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Gaba GHOULS edition.!

Fallout Equestria, a story that bleeds two franchises together to build something magical. On one side, you have death, destruction, decay, and misery - on the other, you have ponies. Doesn't sound like it should mix? You'd be surprised. When the world around you is wasteland, all you're left with is hope, and as we all know, ponies can do spectacular things with just a little hope.

Read Fallout Equestria by Kkat to appreciate the setting that many writers have then lent upon after being so captivated by the wonders.
The original story which spawned its own fandom can be found here: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/119190/

These next four stories comprise the rest of what is considered "the big 5", alongside the original. They were biggest hitters early in the fandom, be it for having started before many others, their length, or overall quality.

>Project Horizons:

>Pink Eyes:


>Murky Number Seven:

Though, a reminder; just because these are the most well known, that isn't to say that there aren't other stories out there! There are many hidden gems that simply don't get the love they deserve purely because people don't give them the chance. Why not open your heart and try to find a new favorite? Anons are absolutely welcomed and encouraged to return with fic discussion of even the most obscure fics!

Fan games:
>Fallout Equestria: Remains
A Fallout Equestria Roguelike. It is the best thing to come of the fandom recently. Seriously go play it https://foe-remains.gitlab.io/main_en.html

>Balefire Blues
A Hearts of Iron IV mod. In it you take control over various FoE factions seeking to conquer the wasteland. steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2307988796

>Ashes Town
A derivative of Pony Town, set in the Fallout Equestria universe.

The third thread of the year, for the thread topic tell me about your new favorite sidefics that have been coming out and sidefics you, yourself have worked on!
Kind of an unfortunate timing when there's already a /foe/ lite thread going at the moment. >>41015963
Damn that sucks, thread will still be up
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I've been hearing a lot of good things about Murky Number 7, has that one Anons audio reading of it gone well?
Any specific story behind that group of ghouls?
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May I fuck him?
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I love Fallout Equestriaaaaaa!!!!
Theres no story, its just a image showing all of the different types of ghouls we see in the OG FOE.
murky is for tender cuddling not sex
I hope mutiecorns are crazy sex machines. Super endurance plus peak anatomy and such.
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Sure I'd die but it'd be worth it
Based and great taste, Anon.
I’ve finally started Heroes. It’s the last of the big ones I haven’t done so far and I’m having a good time. Hired Gun is a good pony; she needs love.
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Would breed. Extensively.
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What are some teams you'd want to see in a FoE tabletop game?
Either unity or post unity mutiecorns. Maybe even both with slighly different synergies.
It's trash, but the ones who like it love to push it everywhere.
If you can read without rolling your eyes feel free to try it and check for yourself, who knows...
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Murky is the Project Horizons killer the ancient prophecy told us about
Alicorns are for sexual.
That's literally their agenda after the Goddess went boom too.
Speaking of boom, bump.
>Full house of alicorn love
I don't think my house is big enough to fit them Anons...
I might read FO:E. Is it comfy?
Not really comfy. But it retains a hopeful note overall. Unlike certain stories.
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Do you find stories about ponies getting shot, blown up, mutated, melted, and crushed comfy? If so, then yes, it's very comfy.
Skill issue. Step up your game.
It has its Comfy moments, but its still a Fallout fanfic so expect a lot of fucked up shit.
Calling it trash its a bit much. Even if you don't like the story, its definitely ones of the better written fics from an actual writing standpoint and honestly better made that most fics including the original FO:E.
It actually being planned out instead of planned as it was written probably helped.
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>has that one Anons audio reading of it gone well?
He's still on chapter 2. The book is very good. Normally I only listen to FoE books, but I got so hooked after listening to the first 6 chapters from this guy that I had to read the rest of it on my own.
>t. didnt read it
Fuck off, retard.
>shot and blown up
Any time there is combat
Pink cloud
Mutiecorn train car
>that's the entire story
Clearly you have trouble reading.
Okay. How can I cuddle with Murky and stick my tongue down his throat while fondling his soft cute buttocks?
>shackle cutie mark
it was hilarious when he got that I still remember reading that part.
Come to think of it i also have no idea anything about fallout, beyond i think the post apocalypse setting is cool. Will i be confused without knowing fallout? Its a long fic so im afraid to start it lol
>Will i be confused without knowing fallout?
Not at all. The fic explains all the things which are borrowed from Fallout and how they work in the universe to fit into a more Equestrian setting. Having no previous knowledge does not impede your reading comprehension whatsoever.
t. a guy who read FoE with zero previous Fallout knowledge
Itd help to understand the basics of fallouts lore
Kek I know to expect this much. But i mean, there's a certain way stories can make you feel comfy as the audience without the story itself needing to be comfy. If that makes sense. I get this from a lot of novels but rarely from any pone fics. Ahh fuck it i think ill have to just give it a read and see for myself. Maybe i will join u nerds in this general soon
Well, it gets a mostly good ending, but its goes into dark places until you arrive there. Take that for what it is.
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Play Fallout 1

