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>‘Do not bring the Second Amendment into this courtroom. It doesn’t exist here. So you can’t argue Second Amendment. This is New York.’
~ judge darkeh
pretty crazy when I have several thousand rounds of ammo
ammo ownership rights are never going to be human rights
>t. Darkeh
>pretty crazy when I have several thousand rounds of ammo

Are you using an VPN, sir?
Or posting from IP not your own?

Oh, yes, there you are,
the guy phone posting from the food court, wearing the MAGA hat
>Judge Darkeh


I thought you were being your typical bigot scum self, but even i couldn't resist a pun like this, and I'm a wide awake wokee who never says the N word.
there is literally nothing illegal about having as much ammo as I do
Ammo is sold in minimum quantities of twenty. A box of 9mm is 50rds. Twenty boxes (1000 rounds) is smaller than a 24pack of soda cans. And a thousand rounds can cost $200-300 less or more depending on the caliber.

It is very easy to own several thousand rounds at a time.
>Judge Darkeh sentences man to 10 years in jail for having 50 rounds of ammo
That's weird. The article says "Brooklyn man gets 10 years for arsenal of ghost guns". Could it be you misrepresented what was in the article on purpose? Curious.
the judge that did it was judge darkeh, there are a bunch of stories on this but tranny janny would delete them because they were made by pro gun news sources
So, to review, the title of the OP is a lie. That isn't what the article says at all.
it isn't a lie. judge darkeh sentenced a man to 10 years in jail for having 50 rounds of ammo and doing constitutionally protected activities. She isn't even American herself and should be deported
>it isn't a lie. judge darkeh sentenced a man to 10 years in jail for having 50 rounds of ammo and doing constitutionally protected activities.
Well, it is a lie. He wasn't given 10 years for having 50 rounds of ammunition. He was given 10 years for the ghost guns. You can disagree with the ruling if you want but you're factually misrepresenting what happened.

>She isn't even American herself and should be deported
She was born in Brooklyn, anon. What the fuck are you talking about?
>reddit spacing
why don't you go back, faggot
>Well, it is a lie
it isn't. there is no such thing as a ghost gun and it is federally legal to build guns in your own home for your own use and literally always has been
>She was born in Brooklyn, anon. What the fuck are you talking about?
source on her being born in brooklyn faggot. she is head of some ghanian lawyers thing because she was born in ghana. she should be sent back for treason and deblasio who appointed her should be tried in texas or florida for treason
>it isn't
It factually is a lie. He wasn't given 10 years for 50 rounds of ammunition. He was give 10 years for ghost guns.

> there is no such thing as a ghost gun and it is federally legal to build guns in your own home for your own use and literally always has been
That's great. That has nothing to do with anything I said. You disagreeing with the ruling is irrelevant to what the ruling factually was.

>source on her being born in brooklyn faggot
Isn't it weird that you didn't bother to look any of this up before making claims about it?

>she is head of some ghanian lawyers thing because she was born in ghana
Her father was born in Ghana, you dipshit. She was born in Brooklyn. How is it that I know more about your own opinion than you do?
>reddit spacing
why don't you go back, faggot
>It factually is a lie.
it isn't a lie. Ghost guns are not real. ghost guns have never been real. he was doing a federally legal constitutionally protected activity
>That's great. That has nothing to do with anything I said.
what you said is retarded, just judge darkeh is either a retard or a traitor. either way she should be disbarred and locked in a small cage for the rest of her natural life for depriving this black man of his god given rights
>Isn't it weird that you
she is lying, like obongo. she was born in ghana
>Her father was born in Ghana
so was she you fucking retard. she is lying like obongo. no American would say and I quote ‘Do not bring the Second Amendment into this courtroom. It doesn’t exist here. So you can’t argue Second Amendment. This is New York.’
~ judge darkeh
she should be locked in that federal supermax prison until she dies
>it isn't a lie.
>"Brooklyn man gets 10 years for arsenal of ghost guns, including rifles, found at home "
The title of the article and the text of the court ruling disagrees.

