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The newest edition of >CLOP has arrived, a decade old browser game about building nations, geoponitics, and oppressing ponies. Join now and start making connections, alliances and intrigue.
Please play our game

>Link to the game itself

>Link to the test server
This has 30 minute ticks. Every tick is a war tick, and no travel time. Feel free to make multiple accounts there, and experiment with the war mechanics

>Previous thread

the market will normalize the war will end soon, the market will normalize the war will end soon, the market will normalize the war will end soon, the market will normalize the war will end soon, the market will normalize the war will end soon...

>2 weeks in a reset
>war in 2 resets
I hope no ponies get hurt!
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don't worry the war will be over by christmas
I hope bugs get hurt
hm i just realised this is kind of just a pony vs non-pony war. bugs+penguins vs ponies
before it's too late tell your mares to retreat don't do this, this is unneccesary. Please understand that we're both going to die, what is the point of all this?
You need to understand, who will benefit from this? We won't get anything from this, you understand?
If we meet in the battlefield I won't show you mercy just like you won't show me. It's better to come to us a guest, retreat your mares please have pity on their mothers, have pity for your mares pull back your mares, give the order to retreat
The kefir shall flow
You all have it all wrong. Changelings aren't your enemy/ We can be whatever a pony's heart desires, so long as they desire us in turn.

Of course, that would only be true of changelings existed, which they don't. Stop spreading rumors, Anon.
Which of these things is less real, the bugs, or the reset in two weeks?
We all know there's gonna be a reset in two weeks, Anon.
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can i give you my love willingly and start a new hive with you? :3
Wait why are we resetting
if celestia is good then why does she allow war to happen
It's be nice if summary notes of all battles were posted to the news tab, rather than just battles where the invader won.
i agree. since there is no such thing i shall post my glorious victories manually
If I was a changeling, which I'm definitely for sure not because changelings don't exist, I might answer yes.
We're in the timeline where Daybreaker took over Equestria forming the Solar Empire and Luna split off to form the New Lunar Republic, which are now locked in a cold war.
How is it a republic if Luna is in charge?
You wouldn't vote for her over and over again?
i funded a rebel movement which dethroned her and now buys their resources only from me. i love democracy
so who's winning
You guys above 2 players again?
yeah hop in
Whats the most efficient build for a zebra nation to get more sat? 3 coffee shops, 3 bars or 1 toy shop ?
toy shop
It depends on what resources you have easy access to.
yuria has an interesting build. staying small and just selling parts. though, i wonder, why not a free market economy instead of loose despotism?
It's future-proofing for when everyone starves and goes back into stasis.
You could just make a lot more money now and then use that profit to go back to loose despotism later?
>a 21 day old nation has 17 malls
I know you guys are waging total war, but you need to chill.
we didn't even ask him to build them lol
It isn't letting me go from Lunar Client to Loose Despotism, I assumed it was the same for the civics that actually costed stuff.
Regardless, I suspect the price of coffee is going to keep rising due to the war.
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the two nations with the highest GDPs in the pro-free market alliance are state controlled economies
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it is what it is
We're supposed to be waging total war? Shit, sorry, I'll step it up a notch.
Even when taking energy consumption into account ?
>17 malls is a lot
I think a lot of new players lack perspective on what "big" means.

That's nothing, I saw Cool_Dude had 400 malls at one point.
You could build a lot of infrastructure and keep it disabled on tougher times. They still take 1 sat each but it should be cheap to maintain it with some satisfaction buildings.
I'm expecting the famine to be way worse.
So, video arcades everywhere until food stabilizes ?
guys im starting to think invading countries does the opposite of normalizing markets
Le gasp! Forcing loosely tied alliance to coordinate would not lead to this.
Why cant burros grow more food ?
Motherfucker i can barely fill these orders
Did Ponytropico just vanish off the face of the earth? I swear I can't find them anywhere.
I wonder what happens when nation # 9999999 gets destroyed.
That's weird, he doesn't show up on the GDP leaderboard
Because he's in stasis.
ah of course
Damn we really have a 500 apple deficiency server wide huh
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You couldnt find a prze to make those?
I think the famine subsided a bit.
does the stats page account for military upkeep?
shame. he could be making $$$ right now
oh, el presidente, if you're in stasis because you're being invaded just give us a heads up and we'll send you military equipment no problem. please don't give up, thanks.
Are they still fighting or did they run out of money?
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Why don't you tell me?
captcha: PWND
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How the fuck does this still exist? I know the source code was dumped but which one of you actually bothered to relaunch it a decade later?
another anon got it all running in docker containers, I threw it up on an amazon ec2
What was their and your old handles though? That's what I want to know
too long ago to remember, but I was never a well known player.
Don't think I had even war'd before, would always mess up stockpiles and die to malls.
I added the ticks-worth of resources to the game for a reason.
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My guy you probably wouldn't believe me if I told you who I was, but thanks for the nostalgia anyway whoever you were lol
Nice to see you again cutie. <3 Was nice conquesting with you back in the day.

From what I understand, Egg and DV kept the source going and got someone else to host it.
a shame you missed the relaunch when there was players, game's on life support currently, had a recent small revival where it was dead for a long time after the 6 hour war, the CEF ascending, and people slowly going into mass stasis
We've got enough players right now to support a good number unstasising, I think. Especially the ones who can make a new nation right away.
maybe Clopper will unstasis to devour us all
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after we beat the FWF (which we will) our next goal is to become powerful enough to challenge the old world
You say that but aside from one set of defensive troops you've been fighting what, 3v1 and failing? What happens if I give Pengu the go-ahead to send troops to attack, too?
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Aww sweetie, l now you've really gone and got me curious who you are <3

Not that surprising I guess, I remember tkoe trying to get a fork running around the time the game shutdown.

I married Lolipop btw ;)

I'm honestly not at a stage in my life where I'd want to devote the time to the game anymore, but the sentiments appreciated
we're not even winded
get it
frigid winds front
seriously though you already had the penguins intervene by defending your lands and we haven't done a coordinated, serious attack - just staggered masses. it's all in good fun though, see you on the battlefield
Awwh, that's kinda sweet Hope you two are happy together.
I'm not the other anon you asked first, but I go by the same name this time around as I did back then, Umbra.
I didn't ask, they just sent them. I would have preferred not to involve them, but eh, what will you do? I could involve them fully if you really want, though.
Do it then, you bitch
Name calling is really uncalled for. See how the Bloc treats me? So cruel and shameful.
Oh you were a member of DV's alliance right? Sorry if I'm wrong it's been a minute lol

We're very happy together, thanks! <3 It's kind of awkward when people ask how we met but we usually just say that we met on a small online game that doesn't exist anymore haha
Noooo, definitely wasn't one of DV's. I was one of yours, actually, if you are who I think.
Oh shit my bad, like I said it's been a minute and I can't remember all the names. Might be able to remember country name better?

I can offer a small amount of proof of who I am if you want ;)
What is the benefit of going Independent after Democracy? Is it just more gas and vehicle parts in exchange for higher sat cap? Does it like kick you out of your alliance or something?
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If you are who I think, I don't need proof, I already know.

