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Post blue spandex shorts girl.

Previous Thread:>>40975992
Blessed butt.
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I want Rainbow Dash to bully me for forgetting to bump her thread
Just take your Dashie out for food and some cider, maybe present her with some nice reading material, and you're back in busness.
up we go
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It's alright, she forgives you
As long as you keep praising her

I want YOU
for the Wondercolts
Dash could get me to do anything, with how hype she was in Friendship games
New shorts art today, bois
Same artist, posting another beautiful Dash for us.
Blessed synthetic fibers
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Today is a good day
Our efforts seem to be working, hopefully artists see the insane 100% upboat ratio a picture of Dash flashing that ass and draw it more.
>ywn watch Dash gain winter weight and shred her clothes
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based butt and based trips
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Damn she actually looks hot like that
She's the hottest girl at CHS Anon, and she's not even a beauty queen or anything, she just takes care of herself and looks that good.
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Dosh stronk
Imagine the feeling of cumming Dash experiences when she pumps up...
Everybody wants to cum inside Rainbow Dash, but nobody cares how would Rainbow Dash want to cum. :(
well, i want to hold her by the legs and lick her pussy until she becomes a squirting, moaning mess
RD probably does kegels too. Those powerful pelvic muscles holding your dick in a chokehold.
She POOMPS all the MOOSCLES growing very stronk yiss.
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All it takes is one baby to ruin her perfectly toned body.
Watch, Dash pops out the kid, goes even harder and ends up being in better shape than she was before

She hatee losing.
I wish that soccer ball was the tip of my dick
she looks extremely cute when she's pregnant
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Look at that arch in her back, Dash is clearly a pro.
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She's a very flexible girl
Based yogi, I can just imagine Dash doing standing splits and bending her body to get ready for some athletic shit.
Caught sleeping, again.
The crotch is begging to be sniffed
Imagine how smelly she gets from wearing those spandex shorts.
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hot as fuck
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she looks super cute as a mommy
Run, Rainbow, the big race is about to begin!
Crowded with each other, he doesn't neigh
The world's thoroughbred four-year-old horse
Today is the derby, it's auspicious

Run, run, Rainbow
Favorite hole horse, cut it out
Run, run, Rainbow
Catch up, catch up, pull away

I'm late in the start dash
No matter how far he goes, he will be let go
If you lose here
My life won't stay the same

Run, run, run, Rainbow
Favorite hole horse, cut it out
Run, run, run, Rainbow
Catch up, catch up, pull away

A: How do we abolish public gambling?
As a result of careful consideration of this issue,
Today's 4th race, the favorite is Hotaru no Hikari,
I came to the surprising conclusion that Anama is a great sangen.
Each horse starts at the gate at the same time.
As we rounded the second corner, Hotaru no Hikari was in the lead as expected.
Furthermore, each horse became a group, Tamegorō, Hikaru Genji, Rinshan Kaiho,
Mentampin lychee, koi koi, salty sugar, oppekepe,
It continues with Rainbow.
After going around the third corner and reaching the fourth corner,
As expected, Hotaru no Hikari was in the lead, with Rainbow far behind.
Now we entered the final straight course. Ah, Rainbow came out all the time.
Rainbow is fast. Rainbow is fast.
Top Hotaru no Hikari Kenmei's rush.
Rainbow chases after this.
Will Rainbow catch up, or will Hotaru no Hikari be able to escape?
Rainbow or Hotaru no Hikari,
Hotaru no Hikari or Madono Yuki, Aketezokesa part ways.

However, is it a miracle?
I pulled out his burdock from the famous inarabu horse.
Before you know it, he jumps to the top
At the same time, even the jockey is shaken off.

Run, run (run) Rainbow
Favorite hole horse, cut it out
Run, run (run) Rainbow
Catch up, catch up, catch up!

