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Welcome friends, ITT:
We make and share pony art, with absolutely no pressure to deliver anything that's technically good (besides having ponies in it, which makes it good by default)

Make something, share what you've done, and give feedback and motivation to help us all keep improving and creating!

This thread's focus is art, but beginner or low effort content of any kind is welcome here. If you do want to post about something else like music, gamedev, or crafts, though, just note that you may find better help and feedback posting it in the /create/ thread

Are you an experienced artist? Leave some tips, feedback, guides, or tutorials, they're well appreciated here!

Guides, tutorials and resources! Start here!

Draw with other /bale/ anons!

/bale/ videos:

/create/ thread (for bigger art projects and all other types of content):

Previous /bale/ thread:>>41013156
if anyone has new op pics feel free to you me with them we could always use some
What sort of pics are ya lookin for specifically?
Anything will be fine as long as it's got /Bale/ and "anyone can draw" in it and both are visible and legible in the thumbnail
Alright, Ill get to proomptin
K senpai
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Drawing of Sunny
She looks like she's gonna be a liddle shid
bruh the legs are broken as fuck.I cannot into anatomically accurate legs in this position but even I can see they are broken. you will like what you like tho, the dick is fickle like that.
you can into grey scale very well though and I like that a lot, your line work is a nice blend of clean and dirty too which makes your stuff nice and interesting to look at without using textures. also you have really good expressions.
Just need more experience drawing ponies, I don't draw them often (that'll change though). Thanks for the candid response
based take! is fine drawing poners isn't super easy, alot of personal preferences naturally seep through.
Nice hatching.
What a hooker!
This time I’m really gonna draw a pone, honest
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happy lil hoers
Will you really
Nice, I like the shading
thank it's how I used to shade kek. I consider it my low effort shading now cause it doesn't require as much clean up as my current cell shading to look nice.
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A learner in the digital arts, anyone got tips for good shading or lighting? I can't seem to get the shape or position of the shadows and lights right
yeh sorry for the shit example. what i used to do when i first started shading is i would put a circle on the canvas with beams shooting out to represent the rays of light and the angle itd be at to help figure out how to lay the shadows like >pic rel. also keep in mind where you want the light coming from like infront of the mare or behind. in this mares case its directly to the left of her meaning the shadows will be cast directly to the right as shadows will always be perpendicular to the light source. hope that helps.
oh yeah I almost forgot. I made a timelapse for this https://file.io/N7SiOQGjOUCH it's about 10 mins long had to post it there cause catbox was being retarded about me uploading it. this is pretty much how I always draw in sai, the video is a bit like watching a squirrel run around high on coke.
Link’s broken, love your style tho
well fuck, thanks brother \oco/.
https://files.catbox.moe/s6l0xt.webm catbox worked this time
Aye thanks mate, help is easier when it's pony related
ye ye np brother
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what if he drewed a pony everyday, what would happen? NEIGH NEIGH NEIGH NEIGH!
i can speak from experience on this! from drawing daily for at least a year. you will get gud really fucking goddamn fast and you will probably change styles at least once. Experimentation is great when daily drawing, you don't have to commit unless you want too. But ultimately go with what hits your feels, it probably wont be popular but you will fucking love it. TL;DR go with what you absolutely fucking love to draw!
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Luv me horsies. Simple as.

