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Usual OP is still at vacation edition

The pic that started it all: https://desuarchive.org/mlp/post/37443253/https://desuarchive.org/mlp/post/37447036/
Previous Thread:
Alternative thread: https://nhnb.org/fim/res/2295.html
Archive of snowpony thread art: https://mega.nz/folder/0okEHKxS#8FIy3EQUHM-XluGvV7knIg
Archive of snowpony-related musics: https://ponepaste.org/5819
On the boorus, the snowpony tag ended up being "snowpony (species)" or "taiga pony"

>What is a snowpity?

>What are snowponies?
Lore dumps for the newfags

The Great Snowpony Expedition

Reading material:
>Anon and Frosty Flakes
>Comfy lore snippets
>Cirrus Wisp and Filly
>Lichen greens
>Bury Me in White
>Surehoof's First Ice Step
>A cute (hopefully) snow pone short
>Frost Fringed Letters [WIP]
>My Winter Storm
Kinderquestria Greens
>Agate's vigil is no longer WIP, finished story now.
>The First Fish
>New Life with Frosty Flakes (Lewd)
>[WIP] Cultural Exchange at Spa
>Snowfall Frost's seach for Windigos
>The first step north
>Pine Ponder and the Lost Scarf
>A Crystal Forest Rescue
A Snowpitt vignette
>Russian snwowpone fics (use google translate or something similar)
>Comet Chaser and a Windigo Hunter
>Lights Going Out
>Granite and Fireweed

Pine Ponder approved tea:

Snowpone patches:
>OP image
Do snowpony boops work the same way?
I can see Lichen doing that, somehow
Gonna be a snowpony horsemas card this year.
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that is one big foal...
Cute! I see Lichen wants Dickmas
Wait that, s supposed to be a foal. Damn I know Abominables are big but I always figured a foal would've been similar to an adult Snowpone mare.
I can already spot Frosty and Cold. That might be Pine on the end of the log. Kinda looks like she has a bread roll in her mouth.
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Might as well share something I left dormant a year ago. No floof layer were applied to this yet.

It's in a file name.

Based on letters we have Lichen > Pine Ponder > *Don't recognize her* > Cold Shoulder > Winter Wonder > Frosty Flakes
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Also found original wip from 2022.
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Oooh, looking wonderful!

Gorgeous! You really have a talent for manes.
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Arctic Ink!
made with MLP oil pastels
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Can I get a QRD on all of the main snowponies and what they're like?
Cute filly
>prettied up snowmares
Now that's definitely a unique sight.
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I do like the inky filly.
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I love your cute and sincere art!

Here's a QRD as I best recall it:
Well the core 3 are Frosty Flakes, Winter Wonder, and Cold Shoulder.
Frosty seems to generally be the "poster pony" of snowpones as a whole, and if I'm remembering correctly is the cute every-mare who embodies snowpity and general snowponishness as a whole.
Winter Wonder "ooo"s at most things, and is a curious snowmare who if an anon visited would be the one asking all the questions and wanting to know everything about humans.
Cold Shoulder is brave and a little standoffish, she is a bit more cautious than WW and cares deeply about snowpones and their safety.

Pine Ponder loves pinecones and collects them, she is a gentle and sweet soul.
Lichen is...Lichen, boxing her isn't easy. The village shid pretty much.
Cirrus is a wise and mystical snowmare who guides and helps out across all the lands of Snowpony. Is she a shamare, or something more? Its hard to say.
Puffins is a small snowmare but big personality, and doesn't like being confused for a filly!
Ice Elation is generally taken as Cold Shoulder's elder sister, she explores the icy wastes alone for long periods.

Arctic Ink is a cheerful little artist filly!
Niveous is a bit of a cheeky and prankster snowfilly.

I freely admit I could be getting some of these wrong or misremembering important factoids. If so, I apologise, it isn't intentional and I welcome corrections or differing ideas that better fit.
>Lichen is...Lichen, boxing her isn't easy.
Pretend-autistic shitposter extraordinaire.
That is one heavy foal.
I completely forgot these threads existed.
How so? They were on the board the whole time.
Thank you. Wait, Puffins isn't a filly?
Shes a mare!
Very petite.
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She's even a mother!
Did Marbo ever make a reappearance?
Very sadly, no.
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Where does she get the ink? Suggestion: They harvest it from their underwater octopus farms.
>underwater octopus farms
how would this work, it sounds fun
Introduce this pone to mushroom pizza.
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>pizza be basin fur fur snowcap
Introduce this shid to fidget spinners
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I noticed some errant pixels that strayed from the 5-color palette.
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Cold Shoulder art from April
Ooh, thank you! It is a firm favorite of mine.

Forgive the question seeming perhaps a bit stupid, but is this temp or permanent? Either way, it is cute and awesome.
Very permanent, and mostly settled in.
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Kickass, props to the tattooist, really good on model job, the snowpity shines through!
Nice image choice. I made the pony and the fish, my tattooist made the pumpkin.
This is the tattoofags mindset, enjoy paying 5 grand for laser removal when you get tired of it.
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Will do.
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The soul-levels are sky high. The cute wooden canoe!
Did you make
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No, I didn't make the canoe. Was made by the anon who made your pic, though. I have a few things from him around here.
>pic reminding me how impossible it is to keep cat hair off of literally everything this time of year
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Puffins is big mare.

