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>claims to be a mecha fan
>hates 0083
How does one explain this contradiction?
People are allowed to not like things.
Zetarager has bad taste and his incessant spam threads only make people more antagonistic towards shows they don't like.
In this case it's the opposite because this is the only good entry in the entire franchise. It's the only one you're allowed to like.
>>claims to be a mecha fan
>>has only seen 0083
>How does one explain this contradiction?
You have to watch out for his more recent clones and sidekicks like Jenny AkumatsuT who think "trolling 4chan" is an Olympic-worthy feat.
I thought the only Gundam you're allowed to like was Victory?
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>thinking I hate it because of the mecha
>not realizing the story and characters are mid
>Kou is a meme
>manga is great but invalidates Kou’s only onscreen kill
>no redemption arc for protag

Feels bad man
What if I am not a mecha fan but I like 0083?

>great mecha designs
>great ideas (Zeon Rebels hiding and striking back)

>poor execution (changing directors mid way through series)
>Nina being psycho
>>Nina being psycho
That's a pro
Time to take a power nap, anon.
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>cuckold jap ruins another story
every time
I take it you're a NTRfag.
No, nina just looks like a hoe.
Is that a good or bad thing to you?
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>Jenny AkumatsuT
This faggot is real. Holy imao.
This fucking fag >>22633729
True mecha fans disregard anything that happens after the One Year War.
I heard tales of her shitting up /a/'s Osomatsu threads but she personally attests to trolling both there and here.
Its a she? I bet she fucking stinks & fucks niggrs.
yah, if they are gay retards.
>she personally attests to trolling both there and here.
She has no life. What a lonely loser. I bet she's fat. Disgusting blotting land whale.
what's known of her from /m/ech servers
>passoid named jennifer
>white hispanic that dates a black guy as a race thing
>endless bragging about translating manga and anime
>endless unfinished translations, ghosts groups and holds others up after claiming projects
>says to not like attention but constantly seeks it
>you learn many things about her against your will despite her claiming to be modest
ignore her bait or beat her energy is all you can do
Unless im wrong more mecha than Gundam 0083 exist. Its was fine but I don't get why its so overated and treated like a holy gril.

You only need to see 0083.

The show had the same 2 directors thru the entire thing.
So, how does the manga change things?
Rebellion changes quite a bit actually.
I'm sure some people here would argue against this claim, but I'd say its the definitive and most coherent version of 0083.
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Which one?
That the GP02 didn't end up paving the way for Dom-styled GMs is something I'll always be mad about
feddies are incapable of having well designed suits,
Yet they keep winning...curious.
Their best pilot being a spacenoid might have something to do with that.
Zeon has those too and keeps losing...curious.
They needed superior zeon technology to build their own ms.
The titans the absolute elite of the feddies went with Zeon tech too.
>he doesnt know
Friend, everything after the oyw was made by AE
Hey, fuck you, man, visor suits are sick.
Nope. It had 2 directors.
One director did episodes 1 to 7.
Another did episodes 8 to end.

Both directors worked on every episode.
That's a disproven myth. Imanishi worked on every episode and is also responsible for Mayfly of Space.
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I don't hate 0083 for anything that 0083 specifically does. It's a problem I have with every gundam side story, especially the UC ones. There's too many things that are too different to the mainline stuff, and they either have to twist all logic to make it fit or treat you like a moron and just hope you turn your brain off like you're a Star Wars fan.
Yes, the robots are cool. The GM Custom and GM Quel are amazing. But you cannot tell me that the federation and anaheim made machines like what's on display in 0083, the men who would go on to lead the Titans knew all about it, and then the next thing all three would share in developing is the fucking Marasai.
Japanese wiki disagrees with you


>加瀬充子(第1話 - 第7話)
>今西隆志(第2話 - 第13話)
>hates 0083
GM Custom is only good from this zeekwankfest.
>But you cannot tell me that the federation and anaheim made machines like what's on display in 0083, the men who would go on to lead the Titans knew all about it, and then the next thing all three would share in developing is the fucking Marasai.
The more autistic Gundam lorefags correct me if I'm wrong here, but I'm fairly certain that all records of the GP series of mobile suits were officially wiped off the record. The data gathered probably remained and was used to develop the next generation of Mobile suits, but anything resembling the schematics of any GP suit was presumably swept under the: "Lets never talk about this again lest there be consequences" rug.
I only watch Gundam series with newtype MCs.
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You are free to hold your opinion, but I disagree with you.

Yazan Gable was an earthnoid thoughever
The Marasai is the sexiest mobile suit ever created
before i watched 0083, i thought GP02 looked goofy
>invalidates Kou’s only onscreen kill
said onscreen kill was weakshit anyways, went and took a mobile armor to effectively FF and missing the point of the battle
Yet their main standard issue suits were Hi-Zack, GM II, and Barzam; all natively Federation designed and produced suits...curious
Victorys good but its a bit of a slog for the most part

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