Here is a sketch of Amethyst Star's family that I started colouring but I got lazy and also I have no way to sharpen my colouring pencils right now.
No knives?
I'm sorry, I'm confused. What are you asking? Is this a reference I don't get? Please explain.
Okay, I just realized what you're asking. I'm sorry, I'm stupid. No, I don't have any exacto knives right now, which is why I can't sharpen my coloured pencils unfortunately. Even those aren't good for getting them as perfectly sharp as they are when they first get used. I wish I could at least find a "coloured pencil sharpener" that would make them as sharp as they are factory fresh.
cute tiny ponebot!
I'm glad there were no porn this time.
thanks for the (you) and experience/advice, I'm not really looking for popularity, just having fun. I've doodled a lot through my life, but never really took it (or anything really, besides being a computer addict ig) seriously. I've been doing daily half hour voice recordings and that's probably helped keep my voice from falling off in my hikikomori NEET life, and was just toying with the idea of doing 30min of drawing a day too. It would be cool to learn Krita/bamboo a bit more
You don't need exactos, you need any knife - or, in fact, an edge, a scissor works too - whatsoever, honed just enough so that it itself is not dull. Plus patience.
Always hated pencil sharpeners. Don't know what brand of retardation I have that makes me keep fucking up but every time I use one the lead ends up falling out of the pencil after I start drawing again.
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gave it a shot
CUTE! excellent thanks a lot!
Woah nice drawing Cherry Berry!
Cherry Berry!
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drew some anonfillers today
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She's just like me
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Hey, guys! I got discount G4 oil pastels for a dolla.
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Drew Arctic Ink with it
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And a horse
He gains power will every new pony drawn.
I like the addition of the blue highlight.
Very nice colours. It’s cool that you’re still around.
Instant sovl
Where’d you find them?
Love that mischievous look she's got
Cute and comfy pony
While shopping for supplies online and sorting by lowest price. They were made in 2020 according to the package. I doubt they make G4 supplies nowadays, sadly.
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Draw more weird poses.
(I like the Blossomforth contortionist artist)
Your the chad anon drawing horses in the /an/horse gen. Nice and based!
Nice sketches. Interested to see what they would look like finished. The one with the back hoof on the head is particularly wild
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If you never work on them ever again, in a way they're sort of finished
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I prefer almost storyboarding, If I can get the general feel of a sketch, I'm usually pretty satisfied.
I can't think of the last thing I really finished.
If nothing else, I'm fast though.
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Behold a /bale/ horse

See? I got around to it eventually
cute! might need to adjust the lighting a bit before using it for OP though.
czeche'd but also based! >>41096610 ditto also just need /bale/ on it too. very cute
How’s this?
alot better many thanks!
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good! adjusted it a little myself just in case
Requesting (You) draw your OC
Doesn’t matter if you think it’s shit, I wanna see it
What if I have more than one........
you get on your knees and beg to allah that nigger jim doesnt come around and rape your tight cockhole
Roger that
I don't have an OC.
/r/ you come up with an OC
Make one
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My regular art sucks ass so I hide behind "abstract" and "simple" drawings. Those drawings suck too but atleast you can laugh at Izzy's muzzle now.
It's Lizzy, the crystal pony!
Haven't drawn since doing some /ss/ cards, and that was my first time drawing pony. Wanted to start drawing more often, so thought I'd draw for Trixie Tuesday. Hoping to draw at least one Trix every week but I'll see how I go.
Why don't you like it? I think this style is pretty cool, reminds me of cut stone or stained glass
Oh hell yeah. Those are some nice Trixies friend, you should definitely keep it up!
I think the idea I'm going for IS good but I am still terrible at executing it
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got a few i can post. been trying to ponify some of my favorite albums. did this one last week, kinda just ended up lookin like an edge mare though
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this one more recent
Good taste, I like these a lot! Mind Fuzz seems like the type to snatch a beer out of your hand, pierce it with her teeth, and shotgun it right in front of you while Nonagon cheers her on
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Sorry Lyra, those oats you wanted? I cooked them up and ate them
>"you monster frizbee!"
"the oats were delicious!"
What a radical rebellious mare.
Her mouth looks supremely fuckablel.
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I didn't draw everyday
Pimkie Pi
>I didn't draw everyday
Don't feel too bad about not having a streak or anything, I've failed many daily draw challenges, it's hard to do something EVERY day
That's fine draw at you own pace, But expect growth at your own pace too! there's no wrong ways to learn to draw just what ever works for you really.
A cute. I want to watch movies in 3D with her.
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Top hair needs to be a little bit more puffy
it's true, and it could also use some mane showing behind everything too, that's what I get for not using a reference. Maybe drawing 3 will use a ref~
The "star in yellow"? Is that you Greg?
thanks, tried matching their personality to the feel of the album, will probably do more of these
I love lyra! any pony that cute can have my oats, no stealing required. Also watched your process video, was very interesting. Your methods are very different from mine, i still draw in the traditional way, just digitally. I wouldnt mind trying that program out, i particularly like how simple it looks to make smooth lines with varying thickness. How difficult do you think it would be to learn how to use that program effectively?
That kirin is scarin me a bit. i think she could use a hug
very nice, she is adorable. I like the flower in her hair. What's her special talent? not exactly sure what the scroll with a heart symbolizes
You should definitely use one bro. It helps a ton
I try to do every request posted to /bale/ but I don't think I can do this one. At first, I thought this would be easy. As I was thinking about who to draw I came to horrifying realization—I don’t actually have OCs, just various levels of ideas. You have character ideas in my head, written down character concepts, and ponies that I’ve drawn but don’t have names or cutie marks waiting to be redesigned.
it's just a layer type in paint tool sai so if your familiar with paint tool sai already it isn't too hard to grasp. really the hardest part is putting the segments of the lines right where you need them to shape the line how you want it too. I am completely self taught on the tools it took me a lot of fucking around to figure them out but I figured it out so yeah they aren't very hard to learn especially if you watch a tutorial.
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I couldn't come up with any ocs for 13 years I think it's over for me...
Try writing a story. You'll invent a character or two. It's inevitable.
Ye, she gets mistaken for different mares a lot. I suppose blonde white mare isn't the most unique design choice.

