets Wei Luxin writing fanfics for them, what do we get?
That's the thing, stuff would have gone down HARD if Takeru did literally anything except mindwash both Tsukuyomi to be his mortal enemies for reasons. Between the background yuri and nice jokes here and there I had hope and the lewds hit hard since no one expects the cast getting SA'ed but I was so ready for Takeru to take that bitch up on the offer, that fight was peak blueballing to end like that. I can't see how this can go on, Takeru is literally bleeding away now. I'd go and comment something but the autist takes everything badly. Even if it's NTR, which it is no matter what excuses the author puts up, just get to a fucking ending for once. I don't even mind another million words if they lead somewhere.
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Jesse what the fuck are you talking about
I want to learn Japanese to read untranslated VNs, does anyone have any recommendations on how to go about this?
best bet would be to find any place that does classes in Jap but if you don't wanna try doing self study that's my best guess
Self study is my only option actually since I’m in grad school.
The Daily Japanese Thread on /jp/
don't stick around the DJT thread, it's filled to the brim with people that just grind anki for literal decades and jerk each other off about knowing ancient kanji that haven't been in use for 300 years, and worship e-celebs. Then they cry about not knowing the language after all the time they have invested. Get their resource links and never look back
learn your kana, i used the flashcards on realkana.com
after that pickup a grammar textbook and start doing anki flashcards on a japanese core 2k deck daily
I'm being a seething fag over a fanfic that I keep going back to like a bitch.
There are glimpses of something more in that dude's work, and you gotta admire the drive to write a million words two or three times over in search of that unattainable perfect vision. He's like the Mike Oldfield of Muv Luv fanfic writers, except it ain't Tubular Bells he's making.
It's for babymaking sex with the BETA
I just want the guy to stick to something, whatever these 'visions' or 'glimpses' are. No, he ain't making Tubular Bells or anything remotely close in quality but it fucking blows that whenever there's a decent chapter and people whine about it he steps back and apologizes. I honestly don't see anything to admire there, would rather him trust in this vision and just go off the deep end like the story clearly hints at all the time but never delivers on. Again, I'm just seething like a fag that doesn't wanna move on from this franchise just yet.
Babymaking sex with Kasumi
Read Tae Kim's guide, then go through all the kanji on kanjidamage, then read tae kim's guide again, that's what worked for me. Then I started to manually add any new kanji I encounter to a separate deck because kanjidamage only has around 1750. But you'll have a framework to do it if you learn all the building blocks from KD.
any updates on the sequel? axed? shelved? dev hell?
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The most important thing to do if you want to learn japanese is to read https://tatsumoto.neocities.org/
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afaik dev hell but possibly the other 2
still waiting to hear about their last gacha attempt at making money
if it was enough of a success pfff maybe we will get something?
So no April fools joke this year from their official page?

Muv Luv definitely peaked in 2013/14 when TE VN and Chronicles came out. Schwarzesmarken was the last decent thing. Immortals wasted all their money and the 2021/22 anime adaptation was half-assed.

If they had put money on a new VN sequel it would have worked. But they are afraid of VN piracy so gacha is the main source of income for most VN companies.

Back in 2013, I was willing and paid 10000 jpy each for many of the rare Volks figures.
I meant Project Mikhail wasted all their money. Basically the Tokyo 2020 olympics for them.
When the gacha failed they said in a livestream development on the VNs has stopped in all aspects other than Kouki writing random shit because they need to focus on relaunching the gacha. The Anchor CEO also got fired and replaced.
When the gacha relaunched there was an online stockholder meeting at Avex where Avex said the future of new muv luv games depends on how well the gacha sells. Kouki then tweeted about this and told everyone to support the game if they want the VNs to come out
After the Kiminozo kickstarter got funded Tororo said that with Anchor in its current state, they can only develop one game at a time, and that the Kiminozo port would now occupy this slot for a year or so.

They're literally not doing anything at all, that's why there are zero new trailers or images. The gacha sales are only okay if the plan was to make a low budget kusoge for the fans and nobody else, but I very much doubt that since the company running is turns out to be in massive financial trouble.
