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FAST Pack Edition
>New Player Guide
>Artbooks, music and emulation resources
>the link for the ACV xenia tutorial
>ACVD-friendly xenia link
>pre setup emulator and dlc pack for ACVD rpcs3
>models for all the gen 1 parts
>Steam Page
>Emblem editor decals
>AC6 Part Spreadsheet

Other News:
>3D Modeling in AC6
>AC6 Model Kits and Shit
>Next Update Scheduled for May 17th (update if it turns out it has cool shit)

●Set matching to global for lobbies and use keyword acg to play with each other!

Previous Thread: >>22613182
Rummy won
The coral KNEELS to Mad Stomp
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Do any of the PS2 games have an online scene at all?
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My motorcobras are just getting warmed up!
i believe there's a way to do PvP matches through the gen 3 PSP ports
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it's a shame that they couldn't have made this AC-compatible equipment and have snail's AC sitting there
It's a shame BALTEUS's parts aren't available as AC parts
>kill snailbalt
>OPEN FAITH pops out of it as a phase 3
It's fucking CRIMINAL that nothing made by PCA is compatible with ACs.
Fuckers made all the coolest shit and we can have none of it.
RaD should have had some PCA parts from scavenging and recycling their stuff, reverse-engineering it. Same with Arquebus— you mean they can make new weapons for BALTEUS (with the Arquebus logo on it, even) but can't do the inverse?
The thumbnail just looks like Dr. Eggman
PCA mechs aren't even proportional with ACs.
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i got a 3-styled howitzer/rifle build to sorta work but i'm worried about how much of a stagger slave it is
On an unrelated note, I hope FCS overloads become a thing in the next AC. I've had enough of this "Fire ALL the weapons!!1!" bs. Let there be consequences for unrestrained firepower in the form of total FCS shutdown.
any reason why this guy didnt just AB into your face and instantly finish you off?
The loader head does have a camera arrangement resembling that of the LCs.
Nta but probably got too lax thinking his opponent is already finished.
Its arms also look like the Ekdromoi’s, so that’s that as well.
In the case of non-RaD ACs, Elcano’s Firmeza core resembles the chassis of the Denoiser MTs of the PCA.
that's the difference between A-rank play and S-rank play i guess
he does use AB pretty liberally outside of that clip so maybe he was just out of juice at that point
>stagger slave
game is built around stagger wtf do you mean?
quad laser dps and ratting are the only two playstyles that dont need stagger
The proportions aren't standardized at all, you have core designs ranging from microscopic hunchbacks to hueg what-the-fucks, same with biped legs and even arms that change different weapon-swap-port heights, with Wrecker arms being notably outlandish
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the WRECKER arms really need a buff one of these days
they're heavy and the high recoil control stat on them is a meme when they're shit at tracking
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post predictions for the 17th
my money's on a BAWS/ELCANO/RaD reverse joint frame
it's just gonna be balance and ladder reset
Other than nerfing lamm, what else?
Buff parry shields I guess.
another RAN-AR buff, but it's something that completely misses the point like ammo count or weight
I retroactively appreciate verdict day for making the final boss a normal AC vs a NEXT.
That's chuuni as fuck
not even a normal anon
the stagger-dealing weapons are kinda hard to hit lightweight ACs with. i was dealing with an ALBA build which tends to be on the more reasonable side but if it was an ultralight i probably wouldn't be able to get any hits in
flares as an expansion option would be neat
Yeah the Gen5 ACs are way tankier than Normals. The AP they have is comperable with that of NEXTS (going purely by AP numbers), and are much more mobile.
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I wanna pilot this thing. Maybe slap a laser blade on it in place of a shield.
Would be quite cool to get new parts
I'd like shoulder boosters
you mean back boosters? there's no shoulder units in this game.
It wasn't even a normal NEXT
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>no Ma K game made by FROM
>space station mission
>these things
They knew what they were doing.
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just go on the strider mission with an ORBITER core build it's close enough
Camouflage, my beloved.
I think Raven should've had more unique parts.
idk what was gained by making him essentially just Loader 4 with a unique head
The reminder that it’s the pilot, not the parts that make the difference.
yeah but at that point in the game a battle against a single AC will challenge no one.
You'd get stuck on Sulla otherwise
Still, unique parts make the character more distinct. Case in point, White Glint in AC4A compared to AC4.
WG was TOO distinct for my taste. None of the parts mixed well with anything else and you couldn't use the core at all without just looking like a WG recolor.
nah the you versus "you but with a sick fucking visor" fight is fuckin kino