>>41099439 her special talent is spreading love and good vibes around. I wanted to keep it somewhat vague like cheerilee's so it doesn't box her into anything.
I had seven to choose from.
Damn, nice pixels. A fine work Anon.
>no eyelashes
unusable, do not pass go, do not collect $200
She's kinda hot
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I don't like Scootaloo's family that they introduced in one of the late seasons. As far as I care, it's non canon. So here is an image based on a really old headcanon of mine, that the background pony "Candy Mane" is of course her mom instead. She is a hard working single mother.
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I've been doing a bunch of perspective stuff lately
Very nice! I've always wanted to do animation and doing stuff like this would be part of it. It's all so daunting.
warning : lewd https://files.catbox.moe/u9h2n4.png
I can relate. There is something so appealing about the half-complete look.
Brings back to the early days of /bale/ well done.
That’s the definition of soul—creativity brought on by limitations. It has a very distinct look.
Good luck.
This is very cool. Good job on keeping it so consistent each frame. Definitely impressive
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His name is Bro. Please don't make fun of him
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I rarely write and if I do is just greens about fucking my waifu as AiE.
Slutty mare is very cute. I'd like to go to a festival with her and spend the whole time in our tent.
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Requesting a pic of a pony on a balcony looking down at anon while he is about to have an aneurysm yelling at her to get the fuck down from there and to stop looking at him.

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Little late to the new bread.
Anyways, here's another lil librarian Vee. Now with skirt included!
Wearing all these clothes during the summer was a mistake, though. Poor mare's gonna overheat...

One hot n' bothered amre comin' right up boss.

I'm sure I've said this before but I like what you've been doing lately. Real interesting stuff.

For a second there I thought the flower in her mane was a spider lily. Good amre. Love the wavy hair.

Cute pixelmare! She looks very soft and fluffy.

Nice. What's her name?

Good choice of amre. I could see her being a big sister figure a la Rainbow Dash too.


