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WHAAAAAAT?! Hayato, my old comrade in arms, what brings you here? You want to tell me how much you ENJOY FUCKING FRAW BOW?! And you want me to TEST THE NEW BETA GUNDAM?! I won't even get to fly it, instead my OXYGEN-DEFICIENT FATHER will create a special device that will increase its performance BASED ON HOW MANY TIMES I PASSIVELY WATCH YOU RAIL FRAW?! You will install hundreds of screen in my house that I WILL NEVER LEAVE that will show nothing but YOUR MEGA-BEAM CANNON destroying Fraw's DELICATE HULL MILLIONS OF TIMES ON REPEAT?! You and her will repopulate entire colonies and your children will grow DESPISING me for turning from a WAR HERO INTO A PATHETIC KEK to the point the entire human race will call me the FIRST EVER KEKTYPE?! What's that? CHAR AZNABLE WILL COME HERE TO LAUGH AT ME?! He will also describe in EXCRUCIATING DETAIL hundreds of his sexual experiences with Lalah before I VAPORIZED HER and we will communicate with her psyche scattered throughout the cosmos so she can tell me HOW DISGUSTED SHE IS BY ME?! All while footage of YOU UNLEASHING YOUR WILDEST SEXUAL FANTASIES upon Fraw's TENDER BODY plays in the background and I can't avoid looking at it?! What can I say? LET'S DO THIS HAYATO! AMURO! IKIMASU!
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Meanwhile, in canon.
>in canon
>posts non canon
That's my fucking hero right there
Is this scene why Zeta was so divisive?
fuck off yas
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These screeds are why I still read 4chan. Thanks for the KEKs
Anime adaptation of this when?
How do you think Fraw reacted when she found out Hayato and Katz died?
Cursed Amuro and his craving for war.
Then rejoiced in 0093
>falls down stairs
>never seen again
did he died?
She correctly blamed the cucktype obviously
Kill yourself.
>Meanwhile, in [Yas's headcanon]
Doesnt need to be canon, Fraw kept thirsting for amuro in Zeta
I mean there already was a character that slipped and died in a retarded fashion so I can see it happening with Amuro's dad
You put a lot of effort into a joke that's not funny
She's not the only one.
In The Origin he died after that fall. I know, I know, not canon but still.
Nah, I don't know how much effort he put in but it's funny.
Not his fault Amuro was on house arrest for SEVEN (7) years.
Amuro wouldn't talk that much.
Hayato wrote this before going to dublin knowing Fraw was gunna keep watering over amuro after the colony drop
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Canonically the military keep sending women to Amuro's home once or twice a week so he got around more than your average fuckboi these days during his Zeta era.
how the fuck is this thread still up?
Canonically, Hayato was a shit husband and a shit father. He drowned himself in working for Karaba, he did nothing to prevent Katz from becoming a pilot, instead of crushing that nonsense he let the hero worship fester. He purposefully sacrificed his life in ZZ out of shame for his being a shit father/husband. He forever chased after the shadow and tried to "Outdo" someone who never once saw him as a rival nor did he ever see it as a competition. People say Yaz made Hayato pathetic in that one shot. No, Hayato was pathetic and Yaz showed a variant of that pathetic nature.
Mods are purposely allowing the site to go to shit.
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How many bastard Newtype children are living with single mothers on Earth right now thanks to Amuro pumping and dumping random prostitutes on the military dime? Give me a rough estimate.
Banagher and every UC protagonist onwards who were newtypes are actually amuros kids (probably)
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An even dozen. It was The Federation's answer to the Puru program, but instead of cloning Amruo they would create a super Newtype army via him knocking up random sex workers over the course of seven years.

Most of them were Indian women btw.
Superpower by U.C. 100
This is the best thread on /m/ tho
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Char knew this Newtype breeding program was happening, and thus attempted to drop Axis onto the earth before his own sister would fall victim to the Federations nefarious plans to get Amuro some puss. Casval Rem Diekun is a hero.
You have my gratitude, Liutenant Coomer.
Are there any for the sequel series?
I don't think so. He did a longer 0079 one but I think that was it.
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Boy, I got news for you.
I love it when Emma Sheen gets double penetrated in AEUG orgy.
How the fuck is this /dbs/ shitpost thread still up?
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it's about a mecha anime isn't it.
Tomino really had it in for Katz.
I dislike him for the filler scenes and screeching as a child in 0079, but in Zeta he saves Kamille's skin at least 3 times, while once they fight in space he needs to rescued only once.
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This makes me laugh every fucking time. Like he has to get on his knees and BEG Amuro not to be cucked.
Who is Sayla cucking Amuro with in the anime storyline?
There's plenty of horny medical students at the very least
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Really our KEKTYPE was lusting for pic related all along
Why does Yas hate him so much?
Dios mio muy ovarios.
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This one?
He was way worse in Zeta. Not only did he allow Sarah to escape, but he sortied multiple times without permission and generally had to be babysat more than during 0079 ironically enough
He fucking said this.
Full house digits btw

