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Biden leads Trump in Quinnipiac Wisconsin poll


A new poll from Quinnipiac University finds Joe Biden leading Donald Trump in a head-to-head matchup in Wisconsin, but the two are about even with an expanded field.

The poll found 50% of registered voters backed Biden, compared to 44% who supported Trump.

In a five-person race, Biden was at 40%, Trump 39%, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. 12%, Jill Stein 4% and Cornel West 1%.

Eleven percent of those who supported Biden in a head-to-head race backed Kennedy in the expanded field, while 7% went to Stein and 2% to West. The president retained 80% of those who backed him head-to-head with Trump.

The former president, meanwhile, retained 87% of his supporters. Of the rest, 10% went to Kennedy, 1% to West and 1% to Stein.

In the Senate race, the poll found incumbent Dem Tammy Baldwin led GOP challenger Eric Hovde 54-42.

Forty-nine percent said they have a favorable opinion of Baldwin, while 35% had an unfavorable one. Twenty-three percent had a favorable opinion of Hovde, while 25% had a negative one and half said they hadn’t heard enough about him to have an opinion.

The poll of 1,457 registered voters was conducted May 2-6 using random digit dialing with live interviewers calling landlines and cell phones. The margin of error was plus or minus 2.6 percentage points.

FiveThirtyEight rates Quinnipiac the country’s 19th best pollster with 2.8 stars out of three.
It's over. Trump lost. Again.
let us know what the polls say tomorrow anon, then the day after that, etc.
Wow, if you removal all the third party spoilers Republicans put on the ballot, Biden would be winning by 21 points.
Next time be sure to angrily post the discredited RCP average to counter the claims Biden is winning
Reminder Trump lost

Reminder, in the real world:


RCP Average- Trump +5
Quinnipac- Biden +6
The Hill- Trump +2
CBS- Trump +1
Bloomberg- Trump +4
Marquette- Trump +2

Even with Quinnipiac, a far left poll in the aggregate, Trump is still ahead in the polls. Sorry chang.
>RCP is discredited cuz I said so and cuz I personally don't like it
Sorry but no, you may continue to cope tho
No one else here has to cope because you are doing all the coping for us by posting the discredited RCP average.
>if I keep baselessly saying its discredited then its discredited otherwise it hurts my fee fees
Sorry, facts don't care about your feelings.RCP is valid, and there's nothing you can do about it.
The more you try to say RCP is valid the more people are going to laugh at you.
>it's real in my mind
Chud headcanon is so wild
You're the only one who has an issue with RCP anon. It's a you problem.
>it's not real in my mind
Troon headcanon is so wild
You're adorable for being dumb enough to type that post.
>A Popular Political Site Made a Sharp Right Turn. What Steered It?

>Real Clear Politics has been catering to campaign obsessives since 2000. It pitches itself as a “trusted, go-to source” for unbiased polling. The Trump era changed its tone, and funding sources.
Ok chud whatever is real in your head is reality. Oh wait that's your mental illness again.
>4 year old paywalled NY Times article says RCP might be more right leaning
>this means its discredited

[troon noises intensify]
Can you say faggot? Can you actually swear? Or are you only allowed to say chud?
sounds like Texas should send a few buses to Green Bay to remind them what they're voting for with Biden.
>discredited RCP average
the RCP average is great though. State-by-state polling is always tricky but the RCP average is pretty spot-on with national polling (and currently has Trump up by 1.2 nationally).
That said, polls in May are meaningless. Things change and there's still 6 months left.
So let me get this straight:
You think illegals are voting in US federal elections and this caused Trump to lose illegitimately in 2020.
You also want to send bus loads of illegals to swing states that the Presidential election will hinge on.

Can you square this circle for me?
You've really misunderstood his post. He didn't imply illegals were voting for Biden

Try re-reading that with your thinking cap on, champ
libtards aren't sending their best
>You think illegals are voting in US federal elections and this caused Trump to lose illegitimately in 2020.
.....what? Jesus you people are so fucking brainwashed. Sometimes I fear there's no redeeming you, you might be too far gone.
>send bus loads of immigrants to swing states that are thinking of voting for more illegals
Even NYC, which is like 90% Democrat, was forced to admit that more immigration is a bad thing once they actually started getting the immigrants they voted for. Nobody wants more immigration if they know they are the ones getting those immigrants. Democrats only support immigration if it goes to Republican areas to turn them blue.
Good post
Bad post
This guy is right.
If they were great they wouldn't include Rassmussen polls with their average.
Crackhead samefag is being a crackhead again.
You are always wrong when you do this you know.
>reading chud commentary requires a thinking cap
No it doesn't
The RCP average posted doesn't include Rassmussen. Your baseless whining is baseless.
>reading troon commentary requires a thinking cap
Actually all it requires is for us to call you a porn-addicted faggot
Apparently for you/him it does. Or idk maybe your just a foreign paid esl shill
Who is this supposed to be this time?
It actually does include Rassmussen. Many articles have been written about it and Rassmussen's bias over the past 8 years, but you playing denialist and getting defensive over that fact is hilarious.
RCP just aggregates the poll results and takes the average, you have to be coping, retarded, or both not to take it seriously. It was the only source that accurately portrayed Trump winning in 2016 and in 2020 accurately predicted Biden's win.
#45 always and forever

Remember when Hillary was 99% projected to win.

Pepperidge Farms remembers.
No. I saw 72% on election night.
>Remember when Hillary was 99% projected to win.
It was about 70% two weeks before the election. Also, learn how odds work. Just because the statistically unlikely thing happened doesn't mean the odds were wrong.
>No poll shows Trump up 5
>Average is Trump plus 5
Not how averages work.
>It actually does include Rassmussen.

Other RCP averages might, this particular poll does not. The polls it uses are publicly listed and Rasmussen is not among them. Go to the link and scroll down to find the listed polls and, look! No Rassmussen!

>averages are only real when they show what I like

A few days ago they most definitely had polls showing Trump +5 and higher. Now it's showing him at +.6. Almost like polling can change, weird.

>Just because the statistically unlikely thing happened doesn't mean the odds were wrong.
It actually does, it also means there's something inherently wrong with the way the polls were being conducted because it overwhelmingly showed a favorable bias towards one candidate that as it turns out, didn't exist in reality. So where did the data showing it existed come from exactly?
You are missing the point that RCP is not trustworthy, which is why they have become the laughing stock they are today. Every RCP polling average uses Rassmussen whether they admit it or not. RCP is (in)famous for using them with every poll average. That's their shtick. Just because they purposely omit that they're still using Rassmussen doesn't mean they aren't using Rammussen.
The average is not Trump +5 like you were led to believe.
>1000 voters
Yes, the typical amount for a poll.

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