>OCpilled Funmaxxer

Grump horses are best horses. Besides shy horses, of course.
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bit weird and have posted them a few times before, but in my defense they're just fun to draw
This is amazing! I absolutely adore your style.
Is that the character from the Smashing Pumpkins / Siamese Dream album cover parody with mares? I don't have the image handy, but I remember saving it
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>Nice. What's her name?
Dusty Feather, I've posted her a few times before but I rarely color anything so that is the first time sharing her palette
I love Eeeny Meeny and Miney Moe! They're an adorable siamese mare pair and it's always a treat seeing them again.
Dusty a cute. Is she the same one with the hat from last thread? >>41040883
Thank you, and yep! She's my main OC that I use a lot especially if I'm in a mood or don't know what to draw
Drew an s1 luna because I've been going through and tough time and needed some distractions to help cope
I've never drawn her before but I think it's a solid first attempt
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I hope you all are having a wonderfoal day.
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I'm not even sure who I want this to be. I just wanted to make a turntable. I just had a neck injury, so I probably shouldn't be drawing right away unless it's something to vent pain with.
That's a cute Moona, Anon.
Yep, that's them. speaking of which, I should try ponifying albums like >>41098282 did, theirs turned out really nice. I've ponified actual album covers, like with Siamese Dream, but not the album itself as a separate pony which is a neat idea
Thanks brah. the concept's a bit out there but I can't help myself with these two.
I love her so much. would make a turkey sandwich with
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Post em all then draw another!
Cute! The lily is a nice touch
I love her mane, would floof/10. You should definitely post more!
Really nice palette, great work on the expressions too! Very nice very precious
>Yeah so I went to find the elements of harmony-
Cute grump is cute. What’s she grumpy about?
Oh my. Perhaps a spot of herbal tea is in order? I swear by Filly-Petal's myself.
Ooh, interesting concept! Twice the pone, twice the fune
No better time than the present, my friends. Inspiration is everywhere if you know what to look for, especially with names. Walking through a meadow? Hemlock Tuft. See an ice cream shop? Mango Sorbet. Someone posted ponut in the waifu thread again? Blue Board. Have fun with it!
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Finally stopped being lazy and drew Sanguine again. I changed her main to be shorter and have the a splash of color (inadvertently bring it closer to what the other guy drew). The designs will probably change again because I change things at the drop of a hat. I could've and probably should've expounded upon what I have by making it multiple pages, but I got lazy towards the end.
Now draw her being purchased by Aryanne
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Never drawn horses before, but enjoy the shapes and process(thinking of drawing lewds)
How i'm going?
>never drawn horses before
You're going great man
Lookin good to me. Love that smug face on the right
I expected this reply and I'm still disturbed. What could possibly lead a man to such a degenerate fetish?
I nominate this as a future OP image
Did you draw on a paper towel? Regardless, cute pone
Kek, it's my emotional support backdrop, easier on my eyes and makes me feel like I'm drawing with a real pen
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on magma today if you got time to catch up
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i don't draw that often but here's butterscotch
I want to bully the feminine stallion until he's so desperate for my approval that he'll do anything I tell him.

I draw stuff before, that's why told specifically about horses
Gonna developing style and post here time of the time
only thing i can say is the legs are a bit funky on some of them but otherwise good shit
I thought about her being a big sister but then she would have gone to the Sisterhooves Social with her and wouldn't have wanted Rainbow Dash to be her big sister so bad.
Thank you so much! I plan on eventually doing a digitally coloured version. Ponies have reignited my passion for drawing a little bit recently. I am going to use them to learn Clip Studio Paint better.
Ooh, I can't wait! I've been drawing more for the same reason, too. Something about these ponies is just so fun to draw.
Decent, but the bipedal one with the beer gut on the right is disturbing. Like another anon said, some of the legs are funky, but I can't tell if this is a stylistic choice to make them more "human shaped" or a skill issue.
If I don't get the chance to post in this thread I'll post the coloured version in the new drawthread that pops up. I may only get time to do the coloured version this weekend on Sunday specifically. I'll see if I can work on it tonight, but if not it will probably be this weekend.
How’d you determine what race they are?
It happens to the best of us, nothing to be ashamed. Some days you just don’t want to or can’t bring yourself to draw. Today was one of those days for me.
Is her name Lovenote?
>the bipedal one with the beer gut on the right is disturbing
Love chubby horses, and experimenting a bit with proportions on that one

>some of the legs are funky
Yep, but with bottom left i figure out to draw them correctly

>a stylistic choice to make them more "human shaped" or a skill issue
Top left is a skill issue, three down below and right ond is a stylistic choice
How to*
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What do you do when you just don't know what you want to make? Maybe you don't know what characters you want, or you do know that, but not what you want them to do. I end up in this state of art block constantly.
You could use AI and ask it to give you a prompt involving ponies

Or you can browse online and once you find a clip you like you can try to recreate as a pony

