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Now with a list of greens edition!
Previously >>41039547
https://ponepaste.org/8941 (Sweaty Sunset Sister.)
https://ponepaste.org/8950 (Sister Sunset Stormy Silver Screen)
https://ponepaste.org/8950 (Sister Sunset’s Secret Scandalous Salacity)
https://ponepaste.org/9166 (Kindred Kissing Carnal Cousins)
https://ponepaste.org/9189 (Milky Motherly Morning)
https://ponepaste.org/9416 (Vinyl and Sunset Sisters, unfinished/abandoned)
https://ponepaste.org/9463 (Family Friendly Fun, ongoing)
https://ponepaste.org/9764 (Dawn of Incest)
https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/40464433/#40470159 (Various greens that never made it to ponepaste)
https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/39941314/#q39969050 (The beginning of Scribblekek’s downfall)
First for music sisters
>https://ponepaste.org/8941 (Sweaty Sunset Sister.)
Fuck, mang, all I want is my fictional sister's sideboob.
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Have sex with Adagio.
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Sometimes I just need to be sandwiched between these two to get away from the absolute psychos in the rest of our family
We've seen plenty of Sunset actively lusting after the bro-dick. But have we ever talked about what drove Sunset to see her brother in a less-than-platonic light? Batman: Year One, only it's incest instead of dead parents?
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She fell for the memes
It's in her blood.
>"Mornin' 'Non, What's up?"
>"Oh, senpai's being a little much right now? Yeah I know what you mean."
>"Here, I was about to get up but go ahead and squeeze in here, there ya go."
>"Don't be shy, Tavi's still asleep, you can get nice and cozy with her, spoon her like this."
>"Theeere we go bro, aren't we soft and warm? A comfy little Anon sandwich."
>"Hehe, I'm sure Tavi wont mind if you squeeze her boobs a little while she sleeps, I do it all night long 'cuz she doesn't like wearing a bra."
>"No? Aww what a gentleman."
>'...You can hold them if you'd like Anonymous.'
“Damn it Sunset, it’s midnight, why are you bothering me? I’m working on something that should net me a big profit and’ll make those crystal prep fags clamor for my expertise! Go bust Flash’s balls or something.”
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>Aria takes you to kareoke night.
>She wants to do a duet with you.
>Says if you refuse she'll make sure no one fucks you for a whole month.
>Says she'll allow you to pick the song.
Do you accept? What song will you play?
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Oh you guys added the list of greens good to know. But the thing is where do I start reading? What's the lore of this general
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I can't say if there is an ACTUAL established lore to the thread, at least not outside of shitposting. One thing in particular the thread is in agreement on is that Skribble is a cuck. Adagio... maybe? A lot of Anons seem to think so but there are a few who say no. No Anons have written a green to the contrary (yet) so its speculation, I think, for now. I think the thought of beng a cuck "fitting" for Adagio is mostly based on her "Queen Bee" attitude being blanced with her absolute submissiveness in the bedroom. But, basically this thread has evolved from it being just Sunset is your sister, to being just about every character, outside of the main 6, being related to (You) in some way ie; cousins, second cousins, half sisters, and so on. As far as where to start reading, I don't know for sure. If you want an something most akin to an origin story then "Dawn of incest" might be the place to start, but for world building and having the most characters then https://ponepaste.org/9463 (Family Friendly Fun, ongoing) would be the one to read. Unfortunatly it hasn't gotten an update in awhile, hopefully the writefag didn't abandon it. Other then that its mostly one shots of whatever scenarios and discussing the roles of certain family members in this incestuous pool of debauchery.
Honestly I think you’ll pick it up more just by sticking around the thread, the stuff gets brought up pretty frequently. That’s how I managed it and I’m a recent fan. Maybe just read backwards in the archives if you care to.
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>Whats that, big bro, this outfit looks so much better on me than Dagi? Oh, I completely agree!
>You know where it’d look even more better? Crumpled at the foot of our bed
>what if /jdb/ were your sisters?
Technically, we’ve only got 5 lolis on the family tree. It just so happens that DT and SS have been extra aggressive lately, now that they’ve learned Dagi’s not so little secret
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What if Fluttershy was you sister? And Zephyr Breeze your brother?
Frankly, I'd say that the closest thing we can get to reading thread lore is just navigating to the first Big Sis Sunset thread and reading until you reach this current thread.
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Reminder that this is the canon family tree
younger me made a fridge explode, sunset shimmer won’t survive with me tonight
>Crumpled at the foot of our bed
Careful you don’t hit Adagio when you toss those.
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>Look Anon! I’m in bread!
You’re about to be bred alright.
Whos the author of oppic?
It’s A.I. generated
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>“Hey I heard Anon took you on in the weight room.”
“Yea he really knows how to pump me up, but I’m always sore after”
>“i bet the massage after was worth it”
“Yea he really knows hot to give a deep tissue”
>I swear girls the way you phase things sound so salacious
There’s more than one way to burn calories…
You gotta wonder how Sunset’s friends would react if they knew her family was a massive incest clan
I mean it's this thread, it isn't as though Rarity will be at all disgusted like a normal real-life person would have been. What'll happen is that she'll be flustered, go home, have a glass of wine, and then realize that (just like literally every character in the thread except for Scribble Dee) incest is super hot.
>Sweetie Belle, darling, could you come here for a minute…
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>Anon keeps getting texts from Sunset
>Very lewd texts
>"i need ur pp in me" type texts
>Problem is, Anon was dicking around with a text-to-speech app on his phone earlier that day
>He didn't realize that it was set to automatically read out any texts he receives in glorious Microsoft Sam form
>So he's just hanging with his friends, and then his phone blasts out every text he receives
>And God help him, he has no clue how to turn it off
>"New text from... BIG SIS. Anon, I need your cock."
>"New text from... BIG SIS. I am so wet for you."
>"New text from... BIG SIS. bee tee double-you, do you want to watch Ghostbusters one or Ghostbusters two tonight?"
>"New text from... BIG SIS. Slime me like Bill Murry got slimed el oh el"
>"New text from... BIG SIS. That means your jizz."
>Anon finally just turns the phone off, but the damage is done
>Runs home
>Sunset is waiting there
>Pic related, it's Sunset when Anon tells her that the horrifying outing of his incestuous habits has put him out of the mood for sex
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>It’s okay bro, you can come with me. I’ll protect you from that succubus
Kek. That's pretty good. Need the reverse from Anon with Sunset around her friends though.
>Vinyl white knighting for her own brother
>“M’bro *tips sunglasses*”
tips *headphones
>In that slight moment, you could hear the muffled dubstep she was listening to while she swooped in to rescue you blasting through the tiny speakers
>in her mind it was just like one of her quickscope compilations, with tons of slow-mo, dank edits, and airhorns
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Mom, get the camera!
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Well, you know what they say about white knights…
>Hey bro? So, I think I’ve earned a little reward for saving you just now, if you catch my meaning…
Honestly this is such a Luna vibe, it fits perfectly for her daughter.
>"Trust me, my brother, I am in agreement. Our family is full of crazies. Is it not so? Fortunate for you, I'm not like those other girls. I am a lady. On that note... why don't you stay in my room tonight? Just so you can be sure those whores, if you will excuse the language, won't mess with you. No, no funny business. In fact, you can sleep in the bed while I shall take the floor for the night, good sir."
>She leans in and sticks out her cheek like she's expecting a thank you kiss
>Anon awkwardly turns her down and goes to bed, actually wanting to sleep and rest his body from all the Sunsis fucking
>Vinyl stays up waiting for him to come to her and show his gratitude
>All the while Anon is fast asleep and mumbling about Sunset in his dreams
>Vinyl, outraged, texts Octavia to vent "Can you believe this?! He didn't even kiss me? This is bullshit! I did everything right and he won't even give me the time of day! All he thinks about is Sunset! Why do the guys always obsess over bitches like that who treat them like shit while nice girls like me get nothing! I even tried to let him touch my tits and he said he was 'too tired' and 'traumatized'!"
>"...wanna scissor again?"
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>My brother owes me sex
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Boring girls like Vinyl can't compete with bad girls that bring excitement.
>Sunset is showing one of her friends something on her phone
>Suddenly, she gets a text alert
>Big ol' text bubble appears at the top of the screen saying it's from Anon, and it's including a picture that is very clearly of his penis
>Sunset's friend sees everything
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I'm digging it. I'm not sure how thread-lore accounts for the equivalent of horse-Luna being on the moon for 1000 years, but I'm willing to bet that auntie Luna isn't 100% all there in the head. Probably has some interesting ideas of what sexual conduct is owed to whom, and those ideas might have something to do with her in-universe equivalent of being banished to the moon. I could see her teaching Vinyl to be a creep.
I like to think both her and our mother were raised in a very strict environment, and maybe aunt Luna went through a rebellious phase and was sent to an extreme all girl’s boarding school or something where she picked up weird ideas along with the strict reeducating she had to go through that mixed with our families already unique proclivities.
>It was an all-girl boarding school for known 'difficult cases'
>Luna was put there by her parents to prove a point; she probably only ever got a tattoo or something like that
>Luna was now pissed at her parents, has been hit like a freight train by a rebellious phase, and is surrounded by degenerates
>It isn't that hard for her to pick up some morally questionable opinions about sex with family along the way, as well as how to acquire such family sex
The contact name is BIG Bro, it’s surrounded by hearts and the BIG is followed by an eggplant emoji.
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Who was in the wrong here?
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Vinyl, of course. Celestia and Luna both know that thier favorite son/stepson is EXTREMELY busy taking care of all the girls (and them, of course) then he has no time for studying and homework. Its up to the girls to keep up with the schoolwork so he can copy off of them in class.
I don’t either but >>41094325 just sounded like that so it was funny. I prefer the cool, aloof party girl. The whole Luna thing does sound kind of on point though.
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Trixie doesn't get enough atttention in this thread.
I’d like to give her some.
Trixie, you’re back! How goes the resistance in Ukraine?
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Can you get away from Sunsis for long enough to spend some time with her, Anon?
Anon isn't into trans
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Not unless Trixie wants another black eye
Girls, girls, do you think you could continue this argument from either side of the raging hard on seeing you fight has given me? Preferably in between swapping spit off of it?
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>"Dear Diary..."
>"Anon is really starting to warm up to the idea of us being really intimate."
>"I was rubbing his thigh today by his locker and he actually got hard!"
>"It was so cool! <3!!"
>"I just have to be sure I'm his first so that Trixie or ANY of the dazzlings, or even worse, VINYL gets him first."
>"Don't worry bro, it'll be you and your big sister forever against the world!"
>"I love the romance!"
>“Its sucks no one agreed to be your prom date. Luckily for you my schedule is wide open”
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Forgot pic
>Sunset got books mixed up
>She just magic-texted Twilight her incestuous fantasies
>Despite showing up with her brother, Sunset still wins prom queen
>and, by extension, Anon wins prom king
>Now they have to do the traditional romantic couples dance together in the middle of the crowd, with the whole school watching
>Starts off awkward and anxious, avoiding eye contact and keeping an appropriate distance
>but by the end of it they are swaying together and starring into each others eyes, pressed into each other and practically tangled together
>When the dance comes to a close they finish with a passionate embrace
>their faces inching closer and closer
>and then, a deep deep kiss
>really deep
>and long
>the song has been stopped for a minute
>and they are still going
>in front of everyone, who they forgot was there...
>Twilight texts back with overwhelming delight
>Finally able to share her secrets desires with someone who understands
>She sends Sunset her own incest fantasies about ruling the kingdom with her brother sitting next her
>From then on all they chat about is brother love
I love this
>mom finds the magical incest journal
now what, nigga?
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Oh nooo, Sunset’s forgetting about a very big player in this little game…
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>moms face when all the girls find out she was our first the whole time
>could be she just wanted us to know the ins and outs so when all the girls started developing the interest we would be well prepared to sate the demand
>or perhaps to prevent such infighting between the family
>or maybe just as a 4d chess move to stay on top
>the world may never know
>The reason that horse-Sunset was able to get away with as much as she could in school was because her identity already being established as the Principal's daughter
>Things go as far as they do because Celestia loves her children, even the ones from alternate dimensions, and couldn't bring herself to metaphorically (or literally) bitch-slap some sense into horse-Sunset
Even if she is just a Papyrus reskin, I’m at least not shagging my sister.
Jesus Christ, Anon. She’s only that skinny because she grew up in a trailer park and ate rats for dinner every night. Maybe give her place to stay and some decent meals for once
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>After living with you for a few months.
Sunset has her work cut out for her.
>Anon thought she was hotter when she looked like a loli
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Yeah, thats right, be sad
Anon, be nice to your family.
Make me!
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>He doesn't want to help his cousin for some "backstage relaxation" after a performance.
Poor fool.
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I want to explode inside cousin Trixie
wtf is going on with her right hand?
Sunsis says you promised to go shopping at the mall with her to pick out a bathing suit for summer
>she spends the date inviting you into the various changing rooms so you can “check the fit”
Inbred remember? Webbed fingers
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>Shutup and lay on your back!
>I'm gonna suffocate you with my butt!
Yes, ma’a—mmph!
>ywn go to a ren faire with cousin Trixie
I want to pretend to get into a wizard's duel with Trixie.
>"Too late Aria, now get in line behind Sunset and wait your turn"
A wizard duel that ends Mr and Mrs. Smith style. With HAWT sex.
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>Aria, spurned by this, leaves in anger.
>Hours later you are tackled to the ground and beaten to a pulp by Aria.
>She finishes her beating by smothering your face with her generous ass.
As much as I don’t agree with the nice girl Vinyl archetype, I also really don’t see her being this abrasive or dismissive. Honestly it feels even more out of character than the nice girl Vinyl. She’s an easy going party girl, she seems much more like the type to invite Sunset and Aria to join her in triple teaming Anon rather than try and turn them away. Plus we can’t have ALL the girls trying to one up each other all time. I wanna see some sisterly love just as much as I wanna see some occasional cattiness. And I definitely see Vinyl as the sisterly love type.
Meanwhile if someone said something like that to Aria she feels more like the type to walk in there, push the other girl off Anon and suffocate her with her phat ass before she got to Anon.
>They're nerdy D&D LARPers and keep up the roleplay even during sex
>Trixie rolls for some sort of anti-conception remedy
>Rolls her D20
>Rolls a 1
>Glances at the condoms peeking out of her bedside table
>Only bitches to back on dice rolls
Cute kek. Need.
Yeah, you're probably right.
I dunno anything about DnD but as long as it ends with my cock inside Trixie I don't care.
Yeah, I agree with you there I just went extreme with her cause of all the nice girl posting that's been going on with her ITT.
Definitely not complaining about these Vinyl’s images though.
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Vinyl is ONE HUNDRED percent the type to be in the middle of riding your dick and one of your cousins/sister/step sisters walk in and she'd just be like, "Well don't just stand there! I need someone to make out with while we fuck!"
>Vinyl and Sunset Eiffel Tower you after she walks in on you getting ridden
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Vinyl may not be the femcel that we’ve been memeing about, but it’s undeniably canon that she has a massive rape fetish
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We need a beach green. Imagine fucking your sister in the ocean.
Summer is coming up. So it’ll be a good time for one soon.
>Alt universe where Anon's massively perverted half-sister Vinyl convinced him to give sister-smooching a try instead of Sunset
>The "well don't just stand there" line is belted out when Sunset unknowingly walks in on Anon and Vinyl having sex
>Vinyl decides just to own the moment
>Anon and Sunset get swept out to sea via riptide
>Nearly drown and fall unconscious
>Both wake up together on a beach
>They do some exploring, can't see civilization anywhere
>Immediately go native and start fucking
>Get found by the coast guard 3 days later; turns out they didn't look very hard when they were scouting and looking for signs of human life
Yes. Yes! YES!
It’s gonna be tough to explain to mom when Sunny comes home preggers after being left alone with Anon…
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>”Hey bro! Wanna go snorkeling with me?”
>She ends up sucking your cock underwater
I wonder, would the family go to a private beach or a public beach?
Surely, the girls wouldn’t be sadistic enough to sexually tease Anon all day with a bunch of normies around…right?
I hope you meant to say on the beach because water is NOT a natural lubricant.
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Of course, Anon. You'd fuck her in the changing stalls, behind the rocks at the end of the beach, in the bathrooms over at the food shack... all the while you're ALSO keeping other family members subdue'd as well. A day at the beach, for (You) is really just a chance for your midsection to catch a tan while you have copious amounts of sex.
Celestia would be proud.
Now this is Unf.
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>Your little sisters steal you away because Sunset caught a sudden case of the runs (after DT slipped something in her smoothie, of course)
>Now you’re stuck at a beach full of normies, sandwiched between two horny little sisters who plan to take full advantage of your precarious situation
What a life
>"Hey bro, your dick has good taste in swimwear!"
>One thing in particular the thread is in agreement on is that Skribble is a cuck.
>Adagio... maybe?
I still think its just one really vocal cuckfag. If its related to Anon, it's getting bred. No amount of "but muh adagio cuckfetish" is gonna stop me from putting a baby in our cousin.

