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At the sight of this soft and weak looking faggot, it makes me (hairy man with a square jaw) want to plop him on the ground, pin him down with all my weight and fuck him mercilessly in his stallion ponut-pussy while he whimpers and begs me to stop with his feminine voice.
Just bros doing bro things.
How im gonna be acting at mare fair 2.
I see
Comet isn't trans though
You won’t do shit. Shut the fuck up and sit down.
what if he's a gelding
Makes no difference for me
>begs me to stop
>implying the little faggot wouldn't enjoy it
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isn't he the clumsy pony, why would he be put in charge of serving drinks
So he can learn to become more confident.
Because he can give you a smooch after he serves you
>This is the sexiest thing G5 has made
I don't know what to say anymore. This gen is fucked.
It's okay to be gay, anon.
Movie Izzy is the beat
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I'll say it; I wanna fuck Violet Frost. I like the way she's built, it's kinda milfy in a quirky wine mom kinda way. I know why she's not attractive to most, but dammit.. my taste is just bad enough to lust after her.
Well at least your kids would be big and strong
so we'll never get any more MYM Comet? Feels like it was over before it began :(
This pony is looking real ZESTY!
Yeah. Whoever's making g5 wants Misty, Misty, Misty. Can't have anyone upstaging her
I'd let him spice my drinks
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I don't understand how anyone, even literal homosexuals, could find him attractive with that voice.
The voice of the nerdy guy with glasses who gets bullied by school basketball players.
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I thought his voice was alright
Simple. I never watched it. I have literally no idea what his voice is.
He gets the ballgag
Go die in a ditch, bitch.
wtf, Hitch
stop being a Snitch
I have an itch.
Caused by a witch
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with a twitch
Looks like a glitch
I will bump for more violet
No Violet
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TYT Violet is fine.
>ass eating

She does look nice and meaty. Good hips.
I wonder if she has a meaty pussy also
It does
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He gave Hitch that egg, he killed his personality to keep the harem for himself!. I'm glad Sunny kicked him out.
>he gave Hitch that egg
Big splash zone
schizo ramblings
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Do you think these two fuck?
not on purpose, he probably has accidentally mounted Violet during one of his tripping and falling routines
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Not possible. Auroracorns have no sex or genitallia. They are born of the snow from Starlight Ridge.
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Well no, by that logic, regular ponies don't have genitals either, because they were created from Princess Celestia's pollen.
Not the same. Equestria ponies just have a genital cloaking spell to hide their superior horse parts. If they didn't no creature including the ponies themselves could stop thinking about sex all the time while in their presence. Auroicorns don't have this issue, as there is simply nothing there, not even a butthole.
Spore reproducing creatures like warhammer orks
Fucking Misty humping staff were afraid he'd be more popular than her (and he would have been)
That's why they euthanized him.
we get no Sprout, no Comet, no nothin', besides poochie Misty (idk what poochie is referencing though, but I like how it sounds and I hate Misty)
>idk what poochie is referencing though
It refers to a character from the Simpsons. A mary sue dog that was included in the Itchy and Scratchy show who was eventually yeeted again with the sentence 'I must go, my planet needs me'.
That's funny, thanks, I watched a bunch of Simpsons to get cultural references like this, but I stopped partway through S7. Never made it to Poochie dang it
Poochie is from the simpsons. It refers to a character that is introduced into a previously-existing group that is forced by the studio and becomes a major character. This is usually to boost ratings, but the implementation usually sucks and the character becomes hated because they're being forced. Examples are Cousin Oliver from the Brady Brunch, Starlight Glimmer, and Scrappy Doo.
Misty was set up to become part of the group from the start of Make Your Mark, and her inclusion wasn't forced during its run. It's only season 2 of Tell Your Tale which forces her role as a major character due to poor writing.
Meanwhile, Comet was a minor character introduced at the end of Make Your Mark's run and added to the group, but he's only had a minor role.
The snow is what counteracts Allura's hypnosis, so if they're made of the stuff how did it work on them in the first place?