literal "he thinks he's him" fight, fuckin chuuni shit like that dingles my dopamine
I do appreciate how no npcs use the finder eye. That's your head, and it intentionally looks like a dog's nose.
I thought WG's part meshed well with the Algebra parts. I do understand what you mean though; it's a similar problem in AC6 with the parts not matching together much.
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Which is the best game in the series and why is it Silent Line?
AC3 and Silent Line were my favorite old gen games aside from Gen 1. It had an amazing atmosphere and soundtrack, and the gameplay felt like a direct improvement from gen2's overall. I wish we stayed with that style instead of what we got in gen4 onwards
Why does ACV/VD look so much uglier than 4th gen? The animations look worse overall.
The weapon switching animations alone mog everything 4/FA had. The little roll and explosion is also the best defeat animation in the series.
Why does ACV/VD look so much uglier than 4th gen?
It's supposed to.
>Balam route DLC with missions that involve capturing PCA tech for reverse engineering instead of destroying it for the RLF, which unlocks new parts and weapons appropriately
Too cool to actually happen, most likely.
We should at least be able to use the handheld weapons. They're not too big for us to use.
A challenge run where you're basically playing a gen1 AC. No quickboosting, no assault boosting, no quick-turning.
Oh, and no weapon bays or core expansions.
long-barreled curtis is kinda funky and neat, maybe it was originally a sniper rifle?
>shield is its own meter
>pulse blade had a gold effect that matched the Takigawa Harmonics logo color
I do wonder if the core expansion use work differently or if that debug room just has it opening and closing on interval. Also that old reticule is nice, the current one's overheat/charge bars are too easy to lose if you're playing a build that has lots of lingering aoe like plasma. I wish we could get some FA color customization on the UI without modding.
Easy, just make a tank with cannons, heavy lasers and maybe shield.
No combos or scan or hardlock, either
Yup I made sure to replay that mission with Loader 4 as soon as I completed it on first blind playthrough
Bevause the technology canonically went to shit
I think 5 gen ACs are cool though, yes even the APC-door-carrying cores
whoever said pulse-armoring the backup dancers for coral release was a fucking nigger it doesn't instakill any of them
Did you try that using a coral generator?
it's between SL and LR
looks like a shoulder extension on the right arm
It was supposed to be more primitive and "down to earth" in feel so FROM made it look like some generic brown cover shooter.
The real answer is that they had to significantly lower texture resolutions because the game could barely run on current hardware. They concealed this with an omnipresent blur filter.
Most of the game's creative choices were made to conceal how bad the graphics were.
>mogs Hoshino in your path
Because it had tons of parts to discover, relatively good balance, good missions design and tastefully difficult. It was an overall good game really.
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>pile bunker animation
How do you use AC1 save for Project Phantasm on duckstation? It just offers me to start fresh new game.
Nvm, I figured it out. Smart as Iguazu.
Imagine if instead swapping hand weapons you could choose to swap shoulder weapons at the expense of hand slots
everyone point and laugh at the fool (me, I'm the fool in this story) who bought a Singaporean copy of ACV, forgetting that the Xbox 360 is, in fact, region locked

I just wanted the cheevs ;_;

>sigh< I'm not really willing to mod my console so I guess I'll buy an NTSC-J console from Japan or something
Resell it but don't say why you're reselling it or people will want to bargain with you
That's fuckin cool, how are the chinks accessing this
I hope they bring that stuff back in the DLC/sequel-expansion
>dagger had impale attack
Is it not avaliable on Xbox store, or did they close it already?
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Its gotta be Dafeng, they only have one set in the game, the Tian Qiang. Schneider now has three sets including an incomplete Kassuar.

Arquebus' subsidiary gets more parts, now its time for Balam's subsidiary.
you see I specifically wanted it for the separate achievement list

for some reason ACV has four separate achievement lists: NA, EU, JP, and SEA. I got the cheevs for the north american version already and bought the SEA version without really giving it much thought. I completely forgot region locks on the 360 were even a thing since actual backwards compatible games on the Series X dont have region lock

my eventual goal is to reach top 20 on the fromsoft leaderboard on trueachievements
wait hang on does this mean I also need another shitbox 360 from the PAL region aw man maybe I will just mod my console
I like mecha games and tried AC6 and loved it. Trying last raven now but I'm getting fucked over by the first mission's boss fight. His AC moves around way too fast for me to keep a lock, and I can't really build because it's the first mission.
What do?
AC4, 4A, and ACV aren't available on the online store, and haven't been for years. Only VD is available to buy online
How's your bunny hop skills? That takes a lot of pain out of oldgen fights.
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Will they get Karl Urban to voice NIGHTFALL in the prequel DLC?
Try a different mission. You’re not gonna beat that guy right outta the gate.
>oi cunt. buhn the corl
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Everything besides the CE head,nuts a gud look
Especially Nowaki MDL2, my old, beloved load-limit coffin
What AC game would you recommend if you only played 6?
probably 4
I'd say 4 and verdict day. 4A's too fast and V's too slow.
easy oldgen game to start with.
>try LR first meme
>bash head against wall of highest payout mission first meme
you where dat optional part of favor and protection at my nigguh?
Just play the games in release order jesus christ
What's happening on the 17th?
Production order because even 1st gen is agelessly sharp
Start 3 gen with AC3 and understand the essence of overboost tap bunny hops spliced and non-tracking fulcrums
Okay so if we put the games in a timeline
AC4/FA came first

