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I'd say pic related since it completely reinvigorated a dying genre both overseas and in Japan. Kits were flying off the shelves as it was airing and even after.
>someone says gbitch sucks
>gbitch defense force starts spamming multiple threads
I'm tired of this rerun.
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And yet, /m/ will be unable to resist this obvious bait
Fuck Gbitch fags

Eat shit and die
Good morning, sirs!
Wish it got more time.
I wouldn't mind a SoL spinoff revolved around the married life of Suletta and Miomio.
Selling gunpla doesn't make Gwitch a big hit, it just did its job kek
But now tell me which important Japanese brand they are collaborating with? Got some new seasonal themed merch? New pop up shop open? New lottery that's not Bandai?
come on anon, you should post this stuff in active threads rather than starting new ones to get the most chud tantrums
do g-witch fans even care about the robots?
I saw a post being like "I'm triggered people still don't think they're married!" Motherfucker they're trolling you and its absolutely ridiculous you still give a shit about a controversy that was located external to the show itself a year + after its finale.
Probably 0079 or LotGH.
anon it's the other side that keeps being triggered
case in point this thread
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>miorine gets to have this
It's not fair.

There were definitely a lot of designs I enjoyed. Demi trainer is perfect though.
I haven't had much incentive to buy kits recently since I already bought all the ones I like, but I'll be getting the prologue Lfrith once it comes out so I can finish a custom
>"I'm triggered people still don't think they're married"
Better than half the retards on this board who are triggered by its mere existence
Yes, but they care about the characters more.
lol no they don't, gbitch is a known shelf warmer show
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Only Michaelis because of Shaddiq. Everything else sold well.
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Look at her. Look at that sly expression on her face. She knows. And she knows that we know.
Do girls really dress like that in sleepovers?
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Wearing comfy pajamas? Yes. There isn't the stigma with how girls dress around each other like there is with guys.
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I liked how Funnels were treated in the show, in that they weren't a special deal reserved for the Gundams.
>a special deal reserved for the Gundams
when have they ever been?
I liked how each company used them differently.
I should clarify; it would have been easy to make Funnels as a gundam-only weapon in this show in order to make Aerial seem more OP/advanced, and to fit with the theme of splitting a soul into parts, since the Gundam sheds parts of itself when active.
Please tell me more about how you got into a pissfight on Twitter and have to take it out on someone.
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I remember when episode one aired a lot of people worried Suletta would be too OP since funnels are more of an endgame upgrade or something. I'm glad it ended up not being the case, and while she was never a bad pilot, but you could tell she had her work cut out of her in a few fights.
>I'm glad it ended up not being the case
>every fight ends with DON'T LOSE YOUR WAY as she realizes she had press Q to win funnels
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That webm is from a fight where the funnels didn't get her the win.
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getting beaten by funnels is literally a skill issue
funnels are a bullshit weapon for cowards who can't fight suit to suit. Especially in a duel.
>posts fight where she didn't get beaten by funnels
Stop talking about this shit show and let it die already
Thanks for the bump sis
shit bait g-witch f/a/ggot
where are the mods?
It's a shit posting idiot from /a/
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Nobody can agree on what is universally the best. Get lost, anon. /m/ is just that lawless.
Please report shit bait threads like this one
Uh oh someone's having a tantrum
Left open to interpretation.
This kills the G-witch troons
>stupid blue rat avatarfagging
Fuck off our board, vermin.
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I liked the side characters more and it's annoying that this show will only ever be remembered for making the MC's scissor at the end over literally everything else.
>will only ever be remembered for NOT making the MC's scissor at the end
it will be remembered because it was shit and thr troons who shill it dont' even watch other gundam shows and dont' care about mecha, only about representation for their mentally ill ilk
Pic not related.
>I'm not
You are.
OK that kind of funny.
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So CCA Amuro’s a coward? Setsuna, Michael Trinity, Al-Saachez, they’re cowards?
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Say that to my face you bitch. Oh wait. You can't because you're dead.
Same though I do genuinely like Suletta.
>all it took to make norea smile was bubbles
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I'd say pic related since it completely reinvigorated a dying genre both overseas and in Japan. Kits were flying off the shelves as it was airing and even after.
Nobody cares about these non-characters.
Oh 100%
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Nobody here. I care.
Norea really is just as autistic as Kamille.
Akibaranger. Nobody ever says they hate Akibaranger. In before some contrarian says they hate Akibaranger.