Misty turned into a poochie, no one minded her in s1 and the only grumbling Misty got was how much attention she got in chapter 5.
The snow magic gets used up when it's transformed into flesh. After that it's just normal horse meat.
Disturbing implications
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Even more disturbing implications.
Misty's own snow clone! Now neither of them will be virgins
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They're so cute together
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relateable, i want to pound this faggot's prostate into the fucking dirt & have him begging for more

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They are both blue, so of course they should be together.
Do you think if Comet ever returns to the show he will be allowed to ride in the Marestream?
Stupid sexy auroricorn
He's a time traveler?
Starlight is not a poochie, she has tons of fans even on this board and didn't become the main character like poochie
Yes, certainly
But it's literally called the 'Mare'stream. Hitch is considered a mare for obvious reasons, but will the rules be waved for Comet as well?
Comet is more of a mare than Hitch
Comet's been effeminate from the moment we met him, while Hitch was a pure stud before the flanderization
So this is super Starshine time?
She's a failed poochie, writers wanted her to take over bust Hasbro cock-slapped Haber
Am I the only one that would fuck Violet Frost? There's something about her being not a standard pretty mare that makes the thought exciting for me.
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they made Violet masculine and Comet feminine, etc etc etc, you know who, subversion of nature. They're putting chemicals in the water and this on TV, of course we're all going to be confused!!1
Comet's Turquoise, Misty's Azure. At least in Shannon minky Cuddle 3 colour set.
>Chubby subby mare
You saved this image from the Misty/Comet masturbation green, why?
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idk bronyski, seems like it's straight to find Comet attractive and gay to find Violet sexy
One has a horspenis this shouldn't be that hard to understand
You know full well that her MYM design is simply because they didn't have a model set up for a stocky mare and they just used the one of the fat Canterlogic worker. In TYT she has a normal build and she looks fine.
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nahh, Auroracorns are pure, see >>41030701

Okkkaay, imo she's built like Big Mac
his dick looks so weird. but yeah i want to fuck that faggot now.
oops, meant to reply to (you) >>41036759
Oh my little coltwife bringing me drinks while im gaming. Hes gonna sunk my conk next. I fucking love mares (male)!
So what is more gay? Liking a guy (XY, dick) who looks female, or a girl (XX, pussy) that looks like a male?
Id rather just have a cute girl, but im an ugly faggot so ill have to settle for a discord tranny (malding)
If you find Comet attractive you're gay with good taste in men. If you find Violet attractive you're straight with bad taste in women.
I'd rather fuck the left one than the right one.
What if I find them both attractive? Is my taste good or bad?
Nobody looks like bigmac in g5
If you find them both attractive you're bisexual with good taste in men and bad taste in women. Pay attention!
Makes sense to me
I apologize Sensei. I shall do better next time.
>Auroracorns are pure
>but Violet is built like a tranny
all bottoms have weird dicks
She's a (pure) big mare
oops dropped one >>41038029
Anon, that's not what people mean when they say "pure as the driven snow"
So am I gay for liking TYT Violet Frost or is that considered kosher?
She's more normal
HMMM. Nothing wrong about being gay for a thicc strong mare
This is so fucking soulless. Literally the only ponies that looks better in 2D are Posey, Jazz, and Rocky.
Word has no meaning
It does when it makes a character more homogenous
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But one of Comet's best qualities is that he's homo?
But I saw him with Izzy, Violet Frost, and Misty
Izzy x Comet ToT
they set it up so well with the "trip skating" scene
And now we'll never see him again. I imagine chapter 7 would've been great.
what a fumble.
We'll be lucky to even see him in whatever special that gets Allura redeemed
several G5 ships work extremely well desu
I can't even decide who to ship the mane cast with because there are so many good options
They just fuck and cum whenever
except misty
Yes, she will never fuck and cum
This meme is retarded
It's funny.
It was never funny
nta, and i think it's funny too 2v1 neener neener
Misty is Hasbro's darling so making her not have fuck and cum is funny
Agreed. Dumb forced meme.
