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Give cute NEETs a home edition.
Previous: >>40915942

>What is this general?
NEET/Misfit Pone is a thread for ponies who despite their best efforts (or in some cases complete lack thereof) struggle to fit in with the rest of society.

>What sort of stories can you expect to find here?
• Slice of life stuff.
• Lots of odd cute ponies becoming the waifu stories.
• Lots of being the cute oddball pony stories.
• A few NEET-recovery stories.
• A lot of smut, if you're into that.
• Lots of ponies to get you started with a variety of personalities and quirks. Don't like one of them? Give another NEET a try!
• Much, much more!

>Quick rundown on the pre-existing ponies ITT:
Floor Bored - The OG OC NEET from the very first threads. Floor comes in all different forms, but she's typically portrayed as a horny and kinda dirty mare most of the time. (https://derpibooru.org/images/2321489)
Pardise Skies - Paradise is a pony who started off as a NEET but ends up going to univeristy in a PiE setting. She's very quiet, easily spooked, likes to wear clothes and speaks with a stutter. (https://derpibooru.org/images/2289220)
Moon Dancer - Huge bookworm.
Taku - Friend of Floor who is *very* into anime. (https://derpibooru.org/images/1722376)
Goldie Mops - Goldie is another friend of Floors, only she's into kaiju and big monsters. Speaks with a cute lisp and seems very adorkable. (https://ponerpics.org/images/6192935)
Chimney Peep - Floor's sports nerd friend (Pic above, pony with the hat and lazy eye)
Home Sick - Probably the least covered NEET. (https://derpibooru.org/images/1727410)
Wallflower Blush, of Equestria girls fame but as a pone. (https://derpibooru.org/images/1658572)
Cuppa Noodle - Cuppa is a NEET snekpony who likes cup noodles and very tight hugs. (https://derpibooru.org/images/1892447)
Cipher the Programmer - The super paranoid overthinking male NEET-pony (https://derpibooru.org/images/2236987)
Dot Matrix - A pony who is into retro gaming. (https://derpibooru.org/images/2577975)
Anon Mare - Anon Mare is entirely up to your own interpretation. Same premise as Anon Filly but all grown up. The self-insert pony.
Writer's Block - A NEET pony whos background is currently unclear. Know anything about her? Let us know ITT (https://derpibooru.org/images/2561414)
Starry Sails - A chubby mare who lives in a PiE kind of setting. Friends with Anon. (https://derpibooru.org/images/2657594)
Synthwave - A femcolt/trap NEET that enjoys making electronic music. Very laid back, somewhat flat in tone and expression. (https://ponybooru.org/images/3223846)

>List of some of the stories with known authors so far:

>Archive of unnamed stories and one-shots:

>Link to OP:
I want to hug her tightly, put her head on my shoulder and run my hands through her oily hair.
I'm going to toss that filthy fucking NEET into the tub. Time for a shower, swampass!
Petting the Floorb.
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In my headcanon she bathes and actually smells really nice
Based. Stinkfags can fuck off.
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I like to imagine a Floor who takes quite a few warm depression showers. Just sitting there and letting the water take her far away while she stares at the drain...
She's probably fairly clean due to it, but she's not really trying to *actually* care for herself, so she probably smells like a mare who's *not* dirty, but isn't using soap as much as she should. Her hair could look so unkempt simply due to a lack of brushing rather than a lack of cleanliness.
good headcannons
~ ~ ~
"You know, you never told me *what* you're supposed to be assisting me with."
>You're currently sitting at the dining room table while Velveteen adjusts her 'disguise'. Now with a long, pleated skirt included.
>As cute as she is prancing around in her undies, you can tell she's much more comfortable with it on.
>It's funny because she only started getting embarrassed *after* she started wearing clothes.
>Ponies have weird priorities.
>"I dunno... Maybe I'm like, your scribe or something?"
"Define scribe."
>Vee pauses her attempt at tugging up her sock. "Uh..."
>She shakes her head, her cheeks a little flush. "I- I chronicle your many exploits! Like... that time you made really awesome macaroni!"
"It came from a box, but... thanks."
>She flashes you a smile. "You're very welcome, sir."
>You stifle a laugh.
"You look like some tomcolty assistant librarian..."
>"How do you know that's -mhm- not what I'm trying to be?"
"Because I know you didn't think that far ahead."
>With socks as proper as they can be, Vee gets up from the floor and brushes a bit of fuzz of her cardigan.
>Man, you can barely see her hindlegs anymore.
>You hope she doesn't wind up tripping.
>"Well I did say 'assistant', so I must have thought about it a little!"
"So the story is... you're my live-in assistant who's feeling under the weather and didn't want to go to a clinic due to her... what, social anxiety?"
>You point a lazy finger gun at her.
"Do you even *have* social anxiety?"
>"I... I dunno? Other ponies don't really... talk to me? Or approach me, or want to be my friend..."
>Despite the admission, she doesn't look like she's dwelling on it.
>Her mind seems elsewhere.
>Vee rubs her foreleg a bit.
>"I'm... pretty nervous right now. Do you... think thing'll work out?"
"The nurse was pretty nice when I talked to her on the phone. I think it'll be fine. Just try to relax."
>"Right, right... I'm gonna... go to the bathroom now."
>Vee gives you a nod and then with a deep breath, turns around.
>You notice as she walks away that her short tail, which was poking out of a slit in the skirt, was swishing a bit.
>She's been doing that a lot lately.
>A part of you wishes you knew pony mannerisms.
>Wagging in dogs mean... excitement, right?
>Would it be the same with ponies?
>No, no it's probably not.
>You stifle a yawn and pick up your glass.
>You take a sip of your sparkling grape juice and let out a sigh.
>You still have a crick in your neck...
>Maybe you should let Vee sleep in your bed instead of curling up on the couch.
>...But that's weird, isn't it?
"Not unless she's cool with it, I guess..."
>Or maybe you should just get her a futon.
>No, no get her a bed. A bed her size.
"A dog bed?"
>You chuckle to yourself and shake your head.
"She's not that small."
>She's teeny though.
>Teeny little Velveteen.
>The creak of a door scatters your thoughts.
>"Okay, I'm- I'm ready! For real this time."
>Vee's hoofsteps signal you to look back with a smile.
thank you for making OP not homosexual, but also based-trad marriage affirming
Well the last OP was faggy and the one before that also was, so I figured I should change it up.
Based super satan
Hey, I don’t interact with the thread, but I do read them once they archive. Love all your greentexts and art. Please keep creating and having fun.
More Sanguine, please.
So far so good.

Might even do well on fimfic. They like cute NEET mare stories over there. Especially if she is a succubus with a hotty GILF.
I had a retarded sister who would do this, and 1) it's an annoying waste of water and meant we rarely had enough hot water for showers for the rest of us, and 2) it does not get you clean pretty much at all. You need soap for that. She reeked all the time.
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>those whole donk-like look
>Vee was about the same, but now wore her fake glasses and held a uh- a clipboard.
"Where did you fish that out?"
>"It came with the outfit! Pretty sweet, huh?"
"So ponies have like... normal librarian costumes? For Nightmare Night?"
>She shrugs. "I dunno. I've never been trick-or-treating."
"Wait, really?"
>Vee shuffles over and sets her clipboard on the dining room table.
>"My mom said it's 'disrespectful' or whatever and wouldn't let me. I don't really get it though, she let *Velvet* go. Why couldn't I?"
"I uh..."
>Vee interrupts with an 'oh!'
>"Oh, wait! I *almost* went one time! My uhm- my dad tried to take me once when I was a filly but mom caught us before we could leave and she kicked him out."
"I'm sorry, she kicked your dad out?"
>She looks up at you with a tilt of the head. "Only for a week!"
>The casual tone tells you that this was a rather common occurrence.
>Now you're curious.
"She... kicked Golden Fleece, one of the richest stallions in Canterlot, out of his own home?"
>Vee blinks. "Whu- No? No, that's silly! She uhm- she kicked out my *real* dad. Not Mr. Fleece."
>Oh right, the whole 'bastard' thing.
"So uh... who's your 'real' dad then?"
>Vee climbs up on the chair next to you and gingerly lays her forehooves in the folds of her skirt as she settles in.
>She certainly knows how to put on an air of politeness.
>Must be that whole 'etiquette' thing.
>"I... Never got to learn his name. He just wanted me to call him dad." Her eyes trail down to her hooves "Even if... Mom didn't want me to."
>She's getting kind of bummed out...
>Probably best to change course.
"How are you feeling, Vee?"
>It takes Vee a moment to snap out of her stupor and lift her gaze. "I feel... A bit better? I'm not shaking anymore, but... I still feel pretty warm and I've been kinda peeing a lot..."
"I... really didn't need to know your bathroom escapades."
>She leans forward, a tinge of red on her pouting face.
>"Y-you asked!"
>You take the opportunity to ruffle her mane, which earns you a bit of stammering from the embarrassed little mare.
"I guess that was on me, huh?"
>"W-whatever dude..."
"Are you feeling up to a round of Total Wombat? Before your visit?"
>She shifts her weight, looking down.
>"I think... I'd rather sit on the couch for a bit."
>Vee turns to you. "Do you wanna watch somethin'? Maybe a movie?"
"You've been wanting to watch a lot of movies lately."
>"You've got a huge movie collection!"
"It's not that big, Vee."
>"It- It's big to *me*! Dude, I like, never got to watch movies as a filly! They're friggin' awesome!"
>You don't doubt her enthusiasm, but you know she has an ulterior motive...
>She wants to be held again, but doesn't want to admit it.
>You give her a knowing smile.
"Alright alright, you made your point... Go snag something that strikes your fancy and we'll see if we can finish it before the nurse pops up."
>"Faha! Movie tiii-Oof!"
>Her skirt caught on the chair, Vee flops forward.
"I knew that'd happen."
>Octavia is secretly a mule with strong pony genes.
>She thinks her reputation would be utterly ruined if it ever got out.
>When it does get out, a few nobles make a big deal out of it, but for the most part ponies don't care.
>Octavia doesn't see it that way, her life long fear has been realized and she's sure her life is ruined.
>She isn't fired from the orchestra, she just stops showing up because she's sure she is fired.
>She stops spending time with her friends because she's sure they're embarrassed of her.
>She moves out of her shared house with Vinyl into a little apartment because she doesn't want to drag Vinyl down via association.

