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Do you guys bring any instruments with you when you go /out/? Im considering picking up a naf, harmonica, or small travel guitar to maybe jam a bit when im camping overnight.
>sudden katabatic wind
I bring a guitar when car camping alone.
Do NOT be that guy.
As if OP is >>2715711
camping with other people
Banjo. Easy to play and keeps normies away.
>Do you guys bring any instruments with you when you go /out/?
Just the harmonica. I play the guitar and banjo but they're too bulky for any serious trips.
anyone know of a good but inexpensive long lasting powerbank? i'd like to take my digitakt out
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low maintenance (not going to rust or rot), pretty durable (no strings to break or wood to crack), fairly portable
I bring a jaw harp sometimes
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>monophonic instruments
>doubting the perfection of the world's most perfect (and oldest) instrument
They also make polyphonic flutes if you so desire
yes i strongly recommend against this
never be that guy
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i own harmonica and im slowly getting better at it
I don't know any instruments
Based and retard pilled
in a public campground sure, makes sense but what about dispersed camping when im by myself /out/ in the woods?
i camp alone, but if i did camp with you or anyone like you i would bring a stalin organ only to fire it at your face the moment you bring out your gitar.
out is silence, out is quiet, out isnt you playing crappy guitar.
please just die.
You don't even leave your coom cave m8
Recently picked up Harmonica too, it's a lot of fun.
First I started focusing on songs but quickly gave up and now I'm more focused on getting a blues groove going, which is a lot easier and a lot more fun.
Also finally getting the hang of bending, which opens up a whole lot more possibilities to have fun with this tin sandwich.
Nah, it's 2 guys who both know guitar jamming
thats actually true, i bring it with me
I like guitars but thought about getting something small like a dulcimer for outing.
Is a dulcimer really that much smaller than a guitar?
I did once or twice (pic related in the tree). I felt really uncomfortable playing it because I was worried people would hear me and I'd be annoying them. if I was really in the middle of nowhere, and I was positive no one would hear me, I suppose I wouldn't mind playing it. I'm pretty good.
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Guitar is neat, you can play it pretty quietly. I think it's only "that guy" if you also start singing or are bad and trying to hard to play chords or something. Only really bring it when car camping or fishing though.
Violin seems like a kino /out/ instrument and also not a bad size to lug around but it looks hard
That's for goyim to entertain me. I listen to them sometimes in the cities, they're pretty good and I love to watch their face when I give them $5.
I would clean shoes with spit and my t shirt if it meant I could get paid $5 consistently.
Seems like a more rewarding thing to do than the average minimum wage job.
Better do that alone where I can't hear you
Melodica, cheap, easy to learn - if you know piano then you can pick it up instantly, and its smaller than a stringed instrument. Its maybe not the most beautiful of instruments, but it is polyphonic. I've cranked out a few Irish jigs on mine while camping on private land with friends and had a good time.
Psst. Ay. Don't be that guy.
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>no results
shiggie diggie

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I have tried the pennywhistle but it's just not my thing.
Definitely lightweight and portable.
it's hard to play very softly. in order to get it oscillating you have to play it fairly loud and it broadcasts quite a long distance.
I'm gonna practice mine more. I bought one in C because YouTube told me and then remembered I don't enjoy C all that much it's too upp beat and happy. But fuck it I can still work on getting better.
C is a good starter because pretty much every teaches in C, it's the most basic of the diatonic harps you can find. Essential for a beginner. You can still play a minor scale on it too, it all depends on how you use it.

But I understand what you're saying, been thinking about getting a harmonic minor after seeing an old instruction video which looks like a tape recording from the 90's on YouTube, love the sound of it.

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the hurdy gurdy only ever calls death. everybody knows that.
I want a Hurdy Gurdy :(
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I think getting a native American flute would be pretty fun for a solo camping vibe and seemingly pretty lightweight to carry
that flute's designed right in the perfect register/ definitely not a traditional indigenous instrument but very nice sound. I'd like to relax around the fire with link related