Would the era of the Martian colonization and disorder units have been between VD and AC1?
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>play armored core via link
>waste too much ammo
>now in debt
>experience the human plus program irl
thanks elon...
i think the theory goes that it would've been post-FA with the martian units being derived from NEXT-tech
Gen4 and gen5 are in a seperate timeline from gen1 and gen2. Gen 3 is in its own timeline as well.
It also doesn't make any sense for 4/A and V/D to have quickboosting while gen 1/2 don't.
Does anyone else feel like single trigger builds are weak as shit?
I agree that it's meant to be separate timelines. But if I were to write a retarded fanfiction on how it's all connected - in first Armored Core they keep referencing Great Destruction that was caused by that big space laser thing that Murakumo tried to use again, which forced mankind to live underground. Stuff like Human PLUS and space laser are all pre-Great Destruction things, so humanity was more technologically advanced back then.
So it would be something like this: Great Destruction from AC1 was caused by VD Tower wars. Mankind couldn't win with conventional means so they built a giant space laser to nuke Towers from orbit, but it also fucked what's left of the environment completely in the process, forcing humanity underground, thus starting Gen 1 timeline. Any technological disparities are Gen 4 tech being lost/rediscovered from Towers, then lost/rediscovered again by Gen 1 corpos (or Nine Ball, I guess). But that's just my retarded fanfiction.
First three generations
depends on the weapon i guess
RAN-RF/HARRIS + a bazooka works well if you wanna bring more stopping power to your kite build
bazooka/ZIMMERMAN + melee is viable for rushdown heavies
single trigger MGs/ARs are ass outside of maybe the ETSUJIN but single trigger MGs have kinda been terrible since Nexus anyways
I don't get it

Also you can leave space missions by boosting into the open space
Almost makes me think only 1st and 6th gen ACs are compatible with open space
Last Raven's final bosses were NEXT-tier so
full timeline schizoing list is like

AC3/SL/N/NB/Last Raven
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>I don't get it
Look at the MTs.
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gib kisaragi parts pls
Buddy, star wars didn't invent bipedal walkers.
Next thing you're gonna say that Star Wars didn't invent lasers or spaceships either, stop talking crazy.
two more days... fromsoft...
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the next game better have more MT types to fight
Sekiro: shadows die twice.
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>There will be no game updates or regulation patches for the Ranked Match Season Update.
Play through Nexus first and then import your savefile to Last Raven. Or just start the series from the beginning, by the time you make it back to Last Raven, you should be fine in terms of skill (or should I say muscle memory?). By the way, save file importing goes like this:
>1 -> PP -> MoA
>2 -> AA
>3 -> SL
>NX -> LR
>4 -> 4A
>V -> VD
Have fun, I guess.
got bored a few months ago havent even finished the story quite yet, something about it just doesnt hold my interest as long as previous entries, pvp was fun but got old sooner than expected.. anything new in ac6 thatll reel me back in?
>snow area
>THIS thing
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Is first strike hard mode bugged on PS3/RPCS3? I can't seem to get the S rank no matter how flawlessly I run it. Maybe it's just a dumb time constraint or something but I don't recall ever having a problem with it on my old 360.
it's just a big bitch anon slam its ass with rockets or whatever
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Kawamori and Miyatake even lamented toymakers rejected their proposals for a chicken walker series before Star Wars had them.
Besides obvious parts like the Karasawa and Moonlight blade(s), are there any other parts that every AC game has across all titles?

Like, is there an entire build in AC1 that can, even by technicality, be "ported" all the way through each game?