>Octavia becomes a NEET.
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>NEETavi constantly gets pestered by Vinyl showing up
>usually with some inane scheme to make her feel better and forget about this whole thing
>in reality Scratch just wants her bestie back
>even if that means waking up the neighborhood with her Wubmaster 9001
>playing that one piece of EDM that Octy said she like- she "tolerated" once upon a time
>…she's also really tired of having to be the responsible one for once
>…aaand she kinda feels really bad for teasing 'Tavi about her coat in the past
>now if she just stopped wallowing in it and hung out with her again
>by Harmony she misses those half-hearted snobby remarks about the music she puts on…
Anything’s possible
Aff nein.
Lets hope they don't watch a movie with a kissing seen.
Vee will get all squirmy.
~ ~ ~
>"...Can penguins actually talk? Or do taxes?"
>You scratch your chin.
"I uh... I don't know? Where I come from that'd be a no brainer, but uh- but Equestria's weird and I'm pretty sure I've seen a rat give me a dirty look once..."
>Vee lifts herself up slightly, looking a little spooked.
>"A rat? There- there aren't any rats here, right?"
"At my old place, not here."
>"Oh, good..." Vee sinks back into your embrace, her eyes still transfixed on the business penguins waddling about.
"So why'd you pick this one? Doesn't seem your style."
>"I have a style?"
"Well... it's just that you usually go for something a little more action-like and dramatic."
>She leans back into your arm and lifts her head to stare up at you.
>"Sometimes I just wanna relax, you hear? Chillin' out with my hooves out or... something?"
>"I'm pretty sure your hooves are very much *not* out right now."
>She wiggles her socked up hindhooves in response. "Yeah but I still got my upper hooves!" She demonstrates this by doing a doggy paddle in the air.
"Ah, my mistake."
>Vee lets out a soft sigh. "I... hope it's nothin' serious..."
"Whatever's got you sick, you mean?"
>You give her a gentle squeeze.
"I'm sure it's nothing too major. Not like you're bedridden or coughing up a lung."
>She shudders. "Yeesh... Not a great thing to think about..."
"Ah, sorry."
>"S'okay. I'm... okay."
>Vee takes a deep breath and then nuzzles into the crux of your arm.
"You're gonna miss the movie if you keep doing that."
>She says something in response, but it's too muffled to make out.
>You flex your arm just enough to squish her face a little, making her lift her head up with a wobbly pout.
>"W-what? I didn't do anything!"
"What you're doing..." You swirl a finger around in front of her face and then give her snoot a tap, making her scrunch. "Is cuddling, Vee."
>Her already flush face deepens a shade.
>"Pfft... M-me? I ain't cuddling! *You're* the one that s-started it..."
"Really now?"
>"Y-yeah! You just couldn't resist getting all up close and personal with little ol' mEEP!"
>You lean at her, making her shy away with a squeak.
"Admit it Vee. You're a lil cuddlebug~."
>"B-b-buh I-"
>She begins to stammer as you don't stop your descent.
>Soon enough, Vee loses her balance and flops backwards.
>Finally, you pause. Now simply smiling down at your belly-up 'assistant' as she lays there with her legs crossed and her forehooves covering her beet-red face.
>Seeing as her cardigan got hiked up by her tumble, you give her fuzzy belly a quick pat before scooting back to your spot without another word.
>...Velveteen stays like that a while, murmuring embarrassed nonsense to herself.
>Once she finally calms down, she unceremoniously sits up with a frown as deep as her blush.
"You see Vee, *that's* how you tease."
>She shakily tugs her cardigan down with a huff, averting her gaze. "M-meanie..."
"Language, young lady."
>She bats your shoulder a bit. "J-jerky mcjerkface!"
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You think she has a legit character sheet?
It’s not impossible
Probably a bard because she heard about the meme of them fucking everything.
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would you kiss her?
she'd be so bad at kissing
she's trying tho, just needs practice.
I feel like NEETs are easy mode for dating. At least most of the NEETs we see here.

Like Wallflower here- she's so used to being ignored that she'd latch unto the attention you gave her. That goes for a lot of them.

There aren't many /mlp/ NEETs that are actually "bad" just lazy and socially inept at worse. Real life NEETs tend to be a lot worse.

Like, the kind who live with their parents, treating them like shit in the process, or NEET girls who mooch off of desperate guys, sitting on their asses all day just spending their wagie BF's money.

A lot of NEETs are arrogant assholes who think something along the lines of, "It's not me who's wrong, it's society." Many of the NEETs here are more self aware. They know they're messed up, but don't know how to fix it.

I guess that's the beauty of Equestria, ponies (and EQG equivalence) are way less inherently evil, so even the worst of them aren't too bad.
Most NEETs start out that wat and go towards the 'fuck society' feeling because of that messed up but not sure how it can be fixed mindset.
It turns to bitterness.
>A lot of NEETs are arrogant assholes who think something along the lines of, "It's not me who's wrong, it's society."

golly anon it's not like that

>rising food costs
>unaffordable housing and rent
>social isolation
>vehicles becoming prohibitively expensive
>most jobs being shit for entry-level
>getting licenses for operating a motor vehicle sucks ass

all of these exist.

I've had to deal with the lovely bullshit called "getting your drivers license" and failed the road test 7 times because they auto-fail you over the smallest mistake or lump of common sense you have while driving.

>hmmm should I suddenly stop and risk getting rear ended by a inattentive driver while going downhill because I just so happen to be 10 above the limit

I'm not totalling my grandmother's car over that but apparently these dense ass examiners don't fucking understand that.

and before you go
>hurr skill issue
this isn't a drivers road test in the US you retarded muttistani, go to leaf and look how they'll transfer immigrant's licenses with no hesitation, but force the blame on residents actually trying to get their license and pass their road test. Even then imagine trying to do something like this as a broke 30yo NEET who doesn't have any fucking cash or a vehicle, never mind a car that isn't a total shitheap costing over 5k+ easily.

driving is also a MUST here, but they have the fucking drivers education system so backward, paying 600$ for a 10hr "drivers education" course where all your instructor does is just have you drive around until you pick up the next client with no actual fucking guidance other than obvious mistakes you make.

but yeah blame me for society being so shit in the first place, don't act retarded when young people aren't getting their licenses because motor vehicles are fucking expensive and insurance is also fucking expensive, nevermind carbon tax on gas.
Neets off 9
Slow day today
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Many such cases
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My wife
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she is so cute.
She’s cute
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Fellow NEETs, what PS4 game should I play this weekend?
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The PS4 has games?
Saw this image and can't help but think it's a filly Floorb.


Even if the eyes are a little off, it's not uncommon for eyes to change color slightly going into adulthood, so I could see Floorb having blueish eyes as a filly that got more green as she grew up.
Lovely but somewhat sad.
Who would have thought that such a cute and happy filly would end up as a neet?
Some Floorb green remembering "when life was happy?"
Cute filly
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funny neet doodle
I love this
Floor trying that on would look pretty funny.
Mint condtion, never removed from packaging.
I wonder if they're based off of an anime character.
~ ~ ~
>The nurse should be here any minute now.
>"You got this! D-don't worry, it's fine..."
>And Vee is...
>Well, she's pacing around the living room. Feverishly adjusting and readjusting her getup.
>"Uuu... I *hate* doctors..."
>You think she might be a little anxious.
"She's a nurse, Vee."
>She whips around to face you and gestures dismissively.
>"Nurse, doctor, whatever! They all poke and prod a-and hold you down to stick you fulla needles... A-ah! She- She's not gonna give me a shot, r-right?"
>You give her a reassuring smile.
"Remember, It's just a check-up, Vee. A normal, needle-free check-up... It'll be okay."
>"B-but..." She takes a moment to take a deep breath. "Y-you're right. I... I need to relax. I can't freak out now."
"Maybe don't calm down *too* much... We *really* need to sell that social anxiety!"
>She pouts at you. "Ha ha. Very funny..." Vee tugs at her sweater collar, her breathing hitching slightly. "I- I'm warm... Ugh, why am I so friggin' warm?!"
"Well let's see... You're panicking, your face is flush enough to fry an egg, and you've been trotting circles around the table..."
>You smirk.
"I dunno Vee, why *are* you so warm?"
>A more cute than intimidating growl rises in her throat. "You're awful."
>You raise an eyebrow at the teeny grump.
"An awfully good cook?"
>She lets out a vaguely amused laugh. "Fah... That too."
"See? That just earned you some post-appointment pancakes."
>"Aw dude... don't call it an appointment!"
"My bad, post-*visit* pancakes."
>Vee finally cracks a smile. "That's better."
>She pauses a moment, using a socked up hindleg to scritch herself.
>"I really shouldn't have worn these all day yesterday..."
"Not like you're walking on anything besides carpet."
>"The bathroom certainly ain't carpet!" Vee rubs a foreleg. "The socks aren't very... tile friendly. I almost did a split, dude... A split!"
>You stifle a laugh.
"Kind of wish I got to see that."
>She lets out a soft, theatrical sigh. "I always knew you were a weirdie... A REAL gentlecolt would never want to see a mare suffer such embarrassment..."
"Hey now, I can be a gentlecolt when I want to."
>"Well then, monsieur Nonnington..." Vee flutters her eyelashes with an almost coy smile. "Mind helping a lady tie up her oh so voluptuous mane?"
>You blink.
>Christ, she's actually pretty good at accents...
>Is that really what a prench pony sounds like?
"I uh... sure? Whaddya need?"
>The act drops immediately, her usually lazy demeanor returning the moment her shoulders slump back down.
>"Do me a solid and gimme a quick hair bun! I wanna look profreshional for miss the nurse."
>"I said what I said."
>You shake your head.
"Alright... I can do that."
>You sit yourself on the floor and pat your legs.
"C'mere, little lady."
>She gives an awfully formal bow. "Thank you kindly, boss."
>Vee moseys on over and lightly plops down in your lap.
>She looks up at you with a grin. "Don't worry, I got a scrunchie you can use."
“Far out.”
Good stuff anon
no wonder the A button has been sticking...
She's trying out her new wiimote with wiimotion plus inside.
Kicking ass in Smash Bros.
What? There's a lot of muscles down there and she's got excellent muscle control. wing-wink, nudge-nudge
She's not bitching when Anon operates the controller with his hands.
This must be some sort of courting ritual with them geeky NEETs.
she's playing the Warioware shove-it-up-your-ass minigame
>"Oh hey Ah- Anon..."
"Mornin' Dot. I see you have a controller up your bum. As one does."
>"Y- Mmn- Yeah..."
>You take a sip of your straight black coffee as you continue to observe the husky mare's awkward position.
"You know that's never been cleaned, right?"
"The uh- the wiimote. I haven't gotten around to sanitizing it yet. It's probably got like what, fifteen odd years of dirt and grime on it? Especially since we got it from the flea market mere hours ago..."
>You can almost see the gears turning in Dot's pleasure-addled head.
>"Is... that bad?"
"Dammit Dot, you're smarter than this. Pull the wiimote out your cooter and we're going to go make sure you didn't get some kind infection. Alright?"
>"B-but I-"
"No buts! Yours or otherwise."
>"Fine, fine... Just let me... uh..."
>"A-Anon? I think it's... stuck."
"...Fhyuck me."