Run, run, run, run (run) Rainbow
Favorite hole horse, cut it out
Run, run, run, run (run) Rainbow
Catch up, catch up, catch up!
pick the hole
For me, it's her mouth
excellent choice
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long legs
And Pony Dash will still manage to stab herself before No Hooves Dash does.
You think so?
Shee might be more careless because of that:
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>not wearing appropriate spandex shorts for such an activity
very disappoint
We don't want her to get TOO sweaty, right?
I would like a soggy and jiggling spandex ass to slap when Dash scores points, doesn't matter if it smells offensively to others.
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Now that's what I'm talking about, a Dash so sweaty, her clothes become transparent.
Nice and cute.
Yes we want
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>Page 10
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>mfw Dash's ass is only gonna get fatter and further fill her spandex shorts as time goes on
>"Mrs. Windy, can you show me the hole from which Rainbow Dash came from?"
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>Sorry, mom, kinda busy hanging out with Ace right now..."
>Okay sweetie, work him like only YOU can
Spandex bump
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>A funny image drawn by an actual artist in a drawthread on /co/?
Blessed AI
nice, very nice. you've done good anon
looks pretty nice
emergency POOMP
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Speaking of too sweaty...
Imagine the peeling noises when she takes that off
I'd rather imagine the squeaky noises when she moves around with that thing on.
Oh shit Anon, I'm imagine that Scooby doo scene right now
Care to prove a link?

Meh, that's some shiny leather / PVC. Not real latex (t. real latexfag here).
Thanks for that link anyway, I need to rewatch that movie, seen it as a kid.

Here's some other funny stuff with squeaky clothing:
Based, old Brittney was so hot.
Have some real latex:

A song worth listening to on some decent sound system.
alright that song and chick are fuckin hot
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my face in between those boobies and dat ass
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stupid stinky Rainbow Dash
I like it
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comic Dash ass
Is it from the official one?
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Page 9 is too low. Up we go!
Pinkie looking up right under her fuckin skirt...

there's only more spandex there
Upwards and onwards>>41029142
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Did pony Dash forget how to use brakes in the mirror room?
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Oh god, she's found out we like what's under her skirt and our little fetish for it, now she's just gonna tease.

I was planning to post this.
nun Dosh?
sounds like a cool idea to generate
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Guys, it's important!
Big if true, holy shit.
It's from an official comic, yes
I need to read them eventually.
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>her face when we actually think it's hotter when she wears a certain stretchy piece of clothing like she's doing right now
I want YOU
to buy me a new pair of spandex shorts
Imagine Dash being too lazy to wash her own shorts, so you work out a deal where you just buy her a new pair when they smell and she gives you the dirty ones
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my attempt at this
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Well prompted Anon, that's getting saved.
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God damn Maxhooves knows what we want
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>STILL no nsfw edit after 9 years
Looks like she needs a new shirt as well.
Shame too, still amazing being one of the earliest spandex shorts pull pics when EQG was a new thing.
Those were the days. I remember spandex shorts pull and people wondering how big Rainbow Dash hips were being a thing
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The best version is the one where she wears nothing but shorts
Bless her heart, at least she's trying
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Wish that artist would do more Dash, he draws her ass fuckin NICE
You and me both mate.
nice group
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>"thank you! ow! thank you!"
>"Hey, Anon. Lets hit the showers... together."
and for the blue skin lovers...
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before shower

after shower
The shower grew her hair!
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I like this idea
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It's a magical shower!

Hello, another AI Anon

That’s just cute and pure.
>"Whaddaya think, Anon? Pretty huge, huh?
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I just barely noticed those titties because I was staring at thay pretty face.
Her Awesomeness™? Yeah, it's pretty big.


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I swear the animators knew what they were doing
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Girl's literally a god damn supermodel without even trying
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One drink, please!
Imagine the service, Dash zipping around at lightning speed, taking and bringing food orders.
Pinkie: Here’s your order!