To be honest, It is weird and painfull but because of these scenes, comfy scenes become super comfy.
>Play Fallout 1
This. Fallout 1 has hands down the best post apo ambience of the whole series. Nothing comes close to it.
Oh hey, same exact story for me. Loved that narration enough to send me through the rest. He really nails the characters, especially Murky. He’s pathetic, small, scared, weak, broken, but always in a way that has you rooting for him. Like, really, somehow the constant break-downs and crying doesn’t ever feel annoying, just like “wow, I think i might crack like that too if my life was that shitty and bleak. I hope he gets out of this.”
You do not need to know anything about Fallout to enjoy FOE, Kkat does a insanely good job of combing the two Ips without needing to know that much about either property, BUT if you do want a good understanding of Fallout which does help the reading/listening experience of FOE without needing to play games that you may not like, I would recommend watching Shodycasts Storyteller series, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nvqm_pPD-aQ&list=PL7pGJQV-jlzD17YNNbt103xp0PkkUCoPU
It's a good lore series as the Storyteller himself is not just a narrator god, he's a character in the universe that knows about a lot of the history of the world itself.
Does that include the Bethesda ones? Because from what I've gathered, the Toddout games completely fuck the timeline.
The Shelter series, as well as Pajeet Productions Presents do. BoS 3 fucks the lore ("we must have X Y Z to be on-brand! fuck the Fallout Bible!") but not yet the whole timeline.
However, only BoS 3 and Fallout 3: New Vegas have existed at the time of Fo:E being written.
My god the Fallout show was so far from Fallout lore
Yes it does, the OG FOE takes heavy inspiration from fallout 3, its a nice fusion of Fo1, Fo2 and Fo3,with basically each major villain representing someone from each of the three games, IE the Goddess, The Enclave and Red Eye, all being references to the Master, The Enclave(The Fo2 one) and Ashur.
>Redeye as a reference to Lou
Fuck, I'm a slowpoke. I can't believe I didn't connects these dots earlier.
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we're fancy here
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love teh vibe immensely
>The duct tape cable
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Breeding intensifies.
i love alicorns, its sad that we are just reposting the same images over and over again
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I've got a personal project going and I'm getting close to the most basic of functionality, which is to go from point A to point B on a map and enter places.
What else would you want from a game?
Buying/Selling junk/food/water like a merchant sim?
I'm sort of just aimlesly building this up with no kind of future ideas in mind, but think more dwarf fortress instead of anything 2D or 3D so far, so fun ideas along the way would be welcome.
>what else?
breeding alicorns
Maybe some basic combat aspect that ties in with the trading thing. Like repelling bandits and stuff and gain items from it which can be used/traded.
That'll be for later.
Right now I'm just focused on adding coordinates to entities and get them moving around the map/entering cities.
I guess what I'm actually asking is what would make a town immersive, fun, etc.
I'm not really promising any except a menu with few clickable buttons.
Friendship City and Tenpony still come to mind. Also the zebra settlement below Canterlot and technically Splendid Valley too.
Imma go storm Splendid Valley.
I'd love a FoE travelling merchant game
Perhaps consider different 'themes' for areas in cities. Like sick bays with lots of medical suplies, survival stores for arms and armor, general stores for everyday stuff and so on.
absolutely this.
How do you plan to pass the guards?
Are there any other high quality audio books for the big 5?
I absolutely loved the "Voice of Littlepip", it got me obsessed with the fic series as a whole, but it seems like every other audio book has extremely poor production quality with microphone popping or really poor performances by the narrators.
>Voice of Littlepip
Who voices her these days anyway?
AK 50
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That's not how you breed mutiecorns.
No, he has a dong.
>His blush is almost redder as his blood
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On their page it says "voiced entirely by experienced actress Prentice Osborn"
I think she does a beautiful job, but I haven't seen anything else she's been in according to IMDB
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She's kinda pretty in a rough cut kinda way. Just need to get her away from Red Eye so she'll stop simping for him.
What could have been
She'll just take drugs and carve you up
pwish pwish
So boys its that time again, tell me about your sidefics what is their plotlines and who is the main character, and their cast?
>>that's the entire story
Goalposts: Moved.
He was never saying that was all the story was, just that it had all that stuff.
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Chef travelling the wastelands to complete his cookbook and bring the art of foraging and hunting back to the starving masses.