To add some stuff...
As usual, a lot of the pone's characters can be at least partially inferred from their names.

Pine Ponder is quiet, reserved, but not a Fluttershy-type doormat. She's a mostly solitary forager, and her habits come from having to be quiet and sneaky while in the woods. Highly knowledgeable about the woods around her village, has some herbal knowledge and the like.

Bundle Up and Boreal Blanket are two cloth makers, though with completely different styles. Boreal tries to make fancy stuff, while the eternally cold Bundle Up just makes the most brutally effective, warm clothes.
Bundle Up has a younger sister, Arctic Ink, an aspiring lorekeeper that's insatiably curious, perhaps too much even for her own good.
Ice Elation is a solo explorer, a very dangerous occupation for a pony, which means she's quite good to survive so far. She too is quiet, given all the horrible predators that prowl the wilds, though she's not averse to telling the stories of her adventures and doing some well-earned bragging once she's back in the safety of a village. She puts up a tough exterior, but she's easier to fluster than you'd expect.

Tell you what, anon, why don't you make a wiki like this, and I'll help to fill it in a bit?

Octopi are super smart even IRL, I think they'd be too smart to farm in the MLP world.
>Bundle Up has a younger sister, Arctic Ink
Isn't Bundle Up Artic's mother?

>Fandom wiki
Not him, but aren't there better and still free alternatives like Miraheze?
Opinions are slightly divided. But artist originally didn't intend for her to be the mother.
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Huh, I guess she could be either a godmother or a mother figure. That is if she is that old.
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No. No. Absolutely fucking not.
See this image? This is what they will do with ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING you upload there. Terraria's wikis moved to wiki.gg because of possessive/corpo-takes-your-content bullshit of fandom, on top of the page being over 50% advertisements, including shoehorning "related" (not related) advert-video links into the text of the page.
IIRC they've been doing something stupid.
it's actually alright, not sure if there's been any drama recently about it but it's pretty solid. Still no better than self-hosting one though.
Snowpones are so small in number you could probably make a text file, or even a pdf or rtf to describe them. Probably wouldn't take more than a page for each snowpone, if that.
Can't say I see any ads, Brave blocks them pretty thoroughly. And how are derpitards a problem, if the very first sentence quite specifically says
>Welcome to the Moth Ponies Wiki, courtesy of /mlp/!
Batpony wiki says the same. /mlp/. And the retard faction of derpi tries to avoid anything associated with /mlp/ these days.
I guess, maybe? I was thinking of making a ponepaste, but a wiki page has more stuff, like images and more ways to format info. Unless you can also embed images on paste, I think I heard about that feature... Everything then depends on that single person maintaining that paste, though.
It's not about derpitards, it's about fandom trying to take your content for theirs. Dummy.
Yeah, that was less "don't use it" and more "be wary and keep backups".
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Ah, so it was a metaphor for it in general, not specifically derpi.
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Process update
>colors are just for masking
>I think I've gotta thicken the legs
Trying to also make the coat look cleaner with smoothness and little to no strands, but not sure if should even bother with that at this point.
>make the coat look cleaner with smoothness and little to no strands, but not sure if should even bother with that at this point.
Hard to say, crystallizing and long fur seem an impossible combination. Only way my mind goes when I think about that is long crystallized strands that end up looking like a hedgehog's needles and making the snowmare unexpectedly pointy.
Braided Frosty looks cute. I want to help her braid her tail. I realize they've been crystalized here, but I wonder if snowpones have an tribal or inter-tribal celebrations where she and other snowpones would 'gussy up' in a similar way?
Cold looks just amazing like this. All three rock it, but Cold, wow.
>rock it
Because they're crystals?
I wonder how that works with long hair.
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>making a snowmare unexpectedly pointy
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Their leg anatomy looks pretty scuffed.
>Winter Wonder's hindlegs are stuck on the sides like a toy
>>remember, buttcheeks in actual anatomy are part of the leg, not part of the body
>horizontal shin bone too
>she has the bump on the back but the actual leg is moved massively downwards
>Cold Shoulder has the raised leg rotated around what is drawn as the TOP END OF THE SHOULDERBLADE
Remember, the hoof is the NAIL, not the hand. The elbow goes right next to the body, not halfway down the leg. The forward bump (that isn't drawn on show accurate ponies, and should not be anywhere this distinct on snowponies with their fur - alongside all other muscles) is the shoulder, not the "backwards elbow".
Damn, I never realized that the bones go so damn far into the tail.
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Finally. Skinhorse.
Oh god I hadn't noticed, sorry

