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--------------***READ THE OP***--------------


Previous Thread:

X-Omega and DD's wikis will be taken down sometime in June
Gundam 00 Raiser - Trans-Am Raiser Sword:
Altron Gundam - Twin Beam Trident Assault:
HG Huckebein Boxer info
A Portable Plus - rebalance hack v1.1 update:
Bravern - Courage Single Blade-Style Special Attack Brave Slash

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The battle of the ages.
Someone said if I go with Nadesico and Brave Express instead of stay at Arzenal in SRW V, I'd get a new unit aka Blackgaine. I didn't get it.
Did you get a combined 50 kills with Might Gaine, Tribomber, and Guard Driver? You need that too. I think you can get Black Might Gaine on the Arzenl Route too if you have at least 60 kills before the route split.
Nvm, after I finished the mission, just had secret scenario pop up.
This faggot is unbearable in T, he makes me not use Sirbine
>someone said
why not use the wiki?
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Can you still put the other Dunbine characters in it like in the games without him?
yes you can but Billbine has more attacks so I kept it with Shou
What's unbearable about him in SWR?
he disrespects everyone around him and is a massive edgy, ego faglord
He's literally me.
>tfw you wished for a new Sengoku Basara and got SEED movie instead
So he's basically this website?
except that he keeps repeating that he wants to save his girlfriend
He sounds like fun. I'll use him.
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why did Lacus leave him for Kira and why was he not angry about it?
I'm always "saving" my girlfriend too. Wow, I'm a mobile suit pilot in SWR. Also Marvel is pretty hot. I would save her too.
This is not Gensokyo
>More like Land of sexual Illusions
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Sex with robots every day
Wasn't it an arranged marriage set up by their parents that neither of them wanted?
Athrun simultaneously left Lacus for Cagalli. Like >>22634346 said, it was an arranged marriage and while they both liked each other fine, both were pretty clearly never really into it.
But Shion's gf is Riml though.
You can get still get black gaine even if you stay in arzenal
Because it was an arranged marriage and there's no reason to continue after the political connection disappeared
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Marvel is for Sho, not Shion
>is the VA for the supposed highest fan ranked Gundam character of all time
>looks like he wants to die
Manletness is a hell of a malady. There are other guys that suffer from it though but are happy. Just look at Toru Furuya.
I get politics are a reason because Flay and Sai had were engaged too despite being naturals, but political reasons aside, dont Coordinators have to do arranged marriages because of their low birthrate? Its why Durandal got cucked out of marrying the love of his life and went on a quest for world conquest.
>Its why Durandal got cucked out of marrying the love of his life and went on a quest for world conquest.
As everyman should. Getting cucked drives a man into insanity.
Is X worth getting if you’re a fan of Wing and Code Geass?
Z2 is better for that but X is your best fully English translated option
Can you imagine SEED Freedom, Buddy Complex, and Cross Ange in a game together?
That's just how his resting face looked like. He's fine.

If you're fine with them being in the cheerleader squad for most of the time, sure.
Do you think Athrun and Cagalli looked like the type to care about having kids? Freedom even shows how they have no plan on settling down soon.
Kira will probably just take care of the orphanage in his old days with Lacus
For a post-series show, Lelouch still gets quite a few good moments in X. Wing though is just another Endless Waltz rehash in spite of the whole isekai set up, although they do get some neat interactions here and there.
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This is the first time I've seen anything acknowledge the existence of Nightmare of Nunnally in forever

Maybe Super Robot Wars can finally do it too
I recall Nunnaly gets a badass maid who pilots her KMF. Of course, in this anniversary story, an ideal Nunnaly pilots a KMF based on the one seen in Nightmare of Nunnaly, albeit designed to fit the Alice in Wonderland theme (Mark Alice). Otherwise, she realistically can't pilot a KMF even if she can walk, because she has zero training.
Ah yes, the princess and leader of the free nation of ORB not producing an heir. Real fucking genius.
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How come gundam gets to be in there twice?
I guess because Wing was a lot of people's first exposure to Gundam in the West.
Funny, because I didn't give a shit about Gundam until SEED was a thing.
When has Cagali ever made an intelligent decision regarding the governance of Orb? At this point they should just animate Mina Sahaku and show her as the true leader of Orb. (Disclaimer I haven't seen Freedom yet)
Kira/Lacus, Shinn/Luna and Mu/Murrue will have kids long before Athrun/Cagalli does.
That's why she took a disciple
new game doko?
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Which unit has the most overused animation?
No way they added that on the bottom of the custom Launcher Pod of Basara's machine. But has this been a bonus gimmick or something on other VF-19 Kai ever made?
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SRW30 has been such an amazingly mixed bag with animations so far. Some are fantastic, some are good/decent, some are kinda shit, and some are straight up borderline Godmars-tier powerpoint presentations.

is evolution just a bunch of designs that look totally different after a certain point
>dont Coordinators have to do arranged marriages because of their low birthrate? Its why Durandal got cucked out of marrying the love of his life and went on a quest for world conquest.