>And that was the third NEET you had to take to the horsepital that week.
>Nurse Redheart is a kind, understanding mare who would *never* speak ill of you or your charge.
>But you know every time she sees you carrying some redfaced nopony into the lobby, a little part of her dies.
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It’s a pretty nice butt
What a cutie
>Vee rummages around in her cardigan pocket and produces a greenish scrunchie that doesn't exactly fit her getup.
>"Here you go! You can probably tell it's not much of a match."
>You take the scrunchie from her hoof and set it to the side.
"Did it come with everything else?"
>"Nope! I had it on when you snatched me up."
"Wait, really?"
>"Mmhm! But I shoved it under the couch when you left for the first time since it was starting to make my tailbone ache..."
"Speaking of aches... The mane bun won't give you a headache, will it?"
>Vee shakes her head. "Nah, I used to wear pigtails as a filly so this ain't nothin' to me!"
"If you say so, Vee…"
>You hesitate a moment as you watch her ears fold down as your hand approaches her head.
>"N-no need to worry. I'm A-okay!"
>You feel her shudder as you gently run a hand through her soft, messy mane.
>Her mane was starting to reach her shoulders now.
>You wonder if she'll ever want it cut?
>As your mind attempts to think of the right way to approach things, you catch a whiff of... something.
>At first you can't pinpoint its origin, but it doesn't take you long to realize it's coming from Vee.
>She smells of... white chocolate and strawberries?
>You haven't the faintest clue why, but it's... pleasant.
>And familiar.
>It reminds you of the little mom and pop shop that you used to go to all the time growing up.
>The scones were pretty good, but their chocolate covered strawberries were *amazing*...
>Man, what you'd give to taste one again...
>"Hey uhm... Anon?"
>"I- I really appreciate this but you're kind of... makin' things worse?"
>You focus on your hand and realize that you've been idly ruffling her mane this entire time.
>You pull your hand away and clear your throat.
"Sorry Vee, I... I guess I got distracted."
>"No biggie! Somethin' on your mind?"
"I uh... Nah, just reminiscing at an awkward time."
>She adjusts her weight slightly. "Y-yeah... I do that sometimes too. S'alright big guy."
>You drape your arms over her in a comforting manner.
>In response, she leans back into your chest with a soft sigh.
"Is that why you space out so much? You're thinking bout the good times?"
>Vee wanes in your embrace. "I'm not sure I know what a 'good time' feels like anymore. Everything was so 'blah' for what feels like forever..."
>With Vee like a warm sack of potatoes in your lap, you begin to work with her mane while she continues to mumble.
>"My foalhood was nice I guess... Mom seemed like she still cared and Mr. Fleece didn't correct me when I called him 'Dad'... But then I grew up. And... And then everypony suddenly grew cold. Like they thought that maybe if they ignored me long enough I'd just go away and stop seeking their attention..."
>Her head begins to lull. "I guess they were right."
>She straightens up and takes a deep breath. "S-sorry... I'm doing it again, aren't I?"
"I really don't mind. It's just-"
>"W-what was-"
"That'd be the door."
>"Which means..."
"She's here."
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Im loving this green and little Vee, really thanks you anon, please keep going
It is nice
cutie in the garden.

i wanna motorboat those titties.
Would any of you actually want to marry a fat, greasy woman? Is this entirely fetish fuel or does someone here need a neetwife and if so post your email
I'd be fine with fat, but not greasy. I like my neets unkempt not nasty
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im only here for the mares
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It's a fantasy resulting from being a very beta man. Because your fantasy is a woman who is WORSE than you no matter how bad you are.
Basic hygiene? You may be a beta but at least you have it, so having someone even dirtier than you puts you in a superior situation, and suddenly, the depressed and unsuccessful boy looks like a chad in a girl's eyes. Same with a lot of other things involving these characters.
No one here is genuinely equal to the neetmares, especially when the greens clearly don't show all the implications that a neet person really has (just look at how in our imagination of these characters, none of them really have money problems and somehow live alone).
I'm not saying it's bad per se, I find them funny and the characters are cute, but obviously there is an empowerment fantasy factor and that's ok.
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>It's a fantasy resulting from being a very beta man.

Cant say I agree with you on a lot of that, but you got some stones admitting to being a very beta male, not many anons including myself would. props
Don’t give him props for admitting to be a wimp if he ain’t trying to rectify it. That’s equally beta to do.
>Vee begins to squirm.
>"B-but- but I'm not ready! Luna's FLANK Anon what am I gonna do?!"
"Actually, I finished the bun a second ago. It's... kinda loose, but it'll work."
>Vee raises a hoof to grope at the back of her head.
>She gives the mane bun a few prods and then lets her foreleg fall back to her side.
"We can't stall, Vee. Just... take a deep breath and focus. It'll be okay."
>"I-I... Alright." She inhales sharply.
>With a bit more effort than needed, Vee exhales just about every inch of air in her lungs, getting her to cough a little.
>"Buh... Bad idea."
>She’s breathing too quickly.
"Properly, Vee! Don't freak out."
>"I can't *not* freak out! I-"
>You tuck your arms under her forelegs and pull her in.
"Trust me. I'm right here."
>"But I... I-I..."
>With your arms firmly wrapped around her, you can feel her chest's heaving begin to slow.
>Soon enough, she’s simply laying limp in your arms.
>"I… I think so…."
>Vee wriggles out of your embrace and takes a few steps towards the front door.
>She freezes as the door buzzer rings out once more.
>Vee turns to you, her ears flat against head. "C-can you... let her in? I'll... I'll be right back!"
>Before you can respond, Vee bolts for the bathroom and shuts the door behind her.
>She didn't even bother turning on the light.
“I don't have much of a choice, do I?"
>With a deep breath of your own, you get up and stuff your hands into your pockets.
>You shuffle over to the front door and begin to unlock it.
>You step back and open the door with a creak.
>Before you was about what you expected.
>A wispy young unicorn mare wearing oversized scrubs and a sleepy smile not unlike Vee's.
>Her short, uniform mane bobs slightly as she gives a nod.
>"You're Mister Mousse, correct?"
"That's me! I uh... I'm sorry for the wait."
>A pulse of lavender magic flicks open her saddlebag and she begins to rummage around in there with a hoof.
>"Oh no problem Mr. M! I know these things can be quite nerve wracking..."
"I wouldn't say I'm the one who's the nervous wreck."
>As if on cue, you get nudged in the back by a little snoot.
>Stepping aside, you turn to face the culprit.
>A flushed Velveteen greets you in all her awkward, pouty glory.
>"I-I ain't nervous..."
"Sure you aren't."
>The nurse takes a step forward, a clipboard now in the crux of her foreleg.
>"You must be... Cherry Veneer then?"
>Velveteen glances between you and the nurse and then clears her throat. "Y...yeah! You can call me Vee, though..."
>The nurse gives her a warm smile. "Of course, Vee."
>She lays a hoof on her chest and gives a slight bow. "Wisteria's the name. I'll be giving you your check-up."
>Wisteria looks up at you. "Mind if I come in?"
"Not at all."
>She gives you a nod and then trots further inside, leaving you with Vee by the door.
>"Cherry Veneer...?"
"I couldn't exactly tell them your *real* name, can I?"
>"Whatever, 'Moose'..."
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Go back into your containment NOW!
Cute and based. Are you the artist?
I like the idea that Velveteen actually doesn't smell like anything in particular, and instead smells like what you'd like most because of her succupony heritage.

Like, a common trope is ponies smell and taste ;) like something that matches them, like Applejck and apples, Twilight and lilacs, that sort of thing, but Vee pheromones meant to seduce any creature are different.
If you were to eat her out, for instance, it'd taste like your favorite food or ambrosia.
>If you were to eat her out, for instance, it'd taste like your favorite food or ambrosia.
Desperate hooves typed this post.
>hooves containment
What if NEETpone in a PiE setting? Specifically in EQG.