To be clear I've only completed AC1, ACVD, and AC6, so I'm not super familiar with the overall series hence my query
sorta, i'd be hard pressed to find a build that spans across every title
the closest i can think of is an oldgen build using the 1000 round machine gun, idk if that gun made it into 4th+ gen
For me I'll do
>Sniper rifle
>Laser blade
>Bazooka on back
>Light/Middleweight fast build with good generator
Only one I can't do this in is gen5, but even then you kinda can with the single shoulder slot.
Granted, but they’re in the Bluepoint remakes, where they’re greebled and deformed beyond recognition.
Fuck off to shill your video somewhere else, faggot.
oh god please no
>2 hours and 45 min video crying about "AC6 bad"
>15 min in
>Ranting about hardlock and how it "automates movement and kills need for skill" and how AC6 "has no competitive integrity"
Boohoo nigga
RADAR head made it into every gen, not sure if it's necessarily in every game
VE-44B is also a kind of weird incarnation of it
why does pulseshit even exist
like wtf just let people shoot beams with their energy machineguns not donuts or bubbles
Why is building your AC way more fun than it has any right to be?
The EYE series of heads I think. I don't know about ACV but AC6 brought it back with MELANDER.
ACV/D had em too
i think they skipped out on back boosters because as a part they don't really contribute a whole lot to DPS
Bit of a waste. It'd be cool to have them for more speed.
New challenge, anons.
Interrupt the Ayre plane with charged Pile Bunker.
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Honestly, ff is a fun game if you are an optimization-obsessed autist (like me)
>There will be no game updates or regulation patches for the Ranked Match Season Update.
>Only a rank reset
ac6 will be remembered as the game where people run away from each other for 2 minutes on a quad...
AC6 is my first AC game, and I love it more than everything else From has put out. I have thousands upon thousands of hours across the Souls series, easily a thousand in bloodborne, and a couple hundred in Sekiro. I have a thousand plus in Elden Ring. I don't want Shadow of The Erdtree, I don't want Bloodborne 2, I want more Armored Fucking Core. Cancel that gay ass DLC, make the next AC game. I'm absolutely addicted to everything in AC6. I've always loved mecha, but AC has been the first series that doesn't have glaring issues that eclipse the little good. Like, every Gundam series is dogshit for one reason or another. If it isn't bad writing, it's dog shit animation, both, horrible pacing, you name it. Western mecha is lame, the mechs in other franchises are too zippy or too big and don't feel right, but AC6 got exactly what I was looking for.
Boosters would just help zimnigs rush you faster and kickspam you to death.
>promise a proper update in 3 fucking months
>3 months pass
holy fuck
Maybe if people get noisy they'll build a patch. The worst meta trends are annoying and so many parts are still bad.
Coral Generators are fucking rad.
Big blood red fire and whatnot.
But it takes some getting used-to to deplete it constantly to make proper use of it
total coral love
>promise a proper update in 3 fucking months
they never did this
Should I be using the smaller one over the bigger one... ever? It seems like the only advantage is that I have higher thrust because of lower weight.
Does AC2 still have the non-energy ammo cost problem like Gen 1?
the big one unless he's too heavy for your build.
i believe it was a thing through all three of the first gens
Including Silent Lane, Nexus and LR?
When they announced the server maintenance for the first ranked reset back in february they explicitly clarified "this is not an update" and "the next update is scheduled for may 17th"
They reset the ladder and said next update will be on the 17th, exactly as they do in this current blog post. They just mean the ladder reset with that. They never actually said it was gonna be content or anything, people just assumed.
sounds fake and gay, how have you 'always loved mecha' yet never fucking once touched any past armored core game, then complain about gundam, which i now believe you've never watched, AU series don't count.
People rightly understood an update to mean an update, not a ranked ladder reset, which they explicitly said is not an update.
You're twisting words to cope with reality. They renegged on promised support, clearly because funding got pulled.
I didn't know they existed. Grew up poor as hell. Didn't have real internet access until 2012, and even then all I knew about was youtube and Y8 games. I had a ps2 growing up, but we could never afford memory cards. Played some Sly Cooper, played a lot of GTA San Andreas, Zone of the Ender too. My love of mecha came from Big O and Z.O.E. First time I ever heard of AC was when 6 was announced, then I looked back at all the other games and they looked like ass, plus they were on systems I no longer had. I've been on PS4 for the last I don't even know how many years.

And I've only recently tried various Gundam shows. I thought IBO was alright, tried to watch the original and it's just too dated for me, I gave Gundam 00 a great shake, but I dropped off when the chick from the new set of pilots just randomly decided to blow up a wedding, tried to watch Gundam Seed I think and the MC turned me off acting like his whole life was suddenly about protecting a girl he just met.

Before Gundam though, I gave Macross a shake but, once again, just too old for me.
>They renegged on promised support, clearly because funding got pulled
Now that is straight up delusional kek
I cant tell which is the most autistic mechanic between
number go up, good, unga bunga. must decide which numbers are more important, grunga.
mostly aesthetics
put on these specific radiators or you're fucked
I want pilotable MTs
Is your AC on minimal possible AP? There's a huge money bonus per non-damaged AP unit on very low AP builds, I S-ranked nearly every mission like that with shoulder grenades slapped on
Feels like you can make ANFANG in every game but it's a dubious claim for 4 gen and 5 gen
Tuning is fun, adds a lot of build variety by letting you fix the weakest parts of your AC, such as energy managment or load limits or mobility.
Would be cool if back boosters increased any melee damage to compensate for that
Oh yes it is, it's also very compatible with emulation on a phone without having to have a gamepad around
What problem? It's a feature
They're all cool, except heat, heat is hot
>copes and seethes about you
>constantly repeats how you're a nuisance
>attacks you multiple times but loses every fight
>merges with superweapon to challenge you one last time
>still loses
It all makes sense now, Iguazu is one big reference to this guy.
It's a dumb feature because it makes non-energy weapons a pointless expense without worthwile benefit to compensate for it. Kinda dumb when you have no reason to use like 80% of all weapons types game, except for some rare occasions like a couple boss fights.
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just make a BASHO core build
melee damage plus melee attack thrust maybe? i guess the added weight contributes to kick damage, too.
Stinger is the best human character in all of Armored Core. no amount of philosophical babble will top the pure distilled manifestation of seethe that he is
Heat was nice as a mean to keep heavy ACs in check, which is something AC6 definately needs.
Yes, but Nexus and LR fixed this issue by having missions pay much more so Ammo cost wasnt much of a problem.
That's good. Looking forward to playing them then.
In the early games the drawback was supposed to be energy weapons having less ammo and a smaller lock box so you had to aim carefully. Obviously the smart players grabbed the Karasawa and got good quick.
>Beaten 6, 4 and 4a, and psx games
do i just follow on to AC2 or should i skip it and go straight to AC3?
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>The Xylem is doomed? Good.
You don't even need Karasawa, pulse rifle that's in shop from the start can carry you early game, then you get enough money to buy laser arms and back plasma gun and that's enough ammo to clear pretty much any mission.
>rubiconian niggers
Overseers and Redguns kneel to Snailteuschads
Nine-Ball? More like NO BALLS LMAO
Now fight him in 2AA.
Sure, AC2 and AA are next on my list.
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I need a name, buddies. Anyone have ideas?
tragic backstory and even worse is being put off by dated graphics and animation, but i'm partly guilty for that too, just get into it and you get over it, and if you don't well then you don't i guess.
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7-11 tank
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Imagine the following scenario:
You're peacefully chilling with your AI gf when pic related shows up, slaps you on the ass and tells you to go eat your coffee-flavored goyslop.
How do you respond?
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idk if i like this game
why is it so slow....
Left Stick + Triangle.
>container missile
he might as well just kill himself
>5th to last unique mission in the entire 3 campaign game
>it's a battle against an ordinary AC piloted by a ray of sunshine
There must have been some production issues with this game
Slap his ass too, he's a quadsissy so clearly enjoys that.
> O' queefe
Apply double earshot directly to forehead
>7 + 11 = 18
>4 lasergun barrels + 20 rocket tubes = 24
at least get the number right, jesus
Does this guy ever actually die? I'm trying to think of any pilots we meet and don't kill but I think this fucker escaped and never got killed.