I've got half a mind to write a short something something with younger Anon and Sunset and possibly babysitter Cadance as a sort of early history of the incest thread. Maybe I'll work on that later today.
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>If its related to Anon, it's getting bred.
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Goddammit Dagi, I told you to lay off the copium
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>If its related to Anon, it's getting bred
Are we calling into question her relation to us again? Just because she's a cuck doesn't mean she not our cousin.
God damn. Starting to feel like summer already.
Y-you too...
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If you aren't getting that Anon dick, then you can't truly call yourself his cousin. Maybe this is all one big scam to cheat Adagio out of some old relative's inheritance by trying to argue in court that Adagio "doesn't count" as family because of the logic argument of

>All female family members have sex with Anon
>Adagio has not had sex with anon
>Therefore, Adagio is not a family member

Which is of course a ridiculous thing to try and argue in court. Because "If A, then B; not-B, therefore not-A" is a logical fallacy and wouldn't stand up in court.
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That does kind of sound like something Aria and Sonata might cook up though, being the ones who would probably stand the most to gain. Maybe they used their big sister's rivalry with cousin Sunset and encouraged the dynamic to get her cucked intentionally.
That's actually kinda cute...
Looking at this literally makes my brain just yell "SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX" on repeat like some kind of alarm.
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It is an appropriate instinctual reaction. An evolutionary response.
>Light-hearted anime harem greentext turns into legal drama that plays out like a phoenix wright game
So, are we all in agreement that:
Sonata - Monster Tits
Adagio - Monster Ass
Aria - Muscular
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Sonata - Monster Tits
Adagio - Monster Hair
Aria - Monster Ass
I've always gone with:
Sonata - Big boobs
Aria - Huge ass
Adagio - Well rounded
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But yes she is generally portrayed as pretty muscular too.
Huge jiggling assets backed by thick muscle, call that Surf 'n' Turf
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>"Hey, cousin! Get over here! I need a little extra protein for my shake. Maybe you could use a shake yourself, in exchange? If you catch my meaning."
>She proceeds to lazily jerk her bottle up and down while raising her eyebrow at you
O-okay, cousin.
>Sonata - Monster Tits
>Sonata - Monster Tits
>Sonata - Big boobs
Everyone remembers nanna Sonata's boobies.
I would genuinely appreciate cousin Aria taking a real interest in my health, offering to teach me how to use the equipment at her gym and spotting me if I need one. I bet she's capable of getting you so fucking hyped.
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How could you forget when they are smack in your face most of the time?
She'd want to whip you into shape for the sole purpose of lasting longer in bed and having more forceful thrusts.
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Not that she ain't got a sweet ass too.
Yeah, but I bet she'd still be proud of you.
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Just not AS sweet.
She's sculpting you into her perfect fuck. More stamina, stronger thrusts, and bigger arms to hold her with in the afterglow.
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Your sister is a whore
Switch Aria and Adagio
>Morning in the 'non household
>Sonata sits down and drops her swollen supertankers on the table with a clattering impact, and peels off her soaked nipple pads
>Everyone lines up with their cups and bowls to get fresh delicious milk from the tap, Sonata moaning in deep relief with every squeeze
>Even after serving everyone she still has to store at least a jug-ful of excess in the fridge, along with the other mammary-gifted girls' harvest
>Always looking for ways to dispose of the household's overwhelming dairy output without just throwing it away
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I still can't believe a human Sunset Shimmer was never brought up in the show. Its a travesty. The incompetence of the writers never cease to amaze.
That was actually planned to be a season finale thing but G4 shutting down killed it prematurely.
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The Ace Thruster leaks are real trust the plan 2024
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Yeah, she is a cute little cuck isn’t she?
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she's more popular as the busty one because she's ditzy, which I can understand
but ever since I saw MSOB's dazzlings they've been my headcanon sizes for them
I feel wide hips and big ass fit Sonata better than Aria, plus giving Aria back problems is funny, and might be why she's so grouchy all the time
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"Sooo explain why I'm being forced to come work out with you, Aria?"
>"Because, you twerp-"
"I'm taller then you."
>"TWERP. You need to have more stamina and power."
>Be Anon.
>Currently in the garage with your cousin, Aria.
>She's been teasing and berating you a lot as of late because of your "scrawny figure".
>At least she was a little more subtle in making fun of you for being "small" and "lacking in endurance" then Gilda.
>Gilda, another fitness nut amongst the girls, was...
>Well, she had tried to bring you to the gym before, but she was sorta... mean.

>"Ugh, you dweeb! Thats not proper form when benching!"
>"You call that a squat?!"
>"Oh my Gawwwwwwd! Can you really not overhead press 135!? You're lucky you're so damn sexy!"

>It wasn't fun.
>And since your mom, aunts, and step moms finally caved and turned the garage into a home gym, Gilda and Aria had been trying to get you to work with them.
>Gilda just happened to get to you first.
>Now its Aria's turn.
>Thankfully, she's a tad more reasonable then your other cousin.
>"Okay, where did Gilda leave off with you when you last worked with her?"
>Aria deadpans.
>"She didn't even teach you anything did she?"
"Well she mostly just yelled at me."
>Aria facepalms and groans.
>"Alright fine, we'll start with something basic."
>She brings you over to a bench sitting in front of a rack of free weights and dumbbells.
>"We'll start with some curls. Get those noodles of yours some shape."
>She pinches your arms.
"Okay, okay."
>You grab a couple of fifteens and curl them in each arm.
>You pause.
>"No. Your form is all wrong."
"Well I-"
>Aria takes the weights from your hands.
>Aria spaces her feet shoulder width apart, straightens her back, and rolls her shoulders back.
>"See how I'm standing, twerp?"
>You ignore the name calling and nod.
>"Good, now watch."
>Aria curls the dumbbells upward slowly, bring her arms just a little over ninety degrees.
>"See? Straighten out your weak body, then you curl slowly, paying special attention to the- blah blah..."
>God she looked so sexy standing there like that....
>You couldn't help but get lost looking at her glorious, toned, perfectly shaped ass that so impeccably connected her toned thighs to her midriff.
>All her working out made her look so fucking good.
>You're confident she knew that you'd be checking her out the whole workout.
>Especially confident in that because she was wearing tight fitting yoga pants and a sports bra.
>"And you slowly bring them down, keeping control for the contraction. Got it?"
>"Got it!?"
>You snap from your stupor.
>Aria looks over at your glazed over eyes, immediately knowing what happened.
>"HEY!" She grabs you by the scruff of your shirt, yanking the fabric towards her, "Pay attention you dork! You can think about how bad you want to FUCK me, AFTER we're done and in the shower, GOT IT!?"
"Uh- Yeah! Okay, okay!"
>"Hmph. Good. See to it that you do, hot stuff."
>She releases you from her grip and hands you back the weights.
>You're only a split second from grabbing them before she pauses.
>"Too light. You're a boy, you should start with twenties."
>Aria sets the fifteens back in their spot on the rack, because not doing so is a sin and fuck whoever is too fucking stupid to count by fucking 5s.
>She hands you a pair of twenties, which you immediately can tell a difference in weight.
>You grip them in your hands and let them hang at your sides before you go for a rep.
>"Stop. What are you forgetting?"
"Oh, right. Form. My bad."
>You do as she did, keeping your feet shoulder width apart, back straight, and roll your shoulders back."
>Aria takes a quick walk around you, checking whether or not to critique your form.
>She pauses while behind you.
"What is it- AH!"
>She pinches your ass.
>"Gonna need to tone that up for sure too."
"Okay! Jeeze..."
>"Shut-up and curl, dork."
>You roll your eyes and huff.
>The little insults were starting to get to you.
>Still, you do as you're told and begin your set.
"Wait, how many reps?"
>"We'll do 4 sets of 8."
"Got it."
>With some effort, you rep it out and finish your first set, placing the weights back down at your feet.
>"Gilda didn't teach you about proper breathing either, did she?"
>"Thought so..."
>You groan.