>what you said is retarded
Its factually accurate. He was given 10 years for ghost guns, not 50 rounds of ammunition.

>she is lying, like obongo. she was born in ghana
Ah, okay. You're severely mentally ill. I'm gonna go find something else to do.
more information from a black lawyer about how the ghanian judge darkeh threw an innocent man in jail for 10 years for having 50 rounds of ammo
>reddit spacing
why don't you go back, tranny
>The title of the article and the text of the court ruling disagrees.
it literally states "and more than 50 rounds of ammo in an unlocked safe and a closet." faggot
>Its factually accurate. He was given 10 years for ghost guns, not 50 rounds of ammunition.
ghost guns aren't a thing. they don't exist. how can someone go to jail for something that isn't real?
>Ah, okay. You're severely mentally ill.
post medical credentials, moshie
>it literally states "and more than 50 rounds of ammo in an unlocked safe and a closet."
They found 50 rounds of ammunition when searching his house. He wasn't charged for having 50 rounds of ammunition. He was charged for the ghost guns. Did you not read the article?

>ghost guns aren't a thing. they don't exist. how can someone go to jail for something that isn't real?
You're actually so psychotic you can't differentiate your opinion from reality. Its great you don't think they exist. The court disagreed and sent him to prison for it. Its literally the title of the article you posted.

>post medical credentials, moshie

>noun: delusion; plural noun: delusions

>a false belief or judgment about external reality, held despite incontrovertible evidence to the contrary

Seek medical help
>reddit spacing
why don't you go back, tranny
> He wasn't charged for having 50 rounds of ammunition. He was charged for the ghost guns. Did you not read the article?
he was literally convicted of possessing pistol ammo you dickless homosexual retard
>You're actually so psychotic you can't differentiate your opinion from reality. Its great you don't think they exist. The court disagreed and sent him to prison for it. Its literally the title of the article you posted.
the court didn't disagree, one fucking darkeh disagreed. a darkeh who was born in ghana. show me 3 laws from the 1790s or 1860s that ban homemade firearms
>Seek medical help
post medical credentials, moshie
you're quite the broken record
you are quite the dickless faggot. he literally got convicted of "unlawful possession of pistol ammo" which also doesn't make sense
post 5150 papers
not mentally ill. post medical credentials. plus I would never, ever go to a mental health professional under any circumstances since its banned in my state
OP is a literal 100% confirmed redditor and he only comes here to be le epic 4chan troll just like he sees on /r/4chan.
Stop taking the bait. Never engage his topic, simply remind everybody that he is a newfag troll from Reddit and then ignore him
>not mentally ill
i doubit it, not if you don't know you are
keep seething there, trannyfag
post medical credentials, troon
Yes, it is a lie.
Now keep up. The thread title as it relates to the provide article IS a lie.
Is it a lie in regard to the larger story, partially yes.
Please continue reading and hold your seething until the end.
The charge for unlawful pistol ammunition isn't based on the number of rounds. The way the law is written you have to have a pistol license that authorizes you to purchase your pistol.
Still with us? Good, here is where it gets interesting.
You can only possess ammunition for the pistol you have a license for. If you are not authorized to own a pistol you cannot have pistol ammunition.
Here is a real kicker. if you are authorized for 9mm then that is all you can possess. Possessing even one round of .45ACP and you are in violation of the law.

He wasn't authorized by New York to possess any firearm = no ammunition too.
>The way the law is written you have to have a pistol license that authorizes you to purchase your pistol.
Then the law is unconstitutional and it should be abolished. And everybody who supported it deserves to be imprisoned for violating the constitutional rights of a US citizen.
>You can only possess ammunition for the pistol you have a license for.
Protip: rights don't need a license to be exercised. The government can punish you for exercising that right, but they can never take it away from you.
You only pay attention to the post you reply to, don't you? Hell, you barely even pay attention to that post too.
it isn't a lie you retard, he was convicted of illegally owning handgun ammo, you yourself admit to it. Also
>He wasn't authorized by New York to possess any firearm = no ammunition too.
literally unconstitutional. owning ammo is a basic human right protected by the constitution. NY doesn't have the "authority" to "authorize possession" of a basic human right
You don't have very good reading comprehension.
This is all rather amusing.
You're an idiot.

