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What are the best long distance walks in Europe?
Tbh I have no idea. There are a lot of euros on here that complain about the lack of nature and the lack of camping availability in their areas. Some of them have made threads about how there's no wildlife, camping is illegal, etc.
Euros don't have enough land for /out/for me to respect them or take them seriously. Just seems like a cucked continent to me.
I’d rather come across an 11th century chapel or a 13th century castle ruin when out walking than the 100,000th tree
Hiking is more popular in the US, ostensibly because of the numerous wild areas and places one can actually stay outdoors. Which continent is better is a matter of opinion, but how common it is in the US compared to Europe is a fact. This has led to most innovation and popular consensus emanating from the US.

We even see the same thing happening on a macro level in the US, with opinions from the West Coast dominating the conversation, especially with regards to gear selection.

You won’t come across a castle because they’re all well known tourist destinations or historic landmarks.
anywhere with everymansrights
Up through scandinavia or around the baltic coast
Down the danube to the black sea
Down the rhine to the alps
Balkan coastline
Spanish and portuguese atlantic coast
I'd prefer a bike. Makes it easier to pass urban areas and find a camp spot each night. Generally Not a problem though and you can even make a fire most times.
>t. has never been out in europe
The bigger and well preserved castles are tourist destinations. Theres tons of small or ruined ones everywhere, especially if you follow river valleys. Its easy to just run into old structures that have no one else visiting and a lot of the more busy ones are worth a stop if you go through there anyways.
>with opinions from the West Coast dominating the conversation, especially with regards to gear selection
Yes, west coast voices are often loudest in gear selection debates which is unfortunate because hiking in the east is a vastly different experience that sometimes requires different gear.
I tried memeing this phenomenon into being called “the California influence” but I think people just go into a blind rage when they see the word “California” so it didn’t really catch on.

Whether it’s popularity, attitudes, or something else entirely is up for debate, but there’s no doubt that the West Coast has a disproportionate influence with regards to gear.
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Right, which does eastern hikers a disservice when the people making gear recommendations are accustomed to hiking on trails like picrel
>perpetuating retarded false memes
color me surprised
Euros made no such threads. Amerilards like yourself say that crap.
>t. king of all europe
none of those
Us Eurostallions harvest thousands of travelling mutterinas each year and ravage them in tents, bivouac sacks and hostels. It is a silent outdoors sexual holocaust few people dare to utter word about.
Such is the power of a straight bloodline and world-class outdoors- for the time the latter will still be existing, tragically.
Based good job anon, never take your foot off their necks
Well the scale and intensity of wilderness is much greater on the west coast as well as the portion of the population who are outdoor enthusiasts. And no that picture of an access road is not what trails look like in the Cascades.
Bubba you're the only one with a foot on your neck, your own to be accurate. That's judging by how torn your rectum is over getting called out as a mutt.
Ok, now the Anon calling everyone “Bubba” as an insult makes sense; he’s European. I didn’t understand why someone would be so clueless as to the urban/rural devide and how the name “Bubba” relates to it, considering /out/ has such a disdain for city dwellers. It’s an American colloquialism, so it’s understandable that a Eurofag wouldn’t get it.
Yeah he’s that Italian boot sperg and I’ve noticed too he weirdly tries to use “bubba” as an insult. I actually wouldn’t have came in this thread talking shit but I knew he’d be lurking lmao
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>You won’t come across a castle because they’re all well known tourist destinations or historic landmarks.
kind of true, but most castle ruins are barely visited by tourists because its just some remnants of walls and towers
E11, simply cause its crossing thorugh my district
Hadrian's wall (the horizontal line in the middle of the UK) is a sight to see. I haven't done the entire thing myself, but my friend has. There are many good pubs along the way, so those have become part of the journey.
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greek is where the inhospitable zoone starts.
If bubba isn't an insult you mustn't be offended and cease the foot stomping at once.
I'm warning you, you'll get your ass disciplined by your mother when she founds you two bubbas went crapping out again.
Holy cow, I've totally and irreparably BUCK BROKEN this mutt.
Again, not italian but whatever suits you, bubba.
Norway has more freedom when it comes to hiking than you will ever have lol
Most countries in Europe allow free passage over rural land and some form of bivouac, mutts eternally BTFO.
But has anyone done any of the trails in OP's picture?
You’re using it to cause offense but no one is offended, just annoyed. It’s like that guy who keeps telling the same lame ass joke but no one is laughing at it but him. You should feel bad about this but you’re too stupid to even understand why.
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Of course you're not offended... LMFAO HAHAHAHA that's right bubba, you're totally impotent and can't do anything about this boisterous stallion shitting all over your raisin of a head.
Now do you care to write anything related to the thread like I did in the post above yours? Can't do it? Cry about it.
>that guy who keeps telling the same lame ass joke but no one is laughing at it but him.
>refers to himself as a stallion
confirmed wop
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>but no one is laughing at it but him
>can't stand other men being more masculine than them, they must be italian
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If you want a good euro path you should go thru all of the balkan countries particularly bosnia, montenegro and albania. Tons of historic sites that arent tourist traps, lots of +2000m peaks with real nature and europes largest rainforest. The only downside is landmines but they can be avoided if you know how to navigate properly.
Being able to trespass on property without legal repercussions isn’t freedom, it’s regulation.
>the joke
Regulation they'll probably have to change sometime in the next ten or fifteen years; migration will destroy all high-trust societies.
>The only downside is landmines
Yeah no thanks. Plenty of places to walk where I won't be instantly blown apart.
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>Your mother's hairy brown ass

