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Xabungle Graffiti, official subs from the SD-BD, BD encode from U2, so you can finally watch it in decent quality.
Also Xabungle TV batch, Hidive and AXSUS Hat subs, same U2 encode, since I didn't make a thread for it two weeks ago.
>Blurry, noise reduced encode
What is the fucking point even, the amount of these BD rips that are barely above DVD level up because the people capturing them decide to process them like this
The U2 encode is a simple 2pass. Sunrise shipped it that way. The BDMV's on nyaa if you want to try doing a better job, I'd appreciate if you could.

The BD is a big step up from the DVD master still, and the movie retains more grain than the TV show (which that screenshot is from, I wanted to use it for the TV batch thread that I didn't do since my internet was so unstable when I uploaded that).
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I already seen it but that's pretty cool, thanks OP
>BD rips that are barely above DVD level
They’re like night and day, dude
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Thanks mister Darkonius.
Kino. Thank you anon.
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>108 GiBs
damn, I can afford it but still.
How do is compare to the 2ndfire release?
thanks for the BD release but that's too much for aan 80s show with low budget animation
can you do some encode?
I haven't compared the video directly, but this release is probably closer to transparent than 2ndfire, and it's not AV1 if compatibility is an issue.

The more important difference is the subs. AXSUS Hat subs are way worse TL-wise than the official Hidive/ Maiden Japan subs, and 2ndfire only has AXSUS Hat, while my TV batch also has the official subs. Those aren't perfect either but they don't have basic TL mistakes all over them at least.

Xabungle has some of the best animation of any mecha anime from 1982. It's far from low budget.

Also, this is an encode, even if it's on the bloaty side. What's on the BDs is probably three times the size.
I leave it to someone else to do a smaller encode of Xabungle, especially since I'm not an encoder and just grabbed this one from U2. This one's good quality while not being remux size, and the BDMVs are available on nyaa.
So I've said that the BDMVs are on nyaa, but it looks like the guy who uploaded it removed the torrent. Which is really fucking stupid ngl.
Since most encoders will have access to AB and U2 it's not that big of a deal, but still.
Nice, looking forward to seeing Graffiti. Thanks for your work!

Watched the series ages ago, you got me curious about the TL issues. Any comparisons available?
I'll do mostly stuff I can see at a glance in 1, but also some I remember from working on the show:
Episode 1, 5:54 Axsus put "Seems like he snapped out of it.", but the official subs correctly have "Looks like it's broken.", which is obviously correct, Jiron is constantly struggling with his broken arm in the first episode, and they even took him to a doctor over it.
9:08 is a question, "See any Walker Machines that strike your fancy?" that Axsus rendered as a statement: "Looks like there are some Walker Machines around."
12:59 Axsus has "I'll go have a better look." when he actually says "I've taken a liking to it."
13:49 Axsus is missing that Jiron is talking about "my future plans".
13:59 Axsus has "Well, it's hard being alone, right?" when it's really "Well, people all have their own circumstances, after all.". They misinterpreted the hito (person) for hitori (alone) and fumbled the jijou (circumstances) part.
15:50 both got this wrong actually, Axsus put that it's "right next to the Iron Gear", while official put it "inside the storehouse in front of the Iron Gear.", when it's really in the front storage section.
15:59 Axsus relates it to the previous line, "People aren't meant to be wrapped like presents." when it's got nothing to do with it, but with Elchi: "You can't judge people solely on appearances."
(I'll stop here, but rest assured there's a couple more later on in the episode)

Episode 15, 9:05 Axsus Hat inserted a joke about Horla's mecha having "plot armor" when he really said that "Its power's on another level."

Episode 30's title is "Atama ni kitara oshimai yo", which Axsus Hat translated as "If they get the head, we're done for", while the official subs put "It's All Over If You Get Mad". Atama ni kitara means "to get in one's head", i.e. to get mad, and AXSUS didn't pick up on this set phrase.

Official has its flaws as well (particularly the second half, they switched TLs halfway through), but it's definitely preferable to Axsus.
I dislike the new ending where Arthur survives, aware it's mostly a gag but still
even in the original ending, Fatman surviving felt weird to me, his death was a really strong scene
I liked Fatman surviving. Him getting with Elchi made me happy.
...doesn't he survive in the TV show? I swear he appears in the final shot.
Most of the civilians are unkillable maniacs. Don't forget even Timp took a nuke to the face.
>Episode 15, 9:05 Axsus Hat inserted a joke about Horla's mecha having "plot armor" when he really said that "Its power's on another level."

I really hated when subbers used to do things like this.
I think both work because of the gag, Fatman because he's canonically indestructible, Arthur because it's Graffiti and anything goes.
Graffiti has the added bonus of giving Elchi a happier ending, since her losing eyesight permanently is kind of uncharacteristically dark for Xabungle.

Fatman comes running, but Arthur only appears as one of the Innocent when it goes through the people they met along the way; a handful of the characters shown there are alive at the end of the show, but most are dead.
Eh, it didn't bother me in Xabungle. The show's not taking itself seriously enough (at that point, at least) for it to be a problem, unlike :3 or transgraham, which were irritating.
He is too strong.

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