This entire discussion about whether or not ammunition is legal, or whether or not he was charged for ammunition, is completely meaningless because the Bill of Rights supersedes state and federal law. "Shall not be infringed" is explicit in its meaning.
Judges derive their power from the US constitution. They don't get to arbitrary decide when the 2A does and doesn't apply, especially in regards to ammunition or ghost guns.
you are a retard and are trying to act superior after you were proven both wrong and gay
>he was convicted of illegally owning handgun ammo,
He was, along with:

During a search of his apartment in April 2022, officers found
>four AR-15 style assault weapons,
> five handguns,
>four rifles and more than
>50 rounds of ammo in an unlocked safe and a closet.
> Gun powder,
> shell casings,
>triggers, a 3D printer and
>other parts used to build guns were also uncovered during the search, the DA said.

According to evidence presented during the trial, Taylor spent about $40,000 to get the ghost gun parts and tools. He did not have any gun license, officials said.

This guy made $ from selling ghost guns.
Probably to Darkeh's 3rd cousins(and his own)

OP is a lying drama queen troon who hides his troonyness by wearing pink lacy underwear
>>four AR-15 style assault weapons,
>> five handguns,
>>four rifles and more than
>>50 rounds of ammo in an unlocked safe and a closet.
>> Gun powder,
>> shell casings,
>>triggers, a 3D printer and
>>other parts used to build guns were also uncovered during the search,
which of those things are federally illegal? sounds like this gy was mega based
>ghost gun parts and tools.
ghost guns aren't real
> He did not have any gun license,
why would you need a license for a basic human right? do we make jews or drag queens get licensed?
>This guy made $ from selling ghost guns.
no evidence of this or he would have been charged of this
>OP is a lying drama queen troon who hides his troonyness by wearing pink lacy underwear
nah op was correct and 100% of anti gunners are trannies
That isn't what the discussion is about, proving you don't pay attention.
I'm not the anon you think I am, dipshit.
don't care you faggot tranny retard
Your replies say all that needs to be about both your argument and you.
nice word salad to hide from the fact you got btfo'd
I came here to laugh at you.
You clearly have no clue which poster you are replying to.
Do you think you are arguing with yourself because all the posts are from Anonymous and your posts say Anonymous?
You are on a roll. Keep it up.
Good job lying idiot. Real convincing.
nah, you came here because you get paid to shill and discord told you to and also you have no dick
you fags type in the same faggot way every time. if you aren't the same tranny, you are employed by the same shill discord
What made you like this?
You have problems. You need at least a year with no internet to even begin to fix what ails you.
Your leaps of illogical blathering is befuddling to say the least.
how can I lie about my own posts which are right there for you to read?
You are either a troll or fucking stupid about posting in thread here.
First time meeting the /news/ schizoposter huh?
They're not "ghost guns" they're noncommercial homemade guns for personal use.
If you think any or all of those items listed are unusual you are still a child and have never owned anything. Also there's no way that lists costs $40k. Maybe $16k at most.
YoU cAn'T jUsT mAkE yOuR oWn StUfF!!11111
>According to evidence presented during the trial, Taylor spent about $40,000 to get the ghost gun parts and tools. He did not have any gun license, officials said.
That estimate is not only completely ridiculous, but you don't need a license to make your own guns, nor does one exist.
>get btfo
>samefag and throw insults
fuck off back to r*ddit
imagine making this argument in every thread and expecting anybody to care about anything else you have to say
Oh look it's the faggot who fears the mods so much he can't type the word 'reddit'. Opinion instantly discarded.
kek you mad as fuck, faggotto
Based on all the info released about the case, it's less than $10,000 worth of parts and tools, including the tools he likely owned prior to this endeavor. A considerable hobby, but a far cry from the claimed $40k. Poor fella off to jail for exercising a fundamental human right and violating no laws.
New York doesn't have the authority to issue "authorization" to own firearms or ammo, the Second Amendment is part of the Bill of Rights and universally overrides state law. The Supreme Court agreed, repeatedly.
Wait, do thirdie leftists actually think gun licenses are a thing in the US? Do they not know the Supreme Court explicitly shot all of this shit down and New York and Hawaii are defying SCOTUS? I mean if they want to play that way I suppose they'll just have to deal when red states start ignoring federal laws