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Can we trade in Misty for Comet? I'll even settle for Hitch.
He's just Misty Arcana 2.0
obvious falseflag is obvious
These posts are always funny
Just give us the full crew and write them properly desu
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Give them their own fair share of the spotlight
And their new friend thing
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ay that's pretty good
It's been around for a few months but I stand by it
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cute but what about the other auroricorns?
Cute and woefully neglected
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I just like Auroricorns
The ending of chapter 6 haunts me. How can tyt just ignore it?
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They're very whimsical creatures
Snowy and celestial, I wonder what their snowpity essence (scent) is like
MYM should have continued instead of TYT taking the reins
G5 would've benefitted from having only one show
amen, looking back on it I would've put all resources into 11 minute MYM shows, 5min sucks, 45min is long, why not that sweet spot that seems standard for cartoons for the last 10+ years? Maybe it's corporate contract BS, whatever, IT'S OVER.
Just when it kept on getting better...
Making cocoa?
not sure if better, but still interesting, I liked the longer format and animation better than TYT... and of course, I like Comet and his stranger in a strange land arc that he was just starting. That had real potential!
>introduce new characters and location
>promptly end the series
Not just end it, the ignoring part is what really gets me
How is this gay fucking thread still going?! There's no green, no art and no fucking discussion!
I'm too autistic to do creative writing or keep long discussions going. But I would talk a little bit about Comet's sugar butt. Not much has been said on the topic of the OP post.
>Comet's sugar butt
Go on
Bugger off.
what? you don't like Comet?! Even though OP is a degenerate display of homosexual filth, we've transmuted the thread into a general Comet appreciation thread
I want to rasp my teeth across Comet's featureless fuzzy dock folds.
Name 5 things about him to appreciate
ez game
1. His glasses are great, makes his character stand out
2. His body shape and mannerisms, he is slender but not graceful, excitable and gushes over things that interest him without thinking
3. His adventurous spirit, he bravely decided to go to Equestria leaving his home land behind
4. His kindness and sympathetic nature, as shown towards Izzy when he noticed her having trouble skating
5. His being a sparkly cool auroracorn, they're a new type of pony so that alone is intriguing
6. Tasty blue ass.
I think Comet relates to gays on a "Boys shouldn't love boys" level, so I'd break it down first. Lure him into a wall where he'd be stuck, for example.
Anyone who doesn't want to fuck Comet is a grade A faggot.
Would comet want to be with me? I'd experiment with him, start slow, getting closer and closer physically. Until we get embarrassed and ashamed of our faggotry and stop
I like his sparkly mane
8. His cooking skills
t. fatso
>he doesn't want Comet's Smörgåstårta
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Happy autist family
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Imagine cop Comet vs a methed out fent head trying to spend counterfeit bits
Why would Comet be a cop? Hitch doesn't need a deputy
the armor made me think police, and then I imagined that scenario and I'm holding back making a very distasteful shop ^_________________^
mental retardation
It's more like a guard's armor
true, i was definitely shoehorning "state backed violence" into "cop", yep, guard, but still imagining him in that guard armor kneeling with that goofy face
you are baiting me into making that edit aren't you
Make the edit
all /pol/tards should fuck off
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He's a good pony
Uh, name 5 ways how.
we've already played that game >>41060185, we should come up with another one
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for (you)
Violet frost is
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What is he looking at?
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Misty's beautiful face.
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Their child will be… blue.
no no no, Comet x Izzy is the only true pairing
How observant. But will their foal have
a white or blue mane?
Izzy and Sprout is fun too
Sprout doesn't deserve anypony as good as the main cast, and they all deserve better than Sprout
It's weird. When I remember Comet in my head his mane and tail are white, but in every image it's just looks purple. What is this psychological phenomenon?
It's called Bad eyesight.
Then what color is his mane then.