>one day Anon discovers a shivering and terrified pone near the school
>a pack of snacks later the pone is comfort-eating, while clinging to him for dear life
>refuses to leave him
>against all judgement he brings her home
>pone meets modern human technology
>is very impressed by all the movies and anime at her hooftips
>later she tells him how it was a normal weekly monster attack or something like that, and a ginormous ball of magic hits her apartment
>next thing she knew, she was in the middle of the street, dodging traffic and animal control, digging through smelly garbage for food scraps
>later still, the events of EQG take place, and a way home for her has been found
>…which she doesn't seem to be particularly happy about
>few days of absolute terror notwithstanding, this thing have worked out great
>whole "pretending to be an emotional support pet" business wasn't hard and they both supported each other in equal measure
>and now, to go from that paradise to a destroyed apartment and liv- *exist* alone and abandoned again?
>she'd have to be the Element of Stupidity to fall for that
>she's staying, and she'll take a damn chisel to that statue if that's what it takes to secure her new happy life here!
>now to get it through Anon's admittedly thick skull that she's not just a big fuzzy snuggle buddy, but a mare with needs…
>whoever invented the "spring break", this little pony is grateful for even more time with her friend
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I like your green
Pretty good name, honestly.

It's funny, when I'm walking through stores, it's hard not to read things on the shelves and not think, "That's a pony name."

Seriously, go through the scented candle section. All pony names.
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A bit o' Jubilee with a side of VeeMom for Mother's Day
Also works with energy drinks, "Applepie Crisp", "Cotton Candy Swirl", "Bangster Berry"
based dot enjoyer
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I want to make Dot a mother
Naisu. Is Jubilee secretly the bad mother?

>still up
Mods confirmed NEET lovers.
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Moms now in color!

If anything, she'd the mother Vee *wishes* she had. I'm sure if they ever met, Jubilee would get Vee to start tearing up just by being vaguely motherly towards her.
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neet bump
adorable, please do more
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Would you a Dot's mom?
She’s very cute
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>24 whole hours
What a menace, that Dot.
How about some more of her to celebrate the occasion!
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She’s such a cutie
That looks more like a filly Dot.
Yeah she does look small
She looks like a filly, but a rather large one.
>filly Dot was an awkward lanklet
>stayed at home to play retro vidiya to avoid being made fun of as NEETs-to-be are wont to
>bad diet and sedentary lifestyle rounded her up and gave her plenty of cushin' fo' pushin'
>turning her into the Big mare we all know and love
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Skinny, too. I bet Dot had a fast metabolism as a filly, allowing her to eat whatever she wanted, but as she grew up and it slowed, she never adjusted her diet so she became husky.
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You're damn fucking right I would.
cute CUTE
She looks like she cucks her daughter(just like those neighpon animes)
Holy fuck
What a mare
i want to snuggle dot matrix and her dot momtrix
~ ~ ~
>"So... What kind of book are you writing?"
>Oh boy here we go.
>Think Anon, think…
>You clear your throat.
"It's… a little fantasy novel that may or may not borrow from my experiences here in Equestria... It's still a work in progress, so I can't exactly go into detail just yet, but I can say it'll involve crystal ponies and their courtship rituals... They're quite the sight. Especially if you're able to get up close and personal."
>Wisteria ooo's quietly. ”I don’t think I’ve met a crystal pony before… Is it true that you can see right through them?”
“Indeed! Their biology is quite the wonder… Did you know their eyes shine brighter when around the ones they love? And when they’re *really* affectionate… Man, they’re like a kaleidoscope.”
>As curious as Wisteria's expression is, she has the professionalism in her not to press further into your bullshittery and continues to check Vee’s blood pressure.
>"F-fascinating... And Ms. Vee here is your editor?"
>Vee puffs out her chest at the mention, an almost sly smile on her face.
>"I'm a lot more than some silly editor! I'm his assistant, his muse, his adorable little buddy... Why, if it wasn't for me, he'd be sitting on his bum all day without a single thought in that handsome noggin of his! Ain't I right, boss~?"
>She's certainly using this as an opportunity to poke at you without retaliation…
>You match her smile, making her snicker quietly to herself.
"You're absolutely right, Vee! You're an invaluable member of this team..."
"...But you're still not getting your name on the book."
>"Of cour- Hey!"
>Wisteria stifles a laugh, much to Vee's chagrin.
>"You certainly seem like good friends! Now, Ms. Vee... Would you mind saying 'ah'?"
>"W-we're not done yet?"
>"Almost! We just need to do a few more teensy things while Pendles writes your results! Right, Pendles?"
>The floating fountain pen currently scribbling down on Wisteria’s clipboard pauses to give something akin to a nod before it goes back to work.
>"So... would you kindly?"
>"I uh... S-sure? When do you want me to-"
>Wisteria magics a popsicle stick in front of Vee's snoot, making her lean back slightly.
>"Whenever you're ready!"
>Vee scoots forward and awkwardly opens her mouth in a manner only really reserved for biting down.
>"Great! Now let's just... uh..."
>You watch Wisteria tilt her head.
>"Now what’s this?"
>A concerned look crosses Vee's face, but it's swiftly replaced by mild panic as Wisteria's popsicle stick lifts at her upper lip, revealing a pair of small, pearly white fangs.
>"How odd…”
>”Ah ahnt ahd!”
>Wisteria blinks. “O-oh! My apologies, Ms. Vee.”
>She then proceeds to pull away her stick, letting Vee settle back onto the couch.
>”I didn’t mean to imply such a thing, I just… was rather surprised, is all.”
>Vee rubs her lip a bit. “S’alright… I know I’m a whole heap of surprises.”
“Ain’t that the truth.”
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Some Veebutt by a cool cat over in /bale/.
The plot thickens
^ the plot in question
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Not bad
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I bet she has a fang or two.
>You turn to Wisteria and point a thumb at Vee.
“I noticed them pretty early on... What is she, some kind of vampony?”
>Vee pouts. ”I ain't no bloodsucker..."
>Wisteria taps her chin with a hoof. “Hmm… Vamponies? No, that’s silly. Vamponies don’t exist.”
“That’s what everypony said about kirin.”
>Vee adjusts her glasses. “Whatsa kirin?”
“Fire unicorn.”
>Her eyes widened. “Unicorns can be on FIRE?!”
>Wisteria clears her throat. “I… I really can’t tell you *why* she has them. But it’s not uncommon for ponies to have unique little quirks that stem from their great great gramponies and so on.”
>While Vee isn’t exactly paying attention as she tugs at her sock, she pauses to dwell on Wisteria’s last few words.
>”Gramponies? Like... Hm...”
“Figured something out?”
>She lifts her gaze to meet yours. “I-it’s…” Her eyes dart down to her skirt. “It’s nothin’ important right now.”
“I… Okay Vee.”
>The room is dead quiet up until Wisteria finally hops up with a-
>Wisteria shuffles in place a bit. “Oh I… I said that out loud, didn’t I?.”
>You give her an amused salute.
“At ease, egg timer mare.”
>She stifles a nasally laugh. “I suppose it *was* kind of an egg timer-esque sound…”
>Vee slides off the couch and stretches her little body with a soft groan. “Fah… Does this mean you’re done now?”
>Wisteria beams at her. “Indeedy! You’re all set.”
>Vee’s tension seems to wane slightly, as her stance becomes much more relaxed.
“So Ms. Nurse… What’s the verdict?”
>Wisteria’s pen floats back into her saddlebag with a flourish as she looks down at her clipboard.
>”Well…” She turns to Vee, “You seem to have been malnourished at some point, but as long as you continue your trend of a proper diet, I think you’ll bounce back quite swimmingly!”
>She flips a page. “I won’t linger on your small stature, as I’m sure you’re already aware of that.”
>Vee huffs. “Yeah. I am.”
>”Besides that, just remember to get in a good stretch here or there. You have some tension in your lower back which might be due to sitting in an unhealthy position.”
>And sleeping on an unhealthy couch, you’re sure.
>Vee gives you a look which can only indicate she wants you to push a bit.
“Anything… else? Vee’s been sick for a while now…”
>Wisteria stops putting away her clipboard and lifts her head. “Sick? Ms. Vee doesn’t seem sick.”
>Vee frowns. “Well what’s with the fever then? Or the shakes? C’mon now there’s gotta be *something* buggin’ me!”
>Wisteria gives her a bewildered look. “Fever? Shakes? Wait…”
>Vee shies away from the nurse as she sniffs the air.
>”...Ah, I see.”
>Wisteria places a hoof on Vee’s shoulder and gives her a warm, understanding smile.
>”No need to fret, Ms. Vee. Your heat should subside in a couple days.”
>”My… w-what?”
nice I’m quite fond of moms especially neet ones
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I was wondering what would happen if Floor found a big cheese, also Dot seems to be really popular as of late.
This is a nice one
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neetfrens, I'm at a crossroads where only one outcome seems viable...
How do you actually get set up for welfare? Like...anything I look up on search engines is just spam generated by bots or completely unrelated to what I'm looking for, or doesn't seem to apply to me. I've had jobs but everything just keeps going catastrophically wrong and I'm not equipped to handle it, much less with family inches from evicting me for being a failure. I don't understand the state benefits system whatsoever, and even getting set up on CalFresh has taken a month and still isn't paying out yet.
Sorry. Searching 4plebs' /adv/ archive didn't yield any answers and I've already tried a thread there, which fell to page ten pretty much untouched. Thought I'd ask anons of like mind.
I would be happy for them both to come over.
Assuming from Calfresh you are in Cali right? Cali is surprisingly awful for benefits.
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They can have good benefits, but the main thing is unless you check certain boxes its very difficult for them to care.
let me guess. Not unless I'm a nigger, woman or 'woman.'
I fucking hate this place. Cares more about intersectionality than the people who paid taxes their whole lives and need to cash in on them one day.
Im not from the US but I wish you good luck, I dont think there is something like that in my country but I hope for the best for you anon
>So all that time you've been messing with her, she's been...
>You rub the back of your neck.
>...Well now you feel like a real ass.
>Vee stands there, stunned. "I don't... get it."
>Wisteria tilts her head. "Are you unfamiliar with the term? I can sympathize, my mother always skirted around that word when referring to it."
>Wisteria puts on an accent of some kind. "Now dah-ling, all fillies bloom from time to time! It's nought to be afraid of!"
>She stifles a little laugh. "I hadn't the foggiest clue of what it was *actually* called until university... My roommate kept complaining about her 'heat' and I just assumed the room was too warm, so I kept turning up the AC until we were both shivering! Hah... Fun times."
>Wisteria closes up her saddlebag with her magic. "Did you know the 'proper' term is estrus? Outside of a clinical setting, it's only ever used by high society! Ain't that the darnedest thing?"
>"E-estrus?" Vee squeaks. "Like- like that thing my mom talked about sometimes? You- you're saying... that's what's wrong with me?"
>Wisteria nods. "Its intensity is a tad unusual, but yes."
>Vee nervously fidgets with the ribbon holding her cardigan together. "C-can I... ask a question?"
>"Shoot away!"
>Vee lowers her head a little, her ears drooping. "I-I've never... had it before? Is that normal?"
>Wisteria blinks. "I- You haven't?"
>Vee shakes her head.
>"That... How old are you again?"
>"I'm an adult." Vee says flatly.
"But not old enough to drink."
>Vee huffs. "Yeah, not yet."
>Wisteria scratches her head. "I mean... not having one's cutiemark can delay it for a time, but it's bound to happen eventually..."
>"Wait- I don't have my cutiemark!"
>You watch as Vee begins to hike up her skirt and-
>She freezes just above where her socks end. "Y-yeah?"
"That's completely unnecessary."
>Vee realizes her mistake and swiftly lets go of her skirt. "R-right... Sorry."
>You turn to a puzzled Wisteria.
"She might be freaking out a bit."
>"It's okay! I'm sure this is all very upsetting..."
>Vee slinks a little closer to Wisteria. "I don't get it... Why now? I went my whole life without it and now all of a sudden it's punching me in the guts!"
"Specifically the uter-"
>"D-don't just SAY it!"
>Wisteria rubs her chin. "Well... The only other thing I can think of that might have suppressed it for so long is a side effect of taking some kind of medication."
>Vee's eyes narrow at the ground. "Medication? ...Oh."
"Oh... what?"
>Vee gives you a timid look. "I kind of forgot to mention that I'm a little... unmedicated right now?"
"...You're supposed to be medicated?"
>"Y-yeah! My uh- my mom made me drink some really bitter stuff every month and I haven't had it for a while..."
>A while being the entire time she's been here, so...
>Half a year, give or take?
>Wisteria’s concern is palpable. "Something you take monthly and that upsets your natural cycle... And you've been taking this since...?"
>"S-since I was like, eleven?"
>"Oh dear..."
Good luck anon
What are you finding so hard about keeping a job?

