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RFK Jr. Says Doctors Found a Dead Worm in His Brain



Also he had mercury poisoning.
he's making threads again

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., the independent presidential candidate who has marketed himself to voters as a younger, healthier alternative to the two major contenders, contracted a parasitic worm that got into his brain years ago and ate a portion of it before dying, his campaign confirmed Wednesday.

The 70-year-old scion of the powerful political family revealed in a 2012 deposition during divorce proceedings from his second wife, which the New York Times obtained and first reported Wednesday, that he had short- and long-term memory loss and described himself as having “cognitive problems, clearly.” Around the time of the discovery of the parasite, Kennedy was also diagnosed with mercury poisoning that he attributed to his diet, he said in the deposition, a condition that can also cause memory loss. Kennedy told the Times that he has since recovered from his fogginess.

When asked about the incident, Kennedy campaign spokeswoman Stefanie Spear told The Washington Post that Kennedy contracted a parasite while traveling “extensively in Africa, South America and Asia in his work as an environmental advocate.”

“The issue was resolved more than 10 years ago, and he is in robust physical and mental health,” she said in a written statement. “Questioning Mr. Kennedy’s health is a hilarious suggestion, given his competition.”
Kennedy disclosed in the deposition that consulted with neurologists in 2010 when a friend voiced concerns about his memory loss, according to the Times. He said he was told that a dark spot discovered in his brain scans could be a tumor, a year after his uncle, longtime Sen. Edward M. Kennedy (D-Mass.) died of brain cancer. The Post has not independently reviewed the deposition.

But a doctor at New York-Presbyterian Hospital told him the spot could be caused by “a worm that got into my brain and ate a portion of it and then died,” he said in the deposition, according to the Times.

Around the same time, doctors also diagnosed Kennedy with mercury poisoning, which he said was caused by eating a large amount of fish that contained the dangerous heavy metal. Kennedy, an environmental lawyer who has spoken out against mercury and other toxins contaminating food, told the Times that he was eating a diet heavy in tuna and perch at the time.

He told the Times he has since reduced his fish intake and underwent chelation therapy, a treatment to expel metals from the body. He said the parasite in his brain required no treatment.

Kennedy has focused much of his campaign on advocating for regulations on major industries that he says have contributed to the country’s worsening health problems. He also has spread misinformation about vaccines and argued against public health measures enacted during the coronavirus pandemic.
Since he announced he would run for president in April last year, Kennedy has not disclosed his medical records.

Former president Donald Trump and President Biden, who have attempted to quell voters’ concerns about their advanced ages, have released limited health summaries. Biden’s doctor released a six-page summary of medical tests in February, declaring him “fit for duty,” while Trump shared a one-page letter in November from a doctor who belongs to his golf club and said he was in “excellent health.” But the disclosures break from a tradition of presidential candidates previously releasing more complete reports on their health.

Kennedy has previously disclosed other health issues. He has said his strained, sometimes hoarse voice is caused by spasmodic dysphonia, a neurological disorder that causes involuntary spasms in the muscles of the voice box. He also has told others he became infected with hepatitis C, which was treated, from intravenous drug use in his youth.

In 2001, Kennedy was hospitalized for an irregular heartbeat caused by a common heart abnormality that can cause strokes, according to news reports at the time. Kennedy said in the 2012 deposition he was hospitalized three other times for that condition, which he told the Times has not caused any other incidents in a decade.
Thought this thread was about NASCAR Roush Fenway Keslowski Racing (RFK racing). But no, another boring political rant. Think we got enough of these on here already these days.
The disclosure of a major medical condition responsible for cognitive decline is just "a political rant"?
makes sense, why would someone be a democrat if they didn't have brain worms?
because democrats are right about most things
there literarily is not a single position the dems are correct on
This is exactly what a boomer republican would say.
Context my friend, context.
The context is that he's running for president and he has something physically missing from his brain.
Exactly, another boring political thread that everyone jumps all over to express their view on Trump being America's savior. Took two additional comments for Trump to be brought up. Thats the context. Boooorrrrriiiiiiinnnng. Another lack of origonality.
Its exactly what most of the country would say. Trump won in 2016 and would have won in 2020 if not for cheating. most brandon voters only vote for him because
>orange man bad
the dems are wrong on every single issue and their platform is so fucking terrible trump is preferable to clinton and brandon
>notice how this jewish tranny posts in a thread xe calls >boring, because its xer JIDF job to shill for brandon and boring is the only insult it knows
Am not Jewish and who is Brandon or xer and what is JIDR or shill?? And why would you even mention tranny Your message makes no sense. Sorry for your brainrot.
sure thing there jidf
>Its exactly what most of the country would say.
No it is not. Go outside, chudcel.
>Trump won in 2016 and would have won in 2020 if not for cheating.
Wow the cult really got to you, huh?
>>orange man bad
He's a damned convicted criminal ffs
> their platform is so fucking terrible
At least they have one
>trump is preferable to clinton and brandon
Why are all these chuds stuck in 2016? Hillary isn't running for anything, moron.
>No it is not. Go outside, chudcel.
it literally is you dickless tranny. why else do you think trump was president?
>Wow the cult really got to you, huh?
Do you think trump wasn't president?
>He's a damned convicted criminal ffs
what crime has he been convicted of? also what does this have to do with his platform?
>At least they have one
GOP has one too, and it is much, much better. Dems are wrong on literally every issue of consequence.
>Why are all these chuds stuck in 2016? Hillary isn't running for anything, moron.
do you not know who brandon is, retard?
Agreed. Should have said brainworm, not brainrot. Good catch my friend.
Hey, i can be dumb & childish too, watch this... I know you are but what am I?

I love making fun of you stupid Americans, this is so much fun for me.
>reddit spacing
>admitting xe isn't American
>admitting xe isn't American and still cares about American politics
I literally don't know who is queen of your shithole third world country and I don't care what gay shit you do
>Took two additional comments for Trump to be brought up.
... are you talking about the text from the article? Because you're literally the first faggot to mention Trump in the thread, just to complain about people mentioning Trump? What a massive gaping faggot.
Why are you so obsessed?
Haha this LOSER is in denial!
name literally one position the dems are right on, faggot
Most Americans are against brandon's platform. that is why he has like a 30% approval rating, JIDF
Except RFKjr is a Republican now. Makes sense he has parasites since Republicans are parasites.
RFK jr literally isn't a republican
Tell that to his base.
What's next, you're gonna tell us that the Democratic People's Republic of Korea is actually a democratic republic?
Raccoon Roundworm Encephalitis


How did RFK get raccoon poo in his mouth?
>Raccoon poos in back yard
>lil kid crawls on hands and knees playing and >then sucks his thumb
>Worms eat his brain
He is literally registered as an independent and ran for the democrat primary
He figuratively is and is an agent of Trump
Anyone can run in the democratic primary you fucking idiot
he has been a registered democrat from birth until he lost the primary
>he has been a registered democrat from birth until he lost the primary
Party registrations don't matter. Trump was a fucking Dem.
>this guy who was a registered dem all his life
>was considered by gore, kerry and obongo to run the EPA
>ran for president as a dem
>is a republican
>How did RFK get raccoon poo in his mouth?
In a statement to CNN, Stefanie Spear, a spokesperson for Kennedy’s campaign, said he had “traveled extensively in Africa, South America and Asia” as part of his work as an environmental advocate and said he contracted a parasite in one of those trips.

many such cases
shill poster
Shut the fuck up retard you got BTFO a long time ago.
>sure, i support zion don, israel's number one ally, but actually you're the jew!

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