Blue? Whatever, I don't give a fuck, the only reason I am in this thread is because it is one of the very few G5 threads in this board.
maybe you're thinking of tell your tale, where the base of his mane was more white
which one is the child?
All of them.
-round, not boxy like bigmac
You're saying she's blubbery?
They can go live in the frosty north back to daddy's homeland, the perfect solution to put Poochie on a bus
Or make her live with Haven and Alphabittle
White with a purple gradient
Purple with white highlights
But there are no streaks
As nature intended
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Does Brightpooch deserve parents after what she did to Opaline?
No, especially since Izzy deserves a loving family more, and Alphabittle won't even let her call him dad
Opaline was an abusive kidnapper, not a parent.
She tried but it's Misty so you're bound to lose your temper
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How did she abuse Misty?
if you can't tell from watching the show I have some bad news for you
Good way of saying you have nothing.
Locking a kid in a room and leaving the house is considered a form of abuse on it's own. Opaline did that and cast a spell to keep Misty completely immobile. What if she had to pee? She would have to relieve herself on the carpet.
maybe it's not abusive if she wasn't a amnesiac filly being manipulated into being a henchman with the promise of getting her cutie mark
Adopted by Opaline and lived secluded around The Dark Castle doing her bidding for years until she met Sunny and her friends who showed her true kindness for the first time. She sometimes end up accidentally hanging out with them while on her 'missions'. Misty is magic-handicapped and has to use enchanted trinkets or spell books. She will lie to cover up her true agendas, that Opaline promised her a cutiemark if she helps her restore her power, constantly fails successfully, sometimes wearing the old amulet to keep tabs with Opaline like a mystical equivalent of a cellphone.
>grounding is abuse now
Zoomers will never cease to amaze me with how sheltered they are.
Thanks ChatGPT.
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>What if she had to pee?
Sounds like a job for me, I'll give her a perfect place to relieve herself!
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>tying a child up and locking them up alone in the house is the same as grounding
Misty failed her too many times
>Misty takes over show

>Misty takes over thread

not funny :( :(

I shall cleanse this thread with some proper degeneracy
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Hasbro insisting on female characters, to the point of ignoring mym is kind of toxic.
Are we sure about that? Did their rigs share a skeleton?
We won't know unless those characters appear in the latest G5 game, which is highly unlikely.
Now I want a Comet sidequest
>putting in game design for an entire area just to have characters who appeared in a special at the end of MYM
yeah, sadly there's no way that's in the budget
How much was the budget?
Ask Hasnocashbro.
But they didn't make the game, they licensed it.
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Stallion bussy bump
Cute pairing
I want to cum inside a wimpy, weak, pussy (anus), horse boy. I want his hooves to curl as I plap his delicate and tight ponut while he whimpers gently, letting out small moans.
His cock flopping gently as I go to town.
He has to cum without stimulation to his cock or else itll be gay. I will pump a full load inside him then lean down and kiss him. Then suck on his cock to clean up his little spill.
This applies to human "males" as well. Ill treat you real good.
it's still gay, but refusing to admit that makes it gayer
Its not gay for me. I want want to watch his little clit bounce while I pound his tight ponut. And if her cum gets on me, ill have her lick it off. Besides, if her dick gets hard, ill suck it clean.
Nothing gay here except you, faggot.
Fuck, im so damn hard.
Wanting to diminish the masculinity of a male is turbo gay, doesn't matter whether it's yourself or another.
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Comet x Misty is the superior pairing!
stop trolling me (I have 3/4 of those (you)s)
Comet x Hitch*
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maybe movie Hitch, mommy hitch and twinky Comet? Hmmmmmmmmmm, is Rufus the only actually masculine non-retard male character?
why would you just be shipping 2 bottoms together? whos gonna fuck them?
Hitch is super annoying, at least Rufus is a very talented working man and Hoofdini would impress him more than Pipp's CGI slop capemovie she forced him to star in.
Heh, that got a chuckle outta me.