Is anyone else never killed in any of the timelines
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What's everybody's favorite preset AC? Any game. Aaliyah in 4/4A comes to mind but I've really taken a liking to Loader 4 and I've always had a soft spot for the starter in AC1. Sleek and simple.
G2 Nile maybe? I don't think the Redguns would be too eager to work with you after you openly kill their second in command.
you can spare swinburne
ziyi, nosaac, freddie are fights you can run away from
red is technically skippable if you gun it for the exit door, even if you hear his voiceline while you're outside of his area
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AC1 starter is pretty nice, as is the Nexus/Last Raven starter
i'm not sure if i agree with rosenquist's little bitch twink interpretation of the ol grasshopper but i guess it makes it more compatible with later generations of AC
Nile dies in the RLF missions in NG+
You'd think he'd show up to more of Balam's missions if he lived. He would've at the very least cautioned Michigan against giving all the warships to Arquebus or frying half their MT force on NEPENTHES, for starters. As is, Nile's one of the casualties of AC6 having too many characters and not enough missions for them to do things in.
What’re some fun builds you like, anon?
>Big Missile
>Back mounted energy cannon
>speedy lrj frame that would be horribly overweight otherwise, painted black
Yep, it's first gen Armored Core time.
Which one?
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you cant play free battle anymore on ps3, hope you got a good cpu for emulaton...
Our pilebunker really looks inspired by this one
The amount of seething towards the player Stinger has is just funny to me. Especially when he started mumbling to himself when Phantasma was defeated the first time.
Wonder Raid
Where do they find all these gambling retards?
At the gambling hall
>the entire Armored Core series was just the yakuza using FromSoft as a front to advertise gambling
Isn't VOTOMS the main inspiration for AC?
>here's a mission, we promise to pay
>no we're not gonna pay lmao
Yeah fuck you too AC2.
Always bothered me how my favorite weapons have such expensive ammo. Like, don't they need to run a generator cost for energy weapons or something?
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It's even better when you look up the Japanese cast and its Sho Hayami channeling his old Gavlet Gablae performance.
Make me an L-Gaim game NOW, Fromsoft.
You owe it to me.
They did. It’s in the ACE games. Their play mechanics suit Heavy Metals the best too.
Snipe him across the map with my FASANs.
What are some customization options you would like in the DLC/next game??
For me it's special effect surface options, like colorshift for example.
Stabilizers, or some kind of similar accessory item slot that can be set anywhere at any angle and resized.
Light Brightness, it already exists but the could let you change it like luster when painting the AC
I've got an actual question for someone with more veterancy than I. I'm playing ACV right now and enjoying it just fine. Was it disliked purely because of it coming off the tail of For Answer, or is there something I'm missing?
I did end up liking ACV but I personally didn't like the feeling of flying the bastard child of an 18-wheeler and an M1 Abrams

having such a dumptruck ass gets distracting but you get used to it
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it ran at a silky 12 - 15 FPS on consoles, while most levels are varying levels of gray / dark brown, while simultaneously turning your screen blue every 2 - 3 seconds for energy regen in addition to the chromehounds frankenstein defense system, while people would snipe territories 3 in the morning when no one else was on.

oh and there's no normal flying like any other armored core in the series.

so yeah, you're missing like, almost the fucking entirety of it.
All solid, asides from the flight complaint.
Flying is for cucks, walljumping was the absolute shit and its sad to not see it come back.
Scan mode switching was ass, but my most autistic complaint was how KE guns worked. Sluggish as fuck, and no decent machineguns. You either rifle plinked or had to deal with fuckass ugly gattlings
OB strafing tanks with sniper arms blowing entire chunks off your health is almost as gay as Sekirocore, like it's a really tight race there.
g ot to give it to them, creating such a unique bomb of a game that it tanks the series for a entire decade is almost a work of art.
like you have to actively try to put so much dumb shit in.
Which AC has the best pvp
chromehounds was shit, and im tired of pretending it wasnt
The friends you made along the way.
Antennae, swappable forearms, stabilizers, customizable garage
>That tiny AC
We need to go back. Give me the small ACs. I don't want my AC to be the size of 3 stories tall, I want it to be just big enough to fit me in it
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yeah none of the missions are hard bud
not really the series for "challenging" content
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What do you think of my Mass Produced parts only lightweight AC
not bad
which AC6 levels do y'all think would be most suited for "races"?