>Some time later...
>Aria had taken you through the ringer in today's workout.
>Apparently what she wanted for you was purely focused on working your arms.
>Curls, reverse curls, tricep extensions, overhead tricep curls...
>And, of course, more curls.
>Finally, it was the last exercise for the day.
>"Okay dork, we'll cap off today's workout with the same thing we started with."
"More curls?"
"God, how much work do biceps really need?"
>You grab your arms and massage your biceps, shaking out the pain and soreness.
>"Don't be such a wuss. I'm going to motivate you with this last set."
"Oh yeah? How? Gonna call me weak, dork, twerp, wuss, bitch-"
>"For every rep you manage with this straight bar..."
>Aria grabs a bar weighing fifty pounds off a rack of bars ranging from 20 to 110.
>"I'll lower my leggings an inch so you can look at my butt."
>"Oh please, don't act like you haven't been eye fucking me since we started, you pervert."
"I'm not a perv!"
>Aria raises her brow.
"...Nevermind. Anyway, how could I not? You've been practically showing off this whole time."
>"I haven't been showing off, you're just out of shape." She smirks, "Dork."
>"Buuut I am a liiittle impressed. Didn't think you'd last this long, anyway."
>She hands you the weight, which you reluctantly take.
>The weight of which was making your arms shake just from holding the damn thing.
>You grip was weak, arms shaky, and muscles already feeling sore.
>"Now, keep your form, and for every FULL rep you get, thats another inch I lower my pants~."
>Aria turn around, and bends forward to lean on the weight rack where the dumbbells sat.
>Arching her back and giving her hips a little sway.
>You bite your lip as she brings her hands up, hooking her thumbs into the edge of the fabric and tugging downward.
>And suddenly you're feeling some strength return.
>"Aria looks at your eyes, glued to her ass from the mirror behind the rack of weights.
>She snickers to herself.
>"God you're such a fucking pathetic, perverted loser."
>You smirk, gripping the bar and getting into position and form.
"Would you rather I wasn't one?"
>"Just shut-up and start curling."
>You bring the weight up, breathing in as you do.
>Your arms and forearms are screaming as you do.
>You feel as though all the strength in your muscles has been completely sapped by the workout prior to this.
>But god Aria's ass looked so fucking juicy in front of you...
>Seeing the sweat from her back run down and into the fabrics of her yoga pants.
>It was enough to get the weight to a complete ninety degree angle.
>And slowly lower it back down.
>Aria, true to her work, lowers the waistline an inch.
>Showing a good bit of ass crack.
>You bite your lip and catch your breath, eyes still locked on your cousins sweet booty.
>Much to her pleasure.
>She has a smug look about her as she looked back at your hypnosis brought on by her hip swaying pelvic sorcery.
>"That all ya got~?" She says, wiggling her ass.
>You dig deep, bringing the weight up once more, your arms shaking as you do.
>Try as you might, you could not keep your eyes open from the sheer effort being exerted.
>But you got that damn weight up and down again.
>And upon opening your eyes, Aria revealed more of her wonderous purple posterior.
>"Thats two. Looks like you're struggling cuz."
>She wasn't wrong.
"I can keep going!"
>You however were.
>And upon attempting the third rep, your muscles give out and the weight comes falling down to the ground with a loud thud.
>And you follow in turn, falling to your ass and unable to catch yourself with your now dead arms.
>Making you collapse fully on your back.
>You stare up at the ceiling for a moment.
>Letting your mind drift before Aria slowly moves to stand over you.
>"Heh, good effort cuz. That what I like to see."
"I... I think that's the first... *pant* time you've complimented me throughout this workout..."
>"Yeah, well," Aria squats down, her crotch now in your face, "I reward effort."
>You gulp as Aria shifts and turns around.
>The shapely, bulbous, well toned and honed figure of her ass now smothering your view.
>"Hmph. Looks like I found out what was sapping your strength..."
>She grabs hold of your raging hard-on.
>Massaging it under your gym shorts, rubbing her palm around the head and using her fingers to massage your pole.
>"Next lesson, cuz. How long do you have after a workout to get protein in your body for your anabolic window?"
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>"Exactly. As soon as possible."
>She leans down, pulling your shorts off enough for your member to fling up and lightly tap her face.
>"Hmph. At least you're not tired~."
>Aria wastes no time, eagerly taking your stiff rod in her mouth and salivating all over your waist.
"Ng! Fuck..."
>Aria lowers her ass to rest on your face, smothering your in her musky sweaty booty while she sucks you off.
"Aw fuck..."
>"Mmm~ mhm~."
>You bring your arms up as much as you can, attempting to get these damn yoga pants off down enough to reveal her pussy and ass.
>Trying to keep focus despite your cousin hungrily devouring your manhood, you manage to grab hold of her ass cheeks.
>Much to her delight.
>"Ohh~ yeah, thats it, boy. Keep pushing!"
>Aria defiantly raises and lowers her ass back down, squishing your face in a mixture of sweat and vaginal juices.
>She grinds herself against you, making it hard to get a grip around the waistline of her pants.
>"Hmph." She triumphantly huffs as she smothers and subdues you under her ass and pussy.
>She enjoys a few more moments of twisting and gyrating her hips against your face before going back to sucking your rod.
>Now with more force and going deeper down, her lips form a tight seal around your cock as she gives you the best blowjob you may have ever had.
>Your cock twitches and your toes curl.
>The sheer pleasure making you go light headed as she sucks the soul from you.
>Aria shows no signs of slowing down.
>She wanted a protein meal, and she aimed to get it.
>And get it she most certainly would.
>She lowers her head down as far as she could go, gagging herself on your manhood and making herself cry.
>With your cock lodged deep down her throat, you erupt a helpful load of "protein" straight down her throat.
>"MM~! Mmmmm *gulp*."
>Which she restlessly swallows down.
>Bringing her lips up to the head, Aria leaves you inside her mouth while she strokes your meat cannon to get out every last precious drop of cum she possibly could.
>Finally, she releases your dong from her grasp.
>"Ah~! Yeah. That was a small helping, for sure."
>Under Aria's ass, you lye in a stupor of soreness, pleasure, and shame.
>"Welp," Aria gets up off you, finally letting you breath, "C'mon, I'm gonna give you some of my protein powder before we shower."
>Aria casually walks off, lightly kicking your hip to get you up.
>After all that she still wants to shower with you.
>You KNEW that with how much she worked out, she'd be energetic.
>She always was...
>But it seems working out with you has made her even more so.
>Its gonna be hard to have enough energy to keep her satisfied along with everyone else.
>Who knew getting into shape would be so exhausting?
Adagio is flatter than a loli, my man
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>“Cmon Anon just fucking rape it, but not hard though. Like hurt me but make me real safe you know? I’m not a fragile little snowflake like Rarity. I can take a little dirt in the face.”
Fuuuuuuck this was so good.
Pull her hair, push her down into the mattress, strangle her a little. Normal sibling things.
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We need an Sunset and Anon version of this in that style >>41099189
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>“Pffftttahahahhahahaha! Really Sunset?! As soon as you touched his dick he came and start farting?! I knew Anon was an idiot but holy shit!!!!”
Clearly you just sell it to mothers of newborns who can't keep up with demand.
>Human Sunset runs away as a kid
>Lives in a different city (possibly in a different country) for a decade
>Pony Sunset arrives from Equestria during that 10-year span of absence and is accepted back into the family, with them mistaking believing Pony Sunset to be their daughter
>Pony society is different from human society when it comes to inbreeding
>Ponies (like horses) have a greater number of chromosomes than humans do, so inbreeding for them represents considerably less potential for harmful traits to be reinforced
>So, incest isn't really all that taboo in Equestria
>Sunset doesn't think kissing her brother is that much of a big deal, and happily pursues a relationship with Anon
>Sunset's family is frankly just happy to have Sunset back
>Then suddenly a different Sunset shows up, wanting to give her family closure and disclose what she's been up to for the last decade
>And boy is she confused when her little brother, whom she hasn't seen in ten years, greets her with a casual "Hey, Sunny" and a kiss on the mouth
>>"Oh my Gawwwwwwd! Can you really not overhead press 135!? You're lucky you're so damn sexy!"
Never understood people's fetish for being verbally shat on by a pretty woman. Tsundere is for cowards who can't admit they have a femdom fetish.
It's just bants.
>"She calls my penis small and unsatisfying because she likes me."
It's a totally different dynamic from femdom because, rather than straight dominating you, the girl is lowered from her otherwise aloof/dominant/hostile position by her desire/affection. The conflict between her bully personality and her need for love/pleasure is what makes it. The tsundere is, in a way, the one being dominated indirectly
You sir have inspired my next fap.
It's probably because they had a sister who abused them.
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>ywn have a life like this…
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with any luck, I might, hopefully soonish?
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Oh? Are you successfully rizzing up your sister, Anon?
more like we're both horny fucks who discovered recently that we've masturbated to each other
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That must have been awkward.
I gave the story a thread or two ago
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Hit your sister up with ol'reliable.
>"Hey, u up?"
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Gotta be stronk for the family.
I wouldn't call it femdom. Honestly I find it endearing when a pretty talks like that only to be thirsting for you at the same time.
You're welcome.
You should knock on her door late at night and pounce her as soon as she opens it. Just like the movies.
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>"Once there was a brother and sister..."
>"They were alone in the woods together, one cold night..."
>"They decided to sleep in the same tent together!"
>"They look into each other's eyes and... they DIDN'T have sex!!"
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Aria's ass in this be giving my dick a workout senpai
this happened to me irl and it was scary
Oh, that was you.
>just rape it
Rape what? Her cooch? Her mouth? Her butt?
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AWwwwwww yeah~.
They really need to add her to Strip Poker Night at the Inventory with an appropriately rough epilogue
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>It looks like I finally got you all to myself, onii-chan.
>Now, we can do this the easy way or the hard way. The choice is yours.
What about the medium way?
>*hits you*
>*puts DT up on a high shelf with no obvious way down*
>Nobody believes that you're at all related to the model Fleur De Lis, let alone that she's your half-sister
>Fleur takes advantage of this when she visits you every summer
Fleur definitely has the personality of Saruei
She can just drop and land her butt on your head, you foolish fool
>Women don’t actually like ince-
Need the aigods to input this with Sunset’s voice ai.
Be a good brother and keep Sunset from developing terminal brainrot like this by fucking her regularly.
Unfortunately Lia’s parents never gifted her with a big bro to correct her. Unlucky.
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>"I'm /not/ getting my bro in here so I can deep french kiss him for the camera! Gross!"
>"....I mean, for the right amount."
>Diamond_Spoon donated $500
Poor Lia never had a chance. Luckily, Sunset’s brain can’t rot if her brother fucks her brains out.
>A few weeks and a few thousand dollars later
>Sunset is on the edge of getting banned from the stream service because of her...
>Interesting streams that involve her brother.
>The viewers love it.
That one green where Sunset was streaming and Anon was her older brother in college or whatever it was, I hope it gets continued.
>keeps taking you out to fancy stuffy restaurants where she plays with you under the table
>takes you to some of her friends parties and always makes a show of groping you when drunk
>always inviting you to the beach wherein she wears skimpy revealing bikinis for your eyes
>the tabloids always have a page or two dedicated to her in a tight dress with you wrapped around her arms or grabbing your ass in public
>to them its her fooling around with her young boy toy and they couldnt be more wrong
Yo that sounds good, what was it called?
>"The Aristocrats!"
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God I want to hate fuck this French bastard
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>Take the time to learn half decent french while you're away
>Next time you meet up, she's really surprised and touched
>Gives you the love rather than lust
filled hug and kiss you've ever had
>Paparazzi secretly catch and publish the whole thing
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Here we go again. I got inspired by pic related and decided to try and give this story a go. Hope you like tits and incest.

>Your name is Anon, and you have a couple of big problems.
>One is the six days ahead and the other is the /reason/ for the six days ahead
>You end up thinking about that for what it feels like the umpteenth time, even as you look out of you car’s window, trying to calm your nerves with the very nice view around you.
>Summer is in full bloom. The hills are green and lush, and there is nary another car in sight. You should be proud of yourself: while all the other boys your age are going to /waste/ the best three months of their life by doing parties and making out with girls and getting ready to build up your future, you are /blessed/ by the chance to spend six days at your family’s lakeside house.
>With your big sister.
>And you just broke up with your Not!Girlfriend.
“I mean, Sunset is nice, I guess.”
>You mumble, rapping your fingers on the steering wheel as you take a lazy turn and keep driving uphill, away from the crowded beaches full of horny teenagers like you, who have /just/ graduated high school. And towards bumfuck central, nowhereville.
>It wasn’t supposed to go like this.
“Fuck you, ‘Dagi.”
>Even as you angrily whisper her name, you can’t /really/ hate her. At the very least, you cannot hate her tits.
>Or her lips.
>Or the way she pushed you against the wall and you made out in secret, your puffy lips chasing each other, your tongues entwining — the zesty scent of her shampoo, her sweat, the musky hint of her arousal — you can’t hate it.
“Goddamit!”>Or maybe you can, as you slam your fist against the steering wheel.
“Go /fuck/ yourself, Adagio! You and your puffy hair and your stupid boobs and your /lies!/”
>So yeah, maybe the way Adagio break up with you all of a sudden did affect you more than you told your friends. Or your family.
>Especially your family. Adagio, the owner of those amazing soft D-cups she loved to let you grope while she bit her lip looking at you with lidded eyes and licking her pouty lips, was after all… your /cousin/.


>Weird how that did not stop either of you.
>Maybe it’s because you hadn’t see each other for what… fifteen years? So when you met Adagio again it was like meeting a completely new girl, one with a lusty look in her eyes and an ego too large even for her impressive chest.
>Imagine if something like that had happened with Sunny.
>Yuck. That would be weird.
>But you hit it off with Adagio, and you liked her. She was just so full of life. So full of herself, as well, but you thought…
“You could have at least called, you bitch.”
>Instead she had dropped you off with a text.
’So soz Nonnie, was lots of fun but that’s it. Byeeee XXX — ‘Dagi’
>So you had spent the very last night of high school trying to call her while attempting to keep everything hidden from your parents, or, God forbid, your own sister.
>You did manage one of the two: as far as you know, your parents took your recent breakdown as the consequence of a generic teenage love affair of which they were spared the worst.
>Hence, Mom’s brilliant idea. You can still hear her words:
“Anon dear, you look like you got ran over by a train. Why don’t you take a few days off with your sister at our old lakeside house? Here’s half a grand for your expenses so you can leave your father and I alone!”
>You did not really want to go but half a grand was half a grand.
“Maybe I can buy enough beer to forget about her…” you sigh.
>As you take the turn on the left and keep driving, passing by the sign reading ‘Lake Orangatanga’, you try to push out of your head memories of Adagio’s puffy hair tickling your cheeks as you shared hidden kisses in empty classrooms, memories of her hands trailing down your back as she pulled you in closer, of her hefty tits pressed against your chest while she bit on your lower lip…
“Goddamit, I am /not/ rubbing one off to that bitch again!”
>You swear as you drive, trying to keep both hands on the steering wheel and ignoring the growing tent in your pants.
>At least, you think, it’s only going to be six days.
>What’s the worst that can happen?