Here, have this.
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And this.
Ok Tyrannisumbra is a name I remember after seeing it in full, sorry about that lol

Hope you've been well!
I have! Well, for most of that time. A couple years in between were touch and go but overall I'm in a pretty good place.
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wow, would you look at this.

the alliance who thinks they can starve the other out of apples is at more of an apple deficit than the one they're 'starving'.
big money big apples big mares we need them to fuel our $$$malls$$ and swag
Good to hear <3
Tariffs have a better ring to it than famine.
seeing people say they're low and "only" on 11 ticks left made me realise jus how on the edge i've been living
I tend to get anxious when I only have 1 day's worth of resources left.
>See how the Bloc treats me? So cruel and shameful.
i'll be sure to scold them for that. such little rascals!
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one of our burros exploded recently and the fwf got another one joining them, what do you want from me? i'm no superman am i?
Friendship Ended With Low Prices
Now Competitive Pricing Is My Best Friend
Buying Basics: 8K
Buying Tungsten: 19K
Buying Gems: 21K
Selling Parts: 18K
Selling Cooler Parts: 36K
>challenge the old world
This is not an achievement. The old world is either dead or in stasis. What are you going to challenge?
It's been fun, I need to go into cryostasis for a few decades.
I do this to myself at this point.
See you faggots in a week.
>more Bloctards dying
eeh, not like i can do anything about it
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I can't believe Giraffica is fooken ded
We were a proud nation but I got too cocky trying to phase out bars in favor of arcades, it was meant to be an experiment.
Just tired, ha ha, will unfreeze after work dies down a little.
These OP images are nice
i drew images before, now i'm making gifs. and thanks, i'm putting my love for this game into these
Hello neutral nations!

As a sign of things to come, I'm going to start posting some of my oil onto the market again. First drop is 1k at 14k each. Come get it while it's hot.
So is the war over?
war nevar changes...
How's the war?
Are ya winnin' son?
the temptation to waste bits and change the top message...
This has been the longest two weeks I've ever seen.
Why's that?
Reset soon
So... how long do I need to have this apple buy order up before I panic?
Newfag here. Which continent should i join.
Burros and Saddles are in general demand rn
Prze is the based one, just takes a bit more effort to get started
do not join as a prze or i will bomb your nation
If you join as prze I'll give you a bountiful welcome gift and protection
i kind of want to see if a drug-based empire is in any way viable like becoming a lunar client for the protection and then selling a shit ton into the SE and stuff
I'm sure it would be? As far as I can tell drug farms don't suffer from environmental damage.
You can't sell or produce drugs as a client or vassal
seems like drugs suck ass
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>nation created less than two hours ago
That's my alt account. I sent it a lot of resources
i wonder when admin is gonna care about the game
is there any tutorial I can read before i hop in or should i just learn as i go
yeah go on the website and one of the tabs has a bunch of guides you can read through. you only really gotta skim through the recommended guide though and it's not entirely necessary or anything.
Yes. Drugs are a niche item when in rare cases you need to manipulate your empire satisfaction precisely (e.g. if you accidentally make one really happy, and don't plan on becoming their vassal, then you'd have to deal with preventing the other one from quickly getting angry while the first slowly decays - since anger is faster than friendship decay; drugs let you just say "fuck off" and equalize them back). They're also mildly useful if you get some connection (for example, fast-tracking for enviros) and want to cash out some bits rather than just letting it decay.

And maybe they can be an elaborate way to eke out some extra money in the early game, though I feel like by the time you can afford to offset the rep hit you're better off just expanding normal production and beelining malls.

That's basically it; trying to mass-produce drugs, or base your long-term plans on them, is a noob trap.
i want to send drugs and illicit arms to player nations and be a general nuisance to society
Which race of horses has the highest drug abuse statistics?
unicorns. earth ponies get their highs from work and pegasi from adrenaline
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It's this little thing called the magic of friendship retard
admin i think u fucked up. you can restore their nations right?
>It's this little thing called the magic of friendship retard
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>admin i think u fucked up
My source is scripts that look for suspicious behavior, which I will then manually verify. It was an alt without question.
Well they're real life friends, of course they'd be suspiciously well coordinated and randomly pump eachother full of resources wouldn't they?
No, he's just retarded and conscripted his friend/coworker.
Any way he can prove his (their) innocence?
t. his real life friend
where can i get irl friends autistic enough to conscript for my pony war game
The special ed class at your local middle school
I would suggest reading the rules. I played with my frens, and had no trouble.

"If you say that it's your brother or your cousin or whoever sharing the computer or home network, the admin will not believe you. If there really are two of you, other players can help you prove it through Skype. And if you've got someone who plays >CLOP coming over to your house, warn the admin first!"

>If you say that it's your brother or your cousin or whoever sharing the computer or home network, the admin will not believe you. If there really are two of you, other players can help you prove it through Skype. And if you've got someone who plays >CLOP coming over to your house, warn the admin first!

If they are legit, this is a reading comprehension tax.
You aren't banned so can remake, but only on one of the accounts, unless you can prove they're run by different people
alright u two if u both/one of u decide to rejoin i promise we'll send a lot of shit so you can bounce back quickly
Hand over your email/skype or whatever, they're both at work right now, I'll send you what counts as proof
sure. you can reach me on dicksword, irc, or message hostanon in game
I showed you my GDP please respond.
Done, look over it when you have a second
Evidence checks out.
Feel free to remake on both accounts.
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>they made another Prze
See you in 21 days bucko
Man, I am so massively dead.
Any chance of anyone selling oil to a newbie? I'm offering way above market price.
Were you Ziger ? I sold you some spare oil.
Drop your nation name
Thanks, fren.

Why? What's wrong with the republic of Ziger? It's along the Ger river on the continent of Zebrica.
Oh, you were asking what my name was, not telling me to change it. My bad.
I can send you a deal tomorrow
I appreciate it, but people have already been pretty generous. I should be good for the foreseeable future.
why are you friends with a brown
>The ponies of Lunar Empire have successfully revolted against Luna!
oh the irony
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i-is this.. is this real, marketbros..?
As real as the bugs.
I knew it was too good to be true...
Oh god I got so caught up in real life that I think its been a week since I've been online. Im too afraid to check if my nation is ded
Which nation are you?
Why is the thread so dead, Anon?
War killed the game
Everyone posting was one dude multiboxxing
He died of apple-based diabetes.
it's umbra's fault it's all umbra blame them reee
okay hach
I agree with this
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not actually sure since it seems there's MORE activity in the game now if anything. guess everyone's just using ingame chatting methods? hm, i always wonder what the other alliance(s) are chatting about.
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So what am I suppose to figure out from this ? That I can make more plastic per oil, therefore more toys to compensate the enviro penalties ?
yea. or comps
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another prze bites the dust..
>So what am I suppose to figure out from this ?
Environmental penalties are geometric, roughly scaling with the square of the number of excess facilities you have.
What these factories allow you to do is basically "reset the counter", by having a separate building producing plastic. There's some extra numbers involved in the sat penalty calculation, but as a simplifcation, if you're going 10 factories over the environment damage limit, then for any other nation the penalty would be on the order of 10^2 - whereas as a prz, you can instead split up the factories and get 5^2 twice. Which is significantly smaller, especially at larger penalties.
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Fucking educate yourself instead of being spoonfeed every little thing
pony 4chan be like fucking educate yourself instead of being feedbagged every little thing
Burro, i survived though. Either I auto stasised after being logged off for so long or i genuinely have no memory of it.
Each building has its own separate numbers it calculates from. As an example, env sat loss goes up slower for each excess basic resource building than it does for each excess mech building, but you can have more mech buildings before you incur sat loss than you can for the basic buildings. I can grab the actual formula a bit later if you need it.
I dont want to join an alliance but i also dont want to be invaded
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Use https://4clop.com/images/the_chart.png with pic related
Do I have to make a new account on the test server to start again as a nation with max resources ?
Then let the nation crash on day 20. ^:)
You can always join an alliance only for protection and be on your own if you wish or create your own alliance even, I can help you with that too.
Having trade relations and talking with other players might earn you their allegiance. If you get ever invaded post about it in the thread in an instant. There might be some people there that are oh so very eager to help you out, out of spite!
Yes, I know, I was just explaining to that other anon why having two "different" buildings types that do the same thing is a big bonus late-game even though they do the same thing.
Well, not a huge huge bonus because plastic is relatively inconsequential in the grand scheme of things, but as far as plastic goes, przes do have an advantage. Not to the point of feeding everyone's toy shops, people can do that themselves, but say if you're stockpiling a few tens of thousands of composites for war, a prze should probably handle that.
>people can do that themselves
They can but that takes sat and energy that could have been used for their own production.
Building toys for their toy shops for their sat is usually worthwhile for their own production. The prze bonus isn't THAT big and the sat cost of plastics is usually negligible, like a late-game nation might be fielding -4000 sat or something of which plastic factories might be responsible for maybe -100. Fielding part of it to a prze isn't gonna eliminate it either cause the prze will have their own plastic production already, so you'll save less than 50 sat - maybe like 30-40.
That's a 1% sat efficiency improvement. By that point in late game, that usually translates to maybe 2 or so extra production buildings, so about 10-15 extra raw materials produced. In a nation already probably usually fielding around 1500 resources per tick.
Maybe this game could have industrial policies implemented in it.
Sort of a production stance that you would have to pick among the options available to your nation type, like for example improved pie/apple or coffee output for burros. Something that would make it more worthwhile to offshore the production of certain goods to alliance members.
I liked the earlier suggestions of the north/central/south differences actually mattering for production of different materials (rather than being completely irrelevant for everything except DNA production*).
And I like that better than some selectable focus, because late-game most costs for switching things become utterly inconsequential: the top strategy for running a large empire is paying to switch to Oppression on every tick, then paying to switch back to whatever other government any time you want to trade between ticks, thus completely negating the downside of Oppression.

