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I found it very boring
Pretty much just anime Armoured Core. It's not bad at all, but it is not very original either and with AC6 around there is not much to say about it. Some cute girls tho.
The sequel is in development, I imagine they know they have to do something original now that they have very serious competition AND the genre is revitalised.
Pretty good.
Mind you the content was exhausted years ago, back when it was a Switch exclusive, but if you don't mind a dead game it's still cool.
It is the God Eater to Armored Core's Monster Hunter.
It's alright. It's nothing special, it's not much more than the sum of its parts, but it plays competently and doesn't have anything directly infuriating to deal with, bar some really clumsy writing.
Better than old armored cores, but not as good as 6. If you like armord cores, it's just another one, but off-brand.
I'm excited for the sequel.
The story sucks, but the gameplay is pretty good. If you were disappointed by Darksoulsified Armored Core, give it a shot.
Seconding this. This is more like AC lite unlike Armored Souls VI, which is still a decent game.
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It was enjoyable for what it was and still is, a fun AC clone at a time where AC was well and truly dead.
Makes you wonder what they'll be doing for the sequel now AC's not dead anymore
It is solid, a little lacking on parts, but a fun game with a couple of cool moments, plot and characters are full anime stuff.
Cold beef, gross.
For building, I'd go with MASS Builder. Gameplay is ok but a little bland and anime graphics automatically lower the overall value.
Was my baby first AC-like game so I did enjoy it even tho I had no idea what I was doing most of the time I do remember it having some weird difficulty spikes like when Char and his two sidekicks called me to a meeting in an abandoned stadium and then the game expected me to casually take on the three of them; Game went from haha animu AC to methodically having to separate those three and take them one by one while keeping track of the others and the weapon ammo. Took a few trails but finally took Char down.... This particular mission still baffles me on how difficult it was when compared to the rest of the game. Then the final boos really threw me out of a loop to the point I had to check what build to take on the internets and it did comfirm that the final form does take people out of their comfort zone when they are not ready. Really need to replay this game bad.

>Mind you the content was exhausted years ago, back when it was a Switch exclusive, but if you don't mind a dead game it's still cool.
Only really played the campaign ONCE. What did I miss?
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>difficulty spikes like when Char and his two sidekicks called me to a meeting in an abandoned stadium and then the game expected me to casually take on the three of them

The Char character in question did ask for you to come unarmed to the stadium in the mission briefing. And you didn't read/payed attention/assumed he was lying, did you?
Because if you do so as instructed (Gun Arms count as armed), he'll just talk to you. That's it. Pretty funny how the easiest mission in the game can turn into one of the hardest depending on how the player just presumes on how things will go.

>What did I miss?
Also similar to the the above, there is some choices on the story depending on certain actions on certain stages, somewhat minor stuff since it doesn't change the outcome that much. There is a couple of Co-op/MP exclusive bosses, Eclipse and Zeruchroar (pic), how are nearly impossible to defeat solo, and some missions, like exploration to find better gear.
The real thing you miss out on though, for coming in so late?
The sense of discovery. It was a lot of fun prying into the game, seeing what stuff carried over from Armored Core, and just making sense of the absolute clusterfuck it throws you into. Day zero DXM was cryptic bullshit and I loved it.
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>And you didn't read/payed attention/assumed he was lying, did you?
No. Did come out of the Arsenal unar-
>Gun Arms count as armed
Oh... That explains it. The worst part is thay I keep on trying to talk to him by putting the Arsenal further away to see if it did have any effect and thus making it more and more difficult to escape them when they became agro. Then, on the third try (the second run out of ammo) did manage to defeat them and went on thinking it was a trap after all.

>The sense of discovery.
Really avoided guides until the last form of the last boss. Now I really want to replay it. Sad that the Exploration ones are no more. Is the gear in there that much better/impossible to find in the campaing? Then there is this thing that sort of "Discovered" by accident: While replaying the boss missions, just for fun, but also because the flying bomber/fortress thing did give me trouble so wanted to do better against it, noticed they give different rewards from time to time. Is that a thing as well?
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>Sad that the Exploration ones are no more.
At least on PC they are still accessible by setting private rooms and setting the max player count to 1. Problem is, they don't scale to a solo player, unless you have really good gear and know what dangers tend to happen there, like the energy draining rooms and 3 enemy Arsenals that are worse than said Char mission. I didn't bother playing those much to get Radiant Gleam parts with slots, just enough to find a second Dainsleif so I could make a Arondight and get 100% on weapon collection.

>noticed they give different rewards from time to time. Is that a thing as well?
Colossal Immortals (said bosses) drop certain stuff the more you defeat them, mainly blueprints so you can make certain weapons, arguably the best weapons in the game excluding Exploration missions variants. For example: pic is my usual build, with the Mia Lepida sword on it's right pylon, you get it's blueprint by defeating Eclipse Ω enough times.