Can't you just be a shelf stalker at a local store? That's usually pretty low stress and braindead easy.
It'd be funny if Wisteria thinks Vee's mom has been doing something abusive to her and wants to dig for information in case the guards need to be involved.
This green is good and I check on it regularly
Kept my nose to the grindstone stocking shelves at my last job. Got sworn out by my manager because I said I was dealing with a lot at home and that I might be a little quiet. And I mean like he was shouting and demanding me to greet him in a really specific way. It came so out of left field and so harshly that I couldn't breathe for much of the encounter.
It just keeps happening at every job I have. Death threats. Managers getting so angry with me they lose all composure. This kind of confrontation is just...constant, at home and at work, and it's gotten so overwhelming that I'm constantly tensed up waiting to get assaulted again.
Quick bump
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No offense, (yet offensive nonetheless, but there's not many ways to say this kindly), but if all of your social encounters keep ending with people being irate and hating you, then that makes you the common denominator in the situations. It's doubtable that you just happen to have such terrible luck that everyone you meet is an asshole.
There has to be something more to it than, "Everyone blows up at me for no reason." If all of your managers keep hating you, than you must be doing a subpar job. Most common reasons managers hates workers are:

-Call in frequently.
-Spend excessive time in the bathroom/getting on phone too often.
-Work too slowly, accomplish small tasks in exorbitant amount of time.
-Terrible hygiene. Neither your fellow employees or customers want to smell that all day.
-Upset other workers, usually by doing the above and making them pick up the slack, which makes them complain about you to the manager, which they don't want to have to listen to (generally they just want to collect a paycheck and go home like everyone else).

I don't know you nor do I work with you, so I can't say if you are or aren't as innocent as you seem to think you are, but regardless, here are some other jobs that might be more your speed if you have social anxiety, which it seems you have.

-Animal caretaker. Animals don't judge you harshly like people. Try and get a job at a local shelter. You might be cleaning kennels of shit and piss, but at least you get to play with dogs and cats.
-Librarian or an assistant to one. It's like shelf stalking, but at least you're in a place where shouting is frowned upon
-Landscaping or grounds keeping. I worked at a campground for a summer once, decent pay and I was alone most of the day. Just picking up trash, cleaning and stalking outhouses, clearing firepits, that sort of thing. It's somewhat hardwork, but it's quiet.
-Overnight Security. More often then not you're just sitting in a room watching security feeds or walking around empty businesses.
-Warehouse worker. Mostly just walking and moving things around.
-Housekeeping at a hotel. Again, mostly loner work.
-Same vein, but a janitor is pretty easy going, too.

And if your bosses keep getting on you, just be a yesman and say sir or ma'am unless told otherwise. "Yes sir," and do what they say. Don't argue.

Unless you want to go through an entire personality metamorphosis, for people like you, it's best just to keep your head down and go through life as quietly as possible.
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maybe I work slowly. Other than that I show up early and leave late and I shower and shave before every shift. I make it a policy not to argue and never to make myself look mad. I'm rarely mad. If anything I'm just sad, tired or afraid. I never know what I did wrong if anything until something happens like the above..
~ ~ ~
>”...And you don’t remember the name of this drug?”
>Vee wriggles in place, clearly agitated by the barrage of questions she’s had to endure.
>”N-no? She just put it in a cup and I never got to see the bottle…”
>Wisteria squints at her book and flips a few pages. “Do you by chance recall the color of the liquid?”
>”It was like… whitish purple? More white than purple, I mean…”
>”Anything else of note? Like texture and so on?”
>Vee scrunches a bit. “Bleh… How could I forget? It was all warm and bubbly and tasted and smelt like somepony dumped expired cough syrup into a batch of pancake batter and then let it go bad…”
>Wisteria stops pacing and lets out a drawn out sigh. “That… doesn’t sound like anything I’m familiar with…”
>She then turns to Vee. “Do you even know what it was for?”
>”Mom said I needed it. That's about all the explanation I got.”
>You give Vee a comforting nudge in the shoulder.
“Are you… feeling some kind of withdrawal? I know it’s been a while but you must have felt something different.”
>Before Vee can open her mouth, Wisteria pipes up.
>”One thing I’m certain of is that her current bout of intense heat-” Wisteria gestures at Vee. “-Is due to an extended withdrawal from her medication.”
>”It’s not *that* intense…” Vee murmurs.
“You don’t need to act tough, Vee. She’s here to help.”
>”I’m not actin’ tough! I just… just…” She bows her head. “Okay so maybe it *was* pretty bad… But at least the worst part is over, right? I feel… better now.”
>You ruffle Vee’s mane and turn back to Wisteria.
“It’s technically her first, right? That must be one of the reasons why it was so debilitating.”
>Wisteria nods. “It’s not uncommon for fillies to feel sick during their first few heats… I’m sure the same can happen to a mare in her situation as well.”
>”This is so friggin’ embarrassing...” Vee whines with her head in her hooves. “C-can’t we just be done already?”
“Wait, what about the medicine?”
>Wisteria lets out another sigh. “I’ve looked through everything I’ve got and I couldn’t find anything remotely close to her description… Maybe it was some kind of potion or tonic? If that’s the case, you might be more inclined to contact an apothecary…”
>Wisteria mutters something along the lines of ‘what kind of mother…’ under her breath.
>Vee’s ears droop. ”I’m- I’m sorry for making things so complicated…”
>Wisteria shakes her head. “Don’t be! It’s really not your fault. If anything, I… I wish I could do more.”
>She pauses. “...But I can at the very least do this.”
>Wisteria opens her saddlebag and pulls out some kind of… goodie bag?
>Wisteria hands Vee the bag with a sympathetic smile.”These are usually for little fillies, but I… I think it might be of assistance.”
>Vee sheepishly smiles back. “T-thanks Ms. Nurse…”
Did you get fired after getting yelled at or did you quit?

If you weren't fired, it might be worth trying to talk to your boss about any problems they have with your work once they've cooled off.

Of course this is an extremely awkward conversation and will be hard to have when you're already a shy and nervous person, but it could make a big difference.