They don't HAVE to but it's the best way to guarantee a child. Durandal got cucked because he and Talia weren't compatible to have a kid and Talia wanted to be a mother so she left him for the Plant arranged marriage system. And regardless Cagalli is a Natural and Kira is a first gen coordinator so they won't have any reproductive issues with their partners. Coordinators only have fertility issues if second gens and beyond try to reproduce with other second gens and beyond.
Love me some Kazuma and Masaru
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>0 combiner
Gay ass list
>What is Getter Robo
>What is Gurren Lagann
Great, now here in spain we finally got a definitive edition of the original Mazinger Z manga that repurposes the tv magazine chapters fitting them in the normal story and giving it the proper ending and an epilogue without mixing it with Great Mazinger and with no cliffhanger.
Here are three videos showing all the pages from all three volumes:
I still wish it got localized in English like Devilman and Cutie Honey did.
What is the best SRW Alpha 2 protagonist to start with?
You mean across games or in one game?
If the former, Guren Lagann. Giga Drill Break stayed the same throughout all its appearances. If the latter, K's Dann of Thursday.
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It must be nice for you
Iirc alpha 2 doesn't have many route differences, it's like 30 but you don't control the order.
Chadrado or Kusuha since Sanger sucks when he gets his upgrade and Ibis doesn't improve until the end of the game.
How's the Ivrea translation of ZERO?
Kusuha is the only one you can pick as main character in all three numbered Alphas, Ibis has a slightly easier endgame because she gets two subpilots and a ton of ammo-based moves so she can crank out Support Attacks like mad. I also like the Hyperion the most of the four protagonist robots.
>Ibis doesn't improve until the end of the game.
Wrong. Ibis gets her first upgrade when everyone else does and then her second one on Stage 37. Arado behaves similarly where he gets the Wurger first and then has to wait on Seolla + TBS a few stages later.
You still get a good 20 or so stages to use the Hyperion when Ibis does get it.
and 20 stages of alpha 2 is very, very long
By the time you get Hyperion, you already almost every relevant ALL and MAPW in the game. Just use them judiciously and you should be able to clear every map within 6 turns at worst. Only the very last map felt like it took a while with the beefed up Custos.
Fake mecha fan
Real robot > Super robot
real robots in srw can shoot black holes
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You can just let her soak up PP and levels in another squad until she gets her shit together
It's very easy for Hyperion to blow past everyone else in kills by the end
I miss Huckebein pulling weapons out of nowhere
Why did they put one more chapter after Hell King Gordon?
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So that 2022 Mazinger Manga is getting a translation seems and uh.. hoh boy that's some redesign of Aphridite A
I'm saying there's a lot of game left for you to use hyperion
Go gets hornier every year.
I remember this Aphrodite A design or something similar to it in the Gekiman manga
There has certainly been a point of no fucks given and we have long passed it.
You think it's because he's getting older, so he just wants to get it all out before he passes?
Well you're Captain Bringdown aren't you
I think after Miura and Toriyama's deaths, a lots of mangakas realized they can die in any moment.
Kazuki, Leiji and Terasawa too.
Is that a v-v-v-v-va
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I just finished reading the first two chapters. Here's Sayaka's pilot suit.
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Uncle Go has never given a single fuck in the first place, what's he's allowed to get away with has just changed over time
Yeah but you're nobody.
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It is remarkably tame compared to the design of the mech itself.
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I do wish someone else would translate the other gekiman series.
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It's important to treasure your sister.
I always pick Arado.
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sex and violence is go nagai's schtick, if anything he's gone soft lately
To serve as an epilogue.
Yes, it's great.
Though tbf we also never got a single gundam anime here (we did get the gundam the origin manga, but only the tankobon version which has no colored pages).
At the very least i don't remember it being bad.
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If I picked Iori here, will Salia fawn over him too?
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Alpha 2 has a lot of MC character picking up Learning because they spend a good deal of time bumming around as squad filler in combination with the lack of good skills to purchase especially for ammo based characters.
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TUYU 30周年記念イラスト