Snowmare takes care to carve
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This horse is very sick sadly
Looks very vulnerable to flies and other irritants. Poor thing.
As time goes on I've noticed there's a lot of WIPs and crops in the art archive. The WIPs I'm mostly fine with, but I may go through and remove all the crops since the original images already exist in the archive. Thoughts?
Seems fair.
Go for it, I guess. It's not too relevant for me since I use the boorus to look up snowhorses anyway.
Cool. Now where's the nsfw version?
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That is the NSFW version.
Unless there's some sort of problem or concern, I'd prefer everything to be kept, as it's not a proper archive unless everything is.
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Nice! Is this new or just something I missed somehow?
Brand new, yes.
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Kek, embrace the bear Frosty
Heheh cute.
Floofy hoof draped over your face probably feels pretty nice. Not so much floofy hoof pushing your face back into your skull.
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That's one way to catch fish for sure.
How would Lichen catch fish?
With her rear?
Lichen is capable of fitting an entire person in her ass
Based on one of the earliest bits of green for Lichen, she intends to let a stallion catch fish for her.
Why? So that she can lewd him?
Pretty much. https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/37877395/#37898555
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My liddle shid can't be this cute.
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I's more likely than you think.
So green! What would Boreal Blanket suggest to color complement this mare?
At first I thought this was a stack of gargantuan dollar bills.
Dunno about BB, but I think some brown decal on the scarf would not be amiss.
Would brown leaves be too obvious?
>brown leaves
Just slap a brown zigzag over it and call it a day.
KISS, and all that.
*loadsamoney starts playing*
Damn, need this but with Frosty
Snow poner bump.
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>Page 10
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The artwork was done by the tattooist, so in theory you could acquire said thing.
Imagine the hugs.
Bone breaking at first, but so soft and warm.
The weight alone could be a problem for hugs.
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unimaginably cute
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Cirrus is truly special. I love her design and look so so much.
Perhaps if they lay on their back and were cuddled from on top?
>at first
Only at first?
Snow poner bump.
I like to think that these frosty ponies are of a different species altogether
Well, once broken they're already broken!
I'd rather think they're a subset of earth ponies and Cirrus is the closest thing they have to a princess/alicorn among their peers.
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filly zoomin'
any anons know if the pine ponder tea tastes good? me and another anon will be having a plushie tea party at marefair and feel its only fair we drink tea from the snowpittea collection.
Yeah it's pretty good if you enjoy tea, worth it in my opinion
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page 10 is snowpone over?
I hope not.
Imagine. Your face, her chest.
Been busy with other things, but I won't abandon snowpones.
No, it better not be. I have ideas for two greens I want to get to. Can't at the moment 'cuz I'm renovating my home and I've got a deadline.
>So hey, it's pretty horrible how those ponies eat fish, right?
Snowpony is on her way to the underwater ice caverns. Transportation by seal is the only way to get there.
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but you eat fish
Gotta hold her breath pretty well then.
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Its never over, you gotta believe!
This. 100% this.
Snow poner bump.
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Snowpone arts and crafts are cute.
six hoofy rolls!
present her the pic related.
Is that from that super toxic tree, or is it actually safe?
I remember some tree with cones that could kill people, and its juices being so poisonous that it's not advised to stand under it when it rains. Can't remember the name, though.
No, those produce fruit, not cones.
That's a cone from an Australian bunya pine, and it is actually edible and nutritious. The only deadly part of the cone is that it can crush your head if it falls on you.
Have snowpones seen griffons?
Generally, snowpones haven't seen anything but other snowpones and abominables. Any knowledge of other species, even pegasi and unicorns, depends on how well old earth pony history was kept. Given the amount of time passed, it may practicality come down to legends told by shamares and village elders. Combine some less-than-true preunification earth pony beliefs about other species with a multi-century game of telephone and I'm sure they have some interesting beliefs of their own.
Lichen is the only snowpone who doesn't have earthy, close to realistic horse colors. But I'm not entirely convinced she's not just as white as Niveous or Cirrus, just stained from all the time spent lying in patches of lichen.
>close to realistic horse colors
It's not too far off. If the fetlocks and the hair were a bit lighter, she could pass a grey coated mare.
>The only deadly part of the cone is that it can crush your head if it falls on you.
I am now picturing Pine Ponder wearing an extremely sturdy helmet.
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>Cold pulling Winter Wonder
Is Winter Wonder injured or just tired?
Probably just out having fun in the snow. Getting pulled in the sled by someone else was the highlight of my day back when I was a kid and winter storms would knock out the power constantly, and snowpones haven't been spoiled by the choice of entertainment TV and the internet brought.
Pine is a safe mare. She knows to protect her ponderer.
she prurty
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Cold no! You'll get booped too!
Oh no, what a horrible fate.
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As if that isn't the goal.
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>Hey, what's going on here?
No! Pine! The booping! No snowmare is safe!
>Hey Anon! Here to boop my caverns?
>nervous sweating
Why is she so pretty bros?
Varied and pretty color scheme, yet one that's made of natural, attractive colors?
Also, frosted eyelashes are pretty.
[Spoiler]and blue eyes[/spoiler]
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