>Your name is Sunset Shimmer, and you have a /couple/ of /big/ problems.
>You take a look at the mirror for what feels like the umpteenth time.
>At first you had decided for thin layer of makeup, maybe just a bit of foundation and mascara, and then in a burst of panic you started to cake on layers of lipstick and—
>Yeah, that had lasted just a few seconds.>So now you are looking at your face, freshly washed over.
>Your pink lips are all puffy from the stress, your shining aqua eyes keep looking for a solution you just can’t find.
“Oh God, he’s going to be here in five,” you hiss.
>Shifting your gaze to your phone sitting by the sink, you gulp as you see Anon’s blue dot merrily swing between the curves, ever closer. He’s going to reach Lake Orangatanga in minutes.
>Alright. You are the BIG sister.>Now even more so.
>Deep breaths. You have been working on this.
>You have been working on this for /years/.
“H-Hey Anon! Nice to see you again! S-School’s finally over, right? And you can have fun with your… BIG sis!”
>You aim finger guns at your own reflection.
>Ugh. Cringe much?
“Uhm… took you long enough, Anon. Ugh, I wanted to go and get a tan on my… uh… my…”
>A burst of heat reaches your cheeks and you lean away from the mirror, holding a hand to your chest.
>A part of you notices how much further your hand rests now, as opposed to just a few weeks ago.
>Heh, BIG sister.
>Anon is gonna love them. Anon is gonna LOVE you.
>That was what you told to yourself.
>It used to make so /much/ sense, and now…
>Now you are making a fool of yourself in front of your mirror and your bank account (the one that was supposed to be for your tuition money, haha!) is… suddenly and mysteriously empty.
“Ugh, I’m a mess…”
>Anon’s ETA reaches three minutes.
“For fuck’s sake, Sunset! Get a grip!” You shout.
>Alright, last one. Third time’s the charm, innit?
“Anon! How was the drive? Notice anything new about mmmmeeehh…? Yeah… cringetopia.”
>You wince as you let your eyes wander from your peachy tanned skin to the new additions to your figure. Your new, showy cleavage that stands out so stark against your chest, and the clear projection of a pair of tits that /used/ to be a nice and shapely, and /natural/ C-cup, until about one month ago.
“F-Cup…” You moan as you tentatively hold your new tits.
>You can still feel the novel sensation of the implants slightly pressing against your ribcage as you do so. It’s just… yet another sign you actually went and did this to yourself.
>So, well.
>Definitely a couple big problems.

probably continue this in a bit.
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What would you do if you and your sister were stuck in an RV for a week?
>Sunset comes out of her room in the Gwen Tennyson shirt and leggings
I might find out soon
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"Sunset! We need to fuck"

>>Your name is Sunset Shimmer, and you have a /couple/ of /big/ problems.
>>You take a look at the mirror for what feels like the umpteenth time.
>>At first you had decided for thin layer of makeup, maybe just a bit of foundation and mascara, and then in a burst of panic you started to cake on layers of lipstick and—
I took "a couple of big problems" to mean "a pair of big tits", read about how she was caking on makeup, and for one moment I thought the story was going to go in the direction of

>Sunset has been secretly dating her brother while disguising herself as their cousin Adagio
>'Adagio' claims to be visiting for the first time in years ("A-And that's why I look and sound different!"), but the real Adagio is still wherever the fuck she lives
Looking forward to more.
Well that was more fucked up than I thought it was going to be.
It would have explained the D-cups on Dagi, that’s a dead giveaway. Have to strap those down tight.
lovely idea for another time, Anon


I'm honored and this is nothing compared with what's to come

Imagine being Adagio, proud of those tiny things
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>Brother's Dick.
That face makes me want to rub my brother dick all over it.
I presume that Sunset was the initiator of this relationship. How do you think she introduced the idea to Anon? Because she's got to know that if Anon isn't down to fuck, then her relationship with him (and possibly her parents if Anon yaks) would immediately and irreparably be ruined. What made her decide to give it a try?

Hard mode: put more thought into it than "she walked in on him taking a shower and they fucked"
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>Getting implants just to fully win over your titty loving incestual brother
>”GRRR! Why isn’t he only looking at ME?! Fucking Vinyl, fucking Aria, and MOM!”
>”I’ll show them, and my stupid tit obsessed brother, he likes big tits? I’ll show him big tits.”
exactly my thinking

>that pic

one of my favourites

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Honestly, I don’t see the point in Sunset upgrading her arsenal when big bro has made it apparent that flat isn’t an issue for him
that's part of the appeal anon. Imagine being so fucking expecto autismo retardo that you can't give your brother the time of the day but you slick yourself to numbness every night to him so you decide to just pump yourself up with silicone to let your tits do the talk.

I mean, regular girls do it every day.
Oh he doesn’t for sure, Sunset just wants his full undivided attention
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Meanwhile her bro is pumping their little sisters’ cunnies in the next room because she couldn’t keep her spaghetti in check
More importantly: what is Sunny writing about?
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Men are pretty simple creatures. All she has to say is “let’s fug” and she wins the game
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Genuinely romantic
I literally can’t, especially for a gal like Sunset. That’s kinda what’s making this a non starter for me.
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>See your sister walking around the house barefoot
>Get hard
How do you justify this to her?
I imagine it was all the boners her brother couldn't stop popping around her honestly. Personally I like to headcanon that their interest in each other started after a game of hide and seek they were both forced to play during a family reunion or something, it would have been around that age when they were not quite kids not quite teenagers, so very awkward and formative. I started writing a green for it but never finished, still might some time though.

Either that or a family curse.

You don't. But you do ask her to step on it to help you get it back down. Or antagonize her into doing the same. Either is good.
>You park your car in front of the lakeside’s house, taking a long sigh as you slump in your seat.
>The view is the same as ever: the small house, one singly storey with a large porch, a small garden, which is overgrown with weed since your family hasn’t shown up in almost one year, and of course, your sis’s motorcycle.
>You never told her, but you have always been a little jealous.
>Maybe buying a motorcycle would help you pull up chicks more easily.
“Maybe I can ask Sunny for pointers today…” you mutter.
>Come on now. You are still a bit out of it, but at least you are here now.
>And it’s been a while since you have seen your very own sister.
>In fact, she stopped posting pictures to her instable and pinkponk accounts… about one month ago. The last one you remember is of her taking a selfie holding up a pair of round cantaloupes, for whatever reason.
>Your sister is a little weird.
>Cool, but a little weird.
“At least she’s not a bitch like Adagio…”
>No, that’s just about enough. You are not thinking about her anymore.
>Even if you still have a bit of a hard-on from remembering how soft and warm her lips felt against your—
>Not thinking about Adagio anymore! That’s final!
>You take your seatbelt off and get out of the car, stretching your muscles.
>You have six days ahead of you. You will probably spend them lazying about while your big sis keeps facetiming with her friends and playing her guitar.
“Alright, time to face the music.”
>You pick up the bag with your things — you packed lightly, mostly just your laptop, a change of clothes and a couple books — and walk towards the house.
>Just as you are about to turn the key you hear a muffled scream coming from inside.
“Sunny?” You call out.
>No reply.
>Maybe she just hit her toe, but you decide to investigate. Your big sis can be a little clumsy at times… not like her friends Pinkie and /especially/ Twilight Sparkle (the bespectacled menace), but she has her moments. Hope she’s alright.
“Sis? I’m home,” you shout.
>No answer.
>Uh. Weird. That was /definitely/ her voice so…
“Sis? Coming in.”
>You throw your backpack on the couch and walk about, looking for Sunset. The house is just like you remembered it. Maybe it feels a little smaller compared to when you were just kids, but you have to admit it looks spot-on. Sunset cleaned this place up just right, hm?
“Siiis! Where are you?”
>You turn on the right, towards the bathroom. Your sister is either in the old room you used to share or the bathroom. On your way you notice a portion of the wall covered with old photographs, and a smile tugs at your lips as you linger on old pictures of you and Sunset, playing in the garden, swimming, eating steak together with your family—
>Good memories.
>This reminds you: Mom gave you some generous funds, so tonight you can get yourselves some choice meat.
>God knows you need it.

I feel like this will be a slow burn.
>Either that or a family curse.
There was one greentext back in the /irt/ thread where Anon and Sunset's family belonged to a cult where one of the policies is that you boink your sister and help prepare the resulting next generation of worshipers. Anon is unaware of this up until he has to boink said sister. Turns out the cult was set up hundreds of years ago by Nightmare Moon, who tuned into another dimension for funsies (and to get her rocks off) while she was busy not giving a fuck up on the moon, and in exchange for their worship she made it so that no retards or swamp monsters would be born.
> What if Sunset Shimmer were your sister
I would be pretty weirded out and suspicious that my sister who was a total bitch then full blown villain started coming onto me once she got hit with a rainbow laser.
She almost certainly was terrible to any siblings she had during that period
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That was horse sister from another dimension.
Still, Anon wouldn’t know that and as far as he knows, his sister did do all those things
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>implying Anon and Sunset didn’t take great joy in being villains together
thanks for the support anon, will post new part soon.
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Would you?
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No, Anon. There's no milk in implants.
What if she got milk implants?
Haha imagine if she knocked him out from behind and he woke up to her riding his dick hahaha
So basically Anon and Sunset both hit puberty and within 5 minutes this happened.
what the fuck is wrong with people oh my god
Sounds pretty good.
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>Momlestia will be gone late tonight
>Tells Sunset she needs to make sure her brother eats
>Sunset brings home some fresh sushi from work
>prepares nyotaimori for you
That kind of mania is what Wallflower or Moondancer would have, maybe even Starlight or Coco.
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What if Sunsis was a nerd?
>Sunset copies her relatives when Anon gives them even the slightest amount of attention
>Anon talking to Moondancer and Sugarcoat? It’s time to dress like a dork and study.
>Celestia and Vinyl getting attention? Need bigger tits.
>Anon’s working out with Gilda and Aria? Time to hit the gym and become a bitch again.
She’s like the sister version of Ditto
Would work for any relative that’s clingy honestly, Chrysalis can help them with it too
She is the element of empathy so I think it's just natural for her to have many different facets to her personality. She has lots of hobbies and interests, that's why she gets along with most of other girls. It would be less copying girls Anon complemented and more just picking up traits of whichever relative she was recently hanging out with.
You can always tell who she was recently spending time with by how she fucks.
For example, if she just sits in the corner and schlicks, you can tell she was with Dagi not long ago
That would be true, but all three of the Dazzlings are kind of the exception to her empathy. I think there is too much much rivalry going on there maybe. They bring out her old self more than anyone else, so much so it kind of seems to overrules her empathy.
Let’s play a game where we guess what kind of traits Sunset would gain depending on which family member she was with before Anon.
>Vinyl-Gains an overwhelming desire to rape Anon
>Trixie-Starts speaking Russian
>Cozy Glow-Becomes a psychopath
>Diamond Tiara-Goes back to how she was in EQG 1
>Celestia-Demands Anon call her mommy during sex
>Moondancer-Doesn’t shower for a week
>Starlight-Won’t shut up about Karl Marx
>Coco, anal fiend
Can I lick the plate clean?
Well if it works more like she picks up similar traits to the others instead of just becoming a straight copy, maybe instead full blow cuckdagio behavior she and Anon just do some sexy mutual masturbation while they sit across the bed from each other. Eventually it goes on long enough though that she empathizes more with Anon wanting to fuck her and then they go crazy hard.
>Celestia-Demands Anon call her mommy during sex
Now we're talking.
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>Mommy sorry mommy sorry mommy sorry mommy sorry mommy sorry!!
Why does nobody write anything with these two?
Someone did a short one with them and Adagio a couple threads back.
We’re gonna have to kidnap a writefag from /jdb/
I want them bullying Adagio for having AA cups when they grow their A’s
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You had best, Anon. Otherwise you will incur the wrath of a horny sister who will stop at nothing to get what she wants...
>that pic

real nice, anon. Love how hard her tits seem to be beneath the fabric, truly a treat. And now for more silly silicone’d Sunset trying to hide her BIG mistake
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>You finally get past the wall of memories, shaking your head at the good old times.
>The door to the bathroom is slightly ajar and you can hear rustling coming from inside.
“Sis!” You rap on the door before entering.
>Some time ago you entered without knocking which had greeted you with the image of your sister checking out her butt in front of the mirror.
>You still remember how plump and /round/ it was, how nice it looked in your sister’s own fingers as she squeezed her buttcheeks, checking herself out.
>The upper curve of her butt leading to her sexy back dimples and then to her naked back, which also meant she was /not/ wearing a—
>The rest of your memory is filled with Sunset’s crimson red face and her shriek as she throws her shoe at you, then everything turning black.
>But damn that was one good-looking butt.
>Probably even better than Adagio, even though you will never get a chance to compare.
>That would be uh, weird.
“A-Anon!” Comes Sunset’s voice.
>See? She was in the bathroom. As always, your intuition proves right.
“Can I come in? I just parked outside.”
“S-Sure, I was just moving some furniture!”
>Moving some furniture?
>You open the door and step in.
>Your sister greets you with a large, nervous smile. For some reason, she’s holding one of the bathroom’s laundry baskets very close to her chest. It’s large enough to cover most of her torso, so you can’t exactly check her out yet, but she still looks good in her white tank top and /very/ short jeans shorts. Quite tight on her flaring, tanned hips. Yep, she definitely looks good.
>What are you doing, you shouldn’t check out your sister like that, she’s your sister!
>Just because you and Adagio banged, it does not mean you can behave like this with your own blood sister.
>So you stop staring.
>Stop any moment now.
>Damn those shorts look painted on.
“Can I help you with that? You’ll strain your back carrying something heavy,” you try.
>What the fuck are you even saying, the laundry basket is wickerwork and probably empty, you are still just thinking with your head in your gutter.
“O-Oh, nevermind Anon, I was just— I mean your BIG sis is used to carrying heavy stuff haha,” she blushes and looks away, shifting her weight between the legs.
>A moment of silence stretches between you two. You haven’t seen each other in a while. Sunset looks strangely bothered and red in the face. Between this and her strange noise before, did you interrupt anything?
“I see… well, I wouldn’t want to stop you while you are moving furniture. New sport?”
“Har-har, Nonnie.”
“It’s good to see you big sis,” you chuckle. “I’ll be in the bedroom.”
“G-Good to see you as well Anon,” she replies, biting softly on her lips.
>Suddenly embarrassed by the chance you interrupted her self-loving section, you decide to leave your sister to her furniture lifting championship.