Maybe just try an email asking why they seem to have a problem with you, and if anything, if they're really as big of an ass as you say, you can post it to social media and get them bad publicity (joking mostly, but sometimes bastards need to be punished).
It's already been a month, and...I don't want to talk to him again. The way he spoke, the way he turned so hostile all because I didn't say good morning once...I couldn't look him in the eye even if I didn't throw my shirt at him and leave without another word. It seems like no matter what happens, I'll end up working somewhere new, to repeat the process forever. At this point I just wanna make it to 30. I don't care what happens after that.
I've asked around a bit about financial aid and it looks like MediCal and CalFresh are all I will be able to get. I'll probably try custodial work...at least I have plenty of experience cleaning. And in the meantime, I'll have to get a guard card but can't afford it now. I didn't want to be a delivery driver given my car is my last resort home and I don't like using it that way just in case something goes wrong...but I'll probably take it.
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Been a while, but here is a comic about Dot
Nice one Scraggle.
Dot deserves more pizza and bombermare than she could ever crave. Am I advocating for feeding Dot until she resembles a mattress? I'll let you decide. Yes. Yes I am.
Fatfags shall go into the camps along with the stinkfags.
I miss renting SNES games at the weekend and only having the back of the box to decide whether it's good or not ;-;
Harsh...I understand where you're coming from though. Dot's cute whether she's huge or merely pudgy. Even if I have my preferences and fantasies, all mares deserve snugs and affection. Even the fat ones. And since you mentioned stinkfags, I know you're the same applefren who responded earlier to my floorb post. Musk isn't all that extreme, yknow! Doesn't have to be unsanitary or gross. Just a little rich. Most humans are receptive to those natural pheromones!
No, shoo shoo up against the wall now.
This is lovely
Still wonder what the canon living situation for Dot should be.

I think as of now, Floorb is pretty well set as living alone in an appartment paid for by goverment aid.
Taku is living with her parents still as she's young.
Is Dot living with her parents? Is she living off NEETbucks too? Is she secretly rich? Heh, it'd be funny if she actually one on a gameshow once since she's good at all "games" and is living off the winnings.

Also, in that comic, filly Dot is in the back of a regular car from the looks of it. What a strange world NEETquestria is.
I wonder what Vee's family is thinking right now.
You'd think her mom, as much as she might be glad she's gone, would worry Vee would reveal herself to the world as a member of their family while doing something embarrassing.
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This is the year of the Dot!
It's not the year of the pig, it's the year of the dragon!
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A NEET dragon is fine too.
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shit you sound like me
~ ~ ~
>"...Is there anything else I can do for you, Mistress?"
>Satin continues to swirl her glass of wine, her gaze still transfixed on the stained glass window before her.
>It portrayed a group of foals, their expressions filled with excitement and wonder as they frolic alongside a riverbank filled with moonlit reeds.
>Her eyes narrow at the center-most filly.
>Unlike the others, the filly wore a pale yellow dress which flowed freely in the nonexistent wind. There was a mature spark in her pale pink eyes that wasn't present in the others.
>She was familiar.
>Frustratingly familiar.
>Satin pauses.
>Turning to face the lanky unicorn that was lingering at her side with a bottle of red wine, Satin's expression softens ever so slight.
"That will be all, Hearth. You may leave."
>"G-good day, Mistress..."
>The glasses-clad maid quietly curtsies with her magic and then departs without another sound.
>As the door is shut, Satin lets out a drawn out sigh.
>Sometimes, in these wine-addled moments of reprieve... she wonders what that amateurish dolt did with her daughter.
>Her daughter...
>The thought was sobering.
>So she takes another deep drink of her glass, nearly finishing it.
>She let discontentment bubble up inside her. She thought she could quell it herself. Be the good, Luna fearing wife she so desperately wished to be.
>But she was already too worn down and grew... weak.
>And weakness turned to lust.
"...and lust tears the veil."
>She sets aside her glass.
>He wasn't special. Just some soft-spoken stallion who tended the garden...
>And yet she was smitten by his gentle nature. Like some wide-eyed school filly...
>Maybe she thought she truly felt sparks again.
>Maybe she just wanted to get off...
>It... didn't really matter.
>In the end, she broke Goldie's trust and gave into her urges.
>Satin leans back into her chair with a deep breath.
>She tried to hide it. She coaxed Goldie into making love soon after.
>And everything was fine for a time.
>Despite it all, she raised Velveteen to be an upstanding young foal.
>...But then she smelt it.
>Warm blueberry scones, drizzled in honey...
>Her favorite dessert, but nowhere to be found.
>It didn't take her long to find the source.
>Her dear little bastard daughter, on the cusp of marehood...
>Velveteen's blood was rich.
>Too rich.
>She was budding into a liability.
>So Satin dealt with it. Thoroughly.
>A little *too* thoroughly...
>What a pathetic little thing she became.
>Not an ounce of fight left in her.
>Satin chuckles to herself.
"And now she's been whisked away by some gangly muppet..."
>Satin attempts to take another drink, but finds herself coming up empty.
>A frown forming on her face, Satin sinks deeper into her chair.
"I should have told her to leave the bottle..."
>She's nowhere near drunk enough yet to think about Velveteen.
>If she was, the weight in her chest would have gone away by now.
Wonder if Goldie thinks Velveteen is his or if he knows.
THe dad presumably does, but Goldie might be one of those anime-netorare characters who's always away on business, leaving his poor, sexy wife alone with the guy next door, or gardener as the case may be.
Goldie is barely around enough to recognize his wife treats his youngest daughter any differently than the others.
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>NEET has enough self-respect to turn your proposal down flat.
Oh Golden is definitely not around enough to keep his literal succubus of a wife satisfied. Nor to realize how neglected Velveteen truly was
Luckily for him, she's (usually) incredibly patient.
One thing I forgot to mention about her is Satin's ability to 'nudge' a pony into acting on her influence, so long as they have feelings of love/lust for her. It isn't particularly strong considering her diluted genes, but it allows her much more leeway than she'd otherwise get.
The young gardener probably has a crush on the sultry mistress of the house and she used that to press him into scratching her itch, so to speak.
One thing I will say is that it wasn't particularly consensual on the gardener's part.
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On the internet, nobody knows if you're a pony.
not american either, but I thought most in your situation go to the military and I heard the basic training changed them for the better.
I got turned down from the navy due to minor health bullshit and the recruiters never answered my messages afterward. Even then, it took 8-9 months to even get that far...
See, you say minor health shit, but if that condition flares up or worsens in the middle of the ocean...
Even after it cleared they never answered me. Had paperwork and everything.
Always love seeing your Dot stuff Scraggle, you do her so much justice
I assume everyone on the internet is a pony until proven otherwise
lewd dot doodle
~ ~ ~
"...How'd I do?
>Vee looks up from her fresh plate of blueberry pancakes with a giddy smile. "They look amazing! Thanks Nonny."
"You're welcome as always, Vee. You've earned em’."
>Vee sniffs at her pancakes as you sit down beside her.
>"Is that... chocolate syrup I smell?"
"Yep! Mixed a bit into the batter…"
>She's practically drooling.
>"Fah... Awesome."
>As Vee begins to dig in, you take a small bite of your slightly less decadent stack of flapjacks.
>Unlike her, you don't really need the excessive carbs.
>"Sho...Deh thah nursh-"
"Don't talk with your mouth full, Vee."
>"Ah- Sahwy."
>Vee finishes chewing her mouthful of pancake and swallows.
>"I was trying to ask if the nurse said anything when you two went outside."
>Right, that...
>You roll your fork in your hand a little.
"She was just... a tad curious about your upbringing, is all."
>Vee fidgets at the mention. "D-did you..."
>You shake your head.
"I just told her it wasn't my place to say."
>Vee's tension eases a little. "Cool, cool..."
>You glance over to the goodie bag sitting on the table.
"What'd she give you, anyways?"
>"That thing? I... I dunno."
>Vee pulls the garishly colored bag over and begins to fiddle with its flap.
>"Mmn... It's kinda stuck."
"I can give it a shot if you'd like."
>"Sure! Have at it."
>Vee slides the bag across the table and then takes another quick bite of pancake.
>You pick up the bag and turn it around in your hands.
>It's very... girly.
>It looks like something a little filly would receive as a birthday party.
>The flap has some kind of adhesive keeping it together.
"You'd think they'd make these more earth pony friendly..."
>After pulling apart the flaps with ease, you look up at Vee.
>She looks back at you with crumbs on her face.
"Enjoying yourself?"
>"You know it, chief."
>You chuckle.
"Mind if I dump it out?"
>You gently shake out the bag's contents and set it aside.
>A small box of tea, miscellaneous candy, tissues, and some kind of pamphlet...
>You pick up the tea and squint at the front.
"This is... literally the same stuff I got you before."
>"That mint stuff?"
>'Filly-Petal's Seasonal Medley'
>With the added context... you think you're starting to understand what this stuff is.
"It's a natural heat relieving tea mix."
>"Woah, really?"
>You nod.
"Seems so."
>"Huh, no wonder it helped so much..."
>That pharmacy mare knew *exactly* what was wrong...
"Hey uh... sorry for not realizing sooner."
>Vee parts her mane a little. "I mean... I didn't know what was wrong either."
>She takes a deep breath. "But now that we know what it is... It’ll be smooth sailing from here right?"
"You’re not out of the woods yet, but… I think you’ll be just fine."
>"I sure hope so..."
>You set down the tea box and briefly eye the face down pamphlet.
>The back had a picture of some lanky young mare awkwardly standing beside an equally nervous young stallion.
>You think… you'll leave that for her to look at in private.
Damn you must’ve had this planned out for a while. Props
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>ywn make pancakes for Vee
Why even live
How lewd
Lovely, I want to hug that mare
Masz ty rozum i godność człowieka?
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I think I've developed agorophobia or something because of my home life. I'm mortified of opening my door. I lock it even when I'm home alone. I think about the outside in my dreams and it's never good.
I wish my neet life had a neet wife in it. At least someone to share a yellowed pillow with.
What use are such things to the eternally alone?
Uhh...no hablo español...
Good night, /NEET/
Somewhere out there, a pone dreams of you
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Dreams are a cruel, tragic thing.
Some dreams induce further suffering by building dread. Others do it by reminding you of the wonerful life you might have had, in another life.
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I unfortunately have nothing new to offer, but I thought I might as well make Vee a paste since her green has gotten pretty big now.
Not much different from what was previously posted besides some fixes and (velveteen)y additions.
Haven't done this much green in awhile. It's nice.