Hitch, not """Hitch"""
Hitch's character getting assassinated is bad enough without fags like you double-tapping it
confirming the character assassination by backing it up, duh
like double-tapping with a gun to make sure someone's dead
I see. Well I also resent what happened to Hitch so I don't take any pleasure from "double-tapping" him
double-tapping his character, not the pony himself
no matter how obvious it was, that analogy is really breaking down
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He's so cold
and mentholated
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He smells like this? Now I want to sniff his coat
And rub all over his bare chest right?
classic, so glad I didn't get caught putting that text on all the college computers, that would've been horrible
Yes, certainly. We need to make sure his airways are clear
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would be pretty weird of Equestria to geld its own citizens
He's not an equestrian
What's so bad about typing vaporub on computers?
it's an old /b/ copypasta, I will not expound newfriend
Wow, you're certainly young.
They better have whipped cream at starlight ridge. I've always preferred whipped cream on top of my hot chocolate instead of marshmallows
Just like that?
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This is the most downvoted Comet image
lmaoooooo good
Did Violet Frost stretch him out already?
He really expects me to drink 4 mugs of Cocoa? Now I know why Violet Frost is so boubhery
For good reason.
Tony Montana
Why? Is it because Comet is a transmare or a transstallion?
Rope yourself.
Going by Hasbro's track record if they wanted to wokify him they'd make him enbie
Can't you get banned on that shithole (derpibooru) for downvoting an image?
Yep. If you downvote too much of the same images, they'll tell you you should filter them instead. And naturally, this is enforced through bans.
That really shouldn't be a mod's business, though
Why do you think the altboorus were created?
Artist DNPs
We should have seen Comet's cottage
I think we already did. It looked like all the auroricorns were living on a commune.
I wanted to see inside one and see how cozy their home life is
What would a green with Comet look like?
And no, not just
They're too autistic to know that this is a blue board
I agree Misty should be considered NSFW
Way too much piss and smegma
As long as no one is eating or drinking it, it's fine.
It's kind of unsettling
It's amazing how this thread lasted for over a month
Everybody loves Comet.
Powered by my frustration of how Comet was thrown to the curb, I'm showing him more love than Hasbro
You mean wants to stretch his bussy out like a fruit roll up
How much do you think get gets from royalties from Sunny's movie?
Comet is not a resident of Equestria and has his money managed by Pipp. It's in good hooves. You can trust her
I don't want to stretch him out.
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He was in one of my dreams
what was the dream like
>t. Emperor Uriel Septim VII
Comforting, but cold. Was hugging him outside
>Violet is just letting this autist jerk off in front of her
HiEgods have a chance
You should see what she's gotten away with during starshine time
Comet? More like cum on it
Go on...
Well, you know her flute right? You don't want to know where it's been
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good pony
All the cutest guys always end up being straight>:^(
>Therapeutic rape
i like how they forgot he exist after 2 episodes of TYT and would rather focus on Posey
>would rather focus on Posey
They literally just ruined Posey, so maybe it's a good thing the malaysians are ignoring Comet.
i genuinely don't understand you, he looks like chris chan
He has a full hairline so no.
He ignored Hitch thank god
This thread is more dead than Hasbro's love for Comet. The final nail in the coffin will be when Allura is redeemed and the Auroricorns will be retconned as being wrong for being assholes to Allura.
> thread is dead
we're going to keep beating this dead horse to bump limit you know that right?
But comet is still alive
Really? When is the last time you saw him?
But maybe I do
Well, Comet is intimately familiar with it
Comet is out there
The movie episode
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Crack theory: Malaysian Muslims doing all of this outsourced drawing and animation are the reason why males (Hitch, Comet) can't live with the girls. Can't be mixing the genders now, can we?
next theory is that all ponies are pronouns because they have colorful hair
No I'm right malaysians are turning tyt into shit because of sharia
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>Remember what they took from you
will we ever get a Comet figure? Or is it truly over
We don't even have toys of the Bridlewoodstock or Manesquerade outfits
>celenka S copium
So that's a no?
That's what Comet fans are on
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