Man, looks like Tuyu has worked on some notable stuff in his time
The next game should have some kind of level scaling so every enemy can put up a decent fight without you having to handicap your units
I don't think enemy levels ever mattered outside of some rare cases where they throw out some lv50-70 mooks in Z3
I miss V's level 50 bosses when you're only in your 30s on average. And 60 on that one split route when you take on Emperor of Darkness before Mazinger becomes Mazinger Zero.
Doesn't 30 already do level scaling because of the free roam thing
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UC pilots should be allowed to pilot AU suits and vice versa.
It's sadly only gonna be relegated to the SD games.
X is usually future UC
Let Jamil pilot Nu
I didn't mention V because you'll likely gang up on them with valor + smash hit anyway.
Idom mooks are trickier because it's on a route split and during a stage that forced you to split your units. I wish there are more like that.
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I don't want filthy UC hands touching glorious AU suits, thank you.
AU pilots using UC suits should be possible, but the opposite would be hard.
Coordinator suits are too big brain for normal people to use.
00 suits are pilot locked except the GN-X
AGE Gundams are pilot locked, you can only use genoace and their derivatives.
IBO Gundams are pilot locked, at best they let you use the graze custom and shiden
What's filthy about UC hands?
Would any of the AU guys be able to use funnels aside from maybe Jamil and I think Kira and Mu? Unless they're different from UC Newtypes?
They're just filthy in general.
Half the series scales the enemies to the average of your top 15-20 pilots
You can get stupid high level by the end of all the DS/3DS games besides maybe K just by making sure to take down bosses with lower level pilots/multi pilot units
I'm sure they wash their hands.
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The part that's the using the same shade as her skin is that actually part of the suit or is the suit just missing there? Even if that's just skin showing it's still not the worst pilot suit she's gotten.
Maybe it's meant to white. I think in the original manga her pilot suit was white which is also how it was in the OVA and Shin.
I mean they could just consider the various superhuman features as roughly the same.
Anything that needs a Coordinator also works for a newtype and such. Wing also lacks problems, proper pilot locks like the IBO suits should still probably be pilot locked.
The problem with that is that the enemy gets less from being at a higher level than the player gets from said high level. Unless you star letting the AI use spirits or something you're not going to be able to have the AI really compete with the extra SP leveling gives.
Like a run where all pilots were at level 1 the entire game would suck, and one where everyone started at 99 would be very easy.
George. Quatre, maybe?
I thought you were joking. I didn't expect it to genuinely have nipples and a pussy.

Eri probably could
From X, you also have Carris and Lancerow.
What I don't like about level scaling games is if you don't rotate your units you could end the game with low levels.
I don't get why they let anyone pilot zero in srw. Sure they do that in the show, but anyone not as autistic as heero or zechs gets mindraped 100% of the time.
How did Lelouch fare in DD?
Marvel is made and destined for Tod
And your ass with my dick
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>Heero: ...Zero. There’s one thing I have to ask you.
>Zero: And that is?
>Heero: What kind of future did the Zero System show you?
>Zero: A hopeless future, where [Ashford Academy], and everyone inside had to be sacrificed to achieve victory.
>Heero: Then how did you...
>Zero: I do not possess the strong mental fortitude that you have. Therefore...
>Zero: I made a proposal. I suggested a better method to the Zero System. A method that could achieve victory without the need for sacrifice.
>Heero: But how...?
>Zero: It’s simple. Just like chess, you need only to exceed your opponent’s expectations.
>Heero: I see. So when your Zero System activated at that time, that was when mine showed me victory.
Unless you decide to blackhole all of your kills into one unit and/or take shit route splits, that won't happen. That's the reason why so many people finish K without seeing the final spirits for so many pilots.
I don't understand shilling a wiki of all things.
K's problem was twofold: about 70% of your starter units were legitimately a waste of money (using resupplies to fix the level curve only worked on NG+), and the enemy density was kind of bad because they didn't double the amount of enemies for the pair system. They just had half the amount of enemy icons occupying the map. Thankfully, both of these things were fixed in L, but L didn't have a 15-upgrade mode so K and L both ended up the same level of bad but in different ways.
>L didnt have 15 upgrade mode
I could've sworn it does after you finish it 4 times. Thing is, who wants to play L 4 times?
Well, maybe not very low levels to the point of not having all the spirits. But in one of my J playthrough I ended the game at everyone around early 50s instead of late 70s if you used everyone.
>Male MC for Moon Dwellers apparently ends up in a harem
Is this true?
Yes, he ends with a harem based on the Powerpuff Girls plus an alien princess.
that's enough pretending, not even the newestfag of newfags don't know J
Me, almost. I only played through it 3 times though, but I do like it quite a bit.
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There's no 15-upgrade mode for L.
t. person who has 9-10 clears