Albania is a shithole and Bosnia or most of it is too, Montenegro seems to be a nice place but I wonder how long it'll be before the hordes of hylic locusts will invade and destroy it it if they haven't already.
Nobody carries anything they call theirs past the grave. Right of passage has limits and I don't know of a country on this continent where the privacy of the domicile isn't protected by law.
A common complaint of americans is one cannot access otherwise unanthropized rural land without payments or permissions, that we have largely avoided for a reason.
Nonsense. Furthermore immigrants don't go outdoors.
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Its not a big deal, just dont think about it
>a lot of euros on here that complain about the lack of nature
I strongly suspect those are mostly Americans trying to troll.
Is that... a comment?! I'm SEEEEEEEETHING
Anon they are European road networks, not trails
This thread is a week old and there’s been like one actual response. What does that tell us?
the biggest one you have is the ways of st james, which is nice out of summer, and you dont need to care about the religious parts
we have shitton of long distance walks in europe, we just call it other ways, unironically look for pilgrim ways https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pilgrims%27_way
or transhumance ways https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transhumance
And the response >>2692757 put euromutts on clutch. He fuckin annihilated them.
Another thread clogged by mutt ego babble and how they keep embarrassing themselves without a shred of self awareness.
that's not a response to the FPBP. euros are just eternally cucked, and that's actually sad.
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>Make shit up
>Lap up that shit
>Proceed with more ego babble
It’s not a lack of options, it’s a lack of will. There are established long distance hikes in Europe, but they go practically unused by an uninterested population.
How do you respond to this without sounding mad?
Walking to the market in Stockholm through a sea of homeless gibbering migrants with itchy raping fingers can be a pretty fucking long walk indeed.
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I walked the Via Dinarica "white trail" to Sarajevo from Slovenia a couple years ago, missed out on the even wilder Albanian part because I had to catch a flight. It's 850 miles along the Dinaric Alp ridgeline, road and forest gravel trail walking is limited unlike many long trails in Europe where you'll be walking these a good percentage of the time following an established path. I'd go a couple days without seeing others out there for a stretch. HIGHLY recommend this trail to my fellow long distance hiking Eurobros. The Velebit section through Croatia is especially beautiful but dry as fuck in the summer, I felt like laying down and melting in to the ground up there in 2022 when there was forest fires and shit popping up and the temps were in the 40's.