based, striking fear into all competing camper factions
what are they playing?
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bag pipe, pump organ, harp, and idunno... last one looks like he's banging a drum and playing a flute at the same time. I swear I've seen a danse macabre woodcarving with a skellington playing an oidy goidy but I can't find it
i bet they play good music
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I would love to hear skeletons playing medieval instruments in a graveyard, as they jubilantly lead the living to their end of life.
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OH OH riding the death carriage in the lower left
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This instrument has always been an outcast in some way.
I picked up the mandolin back in 2020 and I brought it with me for a couple camping trips. Having tabs on a tablet for a couple dad-rock songs and some tfolk songs got me and my dad some booze from one of our camping neighbors last time.
i bring my keyboard to the beach all the time. theres a long standing trope in new age music of adding ocean/wave/bird samples but its even more authentic (and rewarding) to play live in that environment call and response style! the built in speakers are a comfortable volume to not overwhelm the airspace. i think if you are going to play music outside you should try to be respectful of the shared vibrations with the rest of the living things in the vicinity be it animals plants or humans.
another good beach instrument is the harp, you can leave it on a log and the wind will play it for you dependent on which way it is gusting and how fast it will trigger different strings to ring out with little attack and a long release so the notes sort of float in and out of space. i got this harp for like 50 bucks from some native guy who i am pretty sure stole it because they are for sale for 900 DOLLARS wtf!
Would be better if a friend brought a dread and the other a banjo and another a dobro but the days of everybody knowing an instrument are over. ( {:'^(I]))
How big is that thing?
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nothing you can't lash to your pack
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Could probably strap one of these to it to ease the weight a bit.
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i am the spoon man back from the last thread. i will repeat that real backwoods /out/ motherfuckers only carry spoons.

if you are good enough with them you can get the whole campfire clapping and singing the choruses with you.

my favorite songs to do with the spoons while i sing are irene goodnight, cotton fields, in the pines, look to my lue, and my lawd.
Can you hit us up with a vocaroo?
I usually bring my ukulele when I go to the beach
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its pretty manageable because theyre designed for children and beginners (what beginner can afford a nearly 1000 dollar instrument but i digress..)
exactly! i just bungee cord it to my rucksack lol
actually thats a good idea
>tfw no harp playing hippy gf to go out with
Anyway, I have to say they look kinda neat (the harps), I wonder what they sound like.
i know that feel bro. anyway it sounds half decent, the strings are nylon so like a classical guitar i guess a little softer sounding https://voca.ro/1nKaGlFNNoDo
i think the nylon strings catch the wind better or the attack is softened more or something
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here you go. just some simple rhythms becuase its late and i dont wanna wake up my family with singing.

im retarded and responded to my own post instead of yours.
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Breath taking
what does being that guy mean
It's what you don't want to be.
Have you heard about the nerdy gurdy?
At ~300$ for the kit it's far cheaper and you can even build it yourself for just material cost should you want to. Seems like the only realistic way to own one without paying 2k$+ even if it's a bit more of a diy solution.
I really want to make one myself, seems like it's quite involved but nothing about the process seems super complex either.
I might take my guitar if I go there by car or train or something.
For backpacking I have two kalimbas, a super small one and a normal sized one. Not nearly as nice as a guitar, but enough to make some music while sitting near a campfire.
you can get a decent oidy goidy for cheep on ebay from heirs would know it's not worth real money and they just want to get fucking rid of it. my friend bought a nice once for about $300 and I've scoped out functional ones for as little as $50

if you're /diy/ and really want to build one though that's even better
What the fuck that sounds amazing.
There's a total of 3 listings on eBay where I live in my country and all 3 are 1500€+.
Being able to get a cheap one for 300 would be amazing.
I'll keep an eye out, but I highly doubt I'll be able to find one here.
Quite amazing, well done anon!
Sounds absolutely lovely, would enjoy hearing this while out.

Thanks for sharing!

thank you anons for appreciating my skills. heres another little recording with some singing. normally i would go into a call and response thing once i had established the verses but im alone right now and nobody is gonna wanna sing with me for the the anons.

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Impressive anon, if I ever come across you in the woods I will jam along on my harmonica.
your going to damage your guitar placing so close to the fire, it will warp.
when it's out, it's called a fiddle, anon
>missed opportunity for violin viol/out/
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I want to buy a kalimba
kalimbas are so comƒy. such a nice sound, tines to pluck right in the palm of your hand you feel the whole block vibrating when you play it. it's nice.

thanks anon

definitely our jam session would be legendary and inconsequential. thats part of the beauty of trail music in my opinion - its not filmed or recorded and only matters in the moment to those singing it.
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Shaker is good for walks. Relaxing sound that reminds me of waves crashing.
You can put it in your cargo pocket to sync with your gait.
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The slide whistle definitely has more musical possibilities but the samba whistle is a banger to get into a strut.
what the hell is this clumsy instrüment exactly?
>what beginner can afford a nearly 1000 dollar instrument but i digress
Harp is far from alone in that one though, most traditional instruments are at least that much for student models.
>most traditional instruments
Violin? Guitar? Banjo? Bullshit. You mean -larp- instruments like the hurdy gurdy or the bagpipe.
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You can keep your rations inside it
Typical thing for an /out/ist to bring along
>Do you guys bring any instruments with you
No, and you can fuck right off with yours too.
I bought a decent violin for 100
I bring my didgeridoo sometimes.
Doubles as a walking stick
And I can use it to speak with fish.
but anon that's appropriée du culture
I like harmonica but the tongue precision you need to play it and how dirty playing it is just ruins it for me
>but anon that's appropriée du culture
Don't misculture him - aboriginals can post here too. Rayciss.
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>aboriginals can post
Cheers to my /out/door harmonica bros!