Dashie: Got your order, nice choice with cheese fries dude!
Can I drink one with the waitress after hours?
Of course!
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It went too far.
Personality wise these 3 would get hammered.
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Slamming beloved Dash hard as shit so she falls ass up on the soccer field is a sacrifice I am willing to make just to get a look at that dump truck.
Dashie showing why she’s the best fit girl out of her friend.
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Is she dancing to "Rainbow Dash always dresses in style"?
Honestly the Rainbow Dash gifs are great XD.
They're Awesome™
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Bouncing around ideas for a RD Green. Might post a story later
Look how happy she is!

Has RD coaching Anon in any school sports done to death?
Rainbow Dash sexually bullying anon
Too easy but is always a fun write

Same thing but the flow is easy on that one to make different for me:
>Anon and Rainbow Dash are gym buddies.
>Rainbow Dash is a perv and gets him to do strange workouts just to get him to flex.
>Ends up bullying him a little bit to do more to the point he breaks his arms and back lifting.
>Anon refuses to see anyone visiting due to anger at himself but Dashie breaks into his room.
>Dashie thinks he’s gonna get her kicked out, sue her and their friendship is over but really Anon just doesn’t want to be around her till he’s better.
>Rainbow offers to jerk him off, he refuses but Dashie refuses to take no for an answer and comes back constantly seeing if he needs relief.
Anon being middle-aged pervy PE teacher hitting on RD
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>Good morning sunshine!
>"Blow it out your butt, Anon."
Don't ever talk to coffee addict until she/he had her/his morning coffee.
t. coffee addict
Not bad again.

Thinks reminds me of a story idea where Rainbow Dash ended up being a secret coffee addict due to Pinkie. Anon this time had worked in a cafe and was the best coffeemaker. They’re friends but after she ended up destroying his window doing a stunt and never paid her back he decided to make her some coffee but she ended up getting tweaked on it.
Now THAT’S a fit Dashie!
Fucking would
imagine the upskirt
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Now what?
That’s just asking for it.
Spike was curious

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Spike felt the pent up pressure of his dragon self.

That’s a victory lap for her.
Rainbow vs Lightning Dust
Rainbow vs Zap
Rainbow vs Apple

Final: Rainbow vs Sunset.

Secret: Rainbow vs Fluttershy and Pinkie

Super: Rainbow vs Sci-Twi
what is happening with Sunset's left hand?
Can't unsee, fuck.
It's slowly turning into a hoof.
Did it smell nice?
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I lost my sense of smell, but it was worth it.
Who was in the wrong?
Is there any good fan fics?
I wish that soccer ball was my dick
You're not the only one. >>41000332
lol, probably
I’m working on a green now. It’s story is almost done and I’ll post as soon as I can.
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New leggings pull
Now THAT’s a fit booty!
Can you even blame her for showing that mound off? A lot of work goes into looking the way she does.
I mean she CLEARLY doesn’t skip leg day
These shoes don't look comfortable lol
>"Thank you for saying so..."
>"No, it doesn't feel weird to sit on it"
>"Yes... you can take a picture of it"
I hope Dashie would never get tired of the attention her butt brings, she is actually loved.
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A green about Dashie supermodel fit body……
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Yep I’ll definitely with a green like this very soon Anon’s
Thx anon, we'll love it.
Let's bump then.
I'll gladly post pictures of her bump
No Kappa, will post story soon. Just making sure of the flow first.
>Anon and Dashie are gym buddies.
>It started with her helping him with his form doing stretches and strength training.
>Now Anon is making a name for himself with Dashie next to him.
>Dashie invites Anon out for wings, the gets to talking and they go from gym buddies to real friends.
>Days later while recovering from boxing training Anon and Dashie eyes catch a look at a flyer for a modeling contest everyone can attend.
>“What? Me model? Come on do I LOOK like Rarity?”
>……Her hips beat her and say otherwise.
>Anon says some complements and they end up agreeing to sign up for fun.
>>Anon says some complements and they end up agreeing to sign up for fun.
R I z z e d
Emergency page 10 POOMP
Coming back to my story soon!
Bratty Dashie
Must protect and love
Post yfw this little shid who would get in trouble with you grows up to be the hottest girl you've ever seen
His Rainbow Dash’s are always good but this is perfect.
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Even cuter in a one piece.
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Dash seems like the kind of girl to offer you a quickie for fun.
Imagine getting jerked off by her super speed
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Sorry about the wait, was taking care of stuff. Going back to this with MORE content:

>At home, Rainbow Dash checks herself out in the mirror.
"I know I'm awesome but not THIS awesome....nah I am."
>Feeling herself and getting to her hips, she remembers Anon complements and gets an idea just to mess with him.........
>A smile creeps on her face

>Anon is chilling at home.
>Anon is confident with his own body but decides to do an cold plunge just to be extra for the contest.
>Anon is cold as hell yet feels awake afterwards.
>After 2 sets of 20 Push-ups he calls it for the day but gets a text from Rainbow Dash.

"Soooooo about the modeling tournament. I got some poses but I kinda think they need work. Mind if I send them to ya?"

>Anon agrees but jokes only if he can keep them.

"What need a benchmark dude XD? Alright but i'm trusting you with these."

>Several pics are sent of just Rainbow Dash making faces at Anon which gets a laugh out of him.
>Dashie then sends 3 pics of her abs from different angles.
>This gets a rise out of Anon but he stays cool until the 4th abs pic that really shows her hips.
>On a whim, Anon suggest trying recording herself walking for more practice.
>20 min later, 2 videos are received of Dashie giving a model runway worthy walk.
"Well, what do you think dude?"
>Anon watches them twice before assuring her she's good.
>As a way of thanks Anon sends her pics of him making dumb faces first what get's her cackling.
>Anon then sends her shirtless pics of him 'boxing' a pillow.
>Anon then sends 2 close up abs pics of himself saying fair is fair.
>15 min later
"Ok dude, I'm not jilling off to this but.....you really should put some oil on those abs and do some crunches in a well lit room......with shorts....and grunts....please?"
>Anon delivers and sends 2 videos asking if their even now.
>5 min pass and an audio file is received.
>Dashie is HEAVY panting like mad.
>Just as quickly the message is deleted.
"Ummmm....about that file ignore it. I was.....lifting a dumbbell!

Shall I keep going?
Mmm I like it
10. Milliseconds. Flat.

Please keep going. I wonder what happens next.
10. Pages. Bump.
Gotcha I’ll get back to it in a few
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Ok where were we?

>The next day after their work out, Anon and Dashie learn the tournament has been push back for 2 days due to a lack of lighting.
>Anon breaths a little easier as he has time to build himself up a bit more but Dashie wants a bit of a challenge instead.
>Anon suggest a cold plunge challenge to see who can last longer/recover from their session and the loser makes dinner for the winner.
>Dashie accepts but insist on doing it on her house.

>Dashie tells Anon to wait outside for a sec while she gets things ready and he agrees.
>As Anon waits sounds of crashing and banging are heard.
>Just as quick Dashie invites him in.
>Dashie's houses has CLEARLY been cleaned in a hurry but Anon plays stupid which makes her think she pulled it off.
>Dashie's cold plunge is suspiciously the perfect size for Anon but he puts it out of his head as the two get in.
>15 mins later neither is breaking but the two have studied each other bodies.
>"You've been running a lot Dash."
"And you HAVEN'T been doubling your squats?"
>20 mins Dashie is feeling the cold but also something else.
>As if in a trance she gets closer to Anon and traces his abs as Anon himself stays focused.
>25 mins in the two get out at the same time, unable to bare the freezing anymore.
"OK it's a tie....this time...."
>Anon agrees as every muscle in his body is awake
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That's pretty much the face Dash would make seeing her EQG butt, it's a pretty unbelivable butt when you first see it.
You have to believe in Dash's butt. It's the Blessed Butt after all.
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Butt of awesomeness
She's going to the prom with Zephyr.
God I wish I could call her a little cutie patooty with a nice booty whenever I see her just to mess with her.
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Butt of wrath
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the fuck you want?
She wants to headpat you. You're very tall apparently.
Oh, she wants some pats? Sure
*spanks her butt*
Love that outfit
>her face when reading out posts about her
Butt of Judgement
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This. But sometimes picrel
Maybe not, even if it's unspeakale stuff, Dash would be glad we want to do it to her
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I’m taking that reaction for my collection
>when you catch Anon smelling your dirty laundry
>"You're such a weirdo Anon, but here... a picture of my feet for your birthday"
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“……….You said the deal extended to EVERYTHING you wore.”
“…..I’m not apologizing”
You refer to this? >>41036649
New hair edit
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Gotta make the Blessed Butt visible again.
True, Dashie thought growing her hair out was gonna stop us form taking a a peek...
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Silly Dashie.
Oh shit, she's all mad about her hair being chopped and she's taking it out on Twily!
Something went wrong then. I bet AJ only wanted to cut it just a little over the butt.
She got tired of Dashies pranks and saw an opportunity
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I'm sure she can fix this somehow.