He heads into Fillydelphia to hunt down a ghoul chef to learn how to make cheesecake and tries to woo Stern but he's a dumb retard and bad at it.
Then I'll take even more drugs and uncarve myself. It's really that simple.
What's her story?
She's a slaver from Murky
I'm all for the 'I can fix her' attitude when it comes to most crazy and raider mares, but shes one of the few I cannot forgive due to her involvement with keeping Murky enslaved
I think I can fix her though
Can you fix her faster than she will slice you?
I can try, damn I'll try
What's her background story?
ex-raider, became a slaver in Fillydelphia, notably insecure about respect so she has to try extra hard to be taken seriously by the stallion slavers she works with, fanatical about Red Eye's message.
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sounds like a lost case to me
Am I the only one who thinks most of the lore for FOE is shit? Are there any stories/greens that make it make more sense?
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>You have to fix her before she slices you and threatens to cut out your eye
Why do we have to play on ultra nightmare mode?
Yeah Project Horizons
>threatens to cut out your eye
As long as she's only threatening you'll be fine.
She's a skibidi mare from Ohio. I'll need my most sigma rizz to secure her gyatt.
No, no. Love is not meant to be done in a hurry. I'm not saying it has to be be slow, but the speed should be determined by the lovers, not by pressing external matters like survival. A better approach is keeping your medical skills equal or better than your wife's melee skill at all times. If you can fix shit faster than she can break it, nothing is a biggie.
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Sorry, I forgot to turn off my gen alpha translation device.
Recently discovered this game in the works any info about it? They seem to have a discord channel but I don't want to make a discord account just for that.
it's developed by russians, seems promising so far and the updates are consistent, hope they don't burn out before the end
Looks like they're announcing it in October
Sometimes I feel like only russians keep doing pony games.
Russians are hardcore like that.
>Casually raids your ass
M-My what
They need pony more than we do
How would you even begin to fix her?
He's going to take your shit, Anon.
And perhaps your virginity too.
I can definitely fix her.
As >>41108889 asked, how?
I don't know if I can fuck tge crazy out of her, man...
Are there any good fics about Fallout and MLP crossovers that AREN'T FoE? I prefer worlds collide to merging universes. I've been reading Fallout Girls, but I don't like the pacing or how fucking huge the cast is.
If you fuck her wild brains out, the crazy goes with it, right?
I'd start with a bath.
A bump in the wasteland.
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the chrysalis is underrated, have a whisper
What is it about?
Littlepip's mare stare is the best
the basic gist of it is
it's about a changeling who wakes up after the apocalypse with all her hive dead, she tries to find if some have survived, she also has to survive on love in a word that is very lacking in the matter
That does sound pretty cool for a changeling story.
Murky's POV when he finds her and tells her that he used to idolize her but doesn't any more because her ass crazy
I hate Homage so much it's unreal.
Sounds like she's gonna die
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Nice trips
What's the story where pip gets sold into sex slavery? Cruel World or Cruel Fate? Something like that.
Fallout Equestria: The Straight Highway
>straight highway
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Chapter 8 is out
Boy, the unicorn emits a lot of gay vibes for some reason.
He gives off a lot of gaydiation
The two stallions are walking side by side like that to express their security in their heterosexuality.
Since you are taking inspiration from Dwarf Fortress, you could make it a settlement game where the players have to run a wasteland settlement and each of the pony races add something important to the settlement itself.
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My little baby boy
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been waiting for an foe thread to post this in, got this at babscon a few months ago. i love her bros
Now that's a rare mare to waifu. Your dedication to her is impressive though.
The dark one looks pretty hot though.
So Murky becomes a buff guy at the end of the story?
Wasteland bump.
right on brotherr
>Radiation burns and bloodstained bandages
Must have been one hell of a party.
Murky is a hardcore party monster
How fast can you fix severed limbs?
FoE is very neatly self-contained. Most of what you'd miss are just references, like Derpy being used in the same role as Moira Brown from FO3, or Little Pip walking right into an early quest from FO1's Junktown. FoE adapts the ideas from Fallout into Equestria and then does a lot of legwork figuring out and explaining how they've fit into the setting so that the reader basically learns what's going on alongside Pip, and very little is 1:1.