* There's an argument to be made that it was actually designed that way, to make full sets of DNA rarer and harder to obtain if new players just roll their nations randomly, whereas tying it to game balance will naturally result in either a more even distribution and thus easier ascends, or might accidentally make some subregions be considered completely outclassed and ascending would become near impossible without dedicated sacrificial nations.
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Is the tick's worth counter for energy bugged ?
It doesnt seem to taking the reserve into account.
your net is -10, but you still need the full amount used (346) on-hoof at all times
so after 12 ticks at -10 net your stockpile will be 355. and on the next tick you will die
What the other anon said.
Note also that the ticks remaining has an off-by-one error: basically, when it says "0" you can survive one more tick, and when it says "NONE" you will die next tick. As a result, when it says "1" you can actually survive 2 ticks, etc.

So yes, after 12 ticks your stockpile will be 355, but that's still enough to satisfy 346 consumption on the next tick. But you'll end up with (355 - 346 + 336) = 345 energy after the 13th tick, so on the 14th tick you will die.
Sell me machine parts retards I'm buying at 30k
No copper, sorry.
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we have a logo and that means we'll win, right?
hate this
love this. though, what if the little arrow was red/green or something? just my anonthought
i can post the .svg file here for you to play around with
If you turned this in in a graphic design class your professor would use it as an example of what not to do for the rest of his tenure.
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changelings seething... where's YOUR logo?
what's so wrong with it then
don't need a logo, went to space
What's a changeling?
Not him but the second arrow is kind of extraneous, the first arrow functions as a T by itself just fine. The box is also just kind of shoved in there haphazardly.
Put it on your alliance front page and then we will talk.
go to >clop github and contribute code for an alliance flag image embed option and then we'll talk
Ok. How do I code
going from state controlled to free market - your deals remain and i think players can still accept them even while you're a free market? pretty inconsequential all things considered
>the second arrow is ki-
artistic choice.
>the box is also ju-
it's intended.
Naah there are some rules to prevent the abuse. You must have 0 deals and 0 market offers from what I can remember.
the 0 market offers thing is true but i didn't see any warning come up about deals and it just let it happen
Maybe the deals cancel themselves? Don´t remember. Paying 500 sat every time the change is made from one to another is a fair price for such changes I think.
If somebody wants to serve as a bridge between the markets and the dealmakers , they could just stay loosely defined.
why would anybody want that? just use the market goddammit the fees are insignificant
I suppose there is always a trade-off for undertaking maximal efficiency.
Ideally, everyone would be free-market and all business would be conducted by filling pre-negotiated buy orders at minimal cost, as 3% of 1000 is less than the 100 per item for state controlled deal, but clearly nobody wants to do that because it so it would require keeping ledgers and invoices.
Cause deals are convenient when you need to coordinate a bunch of stuff with a bunch of people. So some people prefer them.
>the market fees are insignificant
And you're correct on that in general, which means that the penalty for staying loosely defined is really very minor. You'll save a tiny amount of money going free market, but locking yourself out of trading with a bunch of players - often plenty of very late-game players - is almost definitely not worth it.
>locking yourself out of trading
USE. THE FUCKING. MARKET. late game players are such cheapskates they can't handle a bit of fee and such introvert retards they can't handle a bit of coordination?
but i want to larp as communist ponies
larping is welcome
Its kinda surprising that there arent a lot of players larping as EAW countries in this game.
>locking yourself out of trading
When someone goes state controlled, it's because they want to be able to just instasend you 20 items
>b-b-but just put up five buy orders and also fulfil my sell order to send me some bits so I can put up the rest of the orders up and also put up your own six buy orders, and also I need to coordinate with another player to have all the materials except unless someone else fulfils my buy order and also I'm gonna be shidding and farding all day so I'll be afk except on the :03 minute of every fifth hour and the :29th minute of every third one so I'll put up the other deals later, also sorry you forgot to put up that specific buy order so now wait till the NEXT time I come online

No, I'll send a deal that you can then accept at your convenience or go negotiate with another player
Can't really larp very much in general. Any attempts fall apart pretty quickly once the game gets to the spreadsheet stage.
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state controlled is superior if you value your time I would rather die than manage 15 people at once and monitor my reports every two days to see who sold what
if you are playing 4clop more than 15 minutes per day you are doing it wrong, it is not about fees, I pay 20% tax once a blue moon and do not give a damn, in the end it is all about time you can save
one day you will burn out from managing your nation daily, do you know where will it bring you? back to the state controlled
too many nonpony countries... i did nearly name myself stalliongrad but it felt too cheap
>b-b-but just put up five buy orders and also fulfil my sell order to send me some bits so I can put up the rest of the orders up and also put up your own six buy orders, and also I need to coordinate with another player to have all the materials except unless someone else fulfils my buy order and also I'm gonna be shidding and farding all day so I'll be afk except on the :03 minute of every fifth hour and the :29th minute of every third one so I'll put up the other deals later, also sorry you forgot to put up that specific buy order so now wait till the NEXT time I come online

>manage 15 people at once and monitor my reports every two days to see who sold what

none of this is the case. maybe it's a little less convenient, but coordinating 15 people? when does that ever happen?
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>when does that ever happen?
When you aim for the sky, literary. Ascension. I suggest you to try it, I am willing to help you with that, we have resources and time.
>not making ASCII images to bypass limitations
let me guess, in-game messaging and separate alliance messageboard is also not enough for you
but ASCII art shtick is already taken by Cozy Campers
>coordinating 15 people? when does that ever happen?
Not right now, but last year the top two alliances both had over 15 people in them by late-game. And there were like four or five alliances with close to 10 people in them - 15 might be on the higher end but even coordinating like 7-8 people can already be a chore if you're trying to play seriously while at the same time having to account for everyone's individual timezones and communication autism specificities.
to be fair even i was running a state controlled nation back then
Gytha-controlled economy option when.
You build what you're told, and you don't over build, or you get the ovipositor
Buying composites for 60k
Isnt it cheaper to make your own at this point ?
I actually forgot I could do that.
*Gets defrosted*
*Goes back into cryo-chamber*
thanks for the parts, pengu
It's not insignificant. When you're spending a lot of bits on the market, a single purchase with Free Market can mean millions of bits saved over other economies.