There's a good few brown bears up there, and people said there were still migrants from the big "refugees welcome" migrant waves living a cave person life in the wildernesses because they got refused entry to Europe, and I saw some Arabic carvings in a sealed shelter between Slovenia and Velebit in Croatia, pretty spoopy. You also walk through a couple mine fields in Bosnia, and I dunno how accurately those niggas marked all the potential mine areas, also the waymarks are noticeably fucked up as soon as you go from Croatia to Bosnia and Bosnia's where all the mines are lel.
the white one is the only one worth hiking btw as far as satellite maps go
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What about the other two?
mines above the global average but not that big its an optical illusion

the other two I don’t know about, but they looked shit on satellite desu
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i´m color blind as fuck so, whats the name of this trail?
The global average is like 12cm. Put some pants on and stop stealing religious artefacts lmao. What's shit about them? Anthropized?
Looks like E8
The mines aren't so bad, you can easily walk thru the middle of a minefield if you know what you're doing. It's just a scare tactic to keep western euros out. Just dont walk thru brush in a mined area, you can follow animal tracks, old trenches or illegal logging tracks, I used to illegally log in minefields around my area once you get used to it and follow certain rules its not as dense as it seems on a map. Of course if you're not a native just dont go into marked areas and youll be fine, most marked areas have a "clean" buffer of about 5-10m from the sign.
eurosistsers, our response???
It has so many responses. Read one of those my American troll friend.
seething isn't a valid response
Trying too hard, bubba.
It's the samefag. Probably you actually. You bump your own thread by responding to the first reply with faux outrage. Anyone who has actually been /out/ in Europe knows that it's nonsense.
Enjoy your trolling, I suppose you got a lot of replies even if more than 50% were yourself.
>calling the samefag out for samefagging but you're really the samefag all along: A film by M. Knight Shyamalan
I’m literally all of these people.
Very nice!
I wanted to do the white trail for a while as well. How did you navigate? Did you get lost often? How did you manage with water in the Velebit? How long did it take you?
The goat
wtf lol I live in the rainforest. This doesn’t look like the trails around me. A fucking beach road in northern Cali is what this looks like
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>American niggas be like "Yeah nigga I'm a pawn, checkmate yo"
This entire thread is Americans and so are you.
>You won’t come across a castle because they’re all well known tourist destinations or historic landmarks

Absolutely retarded take only an amerimutt can make
>You won’t come across a castle because they’re all well known tourist destinations or historic landmarks.
Americans can't comprehend small villages having castle ruins and a 1000 year old church nobody even cares about lmao
This thread is a mess. Fuck you /out/
Oh, wow, is this true? Can you guys post some pictures?

Captcha: post
bitch, half of your "country" is a literal desert
>desert bad!
Anon, are you serious? Deserts are one of the most beautiful landscapes on the planet.
Deserts filter /out/. It has been that way for years.
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Here are all the medieval stone churches in my region of Norway, Trondheim in the top rigth corner for refrence. This is Norway so you can just imagine how mutch more and older churches are to be found on the continent.
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pic related, the purple one
Is it time for shitpost bumpin?
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What do you mean?
I am both >>2701872 and >>2701873. You can only post 1 picture per post so why not bump the thread with 2 picture posts?
Just by looking at the time between post you should know it is the same person.
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Looking at this makes me sad
I've tried doing a couple of these walks but the wife always fucks it up
>Yarmouth to Ventor, wife falls down a cliff, gets tired, gets a bus there
>South coast path Lulworth to Swanage, wife falls down a cliff, twists her ankle, have to walk through an active army firing range to get a taxi home
>Studland > Old Harry > Swanage, actually successfully done this a few times
Why is my wife so fat/clumsy
Pic related is one of the cliffs she fell down, sadly not into the water
>hiking is more popular in us
get fucked, are you serious? you guys dont even walk to the store or work, how many of you can put on your hiking boots at home and just go somewhere? right, almost none.
you just created the Thing hiking and then claim ownership of it, while we just call it going for a walk, a sunday stroll up the mountain, visiting our cabin, going fishing or just being outside.
historic sites are usually well known but there are so many of them only a small percentage are actually signed and marked on maps because they are absolutetly everywhere.
some parts of europe was actually more spread out in settlements before the bubonic plague and has not reached that spread ever since, the population increase has largely been urban ever since.
>the only downside is landmines
Part and parcel of living in a balkan country, chud
Massive cope and you know it.
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this is a castle on a hill from the mid 1700s near where I live that no one visits
I can just imagine her putrid keening and crying while you make awkward comforting noises like a dying sheep

