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Reversing one of her own decisions, the federal judge overseeing former President Donald J. Trump’s classified documents case granted his request on Monday to postpone the deadline for a crucial court filing in the criminal proceeding, increasing the chance that any trial would be pushed past the November election.

The ruling by the judge, Aileen M. Cannon, was made in a bare-bones order that contained no factual or legal reasoning. It did not schedule a new deadline but erased the one she had set almost a month ago ordering Mr. Trump’s lawyers to file by Thursday a detailed list of the classified materials that they intend to introduce at the trial, which is set to take place at some point in Federal District Court in Fort Pierce, Fla.

That list is enormously consequential because, when filed, it will mark the first step in what will ultimately be a pitched battle between the defense and prosecution over what sorts of classified materials the jury will get to hear about at trial — a contested process, balancing issues of public access and national security, that could take months to complete.
Mr. Trump has relentlessly pursued a strategy of delaying all four of the criminal cases he is facing, and if he succeeds in delaying his trial on charges of mishandling classified documents until after the election, he could order his Justice Department to drop the matter altogether if he wins.

Judge Cannon’s postponement of the filing deadline was merely the latest example of her acceding to Mr. Trump’s attempts to delay the classified documents trial. Even though she held a hearing in Fort Pierce on March 1 specifically to change the current May 20 start of the trial, she has not yet selected a new date.

And she has failed to make any decisions on several important motions, which has resulted in further delays.

The current dispute began nearly a month ago when Mr. Trump’s lawyers asked Judge Cannon to delay the Thursday deadline they are facing at least until June. Their argument was seemingly uncomplicated: They said they were far too busy to draft the list of classified exhibits because they were defending the former president in a separate criminal trial — the one in Manhattan in which he stands accused of falsifying business records to keep a sex scandal from damaging his 2016 presidential campaign.

But on Monday afternoon, the lawyers offered a new rationale for the delay: They claimed that prosecutors in the office of the special counsel, Jack Smith, had failed to properly secure the classified materials at the heart of the case after seizing them nearly two years ago from Mar-a-Lago, Mr. Trump’s private club and residence in Florida.

Without quite accusing Mr. Smith’s team of misconduct, the lawyers insinuated that the prosecutors had made a grave mistake and that they needed time to evaluate the situation before submitting their filing about the classified materials they intended to introduce at trial.
In making that claim, the lawyers exploited an admission that Mr. Smith’s prosecutors had made on Friday, acknowledging that some of the documents in some of the boxes seized from Mar-a-Lago may no longer be in the same order as when they were collected by the F.B.I.

Prosecutors offered an explanation for the shifting of the contents of the boxes. They said the order of the papers in the boxes might have changed slightly because of a review of the documents conducted by an independent arbiter that Mr. Trump himself demanded, and Judge Cannon granted, shortly after the materials were seized.

The prosecutors also said the materials — including index cards, books and stationery — were relatively small and might have accidentally moved around when the boxes were carried from place to place during the investigation of the case.

Although they have not formally accused the special counsel’s office of misconduct, Mr. Trump’s lawyers raised the possibility in their filing on Monday of what they described as “evidence spoliation.” Moreover, they capitalized on the fact that some of the documents in some of the boxes may have moved around.

That Judge Cannon agreed to push back the deadline suggests the extent to which she has given Mr. Trump’s legal team a wide berth in their efforts to defend him.

Over and over, Judge Cannon, who was appointed by Mr. Trump, has treated seriously arguments that many, if not most, federal judges would have rejected out of hand. Often, her acceptance of Mr. Trump’s unorthodox claims have resulted in significant delays in bringing the charges in the classified documents case in front of a jury.
Why are Trumpists okay with the judge being someone he hired?
If Congress impeached her over this it would be a horrible precedent to set. Five years from now removing judges would be routine if the pull that trigger.
Because the judges who preside over cases aren't picked based on who appointed them originally. If Judge Merchan doesn't have to recuse himself over personally donating money to Act Blue and having a daughter who works for Chuck Schumer, why would Judge Cannon need to recuse herself? Those two things are inextricably linked.
>If Judge Merchan doesn't have to recuse himself over personally donating money to Act Blue and having a daughter who works for Chuck Schumer,
It's hilarious that you think this is the same thing as delaying a case because the guy who appointed you is on trial.
The underlying principal (I know, Democrats don't have those) is that either a judge can set aside their personal bias and rule on a case, or they can't. They get to decide, and in some circumstances the participants can have them disqualified if the evidence allows it.

The principal applies to all judges.
>Judge Cannon dindu nuffin
>She a good judge
Ok then, valiant white knight defender of jurisprudence, why do you think she arbitrarily delayed the case again?
So you're jumping straight from
>Appointed by Trump means she's going to do everything she can for him
>I don't like the ruling she just made
I don't know (or care) why she changed her ruling on this specific question, but if your problem is that judges are biased because of loyalty to the person who installed them into position, shouldn't you have a problem with Judge Merchan being appointed by Michael Bloomberg?