>You push the bedroom door and throw your backpack on the bed, following shortly.
>God are you /tired/ after that long drive. Your back is killing you.
>Maybe you will ask Sunset for a back massage later. She has always been good with her fingers, even if as of late she has refused to treat you. No idea why.
>The bed already smells like her.
>Wait, did she… on the bed also?
>Whatever, you are too tired to get grossed out.
>Just try not to think about it.
>Try not to picture your sister laying where you are now, her hands lingering all over her sweaty body as she slips her fingers past the hem of her jeans shorts and she throws her head back against the pillow, trying not to moan, but it feel /so/ good when her curious fingers start to explore between her legs that she /has/ to bit her pouty lips to stifle a groan—
“Okay, what the fuck,” you mumble into the bed.
>You need a cold shower. Otherwise Anon Jr. is going to make your life impossible.
>And thinking about Sunset like that feels weird.
>Weirder than it was with Adagio.
>Your last memory of Adagio prior to meeting her again was as a bratty four-years-old who threw tantrums and bossed her twins around.
>You have lived with your big sis all your life. It’s not like you haven’t /noticed/ how sexy she is, but thinking about her that was feels…
>You were about to say weird.
“I hope Sunny bought a beer or two,” you groan, getting off the bed and walking back and forth a little to put Anon Jr. back into its cave now that the monster has reared its head.
>As you stand up from the bed, something red catches your eye.
>Sunset has left a pile of clothes on the floor (as she usually does), and there’s something peculiar peeking out between layers of t-shirts.
>You pick up the red bra.
“Wait, this can’t be hers.”
>It’s much too big to be called a bra. Too big, too thick, too heavy and too roomy, it is more like a large pair of lace cups held together by satin.
“What size is this even—”
>You check for info on the label and it says—
>You try to picture how big the tits must be if this is so large. It’s so wide you couldn’t cover the cup with your whole hand.
>Anon Jr. seems to find the information fascinating.
“It’s probably a friend’s.”
>Though, if you remember correctly, none of Sunset’s friends wears more than a D-cup.
>Maybe the pink one’s 100% sugar diet is finally catching up to her metabolism.
>NOT! Your business anyway.
>You swiftly put the bra back where you found it and leave for the kitchen.
>A glass of cold water is just what you need to clear your head.


>As you reach the kitchen you notice Sunset is already there.
>Her back is turned and she’s nervously rummaging through the fridge. She looks even more antsy that usual.
>It doesn’t seem she has noticed you yet.
>Today she is ever weirder than usual.
>And speaking of metabolism, is it just you or is Sunset’s butt looking even more jiggly than usual in her jeans shorts?
>Seriously, the way her buttcheeks push the fabric taut — it’s as if she’s buying one size too small just to mess with people!
>Which is a ridiculous notion, of course.
>You clear your throat to signal your presence.
>Sunset jumps so fast her head hits the fridge’s ceiling.
“Ow,” she groans. “A-Anon? I thought you were in the bedroom?”
“Yes. I…” Wait. Is she going to ask you about the bra you picked? “I just felt like getting something to drink.”
“Oh. C-Cool.”
“Yeah. Uh, so… can I take a look at the fridge?”
“W-Well, n-not right now Nonnie, I’m… I’m checking it for dirt! You know, after almost one year.”
“Sure, make sense. Uh, do you have to push yourself so deep into it?”
“N-Nonnie! Don’t…”
“I didn’t mean it like… like that, I…”
>You both stammer. It’s clear you /really/ need a cold shower before you embarrass yourself any further and you make some mistake your sister is going to tease you about until the heat death of the universe.
“I’ll be in the bathroom,” you decide. “I’m taking a shower. And no peeking!”
“W-Who would peek you taking a shower?” She shrieks, her voice echoing slightly in the depths of the fridge. “T-That’s gross…”
>You silently notice how Sunset still hasn’t taken her torso out of the fridge yet.
>Feeling a headache coming up, you turn away for the bathroom.
>At least you can take care of Anon Jr. there… and /maybe/ you will manage not to jerk off to your sister’s pert ass.

They gon' fuck.
Oh my gawd anon how can you say that? are thee a wizard, mayhap?
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I'm just waiting to see ol'boy's reaction to his sister's tits. We already know, by the green's description, her ass is immaculate. Anon would be a fool NOT to utilize this time alone with her to pump her full of brotherly love.
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We are so back, milkbros
>Goes to the trouble of getting big tits
>Too shy to show them off
Once the reveal happens and she sees his reaction I wonder if she’ll do a little teasing
>”Where are you looking bro? You’re so shameless~”
>”I’m your sister, do you like them THAT much?”
>”Geez you’re hopeless, you can touch them if it’ll get it out of your system.”
>”You need to get used to them or it’ll be real awkward at the family reunion, especially if I go bigger.”
>Sunset, you have head-sized plastic hooker tits that make your breasts look like two spheres levitating at chest-height. My red face is from embarrassment, not from arousal."

hey hey HEY anon no spoilers
I wonder who in the family would get implants.
Diamond probably, with Silver Spoon right behind her if she’s pressured enough and doesn’t grow a whole lot.
Spoiled Rich most likely, Trixie almost for sure, maybe Fleur.
Adagio would try, but would be too small to fit anything. Then she’d pretend that she never wanted them in the first place.
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>oopai loli sisters
>Trixie almost for sure
No, no. Trixie is on so much copium and ego that she thinks she has the perfect chest for her cousin to play with. Even when she’s literally built like Megumin.
What did you use?
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Diamond would get them just like her mom, being a spoiled rich girl. Silver would think Diamond was so cool and praise them... and then she would develop natural melons that surpass even Diamond's plastic bags.
This for sure.
And I imagine Adagio is almost the same way. Or, at least, she tries to pull off the same level of self delusion about her figure as Trixie, but could never truly convince herself after having to grow up around her stacked younger sisters. And they would never her let her live it down either. Still, her ego could never let herself admit defeat and actually get the chest she secretly desires... but that doesn't stop her from fantasizing when she thinks no one is around.
They won’t get as many looks when they’re hanging with Anon in public, they’ll just look short instead of jailbait to most people.
>she’s literally built like Megumin
I usually think of Trixie as stacked to go with her over the top showboating, but flat Trixie works just as well if not better in some cases. Ties in with her inadequacy thing with Twilight.
Unlike Adagio and her sour grapes, Trixie is in complete denial of her chest size, even considering herself busty, only barely acknowledging her true size when it’s impossible to ignore.
>”Could you fetch Trixie a bra? But be careful with them they’re large so try not to get them caught on anything and tear them.”
>”Not that big? Please, no need to be coy, Trixie is always at the end of the bra section every time she goes shopping, frankly Trixie is surprised most stores even carry her size!”
>”Only A and B cups? Well of course, they stand for amazing and busty, fitting for the Amazing and Busty Trrrrrrrixie!”
>”Of course that’s what they stand for, now are you going to keep wasting Trixie’s time or are you going to put that great and powerful bra on her?”
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>Silver grows to be bigger than Diamond’s fakes.
I like that in a cosmic justice sort of way.
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I always saw Trixie as pretty busty as, partly because of this outfit, but also because of the boasting. But these are pretty good.
>Trixie is always at the end of the bra section every time she goes shopping
These are great.
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>As if they wouldn’t grow up to be bimbos
Anyway it was the only picture that conveyed what I was getting at the best, there’s this one too but Diamond isn’t busty in it.
This is kind of what I imagine although I think DT would still be bigger than that. Love that dynamic.
>pov cousin Anon was caught comparing their chests
>Silver still defending Tiara even though she’s noticeably bigger than her.
Hopefully Diamond doesn’t take it as condescending and goes along with it like their bust sizes never changed.

>You enter the shower and already you know you are only putting up a token resistance.
>Anon Jr. is already making its presence clear and its demands clearer.
>You grit your teeth at the memory of your sister’s booty appears behind your eyes.
>Maybe she started working out? It hasn’t always been /that/ round before. And your sis has some A-grade tits as well, though she has been doing whatever she can to hide her chest so far.
>Just more of that Sunny weirdness
>Your hand grips Anon Jr. — it’s time to /think/
>But you try to take your mind away from Sunset. You have to spend six days together, you can’t walk about with a woody every time you see her!
>You have /never/ did something as filthy as masturbating to your sister before.
>Unbidden, Adagio’s smug face appears in the centre of your mind.
“What’s going on, cuz?” You picture her asking with that throaty whisper of hers. “Can’t let go of me? Hmmm… so cute.”
>You lean against the stall as you start picturing her pushing her hands against your chest, her fingers roaming all over you as she murmurs against your ear, her breath hot and needy.
“And here you are, trying not to think about boning your sister… by thinking about your /cousin/.”
>Her cruel giggle sends a shiver through your spine.
“You are such a bad boy, Nonnie. Let ‘Dagi take care of you…”
>She gives you one of her heated kisses and then gets on her knees, and immediately she goes on to business. Her lips play with your engorged head as she suckles on it, her eyes trained on your face to see if you moan, groan or wince, to see how good she is.
>She has always been pretty good.
“Hnnmmh!” You moan, feeling like an absolute pervert as you keep imagining Adagio taking care of your cock… your own /cousin/…
“You are so filthy, cuz,” Adagio giggles as she pops your dick out of her mouth, spits on it and goes back to sucking.


>missing quads by 5

RUIN has come to our family.

>You are Sunset, and you have always worked towards enhancing yourself.
>At this point though, you can only hear your own brain calling you /stupid, stupid, STUPID!/
“What was I thinking… cleaning the fridge… this thing is even turned on… ouch!”
>You bumped your head pretty hard on the metal roof when Anon suddenly appeared behind you.
>Best you could do was doing a lowcost cosplay of an ostrich and hide yourself inside the fridge.
>At least you are pretty sure you manage to hide your tits.
>Which is well, double stupid.
“How can you even /hide/ these things!” You bemoan, cupping your enlarged tits.
>You told yourself you’d go big or go home. That Anon deserved the best.
>That /your brother/, whom you have been obsessed with since you have memory and who for some reason has YET to catch on, deserves to have a pumped-up sister with a nice pneumatic set of tits.
>Because apparently he’d treat you as you’d want… as you have always secretly hoped he would.
>As a woman. As someone who can be… desirable in his eyes. Sexy.
>You had a perfect plan.
>And then you had to blow it.
“Why am I getting cold feet right now? I just want him to… to… oh Nonnie…”>You bite your lip, thinking of your /face/ when he finally sees the new girls. The way they push your clothes out, the way they make your cleavage so deep and inviting, the way they completely transformed your body into a creature of desire, the way they /scream/ Sunset Shimmer wants to be pushed on the floor and fucked /hard/!
>By her brother!
>And /only/ by her brother!
“I’m so messed up… alright, stop crying over yourself, Sunset!”>You give yourself a couple slaps. What would Twilight do in this situation?
“Uhm… hyperventilate? And I ran out of pages in the diary long ago anyway.”
>How about someone better suited to this? Rares?
“She’d uh… she’d probably go at it all dramatic and stuff. Plus, I don’t have money for an expensive sofa to cry on… especially not now that I spent everything on the new rack. But maybe…”
>Applejack’s freckled face appears in front of your mind’s eye like a vision from heaven.
“Just be honest sugahcube,” she states, opening her arms in a blessing gesture as she floats atop an orange cloud. “Just be honest.”
>Easy for her to say.
>But, hey, AJ /was/ honest with Sunset. Especially with everything that was /really/ going on behind closed barns at Sweet Apple Acres.
>Maybe a little /too/ honest, especially about—
“Ahh, TMI!”
>You rub your forehead and focus on the task ahead.
“I’ll trust you, AJ. Thank you for your help.”
>On your way to the bathroom, you pick up an apple and bite into it.
Shes gonna be PISSED when she hears Anon moaning Dagi's name while he beats off.
It's just the thing a girl like her needs to get over herself and make the move.
>goes along with it like their bust sizes never changed
I feel like she would. She’s got enough of that Trixie energy. She probably only thinks about it in the latest hours of the night when her kind wanders too much.
pissed or... MOTIVATED?
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With the right amount of ego stroking Diamond can ignore Silver’s and other family member’s superiority, Trixie is the same, but she does it to herself, that’s why she refers to herself in the third person, she’s her own cheerleader, perpetually self stroking.
That’s the perfect way to describe it.
>ywn stroke Trixie’s ego
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Trixie the only type of gal that can orgasm from praise alone.
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How do you respond without sounding mad?
So she’s the exact opposite of Darkness
Damn, br-
>without sounding mad?
No correction?!
But I'll need something else to lick on, DT.
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”You’re looking good today Trixie.”
>”Hmf, Trixie looks good /every/ day, but thank you Anonymous.”
“Of course, but today you’re looking extra good, the light is really catching all your best spots.”
>”Mmmh, flattery will get you /everywhere/ cousin~”
“Your hair is perfect and your outfit shows off your natural beauty perfectly.”
>”Haah~ O-Okay that’s enough, Trixie wants more but she is in public.”
“Trixie deserves to be recognized for how great and powerful she is, I’d yell it from the rooftops and let the whole world know.”
>”A-AHNN! A-Anon please, Trixie can’t take anymore, d-don’t humiliate her in front of everyone!”
“I’d never even dream of it! In fact I doubt being humiliated is even possible for Trixie.”
>”Cousin, Trixie begs you, people are- NGHHH! l-looking!”
“Trixie doesn’t care what others think, she’s the one who does the humiliating after all, like how she humiliated Sparkle in front of everyone at school when she showed everyone her amazing magic skills.”
>”T-Trixie is c-c-cuMMING! Nyhaaaah!”