Ugh people are disgusting
In my country it is true.
Since anon's post mentioned castles and old churches, my picrel includes both.

Medieval castle tower and adjacent to it round romanesque rotunda (11th century).
>it isn’t freedom to be able to move freely in nature
>it’s freedom to get prosecuted for roaming in nature
Are you the dude who had to yell DJ Khaled quotes at your pothead friend to encourage him to climb up some semi-dangerous cliffside in the Dinaric Alps?
From Bulge area, here's a 2000 yo roman column near Literally Where ville, population, almost 400
I didn't know about it, despite not living very far, until a relative shared this article on Facebook(sharing it for more pictures and info): https://novini247.com/novini/ravno-pole-proryazano-ot-patishta-za-koli-i-obrabotvano-ot_5870086.html
Such a fucking retarded take. How hiking can be more popular in US if y'all addicted to your cars and being fat. People in EU just don't give a fuck about 4 chan dot com hence why u don't see them here + you yourself never been to any other country to know anything about their hiking etc so u just say shit about the only thing that you know about and act like you know shit.
What the hell, haha!
>Dammit, wench.
Europe is literally all urbanized. You'd just be looking at asphalt and roads for the entire walk. Hell, you can't even camp or light fires because it's illegal.
>Wow... is that... a LE ROMAN column?!?!?
Do eurabians really
Are you implying the illegality will inhibit ignition in my pile of dry sticks and tinder?
>american coping because his country is 1/10th the age of a stone pillar in a country with the GDP of three germans
Europeans hike and shut up about it, americans talk about hiking and make their whole personality revolve around hiking
>I swear I’m European and I know a lot about it
>Americans keep bumping the thread pretending to be assmad Europeans
You're probably >>2692757
Oi, you got a loicense for that observational skill mate?
There are a handful of European companies that make decent hiking gear, but you’ll never hear about them. It’s a tiny, niche market because, again, Europeans aren’t into it.