Every timeline in which Amuro gets with a woman, he gets a bad ending:
>gets it on with Sayla in the novel
DEAD at A Baoa Qu
>goldigger Beltorchicka locks him down with a baby (BC novel)
DEAD at Axis
>Amuro survives Beltorchicka and gets with his mechanic Chan
DEAD at Axis

Hence he should've really gotten together with Char
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There's no guarantee our cucktype friend would've lived a longer life as Char's wife (male).
He might have taken a hit for him akin to Lalah.
To be announced for the 50th anniversary celebration!
>Most of them were Indian women btw.
Amuro...is not char
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Why aren't we talking about Char, The Man Who Was Cucked To Death™?
Nobody cucked him but himself. Quattro should've just announced he was gay to the whole crew and started feeling up Kamille.
And then Haman would have killed herself and that would have taken care of Neo Zeon.

What a dumb piece of shit.
Doesn't Fraw IMMEDIATELY wish she'd fucked Amuro instead of Hayato when she's trying to convince him to join the AEUG in Zeta?

Also, I can't really blame Amuro for not wanting anyone after Lalah. They were pretty much mind-melded in Beyond The Time and then he felt her die. Kinda harshes you boner.
Not really. She actually teases him about not being married or together with Sayla.
At least Hayato shows some degree of maturity, being a father and providing for his family.
damn. That's fucking brutal. Wouldn't even mind if this became canon. Really makes amuro even more of some unfortunate isolated PTSD savant.
The fact it just bounces off rather than exploding just makes it seem even more pathetic.
He doesn't even go out in a blaze of glory like a man. He's such a lame kid.
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>Hayato dies off screen
Can't even give a decent send off to an OG White Base crew member? Fuck you ZZ.
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That way he would have saved Kamille, himself, and put UC on the good timeline
I don't think a single OG crew member was treated decently in ZZ
It wasn't you see his Dodai Kai explode onscreen
I've seen MSG and Z Gundam, I didn't pick up any signs Fraw was still into Amuro and just using Hayato.
Even the Federation is smart enough to equip its women with a ballute system. By UC100 they all had a beam diaphragm.
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Did you know that according to CDA Char Aznable just loves to raw dog? Pic completely unrelated. This is not the person he came inside uncontrollably.
The fact that Char did not bang this clears him of all the lolicon allegations imo
Char was mad that Amuro didn't marry his sister so he dropped Axis on Earth
Char is one of those people who would like Sayla's kids with Amuro more than his own children.
that's extremely sensible, his sister is better than him in every way and is there anybody he could possibly fuck who's cooler than Amuro
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I kinda like the idea that Amuro just puts him in a fancy Mental Health Center and he visits him every few months and his dad keeps giving him more random crap to ad to the Gundam. Like he's gotten a 'little' better but he's fuckin obsessed with the Gundam still.
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Char is one of those people that would put a car seat in a gold Lamborghini.
>Char is one of those people that would put a car seat
>in a car
As opposed to what?
Some car maker should sell a Hyaku Shining custom version of their muscle car.
Not actual gold coated though, otherwise only sheiks and CCP assholes could afford it
just do a titanium nitride coating on a cybertruck
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Kamille wouldn't, because he didn't respect Char because Char didn't respect himself.
And Char didn't press on because he knew Kamille was better than him.
Judau is meant for (fully rehabilitated) Kamille
I've never read CDA, what even happens between him and Haman?
Crap? No anon theyre highly advanced upgrades that could be used in the destroyed gundam
CDA takes place at Axis asteroid and covers 0080 to 0087. Most of Axis follows two main factions/beliefs. Char and friends just want to live normally for now and maybe find a way to coexist with the Feds in the long term. The second group consists of all of the bad guys, they want to restart the war with the Feds.

Anyway, Char's group kinda suspects that the bad guys are up to no good, but they never make it a priority to investigate. It's goddamned infuriating. They just assign 3 people to look into it, and then Char and friends sorta just go with the flow and have random adventures and soap opera level drama for like 13 volumes of manga. Unsurprisingly the investigation fails and the warmongers' schemes are successful, they take political control of Axis and somehow manipulate Haman into unknowingly taking their side.