The fucked-up thing is that L stores money over 99,999,999 but there's no 15-upgrade mode, but K won't store money above that, so in K you end up broke even if you start with max money because of how expensive it is to max out your units and how many parts you end up buying since enemies rarely drop anything you'd actually want to use.
I must've mixed it up with Z2 then, they were released back to back
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If you try to use solos the entire game then I can see you needing to Resupply abuse, but if you use pairs during the early game, you can bring up the level average by having the bad units leech off the good ones. Not many pilots get Attack Combo that early either.
Amari is an afterthought isn't it
The rivalry with Celric just doesn't work when she's a meek little lady, and since Hopes just simps for her there's not much development between the two.
This ntrfaggot >>22637122
is NOT ME >>22634328
btw. Marvel is built for sho's giant nippon cock.
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Marvel's soul, body, mind is built for sho's seed & cock. Grrr..
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Celric's relation to her is portrayed more as envy, like this little girl shouldn't be stronger than him and he ends up falling due to being unable to accept that, rather than a dual sided rivalry. Spero is portrayed as getting influenced by her into caring about the others and the world rather than just himself.

Amari does feel like a character where things happen to her rather than her starting things.
Fem protags since Z are usually afterthoughts
That's kind of the point. Amari is supposed to be weak, meek, incompetent, etc, but Celric simply can't beat her, and that pisses him off.
Amari is a personal story.
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Bandai Namco reported a huge profit with 77.36% coming from the toys category, srw series is meant to help sell toys so there's probably a new game on the horizon.
Amari feels more like a love interest or a protagonist of series like Atelier instead of SRW
30 seems way easier than T, but those are the only SRW games I've played so maybe they're just the two piss easy ones. Like I'm at the point where my level 105 Gridman/Yuta acts like 10 times a turn and never runs out of ammo thanks to power parts. Yeah breaking the game in half is fun but when there's still a huge chunk of game left it gets kind of old. I'm thinking of trying to do something like only Gundams or mass-produced mechs for the rest of the game just to make it harder.
Try Super Expert + no Spirits run If you really want to torture yourself.
They are the easiest ones by far. That said, you can already solo a map in a single turn since Z2 (13 years ago) so it's just how the game is like nowadays.
If you want a more traditional rpg experience without free refill and infinite turns, try OGMD.
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Women are a mistake.
Why are women a mistake?
They just are.
Why are you so gay, Wufei?
My Nataku died.
SRW isn't hard in general outside of maybe a few specific stages/secrets per game if they even have some hard ones
The ExC stuff among other things made games after Z3 really easy to break
It can be a little tricky with skill points or if you NUR which a lot of the games seem to be balanced around
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Japanese humor
I don't think "balanced" is a word to describe any game in the series
Is there an actual reason Sean isn't the captain other than they wanted a cute female waifu in the captain uniform?
So does it or does it not?
Japan loves females as captains.
Seam is a professional executive officer rather than being like Tetsuya whose a captain in training, his job and role is to support and advise the captain so he isn't one likely cause he himself feels that's not his wheel house
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Shut the FUCK up tumblrite kuk.
>OG units
How good is W?
What did OG units do to you?
Really good. Tekkaman is OP but it's got some of the best supers in any translated srw I've played between Genesis GGG, Mazinkaiser, and Valcazard.
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I like how the W characters interact. They really feel like a group of friends hanging out together, and the OG characters blend with other series so well. You can feel that they actually care for each other and not just tagging along with the story. I wish they make an OG game where Kazuma and the Valstork family get the main spotlight
Does it matter what character I start with in the OG remake for PS2? I never played any SRW and I was gonna start with this one and Kyousuke or whatever his name is, but the game kind of makes it look like I'm supposed to start with the nerdier looking guy first.
Ryusei route - canon route, keep the SRX, people hate the route's water stages
Kyosuke route - better early units, no SRX, Kai is permanent
You think they won't show up in the next OG? The J crew already did, I figured they'd be next.
Ryusei is the canon route and deals more with the main plot points. Kyosuke's route feels like he is intended for the 2nd playthrough.
Kyosuke is also the main character of OG2 no matter what, so it feels natural to let Rysei be the MC of OG1.
The only games balanced around NUR are the ones with ex-hard mode that forbids upgrade (so just alpha 3, Z1, and the 2 PS3 OG games I guess)
J and W have enemies that actually feel threatening when you're playing on NUR because you can't tank it all with raw bulk + barriers.
Why is Ryusei considered the canon route? Is it because the anime adapted it? Is Lamia considered the canon route for A/A Portable?
He deal with the events of 2 which is important and the endgame enemies are from the games he was in.
Plot points in Kyosuke's aren't followed up on or referenced where as Ryusri's are
The first half of both routes happen in parallel. The parts that throw Kyosuke's path in non canon territory are in the last quarter when characters start doing really weird things to justify the focus on Kyosuke. OG2 also mentions an event that only happens in Ryusei's path too.
You're talking about D where your armor value cant keep up with enemy attack power, because it's very easy to tank in J with nadesico spamming iron wall every turn