Atom Packs comes to mind, and Wylie Sky Gear (both British). There’s Bonfus, an Italian Company making shelters. Cumulus is polish, focusing mostly on quilts but I think they make shelters as well. There’s definetly a German company making backpacks whose name translates as “piggyback” in English (looked it up; “Huckepack”). There’s also a Polish hammock company (I think) and DD, the UK hammock company that makes gear for manlets.
Stop samefagging. It's distasteful.
You’re completely clueless.
Ok, you’ve convinced me with your compelling argument. Wonderful.
Is this the chuldpilled version of "I accept your concession"
so what is being unable to trespass on property without legal repercussions?
It wasn't an argument, it was an observation of your condition.
>I used to illegaly log
Is it time for shitpost bumpin?
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Sauerland Höhenflug (literal HIGH fly)
I think it also goes along the castle.
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You can likely even sleep in it (if you can afford) otherwise there is a nice war memorial behind it. No one ever goes there (beside of me).
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I now understand why germhogs flock to other countries like grasshoppers. Of course the pigs can't help themselves but to shit them up.
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I wish I could do that. But there is no Inca cock for me :(
>Bent cross
>Had to drill holes in a rock to anchor it
>Failing at literally crossing two sticks, even when it's a holy artifact
German engineering.
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Europe is literally a fantasy land I am extremely glad I emigrated to. It is unfathomably beautiful and no other country on planet earth is on par with her. The churches, the chapels, the dark forests, even the muddy trails and dusty gravel roads are beautiful and mesmerizing. I fucking love European nature, their verdant valleys, their fertile soil and gentle cold breeze blowing the leaves of their flowers and birch trees. Even their cold is exhilarating and adds the perfect touch to the otherworldly atmosphere they live in. I whole-heartedly despise sedentary fat European people. They utterly disgust me and fill me with rage. HOW in the God's name can you have this heavenly beauty of a nature and still live in your 30m^2 apartment or any urban settlement for that matter for your entire life?
Even a random map of Norway at the outskirts of the uninhabited tundra looks like the coast of Winterhold from TES V.
I was born in the middle of a dusty unmerciful wasteland where nothing grows but thistle and dry shrubs. Even Nature is fucking grey/yellow from drought and lack of soil nutrients. Green plants are almost inexistant. There is nothing to see and even if you attempt to discover whatever the fuck you think you'll be seeing you will be brutally raped within the first 2 miles from your pod. IT IS A SHITHOLE. A FUCKING REVOLTING SHITHOLE.
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Aight lets end this shitty nu-/out/ endless debate about Europe vs US.
Picrel is objective /out/ rating.

red - shit , no outdoors
yellow - ok / fascist laws
light green - good
blue - excellent
dark green - ruZZia (heaven)

now pls go /out/ and stop arguing. US has alot of red-rated states like Europe and so it has yellow rated states , green and blue ones just like Europe.
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You're clearly American.

>Switzerland yellow but Austria blue
How does that even make sense? In Switzerland you're allowed to wildcamp above 2000m whereas you can't in Austria. Switzerland is like 70% Alps. Pic is from last year.

>Albania yellow
The accursed mountains alone already mog every other West Balkan country (except Slovenia)

>Ukraine, Serbia and Latvia on par with Scandinavia
Delusional, all of those countries are mostly agricultural fields

>Iceland red
This is the funniest one. Literally has the lowest population density in the entirety of Europe, the biggest glaciers, amazing volcanic landscapes, huge cliffs, massive waterfalls every 10 m, etc...

Other minor criticism.
Spain is definitely higher ranked than France and Italy.
Greece deserves to be blue.
Portugal is probably better than yellow, especially considering Madeira and the Azores.
West Highland Way, bar none. If you want a longer walk it's part of Land's End.
Southern Belgium and Luxembourg should be yellow, at least.
The Lake District & The Peaks District,
I'd say from syria to germany is a cool one and you get to rape german girls when you get there
Anything in Spain, especially the northern/northwestern areas. Low population density and non-stop hills and mountains as far as the eye can see, decent enough weather unless you go all the way to the westernmost areas of Galicia, and lots of semi-abandoned old villages, historical buildings and even straight up forgotten ruins.
switzerland is just tourist attraction and ski resorts and hotels for rich people at every step.
I put abania yellow because huge wood mafia (there are too in balkans but it isnt comparable to albania) and mostly cause its barren.
Poland deserves higher on the green scale. Germany has nice outdoors but fascist laws.
Sorry but Austria is blue-tier. No one cares if you wildcamp, Austria has one of the last wilderness. High population of grouse, hazel grouse...things that arent really seen in central europe that much. Just take a look at it on google maps. Its amazing.
Serbia is blue tier, same to macedonia and the whole baltics.
Portugal is dry and very hot so idk but thats personal preference.
btw im romanian.
lol you're that anon that bases their opinion on google maps instead of going out. opinion discarded
not even european but any research shows this map is retarded
scotland is bareen
iceland is barren

