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just another reason we need commons sense sodomy control
he's making threads again
>commons sense sodomy control
that's antisemitic
That's a pity. If he lived in California it wouldn't even be a crime and he could continue his good works.
Like the OP, this guy hates fags, and so fucks them to infect them.
If you got AIDS from a faggot wouldn't you hold a grudge?
And that's a good thing
He got 30 years, what more do you want? Uncle Sam in your bedroom?
Hahaha! Too bad AIDS isn't a death sentence for fags anymore.
>what more do you want? Uncle Sam in your bedroom?
Yes, of course. CHUDs have a deep, insatiable desire for constant government surveillance.
>The in our bedrooms argument makes it's appearance after decades of faggotry in the open.
If it stayed in your bedroom, no one would care.
Fags have clearly left the bedroom, and are infecting the world.
>No, no, I don't want the government in your bedroom, I just want the state to monitor people's private lives to prevent them from having anal sex
I think your ilk would be so much more tolerable if you stopped being such a pussy and owned your positions. You think there should be state approved lifestyles and you want lifestyles between consenting adults that you don't like punishable by law. Why lie and pretend like this isn't what you want?
Sodomy kills more Americans each year than AR-15s
sodomy literally kills more Americans than AR-15s do and isn't in the constitution. it should be up to state legislatures on if there is common sense sodomy control
Gun-schizos really are a sensitive bunch...
>In 2020, there were 18,489 deaths among adults and adolescents with diagnosed HIV in the US and dependent areas.
You want the government to monitor and legally regulate consenting adult's sex lives. You literally want them in people's bedrooms - or, if I'm being as good faith as possible, you would support it if a state decided it wanted to be in people's bedrooms. Why is it so difficult to just own your position? Just say it. Have a spine.

>Sodomy kills more Americans each year than AR-15s
Well, no, certain STDs cause the death, not sodomy. Sodomy is just the transmission vehicle. This is like saying gunpowder kills 40,000 people a year. Its not technically wrong but it also isn't accurate.
not people's faggots. and it literally is sodomy. go look up the. like 92% of new HIV infections are caused by gay men having sodomy, gay men doing sodomy to black women and gay men doing heroine in between rounds of sodomy
>like 92% of new HIV infections are caused by gay men having sodomy
The other 8% are black people.
You do know HIV can be transmitted a number of ways, sexual and not right? Even vaginal sex for the purpose of procreation can transfer it. This is pretty common knowledge unless you're an unwitting time traveler from the 80s...
>Even vaginal sex for the purpose of procreation can transfer it.
Then it's weird how so many gay people seem to be the source.
cool, go look up the CDC stats in >>1293777 or >>1293772. Top most new HIV cases are caused by sodomy between 2 gay men, sodomy between a gay man and a black woman or 2 gay men doing heroine together. Its literally a gay disease.
>I think your ilk would be so much more tolerable if you stopped being such a pussy and owned your positions.
OK then. I really have no problem with the cops busting down faggot's doors and arresting them for prolapsing. That's twisting what I advocate for, but if I MUST take this position to please you, sure.
I'm a huge fan of Poland's proposed law which essentially bans faggotry in public.
But if I must be extreme, and take the position that all fags should be shot on sight, I'm OK with that too.
>not people's faggots
People. Human beings. American citizens.

>and it literally is sodomy.
It literally is not. It literally is STDs. You don't know what the word literally means.
>People. Human beings. American citizens.
nope, none of those things. faggots
>It literally is not. It literally is STDs. You don't know what the word literally means.
the vast, vast majority of new HIV cases, according to the CDC, come from receiving anal sex from men who have sex with men
>People who have sexual lifestyles I don't like aren't humans
Actual schizophrenia

>the vast, vast majority of new HIV cases, according to the CDC, come from receiving anal sex from men who have sex with men
Yes. Anal sex causes infection. HIV causes sickness and death. You stumbled onto the right answer eventually. Proud of you, anon.
>>People who have sexual lifestyles I don't like aren't humans
having sex with a man's anus is not normal, faggot
>Yes. Anal sex causes infection. HIV causes sickness and death. You stumbled onto the right answer eventually. Proud of you, anon.
anal sex with gay men causes HIV
>having sex with a man's anus is not normal, faggot
I have no clue what normal has to do with being a human being or an American citizen. I realize I'm arguing with a mentally ill person but you're throwing me for a loop here. For example, you're not normal, you have schizophrenia. Does that mean you're not human?