>But the Union will collapse!
Mhm, yep. Luckily red states are the ones with all the guns, food, and soldiers, so we'll be able to invade and massacre commies and turn California into Trumpifornia.
Gee where have I heard this argument before
>California doesn't have the authority to issue "authorization" to own marijuana or marijuana plants
>the FDA's schedule of drugs is part of US Code and universally overrides state law.
>The supreme court agreed, repeatedly
Don't care, the states still manage their own independent drug policies. The scotus can go fuck itself.
Until he slam dunks his appeal and the nigger bitch goes gets removed, which keeps happening to these Soros-funded retards.
Only the leftists here are from reddit, shit, we had screencaps back in 2016 of r/chapotraphouse members whose "brigading guidelines" included "accuse everyone right wing of being from reddit." Just like ol' Saul Alinsky said, a good leftist always accuses everyone else of what he himself is doing.
Then I guess there's nothing the blue states and Biden can do if we just start shipping everyone brown to their states.
chud boogeymen are so strange
Who are you? Ken Paxton?
Is there a Constitutional Amendment saying you can't farm weed? Be very careful with a "states can do what they want" argument, considering that you lose any encounter involving force and that the entire Democrat agenda is trying to force their cult of progressivism on others via federal mandates.
The constitution is a set of guidelines. The actual laws are in the US Code.
Make an argument any time.
Just another armed patriot who broke antifa skulls. Enjoy MS-13 in your neighborhood, since they're not staying in mine.
It would be less embarrassing for you to admit you're a thirdie now instead of trying to claim that the US Code overrides the Constitution. You're probably not old enough to post here, but here's a quick tip, the left tried this before with the First Amendment, lost that too, and has ever since been desperately pretending it never happened. I still remember you effeminate faggots squealing "freeze peach! H-hate speech is b-banned bigot!" You got put down then and you will get put down now.
The United States Code includes the entirety of the Constitution, you fucking retard.
not only that, but the licensing having a gun in your own home is like 2010 mcdonald shit, not even bruen. even shithole blue NJ was forced to admit kicking and screaming that you can preemptively arm yourself with a weapon inside your own home for self defense
When you get arrested federally for something, it isn't for violating the constitution, it's for violating a US code.
There's nothing in the constitution for citizens to "violate" ya fucktard.
Arguing with mentally ill people who think Soros is some kind of puppetmaster isn't very high on my list of priorities.
Don't tell me, tell the retards who keep citing the second amendment like you can be arrested for violating it.
A law has to be broken for you to be lawfully convicted (you can get WRONGFULLY arrested for anything and that's why you're trying to deflect) and a law that goes against the Constitution gets overturned and tossed in the trash. I get that the DNC likes to hire poor brownoids from countries poorer and smaller than most US states to do their shilling, but read at least one book on how the American legal system works before you boot up Google Translate and come here to shill, retard.
the second amendment is explicitly in the constitution. the 14th amendment explicitly states that states cannot deprive individuals of their constitutional rights. the 2nd amendment was incorporated with bruen. this isn't analogous to US drug law which arguably the feds only really have jurisdiction of if it crosses state lines
she won't get removed and dude is going to spend years in jail before this gets overturned because NY is going to drag its feet on this shit. Wouldn't be shocked if he serves his whole term before he gets vindicated. Hawaii took 10 years before it got to the scotus (and then got remanded) with hawaii hoping young would just die before they finished it. NJ, after getting their mag and awb remanded back from the scotus remanded it back again to an even lower court and then allowed for a several month discovery period to delay the case for as long as possible in the hopes Thomas and or Alito die
I'm an American and the only language I speak is English, but your descriptions of the imaginary strawmen living in your head are quite entertaining.
the constitution is literally the supreme law of the land, pajeet. Article VI. and no law may be repugnant to the constitution Marbury v. Madison (1803)
Saul Alinsky also advised leftists in debate to ridicule accusations against them that held merit rather than debating them. Curious how closely you follow those guidelines. Here, even a leftist news outlet brags about Soros "reshaping" the justice system.

