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Time for another comfy Redheart thread

Don't forget to post cute pics of best nurse pone.

Forbidden Squash Soup Edition.
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Fresh Redheart delivery in the draw thread today by whiskeypanda!!
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A seperate panel 2!! I want to support her efforts to get /fit/!
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Man I wish I was working out with Reddy everyday.
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Here's a better version. I noticed some outlines I missed.
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Ok this one for real , lol. I think...
>cute mare
>maresmell particles
If you think mares aren’t girls then I don’t know what to say. Other then be my guest to change it.
Heh op image gone. like so many tears in the rain
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Nurse thread off to a great start..
nah, its not that big a deal.
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I'm wanna give her a beeg sninff
why is the image gone what was it
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Cropped ai porn.
Could just make a new thread while this one is less than 20 posts in
I agree. Next one can be a .5
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Fuck it we ball
No, Nursie! No one has ever been that cool and survived!
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That's really cool!
A friend replaced girl with mare, and I increased the quality of Redheart.
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Nini thread
have a bump
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File deleted? WTF is with jannies today?
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It showed sexual fluids or at least heavily implied. It was risqué, so it was fair. Didn't catch a ban though. So whatever.
>Page 10
Nursing this thread
Rump bump
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pic rel
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unfa unfa nurse rumpa!!
Mmmmm nice
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Ran a 5k for her tonight! Feeling good
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Good shit, Anon!
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Very nice!
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>Second Life
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Thanks frens! Lately have been trying to get more /fit/ for her!
Disregard source; acquire nurse rumpa
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>Disregard source
Agreed. I see no harm in showing our love for Nursie in as many ways as possible. She deserves no less.
Night night nursefrens
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Got runner's knee today. Feels bad
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Thank you fren! Am feeling better already!
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Nursie will kiss it better!
Nursie kisses are the best medicine!
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Just as planned. ^:)
I love you guys so much. You make this board so comfy and nice. I might be a little drunk right now kek
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Yeah I'm gonna need the uncropped nurses, there's really nothing to discuss just hand them over
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No worries fren! Thank you for the kind words!!
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Nursie has blessed me with no hangover. I wish I had a plushie of her so I could give her a big hug as thanks.
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Nursie must've snuck in and gave you IV fluids in your sleep. Thank you nursie!!
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This emergency rumpa should reinvigorate you!
alright I got to figure out which ones I cropped first. Ill upload them to catbox
I'm gonna bump the nurse rump!
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That's the stuff. I feel my body revitalizing already.
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Every time I see Nurse Redheart I can't help but think she smells downright good. Maybe it's the foreknowledge of her being a nurse and highly hygienic, or the professional look of the hair bun, or something about the white coat/pink hair combo but I can only imagine her smelling sweet and lovely, even when sweaty.
Agreed on all points. That's why when I see her sweaty I contemplate the aroma, and made that meme edit.
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Holy unfa
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My thoughts exactly! This Anon gets it!!
Nini miss the nurse!
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Off to work bump
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I find amusing how the AI can generate a sexy mare yet utterly fail at generating her cutiemark
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I want Redheart to make it end.
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looks like shes trying to kill you after all
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They are emergency snowpity injections!
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Nursing this thread before bed!
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Nursie’s Miracle Cure™ has been deployed! Is there anything it can’t cure!?
As long as there's a heart beat...so death?
I want to believe this.
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I like to use this image as a frame of reference as to what Redheart's home must look like. Homely and comfy!
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Our precious Nursie is so incredible and lovely. She is amazing, and I’m going to make sure she knows it by showering her with compliments and affection whenever I can!
Nice. I'll make sure to go down to the horsepital and knock up a nurse. Maybe bring a few boxes of donuts to the break room.
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More like PONUTS!
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The nurse is taking it easy after a stressful work week
Kiss the Nursie hoofa! Delicately, so as not to wake her from her well-deserved sleep
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Reminds me of this.
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the SHE daki!!
Item of great significance spotted
Legends say anyone who touches it is cured of all aliments
The nurse is exercising!!
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Redheart in lingerie is sexo and all, but have you considered Redheart in tack? Imagine plapping while holding on to Reddy's reins.
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I don't think I have any of that, but have this cute nursie saddle instead fren!
Very late eepy time bumpa
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Don’t worry, Nursie is just checking to see if your blood is flowing correctly.
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This is the kind of treatment I need too!
Had a productive day today! Nini nurefrens
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Did you make this?
what do the vodkarunes say anon?
Can you buy that from somewhere or is that a commission?
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This looks amazing!!
The file name translates to "No Name"
very cute, did you 3d print it?
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unfa unfa nurse rumpa
rub nursie's dock V I G O R O U S L Y
Do you think she’d do that thing that dogs do when you rub just above their tails, and they start licking at the air?
and gentle pinches!
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Night night nursie!!
mmm that's some good nurse rumpa
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(You) have been such a good patient Anon!
Bros I just became a pediatric nurse