I have an inkling of an idea where I wanna do a sort of "Group B" type racing event with me and some fellow AC nerds where we make tunes for max speed/handling rather than damage output. I think that'd be fun
How do we feel about Vaati saving sekirocore yet again, anons? Our response?
based fun haver
im in the same boat
Depends on what kind of race, but probably something huge like Grid 86 or PCA fuel base, so you have lots of space and varied terrian.
Assault boosting through the hallway on the Xylem leading up to Carla makes me extremely happy
Impregnate ALLMIND
A lil bit bigger would be better. With such skinny frame and considering the size of the car, this leans more into being an exosuit than it does a mech.
People say they beat ibis with shot guns. I tried this and he never gets close enough for that to do anything.
I can boost to him but he'll fly across the map from me.
I've tried tank miniguns and that's way too slow. My regular quick mini gun with pulse sword isn't working either. Getting kind of tired of this.
Man, imagine if there was a random mission generator, it would pick out the map, the path through it, objectives, types and amount of enemies and even custom made ACs.
Occasionally maybe even sprinkling in a bossfight if the proper map gets selected.
The replayability would be insane.
Are Schneider parts even mass produced??
By shotguns they mean zimzams and nothing else.
You sure they didn't pay you before the mission started? Some missions give the pay up front and that doesn't show up in this report. It's also a good tell of a story mission
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>ammo at 30%after first phase.
Are these just really bad weapons? I can dodge Ibis attacks okay to get through with 2 repair kits with this build but there's just zero damage.
Those got nerfed I thought? I never tried them. Pretty heavy and slow.
They are still strong as fuck, still the best kinetic weapon. 2 zimm 2 earshot and you will rape ibis and every other thing in the game.
Surely not in the way BAWS is, but I assume OP meant "available to a mercenary on the open market" lore-wise.
I also like building as he does...
Is there even any NPC merc that has Schneider parts??
Just checked, King has the KASUAR head and that's it.
The fact that you can purchase Schneider parts very early on seems evidence enough that any merc could get their hands on them.
Monkey Gordo uses them, check his ID or corpse. King also uses Kasuar head.
Wuergers are very strong. Ibis just has high energy defense and low explosive defense. Energy damage feels like it is nearly cut in half versus all institute tech enemies and bosses, while explosives shred them. If you are still stuck on Ibis, just make a missile boat and use something more honest on your next go-through.
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i might be stupid as I just died to the two ACs at the start of the mission. First time that happened also the first time I have tried missiles. They don't seem to good?
ibis has explosive weapons as its especific weakness. the meta build is to do a full loadout of normal missiles but you can probably do something more creative than that
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Those back units aren't that nice in PVE, and I'm pretty sure ibis is way too fast for them to ever hit reliably. Try other missiles. For ibis I like going with two ransetsu RF, one BML-G2 and any melee weapon for big damage upon stagger. Two smg also works great so long as you can stay on ibis ass, which should be easy with your build, make full use of assault boost and kicks. And if you're lucky you can hold her hand
This bastard is cheating on Walter! Get him, boys!
>guy with AC named Judas betrays you
Bravo Miyazaki.
Presumably so considering it doesn’t say they’re custom or unique, unlike the parts that say they’re built for the Vespers or the parts that say they’ve been customized.
The missiles you've got in your hands are fine but I recommend the 6-shot straight-shooting ones in their place. They hit more often and lock on faster.
After many attempts with several builds I've decided this isn't enjoyable. Ibis wins and I will not see the rest of the game.
Usually I can overcome difficult jumps and feel good about it and get mastery of a game but there's something about this one that just isn't enjoyable. RIP. Could just be that I want to play around my favorite anime mechs in big battles.
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You need to rely on your core's abilities more and be more liberal in battle.
make sure you're using the proper technique for dodging the sword beams. the projectile warning is timed kinda weird for it, you want to specifically watch for the projectile to already be out and THEN use your QB to reverse your direction.
Dunno if it'll work for you, but I beat him by waiting for an opportunity where he's stationary before stunning him with the charged laser lance + zimmerman before raping him with a charged piledriver.
Worked pretty well for me, but I agree that the fight is pretty annoying.
Sword doesn't hit me until it does the massive circle one in phase 2. I get peppered by lasers after losing sight of it. I genuinely don't know how people keep up with it and use melee. 80% I just don't see anything until I get smacked by a random attack in the sky.
I feel like I could beat it with the Zimmerman missile combo I got it to less than half phase 2 with it. I just don't want to grind it out waiting for the one fight I win.
Probably. Honestly I don't really know how to use assault armor. I thought I did but ibis showed me I didn't. Before I'd bait melee and pop it getting full staggers. That doesn't work with ibis. I can't use it without taking damage. I can't accurately kick it ever. I miss or it zips away and I get bombed. Frankly I can't even dodge the big fuck off laser consistently. And when I do dodge it I can't attack as it just flies away as I shoot.
Through out the rest of them I've just been using old man gundam build or a zaku build. Neither one of those seem effective on it at all. The bazooka barely scratches even with stagger. I much prefer the raid missions than any of the boss fights. Well the AC boss fights were fun. Especially the redgun raid where I had zero ammo and had to kick/punch things. That was challenging and enjoyable. This isn't especially with all the waiting between retries and phases. And talking.
I'm really bad at the game and even I beat it man you can do it.