> seeing what stuff carried over from Armored Core
That is gonna be the opposite for me, seeing as I never played a Armored Core game yet. I plan to, but that might take some time, irl stuff and lots of games on my plate already.
>olossal Immortals (said bosses) drop certain stuff the more you defeat them
Good to known.
>arguably the best weapons in the game excluding Exploration missions variants
Anyone has that pic in a better resolution?
No. We have armored core at home.
The devs didn't get what made Armored Core fun to play
AC2 and further on all capture the feeling of overboost speed better than DxM, where it feels bland as hell and not like you're going fast
Mecha-feel handling is worse than in the hardlock AC6, even
Also can't customize the glow/visor colors, not bueno at all

Not too terrible tho, but little reason to play it when AC6 PvP is active and it has a working co-op and invasion mod that's in development
It's expensive and even the sales are never cheap enough.
>armored core
>overboost speed
>t. seething bunny-hop-circling 'sawa/1000-round-machine-gun/missile-boat E-ranker
Hey, you forgot midweight biped defaulting! If you're gonna call me out on my playing Armored Core in the missionary position, at least do it right!
Yeah nah I know how fags go "actually I'm more of medium-light/medium-heavy pilot" and then bunnhyhop in reverse jointed AC for "smart" longer hops
No, it's a dollar store brand armored core that no one has any reason to buy now that an actual modern armored core came out.
Everyone knows midweight normal biped with fat gens is the only way to play.
Neither of you actually played AC6 if you think it's Soulsified
>but muh healing kits
Don't be a nitpicky bitch about it
This, AC6 is Frame Gride in disguise
It was fun. I pre-ordered and played the shit out of it, including the demo. Its like what God Eater is to Monster Hunter.
Look man, the stagger system sucked ass but that doesn't make it soulsfied.
I sure hope you're no implying monster hunter is good
>it's a dollar store brand armored core
better than AC6 lmao
I liked it, but there's definitely room for improvement.
DxM mogs ACVI for UI customization and dual melee weapons, Fromchuds on suicide watch
Have this.
ew cold beef
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>Pretty much just anime Armoured Core.
But Armored Core has always been anime.
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It was trying to do all the things the previous Armored Cores were known for:
Faction Specific Missions
Factional Warfare

However, midway through development they realized that they couldn't truly achieve any of those goals so they retooled it into a basic looter shooter (and subsequently improved it via updates).

You can still see fragments of those factions in the game as all three supposed "factions" send letters acting as though you joined them, all 3 sent you faction-specific information and all 3 thank you for your supposed service before they were destroyed by late-game story reasons.

Which was a shame because the plot went into an interesting direction after the reveal.
All the AI enemies throughout the game have been trying to stop humans (their creators) from meeting the Dominator (humanity's creator), a super ancient machine.

Also, they managed to get Amuro and Char into the game.
Bro I just like how all the merc groups have their own theme songs. Especially Panzer Crown, their theme's fucking sick.
You forgot to mention this is all speculation on your part and was never outright confirmed as a development rework.
So... It's the sequel coming to the switch or what?
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>can recolor robot
>can't recolor equipment
Why do you think it was released early?
I forgot, Is Regret also on the cold side as well? I know for sure the other two are but don't remember her to be like them as well.
Regret is the chick from Terrors, anon. You’re thinking of Nemesis.
the story was fucking ass. Which sucks cause it had a lot of good things going for it. First it's a hell lot more customizable than ac6, UI was customize city, and the co-op and the bosses were a great time. that said you don't get much color option, pvp was ass, weapon balance is garbage, and pilot mode, while cool, is rarely ever used.

I miss zeruchroar rooms. That was closest the game ever got to monster hunter with mechs. Like this is basically co-op armored core, and its great if you want a chill mech game.
>pilot mode, while cool, is rarely ever used
Killed a Zeruchroar with it while being the last man standing of my team, the feature was worth it
Zechroar rooms had a lot of idiots going at him in pilot mode. Atleast at one point someone left their mech still alive for me to use. Which brings me to another feature i like from this game. You can use somebody elses arsenals.
It trashed my arsenal before me going desperate though, kek
The story was almost unbearably braindead anime bullshit but I enjoyed the gameplay even though it could have done with a little more depth and polish. I wish there were more options for customization at least on the paint/decal front to really make the Arsenal uniquely yours.
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>story was almost unbearably braindead anime
It was so silly off-the-wall that kind of enjoyed it for some reason.
Oh. OK then.
Cool girls and butt
Zoomers would call it "mid" since it isn't armored core, but it does the job. Plays pretty fast with mechas feeling weightless and zippy, alot of weapons and parts to used and make in the factory, story is shit, but you can skip it if it's that deal breaking.
Basically everything other than the story is good. Character customization is great, which is really funny since you barely see your character and when you do they're an unrecognizable mess of cybernetics since all of the game's permanent upgrades are tied to augmenting your pilot and change them visually.
>he didn't do a pure human run
You didn't beat the game
well that was a nothing burger.
>change them visually.
>spent the whole game staying human thinking something will happen
I love this game but cmon man, that shouldve lead to another route or some shit.
Modern From is shit and so was AC 6. Looking forward too the sequel