Will she finally love me
She already did...but good job! She would be proud now.
You know, with how much ponies love sweets and candy, nurses probably still offer grown adults suckers after their appointment. Maybe not the stickers, though.
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>Maybe not the stickers, though.
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>Thank you kindly for the lolipop and stickers Nurse Redheart. Have a good day!
>You have your penis stuck in a water bottle.
What does the nurse do?
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Work bump
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Gn bump
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Have a restful eepy anon!
Ah sorry, it's not mine, I just found it somewhere else. The artist is Draconis Taaldis.
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>Maybe not the stickers, though.
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>No stickers.
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>Unlike most nations on Earth, nurses in Equestria CAN stop you from leaving until you're better
>This can cause some strife between workaholics, fidgety pegasi, and apple clan members
>The expression "an apple a day keeps the doctor away" was coined due to Apples burying a nurse in several dozen bushels in order to stage a breakout a hundred years back
>All "freed" patients were later brought back for re- or worsening injuries.
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>Maybe not the stickers, though.
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>Okay, okay! *sigh* Which stickers would you like?
"Ah yes, a thin, light-pink outline on a white background; I'm sure that won't become an indecipherable mess at a distance!"
—some retard at Hasbro
This is a very cute story! Thank you Anon!!
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Eepy sleepy bumpa
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I love her
Me too
Rainbow Dash tells Scootaloo vaccines cause atrophied wings. How does nursie resolve the situation?
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This makes the nurse the happy nurse!
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This is just Dash coping because she HATES needles
Just inject her in the back like vets do with dogs. She'll never notice.
>Page 10
Nursing this thread
Twilight’s a meanie. I would be over there comforting her in a second.
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Yaaaaaay Nursie has the BEST stickers!!
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Glorious. Very rumpa, very sexo.
>both cutie marks
Ah, so I see it's foaling time.
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Even more new Redheart art! Nursefrens we are eating good today!!
What does Redheart look better in, red, blue, black/gray, or pink eyeshadow?
>Eyeshadow color for Nurse Redheart
>My analysis
I think she would look best in eyeshadow the same red as in her cutie mark. It would contrast with her mane and tail, producing interest. At the same time it would match her cutie mark, creating continuity. Also, since her eyeshadow matches her cutie mark, it will cause you to think of her flanks (and what lies beyond) each time she casts a sultry glance at you. Hence, red eyeshadow would not only look good on her, it would also maximize her sexual power. It would be like, +20 sexual power, or something like that.
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Scrolling through my Redheart folder, I only now realize how prevalent pink eyeshadow is in artwork depicting Redheart wearing some form of makeup. Although any eyeshadow that coordinates with her color palete will work well in my opinon! I think Nurse Redheart has one of the best color schemes of any pony in the show!
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and even more pink eyeshadow!
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forgot to attach the image reeee
Late late eepy time bump
I went to sleep last night listening to hospital ASMR. I spent a lot of time in the hospital as a child/teenager. So, all the sounds, even the low-volume telephone ring tones, are familiar and soothing to me.
>milf redheart
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I don’t know how to feel about this post, so I’ll just leave these cute nurses here. Cherish them, please.
>Cherish them, please.
They all deserve love and appreciation!!
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New Reddthebat nursie kino!!
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Nursie needs a vacation and lots of hugs!
Get this thread to page one STAT!!
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One more nursie before nini
It's nursie Thursday!
Nursie heals! https://twibooru.org/posts/3082179
Trips confirm. Nursie’s cure-all rumpa has revolutionized the field of medicine.
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This is Nursie standing up to the mean people in my head and making them go away.
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What a kind and brave soul. I love her so much. I can’t stop thinking it, and I pray that she knows it somehow.
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>I think Nurse Redheart has one of the best color schemes of any pony in the show!
Just wanted to expand on this a little. Redheart's colors just fit so well together, especially from a healthcare perspective!
>Red (cutie mark)
Symbolizes the immediate and urgent nature of her profession. The color red can also evoke emotions such as love or passion!
>White (coat)
White symbolizes the sterility and cleanliness often associated with healthcare procedures and old-timey nurse uniforms in the popular conscious
>Pink (mane and tail)
Symbolizes healthy femininity and a kind, nuturing spirit. It's soft hue especially evokes feelings of tranquility and peace
>Blue (iris and outline)
Blue symbolizes trust, knowledge, and professionalism. It's for this reason most medical logos are blue
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aah so eepy
What is it, Nursie?
Horsey instincts activated. She can smell the treats in your pocket.
Working bump
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>"But nurse I don't want to cure my rabies!"
Based appreciator of the theory of colors as applied to Nurse Redheart.
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The movie style looks so cute for her!!
Not to be pedantic, but sweaty should be changed to foamy. Only then will this image stain perfection.
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It's that time again
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I wish she were sitting on me...
Lap or face.
Either. Both would be heavenly.
Nurse rumpa CPR is unorthodox, but you can't deny the results.
What an adorable medical professional!
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The fair nurse mare sat over there on her derrière
>The fair nurse mare sat over there on her derrière
In the meadow so green, with wildflowers rare,
She tended to foals with a tender care.
Her mane, a cascade of silk, flowing free in the air,
As she watched over them with a motherly flair.