When I was still new to the game I beat it with a fuckass build using dual chainguns and dual stun needle launchers lel
>rusty calling overseer clowns
what a trip
>I'll chase the clowns from over Rubicon!
>Only I can fly high enough!
>Rusty starts calling himself "Beat Buddy" out of nowhere.
Augmentation. Not even once.
Just wait for it to get close and then shoot/melee it. The lasers can be dodged by just moving most of the time and you melee it for big damage.
Ibis was my biggest hurdle when I first played the game. Swap to double Ransetsu RFs and some quick missiles like the lightweight ones that split that I can’t remember the name of, use pulse armor or terminal armor, whichever you’re more comfortable with, the nachtreiher arms and good mid ranged fcs and you’ll get it easy.
Once I was where you are now.
Only for me it was the giga final boss.
Then I changed my build until my thrust was 370 and everything was just better
Miyazaki first worked on Last Raven.
>wait for it to get close
Outside of one attack Ibis keeps safe distance.
Judas is a dub change, the Japanese AC name is Zehn Gebote (Ten Commandments in German). You can see it written on his emblem. Agetec redubbed so many pilot/AC names and I don't really know what compelled them to do it.
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okay, I can maybe see myself having a lil fun with this game. Not sure how I feel about only rotating along the XY plane in my Current Year's mecha game, but it sure is pretty
Well that's normal for EN translators, they always change things over dumb reasons like they think it's more clever that way or it might offend someone. Pretty sure they changed that GA chick's emblem in AC4 because it was some religious stuff.
What’s the best build you can make using Loader 4 parts and/or the raven visor?
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miss the ac3(ace combat three) planes from ac3(armored core 3), how come we dont have jets anymore since lr?
you played as jets in 4 and beyond that the devs probably figured they'd be annoying to fight
Well I just beat Iguazu with NOTFALL here, if that matters.
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hey op, replace the old rpcs3 acvd pack with this
regulations will block free battle in the outdated pack.
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Forgot pic
Just build a tanky biped with Buerzel boosters, equip dual zimms and dual songbirds and assault boost into ibis over and over. Your little twink mech with close range weapons is just getting shredded.
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Just learned about disc 3
Why the fuck aren't these in the base game
Why did we get a dogshit ost when they were hiding god tier remixes and straight up better versions of what we got in the game?
probably directorial intent
reportedly the disk 3 version of Contact with You is the original version and the ingame one was derived from it
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Well the director completely fucked up. Get this nigga outta here
the nose on this aaliyah core looks way shorter than usual...
I just wanted... a callsign of my own...
I can see why he did
It was probably something like:
>Gen 4
Everything is too fast as is, flying Normals might as well be considered jets.
>Gen 5
Everything is too slow so making player fight jets in ACs with no boosters would be such torture that even FROM thought it was too much.
You can be fast but the game clearly wanted to center itself around melee, so "Grug no can hit big iron fly with pile bunker Grug not happy".
All you need to remember is the first exploitable pattern, the slash pattern, delay your dodge on the cross slash, and to just keep ramming into/getting close to it. Phase 2 has those odd attacks where you dodge right into them (why does Fromsoft love those?)
I want the Turner to get buffed
I want cuddling with Maeterlinck ASMR
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Hey guys I think I found a reference to Armored Core in Otome Mob.
Fuck Ayre
but this is valkyria chronicles?
Anon Leon is a mecha pilot and he has a aven and a 621 on his lapel right there
>has a Raven and a 621*
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>Otome Mob
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yeah sure but it's more obviously the scout class from valkyria chronicles
look see even the armor plates are in the same place and have the same stripe running down them
Isn't that for women?
It's a manga/anime about a guy reincarnated into a women's erotic game and absolutely annihilating the man-hating atmosphere of it using his game knowledge. He also bullies his sister because she reincarnated too and is the one who blackmailed him to play a women's erotic game
Alright, sounds based.
Why would an erotic game geared towards women have a "man-hating atmosphere?" what the fuck
Remember that women hate all men who aren't hyper rich alphagigachadlords.
This is some History Channel shit.
I never used a bazooka. What's the benefit over a GL?
that's fanart you dumbass.
the projectile speed is faster so it's easier to hit midair targets and faster targets in general. the proximity trigger also makes it hard to react to. like a giant rifle shot, basically.
while GLs take advantage of poor positioning to get splash damage onto the enemy, bazookas either take advantage of enemies not using their QBs wisely or are used to trade damage against other brace-to-fire weapons