The only reason I'm state controlled right now is because the market is dead.
State controlled is just easier especially when half the game has an embargo on the other half lol

Easier to just set up resource trades without having to throw bits back and forth for it and just let members take them at their convenience, you know?

Free Market would be great if there was an actual economy and you can't blame that on the old players.

It's because there just aren't enough people in general on the market to make it worthwhile.
fuck I am retarded and joined Prze and now I am fucked. Why the fuck does 1 apple cost 1,000,000 what the fuck is happening
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>When the pajeet gets removed by the Sun
Based Solarists.
should've gone zebrican. try to die and reroll
everyone trades through buyers or deals
Reset when?xxkwp0
2 more weeks
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been looking through the github. fun little comments and weird little images - these catched my eye. 2 more weeks
>been looking through the github
//abandon all hope, ye who enter here
//hope you like loops, motherfucker!
//multidimensional arrays ahead because I seriously can't think of a better way to do this

there's been no serious code changes for a reason, especially since there are no test cases
Instead of using the open market, you have to talk to players.
At minimum, that means negotiating reciprocal deals. E.g. "supply me with X apples per day and I'll send you Y parts per day". You could also look into joining an alliance - if you do, you're likely to have all your early-game needs covered to fast-track your nation and scale up rapidly for the alliance's benefit; most alliances operate on the principle of a pooled economy (i.e. you always send your production to alliance members as a priority, and only the remainder is yours to send to others or otherwise stockpile for future alliance use; and in turn all your requirements are gonna be sent to you by your fellow alliance-mates free of charge).

But yes, prz cannot produce anything of their own so alliances rarely need more than 1-2 active ones. You're better off making apples or oil. Copper is also important but zebrican nations guzzle a lot of apples and oil, so it's only really worth going zeb if you know there's a surplus of the other two in the game.
Thanks. I will wait until the reset than and remake
>inb4 reset is a meme
i am sure my nation will go under the ground soon enough.
If you actually want to play, it costs nothing to remake right now. Reset IS a meme, currently at least.
Wait isnt that the artist who draws lots of marecock?
reset happens when we achieve total victory over the FWF
you're thinking of t72b
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don't be silly, there are NO changelings and there are NO marecocks
oh yeah i know that guy. our alliance are official sponsors of his art
So, never. Good to know.
next time a nation explodes im going to defend their country and play a horde survival against the rebels
>US army propping up a dying puupet regime with zero popular support for the sake of maintaining access to natural resources
I wish there were musky marecocks for me to smell all day...
Good luck, sending a defending army takes a minimum of 2 warticks if you're in the same region (4 warticks if you're in a different one), whereas rebels spawn directly in the nation and will thus immediately participate in attacking on the very next wartick. And if a nation has no defending troops, even a single attacking rebel troop causes rebel victory and therefore death.

You will have to anticipate which nations are afk and about to start growing rebels, and send your defenders at least 1 wartick (6 ticks) early to get there in time.
Yea, I wish the required ticks were lowered by one, making defending actually worthwhile instead of just sending resources.
Ties back with changing barracks and making so training and building up units to take time too...
honestly desktop notifs for messages, alliance posts and generally every 2 hrs would be cool
Do barracks stack with the +10 from hiring mercenaries?
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defending units already arrive 1 tick earlier than attacking units, seems fair enough to me
seems doable. rebels don't even start spawning until -50 do they? just look at whatever nation doesn't build shit in their first day or two of existence and you found your man
how strong is the rebel though? you need to hold it for at least 20 days to save(invade) it, or it'd just be waste of resources, and will the admin approve that?
>will the admin approve that?
provided it's not an alt and there's no collusion to make the nation to be taken over, there is nothing wrong here

you can send troops to defend anyone you like, you can also attack anyone you like
>just look at whatever nation doesn't build shit in their first day or two of existence and you found your man
You know you can't even send troops to a nation until it's reached 21 days of age right
not attacking troops, but you can send defense force
Huh, you can? I hadn't realised, fair enough then.
looking for people with poor mindfulness and low motivation to join the game
I was here for the last iteration (or whatever you want to call it since there's no reset), what have I missed and should I unstasis?
what nation type are you?
Cheap-ish copper for sale on the market.
Prze with malls.
kill yourself fag
Make a new account as a burro or SA. If your previous account stays in stasis it's legal.
What if I also already have a second Burro nation?
an empire, or an alt?
empire desu

unstasis and make a new alliance to make things interesting and give reason for out-of-alliance trade
Then come back? I am willing to help you with stuff if you are at brink of death, I will also buy/trade your DNA if it is any good.
don't come back
What's the link ?
I have unstasis'd. I've got a few ticks before the malls run dry.
The legend returns
Someone from the 1st trade bloc? Wow, he's old.
100 GoebelBucks to whoever predicts how soon Friendistan falls by Price is Right rules. 50 GoebelBucks to whoever predicts the cause correctly.
disable buildings and get your stockpiles in order first via trade agreements etc
What if there was a Prze majority/exclusive alliance?
>Interalliance trade necessitated
>In the event of the war, excess bits for mercenaries and refined goods such as plastic and gas could substantially turn the tides
>>clop becomes more social, and slightly less dead
>What if there was a Prze majority/exclusive alliance?
for what purpose? a single prze could do the function of that entire alliance, they would quickly die
Multiple prze could shit out plastics, and that speciality could prove decisive in a war. On a similar token, if the majority of burros formed a union, other alliances could risk being starved.
not really, plastics are fairly limited in how much you need compared to appul/oil/gems/copper/tung etc

all prze are needed for is cheap parts, and a single prze can provide that function if you provide them oil to burn, and appul to consume. so you would need literally every prze in the game on board for that alliance to be meaningful, since a single dissenter can replace them

a burro / saddle / zeb alliance could absolutely sway things. Didn't Maresaw start out as burros or something? or was that another alliance
Such a sway could only occur if there was a break up of current alliances, no? It seems most alliances are rather self-sufficient.
For TnCs, they're much more cost efficient usually if you buy the plastics instead of make them yourself. So there *is* a reason to buy/sell plastics.
People have suggested the burro alliance before and every conclusion was that it'll never happen because not everypony will play along, so some alliances will still grow self-sufficiently, and then you'll need a perfect balance of power to make sure one of them doesn't just make a surprise attack to blitzkrieg a bunch of defenceless apple nations and get into a game-dominating position. And some players will be loyal to their alliance rather than their nation type - possibly maybe even most people? It's hard to say without trying it, but if so, the entire concept would even be dead in the water before even taking off.