Because kyosuke's plot isn't until OG2 and ryusei has the company jingle and logo in his robot. It's obvious who's meant to be the mc for their first game.
Honestly the two routes stuff was dumb, the campaign should have just alternated between both and cut Kyosuke's second half.
>You're talking about D where your armor value cant keep up with enemy attack power, because it's very easy to tank in J with nadesico spamming iron wall every turn

Lategame in W that's absolutely true. While W has a bunch of really powerful Reals like Freedom that can be made to dodge anything, straight tanking is very discouraged late in W because the OG enemies can and will stack a million status ailments on your tanks until they're completely incapable of doing anything and kill them if given the chance. And Weapon Power Down is fucking busted in J/W because it literally just turns your weapons off, because it halves base power.
Didn't Wufei start his woman hating crusade because his wife died and that he was a scholar?
>I figured they'd be next
Next will be Mist.
Most gay people used to have wives. That's how they know women aren't for them.
I mean they usually do 2 or 3 OGs at a time so we'll probably get K and W with maybe L or Neo. The real question is if they'll do the Z trilogy in OG saga or do some sort of reboot before the roster gets too bloated.
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>You're talking about D where your armor value cant keep up with enemy attack power, because it's very easy to tank in J with nadesico spamming iron wall every turn
You're going to run out of EN trying to soak everything up with the Distortion Field and countering with rather expensive Gravity Blast/Phase Transition Cannon. If you try to get cheeky with support defend, the AI will opt for chains instead and kill you through splash damage.
NURs heavily discourage hard tanking.
W's actually important OG scenes can be done in a pretty small number of stages, obviously they'll add/combine shit from other games plots though.
Database is pretty easy to throw in as a pitstop on the way to Balmar.

Kyosuke got his own route cause Impact was still pretty recent and he was popular already.
>Aria's debut
>Proton Cannon Focus
>Blessfield's death
>Valhawk gets defeated and captured
>Valzacard vs Valarm
So about 8 maps worth of focused content across a 40+ stage game. I'm not sure how they'll handle Kazuma's disappearance and eventual reappearance in OG, because they're not going to shove SRX destruction as some sort of midgame event when Alpha 3 has so much plot to cover and that's just Stage 5.
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Its pretty much agreed that OG3 will W, SC2 and Alpha 3 as the focus series with a literal who game that no one has ever heard of sneaking in at the last minute to become the actual MC of the overall plot.
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W and @3 is accurate
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Why would they call it that?
Because OG 1 and 2 got stuffed into OG as one game, OG2 is 2nd OG, MD is a filler so the last one is OG 3 or people like to call Final Gate.
MD's opening crawl calls it Episode 4
>tumblrite kuk.
Not even close you cuckold gimp. You don't tell me to shut the up, bitch. You'd enjoy the idea of niggrs fucking your wife. You & todd are made and destined for lock & key bbc. Like all ntr enjoyers. You closeted faggot.
Episode 1: OG1
Episode 2: OG2
Episode 2.5: OGG
Episode 3: 2nd OG
Episode 4: MD
Episode 5: "Final Gate"

MD is not a filler game.
Technically it was supposed to be OG 3.5 but they went with Episode 4 for some reason
Now show him dying.
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>Technically it was supposed to be OG 3.5
Bullshit, the game's been out for almost 10 years now and this is the first time something like that has ever come up.
The only factual information concerning OG3 is that Terada and the others are refraining from calling anything 3rd OG which has been shown with 2nd OG, Moon Dwellers and the tentative Final Gate.
Will they stop at Alpha 3 or keep going?
Its more of a question if there'd be anyone left at Bamco who isn't about to retire who would still give a fuck to continue
Z's premise would be the easiest shit ever to continue off of if they wanted to
They will stop. They'd be very stupid not to.
Source: your ass
Going past Alpha 3 is like continuing the MCU past Endgame
I wouldn't be surprised if they had Kazuma leave for like 10 stages after Bless' death and then come back with the Kurogane. They can't exactly do a major time skip like in W.
How is 6 months supposed to be a major time skip? He should be gone for at least 3 years to gain the experience needed to become an ace pilot when he returns.
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>They can't exactly do a major time skip like in W