So basically, they are not making enough money to release anything new like Resonative and Integrate, but just profit enough to keep this franchise going by slowly releasing translations, porting old games, and doing the bare minimum every year.
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Hello there. Which PS1 menu screen art are you supposed to be?
Now ask yourself what happens when they run out of things to port (assuming Avex doesn't shut them down before that)
they don't even have a sister company releasing short low budget VNs or anything. They've pretty much done fucking nothing for 8 years straight
There's a fair backlog. SM1 and 2 are untouched, as is War Ensemble, Last Divers, they could even spin Owarinaki as an entry if they get desperate.
There's plenty of shitty Muv Luv fanfics out there, but here's a somewhat decent one.

>Schwarzesmarken was the last decent thing.
It was bad, but at least it was a real vn.
The one you can't read in Japanese
why is being a fan of this series so painful
i just want to finish TDA so I can move on from this series... but there's still no news.
I just wanted to share some nice titties man
man I was bored fall these years rom waiting that I actually unearthed all of Leymei's unscanned doujins that ain't on the panda
The fanbase is full of retards that enable actual grifters.
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honestly the facf that immortals/dimensions pulled new OCs out their ass instead of bringing the strike frontier ones back is just baffling to me. We're just going to throw a new set of characters into the trashcan every gacha attempt?
Don't worry, this'll probably be the last one.
any latrova or stella ones?
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just meiya stuff.
he has a lot of it
kinda wish he did more Mana stuff too
oh well, RIP.
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Leymei drew really good TSFs, this Phantom looks amazing. Poor bugger died too young, they should have been able to make a full manga series like Asuza Maxima did with the Alt Manga. It would have looked amazing.
leymei is a fag
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Ever going to upload it to Sad Panda?
NTA but I have the same doujin scanned and almost cleaned.
Actually? Good idea. I don't want to lose it.
Not this one, actually. Which one is this?
Things I've done in the time since I bought a PS5 solely to play Stellar Blade:

- Wrote a Stellar Blade fanfic, which opens up with a quote rambling about Metroid and Muv-Luv
- Added a Stellar Blade-inspired alternate title to one of the chapters in "Tetris Maintenance," a Mai Otome fanfic with certain familiar stylistic choices
- Added some notes about Stellar Blade's seamless blending of design styles to "Toasted Mayonnaise," a Mai Otome fanfic that's actually a porno parody of Muv-Luv
I imagine there must be a version of the cadet suit where you could fully see the nipples that existed at some stage in development before age thought "no this is too much even for eroge" and dialed it back.
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At least I still got muh Red Zook.
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Watching the JAL 123 crash cockpit voice recording on youtube and something about it from the map color scheme to the heavily accented English to the alarms just brought MLA sensations flooding back, it's uncanny.

So if we never get a proper sequel who's gonna be the first to post their AI-made fanfic here?
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We'd never be that desperate.
Has anyone got the Yoroi Sakon Deez Nuts image anywhere? Need it for someone who's just about to reach that part of the VN.
I am a mercenary in the Muv-Luv universe with extraordinary skills and wit. A former eishi of an undisclosed nation, I happen to posses exclusive top secret knowledge on how to defeat the BETA once and for all and wipe them off the face of the planet. I have demonstrated only but a fraction of my indispensable secret knowledge to very powerful world leaders and the Russians have taken a great interest in me. They cut a deal under the table with me that if I gave them this knowledge on how to defeat the BETA, they would give me anything I wanted - land, money, power. I asked for only one thing. So they gave me Latrova as a 24/7 live onahole cum toilet sex slave.
Hot. With a ring gag, I hope.
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So then I took the whore and left them hanging. haha! Devilish!
As of this maintenance, Project MIKHAIL will conclude its early access period. We appreciate your continued support of Project MIKHAIL.
holy dead
Instead of making whatever project mikhail was they should have struck a deal with d3publisher and let Sandlot make a muv-luv game. It would look like shit but it would at least be fun.
>grim and grit subverted by B-movie jank and TSFs getting ragdolled across the maps faster than they boost
I'd fund it
being suffocated to death by stella's giant stellas
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You have to at least post some Stella titties. Also Tarisa's birthday.
