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File: Duolicius.png (384 KB, 1300x1300)
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An app that marketed itself as 4chan's tinder had a data leak. An analysis document reveals it was basically a honeypot to harvest data of 'incels' and 'femcels' setup by the EU.

Leak: https://duoleak.acid.im/
Document: https://archive.org/details/duolicious_analysis
More information: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IceZnv9OoYQ
Yeah I already looked through most of this.
It's pretty much all men and trannies... So mostly all men.
>Only men and women(male) use 4chan
Whoah, unexpected!

Considering basically everything including legitimate corporations have had data leaks, not surprising. Also there was some major corporation that had a data leak and lot of leaked data was people who weren't customers and didn't have an account, but their sensitive data was purchased from a third party.

Safeguard your data, anons
>Only men and women(male) use 4chan
false, but only men use this app
I had never even heard of this thing before the ""leak""
My guess is all of the user data was fabricated. It's a sentiment operation.
They bought ad space in here
Looking at the data it doesn't look like anything was actually hacked, it looks like the leak is actually just API scraping because if you look at Fields such as "mutual clubs" you can tell this data was all gathered from the perspective of someone's individual account rather than a database dump
>just the publicly available profiles getting archived
who fucking cares? i'm on duolicious myself. there's nothing on my profile i didn't want others to see. the guy in the video just keeps chuckling to himself about nothing.
>website doesn't use passwords
>no payment info
>accounts are basically emails, names, questions
not really much of a breach unless you have a background in social science
i doubt more than 5% of desktop users total are using the site without adblock

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