>”Trixie- *huff* h-hates you. Now carry her away from these nosy licentious eyes, her legs are too wobbly.”
>perpetually self stroking
Kinda hot…
I think I’ve developed a new kink for Trixie and public adoration.
The self stroking becomes more literal when she’s turned on by praise, even if it’s herself.
No wonder she loves bragging, she gets off to it. Couple that with an exhibition fetish and she’s basically gooning during her magic shows.
You beat me to it! Literally thinking the same thing.
Cousin Trixie is a freaky girl. I’m into it. I wanna be her on stage hypeman.
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More like assistant masturbator.
"Nonnie! You better be moaning MY name when I come on in or you are gonna be SORRY!"
How would they do it? Sneak into her room and stretch out her training bras one by one? Play monkey in the middle with the pads they found in her room? Accidentally glue her to her special chair and tit-sandwich Anon’s man meat right in front of her?
I like that, even though they’re only one size bigger they’d make a show of putting on Adagio’s bras, telling her how tight they were and complaining about them being too small and digging into their boobs. They wouldn’t stretch them out much, but enough to where there’d be a noticeable gap whenever Adagio wore them again, giving her a constant reminder.
Stealing her pads for themselves I could see, it’s not like Adagio was fooling anyone with them anyway.
The boobjob would be funny, as the two would still have to be pressed up against each other to even perform it right with their marginally larger A cups, imagine their smug faces smooshed together as they smirked at Adagio.
Adagio would be furious of course, but she wouldn’t be able to deny that the two young girls outsized her already, even though they’d be struggling to get enough boob on Anon’s cock to even classify as a titjob.
>but enough to where there’d be a noticeable gap
Just the smallest, most maddening bit of looseness that wasn't enough to justify replacing them, but definitely noticeable.
>imagine their smug faces smooshed together as they smirked
Practically their whole bodies smooshed together as you could poke at their chins from underneath. Hot.
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What if Sunsis was a demon?
Well I guess I'm just gonna fug a demon then.
>hellspawn sister who enjoys gentle lovemaking
Awesome. Been a long time since I heard this song.
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The trend is back in fashion at the Anonymous household.
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I don't speak takeout. What did she say?
She said she loves you very much of course, what did you think she said?
I don't trust that smile
>Why haven’t you impregnated us onii-chan
B-Because Sunset made me promise to breed her first…
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Sunny, mom’s gonna spank the shit out of you if she sees you wore that to school.
Not that I don’t love you dressing like a slut, but our other moms might even beat her to it.
Given that we’re related to most of the people in this school, and our moms run the school, surely it’d be socially acceptable if Anon just shoved her against the lockers and had his way with her then and there, right?
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>"Awwwwww~ fuck yeah I needed this..."
She went without brother D for over two hours. How could you, Anon?
I’m sorry! *sniff*
Aria dragged me to the janitor’s closet again! *sob*
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Well now Trixie is also upset that you're not spending enough time with her. Anon you gotta start skipping class.
Someone has probably mentioned it already but op used the same link for Sister Sunset’s Secret Scandalous Salacity and Sister Sunset Stormy Silver Screen.
The proper link for Sister Sunset’s Secret Scandalous Salacity is https://ponepaste.org/9062
BEGONE THOT! I’m trying to win this doom match. FUCK I’m dead.
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Need her to shove me in a locker, and then cram herself in on top of me.
We can duck in to auntie’s office, it’s plenty dark in there and she's probably taking her midday nap anyway.
Imagine being able to just bang one out in class with Sunset.
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>"Hey brooo~ good morning."
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Surprised she’s up that early, if there’s one thing Sunset isn’t, it’s being a morning person.
Shes a morning person when it means she gets her bro's D.
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Unless someone already beat her to it a few hours ago before she went to bed after a long night of clubbing.
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Vinyl would just sleep through the sexual noises and endless plaps. Until she wakes up and joins in, of course.
And sometimes she participates without even waking up.
>”…why am I tingly and wet? Oh, did I get laid? Nice.”
Why would that stop her? They take shifts obviously, just like their mothers.
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>"I've called this family meeting to address everyone's concerns."
>"My son is a /very/ busy boy."
>"And I know all you girls, my daughter, nieces, and sisters, want time with him."
>"So, may I propose a schedule?"
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anon is sleeping in a weird position here, looks uncomfortable
>Blow a load in Vinyl who promptly conks out on top of you.
>Sunset wakes up soon after and pulls your cock out of her sister’s pussy and starts grinding on it.
Packed schedule
Especially when you consider that Sunset had just rode it to sleep before Vinyl walked in from the club.
>Sunset pulls Anon to bed and they fuck themselves to sleep in each others arms
>Anon falls asleep on top of Sunset after busting in her the night before
>Vinyl later walks in the next morning, pulls him out of Sunset and flips him over for her turn
>falls asleep on top of him afterwards
>Sunset wakes up, pulls him out from under her and flips him over for her turn
>meanwhile, Anon is in and out of consciousness between the two of them
>one second he’s fucking Sunset, then he blinks and it’s Vinyl, then it’s back to Sunset
>and the cycle continues
>the Sun, the Earth, and the Moon
Family is a full time gig.
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She needs you to massage her tits while she puts together a slammin' new mix.
You mean a new slammin' mix. I like to think DJsis makes mixes to bang out to.
>"W-what do you mean 'why do you get more time with Anon then anyone else?'"
>"He's my son! He should spend time with his mother!"
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I personally agree, mother and son should spend time together
>"Hey, bro. You ready to come to the mall with me? I'm gonna need a second opinion on swimsuits since it's almost summer!"
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>"Shes not the only one who needs a second opinion on a new swimsuit..."
My wallet is going to float away with how many tops Sunsis will probably break while stress testing them...
Something that will make a nice tan line for sure, considering how fast she probably bakes in the sun.
>Go swimsuit shopping with your two closest sisters.
>They get into a bit of a competition.
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>Shopping day at the mall.
>Your moms, aunts, and pretty much every family member wanna go at the same time.
>Each of them are vying for your company while there.
>They all get into a contest to see who can keep you to themselves the longest.
Good God... Your poor dick.
I would hope Vinyl was chill enough to tag along without being all crazy like that. That's what I like about her. She would be mirin' Sunset swimsuits right beside you until it was her turn.
Going out with the family is like a damn school field trip in and of itself.
I want to tease Trixie throughout the school day by passing her random notes full of praise during class to get her all worked up in public.
>those sizes
The prophecy was true
No wonder Soarin picked her.
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You know what? I think it’s long past time for correction
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>What do you think, bro? Does this swimsuit look good on me?
Looks good from here!
absolutely not, your still wearing it
>thinking this wasn’t their plan all along
I dunno, sis. Trixie was looking pretty good in hers...
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>”that blundering fool didn't even know how to tie the knot on the bra!”
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Sorry, I was too busy trying to sneak a peak underneath it. I mean wishing I could bite into your thighs! I mean thinking about licking the sweat off your midriff!! I mean!!!
>NFTs aren't real anon
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quiet big mac! the money shall be rolling in
It depends on what gender this anon would be
How much in child support is anons dad paying
> Sure sis but what's that large pink thing in your hand for
Wait are anons grandparents alive in this universe
They start massaging his dick through his shorts as people walk by
get the fuck out of here!
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>saves this thread
your welcome
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Now, kiss.
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>You’re a star and you should know it
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>"-ake up you two."
>"Get up, class is over"
>Someone pokes your side as you leave sleep for the third time today.
>AD: "Up."
>You can tell by the voice that it was Adagio, along with the small but sharp finger that was jabbed into your side.
>Your eyes open but you're still cast in darkness, Aria's warm tits still enveloping your head.
>Another jab to the ribs wakes you up fully.
"Ahm upfff!"
>Your voice was muffled from all the titmeat pressing against your face, but it seemed to be enough for the poof.
>AD: "Then get up."
>Instead of trying to speak again, you use your hands to gesture to the sleeping tiger you were currently a captive of.
>AD: *sigh* "Why must I do everything myself?"
>You assume Adagio pokes Aria in the side like she did to you as you feel her move slightly on top of you.
>And then move quite a lot as the tall girl snarls and practically jumps out of the desk, making you tumble to the ground.
>From your vantage point on the floor you look up at the two Dazzlings, the large one filled with fury, teeth and fingers bared like claws, and the other much smaller one unfazed, even bored at her sister's threatening posture.
>AD: "You done?"
>Lowering her arms, Aria grunts, leaning on a desk to stabilize herself, her legs evidently still a little wobbly.
>AD: "Good, I have the homework mom gave us. Next class starts soon, get going."
>SD: "Okie dokie Dagi!"
>As you follow the bubbly Sonata and the grumbling Aria to the door, Adagio calls after you.
>AD: "Anon, could I talk with you for a second?"
>SD: "Ooooooh, Nonny's in trouuuuubleeeee~"
>Great, what did you do now?
>Despite her small stature, Adagio shared a similar role to Spitfire and Fleetfoot in the family in that being an older and more responsible relative she was trusted to watch over the younger family members.
>Her job was less on the tard wrangling side and more on the administrative side. Helping your mothers and aunts to make sure the family was on time, organized, and with what was probably in your case, completing tasks, like schoolwork.
"Look Adagio, I-"
>AD: "Sit please."
>Pointing to a chair, Adagio motions for you to sit in it.
>Doing as she says, Adagio gives you a stern look, putting her hands on her hips.
>AD: "Where were you supposed to be today?"
>Now that you were sitting down, the short girl would've been on the same eye level as you, if it weren't for her tall heels.
>Adagio was one of your shortest family members, even shorter than Sugarcoat and most of your younger siblings despite being much older.
>But in her heels and with you sitting, the short girl could look down on you disapprovingly.
>AD: "One of your weaker subjects. Do you want to repeat a grade?"
"No, but Aria-"
>AD: "You can always say no to her Anon, despite her outward appearance she's not a complete barbarian. But we both know you didn't put up a fight."
>Unable to find words to deny her, Adagio looks at you unimpressed.
>AD: "Mhmm, now for example..."
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>Removing her vest jacket, Adagio's face goes from disappointed to sultry.
>AD: "Even though you've already fucked my sister, you still won't be able to resist a woman coming on to you."
>Undoing her spiky belt, Adagio lets it and her leotard jumpsuit fall off her onto the floor, smirking down at you, left only in her underwear and thigh highs.
>AD: "And who could blame you? Shooting a nice, /hot/ load into your cousin is much better than any silly math or English class, right?"
>Unclipping her bra and panties, they too land on the floor, Adagio walking right up to you, her heels clacking on the floor.
>Standing in front of you, Adagio bites her lip, letting you take in her nude form.
>To put it bluntly, the eldest Dazzle was flat. Like washboard flat, possessing the smallest tits in the family to be exact.
>You weren't really sure why she bothered with bras in the first place, the fabric not providing any support as there was nothing TO support.
>She also wasn't very curvy in general, but she did have a small flare to her hips and a little cushion on her ass to keep her from being a complete 2x4.
>Despite her less than ample proportions, Adagio's personality made up for it a bit, and she was right, just like she said, Anon Jr. was raring to go.
>Putting a hand to your crotch, Adagio undoes your pants, unzipping them slowly as she starts to sweat.
"A-Adagio, we can't."
>AD: "Oh hush, we both know you're not serious."
>Getting you unzipped, Adagio looks anxiously at the door, as if she expected someone to come in.
>When no one does, she goes back to pulling your pants down, shivering slightly.
"I-I mean it, what if Sunset found out?"
>At the mention of your sister's name, Adagio jolts in place, her face blushing deeply.
>AD: "She w-wont find out as long as neither of us say anything, correct?"
>Not waiting for an answer, your cousin gingerly tugs at the waistband of your underwear, her breathing heavy.
>Pulling it down, your cock springs out, Adagio hyperventilating as she then frantically starts looking around the room, and towards the door several times.
>Looking back to your freed member, her hot breath washes over it as she stares at your cock like she found an oasis in a desert, licking her lips and swallowing nervously.
>Reaching her hand out, her arm shook like a leaf, getting exponentially worse as it got closer to touching you.
>Just as her small fingers were about to touch it, the door to the classroom opens suddenly, causing Adagio to yelp and stand straight up, her hair bouncing with the quick movement.
>And just as you feared, walking through the door was none other than your sister, Sunset Shimmer.
>She was chatting to your other sister Vinyl about something when she notices you in the room, and then Adagio.
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>Seeing the two of you together like this made Sunset's face darken, her smile changing to a cruel frown. Adagio only able to quiver in place as now bitch Sunset's eyes bored holes into her.
>AD: "H-H-Hello S-S-S-Sunset! What a-a-aa-are y-you doing here?"
>The authoritative and calm Adagio was gone, replaced with a petrified and whimpering girl.
>Sunsis: "What am I doing here? You know I have photo and fashion class now. More importantly, what are YOU doing here with HIM?!"
>Unable to answer, Adagio stares back at Sunset like a deer in the headlights, almost gasping for air with how she was hyperventilating.
>Vinyl leans against a wall to enjoy the show as a few more students walk in, mostly your relatives, Coco and Fleur being among them, along with the teacher, your stepmother Photo Finish.
>PF: "Was ist das?"
>Upon taking in the scene, your stepmother grins widely and snaps her fingers excitedly.
>PF: "Hoh! Cameras! It iz time to make da magicks!"
>The rest of the small class scrambles at their teacher's command, lights and photography equipment being set up hastily as Sunset glares at Adagio.
>Sunsis: "Answer me."
>As Sunset stomps over, Adagio's legs shake uncontrollably, her thighs wet with arousal, threatening to give out as your sister stands over her with barely restrained rage.
>AD: "I-I-I-I was m-mearly- H-HE did it!" Like a cornered animal desperate for escape, Adagio was completely cowed and tried taking the only way out, pointing at you with an accusatory finger.
>This only earned her a slap across the face, the smaller girl falling to the floor with a cry, camera shutters snapping like mad.
>PF: "Gut, gut! Action, drama!"
>Standing over Adagio, Sunset puts a foot on her cousin's chest and pins her to the ground.
>Sunsis: "Don't ever point at my brother like that again. Worm."
>Nodding fervently, Adagio rubs her face, her legs splayed on the ground, showing off her soaked pussy.
>Sunsis: "Now tell me /exactly/ what happened."
>Gulping, Adagio struggles to meet Sunset's gaze, speaking quickly.
>AD: "I-I was about to walk to my next class when Anon came in and told me to strip."
>Sunset eyes you for a moment before nodding.
>Sunsis: "Go on."
>AD: "H-He just wanted me to walk around school like this, w-we didn't do anything!"
>Nervously looking around, Adagio shyly covers up her chest and crotch with her hands as the cameras keep taking pictures.
>Sunsis: "Then why is his cock out?"
>The dangerous edge to her voice was still present, clearly not believing Adagio.
>Adagio's eyes go wide for a moment before she speaks again.
>AD: "H-He wanted to c-cum on me before I left! To show how worthle- AH!"
>Sunset digs her heel into Adagio, cutting her off.
>Sunsis: "You think you're good enough to masturbate to?"
>AD: "N-No! NO! I didn't mean it like that! I know I'm not!"
>Sunsis: "You also know you're not allowed even a DROP of his cum unless I say otherwise."
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>AD: "T-That's what I was telling him right before you came in! I would n-never even THINK about breaking your rules, m-mistress!"
>Looking to you, Sunset keeps her foot on top of the smaller girl.
>Sunsis: "This all true Anon?"
>Knowing that any answer other than yes would get Adagio into a heap of trouble, you look down at your cousin, who was begging you with her eyes to go along with her story.
"Pretty much, I guess."
>Sunsis: "Pretty much? You GUESS?"
>Adagio cries out again as Sunset pushes her foot down on her.
"Well I mean, she hadn't exactly told me she wasn't allowed to get cum on her yet, but I'm sure she was going to."
>Sorry Adagio, but you know your lie deserves a little punishment.
>Sunset's lip curls with scorn at your words, your sister grabbing a handful of Adagio's poofy hair and pulling her up by it.
>Sunsis: "You get naked with my brother alone without my permission, and then you LIE to me?!"
>AD: "NO! I didn't lie! I-I just misspoke! I meant I was about to tell him!"
>Pulling Adagio behind her by her hair, Sunset looks to Vinyl.
>Sunsis: "Vinyl, would you mind stripping and helping me with, /this/?" Sunset punctuates her sentence by shaking Adagio by her head.
>Smiling, Vinyl nods and starts happily taking her clothes off as if she expected to be nude in the middle of class today.
>VS: "Sure thing sis."
>As her jacket comes off, Sunset adds to her request, cameras taking pictures of Vinyl undressing.
>Sunsis: "But leave your underwear on."
>VS: "Mkay, you're the boss Sunny."
>Vinyl's clothes hit the ground one by one, the last piece being her leggings, the only things left being her thong, bra, and glasses she elected to keep on.
>Bodily pulling Adagio in front of Vinyl, who then takes a selfie of the three of them, Sunset bends down to be eye level with her cousin.
>Sunsis: "Tell me, are you a woman or a worm Adagio?"
>Barely able to stand due to her quaking legs, Adagio was dripping arousal down her inner thighs and onto the floor like a broken faucet.
>AD: "A w-worm mistress." She mewls.
>Sunsis: "Louder."
>AD: "I-I'm a WORM!"
>Nodding, Sunset strokes some of her cousin's hair.
>Sunsis: "And why is that?"
>Thinking for a second Adagio answers.
>AD: "B-Because worms are small and pathetic, like me."
>Tapping a finger on Adagio's shoulder, Sunset hums.
>Sunsis: "Hmm, yes. But I mean what in particular separates you from being a woman. Here, let's do a physical demonstration with Vinyl."
>Hearing her name, Vinyl perks up from scrolling on her phone and sets it on a desk.
>Sunsis: "Take off Vinyl's bra."
>Without a word, Adagio walks up to your almost nude sister with shaky legs.
>Needing to wrap her short arms around Vinyl to get at the bra clips, Adagio was forced to push her face between Vinyl's huge tits as she undid them one by one.
>With a series of clicks, Vinyl's bra comes off, your sister's tits falling on Adagio's head and shoulders as their support was removed.
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>Pulling off the bra, your cousin steps back as Vinyl rolls her shoulders, making her freed boobs jiggle slightly.
>Vinyl was one of the more stacked members of your family, not quite as much as Aria or your mother, but a close third.
>Her puffy areola by themselves outclassed Adagio's chest, let alone her actual breasts which were bigger than your cousin's head, minus poof.
>Sunsis: "Put it on."