Or you can wait until inspiration comes. For me, inspiration comes at the most random times
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I decided to start on the coloured version tonight. I will try to finish it up this weekend, but with having severe OCD (diagnosed at age 8) it really interrupts a lot of my daily activities including drawing. For those curious, my OCD isn't about things being "perfect" either, it's really complicated and I don't want to explain but the gist is that if I don't do everything else I need to do "right" first then I can't draw at all.
Ah man that sucks to hear, but this is looking good so far!
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Random sketch I did recently
I've been drawing every day for around a month with varying levels of inspiration. The first week or two was easy, I always had an idea for what I wanted to improve at, like a brush style or shading or linework, or I would just wake up with the desire to make a certain scene real. After that though some of these days were just chores - for these days, I had no choice but to just start drawing. I start every time with drawing a circle, then construct stuff off of that. Around 80% of the time, I end up getting a strong idea once I've actually started and the rest is easy and fun, but the other 20% is just phoning it in and drawing something lazy and minimally effortful. But yeah, just get started first and go with the flow.
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tried to base that off how the albums sound but ultimately it came down to a gut feeling. I knew i wanted mind fuzz to be a pegasus, the first 4 tracks especially have a ton of energy and are very upbeat so it felt right. nonagon i wasnt as sure about, its heavier and probably their most iconic. went with earth pony because i see it as the default pony and nonagon is like gizzards default album
wow i am really liking that. would love to see the finished version
That's a nice scene. gives me the impression pink is trapped on the moon and is imagining herself flying away on a shooting star. looks good overall but i feel like moon pinkies back should be arched more inward and her rear leg is looking a little wonky, the thigh specifically doesnt have enough mass imo. did a quick sketch over top to try to show what i mean.
Do you like mmmm bananas?
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cute linker
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Your mares are sooo cute. Please keep drawing more cute mares.
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I think this will do nicely for a fresh bread.
Both of these are amarezing
Oh fuck yeah, bread
holy fucking based
Thank you kindly
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The master of crime commits another brazen robbery
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Very pleasing color scheme.
New bread acquired
Work of art. Anon looks incredibly gay.
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>Anon looks incredibly gay.
Ye, I know I messed up his hips ratio lmao. I didn't zoom out to check proportions.
That's a femanon for you.
She is adorable. You're killing me with the beauty of MARE.
That guy obsessed with wonderbread makes a lot more sense, now.
Love this. Miss her stubby little legs though
Like the changes to her hair compared to your other posts in thread. The subtle dark blue over the pure black looks real nice
So damm cute. I'd do anything to hug a mare like that
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Made another album mare. made sure to go with one I wouldn't be tempted to give a dark coat this time. Meet White Pepper, she likes bananas and cocaine
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here is my take on album mares
Your mares are so fuckin' cute bro.
very nice
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Made me think of what an In Rainbows mare would look like, but it'd just be Rainbow Dash.
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low effort whiteboard poners
Cuteness overload!
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She spins in the air! Cute!
Okay then. I’ll probably change literally everything as I improve.
Cutie, would do a line with
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oooo she a cutie!
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drew snow showers fro this >>41107189 bread
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That is fucking rad, dude. Thanks for the Love Bug.
fuck yeah brother she's a hot oc
Anyone have a good resource on how to draw open muzzles/beaks? I can't figure out how to keep the shape of the lower jaw when the mouth isn't just a line.
This drawing is a few years old - apparently I've been keeping characters' mouths closed or drawing them in profile ever since, which is a habit I'd like to break. But you can see I took a shortcut with her far eye and muzzle that doesn't with with an open mouth, and copied the mouth itself from a screencap without understanding the ideas behind it.
I finished it tonight! I am not completely happy with the background, but I think it's fine. I might redo the intensity of the gradient on the characters. If any anons have any tips on how to make better backgrounds, then please tell me. Ideally I would like to be able to paint stuff that looks like a 90s anime background, something like Pokemon, InuYasha, or even something like Disney Renaissance but I can't figure out the paint brushes in Clip Studio Paint and I know no techniques. Sorry for the blog post.
Also, the original file is too large so I had to take a screencap of this in Clip Studio Paint, so it's much lower resolution than the original.
Export it as a jpg?
It's still too large even then. The original image width is nearly 3 times as much as what I posted.
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Looks great! I can't help with the backgrounds, but I can recommend other things you can do.
For Scoots and her mom, you can use color balance so their colors match the surrounding more. On top of that, the drawing looks a little washed-out so playing with the brightness/contrast sliders might help.
picrel is an example after making the changes
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This may help
Incredible. Turned out very nice. I suck at backgrounds so I can't help you there but for what it's worth think yours looks pretty good
Anything specific you are trying to improve on? This is already looking real good, the only thing I really notice is that her chest should maybe come down a bit lower, but that is pretty minor
Trixie Tuesday
That looks so much better than mine! Can you tell me how you did that? If you have maybe a screenshot of which section of Clip Studio Paint those options are in I would really appreciate it. I'll definitely go in and fix the full resolution version with this before I post it on my FA account.
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Practicechads be advised! The 30 day pony art challenge artist training grounds will start on June 1st. The prompts are at equestria daily. Be there or be square:

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Certainly! Right-clicking a layer and selecting "New Correction Layer" also works, too. It'll just correct every layer below it, unless you specify a certain area.
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I concur with >>41114418 I would have the hock protruding a lil more but thats just personal preference. Looks very good anon!
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i drew applejack
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Fuckin hell
Thank you so much! I will definitely fix up the colours on that. I was looking for this feature before so I could change the hue of the grass (since it looks kinda dead even though I colour picked it from a screenshot) but I could not for the life of me find it. I used SAI before CSP and so I knew where the feature was there, but not here. I am going to be posting some other sketches in a separate post in this thread, maybe in /create/ also, but just saying that because it is unrelated to the Scootaloo image.
Page 1 of 10+ pages. I don't really know if this considered "low effort" enough to even qualify being posted here... and for those that didn't see my other post, I am the anon that drew Scootaloo and her mom Candy Mane earlier in this thread.
line work with no color is low effort enough so shoot, this is the beginner AND low effort thread after all.
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Derpy is investigating what (you) are doing back there.
Tried doing some perspective stuff, but it's hard.
Looks like I got squished by FAT PLOT
This is incredibly high effort, I'd love to see more of them.
(Also Candy Mane is my horse wife and you did her hair perfectly)
omg! thank you :)
So damn cute, holy cow. I'm excited to see the next pages. Drunk Twilight is the most adorable thing in existence.
I've never been able to complete ATG, inktober or any other proomptathon I've tried. Something about having to follow a prompt takes the motivation out of me for some reason
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It's not about completion. The point is an opportunity to draw a pony picture if you are so inclined. Doesn't matter if it ends up being one prompt or five. 100% completion is something entirely else that is only relevant for professional/hardcore artists.
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Decided to take a crack at thebatfangs artstyle today for fun. I think I did ok.
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Very nice! I think the pony looks very expressive and physical. It really looks very close to thebatfang. The most striking characteristic of thebatfang design is this straight line under the eyes and over the nose, I think. It appears in almost every piece of theirs. Also I think your ass is mabye not fat enough lol (joking)
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I would like to complete it is the thing, simply to say I can do it. But I always seem to miss a day and have to wait until next time. I can draw daily with little issue, but something about prompts takes the wind out of my sails.
Noted, will keep that in mind as I want to keep playing with the style for a little bit. Thanks!
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somewhat old drawing i forgot to post on yandere threads
I love it! And I love how a simple sketch can have so much soul.
Here's a sneak peak of page 11. I posted the whole set in /create/ if you guys want to see them. I will be making digitally coloured versions of all these pages and additional pages, plus a bonus comic running concurrently in universe of Twilight and her brother at the hotel as implied earlier in the background of this comic.
yowza that is some GOOD shit
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You did a good job! I can see the influence. She's a cute mare, too. I'm guessing you were referencing one of the SFW pics from about a year or two ago, correct? One of the ones with the cleaner lineart. That's what it most reminds me of, anyway.
Keep up the good work anon.
>You did a good job! I can see the influence. I'm guessing you were referencing one of the SFW pics from about a year or two ago, correct?
yes this is what i liked and therefore refd https://files.catbox.moe/vd4v9t.png am a mouse fagt by choice so replicating his art perfectly is hard but i like the occasional challange its fun.
>>One of the ones with the cleaner lineart. That's what it most reminds me of, anyway.
Keep up the good work anon.
aye thanks I really appreciate it a lot! thank 4 the art i love it
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Very cute mare.

>I would like to complete it is the thing, simply to say I can do it
That is a very admirable goal and a real badge of honor/test of skill.
>something about prompts takes the wind out of my sails
That's why I say it's for the professionals: They NEED to be able to draw under time-pressure even if they don't feel like it, for financial survival.
>I always seem to miss a day
FYI the Artist training ground has makeup days for missed prompts ... however you can also just post them here whenever, if you will.
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ive had horrible art block for the past 2 weeks whew
very cute always nice to see the country mares
Maybe she's underage here.
Bikinis on mares are always top tier.
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Playing around with proportions for my chubby nerd
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Ill have you know that Im a prominant member of this community for various reasons, but not art. Im wanting to get into drawgin now. Spoonfeed me, since Im famous.
I dont want to say who I am just yet because I know the circlejerk will say my art looks good, I know how you fags are.
Also not sure how my normie audience would react either.
Anyways, Ill be asking on twitter for my fans to pay for my lessons if need be.
Yours truly,
They should get together
Top tier comic, Anon. Now I'm going to be horny all day and very excited for the hot bonus incest too.
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A bit of an update, thinking about the mane and palette