A prze alliance would be the same except way, way worse - because as mentioned most alliances only need one prze each, except the very biggest ones. A single prze defector would instantly allow one alliance to ignore the whole prze guild (unlike burros where you do need a good number of them to sustain a larger alliance).
You could say that at least nobody would bother invading them then, but nations are still lebensraum, and with some clever organisation it'd be possible to then kill them and re-roll them into actually useful ones, thus still being a significant gain for any conqueror alliance.
Is there still a war going on?
yeah but there's a quasi cease fire going on right now. it's probably just going to be like north Korea vs south korea
Thirdworldia/Cockroach if you unstasis I have a message for you that might change your mind about a little something something
>it's probably just going to be like north Korea vs south korea
Z z z z
Hach can't stop the warmongering.
Yes, the casualties are horrific.
next time there's a war i'm going to try and bean count all the specific numbers and casualties
who's being checked?
She's really mature, for her age~
skill issue
i guess but none of us are attacking
well...yeah? i mean it's not like i'm even trying
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>CLOP will never be the same...
>But war...
>War never changes.
what nation are you?
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Ah yes, a cease fire...
The actual state of the war is: I offered peace terms to Hach, and he refused to negotiate, and frankly acted petty. So I have no doubt that this war will end continuing for a while, if only because of him.

It's mostly a joke. It's literally one unarmed unarmored pegasus heading to the recently unstasised empire's Burro. I also simultaneously sent his main nation a care package to help him stabilize.
>he thinks i will accept his ridiculous terms that will hinder the alliance for no reason
A small loan of 200 million ...
lol ridiculous terms.

These were the terms I offered, for anyone who's curious.

>So my suggested terms are thus:

>Ceasefire. All troops pulled back, and no new troops are sent.
>Both alliances establish a NAP with the other.
>Neither alliance will attempt to sabotage the other's undertakings.
>Both alliances open up trade with each other and the market, again.
>Neither alliance leader will attempt to convince the members of the other to leave their alliance.
>When each of us has the resources, you and I will exchange 15,000 apples for 10,000 oil, to be distributed to our alliance members.
>Do you find these terms agreeable?

Followed later by:
>Feel free to suggest modifications to the terms I put forth

After two hours he still didn't want to give me a counteroffer, so I said I was done sitting and doing nothing.
Some people would surrender to this
These terms do seem reasonable - other than the trade (which I expect could've been negotiated out if it was a sticking point), it's effectively all just about cessation of hostilities and harrassment. Only reason to consider them unreasonable is if you believe yourself in a position where continuing harrassment will be advantageous to you even if the other side is consequently also allowed to do so.

On the other hoof two hours is nothing - even if you're somehow absolutely certain he was online during that entire time, he might have wanted to consult other alliance members, for example, or maybe even just think about it.
based and warpilled
No no, you misunderstand, we were going back and forth over it for two straight hours.

Considering I sent this offer right after two of his alliance's members were lost to rebels (including one of his main sources of copper), and it was clearly a stalemate even before that happened, I feel like a little bit of unbalance in the resource trade was a reasonable ask. And again, easily negotiated.
What does Gytha have against coffee shops ?
The thing is, due to the massive defender advantage, a stalemate is relatively easy to ensure - an attacker needs overwhelming power to prevail against an intelligent and active opponent (i.e. when it's actually production vs. production attrition, rather than an idiot wasting his money on garbage troops or outright dying due to carelesness).
And not only that, but a stalemate is also very advantageous to the defender, because you always need to spend considerably less on defensive troops than the attacker is spending on their attacking ones (and vastly less upkeep), so if the attacker keeps that up, they'll suffer way more attrition. Right now in the growth stage of the game, that guarantees the defender will slowly catch up and/or overtake the attacker.

So forcing a stalemate as an attacker is pretty disadvantageous, unless you have some grand geopolitical plans coming into play that override the simple resource disadvantage you're putting yourself into. Otherwise? Technically you've got the initiative since you can simply stop sending units so the other party doesn't exactly have bargaining power, but at the same time maintaining advantageous stalemate attrition is usually gonna suit the defenders just fine, so you have nearly zero bargaining power yourself.
Wouldn't it be funny if 2nd Bloc members fled to the 1st Bloc for greater stability? Haha. Imagine the look on Hach's face!
nothing really, it depends how much of a coffee surplus you have
Wasnt your alliance starving for apples and copper when the negotiations started ? I remember penguin going into stasis and the entire alliance output just tanking because of that
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>The loss of a burro a few weeks ago leads to Total TNNigger death
>Only JUST realized the Friendistan Counteroffensive, the taking of a single underdeveloped nation, caused the entire alliance to suicide
wait is everyone in a discord except me? fuck my faggot ass life
No. At the time of the offer, FWF had less of an apple deficit than 2TB did, and we have never had a copper deficit.

Both sides were actively attacking each other, not one attacking one defending. And Hach very explicitly said to me during the negotiations that he wanted to get a nation out of the war.
offboarder general
Ok my mistake then
That's from last year. It's also a screenshot from the discordfag alliance, specifically about how they got game over due to everyone else deciding to wipe out the discordfag alliance
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In fact, it's literally in the thread right here >>41080050 a day before I sent the peace offer. And pengu didn't go into stasis until two days later, so this was already factoring their apple requirements.


That's a lot of misinformation you're trying to spread, friend.
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>start wars with people
>taken nations already
>"Wow, wtf why don't they accept my peace offer? Why are they trying to take nations from us now?"
I'm pretty skeptical they could have won with one more burro. There was a lot of gas still in the tank. Ah well. That counteroffensive was still pretty glorious. Good work, Bird.
From Maresaw with love.
then you taking their burro robbed me of an epic showdown with TNNiggers reeeeeeeeeeee

With Love,
Queen Gytha
>start war basically our of nowhere
>offer peace which locks us out of helping other nations that will be under attack and even make us pay extra resources as "reparations"

nah thanks.

>Feel free to suggest modifications to the terms I put forth

are you ready to stop all wars, not cause new ones, join my alliance and help others grow and encourage trading? yeah, thought so.

>After two hours he still didn't want to give me a counteroffer

would be shorter if i wasn't busy rectifying your false claims lol

>it's effectively all just about cessation of hostilities and harrassment
only if umbra apologizes :(

>Only reason to consider them unreasonable is if you believe yourself in a position where continuing harrassment will be advantageous
i doubt it will. the peace is not very nice but i don't wanna attack too sooo i just sit there

>The thing is, due to the massive defender advantage, a stalemate is relatively easy to ensure - an attacker needs overwhelming power to prevail against an intelligent and active opponent
which is why i attacked a little and then gave up

like a true leader, i'd flee after them!

yes. get on discord, kitten

>At the time of the offer, FWF had less of an apple deficit than 2TB did
what about now?

literally this^
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I choose to believe it, because it's funnier
You know what? Yeah. I'm siding with you. Good argument.
>And Hach very explicitly said to me during the negotiations that he wanted to get a nation out of the war.
that was like half-jokingly
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>Flew too close to the sun
>1st Trade Bloc dies in the process
>but also denies the epic showdown and forces a more anticlimatic, humiliating defeat.
I haven't taken any nations, Anon. I've made it very clear that I'm only interested in taking a burro, more specifically I was aiming for Hach's.

>offer peace which locks us out of helping other nations that will be under attack and even make us pay extra resources as "reparations"

Would you rather allow me to fuck with your business just so you can fuck with mine?

>i doubt it will. the peace is not very nice but i don't wanna attack too sooo i just sit there
>which is why i attacked a little and then gave up

So those troops you sent recently are... what?