Alpha 3 has several smaller ones in the beginning. Could just shuffle Alpha 3's into W's. Could maybe shuffle Aya's kidnapping into the Inference debut/Bless's death and both Kazuma and Ryusei could have their downer stretches at the same time? Would be a decent excuse to bring back the R-1 Kai since Ryusei's Psychodriver powers would be shot iirc.
This is so dumb
Let's take the multiverse theory as an example. Time displacements and everything. This is OG, actual combat is much better experience than basic pilot training with our Steel Dragons, so they can train Kazuma to be an amazing fighter in just six months, though getting embroiled in the war against the Ze Balmary Empire would force him back to his original universe from when his family just lost Bless.
Kill yourself.
SRX getting destroyed happens very early in Alpha 3's plot, if you're going to fuse it with Blessfield's death, then either Bless dies really early, or we rush the ever loving fuck out of Alpha 3's plot.
Assuming the SRX even gets destroyed in OG in the first place
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You just do what 2ndOG did and do a prologue section. 2nd spends one stage on the Altairion prologue, then 16 on the EX plot, then the real game actually starts on stage 18 out of 63.
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Toru Michaels
I don't get the Mokona picture considering he hates Clamp.
SRX getting destroyed can be W's Mazinger Z destruction event
It probably would've been best if W got an early bird cameo like Raul or Touma in 2nd or MD
Love Vagan
They likely will remove the timeskip entirely. It's just what, 6 months?
I don't know where all this OG discussion is coming from, but I like it and I still want to believe! Also Alteisen CCS fogure announced, even though I don't really see the need for that. Let's wait for Soulgain
Another form of Euzethposting. You know, "Sore mo watashi da."
The fact that you believe that OG gives a singular instance of a fuck about what the plots of Alpha 3 and W actually were and won't just ignore them to do whatever the fuck they feel like indicates a significantly greater belief in the OG writing team's ability to write a SRW plot than they actually deserve.
As long as I see a HD Valguard in my life time I'll be a happy lad.
I don't care for OG and never will.
It's a waste of time and resources.
T W E N T Y T W O years irl since OG1 came out and it's what like only less than three in universe?
Best I can give you is a shitty AI upscale
>I don't get it? Where's post plot Zeta?
The writing staff picks one game at a time to give half a shit about.
3.5 is dark prison :^)
They do that for every anime they licensed so I dont get why you're still anal about it
Mattman has gotten grouchier with age
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Y'all think there's even a little bit of a chance to hear something during Summer Game Fest?
Since you used singular. That means I only have to love one. Fuck the rest of them.
I love all Vagans.
It's not really an anime game event especially for a niche thing like SRW
>t. Kio
Didn't V alone sell like 500k, enough that Terada attended that Playstation awards ceremony thing that happened back in the day?
It's in a weird spot where it's a super cheap barely a game featuring zero mainline in the west anime but which appeals to basically the entire mecha fandom which is about 500k people
Marketing at Summer Games Fest wouldn't sell too many new copies to normies while at the same time the SRW target audience will know for sure when a new one is announced
We've had small trailers for both Gundam Breaker 4 and SD Gundam Battle Alliance in worldwide Nintendo Direct trailers that seemed to go over pretty well, plus 30 had 2 small Direct trailers, one of which was the first we ever saw of 30, so I'd expect a hypothetical new SRW to be shown off in a Direct more than a Geoff show.
Fighbird, GaoGaiGar, Jeeg, Liger, and Hikaruon should team up in an SRW since they're all power armour-esque guys fighting monsters of misery. The Dragon Empire and Himika could work together to make lives miserable to give power to Uraer and Draias, and then the Zonders would take advantage of this misery. There could be interdimensional travel with GGG traveling to the Uraer dimension and the sealed rocks the Dragon Empire lives in.
It was mentioned by Terada on the October Super Robot Wars OG Net Radio Umasugi WAVE in 2021
Never happened. You're welcome to prove me wrong with actual evidence though.


2021年10月5日配信の『スパロボOGネットラジオ うますぎWAVE』において、寺田Pより開発中のタイトルは『第2次スーパーロボット大戦OG外伝』であったことが明かされた。
>During the "Super Robot OG Net Radio Umasugi WAVE" broadcast on October 5, 2021, Producer Terada revealed that the title under development was "The 2nd Super Robot Taisen OG Gaiden".