>Doing as she was told, Adagio puts the oversized bra on herself, doing all the clips even though it hung loosely on her.
>Sunsis: "You don't need to say anything. Just look, it should be obvious."
>Not one part of the bra fit Adagio, the straps were too long, the band looked even too big for her hips, and of course, the cups were gigantic, doing nothing to hide her small nipples, let alone provide any sort of support.
>Staring down at her chest almost in disbelief, Adagio puts her hands through the empty cups, imagining what it would be like to fill them out.
>Sunsis: "Now take off her panties."
>Reaching forward, Adagio grabs Vinyl's thong and pulls it down her shapely thighs, a few more pictures being taken as Vinyl is undressed completely.
>Sunsis: "You know what to do."
>Putting her legs through the holes of the thong, Adagio pulls it up to her crotch, where it then falls back down, her hips not wide enough to keep them on.
>Pulling them up again, Adagio is forced to hold them up, a wet spot forming in the middle where it pressed against her pussy.
>Several pictures are taken as Adagio is forced to show how small she is in every regard, your cousin on the verge of tears and cumming herself from the humiliation as she can barely stand straight.
>Sunsis: "You're making a mess in my sister's panties, take them off and clean them with your tongue.
>VS: "That's alright, it's kinda hot actu- oh right."
>Wordlessly taking off the thong, Adagio puts the crotch into her mouth and sucks her juices off of it, more pictures being taken.
>Sunsis: "Vinyl, could you do me a favor and lie on that desk for me?"
>Giving Sunset a thumbs up, Vinyl bends over the desk nearest you, giving you a nice view of her ass.
>Sunsis: "Sorry, other way Vinyl, on your back."
>VS: "Oooh kinky."
>Hopping up onto the desk, Vinyl gets into position with a smile.
>Sunset pulls the thong out of Adagio's mouth and lifts the bra off of her without needing to undo any of the clips, leading the small girl over to Vinyl again, but this time between her legs.
>Sunsis: "Only a woman is worthy of my brother's cum."
>Pushing Adagio's head between Vinyl's legs, Sunset pulls back some of her hair so it didn't get in the way.
>Sunsis: "Now, worm, you're going to prepare my sister, do a good job and I'll reward you by letting you watch."
>AD: "Y-Yes mist-mmMF!"
>Adagio's face was unceremoniously shoved into Vinyl's crotch, her mouth pressed against her pussy.
>Taking the hint, Adagio gets to work immediately, Vinyl moaning out, her hand joining Sunset's on Adagio's head.
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>Adagio ate Vinyl out like it was her last meal, desperately and thoroughly.
>VS: "D-Damn Sunny, you trained her reeeeally gooooood~ That little tongue of hers knows /right/ where to go."
>You were enjoying yourself as well, though probably not as much as your stepmom, who was holding a video camera at Vinyl's crotch.
>You weren't sure when she'd started recording, but she was into it almost as much as Vinyl and Adagio.
>Hopefully it wouldn't end up on the internet, as this was well outside the realm of artistic nudity, though you think Photo Finish would disagree, despite basically shooting a family porno.
>Adagio noisily licked and slurped at Vinyl's pussy, bathing it with her mouth and tongue as Vinyl let out pleasured moans, Sunset watching intently until she pulled Adagio back by her hair.
>Your cousin coughed and gasped for air, her face covered in spit and Vinyl's juices, looking to Sunset for approval as camera flashes went off around her.
>Sunsis: "Good enough worm, come here."
>Pulling Adagio alongside Vinyl, Sunset pressed her cousin's head on Viny's stomach so that her ear was against Vinyl's skin.
>Sunsis: "You may only watch. No touching, especially not yourself."
>Looking to you, Sunset beckons you over.
>Sunsis: "Well? Come on bro you're up, lose the pants."
>You couldn't stand fast enough as your bottoms hit the floor, not needing much help as Adagio had already gotten them most of the way off.
>Shutter clicks sound as you take your spot between Vinyl's legs, Sunset spreading her pussy for you with her fingers as she looks intently at Adagio, keeping her head pinned in place.
>Your cousin watched your cock excitedly as it neared Vinyl's pussy, biting her lip with anticipation.
>Picking up Vinyl's legs, you throw them on your shoulders, your cock sliding against her lower lips.
>VS: "Hey, if you guys need me for this kinda thing again, just let me know, I'm SO there."
>Pressing your tip against your sister's entrance, Vinyl sucks in a breath of air, making Adagio squirm.
>VS: "Give it to me lil bro~"
>She didn't have to ask twice as you entered your sister with a thrust, making Vinyl moan, Adagio joining in with her as the cameras caught the penetration.
>Adagio had done a good job getting Vinyl ready for you, your cock slipping inside her easily the first few inches.
>Her slick walls hugged you as you pushed further in, Vinyl voicing her pleasure as you split her depths.
>Adagio watched with stars in her eyes, looking as if she were the one about to be fucked instead of her cousin.
>Bottoming out inside Vinyl, your sister coos happily as your tip almost kisses her cervix.
>VS: "Perfect fit~ Almost like we're made for each other, or at least came from the same place. Heh."
>Pulling back, you thrust into Vinyl again, this time much quicker.
>VS: "Mmmf, fuck yeah, give me that dick big boy~"
>Getting into a rhythm, your hips slap into Vinyl's ass, sending ripples through the layer of fat as you fucked her.
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>Your stepmother darts around you as she takes pictures, getting several angles of you fucking Vinyl.
>PF: "Show a little more stärke, strength. Ja like that, perfekt, za camera loves you."
>The camera wasn't the only one as Vinyl took your thrusts with joy, her voice echoing off the walls of the classroom.
>VS: "Yeah, that's it, give it to me!" Vinyl's voice was a husky growl, filled with desire and passion in lieu of her usual casual temperament.
>As you fucked Vinyl, Adagio panted on her cousin's stomach, Sunset keeping Adagio's curly hair out of the smaller girl's eyes so she had an unobstructed view.
>Sunsis: "Are you enjoying your reward worm?" Sunset asks, she herself rubbing one of her huge tits absentmindedly.
>Adagio nods vigorously, her eyes locked on where Vinyl's crotch and yours met, unable to look away.
>AD: "Y-Yes! Thank you mistress, I love watching my cousins fuck! I love smelling them too, and I REALLY love hearing your brother's cock inside your sister!"
>Not only could Adagio hear each slap of skin on skin like everyone else, with her head against Vinyl's belly, your cousin could hear every wet noise your thrusts made inside Vinyl as well.
>Running her hand through Adagio's hair approvingly, Sunset enjoys the show with her.
>Sunsis: "Good, because this is as close as you're going to get to the real thing."
>VS: "Oh fuck! Yeah that's it, right there!" Vinyl's breath comes in shuddering gasps as you hit a certain spot, her body starting to tremble with anticipation.
>Finding her weak spot, you angle your hips to hit it even more, your tip even closer to the entrance of Vinyl's womb every time you hilted now, her hot insides squeezing around you.
>Taking a firm hold of Vinyl's love handles, you give yourself a better grip to drill into your moaning sister, her pussy trying to hold onto you every time you pull back, not wanting to let you go.
>Vinyl was really into it now as she had her head thrown back off the side of the desk, the normally quiet girl screaming at the top of her lungs, not caring in the slightest who could hear her.
>She massaged her fat tits with her hands, pulling and pinching at her nipples, her more than generous bust overflowing her arms as she played with them.
>Vinyl's glasses clatter to the ground as her wide hips bucked wildly, your sister moaning and grunting with pleasure.
>Her body was slick with sweat, and her hair was a wild tangle around her face as she lost herself in the sensations of the moment.
>Adagio was no better, a crazed look had spread across her face, wholly enraptured by the scene before her as she licked at Vinyl's stomach, desperate to participate.
>She could feel your cock slam inside Vinyl's pussy, the slightest feeling of your cock bulging her cousin's stomach against her cheek was sending her into a lust filled frenzy, but kept in check by Sunset with a firm grip on her head.
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>Even while desperate, Adagio never made a move with her hands, not on herself, and not on you or Vinyl, knowing it would only end with her being removed.
>VS: "NGHHHH!~ Fuck you're so GOOD! You're gonna make me cum! I'm gonna cum so f-fucking hard! MMMNNHH! I can feel it! Give it to me Nonny!"
>Encouraged by Vinyl's words, you topped out on your speed and strength for your thrusts, Sunset helping out as she used her free hand to rub at Vinyl's clit, blushing as her sister moaned appreciatively.
>You weren't lasting much longer either, you could feel the tingling sensation creeping up on you as you pounded Vinyl on the desk.
>Vinyl moaned and cried out your name as you fucked her to the finish line, grabbing the desk so that she didn't fall off from the power you were putting into her.
>VS: "Oh god, I'm right there! I'm cumming Anon, don't stop Anon, DON'T STOP!" Vinyl's voice was urgent, her body tensing as her climax came fast and hard.
>You feel your sister's muscles clench around you as she cums, her walls squeezing you tightly as her abs twitch and she cries out to the ceiling, camera shutters snapping like mad.
>This sudden tightness causes your dam to burst as well, your white hot load shooting directly into Vinyl's womb, Adagio's eyes widening as she hears you cum inside your sister.
>AD: "He's- it's so much I- I- AHNNNN!~"
>Convulsing along with Vinyl, Adagio cums as well, just the sound of you cumming inside your sister pushing her over the edge, your cousin making a mess on the floor.
>Vinyl's eyes roll back in ecstasy as you filled her up, her whole body trembling with pleasure as her hips gyrated on your cock in an attempt to coax out every last drop from your balls.
>Giving Vinyl your last shots, you feel a little dizzy and brace yourself against the desk, your head a haze as you get your bearings back.
>Shaking your head, sweat drips from your face onto Vinyl's torso and Adagio's head, and you silently curse and thank your father for having so many cock hungry daughters.
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>PS: "And CUT! Wunderbar Anonymous, wunderbar. A perfekt performance, to be expected from a family such as ours. Now, we go!"
>Snapping her fingers again, your stepmother along with the other students abruptly leave the classroom, seeming to have gotten what they wanted, the bell ringing right after.
>Sunsis: "Hmph, I expect you to fuck me like that the next time WE do it Anon." Sunset says, a little jealousy tinging her words as she looks at Vinyl's blissful face.
>AD: "H-Holy- s-so good you guysssssss~"
>Quickly turning her attention to Adagio, Sunset pulls her cousin up by her armpits.
>Sunsis: "Oh we're not done yet, you still need to do what my brother told you to do."
>Realizing what she meant, Adagio found her footing and looked up at her cousin pleadingly.
>AD: "N-Now?"
>Sunsis: "Don't backtalk me, you came without permission. Yes you're going out there now AND you're going to eat me out afterwards, I'm super horny after watching all that." Sunset gestures to you and Vinyl.
>Your arms felt heavy holding yourself up so you simply stopped doing it, your head coming to rest between your sister's sweaty tits with a wet slap.
>AD: "Yes mistress." Adagio says, her heels clicking on the floor as she walks out into the hallway, nude save for a few useless pieces of clothing, Sunset right behind her.
>VS: "Haaaah~ I could go for a smoke right now... good job dude, you fucked the shit outta me... heh."
>All you could do was grunt. You had pretty much blown both your backs out with that one.
>Combing her fingers through your hair, Vinyl laughs softly, your bodies sticking to each other with drying sweat.
>VS: "I'm supposed to hit up music class after this but, damn if I don't give a shit about any of that at all right now."
>You shared your sister's sentiment as the two of you cuddle on the desk, until another pair of heels is heard entering the room, taking a few steps inside before pausing.
>Chrys: "Really? Did you think coming in with Aria stinking of sex was too subtle?"
>VS: "Hey auntie."
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Still alive, just not as frequent as I used to be, struggled with this one a bit, not sure how it'll be received but paste is updated.
There's been some good lore building and stories this thread to fuel my inspiration.
Nice sexy workout scene with Aria, I've been wanting to do a home gym or workout thing in this green at some point, well done.
Hadn't thought about a plastic fantastic sister, or implants in general, looking forward to more of this and might add something related to my green as well.
The more I think about Trixie as flat or at least small chested the more I like it, seriously considering going back and making changes to the green to reflect this, possibly also along with a praise kink.
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I'm glad you're back. Although can't say I'm a fan of the "flatdagio" trend in the thread. Still, good update.
I know we’ve been clowning on Trixie a bit for being small, but damn even she is looking pretty stacked when stood next to Adagio.
I originally deleted my post because I didn’t want to interrupt a green dump, didn't guess it would end up being kind of relevant your very next post kek.
That was some good shit.
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It’s just the truth
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Thank again, this was fucking hot! Been hungry for some more green recently. I was mashing the refresh button.
>The more I think about Trixie as flat or at least small chested the more I like it, seriously considering going back and making changes to the green to reflect this, possibly also along with a praise kink.
I don’t know if I’d ask you to go back and make changes, but it does sound pretty cute. If not the chest size changes at least the praise kink would be cool to add.
That's fair, was one of the things I was trying to make work for as many people as possible, but cuck/flatdagio is a polarizing thing.
I at least tried to make it look like Adagio orchestrated the whole thing to show she does it to herself on purpose, but I knew not everyone was going to be down with it anyway.
I personally like flatdagio and the "cuck" angle so that's what I wrote.
To be fair, anyone would looked stacked next to Adagio.
Which post? In any case you're fine, on the same wavelength.
Glad you liked it, it really shouldn't be that hard to do the changes as Trixie doesn't have that many lines versus some other characters and it wouldn't really be a whole personality change either.
Like, she'd probably still have much the same lines about her chest despite her being much flatter than what I originally wrote, it would just be her ego literally inflating her perception of herself.
>Which post?
The Trixie-Adagio side by side comparison. I included it again in the previous post.
We posted at the same time but I didn’t want to break up a green post string so I deleted it immediately thinking it would ruin the flow. Now I kind a regret it since it was perfect timing with your next post.
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Based writefriend.
We're eating good tonight.
It's time to let go, brother. Join us on the right side of history.
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>I at least tried to make it look like Adagio orchestrated the whole thing to show she does it to herself on purpose
Delightfully devilish, cuckdagio.
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If you're on the right side of history, I want a time machine.
>Hadn't thought about a plastic fantastic sister, or implants in general, looking forward to more of this and might add something related to my green as well.
If you wanted to, I always thought the implants thing fit better with Adagio anyway, being the flat one in the first place. Maybe she would think it could give her a fighting chance and try to pass it off as a reeeeelly late growth spurt.
>Like, she'd probably still have much the same lines about her chest despite her being much flatter than what I originally wrote, it would just be her ego literally inflating her perception of herself.
That is probably true. I’m all for it!
You can still see it in the archives. Pretty funny timing.
>"Hey, little bro, can you check to see if I smell after my workout?"
Nah, it should definitely be Diamond Tiara.
These fit too well.
Oh shit, you're right actually, forgot about the Diamond lore. One of those was even (Me).
You smell like sex, Sunset. The sex we just had. Which, while vigorous, I’m not sure counts as a workout.
>"Did you wanna go for a second round, or do you want to hit the showers?"
>Working out with Aria and Gilda
>Sunset dresses up in the tightest, sluttiest "athletic gear" she can find and tries to thirst trap you
I need my gains Sunny
>"Come on, bro. Lets go do jumping jacks. I'll start!"
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Why not both?
>"Sure thing, big bro. Oh! You don't mind if I do my jump ropes over here, do you~"
>Blood going from arms to penis
Why do you have to do those when I’m trying to focus on curls?!
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>"Hey bro, this is such a small gym, we're gonna have to double up on the space. I'll do squats while you do pelvic thrusts to strengthen your core, ok?"
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Still the least schizo family member
Only when she's not letting her mom talk her into constantly trying to compete with Sunsis because of Luna's personal rivalry with our own mom.
Does seem like she’s pretty chill with whatever
Being the least crazy in a family of crazy people isn't saying much for her character Anon.
>"If you girls can't even bench press Anon, then you don't deserve him!"
Huh… I guess sex IS a good workout.
God, I love these. Facesitting is so fucking good.
>buff Sunset will never wrestle you to the ground and reverse mating-press you until she’s satisfied, with no regard to your refractory period
I’m sick of living in a shitty incest harem anime, I just want to build gundams without my sister bothering me.
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>"This is actually kinda fun, bro."
No, NO! Thats MY thing! Not- GOD DAMNIT!!
Kino is back on the menu.
I honestly expected Celestia to assert dominance by first and foremost mandating that she be called "Mommy" by all who attended the family meeting; regardless of their actual relation to her. Yes, that includes Luna.
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I imagine she’d still be pretty chill about it
>Try to sneak back to your room from the bathroom
>DJsis instantly pounces you
>”Sup, bro? Soooo mom’s reallyyy been wanting me to hurry and get knocked up by you to own Aunt Celly or something”
>”Soooo, I gotta do what I gotta do here. Sorry.”
That's still pretty schizo.
Keywords: LEAST schizo
Exactly. Noooot much to brag about.
>little does she know I just done knocking up Sunset in the bathroom
>she waited to take her shower at midnight just for this chance
Not with that attitude it won't, Anon. You don't give up after just one set, do you?
>she is looking pretty stacked when stood next to Adagio
Even a blurred Sweetie Belle is managing to noticeably mog her from the background.
>To be fair, anyone would looked stacked next to Adagio
I mean, now that you mention it...
>Facesitting is so fucking good.
Get ready for:
“What if Sunset Shimmer were your sister…with depression “ the green. Hope you’re all ready for a ride
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The only reason she’d be depressed is if you aren’t giving her the d.
We don’t want it.
Translation: we don’t want it
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Let him cook
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Do you think Sunset and Diamond bond over their shared interest in sadism?
Honestly, it’s kind of wholesome how supportive Sunset is of her DJsis
That's the dynamic I prefer from them. I like them being so chill with each other.
I like to imagine it's just like that as well. Giggling and girly talking about it.
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Trixie may not have much of a chest, but she has nice feet
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>"Don't expect me to take off anymore clothes if you can't do any more reps, cousin."
alright, who's the foot freak of the family?
Do more rapes, you say? Alright, if you incest
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Vinyl is up for anything
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It’s gotta be Sunset. She’s got the most canon feet scenes in eqg
Are we talking about who caters to foot freaks the most, or who IS one?
Okay, I've changed a few of the Trixie parts and as a bonus made Starlight more needy so her outburst at lunch isn't so out of nowhere.
I added a little bit of Trixie's praise/exhibition fetish into it as well and will possibly go back and add more if I get more ideas before including them in the story again.
Also thanks to whoever put my stuff into the OP.
Also sorry for the wall of replies, I've been busy with stuff.