Live so that you may hone your pancake mastery. I've been told demons dig chocolate smothered pancakes...
it's okay Vee anon. Having it all centralized makes it more approachable. I along with other anons have put off reading the full green but it has been entertaining so far. Life's just been, uh, life. Keep up the good work fren.
Thanks for making a ponepaste, Im going to save it with all my favorite greens
Le Bump
What is the difference between Floorb and Tomoko? Is there a difference?
the similarities are coincidence. the are not the same.
Fair, I guess im just trying to figure out the differences personality wise.
I’m very glad to have it in one spot, can’t wait to read it
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Another procrastinating Vee draw.
Poor girl's burning up...
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Very nice green friend. Monitoring this thread for updates.
So cute, I want to hug Vee and give her a lot of loven
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>Hive lived,
>Hive lives,
>Hive will live on!
>t. yлeй им. B. Цoя.
>Chryssi, don't be sad!

For some reason, this pic always makes me want to squeeze Dot until her ribs creak and her eyes bulge.
>I feel like NEETs are easy mode for dating.
Like you wouldn't believe, my wife was a NEET before we met and the second I showed interest and made it clear I wasn't gonna just pump and dump, she treated me like royalty.
You haven't lived until you have a NEET girl spend 6 hours with your dick in her mouth only taking breaks to tell you how much she loves you.
Normal women simply can't compete.
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Yeah, it's almost like the person actually appreciates the love and affection they're given.
I wonder what that's like…
Holy fuck that might be the most adorable pone I’ve ever seen
She’s doing her best
Need an edit of this image where they wake up together
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God I want to cuddle her and be loved back, I'll be your security pillow Floorb ;-;
Oh no you don’t
Vee my beloved
>Renting games frome the local rental place.
>Having to go there, IN PERSON, to decide which ones to rent.
Damn, I miss those days. Also, Mystical Ninja FTW.
three letters for ya, BPD
~ ~ ~
"God... It's been a day."
>You wonder how Vee is holding up...
>While you didn't bring up the pamphlet, it didn't take her long to notice it.
>She would lazily flip it over with her unused knife, giving you more than enough time to read the title before she finally realizes what it was and scrambles to stuff it back into the goodie bag.
>Since then, Vee has been... kind of quiet.
>You can tell she *wanted* to be all jokey about it, but it was clear that things have taken its toll.
>She looked like she needed some space, so once you finished putting the dishes away, you told her that you were going to bed.
>Seeing that she didn’t try to coax you into watching another movie with her or play a game, you guess she was just about ready to retire too.
“And that leads us to now…”
>Laying around in your skivvies, wide awake and staring up at your ceiling fan.
>You tried to get some rest at some point, but sleep has eluded you.
“Maybe I should just give up and do some laundry… I’m running low on pants.”
>Wouldn’t hurt to give Vee’s new collection of clothes a quick run through as well...
>You turn to face the door.
>That’s either a very polite burglar, or Vee.
“It’s Equestria. I wouldn’t be surprised by that, frankly.”
>As your door suffers another vicious barrage of gentle knocks, you get up and clear your throat.
“Be right there.”
>With a yawn, you shuffle over to the door and grip the knob.
>Opening it up, you find Velveteen staring up at you with half-lidded eyes.
>She had some wicked bedhead and was swaying ever so slightly.
>Considering you heard the shower going earlier, it isn’t surprising to see her bare once more.
>...Mostly bare, anyways. She’s elected to keep the striped undies.
“Couldn’t sleep?”
>She slowly shakes her head. “I had this weird dream…”
“What kind of weird dream?”
>”We were like... beating up my mom? With really big pool noodles and stuff... She was like 'ahm so sowwy Bee!' and I was all like 'Sorry won't cut it!' and then threw a snowball at her face. ...I dunno where I got the snowball, but I was SO cool..."
“Sounds like we had fun.”
>She smiles sleepily. “Yeah... Once we finished blowing up my house, we went out for ice cream a-and we... uhm…”
>As she begins to trail off, Vee suddenly tips forward, planting her face into your shirt.
“W-woah! Vee? You alright?”
>All you get in response is a barely intelligible murmur.
“Hold on… I got ya.”
>Picking up the little mare by the middle, you let her rest her head on your shoulder as you turn around and bring her further into your room.
>Sitting on your bed, you let Vee settle on your lap, intent on letting her crawl off.
>...But she doesn’t.
>Instead, the pools of wine that were her eyes are now fixated on you.
>”h…hugged.” She breathes, an almost desperate whine in her voice.
>Vee nuzzles into your chest. “H-hug me… Please…”
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been doodling a lot of dot, here is some floor.
It’s very nice
Awwww, adorable
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Floorb in Tomoko's outfit is really cute. She looks surprisingly formal in that one. Ready for a date, perhaps...
Anon bought her those clothes, and is having her do a Tomoko cosplay unknowingly.
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Warning, >blogpost again
>apply for more places, no response
>apply to drive for uber eats, site says I still have to send documents but doesn't say what documents or how
>$20 left
>no CalFresh yet, no diagnosis appointment yet, still stuck in my room being despondent and silent

Neets are cute. Being a neet is hell. I think I will tell the nice doctor the truth, and just hope they sign the paperwork to let me rot in my room. I've started feeling more secure with this door barricade...
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Would they get along?
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If herding is a thing, Floor has nothing to worry about.
Herd enough neet mares so you can finally play The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures on the Gamecube the way it was meant to be played
That name made me instantly age two decades. God...I remember trying to play that solo with two GBAs. I wish I could've played four player...
Is she blind or just being a pone?
Blind. She's a music loving pegaNEET who's story I really need to continue.
Adorable, please link green
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Here you go. Next to Vee, she's one of my favorites I've done. I can imagine them getting along.
Pic unrelated. No Para- Paradise is to be found in the green. Just a cute pic.
What a cutie
Adorable. I love how real the atmosphere and dialogue feels, and your pacing is great. I understand you draw your own stuff as well? Really, really impressive.
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Thanks man. Autumn's green is as I said before, one of my favorites. She clicked with me with writing her and I feel bad for neglecting her outside of a few little oneshots. One day she'll be back to do that grocery run with Anon. One day.
>I understand you draw your own stuff as well?
Yeah, not that pic with Paradise and Autumn though, that's by purple-blep. Pic attached is another Autumn I did. Kind of related to what comes next in her green.
I like drawing for the greens I do, NEET or otherwise. Having visuals for your pones is also a plus.
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some Dots.
All I want is to listen to her laugh, bros
https://files.catbox.moe/vkds72.png >inb4 she's lying about it
The end result of tummy rubs will be increased comfort whether or not her tummy hurts. Hold my beer. I'm goin' in.
...with tongue
This feels like a frame from a NEET music video.

>Dot. Dot. Dot. Dot.
>She's so Hot. Hot. Hot. Hot.
>She's a Lot. Lot. Lot. Lot.
>Of mare to love.
>*Techno beep tune.*
I have that game and all the equipment right now.

I'm working on getting 4 more gamecubes, all to run the gba disc, and then connect via gba to gc cables, so I can play 4 swords on 5 tv screens.

Of course I don't have friends... or a house.

>Watch her Plot. Plot. Plot. Plot.
>It's so Taught. Taught. Taught. Taught.
>As she Trots. Trots. Trots.
>Dont get Caught. Caught. Caught. Caught.
>by the mare to love
>*Techno beep tune.*

>A self-Taught. Taught. Taught. Taught.
>Hi-Tech Robot, Bot, Bot, Bot.
>Just one Watt. Watt. Watt. Watt.
>Relentless Onslaught-slaught-slaught-slaught.
>Is the mare to love
>*Techno beep tune.*

>Take your Shot. Shot. Shot. Shot.
>She's no Thott. Thott. Thott. Thott.
>Tie the Knot. Knot. Knot. Knot.
>As you Ought. Outght. Ought. Ought.
>To the mare you love
>*Techno beep tune.*
>describing Dot's plot as taut
lolz, lmao even. Her flanks bounce and clap and shake as violently as subatomic particles excited by a hadron collider.
I'm imagining a reluctant Synthwave owing Dot a favor and having to help her make this. The lyrics are just Dot rambling off into the mic while Synthwave is half-assedly banging out some tunes while downing a Monster in the hopes of getting a heart attack.
There is like 19 tonns of force in every subatomic particle. Rational breaks down when you deal with very fast and or very heavy things.
Indeed. And cute as Dot is, she's not fast, is she? kek
>'So you... don't want anything else? No added snare, or background bass?'
>"Nah, that beat to the words and the little beep between what I sing is fine."
>'You're *sure* you don't want to spice it up just a little bit?'
>'...Celestia preserve me, you're fortunate that you've got as much arse as I do.'