>what about now?
No apple deficit, sweetheart. We're very self sufficient.
>more specifically I was aiming for Hach's.
and how's that going for you?

>Would you rather allow me to fuck with your business just so you can fuck with mine?
i doubt you'll be as calm and peaceful as us

>So those troops you sent recently are... what?
yeah i tried to send defense force to a dying nation but was too late lol. now that force is attacking you, can't let it go to waste. sorry!

>No apple deficit, sweetheart.
you said you had LESS of an apple deficit. what about now?

>Verification not required.
I was referring to certain other assholes in your alliance taking nations
wow i have no idea what the fuck is going on and i don't know what is or isn't misinformation and both sides seem very sure in their arguments. this is just like real life war fantastic simulation hostanon
>I haven't taken any nations, Anon
Anon, I very clearly remember a member of your alliance conquering another nation in recent memory
>b-but I PERSONALLY haven't taken any nations!
You're the damn alliance leader you answer for your alliance's actions.
>Anon, I very clearly remember a member of your alliance conquering another nation in recent memory
and now he's trying to conquer me :(
Oldmin's bitchfit suicide it still fucking hilarious.
>Loss of single burro causes suicide
>That's how Apples won the war
meme magic desu
>and how's that going for you?

>i doubt you'll be as calm and peaceful as us
There's a lot more ways you can be fucked with than just through troops. You already know that I had a trade focused alliance whose goal was to fix the market before you did. And we already discussed our motivations at length.

>you said you had LESS of an apple deficit. what about now?
Now there is no deficit.

Actually, funny thing, the one who first attacked that nation and wanted to conquer it is currently sitting in 2TB. Hmm...
Pengu just jumped on the bandwagon after the attack was already underway, and I convinced them to join FWF instead of literally taking the nation and stasising for months.

On top of that, I've made it clear since the beginning that this conflict is between me and Hach. Anything anyone else does means nothing for this peace.
If you want to paint me as a villain, there's a lot more I could be doing to actually be a villain.
dude i don't give a shit i just want to kill somepony
kill Gytha
later. i must acquire lebensraum

>kill Gytha

bugs don't count, r-right?
>cant into late game nation building
Coffee shops for sat, in specifically a burro: yay or nay? The additional sat from this could be used to further apple production.
somedrone. happy?
Maybe. Its something you make yourself so it makes sense to capitalize on that.
Its not like the case of zebras and przes that need to constantly rebalance their inputs.
>There's a lot more ways you can be fucked with than just through troops.
ooohh what are you gonna do, stop selling stuff to me? ooohh, scary!
>You already know that I had a trade focused alliance whose goal was to fix the market before you did.
too bad it just sat there and did nothing while i actually tried to do something with the market.

>Now there is no deficit.
now you have more of a deficit than we do. here, i said it for you.

>I've made it clear since the beginning that this conflict is between me and Hach.
well obviously none of us are able to take the advantage and i'm not gonna accept your stupid peace, so i hope you have a good plan
Given how dead the market is, I'd probably do that. It takes less oil than toy and candy shops, after all. If you have easy access to oil then you'd definitely want mostly toys.
>the one who first attacked that nation and wanted to conquer it is currently sitting in 2TB. Hmm...
And was in your alliance when he launched the first attack. Hmm...
>Given how dead the market is
i'm trying to sell apples occasionally though. but yeah, no oil for the market for now, let alone copper
What do you mean ? There is some copper being sold.
oh wow, really? huh. good job then!
why can't we be friends. what would it take for peace
I put oil on the market recently and it went unsold so I put it to better use.
it'd take umbra stopping this war and not start any new ones with anyone else. that's all.
A two hour long ERP session in messages
i'm up for that! hit me up
Do you understand what the word 'deficit' means? Let me help you.

>A deficit is the amount by which something is less than what is required or expected, especially the amount by which the total money received is less than the total money spent.

Neither alliance is at a deficit anymore, because we both make more than we spend.

He also left FWF as soon as I attacked Hach, and was accepted into 2TB immediately, without any hesitation. If I hold any accountability at all, I'm not the only one, and that 'accountability' has nothing to do with me for this war.
They probably stopped checking the sellers market.
Even Yuria kept making 8k buy orders for copper when I was selling it for cheaper at the market.
You do realize that I'm the one who asked for a ceasefire, right? The reason the war isn't over is because of Hach.
please no more war the market is only just how recovering i need these materials
please more war kill the market i need bloodshed
but they already offered an end to the war. maybe you can station defensive units in eachother's countries? that'd be a nice sign of trust
Why use free market when State Controlled deals have less fees? Direct deals are more social as well.
I hate talking to you people
Maybe you can suck my cock
sure 1 million bits
>Neither alliance is at a deficit anymore, because we both make more than we spend.
none of us was ever at negative apple production though. whatever

my terms: you stop war and make no more war with anyone ever again. do you find these terms agreeable?

i demand reparations for moral damage!

fuck you
You sound mad.
thanks, you do too :3
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now kiss
with a filthy, bloodthirsty warmonger changeling? yuck
No thanks, I know exactly where that mouth has been.
That would explain why people actually sold me copper.
I think my oil order has been sitting there for a week.
>with a filthy, bloodthirsty warmonger changeling? yuck
that doesn't narrow it down as much as you may think
Is Toys or Arcade better for sat? If situational, which situation do you use each?
What's a changeling?
You just don't make enough parts for me to be able to justify it anymore. I need a lot more than 150 parts at a time every so often.
Toy shops produce more sat and are more energy efficient, but have higher apple cost. They also need more buildings to function and are generally more expensive to set up.
I did the math for the toy stores and it ended up being
(4 oil + 9 energy + 20 apples) / 93 sat,
if you balance the resources for only whole-number ratios. That results from 1 plastic factory, 4 toy factories, and 3 toy shops, as well as 3 bakeries.
My calculations for arcades are
(16 energy + 2 apples) / 31 sat,
which is with 1 bakery and 3 arcades. If you multiply that by 3, the resource ratio for an equivalent amount of sat between toy shops and arcades is
(4 oil + 9 energy + 20 apples) : (48 energy + 6 apples).
tl;dr Toy shops use more apples but less energy, also a small (negligible) amount of oil.
Toys are the best option for when you are sure your supplies of apples and oil are high enough to sustain them.
Arcades are good in a complementary sense for when you have a deficit on apples but still plenty of oil to survive on, or when you need a backup sat generator in case your supply for apples dries up.

But in a more general view, you should see each sat generation buiilding as being situational according to whats available.
Bars = overabundance of apples
Coffee shops= More of a complementary or backup building since theres not enough coffeein the game to live on it alone
Arcades = Complementary or backup building because even if you have a lot of oil available, the amount of energy it consumes doesnt justify a large scale use
Toy Shops = Most efficient building for sat generation but only viable when you reach an abundance of apples and oil.
Burros and Saddles have it way too good with their malls.
>Burros and Saddles have it way too good with their malls.
until they run out of parts and die
zeb malls can self source parts in an emergency
>until they run out of parts and die
With the mad cash they are making ?
They would enough money to spare to find a willing buyer, specially the burros who can already self source a lot of the inputs for the mall.
This is the second time I've had to raise prices to keep the oil posters in on the production.
It is clear the dynamics were poisoned as soon as I put the stuff on the sellers market with no strategic embargoes.
Whenever a reset occurs, I will see the seller's market for the unsustainable pipe dream that it is.
There can be no such thing as a fair price in a game with money printers.

Which is fine for my purposes; you all helped my nation to become immortal weeks ago, I was just keeping the oil burning out of inertia. All of these buildings were eventually going to be temporary.