Its not bad but it also wasn't lighting the world on fire. Gameplay is very "fast", so if you are one of the peeps who likes his AC games with lots of weight to them, you'll feel betrayed. Also ironically, yes, this and AC6 kinda went in similiar design directions.ddkgm

Fun gameplay.
Bad story.

I got a few multiplayer games going which was nice.
>Bad story
The "story" is way, way too random to be called as such.
However, still looking forward to the game as well.
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Wasn't the Switch already too taxed by this game? Is there enough power left to squezze a sequel in it?
The story's just really, really undercooked. I'd call it unfinished, almost. It's like the skeleton of a story, but missing everything else. That being said the game itself is really fun, if unpolished. Both of those things are why I look forward to whatever sequel they're doing, if it's improved all-around I think it'll be really great.
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Decent enough I guess. Though pools of water in square rooms still set my heartrate up even over 2 years after I last played it. Funnily enough, it would be a complete nothingburger if I could consistently get even just 1 co-op partner.
>Gameplay is very "fast"
They didn't really bother to make it exactly feel fast like even AC2 managed to
It's clear the devs have the entire setting worked out behind the scenes, but the story DXM tells is one that keeps the player out of the loop as much as possible, and to me that always felt like a deliberate design choice.

Though, I still think ancient astronauts from Mars is wildly out of pocket even with how batshit thing get. But if Tsukuda wants to go solar like that then fine, I expect Titanic Scion to be about ayylmaos though!
Clear me something before I go back to it. Does something ever "happens" in the hangar screen? That is to say, Is there a point going around the hangar (looking for something else to interact eith) other than to look at your Arsenal?
The hangar is mostly a glorified menu mixed with hub. The mechanic NPCs occasionally say something if you are near one (no button interaction). The main use is to see other player's Arsenals in MP (hence the extra 3 spaces behind yours) and a visual flair to your current collection of weapons.
I don't recall having any performance issues with it except during the final boss.
There's like one actual standout performance oddity for me and it's the training room and the way it instantiates a Strai for you to fight in the right side of the room causing the game to freeze for a bit, but that's definitely not the Switch's fault, I swear I've confirmed it happens on PC too which means it's more of a weird under the hood screw up breaking the illusion of seamlessly spawning in (I dunno how UE4 juggles resources so all I can assume is something got called into memory that wasn't handled during load screen time, since that's about the only category of time complex action I can think of that would be relevant given the situation).
What other Game (that isnt AC) would let you switch Robo parts to make your own mecha? I swear this concept is almost alien to the current mecha addicts

Where is the style? The rizz? The imagination to build your own mecha?
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>The hangar is mostly a glorified menu mixed with hub.
Guess I wasted a ton of time on that first playthrough then. Thanks for the clarification.
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Let's hope they can get some extra performance out of the Switch then.
whats the thing up in the back supposed to be?
It's a missile pod. Don't like those much, not good for fast targets.
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Kinda looks like a radar/jammer sort of thing.

It's a moot point when the big twist in the end is you were never human in the first place
you're human, still. Just not of natural birth, but at the point you find out your circumstances you're well past "the technology to just grow human bodies and upload minds into them exists" being an established fact of the setting that ties into a number of character backgrounds
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>spent the whole game staying human thinking something will happen
Did the same... Even tho >>22621244 is technically right I still was expecting soemthing else to happen as the gmae kind of hypes it up doing changes to your bofy so taking the extra challenge to remain human did look like a possibel extra route.
Man, Radiant Gleam looks sick.
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The Zeruchroar sets were the coolest. Too bad the game had some poorly thought out mechanics like weird stat breakpoints and the obligatory spoiler for shoulder weapons that looked glued on on most designs.