Or is it really that you're so partisan that anything to "get" the other team is fair game, regardless of the rules?
There is no jumping. Her previous record is well known. We don't live in an information vacuum like you seem to think.
you already know why
this is corruption beyond the pale holy fuck
I'm outraged! We demand a new judge, one that donates to ActBlue and has children that work for the DNC, otherwise we can't get a fair trial!
Merchan didn't go on a secret, all expense paid vacation by a far right group.
Cannon did.

To claim they're even remotely the same is apples and oranges. Cannon should have been removed from the case after she sabotaged the initial investigation.
Jack Smith is to blame for that though for not demanding she be removed because it's clear she's corrupt as fuck.
Merchan donated like $10 stop grasping at straws
They weren't vacations. Salon is a radical left propaganda outlet that calls annual law school colloquiums "vacations" because their job is to lie.
>Merchan didn't go on a secret, all expense paid vacation by a far right group.
Yeah, I'm sure he got his secret payoffs from somebody else entirely. Queue the outrage.
It's unimaginable why you would be desperately trying to defend corrupt federal judges. Are you being paid?
They really pulled the lowest common denominator from the deck of judges.
Wait a minute...
>Judge Merchan is biased and shouldn't be allowed to preside!
>Judge Cannon is impartial and should be allowed to preside!
By your own logic, these two concepts clash.
Either they're both able to set aside personal feeling, or neither are.
The arguments the right makes for Merchan being biased are far stronger than the arguments from the left for Cannon being biased.
>By your own logic, these two concepts clash.
If they didn't have double standards, they wouldn't have any standards at all.
This but the exact opposite. It's like you live in Bizarro-world.
>Fan fic defense

>Attack the source that exposes Cannon is corrupt.
It's the other way around, Cannon has taken a giant shit on all judicial standards and precedents to slam her fist on the scale to help Trump throughout the entire proceeding even when she was installed to proceed over the investigation itself. And it was just revealed she went on a secret, all paid vacation by a far right wing group and refused to disclose it.

Merchan is doing everything by the book, but for Republicans will claim they're exactly the same or Merchan is worse because he's licking Trump's boots like Cannon.
At this point, I wouldn't be shocked if there's leaks showing Cannon had secret meetings with Trump's people to conspire with them to drag out the trial until after the election for the promise he'd give her a supreme court seat.
Come on, Aileen
Come on, Aileen

Poor old Donny Jay
Sounded sad upon the rally-o
Moved a million hearts in mono
Our mothers cried
Sang along, who'd blame them?
You're grown (You're grown up)
So grown (So grown up)
Now I must say more than ever (Come on, Aileen)
Toora, loora, toora, loo-rye-aye
And we can sing just like our fathers

Come on, Aileen
Oh, I swear (Well, he means)
At this moment
You mean everything
You in those robes
My thoughts, I confess
Verge on dirty
Oh, come on, Aileen
You don't understand.
Merchan supporting democrats in private and being impartial in his public job is equivalent to Cannon favoring republicans in her public job and supporting republicans in private, except Cannon dindu nuffin and Merchan is a literal facist communist nazi.
>Merchan's daughter supporting democrats in private
Why do chubs hate the first and fourth amendments?
>A law school paid for a few people to come speak at an event in 2021
>It's a secret right wing getaway!
>She's one of trumps cronies
Why in the world do you people act like this?
Not only is is salon ffs, but if you read it it's a literal nothing burger
>Let me ask you a question: How many all-expenses-paid vacations at luxury hunting and fishing lodges have you enjoyed over the last few years?
None, because this question is phrased like it's being asked by the dude in the op image, it's arbitrarily specific.
I've been given "all-expenses-paid vacations at luxury" hotels in both Vegas and Singapore to speak at large events specific to the industry I work in, this really isn't any different, what they are describing is not uncommon at all, but somehow you people start salivating over it because you don't think independently or objectively about it's contents