Note that I'm talking about season one, not season two.
>it completely reinvigorated a dying genre both overseas and in Japan.
>a dying genre
Do you have a data to back it up?
His data is likely Gigguk
gbitchfags make shit up to fit their narrative, they even think the show is yuri lol
Yes, I agree. But he likely said "envigorated" because this stupid Evafag (Gigguk, an animetuber, declared all across Youtube that mecha is dead.)
There was more character to them than the SEED druggies, so there.
Isn't Gigguk a G-Witch fan? Sad that it's people like him whom Bamco must court nowadays.
By the way, how is he so massively mega popular aside from his frenetic editing and just being on Youtube for so long? He's not actually an anime fan; he's an ironic weeb who's mostly interested in hentai. A 14-year-old who's been watching anime for a year and thinks the FOTM shonen/isekai is "peak" would be more thoughtful and analytical about anime than Gigguk.
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>Do you have a data to back it up?
OP is a lying faggot, but what about someone that has worked on the industry for decades?

>—[The 1990s] was a time when the robot anime genre itself was coming to an end, wasn't it?
>SHIGERU MORITA: Gundam and Evangelion can no longer be described in the category of robot anime, but have become independent of the genre. The category of giant robot animation, which was a higher concept than those works, is almost dead in today's animation industry.
>To start with, it is not wrong to say that robot animation itself has completely died out. This is because giant robot anime was allowed to exist thanks to sponsors and toys. If sponsors and toys are removed, it will not be possible to make it, even if producers in their 40s and 30s say "I like robot anime" and bring a project to the table.
The only Gigguk videos I've watched is his Evabridged series from years ago.
everyone on youtube that kept making content beyond 2017~ is just a grifter and a poser trying to make a living
It was hilarious seeing Gigguk laugh and declare "Who wants a new Gundam SEED anime" It's a shame no one is putting the franchise record at his face.
funny since he is a pinoy, no matter how much he tries to hide it
So basically like SSSS Gridman where people care about waifus more than the toku/kaiju/mecha aspect of the show.
>SSSS Gridman
Franxx is a better example. I've yet to find anyone that points out the robots on that thing, even on /m/.
True, hell in some ways Eva counts too. People prioritize more about the pilots and depression than the mecha battles, which is why I kinda wanted a new Evangelion show even though it will be doomed no matter what.
>People prioritize more about the pilots and depression than the mecha battles,
Some people, sure. But there's plenty of admiration for all the Ultraman-inspired action in the show. Franxx has nothing on that regard.

>which is why I kinda wanted a new Evangelion show even though it will be doomed no matter what.
We had four movies already. What else do you want?
>eva out of nowhere
I guess and alternate universe who with new cast? Just a new Eva unit designs. Iirc there was a short Eva film that takes place in another universe with a new Eva design, so I feel like there's potential.

But like I said, it will be doomed because it's not Shinji and stuff so people will just dismiss it as another mecha show.
Well, the robots are just anime girls and not actually, you know, robots.
Did he see SEED or did he just see the maymays about it?
It's sad nobody in the Eva fandom mentions Jet Alone, and they all dismiss the episodes before it gets weird as "MOTW fluff", sadly.
There was a stage play that did that, and the Anima novels introduced new designs I think.
>Did he see SEED or did he just see the maymays about it?

I doubt it. I even doubt he actually knows Fate Lore.
>It's sad nobody in the Eva fandom mentions Jet Alone, and they all dismiss the episodes before it gets weird as "MOTW fluff", sadly.
nigga how fucking new are you?

