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It's looks like a bit of a hassle to operate
Usually it's not explained
Sometimes it is though, like for example the SRX wherein Ryusei pilots, Rai handles the power and engine management, and Aya spends the entire time generating enough psychic bullshit to keep the combination together
Dai Guard also had something similar
Two work the legs
Two work the arms
One works the anus
Only one pilot is directly managing the movement of the robot; the rest are busy managing its other internal systems, subsystems, and targeting for ranged weapons where necessary, e.g. one pilot may be dedicated solely to keeping tension between the combined parts while one of the others is firing the missiles. Other times, multiple pilots might indeed have to actually coordinate the movement of the machine ala >>22617092, Ideon for example had a bit of both of these where the three pilots controlled some aspects of the Ideon's movement, but extra crew were also occasionally used to help man the Ideon's weapons.
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Like this.
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More serious answer.

When general electric tested this walker, they saw that doing it manually was extremely tiring for the pilot, like 10mn top.
Even with computer, automatization and better interface, keeping track of your moves, future more and inertia would be a full time job.
And if you need to tell your missiles what to lock on and hit, you can't exactly ask the enemy to pause while you deal with the interface.

So if I made my Zentai based on >>22617084
>Red is 100% movement, and tell Blue the priorities
>Blue redirect the limited energy they have to each subsystem in accordance to Red's vocal command
(like a submarine captain but yelling his orders)
>Yellow control all attack weapons, if Red need a sword, Yellow trigger the release of the swords, of he need the MegaDinoBeamCannon so be it.
>Black is in charge of defense like energy shield, physical shield or anti-missiles laser.
>White play solitaire on his console
>just kidding, White is in charge of Radar, he scan for new threat and is the one who send informative Marker to Red telling him where is the next threat, he is also in charge of telling Red what area he should push the enemy in to avoid collateral

all the buildings they are going to knock.
For mechs with more than one pilot, do you prefer when they share a cockpit or when they each have their own?
Like how Gotcha Force does it
honestly, AI would work well with walking, balance and grabbing stuff
In MMPR, Jason is usually handling "the fighting" and he only addresses the other Rangers when he needs something done with the power supply, the shields, etc. They're all capable of summoning the Power Sword though, either together or individually.

When they share one cockpit. It helps sell the "this is five robots combined into one" aspect better.
Their hearts are in unison so the power of the combined mech is directly proportional to how in sync all their actions are.
Watch some shows and find out op.
No you.
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It feels like a contest show
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This is what they did in the El Dorado V. For sentient combining mecha I assume they have to unite their minds into one or maybe there's a new system that takes over when they combine.
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One actually pilots and the other two make sure the thing is not blowing up/falling apart.
Rai is also in charge of weapons release for the ZO Sword and in case of the Banpreios, the docking sequence for the R-Gun Powered's gunstock unit that serves as the adapter/bridge capable of making Banpreios squeeze off the HTB. He also handles some ranged weapons targeting.

Ryusei handles movement, as well as melee and telekinetic powered attacks.

And indeed, Aya (and in Banpreios's case Mai) is basically just there to hold the thing together. Not so much in the sense of holding the component mechs together, because they do interlock into place. But more in the sense of dedicating her telekinetic energy to ease the joint tension and material stress. The SRX (and Banpreios) are rather real-world feats of engineering on one particular aspect: they acknowledge there's a certain limit to the height/weight ratio before materials wear out. And they combat that through ... well, I guess you really could call it sheer force of will, I guess - right?
Citing both Bioman and Maskman them missing a member they have a hard time controlling the Robot. In Bioman's case they have 5 Bioman with 5 Bio Brains forming strategies and piloting Bio Robo. Yellow 4 got killed they had a hard time piloting Bio Robo. In Maskman's Great Five case with Pink Mask out of commission they had a problem, controlling it as Pink Mask was in charge of one of Great Five's subsystems.