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>chobi birthday
>12 years since TE anime
Fuck. How time flies.
>9 years since the Kickstarter
in 2 years âge will not have released a visual novel for 10 years.
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should I buy, put a generic steam crack, refund and upload it here as a final fuck you to Age? judging from the news they're getting rid of online only right?
it's literally not even worth playing
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holy fucking kek why are there badly animated vtubers here. Anyway the crack works but i have no idea where to upload it (9 gb)
Movement is janky as fuck, I don't know if I'm shooting the gun or not because the sound mixing is fucked. A lot of voice acting surprisingly? I'm getting FPS hits even though the Gundam games on PS2 looks better than this
5years in the making, but I finally got my friend to commit to Muv-Luv, and we've just started Alternative. Hilarious to think he thinks Kasumi is a time-looper too because she knew about the game guy
The Vtubers are apparently characters from Kaseki no Uta, one of Age's earliest games.
Glad it worked out for you. One of my friends randomly brings it up and tries to assure me that he'll read it "soon" even though I gave a long time ago and haven't mentioned it since at least 2021.
How long has it been since Intergate’s announcement?
how does one shit up?
it got announced in 2019.
By getting really, really constipated and then having an enema.
Question: is Yoroi Sakon a transphobe?
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Yes, but not as much as Takeru
I haven't been on any MuvLuv threads since SM finished. What's with this Halcon guy?
Some faggot artist
How does wanting a boy make you transphobic? This looks like something you'd find on Twitter from people who hate Muv-Luv
jesus we just did the 12/5 incident in 1 sitting, I remember it feeling like it was 3hours is, but jesus it's closer to 6
>tfw you were alive to witness the golden age of Japanese VNs and also the decline
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new dimensions event is bunny suits.
what a joke of a game
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nice boobs
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Muv Luv if she real
This looks very dumb lol
He's a guy who makes some good H content, not sure what that one dudes issue with him is
I would have less of an issue with random gag content if it wasn't locked behind jewish gacha.
Same reason people don't like Otoo, dumbass.
And that would be?
Thats a man
friends about to start the XM3 trials and I get to have a front seat to the 991
Astonishing response, really.
What episodes of the anime can I skip if I don’t care about the pilots and just want to see mechs fighting the monsters
It's not gay if it's a russian
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Chizuru's ending in Extra made me want a small, naggy wife to mating press.
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Why is this bitch wearing her glasses in the shower
Just finished Kino-Luv alternative, I want more.
with mechas the closest I've found is Baldr Sky
without them its Chusingura46+1
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play photonflowers/melodies/TDA
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is that old lady from Jam project still a fan
I love how unapologetic Muv-Luv is at info-dumping in briefings, like, listening to Isumi ramble on about BETAs for an hour is just great
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fr, why did they need to caution tape the fubuki
I hate this whiny faggot so much its unreal
I would've done a better job
in a still not secure warzone no less
>dun dudun dududun
>dun dudun dududun
>dun dudun dududun
>dun dudun dududun
Redpill me on both.
BS has a multiverse and it features mechas.. I think the similarities end there. Did not like the ending but I had more fun than expected with the gameplay.
Chusingura is the one that comes closer to MLU/A in spirit. However it's a story about samurai in an older period which I forgot the name. Despite at first looking like a cheap eroge it does go in depth in telling the story of the real world event which uses as foundation and driving narrative, by the end you will know a lot about everything that happened. I recommend just trusting (Me) here and going blind on this one, you can even get the first chapter for free on steam to see if it strikes your fancy.
In both games I found the MC to be better than takeru and in both as the game progresses the routes start getting more and more different than the previous. Both vns are long as fuck. Engrish release of BS has patch for sexo but Chusingura don't.
It's been about 3 years since I read it but I always felt like baldr sky was intentionally somewhat similar to Muv-Luv so that the later twist would be more effective.