>inb4 some boogeyman about what "eva fandom" really is
Just go read Evangelion ANIMA if you want some alternate story and variation of mech design.
Sulleta shaves or she have a Amazon rain forest bush??
Whichever Miorine prefers at the time
Suletta keeps herself clean.
Miorine is the real dirty NEET weirdo.
Shes indian even her arms are hairy
This show was just a shittier version of Yu-gi-oh gx with the duel monsters replaced with badly written mobile suit duels. It even has it's own inferior version of Chazz/Jun in the form of Guel (Though being a downgraded knockoff of a decent character still makes him better than 99% of Gwitch's cast)
>This show was just a shittier version of Yu-gi-oh gx
gbitch fucking wishes
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I didn’t watch GX because I don’t watch garbage. And I have never watched a bad series in my entire life.
I watched G-Witch to completion, therefore it is infinitely better than GX.
What made GWitch so bad? I couldn't take a single character or event in this show seriously. It was at worst bland and forgettable, and at best comedic in its incompetence. A year later and I still can't wrap my head around what exactly it was that made it like this.
Mess of a production, a writer that can't write to save his life, a designer pandering to americans, a studio creatively bankrupt, poor VFX decisions, should I go on?
>should I go on?
If you want to, by all means.
G-Witch > IBO + AGE + G-Reco
I love G-reco. I hope I’m not the only one saying that.
Guel is the biggest example of wasted potential. Change my mind.
it's a good show
the moment that launched a thousand incels into pant-shitting rage for years to come
nah, who am I kidding. There's like 7 of you people at most.
7 people who actually watched G-Witch? Yeah. I feel like most of /m/ just skipped it.
Given how we still talk about it constantly a year later...
it's people from /u/ and /a/ who wants to troll and comes here, when no one cares in the slightest
Reminder that if you hate Arasa OL Haman you are actually a huge faggot with a small penis.
The whole series is wasted potential
I would love to know what happened behind the scenes
suuure, it's always the outsides huh?
Maybe the series funds were allocated to the metaverse?
>'m glad it ended up not being the case
Bruh? Aerial IS absolutely broken and the show made this point crystal clear. Once The big 3 houses/best MS manufacturer of the setting were defeated, it DID go in a slaughtering spree.
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Lewdest couple.
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>I'd say pic related since it completely reinvigorated a dying genre both overseas and in Japan. Kits were flying off the shelves as it was airing and even after.
I think what happened behind the scenes was bad writing.
Good for them.
G-witch or Geass
Kill yourself tranny faggot, you will never be a woman.
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Kill yourself tranny faggot.
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Guys these days can't have anything just for us, some fucking dumb woman HAS to come and shit and piss on our thing, and then glee about it on twitter.
Witch from Mercury was really good when they really accelerated, where things fell apart at the end of S1 and the early part of S2.
The rest of the show wasn't good.
- Sulemio is for trannies and coomers, not women

- Women been into Gundam before you were born
Didn't the Seed movie do amazing?
Not trying to claim it was any good, but Japan loved it.
Until SEED, a Gundam getting funnels was treated as a very exceptional thing. The Psycho Gundam MK II was supposed to be a freaky antagonist version of a Gundam and CCA treated the fin funnels like this brand new direction for funnels pioneering by a Gundam.
Dude it was literally so powerful it needed like a slight upgrade to become a suitable antagonist suit.
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That sounds like a skill issue, anon. I was able to get a fair few things out of it.
Sulemio pretty much killed the female viewership. They dropped the show when it was confirmed Guesule wasn't going to happen
Women should realize that Suletta is only interested with the feminine people, Guel is just a Gorilla to her.
Delphinium is cool as fuck.
>I kinda wanted a new Evangelion show even though it will be doomed no matter what.
Doesn't Anno want this, too?
fuck off retard ACK
I haven't seen Witch so I had no idea Miorine was so short compared to Suletta.
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tranny raid
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Seed freedom,IBO>>>>>G-woke. Formers are anti-woke, right winged anime.
>G-witch>>>Seed freedom,IBO
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Was "go woke go broke" wrong for gundam?

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