This entire time, Haman has a schoolgirl crush on Char, but never does anything from her end about it other than staring from afar. In the end, Haman becomes heartbroken after finding out that Char was in a relationship with a woman who was mutual friend of theirs, someone that Haman looked up to as an older sister figure... that woman as it turns out is also pregnant with Char's baby and previously was also blackmailed into working for the warmongers and was part of a scheme where the warmonger faction tried to seduce/rape Haman into joining their side. Said woman gets murdered shortly after the truth comes out. Haman becomes cold and distant, while Char is internally heartbroken at the loss of his girlfriend and potential child. The friction and tension between them leads to Char leaving Axis, under the supposed assignment of infiltrating the Earthsphere as an spy for Axis, but in reality he no longer has anything to live for at Axis so he's self-exiling himself, and going on a journey to bottle up his emotions and look for some thing new to do far away from Axis. From there he takes on the Quattro identity and starts up the AEUG.
>Amuro doesn't have the heart to tell him that his Gundam got blown up
Is there anything similar for 0088-0093?
For Char I mean, cause I heard Moon Gundam is set after ZZ and before CCA but he hasn't shown up
>lose your GF and baby
>go on a mission to the Earth to find yourself maybe
>meet Amuro, your greatest rival
>feel something for once in your life
>he tells you that he's going to sacrifice you to the gods of politics for absolutely no reason
>fuck off again and become space hitler
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There's Zeta Define, which is a direct sequel to the Char's Deleted Affair manga. So far it is a retelling of the Zeta Gundam story with differences here and there, no idea if they'll go beyond that to cover the ~5 years between 0088 to 0093. If they do, it might take another 15 years to finish as the CDA manga ran from 2001 to 2009 and Zeta Define manga started in 2011 and is still ongoing as of this point in time.

There is an -unrelated- manga called MSV-R: Return of Johnny Ridden, set in UC0090. It doesn't focus on Char, but Char and his Neo Zeon faction show up 14 volumes into the story as another group chasing after the story's treasure that everyone wants. It's a little bit related to what you want because it includes two characters named Arlette and Danton in Char's group who are recent additions to the UC lore, introduced as loyal friends of Char. I guess someone at Sunrise realized that going by his actions, Char seems like a loner psychopath and needed friends who were normal. They sometimes use the characters to talk about Char from a different perspective. For example, they have this conversation to frame Char as less of a pedo (which is so commonly thought that it's even an joke within the franchise) and more of a person lacking motherly and womanly affection.
>Zeta Define
How far into Zeta it is already?
I kinda hope it will cover Double Zeta too.
They just got to the Dakar speech.
Thanks for the heads up, I downloaded all volumes available
Is Tom Holland the right option to represent our cucktype on the silver screen?
We all know Bandai would push for a Japanese actor playing Amuro. I have no clue whom it could be nowadays though
gonna run this through an ai voice
please don't
Yes, ElevenLabs chad. Please do
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We're waiting with trepidation anon-kun
everybody looks better in Zeon uniform
Holy shit that’s even dumber than I thought. Based on Zeta I thought he was just leading her on or he wasn’t fully emotionally committed because of Lalah. Haman never took a shot and seethes about it for years. Way to turn a tragic character into a pathetic mess
Fun two-minute dopamine shot.
Kill yourself.
Whoever did the design for MS and uniforms nailed the design language. EFSF MS are blocky and the uniforms drab, Zeon's are sharp and spiked beyond the unsettling effect of the mono eye
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Haman Kamille has been way too lewd in this manga.
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This is for Lalah you big fat hindu nasty smelling fat bitch with your trifflin dirty bindi Newtype ass you big fat bitch oompa loompa body ass bitch I'm coming up there and I'm gonna beat the fuck out of you bitch and don't even call Amuro today cause I'm gonna come up there unexpected and wait on your motherfuckin ass bitch im coming to beat the fuck out of you bitch
CDA is bad fanfiction
It's doubly hilarious because in the original CCA Hi-Streamer novel, Amuro is a womanizing Bond-type bad boy who fucked his subordinate/second-in-command Cunningham Shaw, sexually harassed the Quess equivalent, constantly flirting with women and having one-night flings. He also slept with Chan after meeting her for the first time when reuniting with Bright.
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Let me correct that, he's not only sexually harassing not!Quess like "an old perverted father" (as described in the book) but actually slept with her after a drinking together. Motherfucker actually slept with a girl 10 years younger than him. He also groped female bridge bunnies and went picking up women at a bar.
Meanwhile Char is out here being a good husband and soon to be father taking care of his pregnant wife.
My hero!
I know that in the novelizations Amuro was sent prostitutes during his years of house arrest to appease him but it be fucking possible that he became a womanizer in CCA. What the fuck is Hi-Streamer and who wrote this?
Mobile Suit Gundam High-Streamer was the novel Tomino wrote and used as a basis for Char's Counter Attack. The movie is an adaptation of mostly the 2nd half of High Streamer, although with various tweaks.

When it got approval to become an anime movie though, Tomino also came up with a new story outline he thought would work better as a movie, but it was rejected (this became the basis for Tomiino's later and different version of CCA novel, Beltorchika's Children).
Thanks for the trivia, I thought CCA and Beltorchikas Children were based on a original propsal and not a previously existing novel.
No! I still have to have an AI Amuro read the script!
Hes hamburger, sir!

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