>*Techno beep tune.*

Off 9
Would you a neet mare whose totally into scene culture, including the bad makeup, bad music, and bad fashion sense?
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Need neet wife NOW
I want to throw this mare on to the bed and worship every inch of her body. No part of her will go unloved. I want to experience the entirety of this mare with every one of my senses.
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>A whispery voice awakes you from your dozing.
>You turn to the voice and are faced with a lanky mare in a green turtleneck, hugging a small plush mallard to her chest with a foreleg.
>Seeing as you can barely make out her azure eyes through her ample mane, you're assuming she wasn't wearing her scrunchie right now.
"Evenin' Brook."
>She gives an awfully formal bow, her mane flowing forward in a gesture which obscures her face completely. "Good e-evening to you too, A-Anon!"
>As she shuffles in place a little, you can only assume her covered eyes are glued to the ground. >"S-sorry for waking you but- but I was just wondering if I could... uh- uhm..."
>Brook freezes up, her readied words dying in her throat.
>She brushes enough mane out of her face to let you see her bewildered expression.
>"B-b-but you don't even know what I was gonna ask!"
>You sit up in bed and give her a knowing smile.
"Lemme guess... You want to hop up and sleep in my bed?"
>Her ears flat against her mane, Brook trails a hoof on the floor. "N-no..."
"Brookie... C'mon."
>Brook musters up enough courage to look up at you with a wobbly lower lip.
>"I- I had a bad dream and- and-"
>You gently set your hand on her head, making her eyes widen.
"It's alright. You don't gotta explain yourself."
>You scoot over and lift up your blanket.
"Unless of course you feel the need to talk..."
>Brook's stutter only gets worse as you pet her mane a little. "W-well I- I mean I... I wouldn't... be against it? I like... talking."
"Well then... get over here, mare!"
>She takes a timid step forward, but stops to look down at her plush duck.
>"Is it okay if I...?"
"Sir Quacksley may enter my domain, dear Babs... Don't worry about it."
>Brook stifles an awkward laugh.
>"No need to be so formal..."
"Could say the same to you."
>"Hah... M-my teachers always said I was a very polite filly..."
>Brook sets Quacksley on your bed and then starts to pull herself up.
"Didn't you tell me that one of them let you hold a duckling once?"
>As Brook gets comfortable on her side of the bed, a content little smile forms on her face.
>"Mmhm... Ms. Marbles said that since I was the best behaved, I got to hold one of her duckies... it was so warm and fluffy... I so desperately wanted to take it home and show dad..."
>Quacksley hugged to her chest, Brook snuggles up beside you.
>Her eyelids were beginning to droop.
>"I wanna... call duckie. Like dad used to raise..."
>She stifles a yawn. "D...did you know that humans used them as living decoys a long time ago? Their call was used to lure in other duckies so they could shoot at them... Poor things..."
>Brook's breathing slows."An...anyways... I think I'd name it after you."
>"Mmhm... I'd call it Nonny and it'd be our bestest friend forever..."
"That's nice."
>She's... fast asleep.
"...Goodnight, Brookie."
>With Brook nestled beside you, you can't help but wonder if your dreams will be as filled with waterfowl as hers...
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>more brook
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This is why I come to this thread
Drawthread /d/ that is relevant to this thread perchance (kissing misfit mares).
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Not yet
Even now I am alone and trapped in a barricaded bedroom.
Thanks for reminding me how awful 2020 was, anon. I'm gonna...go back to sleep.
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Depends how fat
No. The thing is, though, all the characters here despite being NEETs are all very cute. Well, most of them are very cute. They're not so much NEETs are they are massive dorks. Given that this is a site populated almost entirely by massive dorks, it makes sense they'd want a cute dork as a marriage partner.
I wouldn't say no to a 350 pound neet girl with greasy skin if she actually cared about me.
That's the real fiction. A woman who cares. I'll die in a gutter before I see the day.
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hell no I’m not letting anytype of neetpony walk around my abode with an unkempt mane or fur, I’ll start group grooming if I need to I’ve got more then enough combs.
>captcha: D8RNG
Go back to your decent life. The suicidal degenerates are talking.
I mean if I actually cared about the person I'd want them to lose the weight so their heart didn't explode when they hit 50. And getting rid of grease is as easy as taking a quick shower every day, if not in the morning and the night. Otherwise I agree with your sentiment.
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>all it takes is showering every day
My scalp would like a word.
>heart attack at 50
I couldn't care less if I died at 30. That's already the direction I'm going, health notwithstanding. I'd rather be fat and comfortable for ten years than fit and miserable at all times for 70. At least fat is soft.
I want to have a neet look at me the way she looks at noodles and slurp the fuck out of me the same way too
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>My scalp would like a word.
○Use conditioner for a dry scalp
○Use Salicylic acid for dandruf.
○Use a lotion for eczema.
•These are not the same thing.

•Clean cut the hair to temporarily change the biome.

•Workout and sweat everyday, to keep your pores clear. 30 min, and a real sweat. Just walking is fine, but you actually have to sweat.

•When a pimple forms use an extractor tool, not your fingers. Cut your nails weekly.

•Shower everyday. Doesn't need to be long. Like 10 min.

•Do a presoak, presoap, and then use bar soap, then conditioner. Liquid soap is basicaly glorified perfume and gelatin, not actual soap. (I reccomend frooty loops from buff city soap. It smells like fucking sugary breakfast cereal, and is still fucking soap)

•Use a rag, not your hands.

•Make a lather and let it sit, dont just strait rinse off the soap.

•Actualy scrub between your buttcheeks, and your asshole. Do it last, don't reuse the rag till its been laundered.

•change clothing daily, even if you don't bathe
Why not fit and happy for 70?
It only takes 21 days to build a habit.
Once you’ve built habits, you can cheat a little, but keep after it for the first three weeks and you will have made a positive change in your life.
>you can break your porn addiction in only 21 days!
>just have a NEET nearby and use her whenever you have a sexual emergency
>couldn't be easier
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already done all this in several ways. I've spaced it out to once, twice, thrice a week, no shampoo, tea tree oil shampoo, special conditioner, hot water, cold water, ten minutes, twenty minutes, exfoliating rubber applicator, even experimental shit prescribed by a dermatologist.
Because that's not how my life is fated to go.
>your life isn't actually over, you just haven't lifted enough and built a bunch of meme habits yet
I'll be sure to take that positivity to the gutters, where I will be dying, because I'm poor, unable to form positive relationships, trapped in my room for the majority of the day by a violent monkey, and seemingly unemployable according to the deafening silence on my phone. I'll just have to stop masturbating, and everything will get better. How about you fuck yourself and take a bath with your toaster while I administer .45 ACP orally?
where are you at anon, what state or country
Weimar USA. What's it to ya.
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I generally struggle to make friends too, though last year I briefly did some stuff with a guy and his friends who I met via 4chan because he had posted where he lived and an email. didnt end up really panning out in the long run in regards to his friend group (he had also quit the board years ago) but I think that being able to connect with someone else because you both use the boards could be the start of a good friendship. doubt you live near me (NC USA) but maybe someone would.
Ah yes, the state I spent the longest in while homeless.
I'm not there anymore. Even if I drove there I'd have no residential address to do all the bullshit red tape for registering my car/shelter and so the cops would easily impound it and leave me to die.
no problem anon, I dont really have much to offer myself even if you did as im just living with parents while working a wagie job 4 days a week while trying to find a better job. I don't have much advice to give you as you probably have a lot more will to live if you've done all that.
>will to live
Not really. In the end I just burned out harder. Every failure just makes me more despondent. I genuinely have trouble finding jobs or companies I haven't already tried when I look at application sites and storefronts. I gave up on storefronts weeks ago since most that say 'help wanted' still make you apply online via the usual sites. Most people say what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. In reality, I just feel worse, more resentful, more tired, less capable, more dependent. It's just deadass over. At best, I might be able to scrape together a living in ten years. That's ten more years of ramen, rice, beans and pasta. Ten more years of living in a car. Staring into nothing at 3AM because anywhere I park has to have street lamps for my own safety and it fucks with my circadian rhythm. Showering at gyms and microwaving food at gas stations.
It's all so tiresome.
>It only takes 21 days to build a habit.
3 weeks after I got into cardio I started getting pneumonia symptoms so I guess I just missed the cutoff.
Now I've been struggling to breathe for 3 months and running is pretty much off the table. XRay found nothing but I'm just getting worse, so much for getting active and building habits. The doctors are also incompetent and couldn't help me so I'm almost on my own, I'm going to one more allergist/pulmologist and I give up if nothing comes of it.
there may be some anon out there on the board willing to give you a couch to sleep on but whos to say for sure. Little caesers where I work accepts felons, and depending on where you look, homeless people too.
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Profreshional NEETbutt
Love this guy's art
Your lungs hurt because you've never used them before

Get away from the city.
are you dudes this melancholy all the time?
Me, yes. Hard not to be when your life has been in freefall for most of the decade, anon.
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always wondered why I gravitated so much toward Fluttershy. Other than mommy issues.
oh God this is the coolest thread. Why do I not hang out here..
Eh its fine most of the time. The moods here soured a little but it ebbs and flows.
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No, but often. Probably doesn't help that I love melancholy music so much.
Why did a bunch of shit get wiped?

Kill yourself eqgniggers
We're gearing up to fight the power after the kangaroo court did its dirty partisan work.
I didn't post EQG, that's Tomoko you absolute dickhead
Point still stands, fuck off.
Last thing I need is more anthro or humanized b8
>Last thing I need
Good thing it's not about you, fuckwit
Go back to your eqg slide threads tourist
Floor Bored was literally made as a ponified Tomoko in the beginning. Calm your ass down.
He can't, he's mentally stunted
Find something to do with your life besides being offended and outraged by literally everything.
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20+ eqg threads don’t organically appear out of nowhere idiot.
Get off the board if you hate horses and hooves. Go back to tumblr and deviant art.

And before you go “m-muh stop being offended about everything” you’d probably cry wolf when someone begins posting fat fetish images in a belly/chub thread
Anon. I agree with the second half that this board is cucked when it comes to best fetish. But this literally isn't an EqG thread, and the nohooves you are complaining about is just a fandom character meeting the character she is based on. It's not that deep. Complain about EqG where it actually gets posted, and you may have a point. Christ.
Are you okay?
Do you have brain damage?
Did you know that you can hide threads you don't like?
Go out for a walk, anon
Suck my cock, anon.
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Nips wasn't actually aware of Tomoko when he made Floor Bored. Someone else gave her her colors.
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What a lazy mare
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She just wants (You) to put your hands on her.
A lot of treasures on those shelves. Scragg confirmed oldhead
Oh no ! Floor bored got Isekai into a horror manga with (you), how long and from what do you survive ?
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We're talking "scary for normies" horror or Junji Ito-tier?
Horror for normies a la walking dead (everyone's retarded for plot convenience)
nta but holy shit that’s a dream commandeer a supermarket, block and fortify exits/entrances, groom floorb, “persuade” a group of survivors (preferably mares) into being my lackeys it’s perfect.

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