This info was specific about the title of the game, NOT the order of the chapters. They change the title for the final product in order to not scare new players, but it is still chapter 4.
Not really
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>all dat projection
either asiancel or an actual cuck
Reboot/new continuity
If they continue, it'll be a reboot. But that's a big-ass "if", it's much more likely that it'll just stop after Final Gate.
Blade Liger and Van sucks
Liger Zero and Bit Cloud are the best
What makes Liger Zero and Bit Cloud the best?
Armor change and being shafted in their own debut in SRW by not appearing at all.
I suppose the world wasn't ready for Bit Cloud in SRW.
How ever the title in development was 2nd Super Robot Wars OG Gaiden, they just decided to make it episode 4, all you did was prove my point
They never said anything about it being Episode 3.5. That's what you tried to claim.
The title in development is wholly irrelevant to anything and everything
The sauce does not mention anything about Moon Dwellers being Chapter 3.5. What you’re suggesting is speculation without any supporting evidence from the actual sauce.

And here is the actual sauce:
Terada talks about it starting from the 4:00 minute mark.
Appearing in OE is worse would've been worse than not being there at all
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Could it be?
It feels like Mitsuba and the Dreisstrager are the real MC and MC unit of 30.
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Well yeah, they've been focusing the narrative on someone that's not the selectable MC since V.
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I don't get it.
>>all dat PRO-Jection!
>Must be an actual cuck
>Meanwhile in a previous post:
>Marvel is made and destined for Tod
And your ass with my dick
Literally condones cuckoldry behavior himself
>Self awareness: ZERO
>And your ass with my dick
Forgot to green text line that too...oh well. Fuck it.
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But I never said I wanted marvel, zhang
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Is that Tomino?
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>But I never said I wanted marvel, zhang
Fuck off toddTARD
>going full schizo
Unless Bamco thinks that characters like Rand, Setsuko, Crowe, Arnie, etc have a potential to be marketable commodities, they will most likely stop at the Final Gate
If you could build one new franchise/series unrelated to Mainline,DD,OG around one existing OG character, who would it be?
Tod is everything Matvel hates, she'd sooner put a bullet in his brain than humor humor getting close to him
Not soon. They'll probably put the franchise on hold until 10-20 years later.
i am once again trying to finally finish srw v
What were your roadblocks from V?
nothing in terms of gameplay, i just short of lose motivation to play games sometimes and put them down for long periods of time
Same here
Yakuza-style game starring Crowe. There's zero mechs in it, it's just Crowe running around doing odd jobs.
It would unironically utilize his Close combat ability really well
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Rest in peace.
Pinky. So, who's Brain's Japanese voice actor?
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Kenichi Ogata
Guy with the star head looks familiar
Earth from Gash Bell.
Say, if we follow up on the whole Chosen Three plot thread from OG Moon Dwellers, who are those Chosen Three?
Huh, You like man's anus on your dick. Shut the fuck up, you literal faggot.
>Karaoke section with Crowe
If they somehow managed to sneak in an Akiyama cameo I’d actually laugh.
i can lose sleep and job but not the hope of a new game!
>Crowe running a cabaret club despite his mistrust towards women
Don’t worry, Tieria’s gonna be his Diamond Hostess, he’ll be safe.
Sudden urge to rewatch Layzner
An action game starting Irm but i will also add Kyosuke as the secondary playable and his straight man
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Who's this?
Puffy from Ryu Knight