A judge was invited by a like-minded law school to go speak somewhere 3 years ago, it's a literal nothing burger
>facist communist nazi
I resent whoever programmed you chuds to regurgitate these political terms having no fucking idea what they mean.
What grade level is your reading comprehension at?
Democrat conspiracy theories are getting wilder and wilder.
They'll do anything to ignore Joe Biden's corruption and the generally corrupt behavior of Democrats.
>Clear conflict of interest event that was all expense paid.
>She never disclosed it.
We get you put your politics first and you're going to defend Cannon because she's on your team, but that creates a precedent that only Cannon has met in terms of bias and corruption.
checked. a corrupt democrat is simply your average republican as evidenced by Cannon.
The funniest meme of 2024 is conservatives pretending like they care about corruption while their presidential candidate is arguably the most corrupt president of all time and, likely, the first one to be found guilty of multiple felonies for his conduct in office. Meanwhile, Joe Biden, the alleged corrupt politician you're obsessed with, hasn't been charged with a single thing after literally dozens of Republican congressional hearings and investigations. You people are living comedy.
And don't forget, the republican's star witness against Biden was literally a Russian spy.
Libchud fanfiction is wild
>Trump being under 91 felony indictments is fan fiction
>Biden not being charged anything after dozens of investigations is fan fiction
Give us your delicious cope. It gives us life.
>We get you put your politics first and you're going to defend Cannon because she's on your team
No you idiot. Im speaking as someone who was had people pay for all my expenses to come speak somewhere. It's not evidence of a crime or bias.

Hillary did this same thing with bankers, got paid something like half a mill to go speak for the banking industry, it's totally normal you people didn't care then, it is in fact you putting your politics first and using arbitrary metrics to gauge "corruption" that change based upon the political affiliation of the subject you are examining
>xe/xir accuses others of cope after insisting "the walls are closing in" for the 8th consecutive year
Average Rachel Maddow viewer
91 felony indictments. Your god emperor is a criminal. Cope.
>Hillary did this same thing with bankers, got paid something like half a mill to go speak for the banking industry
Hillary Clinton wasn't in office when she gave that speech you fucking idiot. Its hilarious that you would sit here and try to both side this issue and pretend like you have consistent standards when in reality you have no clue what you're talking about.
How many convictions?
>Hillary Clinton wasn't in office
Neither is this judge you fkn retard
>For the fifteen months ending in March 2015, Clinton earned over $11 million from her speeches.[402] For the overall period 2007–14, the Clintons earned almost $141 million
Oh hmm she was in office until 2013.
Guess your wrong again, retard
>Thread about Trump get railroaded into talking about Hillary Clinton
Nice way of loosing an argument, you look only mildly retarded
Every accusation is a confession with you people.
When Clinton is a judge, your comparison might work, but Cannon got a kickback like other Republican judges like Alito and Thomas, It's corrupt and biased as fuck.
She’s working from home doing absolutely nothing.
I just arrived at the party, and noticed how obsessed you fags are. I'm a noticer after all.
>judge speaks at event held by law school
The troons are projecting again
Always have been
So the DoJ just got caught committing perjury democrats are defending it. Sensational
Trump lost.
She got rejected after the special master horseshit years ago and handling evidence back and forth was obviously not a smart move.
What is troon? Searched online dictionary as is no such word listed. Why do people on here always find it necessary to invent their own words?
They are a magical people who live rent free in that poster's head.
Like elves? So Troon = Elf?? Well thats dumb.
>a daughter who

deflection and whataboutism. That person is a NPC.
>two more years
>Neither is this judge you fkn retard
Are you retarded? Trying to pretend there's no difference between a sitting judge and a retired politician?

>Oh hmm she was in office until 2013.
She retired in February 2013. Her speech that anon was citing wasn't until October 2013. Its not how stupid you are that's the odd part - its how confident you are in having no clue what you're talking about.
Are you unaware Clinton ran for president in 2016?
The fact she wasn't disqualified from overseeing the criminal trial because of that shows how Republicans have corrupted the system.
The defense can't be prevented from requesting more classified documents later in the trial. The judge can request thr defense give this information early, but the defense cannot be denied later because their needs will change depending on testimony and evidence introduced during the trial.

It is very standard for the government to ask defense which witnesses they want to be made available, but defense is not restricted to only those witnesses. In fact if defense requests a witness, the government usually has to attempt to make that witness available.
>indictments means someone is a criminal
Not how the justice system works, Chang
Donate your entire paycheck to Trump's legal defense today!
Did you get your refund from Bernie yet?
I didn't vote for Bernie because I'm not an idealistic 18 year old who thinks free college is viable.
>I voted for Bernie and it keeps me up at night so I lie on a somalian sea-kayaking forum about not voting for Bernie
Your headcanon isn't real.
The last word you keep reaching for that you think will let you win this exchange doesn't exist

Take the L and go
You already lost and you are too stupid to realize it.
this 'gotcha' line will soon be unusable by you troons.
2 more weeks
Why are you quoting Sidney Powell?
lmao wtf this is the first time i've been on /news/ but LMAO YOU GUYS ARE GETTING BRAINWASHED BY THE CIA FAGGOTS AT 4CHAN HAHAHAHA
Is that one faggot recruiting people on /pol/ again?
>shouldn't you have a problem with Judge Merchan being appointed by Michael Bloomberg?
Bloomberg was a registered Republican at the time he appointed Merchan to the bench of the NYC Family Court.

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