The alicorns, as an easy example, are an adaptation of Fallout's super mutants. If you've played Fallout it's easy to pick up on the parallels but alicorns themselves are still quite different to super mutants in practice and have their own quirks that keep them interesting even if you're an old fan of the series.
Don't exactly have any side-fics but in the interest of bumping the thread: I'm in a FoE tabletop campaign at the moment so I've been working on a couple character backgrounds which I guess could count. Pic related was a portrait I managed to gen for my backup character with the help of some nice anons in the AI thread
>Name: Morado Arroyo
>Race: Zebra
>Sex: Male
>Age: 17
>Class: Ranger/Cavalier
>Background: Third child to a retired Desert Ranger and a zebra medicine mare, Arroyo grew up in the southern Moojave on the family's isolated homestead, mostly helping his parents and late older brother tend to the bighorners. After his oldest brother's death from a bad infection, Arroyo was chosen by his mother to inherit her tribe's secrets, and was subsequently taught the art of reading the future in the stars, interpreting dreams, and communing with animals
>on Arroyo's sixteenth birthday his parents sent him on his coming of age quest, during which he was to go out into the wilderness alone and attempt to bond with a wild animal to become his lifelong companion.
>to Arroyo's own surprise, he was successful. He rescued and subsequently bonded with a fire gecko hatchling (whom he later named Gran Fuego) on the third night of his journey. But on returning home found his home ransacked and parents missing
>Arroyo managed to make it to town and find his siblings, who had mercifully been sent to town on a market trip at the time. The four of them (Arroyo, his older sister, younger sister, and younger brother) now live in Freehide. Arroyo's older sister looks after the youngest while Arroyo works as a caravan guard to provide for them.
>over time, the magic linking Arroyo and Gran has caused Arroyo to mutate. His stripes turned purple, he has patches of scales, his teeth have become sharper, and his eyes have changed so that he can see in the dark. If he really tries he can even spit short bursts of fire.
Personality wise Arroyo's pretty devil-may-care. He wants to be an upstanding pony and does his best to look out for his family but he's running low on hope and his 'prophetic' dreams have lead him to developing a drinking problem so he can sleep. At the time of the game he's mostly given up on trying to find his parents, who he assumes to have been taken in a Legion raid, and has started focusing on trying to land a big score so that his siblings will be taken care of in the event of his probable death. Basically a nice, if odd, farm kid who is pretty certain he's on borrowed time. Besides his family, Arroyo's only friend is Gran.