Jetman as posted by OP can individually pilot Great Icarus and Jet Garuda.
The robot Carnival shiort "A Tale of Two Robots" is a pretty funny take on how different pilots can operate a robot together. The english dub is especisially funny for its racist ass accents they gave to the characters
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forgot the links

Dexter's Lab did an episode about this
In Voltes V Legacy, Steve pilots the robot, Mark sometimes uses the Choudenji String and Top, Bert is responsible for the weapon recommendations, Jon takes care of app and program management, and Jamie keeps tab on health and vital signs of the pilots.
You know you live in a real world that has many configurations of crew operated vehicles and heavy equipment right?
I imagine it would just be simple divions of labor and tasks.
>mechanical systems
>communication/navigational systems
Lol I want to see some gritty serious battletech mech running like a game of QWOP and shitting itself
Like these anons
say, SRX is a great example (probably because it is formed by Real-esque robots). Logistically it would be very difficult for one pilot to manage all the parts, functions and weapons a mega machine like a combining robot would have, so distributing the workload among multiple people makes sense.
Ryusei does the main movement, Rai manages the Weapons and keeps the Tronium engine from blowing the fuck up when he raises its output and Aya is needed to hold the thing together at all.
I think some anime also leave the possibility of letting one of the side pilots take over for the main one when they react faster or the main pilot cant operate for some reason.
Having all the team members control limbs separately sounds like a nightmare though, not impossible, but you wouldnt want that.
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I just want to post some of the Combat Armors from Dougram as they very explicitly transition from early two-man jobs like the Gunner type mecha, to one-man jobs like the Dougram itself and Soltic, to two-man machines once again in the form of the Blockhead, and later Bigfoot and Cabarov models.
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The Blizzard Gunner also boasts multiple cockpits.
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Same way complicated vehicles are managed by crews IRL
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And of course the conventional forces used in Dougram are predominantly made up of multi-man attack helicopters, a smattering of different IFVs, etc.
Banpreios is perma-combined in Alpha 3 so I think Mai and Aya are even more extra juice for the psychic bullshit weapons instead of mainly keeping the legs from falling off
Reminds me of this song about them bickering over who gets to be the head when they combine.

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Doesn't Mark have communications or something?
I love the last part. Jamie gets a lot of screen time talking about the emotional health of the pilots, which makes sense since they're all teenagers (and child).
Was there ever a crossover combination that shoved like 10+ people into the cockpit?
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Dairugger's the closest I can think of with 15 components, but I've not actually watched it to know how many of them (if any) actually share a cockpit after combining, though I presume none
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In the Gintama Star Wars parody arc, there is one pilot for the crotch area as well.
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If I remember right, in Dai-Guard, Akagi controled the mech's movement, Aoyama controled the power output for attacks and activated the special weapons, and Ibuki was the navigator, kept track of Dai-Guard's damage and analized the enemy and battlefield.
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>One works the anus
How many mechas canonicaly poop?
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In "Mech-X4" the jobs are really unbalanced. The hero kid controls the action -- the mech copies his movements one for one. Another kids handles weapons -- that is, he just calls up and provides the weapons for the hero kid to use. A third kid handles defense, same deal -- he calls up and provides the shields and such for the hero kid to use. And the last kid is the mechanic, who has basically nothing to do on the command bridge, he just goes crawling around inside the robot to fix things that have been damaged.

Basically, hero kid gets all the glory, weapons kid and defenses kid are his caddys, and mechanic kid is relegated to plumbing.
>Banpreios is perma-combined in Alpha 3 so I think Mai and Aya are even more extra juice for the psychic bullshit weapons instead of mainly keeping the legs from falling off

Someday I want to see the component mecha of Banpreioth. You can see their elements in there, ugh I just wanna see themmmmmm!
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In some tokusatsu shows, it seems like all the pilots have to synchronize all their movements in order to do things.
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In Dangaioh, the three girls were superpowered and the guy was useless... Until they were in the robot. Then the girls were useless and the guy was a hot-blooded mecha pilot hero.
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In Dancouga, Shinobu was normally the one in control and the other three handled subsystems (and, vitally, all four of them were needed in order to provide enough lifeforce or ki or whatever to maintain the combined form). They could switch controllers though -- Ryo Shiba was the best martial artist, so sometimes he'd take over so Dancouga could do giant robot kung fu.
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