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I’m trying and making 3d mech models for a while now but one part has always urked me: the hip joint.

Most of the times when I look for references its either a magic ball joint thing, it’s covered by cloth or it’s just a shaft so in reality it wouldn’t be able to spread its legs.

What is the best example of a hip joint that you’ve seen/preferred method. Sort of at the end of my rope, at this point I might just cheat and make it a magic ball joint.

Pic is my main reference for what I’m making.
I don't know what constitutes a 'hip' on your example, go look at some real world things you can take inspiration from.
If it's just a 3D model you could get away with the magic ball joint. You don't need to go full CAD autism on your fictional giant robot. But if you are daring then yeah, looking at actual CAD projects might give you a pointer on functional robot joints.

Most modern gunpla models have a three-piece hip joint with a polycap, polycap holder, and an attachment point on the leg to allow for thigh swivel. Unless you're actually putting weight on these, you could probably fudge the actual mechanism.
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For further reference, this is from the HG MAILeS Byakuchi manual.
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If I provided you with an example off of something like one of my Robot Damashii I suspect it would not be very helpful to you as it would be a magic ball joint I suppose?
I kind of feel like you are overcomplicating things, OP. If anything, real life joints do not really have to be sophisticated in appearance at all and strike me as being closer visually to a magic ball joint than anything sophisticated. Pic related, it's Boston Dynamics' newest humanoid model.
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Not a 3D expert
Don't even have hip pics.
But I'd like to point out that a leg with powerful enough actuators isn't necessary rotating from static joints.
The joint could be pushed or have twin "parallel" actuators not pushing with equal strength, thereby creating a torsion where there is no joint.
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praise the covered magic ball joint
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For me it's the large magic tumour cluster of artificial muscles
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Single/wheel joint is the most visually appealing one, even if it's not the most practical.

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