Also trips
>page 10
So does anyone think they could hold an honest convo with RD in real life, or the very least with a cosplayer?
I'm no chad rizzler, but I'd definetly love to speak to an EQG Dash cosplayer, tell her how much I appreictate the effort and if I can please can a picture because how fantastic it looks.
>can a picture
get a picture*
I don't know. Can SHE hold a normal conversation? To me RD always felt like someone who constantly talks about herself, not even listening to what the other person has to say.

Regarding cosplayer, I never attended any con. Are cosplayers not people? Is talking with them that much different? lol
>Can SHE?
Now theirs the question I should have asked!

As for Cosplayers they’re normal if their good people.
>To me RD always felt like someone who constantly talks about herself
That's typical of females, Dash is probably the most feminine of her friends because her self centered trait is so exaggerated, but that's how you gotta work these females, you talk about them, that's how they're buttered up, a lot of guys don't even get this, she is the one who yaps.
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strong girl
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Love me sumin Dash
uh oh
>Accidentally knock up Dash
>Kid comes out being able to run and dribble a ball because mama didn’t birth no slouches
>go to the hospital
>kid pushed out in 10 seconds flat
tickle attack
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describe the smell
So un-spandex...
you just know Windy bought those for her
Did she buy the spandex ones as well?
Dashie comes from good Genes
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Don't know much about AI or how to prompt but I gave it a go anyway
I could see a green where the girls were all talking about which of them are the hottest and they all dismiss Dash, much to her chagrin. They say that she's a tomboy and guys don't find her sexy, and she declares she'll prove them all wrong before storming out.
They all get a text message from her with an address, time, and a demand to be there, and she refuses to elabortate further, ignoring their texts back.
Confused and a little worried, they show up and find out it's a strip club.
Upon entering, they begin looking for Dash but don't see her anywhere, until the next dancer is announced and the girl waltz onto the stage like she owns the place.
Dash proceeds to do a very athletic and skilled pole dance, getting the men in the crowd whistling and hollering for her, throwing money up on stage.
Her friends are stunned, (and some a little turned on) by their tomboy friend's undeniably sexy and skilled performance.
After she looks them in the eyes with an arrogant smirk and money up to her ankles and says, "Told'ja so."
Besides fucked up fingers (this always pisses me off) it turned out pretty cool. Good luck with your next works!

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Oh no, Dashie is in trouble! Do something, Anon!
>tickle her feet
it's the socks
Those rainbow tube socks peeking over her boots she used to wear really did it for me, she's so god damn stylish...
Ok real question: Spats, form fitting Yoga Pants or both for her?
I love her rainbow pattern leggings, but the skirt with the shorts underneath is what got me to fall in love, just screamed practical and athletic, this is a girl ready to win.
Ahhh you pick the 3rd option! Also a grand choice!
nice messaging
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Pulse is so based, I love his or her Dashes.
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Oh hell yeah
>Dash got into music production
>Sends you a sick rap beat she just made
>You open the file in your DAW, set higher BPM and send it back
>are you alright anon
*heavy breathing*

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