I take that means that if we have Blue Comet SPT Lazyner again in an SRW, it'll be reused recordings by Umezu for David Rutherford?
They've already been doing it with Lou Kaine since Shiozawa passed. In fact, I think Shin was the only time he recorded lines for him.
Kinda funny too since I'm pretty sure he HAS a replacement VA, although he was used in Another Century's Episode rather than SRW.
>playing AP (Plus patch)
>boss has 150k HP, prevail L8, and HP regen
>finally kill it
>new boss spawns
>same fucking stats
>prevail L9
Holy FUCK this is annoying. Fuck the meganoids.
You have most of the hardest hitters on that route. Don Saucer is less annoying than sitting through a gorillion Daimos and Grendizer mooks. The following stage is easy cash and kills.
The problem is that I've been using who I like mostly, and haven't really upgraded others much, when on a route split I just deploy who I've been upgrading and fill in the rest with some others I like but not as much and people who can get me more money with luck or bless.
Here's who I have deployed right now
>upgraded a lot
Aschenretter (Axel)
Gundam Deathscythe (Duo)
Hyaku Shiki (Fa)
Sazabi (Char)
Z Gundam (Kamille)
Wing Gundam Zero (Heero)
>upgraded moderately
Gundam GP03 (Kou)
Taurus (Noin)
>little to no upgrades
Aestivalis OG (Hikaru)
Aestivalis Lunar (Akito)
Daitarn 3 (Banjo)
Dragonar-2 (Tapp) [SHOT DOWN]
God Gundam (Domon)
Gundam Sandrock Kai (Quattre)
Tallgeese III (Zechs)
It seems that all versions of A just seem unfun. Like the total opposite of later games.
I mean, its my very first SRW, and I've been having fun up until now. This is just an insane difficulty spike, and apparently it was nerfed in Plus, as they cut Don's base Armor by 1500 so he starts with 2500 instead of 4000.
I really could not imagine fighting him with Prevail L9, no universal +20 Hit for your units, and him starting with 4000 Armor. That shit just seems impossible to beat, like they expected you to have a full squad of 100% weapons upgraded units. Like god damn, when Koros was at 3240 Armor with her Prevail L8, a few of my units were only able to hit for 10 damage even on crit, so original AP Don would probably wall my entire team off from damaging him for anything more than 1000 at a time.
Original GBA A is fine, if not particularly notable compared to the later handhelds
The original A still has the huge damage multiplier on 150 morale and enemy hp is still capped at 65k. You can hit damage cap halfway through the game.
No boss in AP requires any unit at 100% weapons and the other split also makes you sit through Prevail nonsense.
AP+ probably doesn't teach you this, but you only need to get your guys to about 10 bars in weapons before moving onto the next one since that's when diminishing returns starts to kick in. A little later if needed you can put in some extra pips when every relevant damage dealer is upgraded to a baseline.
The trick to dealing with bosses is capitalizing on judicious support attack usage since that allows you to sneak in a lot of additional damage. I'd also recommend not raising Infight/Gunfight past 7 with parts.

In your case, you were going to get stonewalled by this route split due to a lacking damage output on either side. Because Don, Koros, Olban and Vega are rather bulky targets.

>I have never played GBA A the post
Yeah, AP basically gave you 15 upgrade bar from the first playthrough, but that's usually reserved for the 3rd-4th run in a game.
AP's weapon upgrades are cheaper than usual so that's why 10 bars on so many units doesn't break the bank. In other games, I'd money pinch more with weapons.
I thought R was the one nobody cared about
> AIC Rights' Megazone 23 reboot project announced years ago, and never heard back again
> Suddenly another company which's owned by an ex-AIC staff pops up saying his company owns the rights for most AIC anime from the 80s and 90s. This company is starting their own Megazone 23 reboot project
> AIC Rights joins forces with Toei Animation, while this new company joins with a company that promotes blockchains and NFT products
> both companies now taking care of things in court now

No classic revival or reboot AIC titles for a while until this thing got solved
After leaving the game for a while on suspend, I came back and managed to kill him after a good like 5 turns of savescumming the RNG. Basically Axel, Kamille, and Quattro did the heavy lifting cause everyone else had too shit of a hit rate (except Fa) most of the time no matter how I'd fuck with the RNG and they tended to get oneshot once Don's attacks could land, which wouldn't allow me to get in support attacks. I was of course drained of almost all my SP from dealing with Koros beforehand too, so I didn't have that many uses of alert and stuff to use.
>tfw daydreaming about your dream SRW game
So good, bros...
What's the series list/plot you nerd
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Amuro Nooooooooo
Time for Heero to reclaim his title as the face that runs the place for SRW.
Hope we can finally move on from DUDE SAILOR MOON VA JOKES in SRW now and go to Claymore or Noir VA jokes
Ryoma, Kouji and ?
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Babylonian Bob is here to make it truly, 100% Super
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Stella Loussier appears as a SSR supporter for Shinn Asuka (Destiny Gundam). Additionally, Gundam Gusion Rebake Full City is confirmed to be playable in the same part of Chapter 3 as Destiny Gundam.

RIP Umezu-san.
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Was that ever a thing or is that just a rumor like when people thought Shinji Brightslapped Kira.
Can't say I'm surprised. I wonder if she'll turn up alive in the main story. Now, who's going to be Athrun's SSR support when he gets Infinite Justice?
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I dream about it every night.
Most likely a combination of Cagalli and Meyrin, or separate sets of both. Mu is the true pilot of the Akatsuki, after all, so I don't see Cagalli piloting the Akatsuki past its introduction.
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