I also completely forgot what the plot was about
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I quite prefer the DxM design and style over AC.
Soloing Zeruchroar is a ton of fun for me, honestly.
It's the flat high contrast not-quite-cel shading, when it works it works really well for DxM's aesthetic.
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Yeah. It almost looks like a Fantasy setting from time to time. In the known pitch for Zone of the Enders 3, the setting was goign to be with humanity having regresed and lost so much knowledge that the surviving technology/orbital frames are seen like magic. DxM is one of the settings were such an event could work. Goes double if most of the time we go in with our Arsenals having mostly melee weapons (or medieval-like stuff like crossbows that have some elements of technology in them) and actual guns are rare. Basically Medieval AC or Monster Hunter with Arsenals when the one on the remaining Titans show up.
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Regret is kinda cute. Can I keep it?
Regret is very cute for a 66 year old woman. Also, I think she's the only character whose real name we actually know. Irina.
>Regret is very cute for a 66 year old woman.
Really? Almost all of the story is nothing but a blur for me.
The weapons don't feel powerful/impactful. I hate every character. The sense of weight feels way off making things feel awkward. But you can make your Mech look pretty cool so there is that.
Also its overboost equivalent doesn't feel fast, either
The game doesn't tell you that, but it's in the sourcebook. She was 24 at the time of the moonfall, and that happened 42 years before the game. Physically she stopped aging then. So she's 24 physically and 66 chronologically.
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That animation makes me feel they had bigger plans for this had the game made better numbers. Nintendo did start an E3 with the DxM announcement after all.
Well, there's a sequel coming, so it did enough for that for what it's worth.
I do think that it did "good enough" to at least go for another try. That and AC6 having stirred the embers as well.
>I hate every character
Calling them characters is quite generous of you.
Is that the stuff you find in the multi-player part of the game?
Yes and no. One can complete the collection of parts and weapons totally on campaign missions and some solo outings against the Omega bosses, which I can attest to since I've done all of that in such a way. The exploration missions rewards (the MP part) are usually variants of already existing weapons and parts, but with better stats and modifiers, for instance, Radiant Gleam parts with slots are ONLY found on exploration missions, but visually they are identical to the 'normal' Radiant Gleam parts you get on the campaign. For weapons there is a additional differential on color.
Do you think Amuro expy will appear in DxM 2?
There's some actual exclusive stuff like mumei, bardiche, and the angang arger.
Where is Game Genie when you actually need it...
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I only got the purple lightsaber of pic related. Where or how do you get the solid swords that are in pic related and other pics I have seen floating around?
Dainsleif comes from a hidden target in the second story mission iirc. You can like use it to make the Arondight.
Later on they added the ability to get both from exploration missions. But they also added Anfang Arger to the exploration missions and it's better than both those swords.
Also the gargoyles in the exploration missions are a bitch to get to give you anything decent.
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>Dainsleif comes from a hidden target in the second story mission iirc. You can like use it to make the Arondight.
Oh nic-
>But they also added Anfang Arger to the exploration missions and it's better than both those swords.
I remember one of the big complaints about it was that weapons lacked good feedback or juice or something like that. Where it just doesn't feel good or satisfying to shoot or hit things and a lot of weapons end up feeling samey on top of it.

I never played so I don't know how true that is, and someone correct me if it isn't, but it's a complaint that really put me off and made me not want to try it.
I'd say the melee can be a bit simplistic but most of the weapons feel fine to use.
godamn that fucking sword is so fucking broken. you can swing yourself across rooms with the right arms with it.

sucks that melee options are so mediocore in this game. I wanted to use the colossus sword.
>you can swing yourself across rooms with the right arms with it.
Trivializes the fuck out of the puzzle rooms where you can't fly.
Sorta? I mean, it only ever felt like a problem if you stopped to actively acknowledge that weapon types all tend to share a sound effect for firing, or that the hit sparks are very clearly defined for "not hitting at proper range" vs "hitting in the sweet spot range to get full proper damage."

Like, it wasn't a game where you were saying to yourself "man this big ass club hits like a motherfucker" because it wasn't exactly really there to sell itself on the viscerality of its animations, if that makes sense? Simply put, it's something that could've been improved on, but it's also easy to not notice it because there's other stuff your attention is going to get dragged towards.
Marvelous is doing a game showcase tomorrow. Hopefully we'll see Titanic Scion.
In a stream or in a specific place?
Starts in a little under an hour.
Unfortunately it was just a cutscene teaser trailer.
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The good thing is that they used the reailer for the closing of their presentation which means they do have some confidence in it.
That and that it still does not say for what platform it is coming for.
Probably not allowed to mention the switch's successor until nintendo gives the ok.
They claim the game is near the end of development on their twitter account though.
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>Probably not allowed to mention the switch's successor until nintendo gives the ok.
DxM II begin made for the Switch II is actually a good explanation as for why they have not said anything about which platform it is going for.
>They claim the game is near the end of development on their twitter account though.
The plot THICCensssss...

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