Like how you're sort of lead to believe that Kuu has a overarching multiversal role sort of similar to how Sumika is a causality conductor, by appearing over the routes and being clearly aware of the other routes. Also Sora isn't present (dead) by the start of the story like Sumika (brained) in MLU/MLA. This then leads into twist that Kou was really the one who died flipping expectations on it's head. It also uses the kinetic VN format as a part or the storytelling in a way very similar to MLU, although this is possible more of a stetch. It's also pretty funny how you can do a similar comparison with other Muv-Luv-inspired works like Attack On Titan. Ymir=Sumika, paths=multiverse, royalty as part of main character's group at the beginning, MC eventually joins a crew of elite jobbers post-training, coup, ackermans=espers. It's too bad Isayama didn't copy having a decent ending.
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her right shoe (our left) and that lacrosse stick are fucked
Is there anything for a fan of the VN in the anime, will I get any satisfaction out of the battle at least, because I know there is no way to condense 100hrs of emotions into 12episodes
shame, re-reading Alt for the Umpteenth with my friend and we just finished Sado-arc, and I'm feeling that same pain deep in my chest like I always do knowing whats ahead. Wanted something to distract me from that
I see people complaining about those scenes and it just makes me think their attention span is trash because I was completely immersed during them, it didn't even feel like an hour to me.
You know love is blind because at first I thought she looked good here, until I did a retake and yeah they really did my waifu dirty here.
I had this as my wallpaper for a while but it made my room have some serious bad mojo so I took it off.
the tsf 3dcg was pretty good
TSF animations, OST and I personally enjoyed the anime original scenes (the entire first episode being one for example). Seeing the fall of Sadogashima and Komaki's point of view on various events was great. Izumi being an "uncharacteristically" harsh commander on the noobs during the coup arc was a side of her that was nice to see. (No noobs alive in the Valkyries by the time we meet her in the VN.) I wish they did more of that. Expanding the setting and POVs. I don't know why they ever thought they could succeed in adapting ONLY alternative in 2-3 seasons while skipping extra and unlimited entirely. Maybe Kouki finally gave up and decided to at least get something off his bucket list.
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based indeed
Aside from the first episode, most or all of the new scenes were from the manga (which the anime actually adapted, not the VN).
Are chizurufags overrepresented now? I swear I didn't hear much about her before but now she seems to have a cult following.
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Oh yeah I forgot there was a manga as well
She's always had a loyal fanbase here, but certainly not the biggest of the original cast. Maybe everyone else is just gone and only the chizurufags are still around, unable to let go.
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Reaching the end of my blind Alternative playthrough right now. I'm growing increasingly concerned that there won't be a Mrs. Kyouzuka h scene. Also, the pivot to mind break breast expansion tentacle rape clit fucking during 00mika's confession made me die laughing. Kind of ruined some of the drama desu. Great set of stories, though. Can't believe people actually skip Extra and go straight to the others.
That's why the family friendly version is the best. The way the scene was done felt like they truly expected you to jack off to Takeru getting tentacle NTR'd (hey maybe some did get their rocks off, I'm not gonna judge) but it felt so out of place.
>The way the scene was done felt like they truly expected you to jack off
I did!
How the family friendly version handles the porn? The scene is still implied but simply skipped?
Planning to read the trilogy with my online friend but not sure I want the porn interruptions, at least not in a duo reading like this.
still there
The scene still happens but there's none of the NSFW CG's, they only kept the relatively tame ones. It's a more tasteful depiction of sexual violence that's for sure and feels more streamlined with the overall vibe of the VN.
As someone that played this version for my first blind playthrough, I think it had the intended "WTF but still sad" effect without breaking my suspension of disbelief.
Just finished alternative with my friend, and I have the same pit in my stomach as always.
Like, I know nothing will ever be comparable to alternative, because nothing will ever be as long winded and drawn out as Alternative.
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The delicious slowburn is the greatest thing about Muv-Luv, it wouldn't work at all if it was just one game.
it's odd that, if you broke muv-luv down in 23minute episodes, it'd be around 200ish, yet carries significantly more emotional weight then any piece of shounen shit
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Top is Rika, bottom is Suzuha I assume, who's the middle one?