Recently purchased a new one to replace the cheapo harmonica I've been practicing with, it was a little pricey but man, it's a joy to play. I'm far from good with this thing but I have so much fun playing around with it every day.
Pic is my new harmonica. It's lovely to finally play one that isn't horribly out of tune.

Once you get a little control of the single notes and some bends it just becomes so addicting.
No, I mean regular classical/orchestral instruments on the university student level. Steel-string guitars are weird in the music world because you can get pretty good ones for under a grand but classical guitars, violins, brass and wind instruments, drums, etc. are all into the thousands for university-level stuff and way more for pro stuff.
I bring a guitar when doing my yearly STALKER larp
i just cant do it. nurses always told me i had a fat tongue so maybe thats it
Come on anon, you can just play single notes without using your tongue and still have a lot of fun. As long as your tongue isn't so fat that you choke on it, it's going to be fine.

Please give it another chance.
Would I be a dick if I brought an alto sax or something
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Surely you aren't suggesting anybody drags "university-level stuff" and "way more pro stuff" with them on a hike, nor is that price range what I would recommend to a "beginner" (the first post you replied to). Especially not when they plan on taking them /out/side.

You can get alright, playable, decent-sounding violins (well, fiddles), guitars of any sort and banjos at a price range where it isn't a huge pain in the ass and the wallet when the rain and moisture eventually and inevitably gets to it (i.e. less than 300 bucks). Pic related, 270 bucks new and plays like a charm.

As you said, steel-string guitars are even easier to find in this respect. I have a 12-string that I couldn't have paid more than 150 for at the time, and a Soviet-era parlor guitar that I picked up on the cheap (50 bucks lmao). Both sound fine and hold up well outside.

I'm going to ignore the brass band and drum comment for obvious reasons: not /out/.
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Patrician choice
if i was at a campground i'd rather someone have a guitar than a fucking bluetooth
at least they'll just strum for maybe 30min until their fingers get sore and they stop.
Getting hot cunny after mastering Wonderwall.
Based. I've had a great time bringing my melodica into the woods and hammocking. I also like to bring my speaker with me and play along with my favorite songs.
nice bro, i mainly play seydels as well since the stainless steel reeds can take more of a beating. i want to order a few custom tuned from them in minor keys but the shipping from germany is so god damn expensive!!
I bring a harpsichord along with me in my backwoods camping.
do you recommend the cheap ones? I a used hohner but arrived completely destroyed so I haven't bought another since. I still really want one though
I've brought my fiddle /out/ one time and it was really nice, gonna do it again soon
hohner marine band is just about the best you can get (unless you prefer the blues harp, but its basically interchangeable)
cheap ones are dogshit, its almost comical
Aren't marine bands harmonica's instead of melodica's?
Besides the hohner special 20 are good too for an average harmonica, good sound and feel for a decent price.
oh shit i thought you were talking about harmoricas, ignore my advice
a special 20 is a tiny bit worse but if its discounted its worth getting (but again it depends on what you like the looks of)
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One reason why I prefer a special 20 is the plastic comb which isn't affected by moisture like the wood comb on the marine band. But I like the sound of the marine band, but the durability of the plastic has my preference, especially outdoors.
i have a special 20 i got a few years ago for my birthday but i like the looks/feels of my marine bands more. maybe /out/ a plastic comb is technically better but im pretty good at cleaning mine so i havent had any problems with them ever
i have a blues harp in c (actually it was my first one) and i cant tell the difference really between that and the marine band. the special 20 just has a different sound to it though
not the same anon but i actually prefer the sound of the special 20 over the marine band, the plastic gives it a rounder tone or something
>it's too upp beat and happy
Learn to bend and play in 3rd position or get a minor-tuned one. Whether it's F or G it's still Richter-tuned and will sound upbeat unless you play with purpose and know how to do what you want to do. The key doesn't really matter unless you're playing with someone or have perfect pitch.
All I was saying is that a grand isn't that out of place for any handmade classical/traditional instrument, not that you'd take any of them /out/.

That banjo also reminds me, I think it'd be pretty funny to go chill out of sight in the woods near some semi-popular trail and start playing Deliverance music when somebody comes by.
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