It is clear that based on world statistics that thousands of parts are being produced per tick, my nation offers nothing of value. It is time to retire.
Remove malls.
Malls create demand for parts. Without them the przes would starve.
in the graveyard reports, can anyone figure out how 'outer haven' died?
they don't appear to have run out of anything, and had rising sat each tick, unless i'm overlooking something
never ever reply again
blood sacrifice, it is not a bug, it is a feature
There should be a blood sacrifice feature that resets the game
Looks like sat loss from switching goverment types (Repression to Democracy), and Outer Hayven ran out of troops to defend from rebels. A truly sad day not only for the Campers, but for all of >4clop
ah you're right, well spotted
That's only for the "gain 13 sat as...", or the first wave of rebels. It seems Outer Hayven stabilizes for the next 3 ticks, and then is seemingly swamped with rebels for no reason? So I'm confused on how Outer Hayven fell as well.
to perform mass blood sacrifice you ought to play game as intended, one night the ritual shall sweep everything and neither stockpiles nor positive sat will save you, tis ritual is so clandestine that it will not written within reports, you will only notice it when its done and not a second before
i'm not seeing any battles in the reports, so maybe they fixed the sat issue later, but never dealt with the initial rebels, and just died on the war tick
there were no troops and outer hayven had always different goverment from nightmares
in the logs for outer hayven, it was repression then changed to democracy. changing gov type like that lowers current sat, which must have been low enough current sat to spawn rebels even with good stockpiles
A goverment type swap occurs between the two reports
>2024-05-24 14:00:02
>2024-05-24 16:00:02
>(You gain 13 sat among the rest of your nation as the subversives stop participating in it.)
and then two ticks go by where satisfaction is not below the minimum as there is no notification it has done so. Then, seemingly for no reason, it then goes under the minimum, unless Lunatic had swapped to a government/economy type and then proceeded to immediately swap back to what he had originally.
but how did that happen? I never changed goverments in outer hayven
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>You did and you forgot
>You did and you're lying
>Somebody h@ck3d your account
>Hostanon hates specifically only you
none true, my memories are not fading away yet, the only time I changed goverments was on nightmares to check if my alliance was being activity checked
some gov types effect your entire empire, rather than just the single nation. I -think- decentral is one, which would have made all your nations decentral, so weird it went from repression to democracy

check your logs for nightmares for when you changed gov type, see if the timeline matches up
>Hostanon hates specifically only you
Hostanon hates us all, but some more than others
Alter your government to be one based on Decentralization.<br/><br/>
Building the complicated mechanics of Decentralization requires 500 copper, 50 mechanical parts, and 20 composites.<br/>
The guiding principle of Decentralization is that the empire allows its subjects personal autonomy and self-governance; each nation presumably acts for its own benefit.
Therefore, under a Decentralized government, you cannot transfer, sell, or deal between nations in your empire.<br/>
However, it offers a maximum satisfaction of 2000.<br/>
Decentralization facilitates and requires a great deal of travel, using 50 gasoline and 5 vehicle parts a turn. If you cannot pay for these items, you lose 100 satisfaction a turn; however,
a functioning Decentralized government nets you 30 satisfaction a turn.<br/>
Like with Democracy, going below 0 satisfaction ruins the pretense of self-governance and rebels appear.<br/>
A Decentralized government loses you 3 relationship with the Solar Empire and gives you 4 relationship with the New Lunar Republic every turn.<br/>
Once one of your nations switches to Decentralization, all of them switch to Decentralization.<br/>
Due to its focus on embassies, Decentralization is the only government type that automatically knows in advance when its allies are under attack.

Revert your government to be a Democracy.<br/><br/>
Removing your ponies' decentralization costs only bits and no resources, but it will result in a devastating satisfaction loss of 1,000.
Once you revert one Decentralized government in your empire, you revert them all.

so you went decentral, then reverted it, changing both nation types to democracy. and never accounted for those large sat losses so got rebels
there are logs for goverment changes? I was running it through word finder but nothing shown
fuck me
>there are logs for goverment changes?
not for the major action of doing the government change, but the sat for the gov type within each tick report
you would have been gaining 30 sat a tick when decentral, so look for when that started, and stopped
it never began, I must have changed goverment back all within one tick
>literally the queen
>none of us was ever at negative apple production though. whatever
they literally did
well, good then.
przes hide nightmare disciples are going to go looking for a replacement
Kill 'em all, I say.
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>*Floats up onto the surface of the ocean*
>*Swims to shore*
>*Goes into office*
>"What a lovely cryostasis.. Only a few--DECADES?! Oh no!"
so if you send troops to defend a nation and then send another to invade, will they clash at each other? If there's also rebels in the nation and the defender losses will it burn down by rebels or the invaders will take it?
prices will always fluctuate. Supply and demand is a real thing.

Not to mention I've tried to send you a deal before with oil + price of copper to make + some profit for parts I need and you turned it down. So...I dunno?
Fluctuation implies it could ever go down.
Saddles, why you think people will buy oil for 35k ?
saddleS? there's only ankha selling it for 35k
No, theres another saddle selling at the same price. You probably cant see cause you got embargoed.
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get it while it's hot.
But 2TB is the one that isn't bloodthirsty, right!?!?
I put these songs on in the background while playing >clop and now I'm suddenly burning 750 gas every 12 hours???
>defend and invade
You cannot send invasion force to a nation if you have defense troops in(or returning from) that nation, I believe.
>attacker vs rebels
Rebels are treated same as another invasion force in this scenario, I think.
Meaning, the most powerful (whatever THAT means) force attacking the nation will take over it. If its just one pegasus attacking nation sieged by 100 rebels, rebels will get it, probably.
Not sure how it resolves different armor/weapons from multiple attackers. Probably NOT by pitting them against eachother, maybe by quantifying the average of weapon power against each unit type? Not sure if armor even matters in that case if there is no defenders to actually fight against.
>Less than 1000 troops
The extent of this conflict is... disappointing.
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Who the fuck is attacking Ankha?
ankha is fine
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bullshit, https://imgur.com/WBemxmx , there is more of them but I did not get screens yet
oh shit two wars going on right now?
If emir does not respond within < 3 hours I will be fucking mad.
Daily reminder:
friendistan this is anti friendship
friendistan did not receive a reply back about friendship and is in need of oil
>inb4 cozy aggression
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Its happening.
it's something like 100 "activity check" troops last I saw
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>Scurried off to join Cozy Campers.
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war cancelled
nothing ever happens
not the one with the hive
you want a piece of me boy
bloodthirsty snowblind strikes again
who are they invading?
they're retaliating for our attack on the FWF
2TB decided it was time for total war, hope you're ready, anons.
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Damn, somebody is really assblasted about me
sorry for the inconvenience again
Just build chem-light Titans
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>Die again because pies and apples are too fucking high because of this massive dick measuring contest
Either make a free market or get off the pot, I am DONE with this Alliance!!!!!!!
You faggots just keep on peeping at each other and not doing SHIT!!!!!!!!!!
I don't give a shit if you faggots nuke me, I am trying to start a country and no I don't want your handouts, I fucked up, it's my fault, I want everything about the war OFF THIS THREAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PS I'm actually leaving the alliance, embargo me, or don't, I don't care, good day.
PPS NO I WILL NOT JOIN YOUR ALLIANCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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what did he mean by this
he is having a mental breakdown please just ignore him, he's not usually like this
He means exactly what he said. 2TB has been pretty shit at taking care of its members' resource needs. If not for their bloodthirst, they'd only have 2 well developed nations still.
hi umbra
Alliance were a mistake, no offense, if I didn't get yoinked away so hard we would all be living in peace and harmony.
The issue is there's only two main active alliances. More separate alliances makes it much more worthwhile to interact with the others
Alliance membership is non-negotiable.
alliance membership is optional but puts you at much greater risk.
Who really wants to start a third alliance, though? The only thing it would really have going for it is being "not 2TB or FWF" and just being neutral.
Enjoy Friendistan coming after your nation then.
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Don't you know, Anon?
Friendship is magic
can you send a screenshot of your incoming tab?
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>cannon fodder being sent to die, ca. 2024 colorized
i want to see umbras one
I just want to make it clear that I am not fighting Hach. Somebody else is.
Also, the 1/3 Trade Block is now receiving all applications. I won't accept them, but I will receive them.
Ded mares :,(
How could you, Ponutman?
Think of the fillies...
Think of all that orphaned cunny
Our tears shall water our apples and coffee beans
May all of [insert continent name here] taste our sorrow
This shan't go unremembered!
Our apple cannons shall sing through the night!
The Griffons and Not Changelings(tm) shall defeat ye, filthy anal before marriage loving degenerate!
I know you're eager to get your ass pounded Hach, but you have to wait for our appointment~
Congrats, your cowardice helped you survive!