>anal sex with gay men causes HIV
Yes, that is a cause. I have no clue what we're talking about at this point.
>not being pro sodomy means you have schizophrenia
post medical credentials
>Yes, that is a cause. I have no clue what we're talking about at this point.
banning sodomy would eliminate HIV
>I have no clue what we're talking about at this point.
All faggots are predators who seek out young boys, and spread HIV knowingly.
Stay on topic.
>not being pro sodomy means you have schizophrenia
Thinking that people you disagree with are non-human is a pretty schizophrenic take, yes. Its called a delusion.

>banning sodomy would eliminate HIV
Banning men would eliminate violent crime by 80% Better turn yourself in for elimination for the betterment of society, schizoposter.
>incoherently whining about your homosexual obsession
I'm not sure that this was the topic. You sure were quick to make it the topic though.
>>People who have sexual lifestyles I don't like aren't humans
If you've ever spoken with a faggot it's like speaking to an alien with 75 different mental illnesses.
I'm shocked they can even speak English.
While they're (maybe) humans, as an Atheist, I believe they're demonically possessed at the very least.
>Thinking that people you disagree with are non-human is a pretty schizophrenic take, yes. Its called a delusion.
fucking a man in the ass is delusional. post medical credentials
>Banning men would eliminate violent crime by 80% Better turn yourself in for elimination for the betterment of society, schizoposter.
men of what race, homo? Cause I can assure you it isn't proportionate
If people with different sexual predilections to you are so foreign that they barely seem human you've either been raised in a cave or you have severe aspergers. Either way, you should seek therapy of some kind.

>fucking a man in the ass is delusional. post medical credentials
If you find in your day to day life that you view people who disagree with you as non-human you're having a delusion. Contact a mental health professional as soon as possible.

>men of what race, homo? Cause I can assure you it isn't proportionate
Ah, so now that your own retarded logic is used against you, NOW we have to start getting granular and breaking down populations into sub-groups. We use a mallet to analyze groups you don't like but a fine tooth comb to analyze the ones you do. So your homosexual obsession isn't based on logic after all. Curious. Very curious indeed.
>If you find in your day to day life that you view people who disagree with you as non-human you're having a delusion. Contact a mental health professional as soon as possible.
post medical credentials, faggot or shut the fuck up. you have no more ability to call someone schizophrenic than I do to call every faggot mentally ill because they eat shit and fuck men in the ass
>Ah, so now that your own retarded logic is used against you, NOW we have to start getting granular and breaking down populations into sub-groups. We use a mallet to analyze groups you don't like but a fine tooth comb to analyze the ones you do. So your homosexual obsession isn't based on logic after all. Curious. Very curious indeed.
according to the CDC fags of all races and black women are the ones getting aids
>If you got AIDS from a faggot wouldn't you hold a grudge?

wtf dude?

I don't get aids from fags because i dont have sex with them.
>If people with different sexual predilections to you are so foreign that they barely seem human you've either been raised in a cave or you have severe aspergers. Either way, you should seek therapy of some kind.
Actually, neither of those apply. Thanks for the strawman though, weirdo.
Gay men usually only fuck gay men. This makes for a VERY small dating pool where you take what you can get. Diseases will travel fast in these insular micro-communities, kind of like Cletus giving the clap to half of the women in his local holler.
>fuck cletus, its not the gays fault they refuse to wear condoms and all have sex with each other all the time

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