ardennes is very good so i take that but I still dont place france blue-tier because its a very expensive country and its very expensive to get a hunting license or live in the countryside (unless you inherit a house).
This map is not just about the nature itself but rather even living with nature/rural and the freedom to /out/doors. If it was only about nature, germany would have been green.
>these biomes are not /out/ because I don't like them
This but unironically.
Mossy wet hills are downright antediluvian.
Bump to embarrass euroanons some more.
Mat is that you?
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Hadrians wall in England is an ok hike. It's only 73 miles though.
I’ve been trying to find some European cottage gear, just to see what they’re up to, and couldn’t find much.
What's up with the cough medication on the cross?
St. Olavs Way is a 400 mile pilgrim route from Oslo to Trondheim, Norway. Fly to Oslo, take a train to the central station, walk for 20 minutes and you’llbe at the starting point. From there its 30-40 days of light hiking mostly on paths in the woods and small roads and paths across farm land. You also have to cross a mountain plateou which will take a couple of days. You will pass through lots of small villages and towns so most of the time you only have to carry food for a day or two. Wild camping is basicly legal everywhere, including private property so It wont cost you anyrhing orger than the plane tickets and whatever food you buy at gas stations and supermarkets. From Trondheim you can easily catch a plane back to Oslo and then home.

One month of hiking through epic nature in one of the world most expensive countries for only a few hundred dollars in food and a gas for your stove
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11th century castle near a small village in my county.
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Awful, retarded map
here's a fixed one
The thing is they act like they have something that's worth bothering with but then travel to escape what little they have as they own even less and will continnue to own less as time goes by. Scandis are always the best tier but I don't consider them euros because they have the ability to not fuck up thier own nations, besides migrants. It's a bit of a delay.
Germany, spain, england, tiny soviet satalite hellstates all the same shit. They'd rather not own a ruin in a park than have limitless veldts, woods, or places that you can't get found. It's something of a cultural disease because obviously they have to try and live with it and that means lots of bargaining and begging internally to be praised for something even the most mutted out american can do for 20 dollars of gas and a payer. They have so little now. That's why people bailed on them before the industrialisation and now it's just an unmitigated hellscape of collective cope and no hope. You're are the point where it's better to be born a south american or an asian than a european in europe. They brag about other peoples stuff constantly. Italy was pretty cool exception but barren chaparrel is a favourite of mine. They have funny shotgun town. All the good parts of europe migrated out 80 years ago and the leftovers are shitting in the lifeboat and complaining about the smell to this day. I'd pity them but they did it to themselves and have no idea. Absolute ignorance. These people aspire to living in an apartment and those that don't are crushed and shouted down by thier own until they get the fuck out and self educate or they suicide.
They don't know enough to even know what they don't have. No point arguing with the dead and buried. That's all they are. A rotting mass. Devoid of all hope and aborted of evolving culture.
This guy walked across Wales in a straight line.
He also got cops at his door for crossing a train line on camera and was forced to remove the vid by the state. I like geo, but man he's working a good game in a place where they do NOT want you to play. He's based.
Don't worry about it.
Are you mentally stable? Please take your medication
Wow, that must have taken six, maybe even seven hours. How do you even pack food for a journey like that
It took two hours tops.
He's right tho.
You will never be an oldfag.
E1 isn't even possible this time of year, übagüfy.
Did bongs really name their famous /out/ areas after pokemon regions?
Bump I want an answer to this
Hadrian's wall is close to the Scottish border, that's definitely not the line on the map, if that's what you are referring to
Yes it is.
did camino de santiago from the south of france through the north of spain.
most beautiful thing i've ever seen. let normies keep visiting the spanish south & beaches, the north is where the good stuff actually is
>a lot of euros on here that complain about the lack of nature

No that's ussually amerimutts who don't know what they are talking about
mutt cope
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UK SW coastpath is good and missing from your map. Also London has several long distance hikes in it, in spirals, if you want to experience something different. You could stay at the same hotel and get public transport to/from each days start. It wouldn't be out-out, but you would get jaw-dropping views time (albeit brief) away from the noise in Richmond park hampstead heath etc, and experience a lot of culture along the way. You can make it strenuous by doing at a different pace to usual etc.