>I don't have an argument so I'll call him an ESL
Got it
Communists aren't people, let alone American, and I told you already it's more embarrassing for you not to know the legal system of the country you live in than to just be an ignorant thirdie.
I hate to be the one to tell you but Saul Alinsky died over 50 years ago.
the first amendment got strict scrutiny due to dems trying to ignore it. 75% of laws challenged on 1st amendment grounds are overturned. Its actually probably more than that if you include shit like that town where that lady had a bunch of fuck biden flags and the town tried to fine her and she threatened to sue so the town just dropped all charges. That law wasn't overturned but would be if enforced. Dems got a similar thing with Bruen
US code can't be repugnant to the constitution
Are the commies in the room now?
the 2nd amendment says that the government can't make anti gun laws
It's hard to argue with you, Democrats openly view the law as just an inconvenience, but when a system loses legitimacy a judge just becomes a person with no body armor and no experience with violence. Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind.
I literally cited the actual text from a section of the constitution and a scotus case. that is an argument. Also, I wasn't calling him ESL, I was calling him indian which is by far a worse insult.
they are all on the same discord together after all
Have you heard of a thing called "writing" that lets people read your words and advice after death? Calling dissenters "schizos" was a tactic commies invented in the USSR, both the shrink who invented it and the USSR are gone but you retards still do it.
You're in the thread, aren't you? Did your post sound smarter in your head?
How many commies would you estimate are currently in the thread right now?
And when red states apply this to the NFA and start making full auto gats en masse which "mysteriously" keep ending up in the hands of people in blue states somehow, how will you cope?
>T-that's different!
If you're going to claim that, explain how or STFU.
Depends on how hard you're samefagging and if you're running to your discord xisters or not.
Judge Darkeh is still on the bench and it looks like you will be seething the entire time until she's disbarred.
My state is writing out a resolution to ignore federal gun laws and it looks like you will be seething the entire rest of your life.
You seem to be fresh off the boat from /k/ so I'll cut you some slack. But for future reference, this deadass board isn't worthy of a discord raid by "xisters" or anyone else. The closest anyone has ever come to that was when the shartyfags tried for the 1000000 GET.
that isn't an argument against what he said, faggot
this board and /gif/ are raided by jewish homos
why are 100% of the people who still bring up saul alinsky right wing boomers
>Muh /k/
Why does every brownoid seethe over /k/, from the jeet shills of the DNC to the durkas of nu-/pol/?
Gee I wonder why the people who are opposed to your fake and gay economic system point out how retarded you are on a regular basis. You keep outing yourself as someone with no parents and throwing these fits when your bratty attitude gets corrected.
BBC spam is chinks.

Because it's a board full of armed small government American men, who naturally instill hate and fear in inferiors.
The swarthy foreigner fears the deer-fucking armed autist master race.
They only have anti-gun laws in places like NY and Cali or Chi-town because they were scared of the black panthers and black men with guns. They don’t have a moral leg to stand on.

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