That's what I'm trying to do, so glad to hear it. I'll post the SFW pages of stuff I've worked on later tonight. For NSFW, check back in the /create/ thread for when I add more stuff to catbox.
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She needs socks of her own to eat
the reflection makes it
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Purty colors and super cute eyelashes
There's something strangely endearing about Anon's different punctuation expressions
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Hello everypony, first time checking out /Bale/ but after seeing someone on Twitter doing a 100 day drawing challenge it inspired me to try drawing again. Only made 1 drawing in 2019 and wanted to try it again.

Decided to do some headshots for my OCs and I have no idea how I got the middle one to look as good as it did but I could not replicate it with the last one. Not too disheartened though since it shows I have the capacity to draw like that so it is the goalpost to reach now. Not sure if drawing every day will be good practice but it should help with understanding the fundamentals that you can teach me here.
Welcome aboard friend.
Welcome brother! daily drawing is a very good way to get good fast but the biggest immediate downside I can think of is finding inspiration/ideas/motivation, if you can manage that then its def a good way to learn. the only other thing I can say is have realistic expectations about your growth rate and always save everything you draw so you can always look back at your progress, and so you will never loose it redundancy is king. also do experiment to but try not to bite off more than you can chew i'd recommend you go based off feel if you try doing something too ambitious for your current skill level and you decided to not do it there's nothing wrong with failure use it as a learning experience and grow from it, if it bothers you do some draws you don't intend post where you try said problematic method until you either figure it out or need help and post the results here, you won't get bullied here it is the beginner thread after all. I have been essentially daily drawing for a year, this was my first drawing https://derpibooru.org/images/3197656?q=artist%3Ascandianon
>>41120145 this of course was my most recent, keep in mind that it was a style change exercise, but the difference is night and day.
am drunk so im sorry if this seems schizophrenic.
No worries at all. Luckily I'm always thinking of scenarios and stories for my OCs across all the media I enjoy rather than doing productive things and in the spirit of being unproductive I do some ttrpg and have a friend in the groups who can knock out doodles mid session without skipping a beat in the game so he will be a good inspiration as well to help translate events from the game to paper. While it likely wouldn't be appropriate to post here I did want to try drawing other media as well like 40k which would be a big departure stylistically but my main focus will be MLP.
czech'ed mice digits also based
low effort as fuck anon filer
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Carrot Top! I bet she has good eyesight.
carrots being good for your eyes was a bluff made by the english during WWII to explain why the anti-air gunners could see german bombers at night, but really it was because they had invented radar.
does radar taste better than carrots?
Yes, but these are ponies, therefore it is actually true.
the carrots give her radar vision
It helped her out greatly as an air defensemare in the second and a half Equestria-Griffon War.
Woah cute
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Draw a pony standing / Draw a pony holding its ground

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Horse emotions
Need get good more
For context, Chance was someone I met there that day.
The thumbnail made me think that butterfly was a pair of panties. Glad to be stood mistaken. Good filler.

What a nice Carrot.
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WOAH cute! And both did the same joke, kinda sorta?
Aw yiss motherfuckin grass to go
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The planet is a mare!
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Day 2 decided to help a pony out from /opg/ while I don't yet have the skills to do such a fancy pony justice but I want to contribute to the group in some way shape or form. Plus I get to farm (You)s on two threads!
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testing pencil2d
Is she gonna make it....
Is that tea she's holding?
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Yup! I was looking for references for the character and I'll confess I thought she had an Egyptian theme so looked for old Egyptian cup designs and found one with a gold base and white cup. Found some other pictures though and she has Greek style accessories with bangles, a toga, and a laurel crown. This one and my OC are definitely two I want to come back to when I'm more experienced and take another crack at them to see my improvement.
Draw a pony taking its first steps / Draw a pony coming to life

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Made thisss
Yo Twilight is so fucking pretty here
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I think you did pretty well. I can only do a few facial expressions okay from the side. Here is what I sometimes use (have to split in into parts because the original image's file size).
Base lined paper master race. Very clean lines, nice eyes and wings, and the cutie mark is sized well (i often make mine too small).
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I want to cum inside Rainbow Sparkle

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