That's because visual novels don't get milked dry by streching out arcs longer that they need to be or adding retarded filler, or giving a character plot armor just because they are currently popular. Attack on Titan for example, tried to be Muv-Luv so hard but failed spectacularly at the ending when it tried to please everyone and make sure it could still make money through merch at the same time.
Of course, goycattle don't care if the overarching story is good, only if the characters they identify with come out looking good, so it all works out for them.
yeah avengers-type endings make the goyim clap like seals every time. look at how popular umineko is in the west when half of its last chapter was a freaking EPIC avengers team up battle with zero meaning or substance
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Bottom is Nanoha.
>Higurashi takes place in 1983
>Schwarzesmarken takes place in 1983
Was it a reference?
Gunparade March did it fine.
That doesn't work.
>Extra/Unlimited in 13 episodes
>Alternative in 26
That's much better.
meh, it was just alright imo.
You never played it.
if you say so
At minimum, extra/unlim could probably be covered in 2 cours, with events to be covered from extra being selectively chosen to give all the characters some time in the spotlight. Alternative would probably need at least 4 to cover the content but probably wouldn't break down nicely if it was strictly fit into 12 episode segments with some climax expected at the end of each. We saw the anime speedrun the lead up to the coup but maybe something like that would be passable if the exposition was left to Unlimited as it originally was.
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Bully the dork!
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I prefer sexual bullying.
>>At minimum, extra/unlim could probably be covered in 2 cours,
LOL, no.
6 episodes for Extra focusing on Sumika, 6 for Unlimited focusing on Meiya.
your lore dumps and exposition? intro, initial dumps + betaverse squad intro, ccse, tama + hsst, tsf training, volcano, and christmas + ending are all at least an episode each and even then they'd have to be speedran to fit that. only focusing on one or the other would sideline the rest of the squad and would result in the end product having the same reception as the anime from this timeline. 12 each or some split like 10/14 would be enough to cover the higher character moments for the extraverse side (ie. room for at least an episode dedicated to each side character, as well as a sumika end), all the important parts of introducing the betaverse and the key points that takeru changes in the alt timeline, as well as each of the unlimited arcs that focuses on the squad members. Unlimited is far shorter than extra but it has more content that is integral to alternative.
>your lore dumps and exposition?
Worthless. Play the VN for that, tardo.
nah have 200 episodes covering everything in intrinsic detail down to a t
they can't even finish alternative and you guys are coping about fictional adaptions lmao
I never played Muv Luv but my favorite Gundam is SEED and I heard this was familiar to it. Would that be right?
Tbh, you don't really have to cover much of Extra. You can easily stir it into 6 episodes with a original take on it. Unlimited would definitely need 12 episodes though.

Alternative at 36 episodes would be good for it. I'm going to be honest, the mumble jumble infodump isn't really required in an anime adaptation.
no because seed is shit and muv-luv is good. are you from SEA?

>300k views video about the flop gacha that's actually a subtle bait to get people to know more about the OG trilogy
kinda based
Haven't been following much since Teito Moyu released and following the Kiminozo crowdfund a bit. As there been any movement or info about anything going on whether translation, new titles, etc? I know the Switch versions recently released but is there anything else? Have there been any updates on Kiminozo?
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Do Germans really?
Lise is a whore, ten billion stds
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There are no news about anything
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All of the BETA simulate rather well, except the fort class which are stupid. I feel like the Faraway Dawn devs were trying to make a point with them; just free XP in an otherwise brutal game. They're just too damn big despite lacking a ranged weapon. If they were standing on a hill in Sadogashima A TSF would be able to shoot them from the mainland while standing at sea level. The fort class has the benefit of scene transitions most of the time which allow it to appear suddenly, but realistically you'd be aware of the position of every fort class on your landmass just eyeballing it, and they'd never get close enough to accomplish anything -there's a huge gap between when all your firepower would be concentrated on the forts to when the first other BETA strain would crest the horizon, to the point even walking up out of the ocean onto the beach wouldn't be enough and you'd just see their fugly heads bobbing around in the sea before a BETA army reached you.