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The GR20 is considered one of the most beautifull and pretty difficult, not the longest tho 180Km, 11/15 days



>Europeans aren’t into it
Dude what the fuck.

Mountain ranges in Europe are always busy with hikers from spring to fall, certain mountains where I live (Tatra) are memed to oblivion because they're genuinely crowded with people, especially on the holidays.

A lot of people in Europe do what you'd call hiking and other outdoor stuff, it's just they don't treat it like their whole personality, don't buy tons of gear and scream about it on the internet.

Also there isn't a big outdoor sleeping culture here because there are hotels all around you and for a lot of people it just doesn't make sense, unlike in America where there are no options for sleeping outside a tent in a lot of places.
>a handful of European companies that make decent hiking gear
>literally half of the high end alpine/hiking footwear manufacturers are european
ever heard of salomon, asolo, scarpa, zamberlan, hanwag, and so on, what the fuck
I'm working my way through the Scandinavian bits of the E6. So far it's been very enjoyable.
You can do a walk like E3 but go further south in the middle, following an alpine route through Italy's northern border iirc.

>but the wife always fucks it up
>Yarmouth to Ventor, wife falls down a cliff
This is a real mountain walk. Got fucked up on it and bailed halfway. It was 40c on the peaks.
A few years ago a rock slide during torrential rain wiped out three people in one go.
Don't go if you're not fit, the descents are brutal on the knees.
>It was 40c on the peaks.
There is literally not a single place in all of Europe that reaches 40C.
There's many, actually.
There aren't. Go to bed, American.
You can come across those in parts of the US to. It's obviously not Germany however, but it used to be far more prolifically encountered in the form of mound cities and megaliths similar to stonehenge in the central and eastern and western US, but some ruins akin to castles are still found in unmolested form in the wilderness in the western US. Some being built in much more technical locations like on the sides of 1000 ft deep cliffs. Pre-Younger Dryas north America was home to millions of people, post younger dryas NA after the recovery period from the cataclysms was still home to some of the largest cities in the ancient world as well as many ruins and mounds and megaliths of varying sizes and periods. The specific period of abandonment of many of these much more recent ruins aligns with the onset of the Little Ice age, which also drove the Vikings out of Greenland and nearly Iceland as well.
I like the south downs.
That vein going through the dick of Norway looks interesting, what's that called?
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These are all within an hour of me.
I unironically went to three of them today.
They're in various states of repair, Arundel is probably the nicest and has been kept best for historically political reasons.
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All of the mediterranean coast and much of the southern interior often pass 40°C.
Get a job.
How is it hiking through the scottish highlands?
Heard an interview with a guy who thru-hiked from southern Italy to the northernmost point of mainland Norway, and he said Northern Norway was his absolute favorite part
The West Highland Way looks kinda nice. It’s not all highlands tho, lots of paths through farmland and a little bit of road walking
Aren't a lot of these like sussex way and yorkshire way and highland way paths just made for tourism to attract more normies
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>dark green - ruZZia (heaven)
russia doesnt have freedom to roam like northern europe. Best outdoors are in nordic countries with high amount of national parks with good infrastructure and parks that has free to use firewood, shelters and even wilderness huts.
Also russia doesnt even have free access to national parks you have to get permission to enter, nordic countries have completely free entrance without any permission.
I visited Europe a few times and can say that the notion that there’s no nature or no hiking trails is simply factually wrong.
>bumping a shitpost thread to respond to an obvious bait post that's nearly six months old
this board is just trolls trolling trolls
I didn’t realize I forgot how fucking slow this board is.

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