Why does ALLMIND sound so defeated and sad in japanese? Like she's on the verge of tears.
AI failgirl
Nice tits, bro.
>Laser shotgun looks like a crossbow when charged
Is it any good?
So, the bowcaster from the jedi knight games? Neat.
>Let's see how far you can swing...on borrowed vines
it took me 2 whole days of grinding to finally beat ibis my first go around and I was covered in sweat when I finally did it. Nowadays I can not play the game for weeks and beat ibis first try without much effort at all. You can do it buddy, the first time is always the hardest. The key isn't to get to creative about it, focus on dodging its attacks and when it's relatively close to you, you just blast her with standard weapons till she spazzes out and starts zipping around again, then it's time to focus on dodging. Eventually you'll get a stagger and you should use that for a melee attack or something. a fast build helps a lot with tracking her down to build up stagger
So Leos Klein didn't care about restoring Ravens or getting power, he just wanted to transition
it gets the job done
RAN-AR is the one that really needs a buff
So uuuuh, why is Pater alive during the Escape mission, even if you eliminated him during Ambush the Vespers? Plot hole?
>Nineball seraph
sawa and lots of backpedalling
He ejects.
He's actually more bitter in Escape if you did do Ambush the Vespers
I assume you're enjoying Another Age
The trick is to get some medium biped, a shoulder radar, a laser blade, some CQC gun with high DPS within a short interval encounter, and maybe some missiles for short-medium distance combat, and whatever extension you fancy
The main trick is to OB tap while bunnyhopping to dodge whenever he switches to flight mode, then, whenever he lands behind you, to b-hop backwards without turning to 9BS too much, until he's in your sights (this is an universal maneuver for gens 1-5 and it's never brought up). Shoulder radar helps here because head radars' scan intervals are trash (and you're better off honing your CQC dogfight instincts with no radars at all rather than rely on a head radar)
It's extra easy with 9BS because 9BS is addicted to trying to laser blade you even if you're above his reach, so you can even just keep flying backwards at a certain altitude if you don't want to risk hops. You can blade his ass for bonus style points if you're ballsy enough
He survives, just like Iguazu if you fight him at Dam Complex. His dialogue will change depending on if you did Redguns or Vespers. If you did the Ambush, he will call himself V.V (confirming that Hawkings is dead) and angrily order MTs to kill you because he's big buttmad at you. Snail also survives if you fight him in Eliminate Cinder Carla and appears later as Balteus in Destroy the Drive Block, his dialogue will also reflect you ignoring or fighting him prior.
He routinely tries to get behind you and fights the same as he did in MoA. Back to the wall, use weapons like bazookas, stay just a bit in the air so his sword beams don't hit you. Light/medium build best for this.
>need to do a pose for each handheld bazooka or grenade shot, cant use anything else while doing it
>meanwhile even the lightest featherweight can shoot two morleys or earshots simultaneously while also shooting handhelg guns before recoil (except zookas and nades)
akimbo pose for dual bazookas would probably look dumb as hell
also it keeps them balanced since they're typically lighter than their back-mounted counterparts
All AIs are trannies
I did it with a lightweight RJ, grenade launcher weapon arms, back radar (in order to track his location), multi missile extensions and ground torpedoes. I'm pretty sure he doesn't have any AMS capability, just keep in mind you can't hit him worth shit when he's flying. Just backpedal as much as possible while hopping/strafing (you want to hop over any blade waves) and dump missiles at him, and if he gets too close punish him with the grenade arms. Don't be afraid to OB to get some space if he gets too close to you because his dual MOONLIGHTs will pretty much kill you instantly. Otherwise you kind of need to get a feel for OB'ing to try and avoid the missile salvos and hope he doesn't spend too much of the fight flying around.
This was my specific build:
Arms: EAW-DC10
Legs: ELB-5005B
Booster: ZBT-H4/T
FCS: LODD-QHT (I might have swapped this out at some point, alternatively use whatever has the fastest missile lock)
Gen: HOY-B1000
Radiator: RPS-MER/SA
Inside: None
Extension: BEX-BRM-04
Back R: ZWM-GT/00
Back L: ZRS-554/BW (or EM-SD120 if you don't need back radar)
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>Oh cool, Vaati made a 5 hours long video
>Half the lore is wrong
what did he get wrong?
it's vaati what do you expect
He didn't find someone good to plagiarize from, please understand.
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>Chief pilots the Exusia
>the exusias are 6th in the hierarchy of angels
>Chief's emblem is the Hanged Man, a tarot motif with a man hanging upside-down
>if you turn a 6 upside-down it becomes a 9
Strung is still a Judas reference, though, as is Matthias.
Exusia also runs on Kojima particles
What parts would you have liked to see in gen 4?
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Always felt gen 4 lacked classic tank legs like these. The jap ones just look too cubical.

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