She is the mastermind behind her own cuckining
>implants thing fit better with Adagio
Eh, maybe, but it kind of defeats the purpose of flatdagio if she gets an upgrade and admits she cares about her breast size (she does)
Diamond is the highest on my list for implants, I agree it fits her. Maybe have another like her mom already have them as well.
Not liking/able to say no really does make her appear as the chillest and least problematic of the family.
Will be adding this rivalry in the future
Powerlifter Gilda and varbie Aria should be part of the gym arc
Love to see more green, even if it is depressing
It would be easy to get Vinyl into it and Sunset would be down just to mess with you, but I don't think they're "foot freaks"
I did give a minor foot thing to Lightning Dust in the green, might expand on that
>Will be adding this rivalry in the future
Aw, I like how chill they were with each other in your green. Vinyl just doesn't strike me as the competitive type. If I remember correctly, she didn't even compete in the Battle of the Bands, a musical competition, which seems like it would be her thing. I thought you captured her pretty well already. But you write some good stuff so you do what you gotta do.
>I did give a minor foot thing to Lightning Dust in the green, might expand on that
I think Lightning Dust is a pretty good pick for "foot freak" actually, if we have to pick one.
>I like how chill they were with each other in your green
Don't worry I meant Luna and Celestia's rivalry, their daughters will probably not care that much.
>it kind of defeats the purpose of flatdagio if she gets an upgrade
No I thought about it and I agree, Adagio would never admit it like that. And I think Diamond is way better too.
>Check story again
>Edits didnt save
fuck, gotta do it over agian
God I wish that straw was me.
I hate that so much. Dunno about your experiences with losing text, but mine has never been the same on rewrites. If it’s a significant amount, at least.
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don't worry, I've been burned enough times I save everything frequently, tiny Trixie titties are in

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