I haven't really figured out how I'd characterize Gran yet. I think he'd act a bit like a smart cat and that the two of them would be protective of each other, but besides that it would still be up in the air.

Hooks for the GM: Arroyo is pretty sure he can see impressions of the future. Whether that's true or not I'll leave up to the GM, but the relevant part is that Arroyo's never had a vision where he's old. Or even older, really. Which makes him believe he's going to die very soon and he's not sure how to cope with it. The key effect is that it's made him a bit reckless, as any corner could be the one where he has to choose between dying quietly or a blaze of glory.

The other hook is the quest to try and find his parents, which he still hopes to do even if the quest has gone cold. Arroyo suspects his parents knew something was going to happen, since it's odd for them to send all his siblings into town at once and because he found his father's old Ranger duster and trusty rifle stashed carefully nearby one of his mother's shrines. The possibility that they knew something was coming but either didn't or couldn't act to stop it bothers him a lot.

>possible party dynamics
Arroyo is my backup in case my current dude dies, so no solid ideas on how the party dynamics would shake out but some general impressions:
>closest in age with the gryphon tribal, who is dealing with her own burdens of destiny. I think they'd commiserate with each other quite a bit and find a bit to bond over in their shared experiences. Also they'd possibly enable each other's less-ideal tendencies since she's kind of a chemhead and Arroyo is definitely interested in an escape from his own head. Not sure how he'd react to chems yet.
>thinks the gryphon's vault dweller unicorn gf is weird, but not much weirder than some of the other characters you can meet in New Pegasus. They likely get along fine.
>bonds with the baby dragon over the love of guns and pursuit of money, but they probably stay work colleagues at most
>would probably call the thestrel vault dweller a kook, but he'd at least admire her fighting spirit. I can picture them having a long conversation about facing the inevitability of death and dealing with loss, especially since if Arroyo's around it likely means her love interest (my current PC) is dead.

There's a distinct chance I'll never get to play him but it's been fun to think over the details anyway.
Because I am a dolt and forgot: the game is set in the New Vegas timeline but the Courier died at Benny's hand and the second battle busted Hoover Dam down the middle. Stuff in the local region is fucked six ways to Sunday. A resurgent super mutant army has also taken over Repconn and the New Equestrian Republic has located the Big MT and has it's eyes on salvaging all their cool tech. House recently contracted the party to get their first.

Pic related is my current character, an under cover BoS member who's going to do his best to make sure House or the NER doesn't get anything too spicy.
>the game is set in the New Vegas timeline
So New Vegas, but with ponies?
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Basically, yes. It's not exactly 1:1 but we're more or less playing through a modified version of the videogame setting. It's not exactly clear how different things are yet; we came up on Primm and the Powder Gangers had successfully breached the casino and were well into ransacking the town, but also Ted Gunderson's stand-in was never eaten and we actually attended his wedding after escorting his bride from the Mojave Outpost as part of a caravan job.

Right now we're exploring a homebrew vault that seems to have been used as a nuclear material storage site while the dwellers were still locked inside. Dunno what's going to be in it but the door was covered in some kinda black ooze we had to burn off. Probably going to be a rough time, but hey. That's what the missile launcher is for.
Peak example of how handguns wouldn't work for horses.
Greetings from (the now complete) sister thread.
>forgot the image
Retard moment.
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me when i got turned into dashie (they used some weird ass enclave tech to do it)
Glory turning into Dash was both one of the funniest and the weirdest sections of Horizons, not gonna lie.
>'Original' Fallout setting, but ponies
That does feel kind of weird.
It's mostly just New Vegas that's been ported. Canterlot exists more like it does in the fic (although no alicorns, which is admittedly a shame) but we're on the wrong side of the kingdom to be dealing with that.

I think the GM is just a Fallout fan in general and the group also likes ponies. Most of the party hasn't even played New Vegas but before I was invited to this game they were running an MLP 40k campaign. I think I'm also the only dude in the group who read PH.

It'd be swell if I could find a game actually set in FoE proper but a guy's gotta take what he can get sometimes

Also, Hoofington would make a dope campaign setting but it's so wrapped around Blackjack I'm not even sure where I'd start trying to put one together.

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