With a gentle nudge, she'd guide them with flair,
Teaching them lessons, teaching them to beware
Of the dangers that lurked, of trials to bear,
In the world beyond, beyond her watchful stare.

I cheated and used GPT3.5 for it because I have no creativity
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Beautiful poem!!
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I'm glad you liked it
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>Nursie snorts ground-up Lifesaver mints on groggy mornings to get herself going
She’s really dedicated to her job. What a hero!
haha smol horn
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Oh my gosh she's been hiding it under her nursie cap this whole time!!
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Honk mimimimi hooonk mimimimimi
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I love her so much bros.
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Me too bro, me too
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She was the first g4 pony I saw, and I fell in love with her immediately. Been posting about ponies ever since. This was back in the beginning of 2011 too. lol

>the image that started it all for me
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I want to rape her. In a consensual manner, agreed upon well beforehand. The safe word is oophorectomy.
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Based oldfren repping for Redheart! Love to see there are still others that care so much about her even after all this time!
checked <3
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Sometimes tough love is the best preventative medicine.
I know I should be asking /merch/ but is there some online vendors with Nurse Redheart things in stock? I want to get a shrine going
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This shop always has a couple nurse plushies in stock!
night night nursefrens!
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>Redheart when she notices you didnt wash your hands
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Redheart gets plently of exercise on the job! Look at her go!
Good night thread
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Got bored at work, here is a nursie cutting pineapples.
Very cute. Thanks, drawfren!
Really cute.
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I love pineapple!!
And pineapple on peetzer!!
That’s some dedication kek. You rock, nursebro.
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Sweet nurse dreams frens
Best I can do is dirty nurse dreams.
Nursie is clean! Clean!!
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after work showers with Reddy!
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Tell me about the nurse why does she?
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Pineapples have an impressive micronutrient profile, and are abundant in Vitamin C and maganese. It's full of essential antioxidants that play a crucial role in tissue healing and bone formation. Pineapples also uniquely contain bromelain, a group of enzymes that assist in breaking down fats, help in post-exercise muscle recovery, and aid digestion! Plus they taste great, and I love the little tingly feeling on the inside of my cheeks and tounge when I eat it!
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Night night nursefrens
WTF. Now it is my headcanon that Nurse Redheart is a pineapple aficionado. She probably has pineapple themed kitchenware. Actually, I like this. There are new reasons everyday to love Nurse Redheart.
>I love the little tingly feeling on the inside of my cheeks and tounge when I eat it!
I know you know already but that's the pineapple eating you back for the rest that don't.
I like to think she learned a lot from Sassaflash!
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If there was too much pineapple would it eat you alive?
Yes. But very slowly
A free page 10 bump from your friends over in /plone/
You have good taste in threads, fren.
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*sigh* I wish Nurse Redheart would eat me back *sigh*
Busy busy bump
Pineapple is good for you and also makes your cum taste sweeter so give Nursey a treat
Does she spit or swallow?
I was wondering when this would be mentioned, but was kinda afraid to bring it up myself out of fear of being too lewd in front of Nursie
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Don't make me get the thermometer Anon!!
was only a matter of time, lol
I would never cum in Nurse Redheart's mouth unless she wanted me to. If I did, I would not have enough stamina left over to pleasure her in the "proper way". Then she would miss out on the pleasure she could have during sex. I would feel like I was robbing her of that.

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