Hope your alliancemates don't mind that you weakened their attack force, though.
cowardice? i only pulled back 60 pegasi - and only because my allies had produced and sent more than allocated to them. i've funded most of the invasion force myself, thank you ; and the cavalry i threw up were just what i made in a few ticks - no big loss, and not having to worry about its maintenance on account of most of them dying. all is well
That's a lot of resources gone to waste. Sorry for your loss.
resource wise i spent notably less than the invasion force - both in material and bits
I'm not talking about your defense force.
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oh bother
Recalling the rest of your troops now? What happened to your big attack against me?
you started resisting, that's what. could've made itt so much easier!
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haha yeah well see you next week i really enjoy these little dates bring flowers next time
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>less than 15 minutes until wartick
They all pulled back, nothing hit.
except friendistan in zebonia, and the penguins at vladihoofstock in 12 hrs (unless we agree to peace and they recall)
Oh, is someone going to offer peace?
It's really nothing personal, I have absolutely nothing against you.
It's your alliance that's dead-set on taking us out, really it's pre-emptive self defense
This attack had SO MUCH promise, 2TB. Why'd you have to ruin it?
we'll see.
Sweetheart, Anon, no.

You've let Hach feed you propaganda.
>Asks me for a "small loan" of 200k copper and other minerals
>Sends army to me after half an hour of no response
>I wait for the fight to actually happen
>Ten minutes before the rumble I get a "no harm no foul" apology deal asking me to give him free shit in exchange for his troops to be recalled.

Enjoy your newest member FWF, because one else will want to be friends with him.
I don't know, pulling back all your troops doesn't seem like a preemptive strike to me
It's my impression from the previous threads what with all the "winter is coming..." stuff even before our first attack
You don't like RP, Anon?

Like I've said a number of times, now, I like 2TB, and I want y'all to prosper. I just want Hach's Burro.

Now that you've involved my entire alliance, though, other members might be thinking something else, idk.
so what do you want then if it's not destroying the bloc? peace? okay.
terms: we establish a ceasefire and both of our alliances can never start or engage in any wars on the aggressors' side. we can only send forces to help nations defend (the only exception being securing inactive/dying nations as outlined earlier in the thread). our alliances sign a mutual NAP and unembargo each other.

this i negotiable
>CLOP conventional war to proxy war arc?
>Send 1000+ unit attack
>Recall at last second because you're about to be BTFO'd
>"Can't we all just get along?!"
My Counteroffer:
NAP between FWF and 2TB.
FWF and 2TB lift the embargos on each other.
FWF takes the nations of weloveponuts and Regal Birch
Hach steps down as the leader of 2TB.
you need other conflicts for proxy wars. currently non are there because the game is completely polarized, and honestly it always was

>TNN vs 1TB
>TNN vs Maresaw
>FWF vs 2TB
you tried to do the same when you failed your invasion lol. unlike us we had the common sense to not waste equipment
unlike you*
lol, no.

I actually hit you with multiple attacks, and when I determined that it was fruitless to keep going and that you couldn't touch me either, I offered peace.
The proper solution is TOTAL WAR only ending in the COMPLETE collapse of EMPIRES on BOTH SIDES
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>get approached with peace
>refuse because of unreasonable terms
>come up with own
>first two
i literally wrote that
>last two
get a grip
I do like RP which is why I felt extra bad attacking Lorinsia, they're a way more "fleshed out" nation which makes it easier to imagine the world and such.
Though I'm not sure what to do in the game if not to fight at this point. It seems neither side can truly destroy the other but the back and forth is pretty enjoyable.
What fun is cops and robbers without robbers?
Not passing judgement here on which side would be which, just to be clear.
I think a lot of the proposed mechanics in the thread are cool and would make the world a bit more flexible
This is unironically a decent outcome. Wars shouldn't be fought over meta reasons or whatever, they should be fun.
It would be funnier if Hach and Umbra liked each other desu
>It would be funnier if Hach and Umbra liked each other desu
i would if he wasn't such a meanie :(
What unreasonable terms did I offer in my first deal? People looked at it and told you they were reasonable.

You could probably talk me down to just taking one nation, if you actually tried to negotiate.

Either way, you're all kinda in a bad place right now? You've been eating a lot of upkeep for basically nothing, you have a lot of troops that can't be effectively rerouted to defense for another day and a half, and you're clearly having issues at home, what with one of your nations getting rebels.
actually we intentionally didn't use too much of our upkeep and have stockpiled bits + equipment specifically so that defense would be quite easy - we already were expecting to defend against large armies whilst our main force was in transit elsewhere. and the rebels was because a member had accidentally traded too many pies
we don't need you starting any more wars, your first deal locks us out of helping nations under FWF attack (the non-interference thing). and we're not going to pay any reparations.

if you want nations, come and get them.
Game would be more fun if alliances were capped at 4 and military cooperation wasn’t allowed.
There’d be a set number of alliances (say 5 or 6) with their own lore and lore reasons for hating each other (ingame).
There could be economic trade and NAPs of course between them and wars would be more fun.
Also maybe a set 2 month timepan between resets would lessen the impact of losing your nation and wars with the added benefit of the thread becoming more alive.
That is what's currently happening, yes.
I agree, more alliances are needed. It's an easy fix, once the war is over.
The website keeps logging me out after like a half hour of inactivity, is that built into the website's code or is it something on my end?
I'm glad to hear you like my RP, it's one way of making this game more fun
>two party system
>easy fix
website, and only on the main server it doesn't happen on the test server. no idea what's different between them
A third alliance COULD work if they could successfully play off of both current alliances; the 1st Trade Bloc could have pulled this off, but it seems only one side was interested in supporting them. This leads to the observed outcome of the third alliance dissolving and simply joining the one side that has given them support.
>tl;dr larp as Yugoslavia
What is Cozy Campers actual role then ? They just exist ?
They're leftovers from the previous run of the game who didn't get to win and are trying to limp to the finish line.
Neutral trade partner, or the target for a proxy war where a third alliance, backed by the Front and possible 2TB, demands more clay.
Whats the modifier value of defender bonus ?
read the war guide faggot

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