The games do a good job simulating the benefits of both TSFs and tanks in terms of height, with TSFs prioritizing targets behind the frontline and shooting around corners, and tanks being better against laser class from their low profile. The terrain matters a lot and it's terrifying to see the BETA make flatlands toward you and leave no cover for TSFs, but the forts are so huge you can shoot them even if they're behind multiple highrise buildings.
It's kinda funny, if the forts all had lasers there'd be no viable weapon to use against them and nowhere to hide, so you can really see the BETA going easy on us.
Meat and a starch is a staple meal across the world.
Anchor got off lucky too because his research was very lacking so he didn't even bring up the worst shit.
Lise is a cutie, ten billion blue ribbons
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I need to do impregnation sex with raptor-chan
Yes indeed
Sad to see the gacha drama is the main source of attention for this series other than the terrible anime in recent years.
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Happy birthday and happy mothers day to Latrova!
Lise is a woman who could have been like a mother to me.
Someone is working on finishing the fan translation for altered fable https://vndb.org/r122598
What's the difference between blue ribbons Lise and red ribbons Lise?
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One is actually Arthur while the other is Nero but sometimes Mordred
Anon when will you learn that Lise is a stupid Stasi whore dog
I need milf Lise now
Is it even worth it? They admit to primarily using chatGPT
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To be fair, isn't that the point of the Fort-class? Big, dumb targets that draw the attention of enemy forces for the smaller strains? After all, one shot spent trying to kill a Fort-class is one not spent shooting the eye of a Laser or Heavy Laser.
Chizuru without her glasses is like Meiya without her hair vents
lise is pure and i have six million children with her
dimensions is heading for a new record low month. Kinda telling that the game only makes money when there's a collab.
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Just finished TE, WTF was his plan at the end? Run away with Cryska where to? Did he subject her to suffer feeling her body rot apart just so he could fuck her once? After that, did he even know he would get picked up by Latrova or was he just hoping he wouldn't be hunted down and skinned alive by the CIA and KGB after stealing 2 state secrets of 2 different nuclear powers? Just how much influence did Latrova have anyway not to let Sandek or any other Soviet Politician grab his ass and haul him into prison? Did he fuck Fikatsia at least once?
Freedom loving Americans don't let themselves get tied down by bullshit like that and just do what they want
>so you can really see the BETA going easy on us.
Well, they are not "going easy" the admin just doesn't understand what the big deal is. They are mining machine templates being repurposed to rebuff and stop humanity's aggression at this stage and once it is go time the Beta stop fucking around and the fort class comes back as a big fucking artillery battery.
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if you wanna believe strike frontier he fucked Latrova and Nastassja
but do they do what they need?
Depends on equipment, Takeru stomps no matter what if he is in the Xb-70
I guess that makes sense if they're a breakthrough unit, but the BETA are special in they ignore logistics so they can mass as many troops in one area as they want. I guess it's pointless to consider when they probably use that unit composition because it's effective for digging.
If it's a Death Battle it'll come down to some stupid bullshit factoid about who's timetravel is on a higher power level, or the Moh scale 15 shit. Takeru's basically Levi but he never sprains his ankle.
Based. Truly the Russian Fucker
One time Kouki went on a whole rant about how he doesn't consider strike frontier part of his multiverse because he just let the other âge guys do whatever they wanted, which is probably one of the silliest things I've seen a creative trying to shill his IP say.
Kouki is a melting pot of halfbaked ideas, none of them more put together than SF was so it's all on the same level to me
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If the USA didn't engage in their cowboy bullshit and took into account the combat experience of countries fighting BETA...
Guns > Sword
Cry about it Tojo
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What do evil woman titties feel like?
why is the muv luv fandom so toxic?
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Like a piece of heaven.
Because it only consists of two types of people.
>Fans that have grown disillusioned with the franchise due to the last 10 fucking years
>Fans that love it so much they will even defend literal scams
define "toxic"
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PIck a bunny.
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>top tsun
>smelly french womanlet
>germ gore enthusiast
>sagiri's used goods
gimme Marimo or give me death!
>smelly french womanlet
Could be worse. Could be Ilfr*ede.
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>Gooned to Sumika again

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